Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (1965-2010)
(Прикладная Механика и Техническая Физика)

Volume 6, Number 1 / January 1965

1-9The nonlinear problem of collision of rarefied plasma cloudsV. A. Enal'skii and V. S. Imshennik
10-16A solvable model of weak turbulenceV. E. Zakharov
17-21Influence of the hall effect on hypersonic flow past a wedgeL. A. Panchenko
22-25Damping of plasma wavesR. K. Mazitov
26-37On the equations of nonequilibrium gas flowsM. N. Kogan
38-48Determination of heat fluxes in the neighborhood of a double curvature stagnation point in a flow of dissociating gas of arbitrary chemical compositionG. A. Tirskii
49-53On the theory of combustion stability of powdersS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
54-58On the nonsteady-state theory of thermal autoignitionS. A. Kaganov
59-65The determination of ignition conditionsA. M. Grishin and O. M. Todes
66-71Electrical conductivity of air in the presence of an impurityI. A. Krinberg
72-76Obtainable accuracy in the solution of practical problems by small-amplitude wave theoryA. M. Zhukovets
77-82Reactive impulse at high impact velocitiesE. I. Adriankin
83-85On the theory of vibrational relaxation of diatomic moleculesM. N. Safaryan and E. V. Stupochenko
86-88The speed of sound in a reacting gas mixtureE. M. Chernykh
89-93Experimental investigation of shock wave detachment in real gasesV. G. Maslennikov, I. G. Pariiskii, S. I. Rozov and A. M. Studenkov
94-96Emission spectrum of a detonation wave in nitromethaneA. N. Dremin and S. D. Savrov
97-99Calculation of the pressure rise at a combustion frontN. N. Bakhman
100-101Heat transfer in the neighborhood of the stagnation point with discontinuous Prandtl numbersI. N. Murzinov
102-103Thermal conductivity of tungsten at high temperaturesYu. N. Simonova and L. P. Filippov
104-106On the kinetics of polycrystal shock meltingN. M. Kuznetsov
107-111Convection and heat transfer near the critical point of carbon dioxideE. N. Dubrovina and V. P. Skripov
112-117Heat transfer from a cylinder in a sound field at grashof numbers approaching zeroA. P. Burdukov and V. E. Nakoryakov
118-120The error of the plane-layer approximation as applied to radiation in the boundary layer of a gray gasV. P. Zamuraev
121-124Creep buckling criteriaV. I. Van'ko
125-127A note on the memory theory of creep in metalsI. I. Bugakov
128-130Method of elastic solutions in theory of plastic flowV. D. Klyushnikov
131-133Creep tests on glass -reinforced plastic platesG. I. Bryzgalin
134-136On the nature of the “pinch effect” and some other problems in the theory of failureG. P. Cherepanov
137-154Experimental data on creep of engineering alloys and phenomenological theories of creep. A reviewYu. N. Rabotnov
155-163The physical nature of creep in crystalline bodies. A reviewV. L. Indenbom, M. A. Mogilevskii, A. N. Orlov and V. M. Rozenberg

Volume 6, Number 2 / March 1965

1-11Development of magnetohydrodynamic boundary layers associated with the sudden initiation or deceleration of a supersonic flow at the boundary of a half-spaceA. B. Vatazhin
12-18Structure of the boundary layer between a rarefied plasma and a magnetic fieldYu. S. Sigov
19-24Polarization of a plasma in an electric fieldK. S. Golovanivskii and V. A. Polosyan
25-28Electron oscillations in a plasmaA. A. Zaitsev and I. A. Savchenko
29-33Plasmoid structure in an electrodynamic acceleratorV. N. Grigor'ev
34-37Investigation of a low - temperature cesium plasma in a low-voltage arcM. A. Lebedev
38-40Solution of the linearized couette-flow problem in a rarefied gas by the integral-diffusion methodA. T. Onufriev
41-44Interaction of a submerged turbulent jet with a solid wallE. P. Volchkov, S. S. Kutateladze and A. I. Leont'ev
45-50The motion of explosion products behind the front of a detonation waveV. N. Zubarev
51-55On mass transfer in an acoustic fieldA. P. Burdukov and V. E. Nakoryakov
56-60Diffusion theory of the anelasticity of metalsYa. S. Podstrigach
61-62Unsteady motion of a charged gas with particle productionV. A. Levin
63-67Viscosity of a partially ionized two-temperature plasmaG. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
68-73Excitation of strong collisionless shock waves in a plasmaR. Kh. Kurtmullaev, V. K. Malinovskii, Yu. E. Nesterikhin and A. G. Ponomarenko
74-76Study of energy transfer during the collision of a molecular stream with a surfaceV. B. Leonas
77-78Measuring the velocity of plasma jetsYu. V. Eremin and A. M. Trokhan
79-82Viscous friction and heat flux for a partially ionized medium flowing in a plane channel with allowance for anisotropy of the transport coefficientsE. G. Sakhnovskii
83-85Modeling current distribution in a magnetohydrodynamic channel with allowance for conductivity anisotropyA. I. Kovalev
86-88Measurement of electron impact ionization functions for metal atomsG. M. Beilina, S. I. Pavlov, V. I. Rakhovskii and O. D. Sorokaletov
89-97Some generalizations relating to the study of electric arcsG. Yu. Daumov and M. F. Zhukov
98-102Application of the theory of thermal similarity to the study of the electric arcI. A. Krinberg
103-106The temperature field in a homogeneous medium heated by an electric current under conditions of spherical symmetryM. A. Kaganov and V. A. Yangarber
107-108A modulation method of studying thermal expansionYa. A. Kraftmakher and I. M. Cheremisina
109-112Methods correlating data on the heat conductivity of dissociating gasesF. N. Dresvyannikov and G. A. Mukhachev
113-123Low-frequency in stability in liquid - propellant rocket motorsK. S. Kolesnikov
124-125An exact general integral of the equations of one class of compressible fluidsG. I. Nazarov
126-130Solvability of the problem of parallel - wall cavitational flow past a curved obstacleM. I. Khaikin
131-135Motion of suspensions in narrow horizontal channelsI. F. Belova, Yu. V. Zheltov and Yu. P. Zheltov
136-137Some methods of numerical solution of a problem in three-dimensional unsteady percolationL. M. Pleshakova and V. G. Pryazhinskaya
138-141Computation of the damping factor for free oscillations of a viscous liquid in a cylindrical vesselE. D. Viktorov
142-145The chemical reaction mechanism in the detonation of explosivesA. Ya. Apin and L. N. Stesik
146-148Low-velocity propagation of an explosion in solidsV. K. Bobolev and A. V. Dubovik
149-151Optical investigation of the stress concentration in a sheet with a circular opening subjected to biaxial tensionI. I. Bugakov
152-154An approximate method of solving problems of magnetoelasticity for bodies of finite conductivityYa. S. Uflyand
155Penetration of a concave die into a plastic mediumV. I. Kolos
156-158Effect of rate of deformation on the compressibility of loess soilsV. V. Mel'nikov and G. V. Rykov

Volume 6, Number 3 / May 1965

1-5Nonlinear fluctuations in a plasma with Coulomb interactionN. P. Giorgadze and V. P. Silin
6-10The influence of viscosity anisotropy on the plane-parallel flow of an ionized medium in a coplanar magnetic fieldE. G. Sakhnovskii
11-15The viscosity of a plasma in a strong magnetic fieldYu. M. Aliev
16-21Effect of hall currents on the flow of a conducting gas at high flow velocitiesG. M. Bam-Zelikovich
22-24The Hall effect in an electrically conducting fluid for variable magnetic field and high magnetic Reynolds numbersK. I. Kim
25-27Some restraints on the energy and spectrum of turbulent fluid motionA. A. Galeev
28-31On the theory of stationary velocity of propagation of an exothermic reaction front in a condensed mediumS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
32-36One-dimensional statistical modelsB. N. Baranov and I. P. Pavlotskii
37-41On some new solutions obtainable by means of invariant transformationsV. A. Syrovoi
42-45The reflection of plane nonstationary waves from an arbitrary inhomogeneous half-space. The acoustic caseE. V. Nikol'skii
46-47Neutralization of a spherically diverging current of charged particlesV. A. Levin
48-50Energy exchange on collision of molecules with a solid wallV. B. Leonas
51-52Isotropic corrections to the maxwell distribution functions in a plasma and rate of energy exchangeG. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
53-55Study of the structure of a supersonic plasma jet and its mechanism of formationI. I. Grechikhin and I. Ya. Min'ko
56-58Rotation of electrode segments and properties of an arc column in a plasma generator with vortex gas stabilizationL. I. Kolonina and V. Ya. Smolyakov
59-61Investigation of the system of equations for a compressible laminar boundary layer in the neighborhood of a stagnation lineB. I. Reznikov and Yu. N. Smyslov
62-65Calculation of the boundary layer on an arbitrary axisymmetric surface rotating in a still mediumL. A. Dorfman
66-67Drag-reducing effect of solutions of some high-molecular compounds in turbulent flow past bodiesG. I. Barenblatt, I. G. Bulina and V. P. Myasnikov
68-69Equations of motion of a thin layer of fluid on the surface of a rotating body of revolutionO. F. Vasil'ev and N. S. Khapilova
70-72Application of spark photography to the investigation of pulsed high-pressure jetsV. P. Borodin and B. V. Voitsekhovskii
73-76Boundary effect on cavitating flow past a cylinderK. K. Shal'nev
77-79Sorption in a plane-radial filtration flowM. I. Shvidler
80-82Generalization of experimental data on flow friction in surface boilingA. P. Ornatskii
83-85Specific heat of titanium close to the phase transition pointG. G. Zaitseva and Ya. A. Kraftmakher
84-85Behavior of cadmium whiskers close to the melting pointK. K. Ziling
86-91Momentum calculations in crater formation and the modeling of impact processesB. A. Arkhipov and Yu. S. Stepanov
92-94Creep of technical copper under combined loadingV. S. Namestnikov
95-97Nature of the strength and certain growth characteristics of mixed metal whiskersA. V. Serebryakov
98-99Attenuation elastic waves in rocks in the region of low-intensity oscillationsV. S. Yamshchikov
99Viscous friction and heat flux for a partially ionized medium flowing in a plane channel with allowance for anisotropy of the transport coefficientsE. G. Sakhnovskii

Volume 6, Number 4 / July 1965

1-5Periodic electrostatic focusing of a ribbon beamV. A. Syrovoi
6-12Recombination of electrons in a plasma expanding into a vacuumN. M. Kuznetsov and Yu. P. Raizer
13-16Limit currents in a plasma betatronA. M. Stefanovskii
17-21Influence of hall currents on the acceleration of a conducting gas in its own magnetic fieldG. M. Bam-Zelikovich
22-24Weak turbulence in media with a decay spectrumV. E. Zakharov
25-27Development of magnetohydrodynamic boundary layersA. B. Vatazhin
28-33Near-electrode layers at “Hot” electrodesG. A. Lyubimov
34-40Kinetics of chemical reactions in low-temperature plasma jetsYu. L. Khait
41-43Electrical conductivity of a partially ionized gas mixture in a magnetic fieldV. M. Zhdanov
44-49Calculation of a wall-stabilized argon arc with account for radiative energy transferV. N. Vetlutskii, A. T. Onufriev and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
50-53Stability analysis of a steady plane detonation waveV. V. Pukhnachev
54-55On the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the system of equations of thermal combustion theoryS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
56-60Effect of particles suspended in a fluid flow on the decay of isotropic turbulenceYu. A. Buevich and Yu. P. Gupalo
61-63Final period of decay of turbulent motions of viscoelastic fluidsV. A. Gorodtsov and V. P. Myasnikov
64-67Temperature displacements and stresses in glass-reinforced stripG. A. Van Fo Fy
68-70Experimental verification of the theory of thixotropy of viscoelastic polymer mediaA. Leonov and A. Ya. Malkin
71-74Stability of shells in creepE. I. Grigolyuk and Yu. V. Lipovtsev
75-76Creep of IKh18N9T steel in biaxial tensionL. A. Prishchepionok
77-78Note on the shape of the load-elongation curve for mild steel in the region of the yield pointR. Attermo and G. Ostberg
79-82Elastic moduli of cubic polycrystalsB. M. Darinskii and T. D. Shermergor
83-84Effect of initial stresses on the development of a brittle crackI. A. Markuzon
85-87An experimental investigation of the stability of shells in creepA. P. Kuznetsov and N. M. Yungerman
88-91Flow of plastico-viscous media in noncircular pipesV. B. Belozerov, V. A. Znamenskii and A. T. Listrov
92-93Effect of small additions of soluble high - Molecular compounds on the fluid flow regimeG. I. Barenblatt, I. G. Bulina, V. P. Myasnikov and G. I. Sholomovich
94-96Modeling pressure fluctuations on a flow boundaryV. I. Bukreev and O. F. Vasil'ev
97-98Propagation of an initial pulse in relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics with finite conductivityM. T. Zhumartbaev
99-100Pinches observed in plasma rail gunsV. N. Grigor'ev
101-103Measurement of thermal fluxes and estimation of electrode temperature in a pulsed electromagnetic plasma acceleratorA. M. Rushailo
104-105Determination of the composition of a two- temperature plasmaA. N. Kraiko and Yu. V. Moskvin
106-108Stability criterion for steady-state burning of powdersB. V. Novozhilov
109-110Flame propagation processesS. A. Kaganov
111-112Theory of detonation in heterogeneous systemsG. P. Cherepanov
113-115Expansion of the luminescence zone in the electrical explosion of thick wiresV. M. Kul'gavchuk
116Calculation of the volume concentrations of double molecules in saturated and superheated mercury vapor from experimental data on the speed of soundI. I. Novikov and E. P. Sheludyakov
117-118The heat capacity of graphite in the temperature range 1750°–2850° KYa. A. Kraftmakher and V. O. Shestopal
119-120The melting curve of sulfur up to 11 000 kg/cm2I. E. Paukov and E. Yu. Tonkov
121-122Experimental investigation of the surface tension of liquid sodiumA. A. Kiriyanenko, O. P. Makarova, V. D. Romanov and A. N. Solov'ev

Volume 6, Number 5 / September 1965

1-4Plasma oscillations of an electron beam in an external electric fieldR. Z. Muratov and M. V. Samokhin
5-8Invariant solutions of the equations of a multicomponent charged-particle beamV. A. Syrovoi
9-13Decay of longitudinal plasma oscillations to ion-sound oscillationsV. A. Liperovskii and V. N. Tsytovich
14-17On the periodic structure of a stationary rarefied plasmaR. Ya. Kucherov and L. E. Rikenglaz
18-21Heating of a medium as a result of Joule energy dissipationA. B. Vatazhin
22-25Influence of the walls on overheating instability in a magnetohyduodynamic channelA. G. Kulikovskii and S. A. Regirer
26-29Two-dimensional flow of a perfect conducting gas in crossed electric and magnetic fieldsI. V. Vysotskaya, A. L. Genkin and M. I. Zhukovskii
30-33Some problems of nonisothermal steady flow of a viscous fluidS. A. Bostandzhyan, A. G. Merzhanov and S. I. Khudyaev
34-37On the theory of pulse discharge in a liquidV. V. Arsent'ev
38-43On radiative heat transfer in a plane layer of an absorbing mediumN. A. Rubtsov
44-48Vibrational creep of polymer materialsG. I. Barenblatt, Yu. I. Kozyrev, N. I. Malinin, D. Ya. Pavlov and S. A. Shesterikov
49-53Fields of randomly distributed dislocations and force dipoles in an infinite elastic anisotropic mediumI. A. Kunin
54-57On the theory of diffusion relaxation in polycrystalsB. M. Darinskii and T. D. Shermergor
58-60Spontaneous propagation of cracks in lithium fluoride single crystalsA. M. Mikhailov
61-63An estimate of the interaction of a checkerboard array of cracksV. Z. Parton
64-66Analysis of shakedown of nonuniformly heated elastoplastic bodiesV. I. Rozenblyum
67-69On the stability of the flow of a viscoelastic fluid down an inclined planeA. T. Listrov
70-71Kinetics of gaseous expansion of porous materialsE. Ya. Mikhlin
72-74Injection of electron beams from a vacuum into a gas through a gasdynamic windowA. M. Trokhan
75-77On Rayleigh-Taylor Z-pinch instabilityM. G. Nikulin
78-79Cylindrical waves of finite amplitude in a rarefied plasmaYu. A. Berezin
80-81Magnetic field capture and plasma containment in experiments with a collisionless shock waveA. M. Iskol'dskii, R. Kh. Kurtmullaev, Yu. E. Nesterikhin, V. I. Pil'skii and A. G. Ponomarenko
82-83Variation of the electrical conductivity of an ionized gas in the initial section of a plane ductYa. S. Uflyand and I. B. Chekmarev
84-86Temperature measurements behind detonation fronts in gasesR. I. Soloukhin and S. Zh. Toktomyshev
87-89Measuring the velocity of a gas wake in a shock tube from the induced electromotive forceR. V. Vasil'eva
90-91Calculation of the energy of a shock wave in waterL. P. Orlenko and L. P. Parshev
92-94Potential distribution along the arc in a vortex-stabilized plasma generatorG. Yu. Dautov, Yu. S. Dudnikov, M. F. Zhukov and M. I. Sazonov
95-96Distortion of energy spectrum of decaying isotropic turbulence due to suspended particlesYu. A. Buevich and Yu. P. Gupalo
97-99Integral invariants of two-dimensional rotational gas flowsK. P. Surovikhin
100-102Effectiveness of gas film cooling for a turbulent boundary layerE. P. Volchkov and V. Ya. Levchenko
103-104A possible mechanism to account for the effect of added polymers on turbulenceG. I. Barenblatt, I. G. Bulina, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, V. N. Kalashnikov and G. I. Sholomovich
105-107On the theory of submerged laminar jetsM. A. Gol'dshtik and B. A. Silant'ev
108-109Effective thermal conductivity of a saturated porous medium in the presence of percolationV. M. Entov
110-112Movement of ground water in an inhomogeneous finite aquifer in the presence of a reservoir head and irrigationV. K. Rudakov
113-114Investigation of high-pressure pulsed jets by means of roent-genographyV. P. Borodin
115-117Extension of asymptotic relative laws of friction and heat transfer to nonisothermal flow of a gas at finite Reynolds numbersA. I. Leont'ev and B. P. Mironov
118-119Effect of viscosity of liquid phase on loss of hydrodynamic stability in nucleate bulk boilingV. M. Borishanskii and M. A. Gotovskii

Volume 6, Number 6 / November 1965

1-5Some exact solutions of the equations of a stationary monoenergetic beam of charged particlesV. A. Syrovoi
6-10Optimal form of shielding for polychromaticγ-radiationV. I. Tsvetkov
11-15One-dimensional flows of a nonequilibrium plasma with variable degree of ionization in the absence of currentsV. M. Sarychev
16-19Waves of finite amplitude in a hot plasmaYu. A. Berezin
20-24Possible simplifications of the equations of a two-temperature partially ionized plasmaV. M. Korovin
25-28Hydrodynamic models as applied to the investigation of magnetic plasma stabilityE. Ya. Kogan, S. S. Moiseev and V. N. Oraevskii
29-33Spectroscopic study of the properties of a supersonic plasma streamL. I. Grechikhin, L. Ya. Min'ko and N. I. Nagornaya
34-36On the convective instability of a thermal boundary layerG. Z. Gershuni and E. M. Zhukhovitskii
37-41The method of geometrical optics for differential equations of the fourth order as applied to low-frequency plasma oscillationsA. A. Rukhadze, V. S. Savodchenko and S. A. Triger
42-44On a class of exact particular solutions of the equations of transonic gas flowsB. I. Zaslavskii and N. A. Klepikova
45-49Transient motion of a liquid in a fissured porous stratum subject to periodic pressure variation at the boundaryYu. P. Zheltov and V. S. Kutlyarov
50-53Theory of dry friction of rubbery materialsYu. A. Buevich and A. I. Leonov
54-57The action of intense light beams on metal surfacesT. M. Aver'yanova, L. I. Mirkin, N. F. Pilipetskii and A. R. Rustamov
58-63Crack zone and crack front in an elastic body under pressureV. P. Koryavov
64-66The rate of growth of cracks in rock specimensV. A. Lagunov and Sh. A. Mambetov
67-70Anisotropy of creep of materialsO. V. Sosnin
71Group classification of solutions of the Hopf equationV. L. Katkov
72-73Numerical solution of the problem of the motion of a fluid in a rectangular holeL. M. Simuni
74-75On the initial stage of the motion in Rayleigh's problemYu. A. Buevich
76-78A criterial generalization of the characteristics of vortexstabilized plasma generatorsG. Yu. Dautov and M. F. Zhukov
79-80Moments of the collision integral for Maxwellian moleculesV. D. Perminov and O. G. Fridlender
81-82Estimation of the width of the front of strong shock waves in gasesE. V. Stupochenko
83-85Excitation of strong collisionless shock waves in a deuterium plasmaA. M. Iskol'dskii, R. Kh. Kurtmullaev, Yu. E. Nesterikhin and A. G. Ponomarenko
86-88Investigation of the pressure distribution on certain starshaped bodies at m ≲4A. L. Gonor and A. I. Shvets
89-92Interpolation formula for the thickness of a shock frontV. A. Belokon
93-95Influence of nonequilibrium chemical reactions on the decay of an arbitrary discontinuityV. T. Kireev
96-97Investigation of the stability of motion of a compressible gasS. A. Kholin
98-100Heat transfer at a wedge in a hypersonic low-density gas streamYu. A. Koshmarov
101-102Temperature distribution in a liquid spherical layer around a sphere falling under gravityR. S. Kuznetskii
103-106Burning of a powder under harmonically varying pressureB. V. Novozhilov

Volume 7, Number 1 / January 1966

1-3Theory of regular electrostatic beams of charged particlesV. A. Syrovoi
4-7Slow oscillations of potential in electron-ion currents close to the emitterV. M. Smirnov
8-11Self-similar solutions of nonstationary equations of a plane laminar magnetohydrodynamic boundary layerA. G. Boev
12-18A kinetic analysis of couette plasma flow in an electric fieldV. P. Shidlovskii
19-26The general and basic boundary value problems of plane steady jet flows and the corresponding nonlinear equationsG. N. Pykhteev
27-31Hydrodynamics of fluids of variable viscosityS. S. Kutateladze, V. I. Popov and E. M. Khabakhpasheva
32-36Kinetics of mass transfer between a polydisperse particle system and the surrounding mediumYu. A. Buevich
37-42Stability and decay of a cylindrical film of liquid in a gaseous mediumV. A. Borodin, Yu. F. Dityakin and V. I. Yagodkin
43-50On the stability of propagation of spherical flamesA. G. Istratov and V. B. Librovich
51-54Effects of a laser beam on the dislocation structure of a crystalT. M. Aver'yanova, L. I. Mirkin and N. F. Pilipetskii
55-60Oblique impact of a solid body on soilsL. Ya. Lyubin and A. S. Povitskii
61-67Application of asymptotic methods of the theory of nonlinear oscillations to the problem of wave propagationI. F. Budagyan and D. I. Mirovitskii
68-69An effect which stabilizes the curved front of a laminar flameYa. B. Zel'dovich
70-72Surface geometry of a liquid explosive burning beyond the stability limitA. D. Margolin and S. V. Chuiko
73-75Cylindrical waves propagating across a magnetic field in a rarefied plasmaYu. A. Berezin
76A feature of shock compressibility with disappearance of the two-wave configurationN. M. Kuznetsov
77-78The mixing of two gas flows moving in coaxial pipes separated by a perforated wallN. F. Vorob'ev
79-84The effectiveness of a gaseous film on a tubular surfaceE. P. Volchkov and V. Ya. Levchenko
85-86Experimental verification of the hypothesis of the constancy of vorticity of a fluid in a separation zoneV. V. Bazhanova and B. A. Silant'ev
87Rotation of a cylinder at the boundary of a jetM. A. Gol'dshtik and V. N. Sorokin
88-89Motion of gas bubbles in a liquid under the influence of a temperature gradientV. M. Kuznetsov, B. A. Lugovtsov and E. I. Sher
90-91Effect of nonstationarity in the motion of an open fluid flowO. F. Vasil'ev and V. I. Kvon
92-94Flow of water into a horizontal tubular drain in a pressurized two-layer stratum of limited thicknessS. V. Koval'chuk and A. Ya. Oleinik
95-97Motion of a viscoplastic liquid in a porous inhomogeneous mediumSt. I. Gheorghitza
98-100An analytic study of the pressure distribution in operation of multistratum petroleum depositsV. E. Vlyushin and O. N. Kharin
101-102Generalization of the experimental data on extended crisis in heat transfer in the boiling of a liquidL. S. Shtokolov
103Melting of iodine and bromine under pressureI. E. Paukov and E. Yu. Tonkov
104-106Parameters of the shock wave produced by exploding sheet charges at short distancesL. V. Dubnov and V. A. Pukov
107-110Experimental investigation of the stress-strain state produced in loess soils of varying moisture content by an explosionV. V. Mel'nikov and G. V. Rykov
111Correction to the review “mathematical theory of cracks formed as a result of brittle fracture”G. I. Barenblatt

Volume 7, Number 2 / March 1966

1-3Theory of nonlinear waves in a plasmaYu. A. Berezin and R. Z. Sagdeev
4-8Plasma drift-anisotropy instability and anomalous transport processesA. A. Galeev
9-13Self-similar solution to the problem of the expansion of a cylindrical column of conducting gas in a longitudinal magnetic fieldA. N. Cherepanov and V. I. Yakovlev
14-16Electron conductivity of a thermally ionized gas in an electric fieldV. N. Kunin and N. M. Pisarev
17-19Some aspects of problems in magnetohydrodynamic instability theory which can be reduced to a differential equation with an arbitrary parameter associated with the leading derivativeN. S. Erokhin and S. S. Moiseev
20-23Theory of the supersonic part of a nondissipative box-type acceleratorA. I. Morozov
24-26Electric discharge in a jet of conducting viscous fluidL. A. Vulis and K. E. Dzhaugashtin
27-29Solution of the equations of a regular electrostatic beam in the presence of emission from an arbitrary surfaceYu. E. Kuznetsov and V. A. Syrovoi
30-32One-dimensional dispersion of a finite mass of particles of like charge concentrated in a planeV. A. Rykov
33-37An asymptotic method for studying nonequilibrium systemsG. M. Zaslavskii
38-41Interaction of acoustic waves with burning surfaces of condensed systemsS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
42-47Hydrodynamics of a system of bubbles in a low-viscosity liquidA. M. Golovin, V. G. Levich and V. V. Tolmachev
48-56Some methods for solving a single nonlinear integro-differential equation of the theory of jets of an ideal fluidG. N. Pykhteev
57-58Observation of stability loss of the surface layer of a bent crystal by reflection x-ray microscopy techniquesI. B. Statyi and A. A. Khanonkin
59Effect of additional vibrational loading on lifetime in conditions of one-dimensional tensionZ. V. Istratova and O. I. Leipunskii
60-63Experimental investigations of the interaction of shock waves in soils containing obstaclesV. I. Kuznetsov and G. M. Lyakhov
64-65Wall collision of waves from one-dimensional gas detonations with large and negligibly small ignition induction periodsYu. N. Denisov
66-67Velocity profiles for the laminar flow of structurally viscous fluips between parallel planesYu. V. Kostylev, V. I. Popov and E. M. Khabakhpasheva
68-69Natural oscillations in couette flows of an incompressible Maxwellian fluidYu. A. Buevlch and A. I. Leonov
70-72A class of exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equationsM. A. Gol'dshtik
73-75The lifting force action on a contour in a plane homogeneous vortex flow of an incompressible ideal fluidI. G. Druker
76-77Toward a theory of propagation of waves of finite amplitude along a retarding systemYu. F. Filippov
78-79Nonlinear conversion of electromagnetic waves into ion-sound plasma oscillationsV. A. Liperovskii and V. N. Tsytovich
80-81Stability of an inhomogeneous electron beamI. A. Zhvaniya, R. Ya. Kucherov and L. E. Rikenglaz
82-84Radiative transfer in spectral lines with self-absorptionA. T. Onufriev and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
85-86Asymmetric radiative-convective heating of an infinite plateA. L. Burka
87-88Convective diffusion of salts in a radial flow of groundwaterF. M. Bochever, A. E. Oradovskaya and V. I. Pagurova
89Allowance for the effect of weak collisions on stationary potential distributionsV. M. Smirnov
90-91Heating of a wall of finite thickness by a periodic heat fluxA. M. Rushailo
92-93Heat transfer with tangential fluid injectionE. P. Volchkov and V. Ya. Levchenko
94-96Thermodynamic (t, S) graph for mercury constructed from experimental data on the velocity of soundI. I. Novikov and E. P. Sheludyakov
97-99Experimental investigation of the analogy between the processes of boiling and bubblingS. S. Kutateladze and I. G. Malenkov
100Potentiometric circuit for measuring heat capacity by a modulation methodYa. A. Kraftmakher

Volume 7, Number 3 / May 1966

1-4A possible anomalous wave transformation in plasmaS. S. Moiseev
5-10Attenuation of forced weak plane pressure waves in a gas with radiative heat transferV. A. Prokof'ev
11-16Effect of a magnetic field on the flow in the vicinity of the stagnation point of a blunt body with ablation of a protective layerE. A. Tropp
17-21A qualitative investigation of the equations of quasi-one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic channel flowF. A. Slobodkina
22-25Current distribution of permeable electrodes in the presence of the hall effect in a stream of electrically conducting mediumYu. P. Emets
26-30Interaction of molecules with the surface of a solidA. I. Erofeev
31-35Solution of regular beam equations in arbitrary emission conditions on a curvilinear surfaceV. A. Syrovoi
36-38Construction of a general solution to a system of multigroup transport equationsL. D. Ivanov
39-42Application of the method of integral diffusion to investigation of turbulent transferA. T. Onufriev
43-44Thermocapillary convection in a horizontal layer of liquidR. V. Birikh
45-50Stationary states of chain reactionsL. M. Pis'men
51-54Nonisothermal deformation of a viscoelastic mediumA. I. Chudnovskii
55-58Rectilinear dislocation in an anisotropic plateE. P. Fel'dman
59-62Elastic bending vibrations of a rod carrying electric currentN. I. Dolbin and A. I. Morozov
63-65Internal friction described with the aid of fractionally-exponential kernelsS. I. Meshkov, G. N. Pachevskaya and T. D. Shermergor
66-70Stress distribution at the tip of a growing crackL. B. Zuev, I. A. Kumkin and V. M. Finkel
71-73An investigation of some physicomechanical characteristics associated with the perforation of a barrierYu. S. Stepanov
74-75Phase interaction in concentrated disperse systemsYu. A. Buevich
76-78Solution of an inverse problem of cavitational flow around a curvilinear arcL. I. Mal'tsev
79-80Apparent mass coefficient in horizontal hydrodynamic impact of a floating sphereS. E. Evdokimov and V. L. Rvachev
81-82Dispersion of a packet of plates in the atmosphereV. P. Belomyttsev
83-86Collision of an atom with the surface of a solidV. V. Mazhuga
87-89Plasmoids in electromagnetic shock tubesE. F. Lebedev and V. P. Formichev
90-91Compression of a plasma loop by a magnetic fieldYu. P. Ladikov
92-93A note on the theory of the combustion stability of powdersS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
94-98Boiling of certain liquids at reduced pressuresN. N. Mamontova
99Effect of heater diameter on critical heat flux in boilingSh. A. Gaidarov, L. N. Grigor'ev and A. G. Usmanov
100-101Calculation of heat transfer in laminar pipe flow of liquids with structural viscosityV. I. Popov and E. M. Khabakhpasheva
102-105Barrier cooling with multislit and lattice injection in a turbulent boundary layerE. P. Volchkov, S. S. Kutateladze, V. Ya. Levchenko and A. I. Leont'ev
106-108Theory of the freezing process in thick layers of solutionsP. P. Zolotarev
109-112Magnetohydrostatic separationU. Ts. Andres, G. M. Bunin and B. B. Gil

Volume 7, Number 4 / July 1966

1-10Group classification and invariant solutions for the equations of flow and heat transfer of a viscoplastic mediumE. A. Leonova
11-13Classification of the invariant solutions to the equations for the two-dimensional transient-state flow of a gasN. Kh. Ibragirmov
14-18Effect of particle collisions on the motion and interphase heat transfer in a vertical two-phase flowG. L. Babukha and A. A. Shraiber
19-23Disintegration of a liquid jetV. A. Ivanov
24-26Metal shell collapsed in a magnetic fieldS. G. Alikhanov, G. I. Budker, G. N. Kichigin and A. V. Komin
27-30Thomson scattering taken into account in the relativistic transfer equations for a grey-body and stationary shock wave structureYu. I. Morozov
31-35Nonlinear theory of the propagation of pulses of electromagnetic waves through a plasma boundaryV. N. Tsytovich and V. D. Shapiro
36-38Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in a liquid with nonequilibrium electrical conductivity in an alternating magnetic fieldK. I. Kim
39-43Computer solution of a kinetic equation for electronsE. B. Sonin
44-47Propagation of a laminar jet of electrically conducting fluid in a uniform magnetic fieldK. E. Dzhaugashtin
48-54Influence of the hall effect on the characteristics of a MHD generator with two pairs of electrodesE. K. Kholshchevnikova
55-58The plane contact problem in the electrodynamics of continuous media in the presence of the Hall effectYu. P. Emets
59-61Propagation of weak shock waves in a magnetic fieldA. A. Lugovtsov
62-63Conservation of electrostatic field geometry under space charge conditionsV. A. Syrovoi
64-65Study of the plasma formations resulting from jet interaction in a high-power impulsive dischargeL. I. Kiselevskii and M. A. Sultanov
66-68Use of the hall effect to measure vibrational displacementsI. B. Bolotin
69-71Electrical breakdown in air in a transverse magnetic fieldYu. D. Nagornykh
72-74Approximate relation for the heat flow to the walls of a tube arc heaterI. I. Suksov
75-78Ultrasensitive glow discharge method for visualizing hypersonic flows of rarefied gasesV. M. Kalugin
79-82Acceleration of a gas compressed under conditions of acuteangled geometryA. E. Voitenko
83-86Calculation of heat transfer in nozzlesB. P. Mironov
87-90Hydrodynamic structure of a vortex ringD. G. Akhmetov and O. P. Kisarov
91-92Experimental study of turbulence near a duct wallV. V. Orlov
93-94Effect of compressibility and nonisothermicity on the efficiency of film cooling in a turbulent boundary layerE. P. Volchkov, S. S. Kutateladze and A. I. Leont'ev
95-96Self-similar problems of convective diffusion in the presence of heterogeneous chemical reactions with allowance for thermal diffusion effectsA. M. Suponitskii
97-100Kinetics of carbon dioxide dissociation behind a shock frontS. A. Losev and L. B. Terebenina
101-102Density dependence of the surface tension of liquid metalsA. B. Kaplun and A. N. Solov'ev
103-105Some features of the gas-phase saturation of a two-phase boundary layerI. G. Malenkov
106-108Criterial description of flame geometry for a homogeneous mixtureV. K. Baev
109-110Some variational problems in thermal explosion theoryS. I. Anisimov and E. I. Vitkin
111-112Wedge flows of a plasticoviscous medium with nonlinear velocityA. D. Chernyshev
113-116Relaxation of tubes and buckling of bars made of viscoplastic materialsA. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
117-119Anisotropic creep of materialsO. V. Sosnin
120-121Creep buckling of an eccentrically loaded columnN. G. Torshenov
122Creep stability of cylindrical shellsN. M. Matchenko
123-124Experimental simulation of meteorite impactM. M. Rusakov
125Relative dimensions of the zones of destruction created by explosionsD. M. Kamyshnikov
126-127Parameters of shock compression in steel cylindersS. S. Batsanov, G. S. Doronin and S. S. Kutateladze
128-129Dynamic tensile strength of waterT. P. Gavrilenko and M. E. Topchiyan
130-131Calculation of entropy from acoustic dataI. S. Radovskii

Volume 7, Number 5 / September 1966

1-9Dispersion of an instantaneously heated material and determination of its equation of state from the pressure and momentumA. A. Kalmykov, V. N. Kondrat'ev and I. V. Nemchinov
10-14Critical conditions for thermal explosion in conductive heat transfer in the reaction zone and the surrounding mediumYu. M. Grigor'ev, A. G. Merzhanov and K. V. Pribytkova
15-18Ignition of reacting substancesA. M. Grishin
19-25Nonlinear oscillations of combustion velocity of powderB. V. Novozhilov
26-30Kinetics of electron recombination in a molecular gas expanding into a cavityN. M. Kuznetsov
31-35High-frequency plasma oscillations in junction diodesG. V. Gordeev
36-39Some conditions for the existence of a “Pinch” structure of the current sheet in plasmaV. N. Grigor'ev
40-47The electric field in a circular semiconductor plate placed in a magnetic fieldP. I. Baranskii and Yu. P. Emets
48-50Determination of a magnetic field with rotational symmetry about a given line of magnetic forceE. F. Afanas'ev and E. A. Morozova
51-55Mechanical stresses in a long cylindrical current-carrying solenoidI. I. Ivanchik and D. G. Sannikov
56-59Surface waves in an elastic medium in the presence of a magnetic fieldV. A. Feoktistov
60-63Solution of the problem of a flow of rarefied gas of constant density around a semiinfinite plate by the integral diffusion methodA. T. Onufriev
64-67Convective diffusion in a periodic array of spheres for small reynolds numbersA. B. Voskanyan, A. M. Golovin and V. V. Tolmachev
68-69Diffusion along interfaces under external forcesV. A. Sterkhov
70-72Flow of a liquid in a tube with grid electrodes in the presence of weak magnetohydrodynamic interactionA. I. Bolislavskii and E. I. Yantovskii
73-75The double layer in an insulator subject to shock compressionA. G. Ivanov and E. Z. Novitskii
76-79Kinematics of the current layer in a plasma acceleratorV. Yu. Baranov, A. K. Musin and G. G. Timofeeva
80-81Short hydrogen plasma bunchesE. Ya. Gol'ts
82Amplification of radiation in the decay of a maximally ionized plasmaB. F. Gordiets, L. I. Gudzenko and L. A. Shelepin
83-85Measurement of the polytropy index for gas-detonation productsYu. N. Denisov and Ya. K. Troshin
86-87Determination of the composition of multitemperature gas mixturesA. N. Kraiko and Yu. V. Moskvin
88-89A note on calculation of turbulent heat transfer on a semi-permeable surface with injection of an outside gasS. S. Kutateladze, A. I. Leont'ev and B. P. Mironov
90-92Experimental investigation of turbulent heat transfer at the boundary of a separation zoneB. A. Silant'ev
93-95Heat transfer to a plate behind an obstacleM. G. Ktalkherman
96Reduction of friction in a turbulent flow of polyvinyl alcohol solutionV. S. Zav'yalova and G. F. Kobets
97-99Statistical characteristics of the pressure fluctuation in a hydraulic jumpV. I. Bukreev
100-102Transient flow in an open dry channelV. I. Kvon
103-105Spreading of a viscous drop on impactE. I. Andriankin
106Unsteady linear motion of a thixotropic viscoplastic liquid between infinite parallel platesS. E. Agaeva
107-113Some results of an experimental study of short-time creep in uniaxial tensionS. T. Mileiko and Yu. N. Rabotnov
114-116Buckling of a viscoelastic barA. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
117-118One case of the equilibrium of a system of cracks in an elasto-brittle materialV. M. Kuznetsov
119-121Interaction of a system of griffith cracks in an elasto-brittle materialP. A. Martynyuk
122-125Dynamic problems of the theory of cleavages in a beam approximationA. M. Mikhailov
126-128Rebound of a rigid body falling on an elastic half-spaceI. V. Simonov and L. M. Flitman
129-130Experimental investigation of the surface tension of rubidium and cesiumO. P. Makarova and A. N. Solov'ev

Volume 7, Number 6 / November 1966

1-8Experimental study of the disintegration of an instantaneously heated medium and the resulting impulse at energy concentrations less than the heat of evaporationA. A. Kalmykov, I. V. Nemchinov and A. I. Petrukhin
9-12Effect of a laser beam on plexiglasA. I. Akimov, L. I. Mirkin and N. F. Pilipetskii
13-17Stress relaxation, creep, and uniaxial strain: General and special featuresG. S. Vorotnikov and B. M. Rovinskii
18-22Oscillations of a body filled with a viscous fluidO. B. Ievleva
23-30Approximate statistical theory of a fluidized bedYu. A. Buevich
31-37Solution of the equations for a regular beam emitted by a curvilinear surface in the nonstationary caseV. A. Syrovoi
38-41Nonisothermal flow of plasma in a plane MHD-channelYu. V. Satiochkin and S. S. Filippov
42-44Electrical parameters of a channel with finite electrodes with allowance for the electrode potential dropA. B. Vatazhin
45-46Heat transfer in a high-frequency electrodeless plasmatron operating in airS. V. Kononov and M. I. Yakushin
47-50Theory of the initial stage of an electrical discharge in waterA. I. Ioffe
51-53Propagation of magnetoacoustic waves in stratified mediaL. Ya. Kosachevskii
54-55Kinetic equation for an oscillator in a random external fieldG. M. Zaslavskii
56-61Application of asymptotic methods of the theory of nonlinear oscillations to wave propagation in an inhomogeneous mediumI. F. Budagyan and D. I. Mirovitskii
62-65A study of gas flow over a rough surfaceM. V. Khanin
66-67Behavior of the coefficient of friction during the flow of compressible gas with very high negative pressure gradientsM. M. Nazarchuk and B. V. Panchenko
68Axially symmetric flow in a thin layer of fluid on the surface of a rotating solid of revolutionN. S. Khapilova
69-70Stationary combustionE. A. Chernova
71-72Fluid flow in a system of parallel cylinders placed at right angles to the flow direction at low reynolds numbersA. A. Kirsh and N. A. Fuks
73-74Study of the motion of a liquid between two rotating spherical surfacesM. P. Sorokin, G. N. Khlebutin and G. F. Shaidurov
75-76Shape of pressure recovery curves in injection wells of a fissure collectorR. I. Medvedskii
77-78Structure of weak solutions of polymers showing the effect of turbulence dampingG. N. Barenblatt, I. G. Bulina, V. N. Kalashnikov and N. M. Kalinichenko
79-81Heat transfer in the vortex region for a lateral flow past a cylinderA. I. Leont'ev and B. A. Ryagin
82-84High-temperature drillingG. P. Cherepanov
85-87On the use of fractional differentiation operators for the description of elastic-after effect properties of materialsT. D. Shermergor
88-90Fracture of rods under the action of stress wavesV. G. Zhurba
91-94Steel hardening by shaped explosionL. I. Mirkin and N. P. Novikov

Volume 8, Number 1 / January 1967

1-4The stability of nonisothermal plasma flow in a flat MHD channelYu. V. Sanochkin
5-8Flow of a conducting gas jet beyond the nozzle outlet of an electromagnetic acceleratorG. M. Bam-Zelikovich
9-12Some two-dimensional flows at finite magnetic reynolds numbersB. V. Eliseev and A. D. Lobanov
13-15Wave transformation in a medium with random inhomogeneitiesG. M. Zaslavskii and N. N. Filonenko
16-19The propagation of shock waves in a semibounded volumeA. I. Starshinov
20-28Investigation of the influence exerted on a solid by luminous radiation from a source of the explosive typeI. F. Zharikov, I. V. Nemchinov and M. A. Tsikulin
29-36Initiation of liquid explosives by cavitationV. E. Gordeev, A. I. Serbinov and Ya. K. Troshin
37-43Nonstationary burning of propellants with variable surface temperatureB. V. Novozhilov
44-48Two modes of operation of a model combustion chamber as a thermoacoustic autooscillating systemV. E. Doroshenko, S. F. Zaitsev and V. I. Furletov
49-52Stability of motion of the plane boundary separating two fluidsV. A. Borodin and V. I. Yagodkin
53-56A periodic solution of the diffusion equationN. N. Kochina
57-59Convective diffusion in fissured-porous mediaV. S. Kutlyarov
60-61Experimental study of the effect of relative viscosities on the rate of counter-current capillary impregnation of porous mediaB. E. Kisilenko and V. M. Ryzhik
62-64The mixed problem for a modified moisture-transfer equationV. A. Yangarber
65-66Effect of channel blockage on motion in the separation zone behind bluff bodiesM. A. Gol'dshtik and B. A. Silant'ev
67-70The turbulent boundary layer of dissociated gas in the initial section of a tubeA. I. Leont'ev, B. P. Mironov and A. V. Fafurin
71-72The nonstationary near-sonic flow of a stream around a cornerB. I. Zaslavskii
73-74The propagation of shock waves in viscous mediaA. D. Chernyshov
75-78The study of a supersonic jet of rarefied argon plasmaV. M. Gol'dfarb, E. V. Ulna, I. E. Kostygova, G. A. Luk'yanov and V. A. Silant'ev
79-84Cylindrical waves in a collisionless plasmaYu. A. Berezin and R. Kh. Kurtmullaev
85-87Calculation of radiative energy transfer in spectral linesA. T. Onufriev and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
88-89The theory of the stationary modes of cylindrical and spherical diodesV. A. Syrovoi
90-91Some characteristic features of diffusion of a magnetic field into a moving conductorE. I. Bichenkov
92-93The damping of plasma oscillations in a magnetic fieldR. K. Mazitov and A. M. Fridman
94-95The effect of two dimensional nonuniformity of the initial parameters on plasma instabilityS. S. Moiseev
96-97General principles for asymptotic calculation of the interaction between charges and spatially modulated magnetic fieldsR. I. Kovtun
98-99Determination of current flow in a plasma by a simulation methodN. I. Bortnichuk
100-104An approximate solution of the problem of a stationary induced high frequency discharge in an enclosed volumeV. A. Gruzdev, R. E. Rovinskii and A. P. Sobolev
105-109Approximate similarity criterion for an arc of self-adjusting length burning in a plasma generator with vortex gas stabilizationV. Ya. Smolyakov
110-113The effect of convective heat exchange on plasmatron characteristicsS. S. Kutateladze, A. K. Rebrov and V. N. Yarygin
114-119A study of pulsations in a plasmatron with a self-stabilizing ARCA. S. An'shakov, G. Yu. Dautov, G. M. Mustafin and A. P. Petrov
120-123Field distribution along a longitudinally streamlined arc in a DC plasmatronA. S. Vasil'kovskaya, L. L. Kolonina, A. D. Lebedev and V. Ya. Smolyakov
124-127Characteristics of a plasmatron with an insert between the electrodesG. Yu. Dautov, Yu. S. Dudnikov, M. F. Zhukov, G. M. Mustafin and M. I. Sazonov

Volume 8, Number 2 / March 1967

1-7Theory of the motion of a vortex ring under gravity. Rise of the cloud from a nuclear explosionA. T. Onufriev
8-11Stochastic instability of nonlinear oscillationsG. M. Zaslavskii
12-16Role of breakup of langmuir waves into ion-sound waves for an electron beam interacting with a nonisothermal plasmaV. A. Liperovskii
17-19Transient-state flow of a conducting liquid in an MHD generator at constant flow rate in the presence of side wallsA. G. Ryabinin and A. I. Khozhainov
20-23Stationary solutions to the equations of the quasi-linear approximation for a plasma with collisionsYu. L. Klimontovich and V. V. Logvinov
24-26Nonstationary flow of a conducting gas in crossed electric and magnetic fieldsA. L. Genkin and L. A. Kudryashova
27-29Viscosity of the liquid phase in a dispersionYu. A. Buevich and V. M. Safrai
30-34Motion of a polydisperse material in a. vertical gas flowG. L. Babukha and A. A. Shraiber
35-39The dynamic equations of motion for a two-component systemV. P. Myasnikov
40-44Normal stresses in a viscoelastic medium with decaying turbulent motionV. A. Gorodtsov
45-46Strength of composite materialsG. P. Cherepanov
47-48Allowance for bulk relaxation by the method of internal frictionS. I. Meshkov and G. N. Pachevskaya
49-50Calculation of a collision between metallic bodies from a compressible-liquid modelA. N. Mar'yamov
51-54Failure of transparent plastics in laser pulses at various temperaturesN. N. Vsevolodov, N. P. Novikov and Yu. I. Yudin
55-56Discrete structure change in a gas-detonation waveYu. N. Denisov and Ya. K. Troshin
57-58An experimental study of the flow of rarefied gas around a sphereI. F. Zavarzina and I. V. Skokov
59-62A spatial laminar boundary layer on a streamline in conical external flow of a uniform gas in the absence of sources and sinksV. A. Bashkin
63-64Film cooling by injection into a turbulent boundary layerE. P. Volchkov, E. G. Zaulichnyi, S. S. Kutateladze and A. I. Leont'ev
65-66An experimental study of the flow of a thin layer of liquid on the surface of a rotating coneA. K. Voinov and N. S. Khapilova
67-68A spiral hollow jet of an ideal liquidYu. I. Petukhov
69-70An experimental study of the breakup of a jet of viscous liquid in a gas flowG. F. Tobol'skii
71-74Calculation of a supersonic jet emerging from a hole with planar wallsV. N. Kamzolov and U. G. Pirumov
75-77Motion of a charged gas filling a cylindrical cavity with a cross section in the form of an arbitrary ellipseV. A. Levin
78Shape of the boundary of a freely moving plasma in a magnetic fieldV. A. Pilipenko
79-81Periodic electrostatic focusing of abeam of elliptical cross sectionV. A. Syrovoi
82-83A microwave study of moving striationsA. A. Zaitsev and G. S. Leonov
84-87Surface deformation produced by ion bombardmentB. M. Kalmykov and Yu. A. Ryzhov
88-91Exchange of energy and momentum between gas particles and the surface of a solidA. I. Erofeev
92-94Emittance of a transparent plasma and the relation between electron and ion temperaturesN. M. Kuznetsov
95-96Critical heat fluxes in the boiling of ethanol at flow speeds of 50 to 115 m/secV. I. Adamovskii, I. N. Svorkova and L. S. Shtokolov
97-99An experimental study of the speed of sound in saturated and superheated vapors of difluorochloromethaneI. I. Novikov and L. M. Lagutina
100An aspect of the operation of a bubbler system under conditions of vibrationA. E. Bershadskii
101-103Interaction of two water-bearing horizons separated by a slightly permeable bandV. A. Vasil'ev
104-107Monte carlo solution of a problem in spatial filtrationV. A. Isyakaev

Volume 8, Number 3 / May 1967

1-6Current distribution in a flat magnetohydrodynamic channel for the motion of an electrically conducting medium in a strong magnetic fieldYu. P. Emets
7-9Plasma stability in combined magnetic fieldsE. Kogan, S. S. Moiseev and V. N. Oraevskii
10-15Transport coefficients for a partially ionized two-temperature plasma with ions and neutral particles having different massesL. E. Pekurovskii
16-20The acceleration of electrons in a boundary layerYu. S. Sigov
21-24The free convection of a conducting fluid in connected vertical channelsG. Z. Gershuni and E. M. Zhukhovitskii
25-28The penetration of a jet into a channelF. S. Vladimirov
29-31The degeneration of turbulence in a liquid with internal rotationV. A. Gorodtsov
32-36Transverse diffusion and heat conduction in a granular layerS. I. Kuchanov, V. G. Levich and L. M. Pis'men
37-40Effect of viscosity on the autoignition of a reacting moving mixtureA. M. Grishin
41-44Inhomogeneous elastic medium with nonlocal interactionI. A. Kunin
45-49Deformation and fracture of crystalline materials under complex loading-program conditionsA. G. Kostyuk
50-51Fracture in creepA. F. Nikitenko and O. V. Sosnin
52-56Investigation of strains in microregions of polycrystals with the aid of photoelastic coatingsA. Ya. Aleksandrov, L. A. Krasnov and V. A. Kushnerov
57-58Rotation of a thin cylinder in a viscoplastic medium with heat transferE. A. Leonova
59-61Attenuation of impact-induced plane shock waves in aluminumI. V. Belinskii and B. D. Khristoforov
62-63Action of an explosion in transparent plasticA. B. Bagdasaryan and S. S. Gtigoryan
64-65Shock working of steelB. V. Voitsekhovskii, V. L. Istomin, A. D. Kryuchkova and O. A. Maikov
66-67Propagation of elastic waves in a rod in a longitudinal magnetic fieldN. I. Dolbin
68-70Excitation of longitudinal oscillations in a rod by high-density current pulsesV. M. Kul'gavchuk and A. P. Mukhranov
71-73The transport of plasma clusters with the help of two-dimensional multipole magnetic fieldsG. A. Delone, M. M. Savchenko and V. B. Studenov
74-76Characteristics of vortex stabilization of an electrically conducting gas in a radial electric fieldG. Yu. Dautov and G. M. Mustafin
77-78Group properties of the equations of a single jet stream of an ideal fluidA. P. Frolov
79-80The effect of nonsteadiness on the shearing stress and velocity profile of an open stream of fluidO. F. Vasil'ev and V. I. Kvon
81-82The convective stability of a fluid in a hollow cubeA. P. Ovchinnikov
83-86Special features of the dynamics of a spherical gas bubble in a liquidV. K. Kedrinskii
87-90The flow of a viscous incompressible fluid at the entrance section of a flat channelN. I. Buleev and G. I. Timukhin
91-92Transient motion of a liquid to a borehole in a deformable fractured collectorR. G. Isaev
93-95Accumulation and removal of ground water ridgesS. N. Muminov
96-97Discontinuity in the thermodynamic speed of sound and determination of the parameters of saturated vaporsA. N. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
98-99Hydraulic resistance at high flow speeds in the boiling of ethanol below the saturation temperatureV. I. Adamovskii, S. S. Kutateladze and L. S. Shtokolov
100-101Temperature dependence of the speed of sound in saturated vapor and in liquid near the critical pointI. S. Radovskii
102-105Optimum shape of radiation-cooled ring finsG. L. Grodzovskii and Z. V. Pasechnik
106-110Nonaxial temperature distribution in an infinitely long orthotropic cylinderS. M. Durgar'yan
111-113Effects of vibrations on mass transfer from a sphere at high prandtl numbersA. P. Burdukov and V. E. Nakoryakov

Volume 8, Number 4 / July 1967

1-9Theory of electrostatic focusing of intense beams of charged particlesV. A. Syrovoi
10-13Expansion of a variable-conductivity plasmoid with small hydromagnetic-interaction parameter in an external magnetic fieldA. N. Cherepanov
14-19Some problems in the theory of plane jets of conducting fluidK. E. Dzhaugashtin
20-25Development of perturbations in plane shock wavesR. M. Zaidel
26-29Relaxation of a fluidized bed to the state of a continuous mediumV. P. Myasnikov
30-33Hydrodynamic mixing in a granular bed with irregular packingS. I. Kuchanov and L. M. Pis'men
34-38Stability of deformation of viscoelastic-plastic bodiesA. N. Sporykhin
39-42Application of the integral diffusion equations to the investigation of turbulent transportA. T. Onufriev
43-47Generalizations in the theory of one-dimensional radiative heat transferN. A. Rubtsov
48-54Turbulent convection in a vertical tubeL. E. Ber
55-58Stationary combustion modes with allowance for heat lossesE. A. Chernova
59-61The turbulent boundary layer in the presence of surface chemical reactions (with reference to carbon surfaces)E. G. Zaulichnyi, S. S. Kutateladze and A. I. Leont'ev
62-65Calculation of the onset of turbulence in non-newtonian fluid flowV. B. Lemberskii
66-67Study of the maxwellization of a gas flow and counterflow by the Monte Carlo methodS. A. Denisik, S. N. Lebedev, Yu. G. Malama, L. S. Polak and R. A. Rezvanov
68-72The structure of shock waves from electrodeless discharges in air and argonZ. A. Petchek, R. I. Soloukhin and S. Zh. Toktomyshev
73-74Oscillatory structure of a quasi-stationary MHD shock wave in a plasmaG. G. Dolgov-Savel'ev, V. K. Malinovskii and Yu. E. Nesterikhin
75-78The interaction of atoms with a solid surfaceYu. A. Ryzhov and D. S. Strizhenov
79-80Motion of a liquid-metal piston in a magnetic fieldV. A. Bashkatov, G. S. Migirenko and L. N. Rogachevskaya
81-84Ohmic heating of a dense hydrogen plasmaS. G. Alikhanov, E. L. Boyarintsev, I. K. Konkashbaev and V. A. Kornilov
85Geometric dimension for the generalization of plasmatron characteristicsS. S. Kutateladze, A. K. Rebrov and V. N. Yarygin
86-88Electric field strength in a vortex-stabilized arcG. Yu. Dautov and M. I. Sazonov
89-91Calculation of the characteristics of electric-arc heating of a gasI. I. Suksov
92-94A point electrical discharge in a liquidK. A. Naugol'nykh and N. A. Roi
95-96A method of measuring the specific heat of metals by rapid heatingO. A. Kraev and R. A. Fomin
97A compensation circuit for measuring the coefficient of thermal expansionYa. A. Kraftmakher
98-99Strain effects due to interaction of laser radiation with a metalB. M. Zhiryakov, A. K. Fannibo and N. N. Yuryshev
100-102Description of internal friction in the memory theory of elasticity using kernels with a weak singularityS. I. Meshkov
103The Green's tensor for an elastic isotropic medium with spatial dispersionI. A. Kunin

Volume 8, Number 5 / September 1967

1-4Channel flow of an anisotropically conducting medium in a zone of entry into a magnetic fieldA. B. Vatazhin and E. K. Kholshchevnikova
5-9Electrode layers in flows of an inviscid plasma with good conductivityA. I. Morozov and A. P. Shubin
10-14Dissipative instability of a nonisothermal electrically conducting flow between parallel plates in a transverse magnetic fieldYu. V. Sanochkin
15-20Computer modeling of the acceleration process in a heavycurrent linear ion acceleratorV. A. Enal'skii and V. V. Osipov
21-25Steady states of a continuous-flow adiabatic chemical reactorYu. P. Gupalo and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
26-30Some characteristics of chemical reactions in vaporizing hybrid systemsA. L. Mosse
31-36A boundary-value problem for a nonlinear heat-conduction equationK. G. Valeev and Yu. V. Rakitskii
37-40Weak turbulence of capillary wavesV. E. Zakharov and N. N. Filonenko
41-47Treatment of angular distribution of radiation in the theory of the propagation of weak thermal wavesV. A. Prokof'ev
48-50Solution of the energy equation for electric-arc heating of a gasI. I. Suksov
51-56Calculation of temperature field in plasmatron electronsB. A. Uryukov
57-59Some properties of a cylindrical plasma capacitorV. A. Pogosyan and O. S. Torosyan
60-63Curvature of a zero-potential forming electrodeV. A. Syrovoi
64-65Analog of prandtl-meyer flow in a magnetic field parallel to the velocity fieldV. G. Tsepilevich
66-67Acceleration of a conducting fluid in magnetohydrodynamic channels with consideration of the self and mutual induction in the external circuitA. G. Ryabinin and A. I. Khozhainov
68-70Measurement of thermal pressure in a substance heated by laser emissionB. I. Abashkin, A. A. Kalmykov and Yu. E. Pleshanov
71-73Theory of combustion of gases and condensed substancesS. A. Kaganov
74-76Speed of sound in freons on the saturation lineS. G. Komarov, A. N. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
77-78The use of lasers for separate determination of stresses in investigations with polarized lightA. Ya. Aleksandrov and M. Kh. Akhmetzyanov
79-82The calculation of the elastic moduli of polycrystalline aggregatesB. M. Darinskii, A. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
83-86Certain problems in the theory of cracks in a beam approximationA. M. Mikhailov
87-90Propagation of cracks and twins along anisotropic platesE. P. Fel'dman
91-93Compression and buckling of rods in creep under monotonically increasing loadsO. V. Sosnin and N. G. Torshenov
94-96Creep of D16T duralumin under constant, cyclic, and step-wise variable loadsA. P. Kuznetsov and N. A. Moshkin
97-100Stability of the boundary flow surfaces formed by granular soils and criterion of dune formationN. B. Kereselidze
101-104Relaxation auto-oscillations in a borehole with a sand plugYu. A. Buevich

Volume 8, Number 6 / November 1967

1-2Effect of temperature perturbations on plasma stabilityS. S. Moiseev
3-6The macroscopic coefficients of thermal conductivity and diffusion in microinhomogeneous solidsV. V. Bolotin and V. N. Moskalenko
7-10Influence of a hydrodynamic field on laminar flame stabilityG. I. Sivashinskii
11-15Lagrange equations for a system of bubbles est a liquid of low viscosityA. M. Golovin
16-20Change in the structure of a polymer solution in a longitudinal hydrodynamic fieldYu. A. Buevich
21-24Redistribution of salts in soilL. M. Reks
25-26The problem of the screw conveyer for fluids of varying viscosity in the presence of heat transferV. P. Belomyttsev
27-30Motion of a fluid toward a borehole filter of finite length in a very thick layerG. B. Pykhachev
31-32The turbulent diffusion coefficient of suspended particlesV. S. Sinel'shchikov
33-36Interaction of electron and ion beams with a potassium plasmaN. S. Buchel'nikova and A. M. Kudryavtsev
37Determination of the current-carrier concentration from the impedance of a semiconductor disk in a strong magnetic fieldP. M. Kurilo
38-41Stationary flow of an incompressible conducting fluid past a current-carrying cylindrical bodyV. I. Tokatly
42-45The unsteady spatial laminar boundary layer in magnetohydrodynamicsG. V. Filippov and V. G. Shakov
46-50Acceleration of a current sheet in a dense gasA. K. Musin
51-53Application of the Schlieren method in studies of the temperature field in a liquid above a plate with a moving heat sourceYu. N. Lyakhov
54-56Relationship between the nature of acoustic oscillations and the mode of surface boiling of water in annular channelsA. M. Kichigin and L. A. Kesova
57-59Investigation of the density of liquid lead, cesium, and gallium by the gamma-methodA. S. Basin and A. N. Solov'ev
60-85A survey of quasi-brittle fracture crack theoryD. D. Ivlev

Volume 9, Number 1 / January 1968

1-6Degenerate solutions of electron-beam equationsV. N. Danilov
7-14Structure of a viscous isoelectron thermal discontinuity in a plasmaV. S. Imshennik
15-19A theory for freezing of electron processes in lowtemperature plasma jetsA. B. Vasil'eva and Yu. S. Sayasov
20-23Instability of a layer op lightly ionized plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fieldsK. I. Kim
24-26The hydrodynamics of a ferromagnetic fluidV. M. Zaitsev and M. I. Shliomis
27-33Indeterminacy and stability of the detonation mode in a bounded mediumN. M. Kuznetsov
34-40Some characteristics of the ablation of decomposing materialsYu. A. Buevich and M. I. Yakushin
41-44Determnation of elasticity constants for microheterogeneous mediaV. V. Bolotin and V. N. Moskaienko
45-48Motion of a solidcontaininga spherical damperF. L. Chernous'ko
49-52Flow past a thin axisymmetric body with a given velocity distribution along part of its surfaceD. G. Taits
53-54Investigation of boundary-layer turbulence in the eddy zone behind a bluff bodyV. V. Orlov
55-59Cavitational flow of a ponderous fluid over a smooth arcL. I. Mal'tsev
60-61Obtaining high pulsed pressuresV. G. Belan, A. E. Voitenko and A. I. Ivanchenko
62-64Calculation of continuum radiative energy transfer with allowance for the variation of the absorption coefficient with frequency and reabsorptionI. S. Voronina, V. P. Zamuraev and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
65-66Effect of surface impurities on energy transfer during atomic adsorptionV. V. Mazhuga
67-71A model of a porous body at high temperaturesS. P. Detkov
72Kinetic coefficients of a multicomponent nonisothermal plasmaA. Yu. Kirii and V. P. Silin
73-74Measurement of the electron concentration in a plasma generated by a high-velocity electron beamA. V. Kolosov
75-78Heat losses in a pulsed plasma acceleratorA. M. Rushailo
79-82Low-frequency plasma oscillations in junction diodesG. V. Gordeev
83-91Some energy characteristics of the induced interaction of moving conducting walls with external electric windings for finite RmV. I. Yakovlev
92-95Nonsteady streamlining of a cylinder by an incompressible conductive fluidV. I. Tokatly
96-100Formation of shock waves by an electric discharge in waterA. I. Ioffe and K. A. Naugol'nykh
101-103A similarity criterion for electrical discharge in gasesG. Yu. Daumov
104-111Ionization relaxation behind the front of a shock wave in argon with air impuritiesG. I. Kozlov, Yu. P. Raizer and D. I. Roitenburg
112-113Effect of a joint on the magnetic field of a long ferromagnetic rodV. A. Bystrov
114-115The equations of turbulent flow for an incompressible fluidG. F. Filippov
116-117Viscosity of NaCl in shock compressionI. V. Belinskii and B. D. Khrismoforov
118-120Experimental determination of the drag coefficient of a liquid droplet in the process of deformation and breakup in a turbulent gas flowB. P. Volgin and F. S. Yugai
121-123The thermal theory of ignitionA. M. Grishin
124-127Nonuniqueness of the stationary solution to combustion-theory equations with a constant ratio of thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficientsR. D. Bachelis and V. G. Melamed
128Joule-thomson coefficient and speed of soundE. P. Sheludyakov
129-131Elastic oscillations of a current-carrying rod in a longitudinal magnetic fieldV. V. Prudnikov
132-134Compression and buckling of rods in creep under constant loads and at monotonically increasing temperaturesO. V. Sosnin and N. G. Torsheno

Volume 9, Number 2 / March 1968

135-143Calculating the parameters of an electron beam that drifts across a strong homogeneous magnetic fieldV. N. Danilov
144-147Calculations for a cylindrical electric arc with allowance for energy transfer by radiation with the hydrogen at a pressure of 100 atmA. T. Onufriev and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
148-155A model of the steady-state motion of suspensionsYu. A. Buevich and A. I. Leonov
156-160Ignition of solid propellantsV. B. Librovich
161-163Thermoelasticity constants of polycrystalsV. V. Bolotin and V. N. Moskalenko
164-165Elasticity constants of axial textures in the voigt-reuss-hill approximationK. S. Aleksandrov and I. P. Talashkevich
166-167Some cases of acceleration of a magnetohydrodynamic shock waveA. E. Voitenko and O. P. Sobolev
168-169Recording arc discharges at the cathode in models of MHD devicesYu. V. Baryshev, V. O. German, Yu. P. Kukota, G. A. Lyubimov and B. V. Parfenov
170-172Some effects resulting from the anisotropy of the electrical conductivity in a gas-discharge plasmaYa. S. Uflyand and I. B. Chekmarev
173-177An investigation of the nonsteady interaction of a conducting gas cloud with a given electrical circuitV. A. Derevyanko, L. A. Zaklyaz'minskii, S. S. Katsnel'son, A. Yu. Kerkis and E. F. Lebedev, et al.
178-180Some calculations relating to the physicochemical processes in a plasma jet for constant and fluctuating initial conditionsE. N. Chervochkin
181-183Characteristics of a plasmatron with transpiration cooling of the anodeV. N. Yarygin
184-186Unsteady radiative heating of a cylindrical bodyA. L. Burka
187-189The possibility of measuring turbulence by a correlation methodN. F. Derevyanko
190-194Stability of periodic waves of finite amplitude on the surface of a deep fluidV. E. Zakharov
195-197Investigation of row past a sphere in free flightA. P. Bedin, I. M. Dement'ev and G. I. Mishin
198-201The flow of a viscous liquid past a doubly periodic row of cylindersA. M. Golovin and V. A. Lopatin
202-204Flow of a viscous fluid around a sphere of finite radiusYu. G. Ovseenko
205-207Immiscible fluid displacement in nonlinear seepage flowM. G. Bernardinet and V. M. Entov
208-209Regular reflection of plane detonation waves from an elastic half-spaceV. V. Skripachev
210-215Nonsteady-state propagation of a system of cracks in a brittle materialV. M. Kuznetsov
216-217Underlying assumptions of the theory of diffusional creepK. K. Ziling
218-220Elasticity and creep of glass-reinforced plastic 27-63s at elevated temperaturesG. I. Bryzgalin
221-222Calculation of contact temperatures generated by the rotation of a shaft in a bearingV. A. Babeshko and I. I. Vorovich
223-224Estimating the thermal-conductivity coefficients of multiphase materialsV. M. Levin
225-227Measurement of the speed of sound and calculation of entropy in freon-11Ya. L. Kolomov, A. N. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
228-230Measurement of the surface tension of alcohol-water solutions by the “two-jump” methodA. A. Kiriyanenko and A. N. Solov'ev
231-232Experimental investigations of the compressibility of argillaceous soils subjected to underground explosionsG. V. Rykov
233-236Variation of well pressure and flow rate in a porous-fractured reservoirR. I. Medvedskii
237-238A note on the flushing process in saline soilV. I. Pen'kovskii and V. A. Postnov

Volume 9, Number 3 / May 1968

239-243A high-frequency high-pressure gas flow discharge as a slow combustion processYu. P. Raizer
244-248Equilibrium and stability in a high-current discharge in a dense plasma under conditions of radiative conductionA. A. Rukhadze and S. A. Triger
249-251Wall conduction in a highly magnetized plasmaA. I. Morozov
252-255Theory of early onset of turbulence in a dispersionYu. A. Buevich and V. M. Safrai
256-259Motion of a pair of bubbles in a liquid of low viscosityA. M. Golovin and A. G. Petrov
260-264Theory of the elastic moduli of a heterogeneous mediumA. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
265-269A model of an elastic-plastic medium with delayed yieldYu. N. Rabotnov
270-274Delayed yield in steels (review)Yu. V. Suvorova
275-277Modes of stability loss in an elastic rod under impactV. M. Kornev
278-284Electrical phenomena on exposing a cable to neutrons and gamma raysR. M. Zaidel
285-287Primary and secondary processes in the nanosecond range in the production of a discharge in a short gas gapG. A. Mesyats, A. M. Iskol'dskii, V. V. Kremnev, L. G. Bychkova and Yu. I. Bychkov
288-290Oscillation of a conducting gas in a periodic electromagnetic fieldL. A. Zaklyaz'minskii and A. N. Cherepanov
291-292High current and high-frequency arcs in a plasma sourceV. A. Bogatyreva, N. I. Vorob'eva, M. F. Zhukov and Yu. I. Sukhinin
293-295Drift instability in a plasmaN. S. Buchel'nikova, R. A. Salimov and Yu. I. Eidel'man
296-298State of argon behind a shock wave at mach numbers from 20 to 50, with allowance for excitation, multiple ionization, and coulomb interactionG. I. Kozlov and E. L. Stupitskii
299-302Speed and shape of air bubbles in waterI. V. Belov and E. V. Prokolov
303-306Jet flow around a plate near a wallF. S. Vladimirov
307-309Oscillation in the flow of a polymer melt from a capillaryA. V. Karakin and A. I. Leonov
310-313Distribution of suspended particles in a fluidized bedV. P. Myasnikov
314-315Motion of noninertial spherical particles in a curvilinear flow of a viscous liquid at small reynolds numbersA. A. Kirsh
316-317The lower limit to the first critical heat flux in weak gravitational fieldsYu. A. Kirichenko and P. S. Chernyakov
318-319Interaction of a quasi-stationary laser beam with a metalB. M. Zhiryakov, A. K. Fannibo and N. N. Yuryshev
320-322A model for the permanent transient state in the combustion zone for a mixed condensed systemS. S. Novikov, P. F. Pokhil, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and L. A. Sukhanov
323-327Formation of a condensation aerosol at high supersaturationsA. G. Sutugin and N. A. Fuks
328-330Heat transfer in turbulent natural convection on a vertical permeable surfaceP. M. Brdlik and V. A. Mochalov
331-332Acoustic dispersion and the ultrasound absorption of freon vaporS. G. Komarov, A. N. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
333-334Convective heat transfer in response to a sonic field in saturated sandO. L. Kuznetsov, L. A. Sergeev and E. M. Simkin
335-338A channel above a flow of groundwater along an inclined water tableV. N. Emikh and E. M. Emikh
339-340An imperfect well in a piecewise radially inhomogeneous porous stratumV. D. Alferov

Volume 9, Number 4 / July 1968

341-347Joule loss due to compressibility of gas in a channel of variable sectionA. B. Vatazhin
348-357Self-similar solutions of three-dimensional laminar magnetohydrodynamic boundary-layer equationsG. V. Filippov and V. G. Shakhov
358-369Self-similar plane motions of a heat-conducting gas heated by radiationV. M. Krol'
370-376Propagation of perturbations in a liquid containing gas bubblesV. K. Kedrinskii
377-380Nonlocal effects under elastic percolation conditions in deep-ling strataV. N. Nikolaevskii
381-388The boundaries of the effective elastic moduli for inhomogeneous solidsA. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
389-396Solution of certain variational problems of thermal resilience for thin shells considering the selection of optimum conditions for localized heat treatmentÉ. I. Grigolyuk, Ya. I. Burak and Ya. S. Podstrigach
397-402A fragmentation problem for an elastic plateN. I. Shishkin
403-408Explosion-induced plane shock-wave attenuation in a solid bodyV. N. Kondrat'ev, I. V. Nemchinov and B. D. Khristoforov
409-411Experimental data on stress-wave parameters in the earth due to underground and surface explosionsV. D. Alekseenko and G. V. Rykov
412-416Viscous properties of soilG. M. Lyakhov
417-423Mechanism of destruction of semitransparent polymers by a radiant heat fluxYu. A. Buevich, O. K. Egorov and M. I. Yakushin
424-428Contribution to the theory of thermal interaction between the powder combustion zone and the powder-metal contactS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
429-433Quasi-steady evaporation of a drop with internal heat releaseF. G. Volkov and A. M. Golovin
434-440Acoustic oscillations in a cavity with sources and sinksYu. I. Babenko and O. M. Todes
441-448Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate in an oscillatory flowI. V. Pushkareva
449-454Entrance length in turbulent flow of gas in a cylindrical tube in highly nonisothermal conditionsA. I. Leont'ev, B. P. Mironov and A. V. Fafurin
455-467Investigation of turbulence by optical methodsN. F. Derevyanko and A. M. Trokhan
468-470Visualization of supersonic flows by means of a prebreakdown dischargeV. I. Alferov and B. V. Kalachev
471-475An experimental investigation of electrode effectsYu. V. Baryshev, V. O. German, B. V. Parfenov and B. S. Solov'ev
476-481Characteristics of a stabilized arc in a channel with a distributed gas feedG. M. Mustafin
482-488Similar solutions of the magn'e tohydrodynamic equations with finite gas conductivityA. N. Cherepanov
489-494Experimental investigation of the reflection of a shock wave from a current-carrying gridV. A. Derevyanko, L. A. Zaklyaz'minskii and E. F. Lebedev
495-503Calculation of a tubular electron beam in an axisymmetric magnetic mirrorV. N. Danilov
504-510Investigation of ion-cyclotron instability in a potassium plasmaN. S. Buchel'nikova, R. A. Salimov and Yu. I. Éidel'man
511-515Characteristics of the stages of an ion-convection pumpYu. S. Bortnikov, V. A. Nesterov and I. B. Rubashov
516-517Differential method of measuring specific heat of metals during their rapid heatingO. A. Kraev and R. A. Fomin
518-519Intersection of temperature dependences of velocity of sound in liquid and vapor phases of freon-12 on saturation line near critical pointS. G. Komarov, A. N. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
520-521Heat transfer coefficient in turbulent flow of heat-releasing liquidD. A. Kazenin
522-527Solution of a problem in transient groundwater filtration by monte carlo methodsV. N. Émikh

Volume 9, Number 5 / September 1968

529-534The paraxial approximation for a dense electron beamV. N. Danilov
535-538The nonlinear theory of electromagnetic wave attenuation in plasmasN. S. Erokhin and R. K. Mazitov
539-543Equilibrium and stability theory of a power discharge in a dense optically transparent plasmaV. B. Rozanov, A. A. Rukhadze and S. A. Triger
544-547Linear approximation for the flow of a conducting gas with a high magnetic reynolds number through a channelA. G. Korsun
548-551Self-similar motion of a gas heated by a nonequilibrium continuous radiation spectrumV. M. Krol and I. V. Nemchinov
552-555Thermal explosion during the flow of a viscous liquidS. A. Bostandzhiyan, A. G. Merzhanov and N. M. Pruchkina
556-557Relaxation-type self-oscillations arising during burning of powder in a half-closed volumeG. N. Gusenkov
558-559Method for designing explosion chambersA. F. Demchuk
560-561The method of effective energy in the problem of a powerful explosion in a real gasV. V. Lunev
562-565Some problems of the polarization of dielectrics in shock wavesA. N. Dremin, O. K. Rozanov and V. V. Yakushev
566-568Experimental investigation of the influence of a magnetic field on the hat transfer between an argon plasma flow and the channel wallsV. I. Rozhdestvenkii
569-571Influence of a magnetic field on a nonisothermal lubricating film of a conducting gasI. I. Shidlovskaya and V. P. Shidlovskii
572-575Theory of interaction of a rarefied gas with a surfaceA. A. Pyarnpuu
576-578Determination of partial intensities of components of a molecular fluxI. S. Borovkov, I. D. Vershinin, E. P. Pavlov and V. M. Sankovich
579-580Measurement of velocity of sound in freonsYa. L. Kolotov, A. P. Solov'ev and E. P. Sheludyakov
581-583Free-convection heat transfer in a spherical volumeYu. A. Kirichenko and V. N. Shchelkunov
584-588Investigation of heat transfer in a gas flow in a tube with radiation taken into accountV. N. Vetlutskii and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
589-592Propagation of acoustic waves in a hereditary elastic mediumS. I. Meshkov and Yu. A. Rossikhin
593-595Interaction between a cylindrical wave in water and the free surfaceB. V. Boshenyatov and B. I. Zaslavskii
596-597Stability of fluid film on the surface of a rotating cylinderL. N. Maurin
598-601Calculations for cavitating flowsV. N. Shepelenko
602-604A frequency method for measuring fluid flow velocityN. F. Derevyanko, V. N. Latyshev and A. M. Trokhan
605-607Determination of the reaction on a contour in a constant-vortex flowA. G. Yarmitskii
608-609Effect of polymers on pitot-tube readingsYu. N. Alekseev and I. D. Zheltukhin
610-612Hot-wire anemometer study of the structure of polymer solutionsG. I. Barenblatt, V. N. Kalashnikov and A. M. Kudin
613-614Determination of well influence coefficients on the basis of perturbations of the steady stateR. I. Medvedskii
615-616Allowance for the characteristics of the bed and saturating fluid in percolation processes in deformable reservoirsR. G. Isaev

Volume 9, Number 6 / November 1968

617-625Plasma diffusion in a toroidal stellaratorA. A. Galeev, R. Z. Sagdeev and G. P. Fewers
626-632Stationary supersonic nonequilibrium-plasma sourceG. A. Luk'yanov
633-640Stabilization of an alternating-current-carrying plasma filament by a quadrupole magnetic fieldM. G. Nikulin
641-647Formation of an intense charged-particle beam in the neighborhood of a curved emitterV. A. Syrovoi
648-652Acceleration of a conducting gas in a strong nonstationary electromagnetic fieldG. M. Bam-Zelikovich
653-658Some compression flows in nonaxisymmetric ring nozzlesL. N. Korotaeva and A. F. Sidorov
659-666Dissolution of an ellipsoidal bubble in a slightly viscous liquidA. M. Golovin
667-673Radiative and convective heat transfer in a plane layer of absorbent curtainS. S. Kutateladze and N. A. Rubtsov
674-686Crack growth under cyclic loadsG. P. Cherepanov
687-697Calculation of the motion in the near field of an explosion in a solid mediumV. P. Koryavov and G. G. Vilenskaya
698-705Stability of the combustion process in elastic combustion chambersV. V. Bolotin, V. N. Moskalenko and Yu. N. Novichkov
706-711The behavior of steel shells when charges of explosive detonate inside themA. G. Ivanov, S. A. Novikov and V. A. Sinitsyn
712-717Experimental study of the electromagnetic field in the near zone of explosions produced by solid explosivesA. P. Boronin, V. A. Vel'min, Yu. A. Medvedev and B. M. Stepanov
718-722Group properties of MHD equations and their invariant solutionsI. P. Gridnev
723-726Determination of joule dissipation for a liquid with variable conductivity moving in an inhomogeneous magnetic fieldV. A. Buchin
727-733Optical properties of an electrodeless-discharge plasma in an air flowYu. A. Buevich, V. M. Nikolaev, Yu. A. Plastinin, G. F. Sipachev and M. I. Yakushin
734-739Some applications of relaxation theory of a highly ionized hydrogen plasmaB. S. Gordiets, L. I. Gudzenko and L. A. Shelepin
740-742A numerical solution of the problem of laminar jet development in a channelL. A. Vulis and K. E. Dzhaugashtin
743-748Analysis of shock-wave reflection from a current latticeL. A. Zaklyaz'minskii
749The stabilization of convective fluid stability in a cubic cavity by rotationA. P. Ovchinnikov and G. F. Shaidurov
750-754Motion of large gas bubbles ascending in a liquidI. G. Malenkov
755-758Reduction of turbulent heat transfer in tube flows of low-concentration polymer solutionsV. N. Kalashnikov, Yu. D. Raiskii and A. Z. Temchin
759-761Heat of evaporation and critical parameters of the alkali metalsL. D. Volyak
762-768Heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bedV. P. Myasnikov and M. S. Rozhdestvenskaya
769-772Experimental determination of the P-V-T relationship for vapors of freon 21A. N. Solov'ev, E. P. Sheludyakov and A. A. Shilyakov
773-777Motion of a particle in a vortex chamberM. A. Gol'dshtik and V. N. Sorokin
778-780Wave evolution in a nonuniform disperse mediumV. Ts. Gurovich and R. K. Mazitov
781-785Two modeling problems for the motion of an aggressive liquid in a porous mediumVa I. Pen'kovskii
786-788Similar solution of problems of nonstationary gas percolation through a bed with a nonlinear (two-term) resistance lawL. M. Gadzhiev

Volume 10, Number 1 / January 1969

1-7EHD flows at large electric Reynolds numbersV. V. Gogosov, V. A. Polyanskii, I. P. Semenova and A. E. Yakubenko
8-16Approximate solution of the boundary problem for the equations of a stationary electrostatic charged-particle beamV. N. Danilov and V. A. Syrovoi
17-23Lyapunov-stable equilibrium distribution of charged particles in an ionized-gas cloudS. V. Temko
24-29Nonequilibrium radiation of a strong shock waveA. D. Nadezhin and E. A. Romishevskii
30-39Propagation of discontinuity waves in complex rheological media with viscous propertiesA. D. Chernyshov
40-47Minimizing the thickness of an inhomogeneous layer at a given reflection coefficient for a monochromatic waveK. A. Lur'e and M. M. Machevariani
48-54Calculation of effective elastic moduli of composite materials with multiphase interactions taken into considerationA. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
55-71A statistical model of linear polymers in the amorphous stateYu. A. Buevich
72-77Theory of dynamic deformations of crystal latticesA. N. Luzin and A. V. Popov
78-84Operational states of an ideal-displacement chemical reactor with integral heat releaseYu. P. Gupalo and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
85-88Critical heat fluxes in boiling of liquid nitrogen underheated to saturation point in forced-flow conditionsS. N. Verkhman
89-92Surface tension of freonsA. R. Dorokhov, A. A. Kiriyanenko and A. N. Solov'ev
93-97Interaction between acoustic waves and the burning surface of solid propellants at elevated temperaturesV. P. Volkov and Yu. I. Medvedev
98-99Determination of stresses behind a shock wave front in snow powder avalanche with allowance for the firmness of the solid phaseI. E. Shurova and Yu. L. Yakimov
100-103Quantitative studies of shock-wave processes behind a shock wave with the aid of shadow methodsV. A. Emel'yanov and I. V. Ershov
104-105Surface waves in an elastic half-space in an electric fieldI. V. Ioffe and A. I. Saet
106-107Relaxation equation for the vibrational energy of the molecules in the gas behind an intense shock frontB. V. Kuksenko, S. A. Losev and O. P. Shatalov
108-112Explanation of the Toms effect in terms of the viscosity anisotropy of the solutionG. F. Kobets
113-118Displacement in the turbulent boundary layer on a permeable plate with supercritical injectionS. A. Druzhinin, A. A. Zelengur, V. N. Mamonov and B. P. Mironov
119-125Study of mass transfer in a system of gas bubbles and a liquidI. V. Belov and E. V. Prokolov
126-128Effect of heat load on heat transfer in a foam layerA. N. Khoze and Yu. I. Sharov
129-135Diffusion of superintense pulsed magnetic fieldsV. V. Semchenko and A. V. Stepanov
136-142Calculating the gasdynamic and electric parameters of two-dimensional low-temperature plasma flow in coaxial MGD channelI. V. Vysotskaya, A. V. Grishin and V. V. Dodotchenko
143-146Electric arc in hydrogen flow at high pressureV. N. Vetlutskii and V. G. Sevast'yanenko
147-152Theory of ideal electric arc in coaxial plasmatron with axial magnetic field in the presence of gas flowB. A. Uryukov
153-157Model of linear displacement of water by oil from a porous medium specimenYu. A. Afinogenov and V. I. Pen'kovskii
158-163Nonstationary heat transfer associated with borehole washingI. M. Astrakhan and V. I. Maron

Volume 10, Number 2 / March 1969

165-166Pelageya Yakovlevna Kochina: A 70-th birthday tribute
167-175Solution of nonlinear heat-conduction problems in a medium with phase transitionsF. L. Chernous'ko
176-180Propagation of magnetoelastic stress waves from a cylindrical cavity in a conducting mediumI. T. Selezov
181-186Wave propagation on the surface of a heavy liquid in a basin with uneven bottomE. I. Bichenkov and R. M. Garipov
187-193The routh function of a slender plasma filamentM. G. Nikulin
194-197Mixed spatial gas flows in a longitudinal magnetic fieldV. B. Gorskii
198-207Stability of piston flow motion in a traveling magnetic fieldK. I. Kim
208-212Temperature and relaxation difference for a magnetically active plasma in the quasi-linear approximation taking collisions into accountG. Z. Machabeli
213-217Investigation of pulsed discharges in a dielectric channel with ablating wallsYu. P. Rylov, Yu. F. Tainov and V. P. Chikov
218-225Diamagnetism of conductors moving in a magnetic fieldG. V. Fedorovich
226-231Steady-state distribution of charged particles in the diffusion approximationA. F. Aleksandrov, S. S. Ambaryan, V. E. Mitsuk and V. A. Pogosyan
232-239Investigation of the electrical breakdown of a plasma-cold electrode gapG. Yu. Dautov, M. F. Zhukov, G. M. Mustafin and A. N. Timoshevskii
240-243The thermophysical properties of the medium at the center of an electrical explosion in relation to the parameters of the craterI. L. Zel'manov, A. I. Kanunov, V. I. Kulikov, V. A. Naidenov and A. M. Tikhomirov
244-245Experimental investigation of expansion following the passage of a powerful shock waveM. M. Rusakov
246-250Detonation of elongated charges with cavitiesA. S. Zagumennov, N. S. Titova, Yu. I. Fadeenko and V. P. Chistyakov
251-254Density dependence of the critical diameter and detonation velocity of explosive chargesG. G. Rempel'
255-261Emissivities and spectral absorptivities of combustion productsYu. A. Plastinin
262-266Analysis of propellant quenching conditionsS. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
267-274Stationary operating regimes of chemical reactorsÉ. A. Chernova
275-276Approximate determination of the shock-adiabat exponent for motion of large meteoric bodies in the atmosphereA. K. Stanyukovich
277-281Glow discharge measurement of gas density in supersonic rarefied flowV. M. Kalugin
282-288Structure of weak shock waves in relaxing mediaG. M. Arutyunyan
289-294Group properties of the equations of adiabatic motion of a medium in relativistic hydrodynamicsM. T. Zhumartbaev
295-301Binary laminar boundary layer on a vertical surface in the presence of combined free and forced convectionP. M. Brdlik and V. I. Dubovik
302-305Mach reflection parameters for plexiglas cylindersG. A. Adadurov, A. N. Dremin and G. I. Kanel'
306-312Stability and buckling of heterogeneous columns beyond the elasticity limitI. T. Vokhmyanin and Yu. V. Nemirovskii
313-318Dependence of the yield stresses of certain materials on loading rateYu. A. Belyaev, A. F. Mel'shanov and Yu. V. Suvorova
319-322Plastic flow for axisymmetric-tension specimens with neckingV. M. Segal
323-326Comparison of two linear models of soil moisture dynamicsV. A. Yangarber
327-331One-dimensional problem of the solution and leaching of salts at high values of the peclet numberV. I. Pen'kovskii

Volume 10, Number 3 / May 1969

333-341Theory of gravitational stability of a rotating cylinderG. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, R. Z. Sagdeev and A. M. Fridman
342-349Energy transfer by spectral-line radiationYu. D. Shmyglevskii
350-355Self-similar electrical skin explosion of a conductorE. I. Bichenkov and A. E. Voitenko
356-361Oblique incidence of an electromagnetic wave on a parabolic plasma layerV. R. Smilyanski
362-366Self-similar solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a completely ionized hydrogen plasma (the plane piston problem)R. G. Luk'yanova and S. I. Fadeev
367-373Boundary layer of two-temperature plasma on electrodes of MHD channel with crossed electric and magnetic fields for large values of the Hall parameterL. E. Kalikhman
374-380Ion distribution function at the boundary with an electrodeI. P. Stakhanov and P. P. Shcherbinin
381-383Nonlinear electric field oscillations in continuous mediaYu. P. Emets and I. I. Repa
384-389Dynamic relations for a moving phase interfaceM. K. Likht and V. A. Shteinberg
390-395Calculation of supercavitational flow past slender profiles in proximity to the separation boundaryI. I. Efremov and V. M. Roman
396-398Some plane adiabatic ideal gas flows containing shocksM. D. Ustinov
399-405The problem of a dihedral pistonV. M. Teshukov
406-411Hydrodynamic analysis of shock adiabats of heterogeneous mixtures of substancesV. N. Nikolaevskii
412-415Effect of surface tension on the onset of convection in a layer of liquid with a free surfaceV. Kh. Izakson
416-420Analysis of the film condensation process of vapor on a vertical finely serrated surfaceN. V. Zozulya and V. A. Karkhu
421-422The stationary operation modes of a continuous isothermal chemical reactionYu. P. Gupalo and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
423-432Thermodynamic properties of nitrogen at high pressuresA. A. Antanovich, M. A. Plotnikov and G. Ya. Savel'ev
433-435Gas flow in nucleporous filtersA. A. Kirsh and K. R. Spurny
436-439Experimental investigation of heat transfer in turbulent flow of air in a circular tube with large temperature drop and cooling of the airV. I. Rozhdestvenskii
440-444Some regularities of the turbulent pressure field in the boundary layer on a flat plateA. V. Smol'yakov
445-451Calculation of the turbulent characteristics of channel flow with rotating inner cylinderB. P. Ustimenko
452-454Influence of the distribution of suction on the structure of the turbulent boundary layerRafaél M. Garipov and V. A. Tétyanko
455-460Simple-wave-type solutions of the equations of two-dimensional gasdynamicsV. M. Men'shikov
461-463Characteristics of a vortex-stabilized plasma generator at reduced pressureA. K. Rebrov and V. N. Yarygin
464-469Deceleration of a plasmoid in a nonuniform magnetic fieldYu. F. Kashkin
470-478Obtaining high gas temperatures in an electrodeless high-frequency discharge (review)M. I. Yakushin
479-481Investigation of the mechanism of destruction of certain polymers by a plasma radiant fluxI. K. Dustov and M. A. Sultanov
482-483Measurement of the thermal diffusivity of metals on the temperature interval 1100–2500°KA. A. Emel'yanov, O. A. Kraev, A. A. Stel'makh and R. A. Fomin
484-489Effect of strain rate on the compressibility and shear of sands and clays subjected to short-duration dynamic loadsG. V. Rykov
490-494Parameters of shock waves created by exploding horizontal cylindrical charges in a loamA. A. Vovk, V. I. Kononenko, I. A. Luchko and V. A. Plaksii
495-498Effect of static pressure on the motion of sand following an explosionO. S. Kolkov, V. I. Kulikov, A. M. Tikhornirov and A. F. Shatsukevich
499-502Motion of a crack at constant velocityP. A. Martynyuk and V. F. Tarasov
503-506Generalization of the beam approach to problems of crack theoryA. M. Mikhailov
507-511Energy condition at the end of a nonstationary crackE. N. Sher
512-516Experimental investigation of the effect of short-term plastic deformation on the transient creep rate of a titanium alloy VT-6 in uniaxial tensionYu. P. Kaptelin
517-519Equation of creep of materials liable to strain-harden during creepA. F. Nikitenko

Volume 10, Number 4 / July 1969

521-530Transverse and longitudinal edge effects in a rectangular MHD channelN. G. Nemkova
531-537Theory of equilibrium and stability of high-current discharge in low-conductivity plasmaA. A. Rukhadze and S. A. Triger
538-546Expansion of partially ionized argon through a supersonic nozzleG. I. Kozlov, D. I. Roitenburg and E. L. Stupitskii
547-550Two-velocity theory of flow past slender profileKh. A. Rakhmatulin and N. A. Mamadaliev
551-558Mass transfer in a two-layer porous mediumA. A. Roshal
559-566Plane waves in nonhomogeneous plastic media and their interaction with obstaclesG. M. Lyakhov, R. A. Osadchenko and N. I. Polyakova
567-575Study of flow dynamics by optical-correlation methodN. F. Derevyanko and A. M. Trokhan
576-582Method of outer and inner asymptotic expansions in the theory of Brownian motion of aerosol particlesV. M. Voloshchuk
583-586Some invariant solutions of Korteweg-de Vries equationsV. M. Kostin
587-593General stability criterion for laminar tube flowR. S. Kuznetskii and M. K. Likht
594-599A solution of the diffusion equation with nonlinear right-hand sideN. N. Kochina
600-604Uniqueness and stability of steady states of continuous chemical reactorsYu. P. Gupalo and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
605-606Electromagnetic disturbance created by an expanding conducting cylinder in a magnetic fieldV. K. Bodulinskii and Yu. A. Medvedev
607-610A semiconductor pressure transducer for measurement of strong shock waves (≥103 atm) in liquidV. K. Kedrinskii, R. I. Soloukhin and S. V. Stebnovskii
611-616Compression shock in a two-phase mediumL. M. Zolotarev and I. D. Samsonov
617-622Structure of oblique shock wave at high mach numbersYu. A. Berezin, G. I. Dudnikova, V. G. Eselevich and R. Kh. Kurtmullaev
623-625Results of interferometer study of laval nozzleK. K. Kim and D. D. Tomilin
626-630Determining the radius of an air vortex in a centrifugal ejectorM. A. Gol'dshtik, G. P. Zykin, Yu. I. Petukhov and V. N. Sorokin
631-634Experimental study of the turbulent boundary layer on a smooth flat plate with stepwise heat additionV. P. Lebedev
635-637Numerical analysis of plane poiseuille flow stabilityV. A. Sapozhnikov and V. N. Shtern
638-640Calculation of cavity flows in an axisymmetric channelV. N. Shepelenko
641-646A model of cavitational flows for initial stages of cavitationL. A. Galin, V. G. Markov and A. P. Frolov
647-649Heat transfer of rectangular element in froth layerA. G. Beinusov, S. A. Ryvkin and A. N. Khoze
650-655Expansion isentropes of the explosion products of condensed explosivesM. V. Zhernokletov, V. N. Zubarev and G. S. Telegin
656-659Critical diameter of liquid explosives as a function of powder contentR. Kh. Kurbangalina
660-664Generalized shock hugoniot of condensed substancesA. N. Afanasenkov, V. M. Bogomolov and I. M. Voskoboinikov
665-668Effect of inhomogeneities in an explosive on the critical detonation diameterS. S. Rybanin
669-672Point explosion in an ideally brittle bodyG. P. Cherepanov
673-676Shock compressibility of polystyrene of variable initial densityI. P. Dudoladov, V. I. Rakitin, Yu. N. Sutulov and G. S. Telegin
677-681Effect of variability of the modulus of elasticity on the thermoelastic stresses associated with the pulsed heating of a rodV. M. Kul'gavchuk and A. A. Uchaev
682-688Experimental investigation of the growth of an isolated crackV. M. Kuznetsov, P. A. Martynyuk and A. I. Potylitsyn

Volume 10, Number 5 / September 1969

689-695Anode electrical layer in discharge with closed hall currentV. S. Erofeev, Yu. V. Sanochkin and S. S. Filippov
696-700Entrainment of ferromagnetic suspension by a rotating fieldV. M. Zaitsev and M. I. Shliomis
701-708Experimental study of explosion caused by focusing monopulse laser radiation in waterA. A. Buzukov, YU. A. Popov and V. S. Teslenko
709-712Point explosion in nonuniform atmosphereKh. S. Kestenboim, F. D. Turetskaya and L. A. Chudov
713-716Acoustic conductance of burning propellant surfaceS. S. Novikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and V. E. Tul'skikh
717-724Calculation of transient combustion regimes for solid propellant in a channelV. B. Librovich and G. M. Makhviladze
725-730Establishment of steady flame propagation when igniting a gas by a heated surfaceA. G. Merzhanov, B. I. Khaikin and K. G. Shkadinskii
731-741Structure of equilibrium pseudoturbulence in gaseous suspensions in conditions of local nonhomogeneityYu. A. Buevich and V. G. Markov
742-746Hypersonic spherical expansion of a gas with stationary shock waveA. A. Bochkarev, A. K. Rebrov and S. F. Chekmarev
747-753Natural oscillations of gas flowing past a lattice of flat platesV. B. Kurzin
754-758Jet flow around a sphereT. A. Vil'gel'mi
759-765Plasticity (strength) condition for a reinforced layerYu. V. Nemirovskii
766-774Polarization optical studies at large strainsA. Ya. Aleksandrov, M. Kh. Akhmetzyanov, G. N. Albaut and V. N. Baryshnikov
775-776Limiting equilibrium of compressed plate weakened by circular hole and cracks extending to its edgeYu. V. Zaitsev
777-779Influence of third stress deviator invariant on creep of nonhardening materialsA. F. Nikitenko
780-785On the steady regime of an hereditarily elastic oscillatorS. I. Meshkov
786-788Study of high-velocity body impact in a light porous materialG. V. Pryakhin and V. M. Titov
789-792Nonlocally elastic filtration regime and pressure recovery in deep formationsE. F. Afanas'ev and V. N. Nikolaevskii
793-796Stability of plane Couette flowV. N. Shtern
797-800Electrochemical measurement of friction in two-phase flowsV. A. Kuz'min and B. G. Pokusaev
801-802Calculation of cylindrical detonation wave expanding from line of explosionN. V. Banichuk
803-804Experimental detection of sound dispersion near critical pointS. G. Komarov and E. P. Sheludyakov
805-807Measuring local velocities of small-scale flows using a laserI. V. Lebedev, B. S. Rinkevichyus and E. V. Yastrebova
808-809Algorithms for modeling the random wavelength of compton γ-Particle scatteringO. S. Marenkov
810-813Reflection of magnetoacoustic waves from an elastic layer with finite electric conductivityL. Ya. Kosachevskii and V. G. Ponomarenko
814-818Conducting liquid flow through a channel in a nonuniform magnetic fieldA. S. Gorinov
819-821Estimate of thermoelectric effects in the electrode region of a gas dischargeA. E. Konovalov
822-824Low-frequency oscillations of plasma rotating in a magnetic fieldV. G. Andropov, G. S. Lopatskii, G. D. Petrov, V. I. Chernysh and É. F. Yurchuk
825-829Particular solutions of unsteady MHD equations with account for thermal conductivity for finite magnetic Reynolds numbersA. N. Cherepanov and V. I. Yakovlev
830-833Technique for measuring heat quantity and heat release kinetics in a condensed phaseV. V. Aleksandrov, V. G. Morozov and S. S. Khlevnoi
834-837Free convective heat exchange with sulfur hexafluoride in the supercritical regionE. N. Dubrovina and V. P. Skripov
838-842Effect of gas on surface tension of potassiumA. A. Kiriyanenko and A. N. Solov'ev

Volume 10, Number 6 / November 1969

843-857Numerical calculation of motion and laser radiation heating of plasma formed during absorption burst in vapors of a solid bodyG. G. Vilenskaya and I. V. Nemchinov
858-860Numerical experiment on self-focusing of electromagnetic waves in a nonlinear mediumV. V. Sobolev and V. S. Synakh
861-866Dissipative spectral transfers of turbulent plasma pulsationsV. G. Makhan'kov and V. N. Tsytovich
867-874Integral characteristics of MHD channel with nonconducting bafflesI. V. Lavrent'ev
875-885Generation of higher electron cyclotron frequency harmonics in plasma with a beamM. A. Livshits
886-890Laminar boundary layer stability on membrane type deformable surfacesV. V. Skripachev
891-895Shock wave incidence on a V-shaped cavityS. K. Godunov, Ya. M. Kazhdan and V. A. Simonov
896-905Some families of exact solutions of the equations of two-dimensional shallow water theoryM. T. Gladyshev
906-913Hydrodynamics of homogeneous suspensionsYu. A. Buevich
914-921Elastoplastic behavior of a reinforced layerYu. V. Nemirovskii
922-931Brittle strength of vessels under pressureG. P. Cherepanov
932-935Electromagnetic disturbance caused by expanding ideally conducting sphere in a magnetic fieldV. K. Bodulinskii and Yu. A. Medvedev
936-940Some parameters of plasma blob generated by conical theta pinchN. I. Alinovskii, A. N. Papyrin, B. K. Pakhtusov and A. G. Ponomarenko
941-945Structure of low-density supersonic jetV. I. Nemchenko and N. I. Yushchenkova
946-950Interaction of spherical shock wave with bodiesA. N. Ivanov and S. Yu. Chernyavskii
951-955Solution of unsteady problem of mechanical vibrations of one-dimensional chain of elastically coupled particles in the presence of an isobaric defectV. V. Mazhuga
956-960Study of disturbance front propagation in multilayered mediumM. A. Guliev
961-966Density of fusible metals passing through the melting pointA. S. Basin, S. P. Volchkova and A. N. Solov 'ev
967-973Correlation of first and second filtration phases in porous-fractured reservoirR. I. Medvedskii
974-977Fluid leakage from nonuniformly permeable porous reservoir through a relatively impermeable barrierV. D. Alferov
978Comment on “field distribution along a longitudinally streamlined arc in dc plasmatronA. S. Vasil'kovskaya, L. I. Kolonina, A. D. Lebedev and V. Ya. Smolyakov

Volume 11, Number 1 / January 1970

1-9Radiative transfer equation in noninertial coordinate systemsYu. I. Morozov
10-13Average absorption coefficient for optically thin mediaS. P. Detkov
14-20Shock stability in magnetogasdynamic channel flowsF. A. Slobodkina
21-27Dynamic stabilization of thin plasma filamentsM. G. Nikulin
28-34On the expansion into a vacuum of a rarefied plasma with two sorts of ionsV. M. Gefter
35-40Features of the electric current and field distributions in flows with narrow layers of highly conductive gasE. K. Kholshchevnikova
41-49An approximate method for calculating the boundary layer of two-temperature plasma at electrodes with large values of the hall parameterL. E. Kalikhman
50-53Damping of drift wavesR. K. Mazitov
54-59Reflection of magnetoacoustic wavesL. Ya. Kosachevskii
60-64Effect of the adiabatic exponent on the reflection of shock wavesG. M. Arutyunyan, V. A. Belokon' and L. V. Karchevskii
65-70The pseudoturbulent diffusion of particles in homogeneous suspensionsYu. A. Buevich and V. G. Markov
71-75Relaxation of a liquid layer under the action of capillary forcesO. V. Voinov
76-85Thermal and diffusive relaxation of an evaporating drop with internal heat liberationF. G. Volkov and A. M. Golovin
86-93Model of the motion and shock waves in two-phase solids with phase transitionsR. I. Nigmatulin
94-99Configuration of the atomic planes bordering a crack in the modified Peierls-Nabarro modelM. Kh. Blekherman and V. L. Indenbom
100-107The integral representation of fractionally exponential functions and their application to dynamic problems of linear visco-elasticityS. I. Meshkov
108-111On measuring the compressibility of soilsA. M. Skobev
112-114On active loading of a bar made of a material with delaying yield in the case of a nonlinear hardening diagramYu. P. Gulyaev
115-118Generalization of the operating characteristics of a segmented plasma generator with constricted channelV. A. Kosarenkov, E. I. Ryabtsev, G. P. Stel'makh and N. A. Chesnokov
119-123Investigation of the fringe currents associated with the motion of a plasma along the channel of a discharge tube through a nonuniform magnetic fieldYu. F. Kashkin
124-130Experimental investigation of shock waves in a partially ionized discharge plasmaYu. I. Chutov
131-135The microarc operating regime of MHD generator electrodesV. I. Zalkind, V. V. Kirillov, Yu. A. Larionov and N. S. Semenov
136-139Effect on the discharge regime of blowing protective gases into the layer close to the porous electrodes of an MHD deviceV. O. German, Yu. P. Kukota and G. A. Lyubimov
140-143Effect of gas temperature on breakdown potentialG. N. Dandaron, G. Yu. Dautov and G. M. Mustafin
144-148Nonlinear absorption of laser pulses by a partially ionized gasN. A. Generalov, G. I. Kozlov and Yu. P. Raizer
149-151Measurement of the atomic oxygen particle concentration in dissociated gasesS. Zh. Toktomyshev
152-158Measurement of the acoustic admittance of the burning surface of gunpowderA. D. Margolin, I. B. Svetlichnyi, P. F. Pokhil and A. S. Tsirul'nikov
159-161On the spinning-detonation-like properties of high frequency tangential oscillations in combustion chambers of liquid fuel rocket enginesO. F. Ar'kov, B. V. Voitsekhovskii, V. V. Mitrofanov and M. E. Topchiyan
162-166Kinetics of heat release in the condensed phase of pyroxylin at elevated temperaturesV. V. Aleksandrov and S. S. Khlevnoi
167-171On the stability of steady combustion of solid fuelsG. L. Komissarova and I. M. Sulima
172-178Amplification of weak shocks in a burning two-phase liquid-gas systemA. A. Borisov, B. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin, S. M. Kogarko and A. L. Podgrebenkov
179-181Excess pressure in a pulsed liquid jetG. N. Chermenskii
182-185Two-dimensional problem of the deformation of a plate by a glancing detonation waveA. A. Deribas and G. E. Kuz'min
186-187Scattering of light by a turbulent liquidN. P. Verkhovykh, Yu. F. Verkhovykh, V. M. Sysak and A. M. Trokhan
188-191Use of the cellular model in calculating the viscosity of disperse systemsV. M. Safrai
192-195A solution of the problem of plane-parallel pressure-nonpressure flowA. Begmatov
196-197Spectrum of small perturbations in plane concrete flowV. N. Shtern
198-200Influence of end impedances on the natural frequencies of an acoustic resonatorV. A. Gruzdev and V. I. Slabnyak

Volume 11, Number 2 / March 1970

201-203Plasma density and electeic field strength distributions at a boundary with an electrodeI. P. Stakhanov and P. P. Shcherbinin
204-208Diagnosis of a hydrogen plasma by beams of helium atoms of different energyN. I. Alinovskii
209-215Asymmetric model of a viscous electromagnetic fluidV. M. Suyazov
216-221Parametric excitation of corkscrew instability of a θ-pinch by a high-frequency longitudinal currentM. G. Nikulin
222-229Shock heating of plasma in a rapidly increasing magnetic fieldV. A. Kapitonov, V. A. Kornilov, V. M. Lagunov, Yu. E. Ne Sterikhin and A. N. Papyrin, et al.
230-232The overheat instability in an optically dense plasma dischargeS. A. Triger
233-237The distribution of electric potential in a channel with continuous electrodes for large magnetic Reynolds' numbersA. E. Konovalov
238-240One form of current instability for a plasma of finite conductivityI. K. Konkashbaev
241-245The rayleigh problem for a non-newtonian electrically conducting fluidYa. G. Sapunkov
246-251Locality properties of the problem of hydrodynamic stabilityM. A. Gol'dshtik, V. A. Sapozhnikov and V. N. Shtern
252-259Semiempirical theory of turbulent transferA. T. Onufriev
260-263The nature of the electrical impulse in an explosionM. E. Gertsenshtein and E. I. Sirotinin
264-270On the onset of detonation in a nonuniformly heated gasYa. B. Zel'dovich, V. B. Librovich, G. M. Makhviladze and G. I. Sivashinskil
271-275Effect of initial temperature on the thickness of the unburnt layer of powder on a metal plateO. I. Nefedova, S. S. Novikov, P. F. Pokhil and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
276-281Combustion in narrow cavitiesG. P. Cherepanov
282-289Elasticity-theoretic plane problem for an anisotropic body subject to an electrical effectI. A. Vekovisheheva
290-293Damped vibrations of hereditary -elastic systems with weakly singular kernelsV. M. Zelenev, S. I. Meshkov and Yu. A. Rossikhin
294-309Creep of polymer materials in structural elementsN. I. Malinin
310-314The use of photoelastic coatings in investigations of early stages of fatigue failureA. Ya. Aleksandrov, L. A. Krasnov and V. A. Kushnerov
315-317Experimental investigation of the yield condition in relation to dynamic loading of compressible soilsA. V. Mikhalyuk and G. I. Chernyi
318-323Dynamic compressibility of porous NaCl AT low pressuresI. V. Belinskii and B. D. Khristoforov
324-327Infiltration on a strip in the presence of an inclined impermeable horizonI. I. Kulabukhova
328-331Diffusive flow to a sphere at small and moderate reynolds numbers approximation of a diffusion boundary layerV. M. Voloshchuk and L. V. Stuzhneva
332-335Cumulative streams during the impact collapse of cavities in thin liquid layersV. K. Bobolev and A. V. Dubovik
336-337Density stratification in a liquid during temperature changesA. I. Saet and V. A. Tatarchenko
338-346Electrical conductivity of an argon plasma in a stabilized arcV. A. Baturin
347-351Interaction of a monoenergetic beam of gas atoms with a three-dimensional crystalA. A. Pyarnpuu
352-354Gas content of a foam bed at reduced pressuresA. N. Khoze and Yu. I. Sharov
355-359Experimental investigation of free convection above a heated horizontal wireYu. N. Lyakhov
360-363Specific heat of liquids at constant pressure investigated by the method of continuous heating in the quasiregular regimeV. A. Lavrov and E. P. Sheludyakov

Volume 11, Number 3 / May 1970

365-370Nonlinear stage of hose instabilityYu. A. Berezin
371-378Nonlinear transformation of Langmuir wave beam in isothermal plasmaV. A. Gudkova and V. A. Liperovskii
379-383Effect of flow velocity on current distribution in MGD channelA. G. Korsun and A. L. Levin
384-392Creation of nonequilibrium states and change of plasma absorptivity under the action of powerful light pulsesN. A. Generalov, G. I. Kozlov and Yu. P. Raizer
393-395Thomson scattering of ruby laser light by plasma behind collisionless shock wave frontA. N. Babenko, É. P. Kruglyakov, R. Kh. Kurtmullaev and A. N. Papyrin
396-399Effect of inelastic electron — Atom collisions on nonequilibrium ionization rateI. P. Stakhanov and V. E. Cherkovets
400-403Production of strong toroidal fields by magnetic fluxcompressionS. G. Alikhanov and V. G. Belan
404-408Numerical calculation of the magnetic cumulation processA. V. Kashirskii and V. A. Odintsov
409-413Some problems of polarization sensor theoryYu. V. Lisitsyn, V. N. Mineev and E. Z. Novitskii
414-417Relative effect of temperature factor on turbulent gas boundary layer at finite reynolds numbersS. S. Kutateladze and B. P. Mironov
418-422Laminar boundary layer with uniform suction on flat plate in oscillating flowI. V. Pushkareva
423-426Mixing of high-temperature jets of nonuniform gasesA. L. Mossé
427-431Motion of ellipsoidal bubble in low-viscosity liquidO. V. Voinov, A. M. Golovin and A. G. Petrov
432-438Unsteady motion of rotating ring of viscous incompressible liquid with free boundaryV. O. Bytev
439-446Calculation of explosive action in brittle rock. Case of fracture with formation of tearing cracksA. B. Bagdasaryan
447-452Diagrams of critical equilibrium for brittle bodies with sharp flawsL. L. Libatskii and V. V. Panasyuk
453-457Failure of solids under strainD. A. Kiyalbaev and A. I. Chudnovskii
458-462Stationary mode of a nonlinear elastically hereditary oscillatorS. I. Meshkov
463-465Shear crack propagation in the residual stress fieldV. V. Dudukalenko and N. B. Romalis
466-468More on the mechanism of polymer disintegration under the action of a radiating plasma jetM. A. Sultanov
469-470Pressure at shock wave front near laser spark breakdown in waterA. A. Buzukov and V. S. Teslenko
471-473Shock wave associated with optical breakdown in waterA. I. Ioffe, N. A. Mel'nikov, K. A. Naugol'nykh and V. A. Upadyshev
474-478Stability of plane-parallel MHD flows in transverse magnetic fieldA. M. Sagalakov and V. N. Shtern
479-484Passive corpuscular diagnostics of a high-temperature plasmaN. I. Alinovskii, A. T. Altyntsev and N. A. Koshilev
485-487Electrical current and potential distribution in flat channel with point electrodesA. E. Konovalov
488-492Refraction of oblique shock wave front at boundary with less rigid mediumA. N. Dremin and G. I. Kanel'
493-495Extinction of opposed-jet diffusion flameG. I. Sivashinskii
496-499Effect of initial liquid parameters on jet disintegrationV. Yu. Nezgada
500-502Stability of laminar liquid flow in rectangular pipesR. S. Kuznetskii
503-506Application of a shadow instrument for determining turbulence characteristicsV. N. Stasenko
507-510Energy dissipation in unsteady incompressible fluid flowsV. S. S Izonov
511-513Convective wall plumeV. D. Zimin and Yu. N. Lyakhov
514-520Determining reservoir pressure in closed reservoir and elastic expulsion of fluid when reservoir is openedYu. A. Afinogenov and V. I. Pen'kovskii
521-522On the green-naghdi theory of mixturesR. I. Nigmatulin

Volume 11, Number 4 / July 1970

523-527Electric field excited in air by a pulse of gamma raysYu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov and G. V. Fedorovich
528-537Theory of plane flows of a readily conducting plasma in a pipeA. I. Morosov and A. P. Shubin
538-546Stationary supersonic conducting gas flow in a channel with nonconducting walls under weak magnetohydrodynamic interactionE. K. Kholshchevnikova
547-550Certain magnetohydrodynamic flows associated with the propagation of wavesYu. Ya. Boguslavskii, A. I. Ioffe and Yu. G. Statnikov
551-556Nonstationary conducting free flow in a transverse magnetic fieldA. I. Bertinov and D. A. But
557-560Motion of a magnetizable liquid in a rotating magnetic fieldV. M. Suyazov
561-566A kinetic theory of gas mixtures with regard to the laws of the thermodynamics of irreversible processesA. D. Khon'kin
567-570Diffusion and thermal slip of a binary gas mixtureYu. Yu. Abramov and G. G. Gladush
571-574Boundary-layer development in the initial section of a tube with injectionA. I. Leont'ev, P. V. Nikitin and A. V. Fafurin
575-584Definition and calculation of effective ambipolar diffusion coefficients for a laminar multicomponent ionized boundary layerO. N. Suslov and G. A. Tirskii
585-590Equation for nonsteady-state combustion velocity of a powderB. V. Novozhilov
591-601Theory of the disintegration of a heated surface layer, allowing for its separation into individual phasesV. N. Kondrat'ev, I. V. Nemchinov and V. M. Khazins
602-610Locally uniform no-collision suspensions in euler approximationYu. A. Buevich, E. N. Ivshin and V. G. Markov
611-614Irregular movement of ground waters with evaporationN. N. Kochina
615-620Irregular filtration in stratified groundsM. A. Sattarov
621-626Certain effects of a nonlocal nature in a chain involving long-range interaction in an elastic mediumA. M. Vaisman and A. P. Putintseva
627-631Propagation of cleavage cracks in single crystals of lithium fluorideA. M. Mikhailov
632-636Creep of initially anisotropic unhardened materialsO. V. Sosnin
637-640Electrical discharge in pentaerythritol tetranitrate powderP. I. Zubkov and L. A. Luk'yanchikov
641-645Investigation of the electrode potential drop at a molybdenum electrode in a flow of argon seeded with potassiumV. O. German, G. A. Lyubimov and B. V. Parfenov
646-648Effect of surface and volume ionization on the electrode potential dropG. V. Babkin and A. V. Potapov
649-652Self-consistent bunches of oscillating heavy particles in an acceleratorA. D. Vlasov
653-660On stream inhomogeneities in a pulsed electromagnetic acceleratorA. M. Rushailo
661-664Flow of a viscous gas in a shock layer with equilibrium chemical reactionsI. M. Breev and Yu. P. Golovachev
665-671Conditions for different steady states in an adiabatic continuous-flow reactor with a catalyst layerÉ. A. Chernova
672-677Detonation of liquid hydrazoic acid and its aqueous solutionsR. Kh. Kurbangalina, E. A. Patskov, L. N. Stesik and G. S. Yakovleva
678-684Shock waves in a shallow reservoirL. S. Kozachenko and B. D. Khristoforov
685-688Onset of cavitation during flow around a protuberance on a wall in a planar channelL. A. Galin, A. P. Frolov and K. K. Shal'nev
689-690Spatial and temporal development of disturbances in a plane channelA. P. Chudnenko
691-693Vaporization of a drop in an acoustic fieldA. M. Boldarev, A. P. Burdukov and V. E. Nakoryakov
694-699Diffusion of aerosols in the surface layer of the atmosphereK. P. Kutsenogii
700-703Resistance of fibrous filters in a slip flowYu. M. Glushkov
704-707Calculation of residual oil saturation in an inhomogeneous bed in the case of mutual displacement of fluids with viscoplastic propertiesG. V. Kudryavtsev and A. Kh. Fatkullin

Volume 11, Number 5 / September 1970

709-715Consumption of electrode material in cathode region of an ArcG. A. Lyubimov
716-725Structure of a shock wave in which multiple ionization of the atoms is taking placeN. N. Magretova, N. T. Pashchenko and Yu. P. Raizer
726-733Propagation of electromagnetic disturbances above a plane surfaceV. V. Ivanov and G. P. Chernyi
734-740On rayleigh-taylor instability in magnetohydrodynamics in the galvanic approximationÉ. P. Zimin and O. A. Éismont
741-746Deformation of drops in the reaction zone of heterogeneous detonationA. A. Borisov, B. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin, S. M. Kogarko and A. L. Podgrebenkov
747-751Instability of monochromatic waves on the surface of a liquid of arbitrary depthV. E. Zakharov and V. G. Kharitonov
752-755Approximate calculation of the added mass in flow around a multirow array of rodsV. I. Fedenko
756-762Motion of the surface separating two liquids of finite depth under the influence of variable force fieldsV. S. Sizonov
763-767The quasistationary one-dim ensional motion of aerated oil and gasYu. A. Afinogenov
768-772Turbulent wake in a stratified mediumA. T. Onufriev
773-777Propagation of weak perturbations in two-phase media with phase transitionsA. I. Ivandaev and R. I. Nigmatulin
778-784Speed of sound in two-phase vapor-liquid systemsI. S. Radovskii
785-790On equilibrium stability of an elastic-viscoplastic mediumA. N. Sporyknin
791-796The established motion of a viscoplastic medium between two coaxial cones and in a sector bounded by two sidesA. D. Chernyshov
797-800Some models of micropolar viscoelastic mediaA. T. Listrov and Yu. A. Shurinov
801-814Calculation of the blast effect in brittle rock (fracturing by crushing, formation of cleavage cracks, and separation)A. B. Bagdasaryan
815-819Failure by torsion of a round rod with a crack following arc of circleN. B. Romalis
820-823Limiting equilibrium of a plate weakened by two cracksN. V. Pal'tsun
824-827Analysis of experimental data on fatigue crack developmentKh. Khalmanov and G. P. Cherepanov
828-831Periods of the fatigue failure processL. A. Gorbachev, T. A. Lebedev and T. K. Marinets
832-835Creep in materials with different tension and compression behaviorO. V. Sosnin
836-839Calculation of the integrated heat-transfer coefficients for free convection in closed axially symmetric vesselsYu. A. Kirichenko, A. A. Motornaya and P. S. Chernyakov
840-843Frequency at which vapor bubbles form during boilingV. F. Prisnyakov
844-847Operation of a fluid jet amplifier in the cavitation regimeB. A. Chernyavskii and K. K. Shal'nev
848-851The energy balance in turbulent motion in a plane curvilinear channelD. A. Nusupbekova and B. P. Ustimenko
852-853Turbulent flow sturcture at F > 1N. T. Fazullin
854-856Application of a shadowgraph method to visualize the velocity profile in fluid flowS. D. Solomonov and G. G. Spirin
857-861Structure of a supersonic jet of an argon-helium mixture in a vacuumA. A. Bochkarev, V. A. Kosinov, V. G. Prikhod'ko and A. K. Rebrov
862-866Explosive-type high-temperature radiator for photometryE. G. Popov and M. A. Tsikulin
867-870Certain characteristics of fluctuations in arc current and voltage and in the brightness of the jet in eddy-type plasmotronsA. S. An'shakov, G. Yu. Dautov and A. N. Timoshevskii
871-876Partial shunting of an abc column by stabilizing diaphragmsV. A. Baturin
877-879Determination of critical adiabaticity parameters for different magnetic field geometriesA. N. Dubinina and L. S. Krasitskaya
880-885Precipitation of a unipolar-charged aerosol on an array of grounded conductorsV. F. Dunskii and K. A. Krishtof
886Remark on V. K. Bodulinskii's and Yu. A Medvedev's letter “electromagnetic disturbances caused by an expanding ideally conducting sphere in a magnetic field”

Volume 11, Number 6 / November 1970

887-892M. A. Lavrent'ev (on the occasion of his 70th birthday)
893-900Conservation laws and invariants of differential equations in some problems relating to a nonhomogeneous mediumN. S. Erokhin
901-907Nonlinear interactions of ion-sound waves and helicons in a plasmaA. S. Kingsep
908-915Plasma flow accompanied by blowing and pumping of plasma across electrodesA. P. Shubin
916-921Electrohydrodynamic flow in a two-dimensional channel with an axially disposed electrode-emitterV. I. Grabovskii
922-928Theory of the temperature relaxation of an electron-ion plasma in a high-frequency electric and constant magnetic fieldV. P. Silin and V. T. Tikhonchuk
929-933Two-dimensional steady currents in a nonlinear conducting mediumI. M. Rutkevich
934-938The joint laminar convection of a binary mixture near a vertical surfaceP. M. Brdlik and V. I. Dubovik
939-949Spectral theory of concentration of disperse systemsYu. A. Buevich
950-956Axisymmetric macrodispersion problems in stratified porous mediaA. A. Roshal'
957-962Periodic dislocation motion in a relaxing mediumV. I. Belyavskii and B. M. Darinskii
963-970Correlation functions of internal stresses of dislocation loopsV. G. Baryshnikov and T. D. Shermergor
971-974Application of nonlinear hereditary strain theory to description of stress relaxation in metals, and conversion of relaxation data to creepG. S. Vorotnikov and L. Kh. Papernik
975-982Collapse of a cylindrical cavity in a fluid layer under impactÉ. I. Andriankin, V. K. Bobolev and A. V. Dubovik
983-986Effect of the pressure of shock compression on the critical shear stresses in metalsS. A. Novikov and L. M. Sinitsyna
987-990Effect of high pressure on pore formationB. V. Voitsekhovskii and B. I. Mikhailov
991-993Compression of magnetic field in an imploding spherical cavityV. K. Bodulinskii and Yu. A. Medvedev
994-1000Effect of nonconducting side walls on induced end electric currentsYu. F. Kashkin
1001-1006Viscosity of rubidium near its solidification temperatureV. N. Genrikh and A. B. Kaplun
1007-1011Ionization relaxation behind shock waves in nitrogen at speeds of 17 to 25 km/secM. B. Zheleznyak
1012-1016Measurement of gas concentration on wall in case of local injection of argon and helium in initial section of tubeÉ. P. Volchkov and E. I. Sinaiko

Volume 12, Number 1 / January 1971

1-7Hydromagnetic equations of a rarefied plasmaV. P. Milant'ev
8-13The magnetic field in inhomogeneous turbulent flowS. I. Vainshtein
14-18The problem of the electric field of an electrode with a pre-electrode potential drop in a medium with tensor conductivityYu. P. Emets
19-26Plane one-dimensional stationary flow of an ideal charged gas in its own electric fieldYu. A. Nagel
27-32Equilibrium and stability of a cylindrical linear pinch with a homogeneous temperature distributionA. F. Aleksandrov, E. P. Kaminskaya and A. A. Rukhadze
33-37Growth of a nanosecond pulsed discharge in a gas with one-electron initiationV. V. Kremnev and G. A. Mesyats
38-41On the dissipation of energy in a chain of coupled harmonic oscillatorsA. S. Dolgov
42-49A collisionless thermal wave in a plasmaA. A. Ivanov, Ya. N. Istomin, L. L. Kozorovitskii and V. D. Rusanov
50-56A turbulent immersed air wall jet on a burning graphite surfaceÉ. P. Volchkov and P. V. Nikitin
57-60The effect of heat transfer on unsteady periodic motion of a gas in tubesA. S. Vladislavlev and B. M. Pisarevskii
61-75Description of flows of multicom ponent ionized mixtures in chemical equilibrium within the limits of the navier-stokes and prandtl equationsO. N. Suslov, G. A. Tirskii and V. V. Shchennikov
76-84Mass transfer regimes in reactions with a dispersed phaseYu. A. Buevich and V. V. Butkov
85-90Propagation of two-dimensional plastic waves in a thick plateYu. R. Lepik
91-94Motion of a bubble in a viscous liquidA. M. Golovin and M. F. Ivanov
95-98Resistance of a liquid to the motion of a gas bubble compressed by parallel wallsYu. I. Petukhov, N. G. Skorobogatov and V. I. Sosunov
99-102Flow and heat transport in slotted channels with obstaclesÉ. Ya. Kernerman and V. E. Nakoryakov
103-107Thermodynamic model of a dense fluidV. P. Kopyshev
108-111The free convection of a fluid with an initial vertical density gradient and lateral heatingM. D. Oreshina, L. I. Savel'eva, N. N. Khaziev and G. N. Shemyakina
112-116Experimental investigation of the heat exchange in separation zones of a turbulent boundary layer ahead of a stepB. E. Luzhanskii and V. P. Solntsev
117-121Movement of gas bubbles in a liquid layer in the presence of diffusion and chemical reactionsL. A. Galin and O. M. Churmaev
122-127Influence of rarefaction on the structure of a free stream of nitrogenA. K. Rebrov, S. F. Chekmarev and R. G. Sharafutdinov
128-130Nonstationary waves propagating along a magnetic field in a plasmaYu. A. Berezin and G. I. Dudnikova
131-134Temperature development in a partially ionized, reacting gas under unsteady ionization conditionsN. K. Osipov and I. G. Pershin
135-137Frequency dependence of the parameters of an induction discharge in argon at atmospheric pressureV. N. Soshnikov, E. S. Trekhov and Yu. M. Khoshev
138-140Boundary layer investigation by means of a laserI. V. Lebedev, B. S. Rinkevichyus and E. V. Yastrebova
141-144Two-dimensional motion of vapors when energy is supplied to the outer layers of the vaporized substance and when there is radiative energy transfer to the sublimating surfaceG. E. Savos'ko
145-148Nonstationary (transient) radiative-conductive heat transfer in a plane layer of gray absorbing mediumA. L. Burka and N. A. Rubtsov
149-152Viscosities of cesium, sodium, and potassium near their freezing pointsV. N. Genrikh and A. B. Kaplun
153-156Measurement of the speed of sound in the vapor of freon 113 and diethyl etherG. A. Mukhachev and O. F. Susekov
157-160Shell motion under axial detonationA. V. Kashirskii, Yu. V. Korovin and V. A. Odintsov
161-165Response of clay and clay shale to heavy dynamic loadingL. V. Al'tshuler and M. N. Pavlovskii

Volume 12, Number 2 / March 1971

167-173The existence of a discontinuity in the profile of a slow shock magnetohydrodynamic waveO. I. Dementii and S. V. Dementii
174-178On the effect of a high-frequency magnetic field on the instability of a plasmaA. A. Ivanov and V. F. Murav'ev
179-183Distribution of the electron concentration and wave processes in a pulsed dischargeR. I. Soloukhin and Yu. A. Yakobi
184-188Distribution of diffusing particles near an absorbing wallI. I. Litvinov
189-194On the spectrum of magnetic field and scalar impurity fluctuations in acoustic turbulenceS. I. Vainshtein
195-203The ionization-rate constant at high temperatures high electron concentrationsYu. P. Denisov and N. M. Kuznetsov
204-208Surface phenomena in transparent dielectrics under the action of laser radiationA. A. Kalmykov, G. N. Rozental' and V. A. Rybakov
209-214Numerical solution of spectral problem of external radiation heating of matterB. N. Chetverushkin
215-222A method of calculating the radiation flux and its divergence in regions with stepped temperature and chemical composition distributionV. M. Ovsyannikov and G. A. Turskii
223-226The spectrum of small perturbations in plane couette-poiseuille flowA. M. Sagalakov
227-230On the absorption of nonlinear waves by dispersing mediaE. N. Pelinovskii
231-234Basic equations of the method of photoviscoelasticityI. I. Bugakov
235-240Analysis of behavior of graphite on the basis of nonlinear heredity theoryN. N. Dergunov, L. Kh. Papernik and Yu. N. Rabotnov
241-243Creep of a heat-resistant aluminum alloy in a complex state of stressV. P. Ermakov and A. I. Ravikovich
244-256Statistics of the fragments forming with the destruction of solids by explosionÉ. A. Koshelev, V. M. Kuznetsov, S. T. Sofronov and A. G. Chernikov
257-262Shock adiabats of porous metalsYu. L. Alekseev, V. P. Ratnikov and A. P. Rybakov
263-267Impact compression of piezoceramicsV. N. Zubarev
268-272Magnetoelectric method for determining the density behind the front of colliding shock wavesL. V. Al'tshuler and M. N. Pavlovskii
273-276Interaction of high-speed microparticles with a system of polymer obstructionsYu. S. Stepanov
277-281Creep of hardening materials with different properties in tension and compressionA. F. Nikitenko, O. V. Sosnin, N. G. Torshenov and I. K. Shokalo
282-283A refinement of the shape of the temperature curve for cyclic loading of metal specimensL. A. Gorbachev
284-287Experimental investigation of plastic deformations of argillaceous soil with triaxial compressionM. N. Zakharov and I. N. Ivashchenko
288-290A cold vitreous compound with fine purification of the surfacesB. V. Voitsekhovskii, Yu. A. Dudin and É. Z. Mamleev
291-294Heat transfer with the condensation of moving freon-21 in a horizontal tubeI. I. Gogonin and A. R. Dorokhov
295-297Investigation of the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on mass transfer from a sphere, with large prandtl numbersA. M. Boldarev, A. P. Burdukov, V. E. Nakoryakov and V. I. Sosunov
298-301Certain effects which take place when a radio wave passes through the region of an explosionV. A. Vel'min, V. F. Korets, Yu. A. Medvedev and B. M. Stepanov
302-305Spectroscopic determination of rotational temperature in rarefied hypersonic flow by glow-discharge excitation of luminescenceN. D. Zuev and V. M. Kalugin
306-309Efficiency of the induction interaction of a blob of conducting gas with an electrical circuit in which an external electromotive force is includedA. Yu. Kerkis and N. A. Trynkina
310-312Simulation of the current distribution in a coaxial channel when the conductivity is anisotropicB. A. Konyaev and G. B. Parfenov
313-317Effect of diffusion separation when hypersonic flows of a rarefied gas mixture collideA. A. Bochkarev, V. A. Kosinov, V. G. Prikhod'ko and A. K. Rebrov
318-325Properties of the formation and motion of vortex rings in waterA. A. Buzukov
326-329Hydrodynamic drag of the dolphinT. E. Alekseeva and B. N. Semenov
330-332Experimental measurement of amplitude corrections to the rate of propagation of capillary wavesA. S. Gorshkov, V. F. Marchenko and A. T. Tselykovskii
333-339Approximate calculation of the evaporation of water from soil with a dry layerZh. -D. Dandaron
340-344Effect of the rigidity of the strata covering a water-bearing layer on the regularity of elastic filtration conditionsI. G. Kotov, V. A. Mironenko and L. I. Serdyukov

Volume 12, Number 3 / May 1971

345-347Particle-in-a-box study of the evolution of an ion-acoustic shock waveS. G. Alikhanov and P. Z. Chebotaev
348-352Ionization rate constant at high temperatures and small electron concentrationsYu. P. Denisov and N. M. Kuznetsov
353-358Stability of plane magnetohydrodynamic couette flow with asymmetrical velocity profileA. M. Sagalakov
359-365End effects in magnetohydrodynamic channels at finite magnetic reynolds numbersV. F. Vasil'ev and I. V. Lavrent'ev
366-371Propagation of an electromagnetic wave across a magnetic field in a parabolic plasma layerV. R. Smilyanskii
372-380Ionization-overheating instability in a low-voltage arc dischargeV. A. Zherebtsov and I. P. Stakhanov
381-386Plane nonstationary gas flow with a strong discontinuityV. M. Teshukov
387-392Calculation of the principal parameters of free supersonic jets of an ideal compressible fluidV. G. Dulov and G. I. Smirnova
393-397Interaction of an elastic boundary with a viscous sublayer of a turbulent boundary layerB. N. Semenov
398-406Wave formation in explosive weldingS. K. Godunov, A. A. Deribas and N. S. Kozin
407-413Calculating the structure of detonation wavesM. V. Batalova, S. M. Bakhrakh, V. L. Zaguskin and V. N. Zubarev
414-421Wave motions in a viscous fluid layer in the presence of surfactantsO. V. Voinov
422-424Curvilinear motion of an ellipsoidal bubbleA. G. Petrov
425-429High-speed collision of solid bodies with identical physical propertiesL. A. Bogomolova, V. A. Gridneva and I. E. Khorev
430-431Formation of successive shocks in absorbing material subjected to a laser effect in the ordered generation modeV. K. Goncharov and L. Ya. Min'ko
432-437An investigation into the interaction of a stress wave with a stationary macrocrack in elastic-plastic and quasibrittle materialsSh. G. Volodarskaya, I. S. Guz', I. A. Kumkin and V. M. Finkel'
438-441Deformation and fracture of a thin disc under compressionG. T. Afanas'ev, V. K. Bobolev and A. V. Dubovik
442-444Creep of vaporization-deposited copper filmsK. K. Ziling and V. Yu. Pchelkin
445-450Interpolation equation of state for water and water vaporB. V. Zamyshlyaev and M. G. Menzhulin
451-454Equations for calculating the viscosity coefficient of nitrogen and hydrogen in the gaseous and liquid statesA. A. Vasserman and V. I. Nedostup
455-459Spherical flow of a viscous heat-conducting gas into an occupied spaceA. K. Rebrov and S. F. Chekmarev
460-467Study of turbulent boundary layers on smooth and rough surfaces with arbitrary pressure gradientsA. G. Marchenko
468-470Supersonic flow of viscous gas past blunt bodiesI. M. Breev
471-474Study of high-velocity gas flows by electromagnetic meansG. V. Pryakhin, V. M. Titov and G. A. Shvetsov
475-478Electrode phenomena and plasma accelerationA. N. Babenko, É. P. Kruglyakov and V. M. Fedorov
479-481Nonstationary magnetohydrodynamic couette flow of a conducting liquid at a constant rateS. E. Kuznetsov
482-484Criterial generalization of the characteristics of an electric arc in a magnetic fieldL. I. Kolonina and B. A. Uryukov
485-487Spectral mean absorption coefficients for optically thin mediaS. P. Detkov
488in memory of nikolai adrianovich talitskikh (1898–1971)

Volume 12, Number 4 / July 1971

489-496Conditions near the electrode in a plasma with an alkali admixtureV. N. Mikhailov
497-501Electroconvection of liquid dielectricsV. V. Nikitin
502-514Combustion of gas mixtures with particlesP. B. Vainshtein and R. I. Nigmatulin
515-522Similar solutions in the theory of nonsteady burning of a solid propellantV. B. Librovich and B. V. Novozhilov
523-529Nonsteady burning of a solid propellant in a gaseous oxidizer flowG. M. Makhviladze
530-538Small perturbations of plane unsteady motion of an ideal incompressible fluid with a free boundary in the shape of an ellipseV. V. Pukhnachev
539-545Turbulence spectrum in the range of high wave numbersG. A. Kuz'min
546-549Local pulsations and phase interaction in suspensions of fine particlesYu. A. Buevich
550-553Dependence of the stability criterion of nucleate boiling on the compressibility of the vaporS. S. Kutateladze and I. G. Malenkov
554-558A basis for a theory of nonlocal elastic filtration using the equations of elasticityE. F. Afanas'ev
559-565Changes in ground water level in irrigated terrainN. N. Kochina
566-570Curvature of oil well indicator charts in fractured porous reservoirsV. M. Entov, A. Kh. Mirzadzhanzade and V. I. Mishchevich
571-577Application of the method of spatial characteristics to the solution of axially symmetric problems relating to the propagation of elastic wavesP. F. Sabodash and R. A. Cherednichenko
578-582The axisymmetric contact problem of the theory of elasticity for a half-space in the presence of body forcesV. K. Vostrov
583-587Stress waves in a composite semiinfinite rodV. M. Zelenev and V. S. Polenov
588-594Hypersonic flow of a nonequilibrium-ionized radiating gas past blunt bodiesM. D. Kremenetskii, N. V. Leont'eva and Yu. P. Lun'kin
595-600Numerical study of ejection of material from a solid surface by intense radiationN. V. Gusev and A. A. Pyarnpuu
601-603Temperature and pressure equilibrium distribution in a steady-state discharge with radiationS. G. Alikhanov and I. K. Konkashbaev
604-607Analytical solution of the Boltzmann equation in a Knudsen layerM. M. Kuznetsov
608-611Problem of the flow and hydraulic resistance of a fluid of variable viscosityA. V. Kupavtsev
612-614Hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic gradient at small filtration ratesR. Skavin'ski
615-618A possible case in the theoretical description of the relation between the stresses and deformations of an elastoplastic-creep materialV. A. Shlyapin
619-623Parameters of nonuniform shocks in aluminumG. V. Zlygostev, A. K. Muzyrya and V. P. Ratnikov
624-627Shock compression of two-component paraffin-tungsten mixturesYu. F. Alekseev, L. V. Al'tshuler and V. P. Krupnikova
628-633Compression curve of a fibrous compositeS. T. Mileiko and A. A. Khvostunkov

Volume 12, Number 5 / September 1971

635-641Two-dimensional magnetic fields in magnetohydrodynamic channels with steel walls at finite magnetic reynolds numbersA. I. Bertinov, D. A. But, L. K. Kovalev and V. I. Yudas
642-645Parametric instability in a weakly ionized magnetoactive plasmaB. M. Markeev
646-651Electric arc in a submerged gas jetV. M. Dubrovin, A. D. Lebedev, B. A. Uryukov and A. É. Fridberg
652-660Inverted population of Co2 molecules in expanding gas streamsN. A. Generalov, G. I. Kozlov and I. K. Selezneva
661-670Screening of a surface vaporizing under laser bombardment, at temperature and ionization disequilibriumI. V. Nemchinov and S. P. Popov
671-675Distribution function of isotropically scattered particles in anisotropic structuresA. S. Dolgov
676-682Two-dimensional stability of the combustion of condensed systemsG. M. Makhviladze and B. V. Novozhilov
683-691Theory of nonsteady propellant combustion. Combustion in the presence of harmonically varying pressureYu. A. Gostintsev, L. A. Sukhanov and P. F. Pokhil
692-698Solid propellant combustion in the presence of photoirradiationI. G. Assovskii and A. G. Istratov
699-705Shock-initiated implosion of an elliptical cavity and detonation in a liquid layerÉ. I. Andriankin, V. K. Bobolev and A. V. Dubovik
706-713Asymptotic theory of the turbulent boundary layer as a problem of singular perturbationsD. N. Vasil'ev
714-719Mixing of mutually soluble liquids in turbulent flow in a pipeV. I. Maron
720-724Investigation of turbulent pulsations of the refractive index of water using a töpler instrumentS. R. Stefanov, A. M. Trokhan and Yu. D. Chashechkin
725-731Turbulent boundary layer at the initial portion of a pipe with rough wallsV. V. Kuz'min, A. A. Tupichenkov and A. V. Fafurin
732-735Theoretical and experimental investigation of condensation in a centered rarefaction waveA. V. Kurshakov, G. A. Saltanov and R. A. Tkalenko
736-743Effect of proximity of barrier on lifting force produced by vertical solid jetsF. S. Vladimirov
744-747Cavitation streamline flow of lamina in transverse gravitational fieldL. G. Guzevskii
748-756Curve of the reestablishment of the pressure in a borehole in a fractured porous reservoirV. T. Boyarchuk and K. M. Dontsov
757-762Heat transfer in channels in the laminar flow of a non-newtonian liquid with slipV. I. Popov
763-766Heat and mass transport in nonisothermal turbulent flow when there is a screen formed by a gas of a different natureÉ. P. Volchkov
767-773Branching of cracks produced in a plate by impactV. M. Verchuk
774-776Numerical simulation of the instability of an ion beamS. G. Alikhanov and S. L. Musher
777-779Collision integrals of ionized air components for a screened coulomb potentialN. A. Sokolova
780-781Quasistationary CO2 laser with “pulsed” excitationI. F. Kanaev, É. P. Kruglyakov and V. K. Malinovskii
782-785Heat transfer in a dynamic two-phase bed at reduced pressuresA. N. Khoze

Volume 12, Number 6 / November 1971

787-792Magnetohydrodynamic flow patterns in a pulsating magnetic field investigated by the method of characteristicsD. A. But
793-802Stationary efflux into a vacuum by a dual-temperature fully ionized plasmaI. I. Litvinov
803-809Discharge in a high-pressure gas, initiated by a beam of fast electronsB. M. Koval'chuk, V. V. Kremnev, G. A. Mesyats and Yu. F. Potalitsyn
810-813Formation of an eddy current in the thermal acceleration of a completely ionized plasmaA. P. Shubin
814-821The influence of radiation on the temperature profile of an induced discharge in argon at atmospheric pressureV. N. Soshnikov, E. S. Trekhov, A. F. Fomenko and Yu. m. Khoshev
822-826Volume and surface effects arising from the action of laser radiation on optical glassN. G. Basov, O. N. Krokhin, N. V. Morachevskii and G. V. Sklizkov
827-832Excitation and deactivation of molecular rotation in atom-molecule collisionsA. V. Ivanov, B. V. Kuksenko and S. A. Losev
833-839On necessary conditions for a step change in the combustion velocity of condensed systemsI. G. Assovskii, A. G. Istratov and V. B. Librovich
840-847On the theory of nonstationary powder combustion stability of processes in a half-closed spaceYu. A. Gostintsev, L. A. Sukhanov and P. F. Pokhil
848-852On the question of the stability of powder combustion in a half-closed spaceV. N. Vilyunov and A. P. Rudnev
853-858The evolution of a solitary wave in a nonhomogeneous mediumE. N. Pelinovskii
859-864Energy analysis of the stability of plane-parallel flows with an inflection in the velocity profileA. M. Sagalakov and V. N. Shtern
865-869The stability of the motion of a liquid, due to thermocapillary forcesB. N. Goncharenko and A. L. Urintsev
870-876Effect of free convection on the instability of a plane crystallization frontYu. P. Ladikov and V. F. Tkachenko
877-883Diffraction of a strong shock wave at a thin wedgeI. V. Simonov
884-889Free convection in inclined layers of liquid and with a jumpwise change in the temperature of the heat-transfer surfacesA. G. Kirdyashkin and N. V. Mukhina
890-893Heat and mass transfer with natural convection at a vertical porous surface, with blowing of carbon dioxide into airP. M. Brdlik, V. I. Dubovik and I. S. Molchadskii
894-898Effect of a pre-attached dynamic section on heat transfer in a turbulent boundary layer, with blowingÉ. P. Volchkov, V. K. Koz'menko and V. P. Lebedev
899-905Unsteady turbulent flow in a pipeO. F. Vasil'ev and V. I. Kvon
906-916Hydrodynamics of a two-phase stream in the dispersed annular flow regimeB. I. Nigmatulin
917-920Axisymmetric thermo elasticity problem for a cylinder with a slotB. A. Kudryavtsev
921-926Strength and elasticity of iron and copper at high shock-wave compression pressuresL. V. Al'tshuler, M. I. Brazhnik and G. S. Telegin
927-930Investigation of the characteristics of an electrogasdynamic engineYu. S. Bortnikov, V. A. Nesterov and I. B. Rubashov
931-934Theoretical investigation of a low-pressure arc discharge in a cylindrical diodeA. S. Margevich and A. V. Potapov
935-937Evolution of annular light beams in a nonlinear mediumV. V. Sobolev and V. S. Synakh
938-942Liquid flow in the vicinity of a vapor bubbleS. S. Kutateladze and N. N. Mamontova
943-945The spherically symmetric stefan problem with a boundary condition of the second kindL. A. Vygovskaya and A. M. Makarov
946-948Effect of vapor velocity on heat transfer during condensationL. D. Berman
949-952Electric field from a point source in the zone of a well with consideration of the strained state of the bedV. I. Tarakanov
953-957Calculating the thermoelastic equilibrium of a toroidal shellS. P. Gavelya and Yu. A. Mel'nikov
958-961Design of anisotropic annular plates with the use of numerical methodsG. I. Bryzgalin
962-966On deformability of soils in a complex stress stateM. N. Zakharov and I. N. Ivashchenko
967-970On the mechanical behavior of prestressed glass-reinforced plasticsM. S. Chirko

Volume 13, Number 1 / January 1972

1-6Some problems concerning nonstationary currents in dense plasma systems confined by wallsA. G. Oleinik
7-11The flow of a nonequilibrium ionized radiating gas around a body with consideration of temperature difference between electrons and ionsL. B. Gavin and Yu. P. Lun'kin
12-17Thermodynamic properties of air at 12, 000 –25, 000 °K and 0.1–100 atmospheres, allowing for the reduction in the ionization potentialG. A. Koval'skaya, V. G. Sevast'yanenko and I. A. Sokolova
18-24Calculation of one transient mode of combustion of a condensed systemV. S. Berman, S. S. Novikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
25-31Application of variational methods to the investigation of wave propagation in systems with traveling parametersYu. M. Sorokin and N. S. Stepanov
32-40Spreading of an elliptical film of liquid under impactÉ. I. Andriankin and V. K. Bobolev
41-44Experimental flow analysis of three-dimensional separation zones in front of weirsB. E. Luzhanskii and V. P. Solntsev
45-47Approximate method of converting the law of one-dimensional shock propagationL. V. Ovsyannikov
48-52Escape of a turbulent jet under the effect of acoustic perturbationsN. N. Ivanov
53-58Influence of the elasticity of polymer solutions on the reduction of resistanceI. L. Povkh and A. B. Stupin
59-62The degeneration of nucleate boiling conditions under conditions of free convectionB. P. Avksentyuk, G. I. Bobrovich, S. S. Kutateladze and V. N. Moskvicheva
63-67Transfer of energy from an evaporating drop in a vapor mediumO. V. Voinov, A. M. Golovin and A. G. Petrov
68-72Diffusion of particles in a homogeneous pseudofluidized bedYu. A. Buevich and O. V. Chubanov
73-79Interaction between an acoustic wave and a discA. M. Skobeev
80-84Breakdown of a monochromatic wave in a medium with an inertia-free nonlinearityV. E. Zakharov, V. V. Sobolev and V. S. Synakh
85-89Solution of statistical problems in elasticity theory in the singular approximationA. G. Fokin
90-94Equations of oscillations of rods of variable compositionV. M. Smotrov and V. M. Chernyshev
95-99Stability of a viscoelastic inhomogeneous shellV. D. Potapov
100-103Determination of laser plasma temperature from study of radiation in roentgen and visible regions of spectrumG. G. Dolgov-Savel'ev and V. N. Karnyushin
104-105Similarity parameter of processes near the electrodeA. I. Morozov and A. P. Shubin
106-109Amplification of tkiangular shock waves in a flammable two-phase mediumB. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin and S. M. Kogarko
110-113The influence of heavy admixtures on the detonation systems of condensed explosive substancesL. V. Al'tshuler, V. T. Ryazanov and M. P. Speranskaya
114-116Comparison of readings from a laser doppler velocimeter and a hot-wire anemometer in the wake behind a cylinderA. N. Domaratskii, Yu. N. Dubnishchev, V. P. Koronkevich, V. S. Sobolev and A. A. Stolpovskii, et al.
117-121Electrical strength of pressed lead azideV. V. Sten'gach
122-125Heat transfer in a dielectric liquidF. Kh. Baibulatov, V. F. Minin and A. V. Smirov
126-130Determination of the dynamic compressibility of soil based on the parameters of plane detonation wavesS. D. Zakharov, G. M. Lyakhov and S. D. Mizyakin
131-133Short-term creep of alloy Amg6 with monoaxial extensionV. P. Ermakov and A. P. Kuznetsov

Volume 13, Number 2 / March 1972

135-138Two-dimensional nonstationary solutions of the equations of magnetohydrodynamicsV. S. Imshennik
139-144Effect of thermal conductivity on structure and critical parameters of shock waves in plasmaYu. A. Berezin and G. I. Dudnikova
145-150On the computation of absorption in the vibrational-rotational spectrum bandS. P. Detkov
151-155Solution of internal problems of aerodynamics under transitional conditions using a model kinetic equationA. I. Ivanovskii and S. Kh. Rozenfel'd
156-163Self-similar problem of the decay of a two-dimensional discontinuityV. M. Teshukov
164-167Numerical solution to the problem of the complete stabilization of a supersonic boundary layerS. A. Gaponov and A. A. Maslov
168-172Calculation of flow near the critical point with liquid coolingI. G. Druker and L. Ya. Treer
173-181Thermocapillary convection in a layer of liquidS. S. Brodskii and A. M. Golovin
182-188The temperature field arising with the motion of a reacting sphere with small finite péclet and reynolds numbersYu. P. Gupalo, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and A. T. Chalyuk
189-195Theory of ultrasonic wave propagation in polycrystalline mediaA. A. Usov, A. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
196-205Interaction of an elastic wave with a plateA. M. Skobeev
206-213Problems of optimizing multilayered spherical vesselsYu. V. Nemirovskii and M. L. Kheinloo
214-218Axially symmetrical instability modes in a cylindrical shell under impactV. M. Kornev and V. N. Solodovnikov
219-222An experimental study of shock-wave damping in steelM. M. Boiko, V. A. Letyagin and V. S. Solov'ev
223-226Characteristics of wave processes in earth under the action of explosions of charges with air sheathsA. A. Vovk and A. V. Mikhalyuk
227-233Solution of the percus-yevick equations and thermodynamic functions of a dense gas at subcritical temperaturesA. M. Berezhkovskii, N. M. Kuznetsov and I. V. Fryazinov
234-238Procedure for constructing an equation of state for a liquid from experimental p, v, T data with the aid of a computerA. A. Vasserman and A. Ya. Kreizerova
239-243Rheological equations of state of weak solutions of polymers as rigid ellipsoidal macromoleculesYu. V. Pridatchenko and Yu. I. Shmakov
244-246Density distribution in rarefaction wave produced by rupture of diaphragm in a shock tubeM. A. Lyubimova
247-249Measurement of concentration of atomic oxygen in dissociated gasesR. D. Gainutdinov and S. Zh. Toktomyshev
250-252Use of inversion transformation for modeling in certain problems of the theory of elasticity and plasticityS. D. Klyachko
253-255Growth of small perturbations in a boundary layer on an elastic surfaceV. B. Amfilokhiev, V. V. Droblenkov and A. S. Zavorokhina
256-259Some results obtained on studying the flow of liquid films by stroboscopic visualizationB. G. Ganchev, V. M. Kozlov and V. V. Orlov

Volume 13, Number 3 / May 1972

261-272Propagation of electromagnetic disturbances and stability of stationary states in media with a nonlinear ohm's lawI. M. Rutkevich
273-280Waves of envelopes in electron streamsA. D. Gladun and S. M. Korshunov
281-284Propagation of magnetohydrodynamic shock waves in a medium of decreasing densityYu. K. Kalmykov and A. A. Rumyantsev
285-292Group properties and invariant solutions of equations of an electric field in the case of nonlinear ohm's lawYu. P. Emets and V. B. Taranov
293-295Investigation of plasma flux interaction with an axisymmetric magnetic fieldYu. F. Kashkin
296-300Equation for thermionic emission in a plasmaI. N. Ostretsov, V. A. Petrosov, A. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
301-306Problems of the theory of monomolecular dissociation of a one-component gas and dissociation constant of CO2 at high temperaturesN. M. Kuznetsov
307-312Multicomponent diffusion and heat exchange during the flow of an ionized gas in chemical equilibrium about a bodyO. N. Suslov
313-316Numerical and asymptotic solution of the problem concerning the complete stabilization of a boundary layerS. A. Gaponov and A. A. Maslov
317-326Propagation rate and limits of existence of a turbulent flameV. S. Baushev and V. N. Vilyunov
327-333Three-dimensional supersonic flows at large distances from a body of finite volumeV. G. Dulov and A. I. Rudakov
334-339Propagation of spherical and cylindrical blast waves in a nonhomogeneous atmosphere with counterpressure taken into accountV. A. Bronshtén
340-349A plane steady-state free-boundary problem for the navier-stokes equationsV. V. Pukhnachev
350-355Flow around a sphere with material cross flow at low reynolds numbersM. V. Bashkatov and S. I. Shabanov
356-360Effect of blowing on the resistance of a sphere in laminar flow of viscous fluidA. M. Golovin
361-366Propagation of a jet of viscous liquid in a medium containing a density jumpL. A. Vulis, K. E. Dzhaugashtin, V. G. Zhivov and L. P. Yarin
367-371Nonlinear problems of the thermal conductivity equationN. N. Kochina
372-380Asymptotic of the flow upon shock incidence on a wedge cavityYa. M. Kazhdan
381-389Diffraction of an elastic wave in a discA. M. Skobeev
390-397Shock waves in soils and in water near the point of explosionG. M. Lyakhov, V. N. Okhitin and A. G. Chistov
398-406Asymptotic analysis of the behavior of an elastic bar under aperiodic intensive loadingV. M. Kornev
407-409Low-frequency oscillations of the plasma of a circular discharge in crossed electric and magnetic fieldsV. G. Andropov, N. A. Kruzhilin, G. S. Lopatskii and G. D. Petrov
410-412Electric field structure in certain cases of axial and plane symmetryA. P. Shatalov
413-416Rotational relaxation in a freely expanding nitrogen jetG. A. Luk'yanov
417-420Radiative-convective heat transfer in a plane layer of a selectively absorbing mistA. L. Burka, N. A. Rubtsov and V. A. Sinitsyn
421-424Parametric instability of gravity waves on the surface of deep waterV. F. Marchenko and A. F. Tselykovskii
425-427Propagation of longitudinal and transverse shock waves in an elastic mediumG. F. Filatov
428-432Determination of the calibration curve in bridgman anvilsP. I. Perlin

Volume 13, Number 4 / July 1972

433-436Stationary regime of radially symmetric motion of laser heated vapors with temperature and ionization nonequilibrium taken into accountS. P. Popov
437-445Gas-dynamic equations involving vibrational relaxationL. A. Pal'tsev
446-453The distribution function of atomic level populations in a plasmaS. A. Reshetnyak and L. A. Shelepin
454-457Calculation of axially symmetrical free expansion of a no ne quilibrium hydrogen plasmaD. A. Bartenev and G. A. Luk'yanov
458-467Theory of magnetoacoustic wave generation by mechanical radiatorsV. P. Dokuchaev
468-471Parametric instability of the m = 1 mode in the dynamic stabilization of a plasma filamentV. N. Beloozerov, V. V. Zhukov and M. G. Nikulin
472-479Quasi-one-dimensional solutions of the equations of a high-current electron beamV. N. Danilov
480-483Determination of the molecular-velocity distribution function in a molecular beam by the method of mechanical selectionÉ. P. Pavlov and V. D. Perminov
484-488Kinetics of the deactivation of the vibrations of highly excited oscillators in an inert gas medium, taking account of spontaneous radiationM. H. Safaryan
489-495Effect of roughness on the interaction between low-density gas and the surface of a solidV. L. Lozhkin and Yu. A. Ryzhov
496-498Numerical solution of the two-dimensional nonstationary problem of the motion of a shell under the action of detonation productsA. V. Kashirskii, Yu. V. Korovin, V. A. Odintsov and L. A. Chudov
499-503Stability of a nonstationary round jet of an ideal incompressible fluidV. K. Andreev
504-507Gas-dynamic calculation of pulsating flow in pipelinesA. S. Vladislavlev, B. M. Pisarevskii, V. M. Pisarevskii and V. P. Radchenko
508-513Heat exchange of sphere with blowing for slow flowsM. V. Bashkatov and S. I. Shabanov
514-516The motion of a gas around a strongly heated bodyV. N. Zhigulev
517-524Thermodynamics of irreversible processes and the lyapuncv-function methodV. L. Bazhanov and I. I. Gol'denblat
525-527Melting of a metal wire by heavy current pulsesM. M. Martynyuk, O. G. Panteleichuk and V. I. Tsapkov
528-535Theory of the electrical diffusion measurement of the spectral characteristics of a turbulent flowYu. E. Bogolyubov, P. I. Geshev, V. E. Nakoryakov and I. A. Ogorodnikov
536-541Development of dynamic forms of stability loss of elastic systems under intensive loading over a finite time intervalV. M. Kornev
542-545Waves in an elastic medium with coulomb surface friction presentP. F. Korotkov
546-550Nonstationary shear flow of a viscoplastic mediumA. M. Makarov and V. G. Sal'nikov
551-556The development of volumetric failure in silicate glasses and polymers under the action of laser radiationA. A. Orlov and P. I. Ulyakov
557-563Errors in stress measurements in soils under short-term loadsZ. V. Narozhnaya and G. V. Rykov
564-570Taking account of the no nuniformity of the dynamical loading of a sample in experiments on polarization o f dielectrics under shock compressionV. V. Yakushev
571-578The computation of dynamical moduli of solids under pressureYu. Ya. Boguslavskii, F. F. Voronov and S. B. Grigor'ev
579-581Q-switching in a CO2 laser with an active gas cellR. I. Soloukhin and Yu. A. Yakobi
582-585Experimental comparison of methods of determining the thermal accommodation coefficientA. D. Terekhov and E. N. Frolova
586-588The effect of a transverse magnetic field on the flow of a high-temperature electrically conducting gas in a channel with high thermal insulationV. A. Sepp
589-591Hypersonic flow around a blunt body by a nonequilibrium ionized gas taking account of advancing radiationA. K. Kondrya and N. V. Leont'eva
592-595Investigation of the turbulence of a liquid using a differential type doppler optical velocity meterB. S. Rinkevichyus and V. I. Smirnov
596-597“Diffusion” electrodes for investigation of the breakdown of liquid dielectricsD. D. Ryutov
598-601Shock compression of polytetrafluoroethylene to a pressure of ∼ 1.7 mbarN. G. Kalashnikov, L. V. Kuleshova and M. N. Pavlovskii

Volume 13, Number 5 / September 1972

603-609The boundary layers of a fully ionized two-temperature plasma with given component temperatures at an electrodeV. M. Korovin
610-614The influence of the hall effect on the current structure in a plasma flow with a spatially periodic magnetic fieldK. P. Cherkasova
615-624Structure of a collisionless boundary layer and turbulent damping of ionsV. I. Aref'ev
625-627Mutual relationship of adsorption processes on the surface of a cathode and the processes taking place in the parts of a heavy-current plasma discharge close to the electrodesV. N. Karasev, A. V. Minyatov, V. G. Pankratov and V. N. Stepanov
628-634Calculation of the characteristics of a gas-dynamic laserN. A. Generalov, G. I. Kozlov and I. K. Selezneva
635-641Different modes of heating when high-power radiation fluxes interact with a materialP. P. Volosevich, S. P. Kurdyumov and E. I. Levanov
642-648Vaporization of matter through interaction with intense energy fluxesV. N. Kondrat'ev
649-661Parameters of a stationary radially symmetrical jet of vapors heated by laser radiationT. B. Malyavina and I. V. Nemchinov
662-668Method of effective sections to take account of selectivity of radiation and absorption in a hot gasV. M. Ovsyannikov
669-681Nonlinear interaction of high-frequency and low-frequency wavesV. E. Zakharov and A. M. Rubenchik
682-687The approximate representation of the transformant of a single reflectionV. L. Lozhkin and Yu. A. Ryzhov
688-692Application of the method of matched asymptotic expansions to the calculation of the stationary thermal propagation of the front of an exothermic reaction in a condensed mediumV. S. Berman and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
693-697Extinction of a powder with a change in pressureV. A. Frost
698-703Effect of thermodiffusion on intensity of surface burn-out in a heterogeneous turbulent boundary layerÉ. P. Volchkov, P. V. Nikitin and E. I. Sinaiko
704-711Two methods of approximate description of steady-state motions of a viscous incompressible liquid with a free boundaryV. V. Pukhnachev
712-717Supersonic viscous gas flow around a cooled spherical blunt bodyYu. P. Golovachev and F. D. Popov
718-728Two-phase flow in a duct of constant cross section (A qualitative investigation)L. A. Vulis, P. L. Gusika and G. V. Zhizhin
729-737Statistical model of anisotropic, fibrous, porous bodiesYu. M. Glushkov
738-743Power dissipation and kinetic relations on velocity-discontinuity surfaces in compressible rigid-plastic materialI. S. Degtyarev and V. L. Kolmogorov
744-747Determination of the electron concentration in the boundary layer of a mixture of air and the decomposition products of an asbestos plasticG. N. Khlybov and M. I. Yakushin
748-751One-dimensional propagation of a monochromatic light pulse in absorbing mediaE. L. Tyurin and V. A. Shcheglov
752-755Numerical investigation of stability of a supersonic laminar boundary layerA. A. Maslov
756-759Energy dissipation in an underground explosionÉ. A. Koshelev
760-763The spread in creep curvesA. P. Kuznetsov and V. A. Trubii

Volume 13, Number 6 / November 1972

765-766On the 50th anniversary of the founding of the USSR
767-773Nonlinear interactions of langmuir waves in a weakly inhomogeneous plasmaB. V. Lundin
774-777Theory of plasma acceleration in electric and magnetic fieldsO. V. Manukhina
778-782Population inversion and radiation density in a Q-switched CO2 laserP. A. Skovorodko and Yu. A. Yakobi
783-786Measurement of the probability of the transition P20 (00 °1–10 °0) in CO2 and impact broadening in collisions with CO2, N2, and HeV. V. Danilov, É. P. Kruglyakov and E. V. Shun'ko
787-793Kinetic equations for vibrational relaxation in a mixture of polyatomic gasesA. S. Biryukov and B. F. Gordiets
794-798A Knudsen layer in a flow with two-temperature relaxationM. M. Kuznetsov
799-803Distribution of radiant thermal flux over the surface of a sphere for hypersonic flow of a nonviscous radiating gas past the sphereN. N. Pilyugin
804-808Flow of a supersonic low-density jet of nitrogen and nitrogen-hydrogen mixture over a blunt bodyA. A. Bochkarev, V. A. Kosinov, V. G. Prikhod'ko and A. K. Rebrov
809-816Invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equationsV. O. Bytev
817-821Onset of convection regimes with double period in a periodic field of external forcesG. S. Markman and V. I. Yudovich
822-826Numerical-analytical method of calculating the jet flow of a current of heavy fluid around curved obstaclesL. G. Guzevskii
827-830Influence of jet turbulence on flow in the boundary layer near the wallI. A. Belov, G. F. Gorshkov, V. S. Komarov and V. S. Terpigor'ev
831-836Experimental investigation of the heat exchange in separation zones ahead of cylindrical obstaclesB. E. Luzhanskii and V. P. Solntsev
837-844The necessary conditions for stable combustion of a powder in a half-closed chamberV. N. Vilyunov and A. P. Rudnev
845-850Multizone combustion of condensed systemsA. G. Merzhanov, É. N. Rumanov and B. I. Khaikin
851-856Elementary theory of the boiling layerM. A. Gol'dshtik
857-861Prediction of salt conditions in irrigated soils in the presence of drainageN. I. Gamayunov and D. F. Shul'gin
862-867Motion of a liquid in a fractured porous stratum with unsteady-state filtrationS. N. Bagir-zade and G. P. Guseinov
868-884Nonstationary equations of nonlinear elasticity theory in eulerian coordinatesS. K. Godunov and E. I. Romenskii
891-893Sensitivity of petn to an electric sparkI. D. Romanov and V. V. Sten'gach
894-902Equations of state of condensed mediaV. E. Fortov
903-907Compliance with the additivity rule for a number of alloys under shock compressionA. A. Bakanova, I. P. Dudoladov and Yu. N. Sumulov
908-912Stochastic instability of multidimensional anharmonic latticesE. M. Krushkal'
913-915On the principle of minimum power in an arc dischargeM. O. Rozovskii
916-918Time-dependent changes of the characteristics of light scattering by an aqueous medium subjected to a hydrodynamic perturbationV. M. Sysak and A. M. Trokhan

Volume 14, Number 1 / January 1973

1-7Electric field in the transverse cross section of the channel of an MHD generatorS. A. Medin and I. M. Rutkevich
8-11Dispersion theory of surface waves on an inhomogeneous plasma in a strong high-frequency fieldYu. M. Aliev, O. M. Gradov and A. Yu. Kirii
12-18Sound waves in a magnetizable mediumI. E. Tarapov
19-23Investigation of the inverted medium of a quasi-stationary CO2 laser with pulsed excitationI. F. Kanaev, É. P. Kruglyakov and V. K. Malinovskii
24-27Measurement of translational temperature in low-density jetsA. A. Bochkarev, P. A. Rapaport and N. I. Timoshenko
28-31Effect of Debye screening on ionization energy of components of air plasmaG. A. Koval'skaya
32-38A simple theory of breakdown of monatomic nonlight gases in fields of any frequency from low to opticalA. I. Vyskrebentsev and Yu. P. Raizer
39-44Development of surface discharge along a dielectric with large dielectric constant in gas in the nanosecond rangeB. M. Koval'chuk, V. V. Kremnev, G. A. Mesyats and Ya. Ya. Yurike
45-52A contribution to the theory of streamer breakdownA. I. Zakharov, I. G. Persiantsev, V. D. Pis'mennyi, A. V. Rodin and A. N. Starostin
53-59Parameters of a closed arc stabilized by a longitudinal flow of argonR. S. Bobrovskaya, N. I. Bortnichuk, A. A. Voropaev, A. V. Donskoi and S. V. Dresvin, et al.
60-70Asymptotic analysis of stationary distribution of the front of a two-stage consecutive exothermic reaction in a condensed mediumV. S. Berman and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
71-76Measurement of velocity of rarefied gas jets from the drift of an ion marker formed by an electron beamV. V. Volchkov and V. M. Kalugin
77-80Calculation of principal characteristics of turbulent streams in a state of structural equilibriumG. E. Sturov
81-89Mutual effect of long waves and turbulence on the surface of a liquidV. M. Kontorovich, Yu. A. Sinitsyn and V. M. Tsukernik
90-98Problems of theory and practical use of a laser doppler velocimeter in the investigation of turbulent flowsG. A. Barill, Yu. N. Dubnishchev, V. P. Koronkevich, V. S. Sobolev and A. A. Stolpovskii, et al.
99-104Diffusion processes in the mixing zone of a supersonic jet of low densityN. I. Kislyakov, A. K. Rebrov and R. G. Sharafutdinov
105-110Investigation of the gravitational flow of a liquid along the walls of a vertical channel of great lengthB. G. Ganchev and V. M. Kozlov
111-115Problem concerning a spherical piston in a compressible medium with “dry” frictionV. V. Bashurov
116-119Rheological equations of state of weakly concentrated suspensions of rigid ellipsoidal particlesYu. V. Pridatchenko and Yu. I. Shmakov
120-124Minimization of thickness of nonuniform absorbing layer with specified modulus of reflection coefficient of monochromatic waveM. M. Machevariani and V. B. Mironova
125-128Wave processes in a nonisothermic plasmaYu. A. Berezin and V. A. Vshivkov
129-131Electrical conductivity of a gas in presence of external ionizing radiationA. A. Dantser and V. A. Feoktistov
132-134Influence of the sweepback angle and the unit reynolds number on boundary-layer transition at supersonic velocitiesS. V. Kalinina and V. I. Kornilov
135-137Self-similar variable-pressure combustion of symmetric powder particlesYu. A. Gostintsev
138-141Effect of the casing on the initial parameters of the underwater explosion of a cylindrical charge of explosiveM. K. Baranaev, V. M. Vitelis and K. M. Shumov
142-143Production of a blast with a high energy concentrationM. A. Lebedev and M. M. Rusakov
144-149Optical method of investigation of heattransfer mechanism in bubbled boilingV. I. Baranenko and G. F. Smirnov

Volume 14, Number 2 / March 1973

151-158Similarity in the flow of a magnetized plasma around a plate and a cylinderV. T. Astrelin, I. A. Bogashchenko, N. S. Buchel'nikova and Yu. I. Éidel'man
159-163Cylindrical probe in the nitrogen plasma of a glow discharge at average pressuresV. V. Danilov, É. P. Kruglyakov and E. V. Shun'ko
164-169Equilibrium theory and stability of a high-current, pinched, varying-current dischargeA. F. Aleksandrov and S. A. Reshetnyak
170-175Two-dimensional spreading of a cloud of conducting gas in a magnetic field self-similar solutionV. I. Yakovlev
176-180Calculating scheme and switching-on of the load of plane explosive-driven magnetic generatorsE. I. Bichenkov, A. E. Voitenko, V. A. Lobanov and E. P. Matochkin
181-186Variational approach to the calculation of a high-frequency induction dischargeM. O. Rozovskii
187-191Possibility of the occurrence of dissociation reactions of multiatomic molecules during rapid cooling in an expanding supersonic streamI. S. Zaslonko, S. M. Kogarko and Yu. V. Chirikov
192-199Cooling of the hot region formed by the breakdown of air with laser radiationL. P. Markelova, I. V. Nemchinov and L. P. Shubadeeva
200-207Low-density jets beyond a sonic nozzle at large pressure dropsV. V. Volchkov, A. V. Ivanov, N. I. Kislyakov, A. K. Rebrov and V. A. Sukhnev, et al.
208-212Diffusion baroeffect in a capillary in a broad range of knudsen numbersV. D. Seleznev and P. E. Suetin
213-221Transport coefficients of air in the region of temperatures from 3000 to 25,000 ° K and pressures of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 atmI. A. Sokolova
222-225Development of turbulent mixing in a fluidYu. N. Vlasov, V. N. Nekrasov, A. M. Trokhan and Yu. D. Chashechkin
226-229Friction and heat transfer with simultaneous convection on a permeable surfaceV. I. Dubovik
230-234Experimental investigation of horizontal two-phase flow by an electrodiffusion methodP. M. Krokovnyi, V. E. Nakoryakov, B. G. Pokusaev and V. A. Utovich
237-241Waves on the surface of a thin layer of viscous liquidV. E. Nakoryakov and I. R. Shreiber
242-247Calculation of viscous and plastic properties by the solution of wave problemsG. M. Lyakhov and Ya. A. Pachepskii
248-252A steady-state moving crack of longitudinal shear with an infinitely narrow plastic zoneP. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
253-258Branching of rotationally symmetric solutions describing flows of a viscous liquid with a free surfaceV. V. Pukhnachev
259-265Asymptotic form of the problem of nonsymmetrical proper vibrations of a circular-conic al shellV. M. Kornev and L. I. Shkutin
266-268The shape of the throwout crater from the explosion of a cord charge in a two-layer mediumÉ. B. Polyak and E. N. Sher
269-272Predicting the deformation characteristics of polymer materialsS. P. Gun'kin, Yu. V. Zelenev and A. P. Molotkov
273-278Effect of structure of composite materials on their elastic propertiesV. V. Dudukalenko, O. I. Ivanishcheva and B. I. Legenya
279-281Matching of discharge circuit with shell motion in noncylindrical Z-pinchV. V. Vikhrev
282-283Generation of ultrashort light pulses with stable parameters in an actively Q-switched laserG. V. Krivoshchekov and V. A. Smirnov
284-285Model of the motion of fishes and snakesM. A. Lavrent'ev
286-290Effect of the equation of state on the dispersion of detonation productsA. V. Kasfairskii, L. P. Orlenko and V. N. Okhitin
291-292An exact solution of an axially symmetric problem of ideal plasticityB. D. Annin
293-296Calculation of fracture diagramsE. M. Morozov and V. T. Sapunov

Volume 14, Number 3 / May 1973

297-301Stability of a perturbed conducting gas flow in a magnetic field for arbitrary magnetic Reynolds numbersL. M. Krylova and O. A. Sinkevich
302-306Nonstationary shock waves in a low-density plasmaG. I. Dudnikova
307-312Breakdown of the near-electrode layer in a flow of ionized gasG. A. Lyubimov
313-317Ionization of a neutral medium by an electron beamA. S. Dolgov
318-322Cathode electric-field-intensity-distribution functionI. N. Ostretsov, V. A. Petrosov, A. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
323-327Approximate determination of the gas population inversion and gain coefficient during adiabatic expansion in a nozzleG. V. Gembarzhevskii
328-334On scattering of a gas behind deflagration waves propelled by powerful radiation fluxesI. V. Nemchinov
335-339Self-similar scattering of evaporation products of a solid wall subjected to variable energy liberationA. T. Sapozhnikov
340-343Theory of short waves in gas dynamicsG. P. Soldatov
344-348Evolution of nonlinear waves in a dissipative medium with dispersionV. V. Sobolev
349-352Shock wave in a gas-liquid mediumA. P. Burdukov, V. V. Kuznetsov, S. S. Kutateladze, V. E. Nakoryakov and B. G. Pokusaev, et al.
353-357Computation of the shock adiabats of argon and xenonV. K. Gryaznov, I. L. Iosilevskii and V. E. Formov
358-362Shock adiabats and the near zone in an explosion in a drilling mudYu. P. Nelasov
363-370Radiation flame front in a gas mixture with solid particlesP. B. Vainshtein
371-377Study of the extinction of gunpowder in the combustion model with a variable surface temperatureV. A. Frost and V. L. Yumashev
378-382Emergence of taylor vortices between rotating eccentric cylindersV. G. Babskii, I. L. Sklovskaya and Yu. B. Sklovskii
383-389Stability of a compressible boundary layer relative to a localized disturbanceA. S. Dryzhov
390-393Energy spectra of velocity pulsations in a turbulent boundary layer on a penetrable plateA. I. Alimpiev, V. N. Mamonov and B. P. Mironov
394-399Numerical study of the behavior of a uniform “spot” in an ideal density-stratified liquidB. G. Kuznetsov and G. G. Chernykh
400-404On the convective instability of a liquid in an inclined layer of a porous mediumA. K. Kolesnikov and D. V. Lyubimov
405-410Solution of the inverse problem of thermal conductivity for a melting slab with entrainmentV. I. Autipov and V. V. Lebedev
411-414Creep of AK4-1 alloy under complex loadingA. I. Ravikovich
415-418Interaction between a vortex and a planeM. A. Gol'dshtik
419-422Acoustic interaction of two cylindersD. N. Gorelov
423-425Investigation of the reaction between a free molecular flow and the surface of silver pickupsD. Parlag and S. Zh. Toktomyshev
426-428Stability of the dominant mode of the nonlinear wave equation in a cubic mediumA. A. Kolokolov
429-430Stability of a conical combustion surface with the ignition of a solid fuel in a semiclosed volumeL. K. Gusachenko
431-433Fatigue crack propagation at low loading levelsKh. Khalmanov and G. P. Cherepanov

Volume 14, Number 4 / July 1973

435-443Two-temperature model of a plasma under conditions of stationary blowing of a gas through a plasmotronS. V. Dresvin
444-447High-frequency electrode discharge at reduced pressureA. A. Ashcheulov, M. G. Berdichevskii, A. N. Kolyshev and V. V. Marusin
448-453Experimental study of the amplification (intensification) of light in CO2+N2+He (H2O) mixtures during expansion in a supersonic nozzleG. V. Gembarzhevskii, N. A. Generalov and G. I. Kozlov
454-460Role of nonresonance exchange processes in gasdynamic laser'sA. S. Biryukov and L. A. Shelepin
461-467Flow of a relaxed gas in the vicinity of a solid surfaceM. O. Lutset
468-475Nonisothermal flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a two-dimensional diffuserV. I. Naidenov
476-482An exact solution of the navier-stokes equations for a chemically reacting mixture of gasesV. A. Kronrod and V. V. Shchennikov
483-490Effective thermal conductivity of granular materialsYu. A. Buevich
491-499Elementary theory of concentrated dispersed systemsM. A. Gol'dshtik and B. N. Kozlov
500-508Flow characteristics of two-phase dispersed annular streams in heated tubesB. I. Nigmatulin
509-519Theory of a laval nozzle for a two-phase mixture containing particles of small lagA. N. Kraiko and R. A. Tkalenko
520-526Theory of flame propagation in a gas and drop mixtureP. B. Vainshtein and R. I. Nigmatulin
527-530Mathematical theory of the stationary propagation velocity of a fine-scale turbulent flameV. S. Baushev and V. N. Vilyunov
533-540Interaction of light with a turbulent liquid flowD. I. Avaliani and S. S. Kutateladze
541-545Heat transfer in a turbulent boundary layer with stepped injectionÉ. P. Volchkov, V. K. Koz'menko and V. P. Lebedev
546-552Calculation of the shock-wave adiabatics for some heterogeneous mixturesG. A. Bogachev
553-557Interaction of a growing crack with the boundary in a bicrystalI. S. Guz', G. S. Demina, A. M. Levius and G. A. Chervov
558-561Stability allowances of e la sticoviscoplastic bodiesA. N. Sporykhin and V. G. Trofimov
562-568Calculation of nonstationary elastic waves in an isotropic layerV. A. Saraikin
569-574Calculation of the explosion of hexogen in aluminumP. F. Korotkov and V. S. Lobanov
575-583Nonresonance parametric interactions of surface waves in isotropic solid bodiesB. A. Konyukhov and G. M. Shalashov
584-588Simulating a crack by a notch in the solution of dynamic problemsI. S. Guz'
589-591Spatial localization of transitional layers in problems of the nonlinear theory of thermal conductivityK. B. Pavlov
592-594Force acting on a sphere in an inhomoge neous flow of an ideal incompressible fluidO. V. Voinov
595-597Stress waves in a viscoelastic medium with a singular hereditary kernelV. L. Gonsovskii and Yu. A. Rossikhin
598-600Discreteness of pulsed plasma jetsV. A. Morozov
601-603A stefan problem with a boundary condition of the fourth kindM. A. Kanibolotskii

Volume 14, Number 5 / September 1973

605-611Deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium during recombination of a dispersing plasmaL. I. Gudzenko, Yu. I. Syts'ko, S. S. Filippov and S. I. Yakovlenko
612-616Dynamics of electrical parameters of an arc and its behavior in a plasmatron channelA. S. An'shakov, M. F. Zhukov and A. N. Timoshevskii
617-623Magnetic field in a cylindrical conductor moving with a velocity proportional to r−1E. I. Bichenkov and E. P. Matochkin
624-629Mach reflection of weak shock waves from a rigid wallB. I. Zaslavskii and R. A. Safarov
630-635Investigation of unsteady flow structure during discharge of a shock-heated gasV. A. Belavin, V. V. Golub, I. N. Naboko and A. I. Opara
636-641Nonstationary gas flow with shock waves in a supersonic compressorD. N. Gorelov and V. A. Meshman
642-645Criteria for excitation of a shock wave and its intensity during an explosion in a rarefied gasYu. A. Medvedev and V. D. Khokhlov
646-649Derivation of equations of motion of a slightly rarefied gas around highly heated bodies from boltzmann's equationV. Ya. Rudyak
650-653Motion of a small sphere in a nonhomogeneous flow of an incompressible liquidO. V. Voinov and A. G. Petrov
654-659Temperature fluctuations in a two-phase superheated layer in the boiling of a liquidN. Afgan
660-663On the use of salt tracers for measuring the dynamics of a liquid by optical methodsV. A. Belogol'skii, Yu. N. Vlasov, D. L. Zelikson and A. M. Trokhan
664-669Viscosity of a suspension of ellipsoidal ferromagnetic particles in a magnetic fieldM. A. Martsenyuk
670-674Boundary layer in the vicinity of the stagnation point of a body of axial symmetry in a turbulent streamV. S. Terpigor'ev
675-680Convective stability of a vertical layer of a non-newtonian liquidG. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii and T. P. Lyublmova
681-685Spatial localization of thermal perturbations in heating a medium with bulk heat absorptionK. B. Pavlov
686-693Effect of condensed powder phase reactions on the stability of steady-state combustion processesV. N. Vilyunov and A. P. Rudnev
694-698Distribution of spherical shock waves in a two-phase fuel mixtureB. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin and S. M. Kogarko
699-704Stationary modes of combustion in a fine-scale turbulent streamV. N. Vilyunov and I. G. Dik
705-711Level kegulation of ground water in irrigationN. N. Kochina
712-714The failure limit and the strength conditions of a soilM. N. Zakharov
715-719Vibrational equations of variable mass layers and membranesV. M. Smotrov and V. M. Chernyshev
720-725Bounds for effective elastic moduli of inhomogeneous solid bodiesA. G. Fokin
726-729Effect of elastic anisotropy on the distribution of stresses at the tip of a crack subjected to elastic wavesI. S. Guz'
730-733Effect of the orientation of a boundary crack on the passage of surface wavesI. S. Guz'
734-736Probe measurements in the channel of a magnetic annular arcA. I. Bugrova, V. S. Versotskii and M. A. Krasnenkov

Volume 14, Number 6 / November 1973

737-756Closed equations for the motion of a liquid containing bubbles (survey)R. M. Garipov
757-762Formation of inversion in jet of CO2-H2O-N2 gas mixture expanding through a slotE. M. Kudryavtsev and V. N. Faizulaev
763-769Study of vibrational deactivation of molecules of carbon dioxide gas during cooling of stream in a supersonic nozzleN. V. Evtyukhin, S. A. Losev, V. N. Makarov, V. A. Pavlov and M. S. Yalovik
770-774Motion of a conductive piston in a channel with variable inductanceV. V. Polyudov, V. M. Titov and G. A. Shvetsov
775-778Theory of the hydromagnetic generatorYu. B. Ponomarenko
779-785Reduction of gas breakdown voltage with pulsed ionizing radiationA. A. Dantser and V. A. Feoktistov
786-790Numerical simulation of the dynamics of an intense relativistic beam of charged particlesV. B. Bavin, V. M. Vetsko, V. A. Leitan, A. S. Roshal' and A. V. Shal'nov
791-797Motion of triple configuration of shock waves with formation of wake behind branching pointV. G. Dulov
798-802Numerical solution of the problem of the flow of a supersonic gas stream over the upper surface of a delta wing in the expansion regionG. P. Voskresenskii
803-808Stability of combustion of powder in a phenomenological model with nonadiabatic flameYu. A. Gostintsev, P. F. Pokhil and L. A. Sukhanov
809-812Heat transfer at the nose of a blunt body in a rarefied supersonic flow of a nitrogen-hydrogen mixtureA. A. Bochkarev, V. A. Kosinov, V. G. Prikhod'ko and A. K. Rebrov
813-820Turbulent mixing of accompanying and opposing flowsL. A. Vulis, A. D. Lebedev and L. I. Neimotin
821-826Calculation of the motion of two-component mediaYu. P. Zuikov and B. G. Kuznetsov
827-831Stability of a spherical cavity in a sound fieldV. G. Gasenko, L. E. Kolesnikov and V. V. Sobolev
832-838Unsteady-state filtration of a liquid in a fractured-porous stratum to a well with a hemispherical end-faceS. N. Bagir-zade and G. P. Guseinov
839-847Particle spreading during acceleration and penetrationÉ. I. Andriankin and V. V. Batii
848-849The flow of a dielectric liquidD. V. Eremchenko
850-852Quantitative description of spall damageB. A. Tarasov
853-856On rupture attributable to creepA. F. Nikitenko, O. V. Sosnin and N. G. Torshenov

Volume 15, Number 1 / January 1974

1On the 60th birthday of Yu. N. Rabotnov
2-8Use of an extended gas glow discharge in a closed-cycle CO2 laser with convective coolingP. I. Belomestnov, A. I. Ivanchenko, R. I. Soloukhin and Yu. A. Yakobi
9-13Laser heating of its erosional low-temperature plasma in the process of gasdynamic motionV. K. Goncharov, L. Ya. Min'ko, E. S. Tyunina and A. N. Chumakov
14-17Model of the nonlinear absorption of lightYu. I. Lysikov and O. A. Ponomarev
18-23Equilibrium and stability of a z pinch in a multipole magnetic fieldM. G. Nikulin
24-29Numerical calculation of the motion of a gas from a surface explosionN. V. Gusev
30-33Stability of a supersonic boundary layer with respect to three-dimensional disturbancesA. A. Maslov
34-39Effect of injection and nonuniformity of temperature on friction in the entry region of a tubeA. V. Fafurin
40-44Hydrodynamic interaction of cascades of plates during their relative motionD. N. Gorelov
45-47Transverse flow over an oscillating plate with injection or suctionYu. L. Fainitskii
48-52Experimental investigation of the efficiency of gas screens at a burning-out surface with the blowing of a foreign gasÉ. P. Volchkov and E. I. Sinaiko
53-60Hydrodynamic analogies of the phenomena of ignition and extinctionA. G. Merzhanov and A. M. Stolin
61-68Combustion of a gas suspension of metal particlesV. B. Librovich, V. I. Lisitsyn and B. I. Khaikin
69-77Frequency characteristics of a laminar flameV. A. Sklyarov and V. I. Furletov
78-82Stability of a plane-parallel convective flow of a liquid in a horizontal layerG. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii and V. M. Myznikov
83-87Motion and heat transfer in tubes of liquids with temperature-dependent viscositiesV. I. Naidenov
88-91Effective thermal conductivity of a medium with ellipsoidal particlesI. N. Shchelchkova
92-98Kinetic droplet evaporation in a turbulent air jetV. F. Dunskii and Yu. V. Yatskov
99-105Lifetime of a narrow channel in a liquidI. V. Zuev, N. N. Rarov, N. N. Rykalin and A. A. Uglov
106-110Transport in a turbulent vortex ringV. F. Tarasov and V. I. Yakushev
111-115Small oscillations of a gas-filled spherical chamber in viscoelastic polymer mediaS. P. Levitskii and A. T. Listrov
116-119Study of the pressure distribution over rotatable bridgman anvilsN. S. Enikolopyan, A. A. Zharov, V. A. Zhorin, A. G. Kazakevich and P. A. Yampol'skii
120-123On an approximate method of solution of problems in plasticityV. I. Odinokov
124-128The effect of transverse strains in the mechanics of a solid mediumA. F. Revuzhenko and E. I. Shemyakin
129-131Parametric excitation of longitudinal waves in a bounded plasma by an HF electric fieldO. M. Gradov
132-133One form of stratification in the electric explosion of wiresN. V. Grevtsev, V. D. Zolotukhin, Yu. M. Kashurnikov and V. A. Letyagin
134-136Kompaneets model for a thermal waveG. V. Fedorovich
137-139Turbulence energy balance in axisymmetric wakes behind bodies of diverse shapesV. I. Bukreev, V. A. Kostomakha and Yu. M. Lytkin
140-142Propagation of radial cracks in a round bar with torsionG. B. Kuzina and N. B. Romalis
143-146Experimental investigation of plastic waves in copper platesV. I. Bazaikin and V. N. Peretyat'ko

Volume 15, Number 2 / March 1974

147-150On the 250th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
151-158Calculation of plane electric fields in channels of magnetohydrodynamic instrumentsD. A. But, L. K. Kovalev, Yu. M. Nikitin and I. A. Nikitina
159-164Experimental investigation of cathode spots on metallic electrodes protruding in plasma flowV. I. Zalkind, V. V. Kirillov, A. P. Markina, A. S. Tikhotskii and G. L. Uspenskaya
165-171Stability of low-voltage arc with nonequilibrium ionizationYu. Yu. Abramov and G. G. Gladush
172-176Diffusion problems in the linear theory of gasdynamic and chemical lasersN. G. Preobrazhenskii
177-182Diffusion equation in the theory of vibrational relaxation of diatomic moleculesM. N. Safaryan
183-186Flow of rarefied gases in a capillary screen at different temperaturesV. D. Akin'shin, S. F. Borisov, B. T. Porodnov and P. E. Suetin
187-195Approximate solution of the problem of the three-dimensional boundary layer in an incompressible fluidI. G. Brykina and Yu. D. Shevelev
196-200Characteristics of turbulent-exchange coefficients in a viscous underlayerP. I. Geshev
201-207Model of two-phase flow with coagulation of particles of a polydispe use condensate in the one-dimensional approximationA. N. Kraiko and A. A. Shraiber
208-214Spherical blast waves in multicomponent mediaG. M. Lyakhov and V. N. Okhitin
215-219Conductor destruction in electrical explosionN. V. Grevtsev, V. D. Zolotukhin, Yu. M. Kashurnikov and V. A. Letyagin
220-223Motion and condensation of products from electrically exploded wiresN. V. Grevtsev, Yu. M. Kashurnikov, V. A. Letyagin and B. I. Makhorin
224-228Computer solution of the problem of the depletion of a stratum with a gasified liquid in the case of the work of a round battery of boreholesB. A. Azimov and G. Sh. Gadzhibalaev
229-234Theory of “hot” cracksV. D. Kuliev and G. P. Cherepanov
235-240Stress-strain state at the apex of a slit in the antiplane strain of an elastic-plastic solidE. I. Shemyakin
241-245Shock compressibility of porous tungsten, molybdenum, copper, and aluminum in the low pressure domainA. A. Bakanova, I. P. Dudoladov and Yu. N. Sutulov
246-250Equations of state of the elastic energy of metals in the case of a nonspherical strain tensorS. K. Godunov, N. S. Kozin and E. I. Romenskii
251-254Calculation studies of the dynamic characteristics of spherical and toroidal shellsS. P. Gavelya and N. I. Kononenko
255-259Hypoelastic form of equations in nonlinear elasticity theoryE. I. Romenskii
260-270Theory of limit equilibrium of bimetallic shells of revolution and circular platesM. S. Mikhalishin, Yu. V. Nemirovskii and O. N. Shablii
271-274Expansion of an ideally plastic cylindrical shell in response to detonation productsV. A. Odintsev, V. V. Selivanov and L. A. Chudov
275-277Parametric excitation of waves in an isothermal plasmaB. I. Sturman
278-279Field emission with allowance for the effect of individual ion fields (I-F emission)I. N. Ostretsov, V. A. Petrosov, A. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
280-282Stimulation of volumetric discharges in a gas at high pressure by an electron beam obtained using a low-pressure dischargeYu. I. Bychkov, Yu. E. Kreindel', G. A. Mesyats and A. G. Filonov
283-285Decay instability of vibrational relaxation in molecular gasesI. V. Novobrantsev and A. N. Starostin
286-287Numerical solution of the two-dimensional unsteady-state problem of the motion of a shell under the action of the products of an axial detonationA. V. Kashirskii, Yu. V. Korovin, V. A. Odintsov and L. A. Chudov

Volume 15, Number 3 / May 1974

289-296Measurement of amplification coefficientsR. I. Soloukhin and Yu. A. Yakobi
297-304Vibrational distribution functions and relaxation rate in anharmonic-oscillator systemsB. F. Gordiets and Sh. S. Mamedov
305-311Theory of two-component gasdynamic laserN. Ya. Vasilik, A. D. Margolin and V. M. Margulis
312-316Experimental study of plasma flow in a disk MHD channel under conditions of spontaneous formation of a current layerA. Yu. Kerkis, V. S. Sokolov, N. A. Trynkina and V. P. Fomichev
317-321Ion-acoustic turbulence in a collisionless shock waveG. E. Vekshtein
322-329Acceleration of conductors to supersonic speeds in a pulsed magnetic fieldV. F. Agarkov, V. N. Bondaletov, S. A. Kalikhman and Yu. P. Pichugin
330-333Oscillographic study of electrical explosion in copper and goldI. Karimkhodzhaev and M. M. Martynyuk
334-339Conditions of supersonic flow around multiwedge bodiesV. V. Kravets and A. I. Shvets
340-349Theory of thinning of free viscous fluid filmsO. V. Voinov
350-354Assessment of effect of heat of internal friction on characteristics of structured flow of viscoplastic liquid in a round tubeV. E. Pervushin
355-362One-dimensional diffusional model of heterogeneous (gas-film) detonationS. A. Lesnyak and V. G. Slutskii
363-370Stationary propagation of an exothermic-reaction front in a condensed mediumA. P. Aldushin
371-378Calculation of the acoustic admittance of a burning surface of a condensed system, taking into account the instability of processes in the gaseous phaseS. S. Novikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and V. E. Tul'skikh
379-382Superhigh-pressure pressE. I. Zababakhin and I. E. Zababakhin
383-386Boundary-value problem in the dynamical theory of elastic anisotropic mediaV. S. Budaev
387-391Characteristic cones of the equations in the nonlinear theory of elasticityE. I. Romenskii
392-399Stress-strain state of a parabolic shell of revolution subjected to external magnetic pressureD. G. Baratov, V. M. Valov, R. A. Pzaev, V. L. Rykov and I. M. Shalashov
400-405Formation of rigid zones in viscoplastic mediumE. M. Emel'yanov and A. D. Chernyshov
406-410Elastic-wave diffraction by a finite crack under antiplane strain conditionsP. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
411-416Equilibrium of a crack in a porous medium with injection of the filtering liquidYu. A. Peslyak
417-420Melting and evaporation of metals in an unloading waveA. A. Leont'ev and V. E. Fortov
421-423Electric discharge in nitrogen at high electric fieldsYu. I. Bychkov, V. V. Kremnev and V. F. Tarasenko
424-426Stability of vibrations of finite amplitude in an electron-ion ringG. P. Berman
427-429Magnetic field compression by a strong shock waveA. I. Bertinov, D. A. But and V. I. Yudas
430-433Self-similar problems of three-dimensional boundary layer in the presence of suction or blowingÉ. M. Lyubavin and Ya. S. Khodorkovskii
434-435Motion of a viscous liquid between two rotating spheresYu. G. Ovseenko
436-439Plane explosion wave in soilsR. G. Yakupov

Volume 15, Number 4 / July 1974

441-448Dissociation of anharmonic molecules by means of high-power infrared emissionB. F. Gordiets, A. I. Osipov and V. Ya. Panchenko
449-454Kinetics of physical processes in pinch-discharge lasersS. A. Reshetnyak and L. A. Shelepin
455-464Numerical calculation of the propagation of a plane subsonic radiation wave through a gas in opposition to a flow of light radiationV. I. Bergel'son, T. V. Loseva and I. V. Nemchinov
465-469Surface waves and stability of free surface of a magnetizable liquidI. E. Tarapov
470-475Limiting viscosity of ferromagnetic suspensions in a strong magnetic fieldYu. L. Raikher and M. I. Shliomis
476-480Effect of the parameters of an electron beam on the process of accumulation of hot electrons in a mirror trapL. P. Zakatov and A. G. Plakhov
481-488Numerical study of flows of a viscous compressible gas and of an equilibrium gas mixture in a flat nozzle in the presence of strong blowingV. A. Kronrod and V. V. Shchennikov
489-493Local thickness of a washing film in the entrance sectionE. G. Vorontsov and O. M. Yakhno
494-499Formation of condensed oxide particles by combustion of metal dropletsV. M. Gvemyachkin, A. G. Istratov and O. I. Leipunskii
500-506Heat and mass transfer in a dispersive mediumYu. A. Buevich and Yu. A. Korneev
507-510Parameters of cylindrical blast waves in water-impregnated sandy loamI. A. Luchko, P. A. Parshukov and A. G. Smirnov
511-515Decomposition of teflon heat protective coatings at hypersonic flight velocitiesE. V. Prozorova and B. I. Reznikov
516-520Optical properties of teflon at high temperaturesA. A. Borovikov, G. N. Khlybov and M. I. Yakushin
521-525Magnetohydrodynamic methods of measuring mass velocity and electrical conductivity parameters varying along the direction of the flowA. P. Ershov
526-529Interpolation formulas for maxwell viscosity of certain metals as a function of shear-strain intensity and temperatureS. K. Godunov, A. F. Demchuk, N. S. Kozin and V. I. Mali
530-534Deformation of a flowing powder with nonviscous frictionA. F. Revuzhenko and E. I. Shemyakin
535-540Third-order effects in the propagation of elastic waves in isotropic solids generation of higher harmonicsB. A. Konyukhov and G. M. Shalashov
541-545Certain elastoplastic problems for a plane weakened by a doubly periodic system of circular holesV. M. Mirsalimov
546-551Dynamics of unidirectional glass-fiber-reinforced plasticA. M. Mikhailov
552-554Dispersion of a plasma cloud in a uniform magnetic fieldS. M. Bakhrakh, E. V. Gubkov, V. A. Zhmailo and V. A. Terekhin
555-559Flux diffusion during magnetic accumulation in narrow cavitiesE. I. Bichenkov and E. P. Matochkin
560-562Nonlinear and linearized problems of pulsating gas movement in a pipelineA. S. Vladislavlev, B. M. Pisarevskii, V. P. Radchenko and A. N. Chugaeva
563-567Study of the separation of liquid from the surface of a film-during gravitational flow in a channelV. V. Lozovetskii
568-571Comparison of methods of measuring the thickness of a liquid filmB. Ya. Karastelev, V. V. Permyakov, A. M. Podsushnyi, V. F. Yukhimenko and Yu. V. Yakubovskii
572-575Nonstationary heat conduction in a half-space with an infinite number of cylindrical heat sourcesI. A. Ioffe
576-579Compression equation of water-saturated sand and its useful limitsV. A. Krivtsov
580-582Dynamic loading stress in angular welded jointsI. S. Guz', S. D. Ishkov and A. N. Podgornyi
583Corrections to the article “a solution of diffusion equation with nonlinear right side,” prikladnoi mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoi fiziki, No. 4, 1969N. N. Kochina

Volume 15, Number 5 / September 1974

585-589Optimization of the parameters of a CO2 gasdynamic laserV. D. Zharkov, L. Yu. Lapushonok and N. N. Chebikin
590-595Amplification of the emission of a CO2 laser in the products of the reaction of carbon monoxide and nitrous oxideN. N. Kudryavtsev, S. S. Novikov and I. B. Svetlichnyi
596-601Electrical explosion of conductors under pressure and the metal-nonmetal transitionM. M. Martynyuk and O. G. Panteleichuk
602-605Surfaces of discontinuity in a magnetized mediumI. E. Tarapov
606-612Secondary flows in a rotating circular cylinder of incompressible conducting fluid as the result of the sudden turning-on of a transverse magnetic fieldV. I. Khonichev and V. I. Yakovlev
613-616Flow of a binary gas mixture with arbitrary accommodation of the tangential momentumN. D. Pochuev, V. D. Seleznev and P. E. Suetin
617-622Transition from droplet flow to stream flow in a liquidV. F. Dunskii and N. V. Nikitin
623-627Stability of gas-bubble equilibrium shape in uniform flow of an ideal fluidA. G. Petrov
628-631Damping of steady-state waves in systems described by a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equationE. N. Pelinovskii and S. Kh. Shavratskii
632-637Development of secondary free-convection currents in forced turbulent flow in horizontal tubesA. F. Polyakov
638-642Dynamics of shock waves in a liquid containing gas bubblesS. S. Kutateladze, V. E. Nakoryakov, V. V. Sobolev and I. R. Shreiber
643-648Degenerate thermal ignition of gaseous suspensionsV. I. Lisitsyn and B. I. Khaikin
649-653Determination of the unknown parameters of an oil-bearing stratum in the presence of return flows through a weakly permeable stratum and infiltrationI. B. Basovich
654-660Problem of a piston in a plastic medium with cultivationV. V. Bashurov and N. A. Skorkin
661-665Elastic coefficients of aluminum as functions of the degree of compression in a shock waveA. A. Vorob'ev, A. N. Dremin and G. I. Kanel'
666-671Shock structure in a viscoelastic medium with a nonlinear dependence of the Maxwellian viscosity on the parameters of the materialS. K. Godunov and N. S. Kozin
672-678Stability of cylindrical shells subjected to combined axial compression and internal pressure under creep conditionsL. M. Kurshin and V. T. Shcherbakov
679-684Inverse problem of the vibrations of rods and strings of variable massV. M. Smotrov and V. M. Chernyshev
685-688Determination of the vibrational temperature of carbon monoxide using the electron beamV. A. Kosinov
689-692Voltage-current characteristics of the electrode boundary layer in a thermally nonequilibrium dense plasmaV. I. Belykh
693-697Charging of an inductive accumulator from an explosive-type magnetic generator through an electrical explosive-type current breakerL. S. Gerasimov, V. I. Ikryannikov and A. I. Pinchuk
698-702Three-dimensional analog of a vortical chaplygin column (a generalized hill vortex)A. G. Yarmitskii
703-705Jet-flow parametees of a special form of ideal heavy fluidYu. I. Petukhov
706-708Stability of plane-parallel convective fluid flow in a horizontal layer relative to spatial perturbationsG. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii and V. M. Myznikov
709-712Viscosity of moderately compeessed gases and their binary mixturesV. R. Kamenetskii
713-715Self-similarity of a convective heat-transfer problemV. I. Naidenov
716-718Experimental investigations of nonresonance parametric interactions of elastic waves in solidsB. A. Konyukhov and I. D. Konyukhova
719-721One case of the equilibrium of a system of radial cracksE. N. Sher
722-725Approximate method for determining the momentum in a wedge-shaped notch with the instantaneous dispersion of a thin layer of matter from its surfaceV. G. Litvinov and A. N. Tkachenko
726-730Interaction between stress waves and a growing crackI. S. Guz'

Volume 15, Number 6 / November 1974

731-739Nonmagnetic containment of a dense plasmaG. E. Vekshtein, D. D. Ryutov, M. D. Spektor and P. Z. Chebotaev
740-744Gasdynamics of a plasma in a multiple-mirror magnetic trap with “point” mirrorsYu. V. Vasil'ev and V. V. Mirnov
745-753Steady-state acceleration of alkali plasma in external crossed electric and magnetic fieldsG. B. Babkin, S. D. Grishin, V. A. Zhirnov, S. S. Kellin and A. V. Potapov
754-761Numerical calculation of nonstationary gharged-particle beamsI. M. Bleivas, V. P. Il'in and V. M. Sveshnikov
762-766A calibrated multichannel analyzer of neutral charge-exchange particles for the study of pulsed processes in a plasmaN. A. Koshilev and O. G. Parfenov
767-774Stability of an incompressible fluid acted on by surface-tension forces. Case of a doubly connected equilibrium surfaceV. R. Orël
775-781Stability of a layer of viscoelastic fluid heated from belowF. A. Garifullin
782-790Stability of a spherical star systemM. Ya. Pal'chik, A. Z. Patashinskii and V. K. Pinus
791-795Effect of the wake on flow in an annular jetA. I. Shvets
796-805Wave motions produced in a stratified liquid from flow past a submerged bodyI. V. Sturova
806-809Surface friction in a turbulent boundary layer with a positive pressure gradientO. N. Kashinskii, S. S. Kutateladze, V. A. Mukhin and V. E. Nakoryakov
810-817Theory of weak turbulence of waves on a fluid surfaceA. V. Kats and V. M. Kontorovich
818-825One limiting scheme for the propagation of a pulsating exothermic reaction front in a condensed mediumV. B. Librovich and G. M. Makhviladze
826-831Operating conditions of an ideal-displacement reactor with recycleV. S. Berman, Yu. P. Gupalo, A. V. Martirosov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
832-836Pressure pulse on the boundary of an elastic inhomogeneous half-planeG. P. Kovalenko
837-841Increase of initial velocity and pressure upon impact on an inhomogeneous targetV. I. Laptev and Yu. A. Trishin
842-845On the optimum shape of apertures for a perforated plate subject to bendingV. M. Mirsalimov
846-851Stability of a cylindrical shell under programmed variation of an axial compressive force under creep conditionsL. M. Kurshin and V. T. Shcherbakov
852-857Elastic waves in crystals and anisotropic mediaV. S. Budaev
858-864Investigation of the dynamics of the development of cracks by the method of photoelasticityE. N. Sher
865-868Flux diffusion upon the compression of a magnetic field by flat strips of variable widthE. I. Bichenkov and E. P. Matochkin
869-871Properties of a metal-plasma contactI. N. Ostretsov, V. A. Petrosov, A. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
872-877Experimental investigation of the motion of cylindrical shells under the action of the products of an explosion in a cavityA. I. Vorob'ev, M. S. Gainullin, G. V. Zlygostev and A. P. Rybakov
878-880Motion of the detonation products of a point-ignited charge in a cylindrical shellA. V. Kashirskii, Yu. V. Korovin and L. A. Chudov
881-884Solution of a problem concerning the motion of viscoelastic materialsP. M. Gorbunov

Volume 16, Number 1 / January 1975

1-7Limiting energy characteristics of pulsed tea co2 lasersA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and R. I. Soloukhin
8-12Theory of rotational relaxation in a diatomic gasG. Ya. Gerasimov and V. N. Makarov
13-21Transient minor disturbances in flat streams of a highly conductive plasma in a channelA. P. Shubin
22-30Hydrodynamic stability of dense plasma in a corrugated magnetic fieldM. D. Spektor
31-34Electrotechnical approximation for heavy-current radiating dischargesV. Ya. Gol'din, N. N. Kalitkin and B. N. Chetverushkin
35-42Contraction of a highly nonequilibrium current-bearing plasmaV. M. Atrazhev and I. T. Yakubov
43-46Energy transfer from an inductive storage to an inductive load by means of an explosive current disconnectL. S. Gerasimov, V. I. Ikryannikov and A. I. Pinchuk
47-51Energy transfer from an inductive storage by means of an explosive current disconnectL. S. Gerasimov, A. M. Iskol'dskii, Yu. E. Nesterikhin and V. K. Pinus
52-54Explosive switching of an electric currentE. I. Bichenkov and V. A. Lobanov
55-59Theory of the detonation of weak condensed explosivesN. M. Kuznetsov
60-65Combustion stability of a homogeneous mixture in a chamber lined with acoustic absorbersV. E. Doroshenko and V. M. Sil'verstov
66-70An equation of state for dense nitrogenV. F. Anisichkin
71-75Motion and filling of cavities in a boundless liquid and close to a planeV. V. Voinov and O. V. Voinov
76-82Internal waves of finite amplitudeR. L. Kulyaev
83-88Evolution and detachment of slowly growing drops and bubblesL. A. Slobozhanin and A. D. Tyuptsov
89-94Investigation of the supersonic flow around a pointed elliptical cone at an angle of attackV. N. Vetlutskii and V. L. Ganimedov
95-98Effect of gas compressibility on the stability of a boundary layer above a permeable surface at subsonic velocitiesS. A. Gaponov
99-103Forces on a porous sphere spinning in a fluid flowYu. P. Lebedev, L. N. Maurin and E. D. Potapov
104-109Steady-state thermal waves in the free-stream flow of an ideal gas with a temperature-dependent thermal conductivityK. B. Pavlov
110-113Optical method for measuring the distribution of a solid admixture in two-phase flowsV. V. Zlobin and A. Z. Rozenshtein
114-119Study of gas-saturated turbulent streams using a laser doppler velocity meterYu. N. Dubnishchev, A. R. Evseev, V. S. Sobo'lev and E. N. Utkin
120-125Allowance for the effect of nonisothermicity on heat transfer in channels during the laminar movement of liquids having a linear law of fluidityV. I. Popov
126-132Stress state of an elastically solidifying plate under different heat-exchange conditions on the cooled surfaceA. L. Golovanov, V. A. Zhuravlev, A. D. Klipov, V. I. Kolodkin and A. Yu. Stoyanov
133-138Investigation of oblique collisions of metal plates in an elastic formulationV. V. Efremov
139-142Investigation of the shock compressibility of quartzite, paraffin, and polytetrafluoroethylene by using a manganin pressure sensorN. G. Kalashnikov and M. N. Pavlovskii
143-145Obtaining the load-extension curves of samples subjected to an explosion loadA. P. Bol'shakov, S. A. Novikov, V. P. Pyleva, V. A. Sinitsyn and K. I. Filippov
146-149On the explosion of linearly distributed charge with curvilinear shape on the ground surfaceL. M. Kotlyar
150-153Effects of reagent consumption and heat loss in ignition in a vesselL. Yu. Artyukh, P. G. Itskova and A. T. Luk'yanov

Volume 16, Number 2 / March 1975

155-162Quasistationary mode of CO2-laser excitation by a nonindependent dischargeG. A. Vedernikov, V. N. Karnyushin and R. I. Soloukhin
163-167Calculation of the rotational transition probabilities of diatomic molecules when they collide with heavy particlesA. N. Vargin, N. A. Ganina, V. K. Konyukhov and V. I. Selyakov
168-171Thermal effects accompanying nonresonant vibrational exchangeV. N. Faizulaev
172-176Effect of nonequilibrium processes in the infrasonic and ultrasonic regions of a nozzle on population inversion in flow of CO2 - N - O2 - H2O gas mixturesB. V. Egorov and V. N. Komarov
177-179Some properties of strongly nonequilibrium flows with population inversion in shock wavesV. M. Kuznetsov
180-186Generation of an intense molecular beam of CO2 by a gasdynamic methodA. A. Vostrikov, Yu. S. Kusner, A. K. Rebrov and B. E. Semyachkin
187-195Structure of high-pressure low-density jets beyond a supersonic nozzleN. I. Kislyakov, A. K. Rebrov and R. G. Sharafutdinov
196-200Formation of a jet of gas outflowing into evacuated spaceA. V. Eremin, V. A. Kochnev and I. M. Naboko
201-208Supersonic annular jetA. I. Shvets
209-216Nonsteady radial expansion of a gas into a flooded space from a suddenly turned on steady sourceS. F. Chekmarev
217-222Draining of liquid from thin axially symmetric filmsYu. A. Buevich and É. Kh. Lipkina
223-228Development of a camouflet cavity as a result of an explosion in soft groundÉ. A. Koshelev
229-234Flow stability of a flat plastic ring with free boundariesS. V. Serikov
235-238A class of exact solutions of the ideal plasticity equationsA. F. Revuzhenko
239-242Small elastoplastic strains of dielectricsV. V. Kolokol'chikov and B. L. Sidorov
243-247Hollow sphere of randomly bonded material subjected to internal pressureI. D. Rogozin
248-251Optimal heating of three-layer cylindric shells with a light elastic fillerÉ. I. Grigolyuk, B. L. Pelekh and Ya. S. Podstrigach
252-256Effect of “Stefan” currents of a solidifying melt on the process of thermal convectionP. F. Zavgorodnii, I. L. Povkh and G. M. Sevost'yanov
257-261Convective motions in a porous medium heated from belowD. V. Lyubimov
262-264Acoustic peak of peotons in a solid plateI. A. Borshkovskii, V. D. Volovik and V. T. Lazurik-Él'tsufin
265-269Perturbation of magnetic field by a nonstationary gamma-ray sourceG. G. Vilenskaya, Yu. A. Medvedev, G. V. Fedorovich and B. M. Stepanov
270-275Effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on the characteristics of a stabilized channel arcYu. S. Levitan, I. P. Nazarenko and I. G. Panevin
276-279Flux losses during compression of a magnetic field by flat stripsE. I. Bichenkov and V. A. Lobanov
280-281Dependence of electrical strength of pressed crystalline powders on filling factor and dielectric constant of crystalsV. V. Sten'gach
282-284Study of the equilibrium properties of hydrocarbons on the saturation line by an acoustic methodV. V. Zotov, B. N. Kireev and Yu. A. Neruchev
285-288Nonstationary processes in a one-dimensional chain of coupled anharmonic oscillatorsA. S. Dolgov
289-292Critical effects resulting from reaction-induced changes in viscosityD. A. Vaganov
293-296Stability of flow of a viscous liquid down an inclined planeB. N. Goncharenko and A. L. Urintsev
297-302Transient motion of groundwater (subsurface water) in the presence of evaporationN. N. Kochina
303-308Behavior of a three-layer cylindrical shell connected to rigid masses under the influence of acoustic pressure wavesÉ. I. Grigolyuk and E. B. Kuznetsov

Volume 16, Number 3 / May 1975

309-313Equation for the number of quanta and the dissociation rate in a diatomic gasM. B. Zheleznyak and A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan
314-321Relaxation of the symmetric vibration mode of the CO2 moleculeA. A. Likal' ter
322-328Electromagnetic field generated in air by a nonstationary gamma-ray source in an ideally conducting planeG. G. Vilenskaya, V. S. Imshennik, Yu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov and L. P. Feoktistov
329-332Lowering of the breakdown potential of a gas under steady ionizing radiationA. A. Dantser and V. A. Feoktistov
333-337Stability of boundary motion for an explosion-produced cavity in soft groundE. A. Koshelev and E. N. Sher
338-341Effect of a shock wave on heat propagationL. P. Gorbachev and V. F. Fedorov
342-346Shock polarization of solutions of strong electrolytesV. N. Kochnev
347-350Principles underlying the uniform breakdown of rocks by an explosionV. M. Kuznetsov and E. N. Sher
351-357Class of solutions for flow near a stagnation pointI. A. Belov
358-364Influence of the temperature of the surface of an axisymmetrical body and forward radiation on the distribution of a radiant flux on its surface in hypersonic flow-pastV. I. Norkin and N. N. Pilyugin
365-370Hypersonic flow-past of plane blunt bodies by a nonviscous radiating gasN. N. Pilyugin and G. A. Tirskii
371-377Entropy layer in the problem of hypersonic flow over thin blunt bodies which are close to two-dimensionalN. E. Ermolin
378-382High-temperature jets of low-density argon beyond a sonic nozzleL. I. Kuznetsov, A. K. Rebrov and V. N. Yarygin
383-386Visualization of the pressure fields of gas streams by the method of holographic interferometryR. I. Soloukhin, Yu. A. Yakobi and D. I. Margulis
387-393Motion of a viscous thermally conducting gas under the effect of a rotating diskV. P. Shidlovskii
394-400Asymptotics of axially symmetric fluid flows with a free boundary in the case of dwindling viscosityV. A. Batishchev
401-406Drop in an oscillating liquidV. A. Murga
407-411Turbulent flow of dilute emulsionsV. F. Medvedev and L. P. Medvedeva
412-415Reconstruction of the shape of a solid of revolution from a given velocity distribution of a flow along its surfaceL. G. Guzevskii
416-422Numerical modeling of turbulent-transfer processes in a mixing zoneA. F. Kurbatskii
423-424Experimental investigations into the passage of light through a turbulent fluidS. S. Kutateladze
425-429Hydraulic impact of “exponential” and nonlinearly viscoplastic media in pipes made of a viscoplastic materialR. M. Sattarov
430-437Centrally symmetrical filtration of liquid in cracked porous media with a hemispherical supply contourS. N. Bagir-zade, G. P. Guseinov and A. G. Kerimov
438-442Investigation of temperature distribution in a piecewise-homogeneous seam with pressed-in hot fluidG. A. Gamidov, K. I. Kuliev and I. A. Nasrullaev
443-448Crack growth in hydraulic rock fracturingYu. A. Peslyak
449-456Convective heat exchange of a viscoplastic fluid with temperature-dependent rheological characteristics during structural flow in a circular pipeV. E. Pervushin
457-460Behavior of a rigidly plastic cylindrical shell exposed to internal pressureV. A. Odintsov and V. V. Selivanov
461-464Viscoelastic layer under the action of a moving loadA. S. Semenov
465-472Strain and work-hardening in a coulomb-type granular mediumV. N. Nikolaevskii, N. M. Syrnikov and M. É. Shaskol'skaya
473-477Visualization of ultrasonic fieldsS. P. Stefanov
478-482Sound emission in a nonequilibrium medium from a plane surface with periodically varying temperatureA. S. Pleshanov

Volume 16, Number 4 / July 1975

483-486Gasdynamic laser power at high pressureS. A. Losev and V. N. Makarov
487-490Self-consistent problem about electric fields produced in air by a pulse of gamma quantaM. F. Ivanov, A. A. Solov'ev and V. A. Terekhin
491-500Electron-beam-induced pellet fusionGerold Yonas
501-508The plasma focus and thermonuclear fusionC. Maisonnier
509-514Use of excited atoms to study the ar component in a molecular beam obtained from an Ar-He mixtureA. V. Kolosov and S. G. Mironov
515-518Diffusion in multicomponent gaseous mixtures in a model of local thermodynamic equilibriumG. A. Pavlov and É. E. Son
519-522Instability in the higher modes of a nonlinear equationA. A. Kolokolov and A. I. Sykov
523-527Special characteristics of the breakup of liquid drops with a high gas pressureB. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin, S. M. Kogarko and B. I. Palamarchuk
528-534Dissipation of the energy of sound waves in small gas bubblesA. N. Sizov
535-543Turbulence energy balance in reacting turbulent flowsV. B. Librovich and V. I. Lisitsyn
544-551Effect of thickness of film of fuel on the rate of heterogeneous (gas-film) detonationS. A. Lesnyak and V. G. Slutskii
552-560Boundary conditions for flows of multiatomic gasesV. M. Kuznetsov and M. M. Kuznetsov
561-563Passage of a subsonic flow around V-shaped wingsV. V. Kravets, N. V. Trifonova and A. I. Shvets
564-569Self-oscillating flow in the boundary layerO. A. Likhachev and V. N. Shtern
570-572Small perturbations spectrum in boundary-layer flow on a flat plateO. A. Likhachev
573-577Experimental study of the stochastic nature of wave phenomena on the surface of a liquid filmV. M. Kozlov
578-581Self-similarity of nonstationary boundary-layer motionsE. V. Prozorova
582-586An invariant solution of the turbulent boundary-layer equationsYu. P. Savel'ev
587-591Steady two-phase flow in a vertical tube subject to combined free and forced convectionV. A. Dubovik
592-596Special characteristics of the flow of a gas-liquid bubble-type mixture with small reynolds numbersA. P. Burdukov, N. V. Valukina and V. E. Nakoryakov
597-600Dispersion coefficient with the displacement of a gas from a porous medium by a gasS. P. Buzinov and M. A. Peshkin
601-603Evaluation of critical heat flow in the case of a boiling mixture of large volumeSh. A. Gaidarov
604-611Flow around and heat and mass transfer of a sphere with blowing at medium reynolds numbersM. V. Bashkatov and S. I. Shabanov
612-617Stress-strain state of a circular diaphragm in dynamicsV. I. Bazaikin and V. N. Peretyat'ko
618-625Estimating the degree of anisotropy of elastic mediaV. S. Budaev
626-633Two-dimensional thermal elasticity problem for a body weakened by a system of thermally insulated cracksM. P. Savruk
634-638Dynamic stresses in transiently loaded parabolic shellsD. G. Saratov, V. M. Valov, R. I. Rzaev and V. L. Rykov
639-644Monohaemonically driven nonlinear elastically hereditary oscillatorYu. I. Karkovskii and S. I. Meshkov
645-648Converse problem of elasticity theory for an anisotropic mediumV. M. Mirsalimov
649-657Self-consistent field method in the problem about the effective properties of an elastic compositeS. K. Kanaun

Volume 16, Number 5 / September 1975

659-702On the theory of long wavesM. A. Lavrent'ev
703-712On the theory of rolling wavesV. V. Pukhnachev
713-723Vortex perturbations of the nonstationary motion of a liquid with a free boundaryV. K. Andreev
724-733Dynamics of the cavitation zone during an underwater explosion near a free surfaceV. K. Kedrinskii
734-738Motion of a vortex near the boundary between two heavy fluidsV. V. Golovchenko
739-748Converging shock wave in ideally inelastic medium and stability of cumulationI. V. Simonov
749-756Hydrodynamic interaction between explosive fuse chargesV. M. Kuznetsov, E. B. Polyak and E. N. Sher
757-764Perforation of plates through high-velogity impactL. A. Merzhievskii and V. M. Titov
765-769Contactless induction acceleration of conductors up to hypersonic speedsV. N. Bondaletov and E. N. Ivanov
770-773Limiting currents in the compression of magnetic flux between flat and coaxial conductorsE. I. Bichenkov and V. A. Lobanov
774-782Optimization and limiting characteristics of CO2 lasersA. G. Ponomarenko, R. I. Soloukhin and V. N. Tishchenko
783-786Brightness of shock waves in argon in the vacuum UV regionE. P. Glotov and I. I. Divnov
787-794Self-similar problem of the motion of a plane layer of heated material with an arbitrary equation of stateV. N. Kondrat'ev and I. V. Nemchinov
795-798Numerical simulation of flow during compression of cylindrical samples by a glancing detonation waveV. F. Lobanov
799-801The equation of state of water at high pressures calculated from a statistical atomic modelG. S. Romanov and F. N. Borovik
802-806Deformation of lead disks under impactV. K. Bobolev, V. L. Bodneva and A. V. Dubovik
807-810An ultrahigh-pressure pressYu. I. Fadeenko
811-814Use of relaxation viscoelastic model in calculating uniaxial homogeneous strains and refining the interpolation equations for maxwellian viscosityS. K. Godunov, V. V. Denisenko, N. S. Kozin and N. K. Kuz'mina
815-820Oblique impacts of metallic plates in an elastic formulationV. V. Efromov
821-825Natural motion density of elastic shells under intensive dynamic loadingV. M. Kornev and A. V. Markin
826-832Stress state of an elastic plane weakened by an infinite series of longitudinal-transverse cracksL. M. Kurshin and I. D. Suzdal'nitskii
833-838Mathematical modelling of the soil desalinization processV. I. Pen'kovskii

Volume 16, Number 6 / November 1975

839-842Effect of laser radiation on the vibrational distribution of CO2A. A. Likal'ter
842-844Acceleration of ions in a vacuum diodeV. I. Koshelev, N. A. Ratakhin and M. N. Timofeev
844-846An unconstricted positive column of a high-velocity flow of gasG. A. Galechyan and S. I. Petrosyan
847-852Gasdynamic structure of the initial section of supersonic jets of the plasma of a magnetoplasmodynamic sourceG. A. Luk'yanov and V. V. Sakhin
853-858Unsteady-state slip of a gas near an infinite plane with diffusion-mirror reflection of moleculesM. M. Kuznetsov
858-861Motion of an electrolyte-gas interface in an electrical fieldV. P. Blinov and Yu. V. Zhilin
862-864Distribution of the velocity profiles of the liquid phase in a gas-liquid flow with small gas contentsA. P. Burdukov, B. K. Koz'menko and V. E. Nakoryakov
865-868Slow motions of a liquid drop in a viscous liquidV. A. Gorodtsov
869-873Solution of the direct problem of the flow of a two-phase mixture of a gas and foreign solid or liquid particles in a laval nozzleV. I. Kopchenov
873-878Investigation of transonic unsteady-state flow in the presence of phase transformationsG. A. Saltanov and R. A. Tkalenko
878-886Statistical characteristics of the diffusion of a chemically active additive in a turbulent mixing zoneA. F. Kurbatskii
886-890Turbulent heat transfer in a flow of liquid metal near the wallP. I. Geshev
890-893Wave formation with the combustion of condensed substances in a turbulent flowV. D. Barsukov, V. N. Vilyunov, A. D. Kolmakov and V. P. Nelaev
893-897Calculation of the explosion of a gaseous spherical charge in airS. A. Zhdan
897-900Investigation of the special characteristics of the propagation and reflection of pressure waves in a porous mediumB. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin, S. M. Kogarko and O. E. Popov
900-907Calculation of an ejection explosion in a radial approximationN. A. Guzhov and P. F. Korotkov
907-913Questions of similarity and the scattering of waves in viscoplastic mediaG. M. Lyakhov and K. S. Sultanov
914-917Approximate equation of state of condensed substancesG. A. Bogachev
918-922Stability of nonlinear local axisymmetrical strains of shells of revolutionL. I. Shkutin
923-932Momentless elastic reinforced shells with a zero gaussian curvatureYu. V. Nemirovskii and G. I. Starostin
933-937Solution of some periodic elastoplastic problemsV. M. Mirsalimov
938-943Connection between the characteristics of the signal of a shadow instrument and the spectrum of the turbulenceYu. I. Kopilevich
943-946Lag time of the breakdown of pressed lead azideV. V. Sten'gach
946-948Verification of the case of the origin of ball lightningV. V. Balyberdin

Volume 17, Number 1 / January 1976

1-5Distribution of rate of vibrational relaxation relative to vibrational levels and dissociation of diatomic molecules under unbalanced conditionsM. B. Zheleznyak and G. V. Naidis
6-8Shift of chemical equilibrium in a resonance infrared radiation fieldB. F. Gordiets, A. I. Osipov and V. Ya. Panchenko
9-12Calculation of the thermally nonequilibrium near-electrode region in an alkali-metal-seeded plasmaV. I. Belykh
12-18Existence region for arcing conditions with negative anode potential dropN. S. Merniov and V. A. Petrosov
18-20Excitation of electromagnetic oscillation in the plasma zone of an electronion oscillating dischargeV. M. Rashkovan and F. M. Trubchaninov
20-23Superheating instability in a pulsed xenon dischargeI. I. Litvinov, E. D. Lyumkis and S. S. Filippov
24-27Conditions of toroidal equilibrium of a moving plasmaA. G. Oleinik
27-31Induced fluctuations of the intensity of radiation excited by an electron beam in a flow of rarefied gas with clustersN. I. Kislyakov, I. A. Piven', A. K. Rebrov and G. A. Khramov
32-35Study of three-dimensional wave structure of nonstationary gas outflow from a planar sonic nozzleV. V. Golub, I. M. Naboko and A. A. Kulikovskii
35-39Types of wave structure in the interaction of a convergent jet with an infinite two-dimensional obstructionI. P. Ginzburg, E. I. Sokolov and V. N. Uskov
40-42Characteristics of an unstably localized disturbance in a compressed boundary layerA. S. Dryzhov
42-48Calculation of the interaction of a turbulent boundary layer with an external supersonic flow on the concave corner and on the spherical intake part of a bodyA. N. Antonov
48-52Interaction of an external disturbance with turbulent flowM. A. Gol'dshtik and M. Kh. Pravdina
52-57Development of quasiharmonic motions of a gas-streamlined liquid filmL. N. Maurin, G. É. Odishariya and A. A. Tochigin
57-62Drop evaporation in a turbulent gas jetV. F. Dunskii and Yu. V. Yatskov
63-68Hydrodynamics of a liquid with deformable and interacting particlesV. M. Suyazov
69-74Nonsteady motion of a dropping compressible liquid in pipes under different laws of frictionM. Ya. Kurakina, V. P. Radchenko and V. A. Yufin
75-80Stability of convective motion in a two-dimensional vertical fluid layer with permeable boundariesV. M. Shikhov
81-85Stability of a laminar boundary layer of a power-law no n-newtonian liquidV. V. Zametalin
85-88Convergent shock wave in an ideal elastic nonhomogeneous mediumI. V. Simonov
89-96Calculation of the discharge of underground explosion gases into the atmosphereV. V. Adushkin and P. B. Kaazik
97-102Method of designing explosive-driven magnetic field generatorsV. A. Lobanov
103-109Mechanism of formation of a high-temperature zone in the case of laser-induced mechanical breakdown of transparent polymersA. A. Orlov and P. I. Ulyakov
109-112Electric strength of scattered detonation gasesP. I. Zubkov, L. A. Luk'yanchikov and Yu. V. Ryabinin
113-115Effective electrical characteristics of a conducting medium with spherical inclusions that are anisotropic as a consequence of the hall effectYu. P. Emets and V. F. Reztsov
116-119Electric and thermal conductivity anisotropy of an articulated mediumM. L. Kachanov
120-123Propagation of a shear crack in a randomly heterogeneous bodyV. V. Bortnikova and N. B. Romalis
123-129Thermomechanical behavior of a rectangular viscoelastic prism exposed to repeated stretching and contractionV. G. Karnaukhov and I. K. Senchenkov
130-133Kerr constant of waterV. V. Vorob'ev, V. A. Kapitonov, B. A. Knyazev and É. P. Kruglyakov
133-135Interaction of light with a turbulent liquidI. G. Shekriladze
135-141Stability of transonic two-phase flowA. V. Kalinin
141-144Use of the parametrix method for estimating effective elastic moduli or randomly nonhomogeneous elastic bodiesA. É. Puro

Volume 17, Number 2 / March 1976

145-149Vibrational-translational relaxation of anharmonic oscillators at low temperaturesG. V. Naidis
150-155Structure of anode sheath in self-sustaining discharge with closed electron driftV. K. Kalashnikov and Yu. V. Sanochkin
156-160Interaction of quasiuniform magnetic field with ensemble of MHD oscillationsS. D. Ivanov
161-164Propagation of shock waves in nonuniform plasmaV. V. Zakaidakov and V. S. Synakh
165-171Critical parameters of shock waves in a plasmaYu. A. Berezin and V. A. Vshivkov
172-175Numerical calculation of the problem of cooling of a spherical volume of nonequilibrium-ionized radiating heliumS. P. Popov
176-179Effect of parameters of the discharge circuit on the mode of energy input into the gas in a self-sustained dischargeYu. I. Bychkov, V. P. Kudryashov, V. V. Osipov and V. V. Savin
180-184Theory of the combustion of small drops of metalV. M. Gremyachkin, A. G. Istratov and O. I. Leipunskii
185-188Entropy correlation of condensation shocks in hypersonic nozzlesA. V. Chirikhin
189-193Influence of sound waves on steady duct flowV. A. Murga
194-197Self-oscillatory flow in asymptotic boundary layersO. A. Likhachev
198-203Calculation of autooscillations of the type of azimuthal waves occurring at loss of stability of flow of a viscous fluid between concentric cylinders rotating in opposite directionsA. L. Urintsev
204-212Experimental investigation of flow in a trenchV. Ya. Bogatyrev, Yu. N. Dubnishchev, V. A. Mukhin, V. E. Nakoryakov and V. S. Sobolev, et al.
213-216Numerical investigation of nonequilibrium flows of mixtures of fusible metal particles and gases in a laval nozzleN. N. Ivanov and R. A. Ivanova
217-222Effect of mass exchange and heterogenous chemical reaction on stability of liquid filmL. M. Rabinovich
223-232Stokes particle in an inhomogeneous turbulent streamV. E. Shapiro
233-238Influence of suspended particles on the structure of a turbulent flow in a tubeV. G. Kalmykov
239-245Local structure of a binary finely dispersed fluidized bedYu. A. Buevich, V. M. Liventsov and A. E. Mozol'kov
246-251Rheological relationships for concentrated polymer solutionsA. G. Grossman and V. I. Popov
252-257Experimental investigation of heat transfer with the condensation of the moving vapor of Freon-21 on horizontal cylindersI. I. Gogonin and A. R. Dorokhov
258-262A spherical wave in a viscoelastic half-spaceA. S. Semenov
263-267Compression and rarefaction waves in shock-compressed metalsA. N. Dremin and G. I. Kanel'
268-273Transient displacement fields in hexagonal crystals and transversally isotropic mediaV. S. Budaev
274-279Model of a fracture as an emitter of elastic vibrationsL. A. Maslov
280-285Physics of the formation of fiber lightguidesM. E. Zhabotinskii and A. V. Foigel'
286-295Asymptotic of the electromagnetic field above a layerlike anisotropic medium of high conductivityG. G. Shchepkin
296-298A model of a hardening plastic materialYa. A. Kamenyarzh
299-300Comments on the article of ya. a. kamenyarzh “a model of a strengthened plastic material”S. A. Khristianovich

Volume 17, Number 3 / May 1976

301-303Experimental study of the microwave radiation from a relativistic electron beam in a strong magnetic fieldYu. I. Abrashitov, S. D. Korovin and K. I. Mekler
304-308Parameters of streamer breakdown in xenonA. I. Zakharov, Yu. K. Zemtsov, I. V. Marinov and A. P. Osipov
308-312Method of controlling the growth and formation of a system of parallel sliding spark channels in air at atmospheric pressureS. I. Andreev, E. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
313-321Calculation of the motion of a gas behind the front of a luminous detonation wave taking account of the lateral expansion of the plasma columnA. F. Goncharenko, I. V. Nemchinov and V. M. Khazins
321-328Estimates of the normal velocities of propagation of laminar and very small-scaled turbulent flamesV. S. Baushev and V. N. Vilyunov
328-335Nonlinear analysis of the flow initiated by the sudden motion of a wedgeV. V. Titarenko
336-341Self-similar movement of a viscous gas in a channelM. A. Gol'dshtik
341-343Determining the radius of the air vortex during the laminar flow of a liquid in a centrifugal atomizerYu. Z. Nekhamkin, B. D. Strelkov and Yu. I. Khavkin
344-349Calculation of the self-oscillations arising as a result of the loss of stability by the spiral flow of a viscous liquid in an annular tubeA. L. Urintsev
349-355Oscillations of an ideal liquid acted upon by subface-tension forces. Case of a doubly connected free surfaceV. R. Orel
355-362Dynamics of a diverging liquid meniscus in a capillary, taking into account the specific properties of thin filmsB. V. Zheleznyi
363-366Effect of viscoelastic properties of a liquid on the dynamics of small oscillations of a gas bubbleS. P. Levitskii and A. T. Listrov
367-372Rayleigh stability of shear flow in relaxing mediaV. E. Nakoryakov, V. V. Sobolev and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
373-376Effect of internal viscosity and elasticity of ellipsoidal macromolecules on the rheological behavior of dilute polymer solutions. rheological equations of stateYu. V. Pridatchenko and Yu. I. Shmakov
377-382Investigation of non-steady-state centeally symmetric filtration of a liquid in closed heterogeneous mediaS. N. Bagir-zade, G. P. Guseinov and A. G. Kerimov
383-391Convective stability of a medium containing a heavy solid additiveO. N. Dement'ev
391-396Heat exchange between a selectively emitting liquid and a laminar gas flow in the presence of an external source of radiationN. A. Rubtsov and A. M. Shvartsburg
397-401Ice sublimation from frozen salt solutionsN. F. Bogomolov, A. Z. Volynets and V. K. Safonov
402-409Plastic deformation of metals subjected to intensive sourcesYu. N. Lokhov, A. A. Uglov and I. I. Shvyrkova
410-412Superplasticity of some materials under compressionV. I. Kuneev, Ya. I. Rudaev, A. G. Popov and N. V. Zhdanov
413-416Hardening of an elastoplastic bodyG. L. Lindin
417-421Calculating the calibration curves of high-pressure devices with profiled anvilsN. N. Kuzin, Yu. A. Sadkov and A. A. Semerchan
422-427One case of the explosion of a symmetric variable-thickness surface chargeN. B. Il'inskii, A. G. Labutkin and R. B. Salimov
427-431Hurling of shells by hollow chargesV. A. Odintsov, V. V. Selivanov and S. S. Usovich
432-434Investigation of the interaction of wave in soil with the obstruction from the records of stresses and strainsG. M. Lyakhov, V. A. Plaksii and K. S. Sultanov
435-439Minimizing the modulus of the reflection coefficient of a polychromatic wave from an inhomogeneous absorbing layerI. L. Dorot and M. M. Machevariani
439-443Dynamics of thin films in a magnetic fieldV. M. Sorokin and G. V. Fedorovich
443-451Scattering and velocity dispersion of ultrasonic waves in polycrystals of orthorhombic symmetryA. A. Usov, A. G. Fokin and T. D. Shermergor
451-454Some laws for precipitation of aerosols on a charged collector in the reynolds number range 10–100V. V. Smirnov

Volume 17, Number 4 / July 1976

455-461Vibrational distribution of multi atom moleculesA. A. Likal'ter
462-468Effect of surrounding gas on velocity distribution function of molecules in molecular beamA. E. Zarvin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
469-472Self-consistent motion of gas heated by point-like isotropic-source of monochromatic radiationI. G. Zhidov and V. G. Rogachev
472-476Experimental study of strong shock propagation in a channelA. A. Kon'kov and A. I. Sokolov
477-480Cathode spots on electrode slag films in an open-cycle MHD generatorV. I. Zalkind, V. V. Kirillov and A. P. Markina
480-483Cumulative effect of a shock reflected from a spherical concave wallB. A. Klopov, E. E. Meshkov and A. I. Tolshmyakov
483-502Stream models approximating the properties of supersonic jet flowsV. G. Dulov
502-506Analysis of the hydrodynamic interaction between cascades of thin profiles taking account of vortex wake evolutionR. L. Kulyaev
506-510Boundary layer on a rotating cylinder in axial flowG. V. Petrov
510-513Motion of a spherical solid particle in a nonuniform flow of a viscous incompressible liquidV. S. Kuptsov
513-519Theory of turbulent mixing at the interface of fluids in a gravity fieldV. E. Neuvazhaev and V. G. Yakovlev
519-523Gas oscillations in a pipe with a nonlinear active loadA. P. Vladislavlev, V. M. Pisarevskii and Yu. B. Ponomarenko
523-529Theoretical description of the phenomenon of loss of fluidity in polymer liquids subjected to intensive deformationA. I. Leonov, É. Kh. Lipkina and A. N. Prokunin
530-535Heat transfer to an isothermal flat plate in turbulent flow of a liquid over a wide range of prandtl and reynolds numbersA. Sh. Dorfman and O. D. Lipovetskaya
535-537Efficiency of a thermal curtainE. V. Shishov
538-542Internal characteristics of hydrogen boilingYu. A. Kirichenko and N. M. Levchenko
543-550Experimental investigations of the kinetic energy singularities of a collapsing bubble from laser breakdown in a viscous liquidV. S. Teslenko
550-553One-dimensional flows and isomagnetic shock waves in a magnetized conducting mediumG. A. Shaposhnikova
553-557Current and energy amplification in a planar cumulative magnetic generator with flux diffusionE. I. Bichenkov
557-560Damage produced in glass by meteorite impactV. M. Titov
560-565Action of an explosive plastic wave on a plateR. G. Yakupov
565-569Fracture of cylindrical shells by the action of periodic shock wavesM. A. Il'gamov and A. V. Sadykov
569-571Stress concentration near an inhomogeneity and experimental clarification of the couple-stress effectYa. M. Shiryaev
572-577Parametric pulse excitation in distributed mechanical systems with nonstationary boundariesA. I. Vesnitskii, S. V. Krysov and S. R. Shokhin
577-581Low-inertia pyroelectric detectors for recording radiation over the 40–1100- nm rangeYu. N. Kiselev and V. Z. Krokhin
582-586Scattering of 0.15–1.8-ev argon atoms from a germanium surfaceA. V. Kolosov and S. G. Mironov
586-592Estimate of the amplitudes of the fields created by an unsteady gamma sourceYu. A. Medvedev and E. V. Metelkin
592-594Anomalous behavior of an intense light flux in a medium with two types of absorptionYu. I. Lysikov and I. A. Shamsutdinov
594-599Near field diffracted at a dielectric wedgeA. A. Aleksandrova and N. A. Khizhnyak

Volume 17, Number 5 / September 1976

601-605“Hollow” Functions of a source in problems of radiation gasdynamicsN. G. Preobrazhenskii and S. L. Shirikova
606-609Error estimation in differential approximation to equation of radiative transferA. M. Shvartsburg
609-614Change in amplification factor in the shock layer when a supersonic flow with an inverted population flows around blunt bodiesB. V. Egorov, V. N. Komarov and G. N. Sayapin
615-624Experimental investigation of the population of the rotational levels of molecules in a free jet of nitrogenB. N. Borzenko, N. V. Karelov, A. K. Rebrov and R. G. Sharafutdinov
625-632Determination of the velocity distribution function of molecules and its moments from time-of-flight measurementsYu. E. Voskoboinikov, A. E. Zarvin, A. A. Poltavets, Ya. Ya. Tomsons and R. G. Sharafutdinov
633-636Nonequilibrium expansion of carbon dioxide gas at retardation temperatures up to 1200 °KN. G. Zharkova, V. V. Prokkoev, A. K. Rebrov and V. N. Yarygin
637-640Propagation of an ionizing MHD shock wave in a nonuniform mediumV. V. Zakaidakov, V. P. Isakov, V. I. Kirko and V. S. Synakh
641-646Generation of vortex flows in an incompressible conducting viscous fluid by an alternating electromagnetic fieldV. I. Yakovlev
647-649Structure of switch-on shock wavesYu. A. Berezin, V. A. Vshivkov and G. I. Dudnikova
649-655Statistical-phenomenological approach to the description of turbulent flamesV. N. Vilyunov and I. G. Dik
655-662Certain formulations of three-dimensional optimization problems in hypersonic aerodynamicsV. G. Dulov
662-664Spectral characteristics of the pulsation effect of a plane turbulent jet on a solid surfaceV. D. Pshenichnyi and L. R. Yablonik
665-671Analytical and numerical solutions of a mixed problem for the generalized equations of prandtlV. M. Solopenko
671-677Computation of unsteady flow past a cylinder instantaneously set in motionV. I. Kravchenko, Yu. D. Shevelev and V. V. Shchennikov
678-679Attachment of eddy flows of an ideal fluidI. I. Vainshtein and V. K. Yurovskii
680-687Natural convection of a compressible fluid in spherical layersG. B. Petrazhitskii and N. M. Stankevich
688-691Convective instability of a layer of viscoelastic fluid taking the thermal conductivity of the boundaries into accountF. A. Garifullin and A. B. Gabitova
691-695General theory of heat and mass exchange in chemically reactive systems in mechanical equilibrium with electric field within the framework of thermodynamics of irreversible processesA. S. Pleshanov
696-699Conditions on the equation of state for a viscoelastic mediumN. S. Kozin
699-703Shock adiabats of alkali halide crystalsV. A. Zhdanov and V. V. Polyakov
703-708Shock waves and phase transitions in ironN. Kh. Akhmadeev and R. I. Nigmatulin
709-712Measurements of the velocity of sound in shock-compressed quartzite, dolomite, anhydrite, sodium chloride, paraffin, plexiglas, polyethylene, and fluoroplast-4M. N. Pavlovskii
712-717Experimental investigations of the compressibility of sandy soils and the condition of plasticity during brief dynamic loadingsA. I. Kotov, Z. V. Narozhnaya, G. V. Rykov and V. P. Sumyrin
718-720Damping of a shock wave on the collision of platesA. P. Rybakov
721-726Kinetic nature of the brittle fracture of solid bodiesV. S. Nikiforovskii
727-735Dynamic interaction of systems of cracks under antiplane deformation conditionsP. A. Martynyuk and É. B. Polyak
736-740Some self-similar problems of star crack development under antiplane deformation conditionsP. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
741-745Elastoplastic problem for a thin plate weakened by a periodic system of round aperturesV. M. Mirsalimov

Volume 17, Number 6 / November 1976

747-751Radiation cooling of a dense, high-β plasmaG. E. Vekshtein
752-753A mechanism of limiting the development of self-focusingV. N. Alekseenko
754-759Vibrational relaxation of strongly excited moleculesM. B. Zheleznyak, A. A. Likal'ter and G. V. Naidis
759-763Vibrational relaxation in an isothermal system with a δ-function source of moleculesT. Z. Kalanov
764-767Field emission of electrons into a plasmaA. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
767-770Experimental investigation of the plasma in a multichannel cathodeG. V. Babkin, V. G. Mikhalev, E. P. Morozov and A. V. Potapov
770-774Electrodynamic interaction of the arcs of plasma smelting furnacesN. I. Bortnichuk, V. Yu. Sandler and A. V. Khotina
775-778Two-dimensional unsteady flow in a radial channelN. P. Gridnev, V. A. Derevyanko and V. F. Kulikov
779-787Entropy layer in two-dimensional flowsN. E. Ermolin
787-793Semiempirical theory of the generation of discrete tones by a supersonic underexpanded jet flowing over an obstacleV. N. Glaznev and V. S. Demin
793-797Some similarity problems of the unsteady boundary layerÉ. V. Prozorova
797-803Internal resonances in hydrodynamicsYu. B. Ponomarenko
804-810Structural-phenomenological theory of the stressed state in an arbitrarily flowing dilute suspension of rigid dumbbell-shaped particles in a power-law liquidE. Yu. Taran
810-816Heat transfer with the flow of structurally viscous media in tubes and channelsT. Negmatov and P. V. Tsoi
816-824Self-similar problems of turbulent mixing at the interface of compressible gasesV. E. Neuvazhaev
824-829Steady-state perturbations in a liquid containing gas bubblesV. V. Goncharov, K. A. Naugol'nykh and S. A. Rybak
829-835Asymptotic analysis of the problem of ignition of reactive material by a heated surfaceR. S. Burkina and V. N. Vilyunov
835-837Use of electric explosion of wires in a high-pressure gas to break a current circuitG. P. Glazunov, V. P. Kantsedal and R. V. Mitin
838-842Calculations of rear splitting of a copper anode under the action of an electron beam in the x-ray regime of a noncylindrical Z-pinchK. G. Gureev, V. S. Imshennik, Ya. M. Kazhdan, N. I. Kurancheva and L. A. Pliner, et al.
842-844Comparison of the signals of dielectric and magnetic pickups when recording shock waves of intensity up to 100 kbarV. V. Asmanin, V. I. Romanchenko and G. V. Stepanov
844-847Continuous recording of the speed of a shock wave in porous metals and its application to the measurement of the speed of sound in various materialsYu. L. Alekseev and V. P. Ratnikov
847-848Steady-state straining of solidsYu. I. Fadeenko
849-852Strength characteristics of titanium alloysA. F. Nikitenko, O. V. Sosnin, N. G. Torshenov and I. K. Shokalo
853-856A relationship between the strain and failure of stressed solidsM. G. Petrov
856-866Solution of the plane mixed problem of the theory of elasticity in the form of a series in legendre polynomialsG. V. Ivanov
867-873Construction of a system of homogeneous solutions and analysis of the roots of the dispersion equation of antisymmetric vibrations of a piezoelectric plateV. V. Madorskii and Yu. A. Ustinov
874-877Model of inelastic scattering of an atom by a crystal surface in the impulse approximationA. E. Galanov

Volume 18, Number 1 / January 1977

1-18N- and S-modes of self-similar compression of a finite mass of plasma and properties of the modes with peakingN. V. Zmitrenko and S. P. Kurdyumov
18-23Adiabatic compression of a gas by means of a spherical driverYa. M. Kazhdan
24-27Vibrational relaxation of polyatomic molecules in a field of monochromatic radiation behind the leading edge of a shock waveV. M. Kuznetsov
28-34Mutual effect of atomic recombination and vibrational relaxation of Br2 under conditions of supersonic expansion in a nozzleA. P. Genich, S. V. Kulikov, G. B. Manelis and Yu. P. Myagkov
34-38Resonance CO2 absorption (10.6 μ) behind a shock frontR. I. Soloukhin and N. A. Fomin
39-43Existence of parametrically bound waveguides and solitons in the presence of three-frequency wave interactionYu. N. Karamzin and T. S. Filipchuk
44-47Boundary conditions for diffusion of a nonequilibrium plasma in a magnetic fieldI. I. Litvinov
47-51Investigation of the characteristics of the ionization chamber and the properties of the flow of a gas-discharge ion sourceV. E. Nikitin, L. V. Nosachev and V. V. Skvortsov
51-57Nature of signal extracted from a total electromagnetic pulseV. V. Ivanov, Yu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov and G. V. Fedorovich
57-62Asymptotic analysis of the ignition of a gas by a heated surfaceV. S. Berman and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
62-65Numerical study of the effect of surface thermal conditions on flow in the base region of a body of finite dimensionsA. V. Babakov and L. I. Severinov
65-69Structure of a multicomponent boundary layer in models undergoing breakdownÉ. B. Georg and M. I. Yakushin
69-76Collapse of a spherical cavity, induced by an underwater spark, near a solid wallV. A. Burtsev and V. V. Shamko
77-86Propagation of small perturbations in a liquid with bubblesV. Sh. Shagapov
87-90Effect of a small viscosity on the potential flow of a liquid with a free boundary in the form of an ellipseV. A. Batishchev
91-98Initial problem of fluidizationYu. A. Buevich and G. A. Minaev
98-105Two-dimensional effects with the flow of a reactive liquid with properties varying with the depth of the conversionD. A. Vaganov
106-112Viscosity-gravitational flow in tubes with a small effect of thermogravitationA. F. Polyakov
113-116One case of mixed convectionV. V. Popov
116-119Irrigation and aerated-zone soilsN. N. Verigin and S. V. Vasil'ev
120-123Desalination of a wet soilV. I. Pen'kovskii
124-127Spherical blast waves in soils inferred from stress and strain measurementsS. S. Grigoryan, G. M. Lyakhov and P. A. Parshukov
128-131Interaction between two flat charges exploding on the groundN. B. Il'inskii and N. D. Yakimov
131-134Spalling in steel produced by explosion of a sheet charge and collision of a plateA. P. Rybakov
134-138Buckling in an elastic rod under a time-varying loadA. V. Markin
139-143A model for an anisotropic elastic stateV. M. Zhigalkin and G. L. Lindin

Volume 18, Number 2 / March 1977

145-149An elementary problem of radiation kinetics with arbitrary initial conditionsN. G. Preobrazhenskii and A. E. Suvorov
150-153Characteristics of a photodissociation laser based on methyl iodideV. A. Dudkin, V. G. Nekrashevich and V. B. Rukhin
154-156Volt-ampere characteristic and transition current of a gas gap when acted upon by pulsed ionizing radiationV. A. Argunov, V. V. Zakharov, G. F. Ioilev and E. V. Chekhunov
157-160Positive column of a glow discharge in flowing nitrogenL. M. Dmitriev
160-164Deceleration of a strong shock wave by a transverse magnetic field at substantial magnetic reynolds numbersD. A. But and B. A. Sluchak
165-172Thermal mechanism of the increase in the normal rate of propagation of a flame in a preconduction electric fieldG. M. Makhviladze and V. I. Myshenkov
173-176Dynamics of a vapor-gas bubble formed by laser breakdown in a liquidYu. I. Lysikov
177-182Asymptotic curve of the scattering of the products of a steady-state detonationL. A. Merzhievskii and V. A. Filimonov
183-188Numerical calculation of parameters of two-layer detonationA. M. Mardashev
188-195Generation of a plane relaxation wave in an aerocolloidal suspension of solid particlesA. D. Gol'tsiker, S. V. Tarakanov, O. M. Todes and S. A. Chivilikhin
196-201Effect of the gradient of the velocity of the flow on the effectiveness of a gas curtain in axisymmetric nozzlesÉ. P. Volchkov, V. K. Koz'menko and V. P. Lebedev
201-204Stability of a plane jet in a medium with relaxationV. V. Sobolev and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
205-210Asymptotic solution of the problem of outflow of heavy laminar jets of nonmixing liquidsV. I. Eliseev
210-216Stabilization of solutions of two-dimensional equations of dynamics of an ideal liquidG. V. Alekseev
216-222Inclination angles of the boundary in moving liquid layersO. V. Voinov
223-227Circulation flow of an ideal liquid near wallsI. A. Belov
228-230Experimental investigation of the reiner centripetal effect in liquidsA. A. Sharts
231-235Problem of control of the level of groundwater during irrigation for the three-dimensional caseN. N. Kochina
236-241One pulsed hydrodynamic model of a cratering explosionN. B. Il'inskii
241-248Plane waves in nonlinear viscous multicomponent mediaG. M. Lyakhov and V. N. Okhitin
249-252Method of determining the ultimate dynamic compression patterns for soils and porous media responsive to the strain rateA. I. Kotov and G. V. Rykov
252-256Shield properties of a thin plate under high-velocity impactL. A. Merzhievskii and V. M. Titov
257-259Utilization of the electron-inertial effect in shock loading to measure rod strainYu. G. Kashaev, S. A. Novikov and V. A. Sinitsyn
260-263Effect of critical shear stresses behind the front of a shock wave on the formation of fragmentsS. A. Novikov and A. V. Chernov
263-269Study of maximum stress field alongside cracks emerging from contours of openings in a perforated plateV. M. Mirsalimov
270-273Effective elastic moduli of a fibrous composite material, isotropic on the averageV. V. Kolokol'chikov and G. N. Sapego
274-282Self-consistent field approximation for an elastic composite mediumS. K. Kanaun

Volume 18, Number 3 / May 1977

283-285Twentieth anniversary of the siberian branch of the academy of sciences of the USSR
285-287Effect of rate of replacement of working gas on characteristics of a Co2 laser with a closed cycleS. S. Vorontsov, A. I. Ivanchenko, R. I. Soloukhin and A. A. Shepelenko
288-292Optimum conditions for formation of short and long radiation pulses in CO2 lasersV. N. Tishchenko
292-294Influence of supersonic flow heating on the gain of a carbon dioxide gasdynamic laserS. A. Losev and V. N. Makarov
295-299High-energy part of ion distribution function in a multiple-mirror magnetic trapYu. V. Vasil'ev and D. D. Ryutov
299-304Numerical evaluation of diode gap bridging by ions in a planar diodeG. V. Stupakov
304-307Numerical simulation of the self-focusing of wave packets in a medium with striction nonlinearityA. F. Mastryukov and V. S. Synakh
308-313Propagation of a two-dimensional supersonic radiation waveI. V. Nemchinov, M. P. Popova and L. P. Shubadeeva
314-318Kinetic model of the condensation of a supeesaturated gasV. K. Konyukhov and V. N. Faizulaev
319-322Motion of deflected front of a shock wave in a nonuniform mediumA. A. Rumyantsev
323-330Boundary-layer interaction with a nonequilibrium two-phase stream on a surface being burned out in an axisymmetric laval nozzleA. A. Glazunov, E. G. Zaulichnyl, V. Ya. Ivanov and A. D. Rychkov
330-334One-dimensional pulsation of a toroidal gaseous cavity in a compressible liquidV. K. Kedrinskii
334-340Shock structure in a liquid containing gas bubbles with nonsteady inter phase heat transferR. R. Aidagulov, N. S. Khabeev and V. Sh. Shagapov
341-343Formation of a vortex ring during ascent of a large air bubble in waterI. G. Zhidov, E. E. Meshkov, V. V. Popov, V. G. Rogachev and A. I. Tolshmyakov
344-351Motion of a liquid film on the surface of a rotating cylinder in a gravitational fieldV. V. Pukhnachev
351-354Turbulent viscosity for incompressible gradient flows before separation and on a rough surfaceV. N. Dolgov and V. M. Shulemovich
355-359Some cases of unsteady motion of viscoplastic media in an infinitely long viscoelastic tubeR. M. Sattarov
360-362Complex heat exchange in the case of the laminar flow of a scattering medium in a cylindrical channelYu. A. Popov and V. I. Shcherbinin
363-367Thermal conditions in couette flow of a viscous liquidZh. A. Zinenko, A. M. Stolin and F. A. Khrisostomov
368-372Laminar heat convection of a liquid in an annular region with a given heat fluxV. A. Brailovskaya and G. B. Petrazhitskii
372-378Analytical investigation of the solidification process of a liquid metal in continuous casting unitsL. N. Maksimov and A. N. Cherepanov
379-384Effect of the initial density of a substance on the conditions of oblique collision of shock wavesN. A. Kostyukov
384-389Piercing of a barrier under the impact of glass particles simulating stony meteoritesA. P. Anikieva, L. A. Merzhievskii and V. M. Titov
390-394Experimental investigation of the dynamics of growth of brittle fracturesV. I. Arkhipov and L. A. Maslov
394-397Iteraction between cracks positioned at an angleI. D. Suzdal'nitskii
397-401Determination of the rate of evolution of elastic energy for a Δ-shaped crack by the method of measurement of the pliabilityL. P. Frantsuzova
401-406Solution in the form of series of legendre polynomials of an axisymmetric mixed problem for a hollow elastic cylinderG. V. Ivanov
406-420Problem of plane strain of hardening and softening plastic materialsA. F. Revuzhenko and E. I. Shemyakin
420-426Forming of fibrous lightguides with a small azimuthal asymmetry of the billetM. E. Zhabotinskii and A. V. Foigel'
427-428Book reviewsB. S. Rinkevichyus

Volume 18, Number 4 / July 1977

429-437Distribution of vibrational energy in a binary reactive mixture of molecular gases in a field of resonance laser radiationT. Z. Kalanov, A. I. Osipov and V. Ya. Panchenko
437-445Calculation of chemical- and vibrational-nonequilibrium flow of a multicomponent gas through a nozzleV. M. Vasil'ev, S. V. Kulikov and O. V. Skrebkov
445-447Theory of a steady CO laserA. P. Napartovich, I. V. Novobrantsev and A. N. Starostin
448-454Calculation of development of a laser explosion in air with allowance for emissionI. V. Nemchinov and V. V. Svettsov
455-459Optical strength of weakly absorbing drops in intense light fieldsA. A. Zemlyanov, V. A. Pogodaev, V. N. Pozhidaev and L. K. Chistyakova
459-460Absorption coefficients of spark-channel plasma in a solid dielectricB. V. Semkin and B. G. Shubin
461-467Non-self-sustained discharge with recovery of ionizing beamL. P. Fominskii
467-473Evolution of a one-dimensional magnetosonic solitonA. V. Gordeev
473-479Calculation of toroidal inductive accumulators with a D-cross section from parameters of a discharge pulse and of the charging deviceI. A. Ivanov, V. V. Sizov and V. A. Trukhin
479-483Calculation of thermal stresses arising in electrically conducting materials with the passage of a high-current pulseS. A. Balankin, L. P. Gorbachev, E. G. Grigor'ev and D. M. Skorov
484-491Experimental investigation of gasdynamic processes at sudden start-up of a supersonic nozzleL. G. Gvozdeva and Yu. V. Zhilin
491-495Experimental investigation of total flow and directional diagrams in discharge of gas to vacuum through capillaries of different lengthsS. T. Barashkin, B. T. Porodnov and M. F. Chemagin
496-502Experimental investigation of the effect of velocity lag of particles in a supersonic gas streamA. P. Alkhimov, A. N. Papyrin, A. L. Predein and R. I. Soloukhin
503-506A method of calculating an induction flowmeter for pipelines of large through cross sectionA. S. Petrazhitskii and V. É. Tsirkunov
506-509Process of opening of an inelastic diaphragm in a shock tubeV. A. Volkov, V. N. Parmon and B. K. Tkachenko
509-515Transient heat-mass exchange near a spherical particleR. I. Nigmatulin and I. Kh. Rakhmatulina
515-519Dynamics of a cylindrical cavity in a compressible liquidV. K. Kedrinskii and V. T. Kuzavov
519-522Expansion of gas cavity in brittle rock with a view to dilatation properties of soilS. Z. Dunin and V. K. Sirotkin
522-526A method for investigating material properties during dynamic elongationB. I. Abashkin, I. Kh. Zabirov, V. S. Lobanov and V. G. Rusin
526-535Tensile stresses in target upon collision of rigid bodiesM. S. Kachan and Yu. A. Trishin
535-542Shock adiabats and profiles of weak shock waves in metalsN. S. Kozin and N. K. Kuz'mina
543-549Perturbation of the front of a flat plastic waveE. I. Romenskii
549-561Equations of the linear theory of elasticity with point maxwellian sources of stress relaxationS. K. Godunov and N. N. Sergeev-Al'bov
561-564Propagation of a two-dimensional plastic wave in a nonlinearly compressed half-planeN. Mamadaliev and V. P. Molev
564-572Approximate equations of dynamics of an elastic layerV. A. Saraikin
573-583Dynamics of a rectilinear isolated crack growing at a constant rate under conditions of antiplane deformationE. N. Sher
584-586Crack propagation in unoriented amorphous polymersV. N. Gul'nyashkin and S. I. Detistov
586-592Stability of compressed viscoelastic orthotropic shellsV. D. Potapov

Volume 18, Number 5 / September 1977

593-599Calculation of probabilities of vibrational-translational and vibrational-vibrational exchanges between isotopic variants of nitrogen molecules at low temperaturesV. M. Akulintsev, N. M. Gorshunov and Yu. P. Neshchimenko
599-601A method for integrating the Fokker-Planck equationS. A. Reshetnyak and L. A. Shelepin
602-608Approximation of integrodifferential equation by an equation of Fokker-Planck typeM. N. Safaryan
609-611Effect of high-frequency electric field on dispersion of surface waves excited by an electron beamV. V. Demchenko and A. Ya. Omel'chenko
611-613Limiting current of a conical beamA. S. Chikhachev
613-616Experimental verification of radiation from compton electron currentsG. M. Gandel'man, V. V. Ivanov, Yu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov and G. V. Fedorovich
617-621Measurement of spatial distributions of residual gas density and electrical potential in a plasmaV. N. Bocharov, A. M. Kudryavtsev, A. F. Sorokin and Yu. N. Ul'yanov
622-627Electric strength and electrical conductivity of a volume discharge in the presence of external ionizationV. A. Feoktistov
627-631Equilibrium and stability of the separation surface between a liquid dielectric and a perfectly conducting liquidA. I. Zhakin
632-637Effect of roughness on frictional resistance of a surface during gradient flow of a compressible gas with heat transferG. F. Sivykh
637-642Analysis of the sound field of a large span oscillating body of revolutionD. N. Gorelov
642-647Shock loading of an infinite plate contiguous to a fluidV. P. Yastrebov
647-650A self-similar solution for fan jets with an arbitrary degree of swirlingE. M. Smirnov
650-655Stability of poiseuille flow in an elastic channel0. Yu. Tsvelodub
655-659Viscosity of a dilute suspension of rigid spherical particles in a non-Newtonian fluidYu. I. Shmakov and L. M. Shmakova
659-665Flow and heat transfer in the thermogravitational generation modeA. F. Polyakov
666-673Limit problems on heat or mass transfer to a cylinder and sphere submerged in an infiltrable granular layerYu. A. Buevich and D. A. Kazenin
673-677Effect of the axial component of the heat flux on solidifcation of a metal with continuous castingA. N. Cherepanov
678-685Non-steady-state theory of vapor-phase ignition and combustion of a metal particleM. A. Gurevich, A. Ya. Lukin, G. I. Sirkunen and A. M. Stepanov
685-689Experimental determination of the kinetics of relaxation processes during the shock compression of condensing mediaG. I. Kanel'
689-692Dynamic compressibility, electrical conductivity, and sound velocity behind a shock front in KaprolonL. V. Kuleshova and M. N. Pavlovskii
693-700Nonstationary plane waves in media with bulk viscosityG. M. Lyakhov and V. N. Okhitin
700-701Relation between static mechanical characteristics and impulse stress in metal rodsV. M. Glazkov, L. A. Kudryavtseva and V. I. Sukhin
702-705A solid-liquid model of an explosion in the groundÉ. B. Polyak and E. N. Sher
706-711Mechanical properties of soils taking account of their viscoplastic properties with short-term dynamic loadsZ. V. Narozhnaya and G. V. Rykov
712-716Theory of stability of compressible elastoplastic groundA. N. Sporykhin
716-717Variational method for solving problems of the plasticity of compressible mediaI. S. Degtyarev
718-721Stability of an elastoplastic sphere under external pressureA. V. Skachenko and A. N. Sporykhin
721-727Maximum stability formulas for reinforced cylindrical shells under external pressureV. M. Pavlov and L. I. Shkutin
728-735Exact solution of problem of deflection of an anisotropic plate with an apertureT. L. Martynovich
735-737Temperature influence in use 0f an interference method to study the effects of normal stressesA. A. Sharts

Volume 18, Number 6 / November 1977

739-741Vector theory of self-focusingA. A. Kolokolov and A. I. Sukov
741-744Plasma heating at constant impedanceM. E. Gertsenshtein and V. A. Pogosyan
744-745Electron temperature difference in flow core of an MHD accelerator channelV. I. Belykh
746-750Effect of strong electric field on light flash excited by a gamma-ray source in airA. V. Zhemerev, Yu. A. Medvedev and B. M. Stepanov
750-754Electrophysical properties of a detonation plasma; high-speed explosive circuit breakersA. P. Ershov, P. I. Zubkov and L. A. Luk'yanchikov
754-757Investigation of flow in the chamber and channel of a variable-area shock tubeA. M. Naumov and L. S. Shtemenko
757-759A method of determining the performance of low-density gasdynamic tubesS. N. Abrosimov and B. F. Shcherbakov
760-762Modeling of natural ionospheric flight conditionsB. E. Zhestkov and A. Ya. Knivel'
763-768Supersonic flow over sharp-edged wingsG. P. Voskresenskii, A. S. Il'ina and V. S. Tatarenchik
769-774Calculation of interaction of a turbulent near-wake behind a step with a supersonic jetA. N. Antonov
775-779Formation of noncirculating regions in the axial zone of a vortex cellM. V. Bashkatov
779-785Secondary flows beside a cylinder in a complex sound fieldV. B. Repin
786-791Deformation of liquid line with the collision of jetsM. V. Rubtsov
791-794Vortical momentum of flows of an incompressible liquidV. A. Vladimirov
795-798Two exact solutions of the Navier-stokes equations for the concentration of eddies in a viscous liquidV. I. Likhoperskii
799-802Calculation of nonstationary finiteamplitude wind wavesR. L. Kulyaev
802-805Hydrodynamic stability of two-dimensional poiseuille flow of a non-Newtonian liquid with a high-viscosity core in a cooled channelA. S. Romanov
806-811Mass transfer in a liquid layer of variable thickness on a rotating archimedes spiral taking account of the entrance regionN. M. Zhavoronkov, V. A. Malyusov, N. S. Mochalova and L. P. Kholpanov
812-815Concentration convection in a solidifying meltP. F. Zavgorodnii, V. I. Kolesnik, I. L. Povkh and G. M. Sevost'yanov
816-818Stability of elastoplastic flowsV. M. Volchkov, M. A. Vinogradov and A. A. Kozlov
818-823A technique for the solution of wave problems for a nonlinear compressible mediumN. Mamadaliev and Sh. Mamatkulov
823-827Structure of elastic discontinuities on shock profiles in viscoelastic mediaN. S. Kozin
828-834Theory of shock waves in media undergoing phase transitionsYu. Ya. Boguslavskii
834-842Spherical detonation waves in media with volumetric viscosityG. M. Lyakhov and V. N. Okhitin
842-845Optimum conditions for excitation of elastic vibrations in solids by pulsed ionizing radiationV. D. Volovik and S. I. Ivanov
845-848Upper evaluation of power of surface forces with deformation of a medium with a limited intensity of tangential stressesG. V. Ivanov
848-851Measurement of multipoint moments of composite structuresV. V. Dudukalenko, N. N. Lysach and S. I. Mesakov
852-856Dynamics of a short steel bar with inhomogeneous properties of lagging creep along its lengthG. I. Popov
856-859Time criteria of explosive fractureYu. I. Fadeenko
860-863Special characteristics of flow of viscously free-flowing media in tubesI. B. Basovich, M. G. Bernadiner and L. V. Eroshina

Volume 19, Number 1 / January 1978

1-5Shift of chemical equilibrium in a binary reacting mixture of molecular gases under the action of resonance laser radiationT. Z. Kalanov, A. I. Osipov and V. Ya. Panchenko
6-12Conditions for applicability of a diffusion description for vibrational-translational relaxation of diatomic moleculesM. N. Safaryan
12-16Decay of a plasma produced by a pulsed beam of accelerated electrons in an He-Ne mixture at high pressureYu. D. Korolev and A. P. Khuzeev
17-21Electron temperature and concentration in initial region of a supersonic jet of argon plasma from a magnetoplasmadynamic sourceG. A. Luk'yanov and V. V. Sakhin
22-26A similarity law for homogeneous condensation in free CO2 jetsA. A. Vostrikov, N. V. Gaiskii, Yu. S. Kuzner, A. K. Rebrov and B. E. Semyachkin, et al.
27-31Nonstationary processes in starting strongly underexpanded jetsA. V. Eremin, V. A. Kochnev, A. A. Kulikovskii and I. M. Naboko
32-35Stability of boundary layer of catalytically recombining gasG. V. Petrov
36-41Invariant solutions of equations of nonstationary motion of gas in spaceB. V. Lapko
42-44Effect of mass released by an explosion on thermal-wave propagationL. P. Gorbachev and V. F. Fedorov
44-50Development of dynamic perturbations in initial stage of a point explosion in a thermally conducting gasV. P. Shidlovskii
50-58Representation of interaction in the theory of turbulenceG. A. Kuz'min and A. Z. Patashinskii
58-62Reconstruction of turbulence spectrum from transient characteristics of a shadow-instrument signalYu. I. Kopilevich
62-64Experimental study of dynamics of gas bubbles in a turbulent jetA. I. Mart'yanov
65-69Instability of a stationary thin layer of a magnetizable liquidV. G. Bashtovoi
70-74Optimization of body shape at small reynolds numbersA. A. Mironov
75-80Heat transfer in a laminar jet at a wallK. B. Pavlov and L. D. Pokrovskii
80-83Asymptotic of solution of problem of convective diffusion to a drop with large péclet numbers and finite reynolds numbersYu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polyanin, V. D. Polyanin and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
83-89Equations of thermohydromechanics of a two-phase polydisperse medium with phase transitions having a continuous particle-size distributionI. N. Dorokhov, V. V. Kafarov and É. M. Kol'tsova
89-93Flow of generalized newtonian and bingham liquids in an annular capillaryI. B. Muratov
93-100Concentric impact of pointed bodiesI. E. Zababakhin
100-104Mechanism for plastic relaxation of a solid in a shock waveYu. I. Fadeenko
104-107Applying the kinetic theory of strength to determining life of light alloys after preliminary plastic deformationN. A. Moshkin and A. I. Ravikovich
108-113Thermoelastic axisymmetric problem for a two-layer cylinderT. G. Beleicheva and K. K. Ziling
114-117Convective instability of equilibrium of a chemically active liquid in a horizontal bed of a porous mediumA. K. Kolesnikov
118-126Nonlinear waves in a viscoelastic rod and the problem of impact of a finite rod on a rigid obstacleZ. N. Kuzina, A. I. Leonov and A. A. Markov
127-135Governing relationships of dynamical plasticityN. S. Kozin, A. A. Tuzovskii and N. N. Kholin
136-145Interaction between a periodic system of elastic inclusions and rectilinear cracks in an isotropic mediumV. M. Mirsalimov

Volume 19, Number 2 / March 1978

147-155Unsteady-state thermal self-focusing of pulsesA. F. Mastryukov and V. S. Synakh
156-163Disturbance of the geoelectric field through ionization of air by a pulsed source of gamma radiationYu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov, G. V. Fedorovich and L. P. Feoktistov
164-166Thermoautoelectronic emission taking account of individual ionic fieldsA. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Rodnevich
166-173Characteristics of a two-stageion accelerator with an anode layerS. D. Grishin, V. S. Erofeev, A. V. Zharinov, V. P. Naumkin and I. N. Safronov
173-180Diagnostics of supersonic two-phase streams from scattered laser radiationA. P. Alkhimov, V. M. Boiko, A. N. Papyrin and R. I. Soloukhin
180-182Role of vibrational relaxation in the nonequilibrium flow of air in nozzlesV. N. Komarov
183-187Approximate calculation of parameters at the throat of a hypersonic wakeL. I. Skurin and A. V. Yurkov
188-190Some generalizations of the problem of spherical vorticesYu. V. Martynov
191-196A class of axisymmetric unsteady flows of viscous incompressible fluidsA. G. Yarmitskii
196-201Diffusion of polymer solutions in a turbulent boundary layerA. V. Vdovin and A. V. Smol'yakov
201-204Experimental investigation of the interaction of colliding dropletsV. A. Arkhipov, G. S. Ratanov and V. F. Trofimov
204-210Nonsteady shock waves in gas-liquid mixtures of bubble structureA. A. Gubaidullin, A. I. Ivandaev and R. I. Nigmatulin
210-212Action of a pressure pulse on a cavity in a viscous liquidN. A. Grigor'ev, G. S. Doronin and V. L. Odinokii
212-217Dimensionless equations of state and attenuation of shock wavesB. S. Chekin
218-224Stress waves in soils in the presence of cavitation effectsV. A. Kotlyarevskii, E. G. Maiorova and A. I. Shishikin
224-228A point explosion in a compressed multicomponent mixtureA. M. Maslennikov and V. S. Fetisov
228-232Determination of ejection extraction with the explosion of an underground fuse-type charge in a two-layer mediumN. B. Il'inskii and A. V. Potashev
232-235Propagation of a two-dimensional plastic wave in a medium with nonlinear unloadingN. Mamadaliev and V. P. Molev
236-239Mixed characteristic problem for motion of a granular and additively compressible mediumI. S. Degtyarev
239-246Dynamic deflection of stiffly plastic restrained circular plates with the effects of shear and rotational inertia taken into accountYu. V. Nemirovskii and A. R. Skovoroda
246-250Elastoplastic strain of thin plates and shells under linear hardening and an ideal bauschinger effectG. V. Ivanov
250-254Singular solutions of equations of shallow shells for a concentrated tangential loadV. P. Ol'shanskii
255-259Stability of cylindrical shells under external pressureV. M. Kornev and N. D. Mel'nikova
259-262Stress concentration near the apex of a crack by the couple-stress theory of elasticity and the method of phomoelasticityYa. M. Shiryaev
262-266Compressive strength of materialsM. M. Muzdakbaev and V. S. Nikiforovskii
266-271Convective effects in liquid inclusions drifting in nonuniformly heated solidsYu. K. Bratukhin
271-276Investigation of the connection between soil and ground waters with irrigationS. T. Rybakova and V. I. Sabinin
277-279Sixth Scientific Conference of the Western Siberian Region Ministry of Specialized Higher and Secondary Education of the RSFSR on Mathematics and MechanicsA. P. Rudnev

Volume 19, Number 3 / May 1978

281-287Population of the rotational levels of nitrogen molecules during nonequilibrium condensation in the freely expanding phaseN. V. Karelov, A. K. Rebrov and R. G. Sharafutdinov
287-292Computation of the rotational transition probabilities of diatomic molecules with a morse potentialA. N. Vargin, N. A. Ganina, É. K. Kostyuchenko, V. K. Konyukhov and A. I. Lukovnikov, et al.
293-296Instability of a non-self-maintained discharge initiated by pulsed ionizationV. A. Feoktistov
296-302Origination of a self-oscillating mode (magnetic striations) in a nonequilibrium magnetized plasmaV. M. Zubtsov, O. A. Sinkevich and V. T. Chuklova
303-309Effect of the distribution of the elements in a capacitive energy store on the nature of the plasma current in a coaxial channelN. V. Belan, L. P. Kovalevskaya and N. A. Mashtylev
309-314Investigation of sliding spaek in airS. I. Andreev, E. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
315-318Electrical stability of detonation products of condensed explosivesP. I. Zubkov, L. A. Luk'yanchikov and Yu. V. Ryabinin
318-320Problem of determining ion collection efficiency in liquid ionization chambersV. S. Zavgorodnii
321-324Influence of a stream perturbation before the skimmer on molecular-beam parametersA. E. Zarvin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
324-330Simple wave equations of one-dimensional motion of a gas-dust mixtureV. V. Zholobov and L. G. Zholobova
330-336Internal waves generated by local disturbances in a linearly stratified liquid of finite depthI. V. Sturova
336-341Interaction between turbulent boundary layers in a right dihedral cornerV. I. Kornilov and A. M. Kharitonov
342-347Liquid flow around a self-propelled bodyV. L. Sennitskii
348-351Acoustic streaming in a boundary layerA. Ya. Fedorov and P. I. Tsoi
351-355Microconvective heat- and mass-transfer processes in fluids with internal rotationV. G. Bashtovoi, A. N. Vislovich and B. É. Kashevskii
356-361Cylindrical detonation waves in multicomponent mediaV. A. Plaksii
362-371Some effects which arise in connection with the explosive squeezing of a viscous cylindrical shellN. I. Tatyushkin and Yu. A. Trishin
372-376Investigation of the structure of shock waves in boron nitride and graphite in the region of polymorphous transformationA. V. Anan'in, A. N. Dremin, G. I. Kanel' and S. V. Pershin
376-379Generalized shock adiabats of the elementsV. F. Anisichkin
380-386Use of a dislocation model for description of shock-loaded rigidly plastic media with hardeningYu. I. Meshcheryakov and V. A. Morozov
386-390Equations of elastoplastic deformation for arbitrary values of the rotations and deformationsG. V. Ivanov
390-398Nonisothermal nonlinear waves in a rod made of a dissipative rubberlike materialA. I. Leonov
398-404Dispersion of the velocity and scattering of ultrasonic waves in composite materialsA. A. Usov and T. D. Shermergor
404-411Vibrations of an elastic inhomogeneous solid weakened by a circular slitG. P. Kovalenko
411-413Deformation of a stochastically inhomogeneous solid with an openingN. B. Romalis
414-417Results of experimental investigations of the mechanical characteristics of a sandy soil under static loadingsYu. M. Glukhov, Yu. V. Kulinich and G. V. Rykov

Volume 19, Number 4 / July 1978

419-423Form of distribution of absolute and relative velocities of molecules in a strong shock front. Monatomic one-component gasA. P. Genich, G. G. Kasparov, G. B. Manelis and N. V. Panov
423-430Comparison of the results of classical diffusion and quantum calculations of vibrational-translational relaxation of diatomic moleculesM. N. Safaryan and 0. V. Skrebkov
431-436Experimental investigation of the escape of helium, neon, and argon in a vacuum through a long single capillary at temperatures of 295–490 °kB. T. Porodnov and A. G. Flyagin
436-444Influence of heat spread in the measurement layer on the accuracy in measuring local heat fluxes by the gradient methodÉ. N. Voznesenskii and V. I. Nemchenko
445-450Effect of viscosity on the stability of an electric arcA. A. Bobnev
451-456Extinction of an electric arc by means of explosivesP. I. Zubkov, L. A. Luk'yanchikov and K. A. Ten
456-459Swtiching characteristics of explosive disconnectors with rapid destruction of the contact elementÉ. A. Azizov, N. A. Akhmerov, K. I. Kozorezov and V. V. Semchenko
460-463Matching an explosive-magnetic generator to a resistive load using a transformerL. S. Gerasimov
464-469Extraction of energy from inductive stores and explosive-magnetic generators into an inductive load using circuit breakingV. A. Demidov, E. I. Zharinov, S. A. Kazakov and V. K. Chernyshev
469-471Use of a photometric method to measure the displacement of metal shells under an explosive loadS. A. Novikov, V. V. Permyakov, A. I. Ryabikin and V. A. Sinitsyn
472-474Collapse of microobjects initiated by a laser pulse in water at reduced pressureP. I. Golubnichii, P. I. Dyadyushkin, G. S. Kalyuzhnyi and V. G. Kudlenko
474-491Surface effects from an underwater explosion (review)V. K. Kedrinskii
491-496Interaction of shock waves from the successive underwater explosion of spherical chargesS. V. Stebnovskii
496-505Phase transitions in shock waves (review)L. V. Al'tshuler
505-508Shock waves in dilatant and nondilatant mediaS. G. Artyshev and S. Z. Dunin
509-515Wave-barrier interaction in a viscoplastic mediumG. M. Lyakhov and K. S. Sultanov
515-521Stresses in the zone of the wetting line and the dynamic resistance of the meniscusB. V. Zheleznyi and A. G. Nikiforov
521-525Finite-amplitude internal waves at an interface between two heavy liquidsS. I. Plaksin
526-537Branching of solutions in the problem of the wavy flow of a viscous liquid with a free boundaryA. L. Urintsev
537-540Stabilization of convective flow in a vertical layer using a permeable partitionR. V. Birikh and R. N. Rudakov
541-545Stability of an axisymmetric jet of magnetizable fluidV. G. Bashtovoi and M. S. Krakov
546-553Turbulent wall motion of weak polymer solutions in smooth pipesF. G. Galimzyanov
553-556Numerical solution of the two-dimensional problem of directed crystallizationV. P. Il'in and L. V. Yausheva
557-563Problems of the strong bending of a thin elastic layer by rigid diesI. O. Bogul'skii
564-571Equilibrium of an isolated crack in an elastic stripP. A. Martynyuk and É. B. Polyak
572-575Plastic deformation of a rough surfaceM. U. Ushitskii

Volume 19, Number 5 / September 1978

577-582Vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules in a non-Boltzmann thermostatA. A. Goroshkov and A. I. Osipov
583-587Saturation of absorption of the powerful radiation of a system of anharmonic oscillatorsS. A. Zhdanok, A. P. Napartovich and A. N. Starostin
587-593Energy characteristics of a carbon monoxide gasdynamic laserN. Ya. Vasilik, V. A. Vakhnenko, A. D. Margolin and V. M. Shmelev
594-596Determination of optimum nozzle parameters in a gasdynamic laserV. N. Makarov and Yu. V. Tunik
597-601Dispersion of a plasma current sheathV. S. Komel'kov, A. P. Kuznetsov, A. S. Pleshanov, L. Ya. Polonskii and G. G. Yakushev
602-609Collisionless dispersion of an ionized cloud into a homogeneous magnetized plasmaA. I. Golubev, A. A. Solov'ev and V. A. Terekhin
609-613Calculation of the effective thermal diffusion coefficients of a nonlinear multielement plasmaV. I. Kucherenko and G. A. Pavlov
614-617Numerical investigation of the growth of glowing discharges in two-dimensional geometryG. G. Gladush and A. A. Samokhin
618-622Controlled multichannel dischargers with water insulationV. V. Balalaev, N. K. Kapishnikov, V. M. Muratov and V. Ya. Ushakov
623-627Calculation of the kinetics of propagation of a powerful light beam in a transparent dielectric with impuritiesYu. I. Lysikov
627-633Inductance of a single-coil magnetic course generator with a variable generating coilV. S. Fomenko
634-639Effect of friction on motion of a piston driven by combustion productsV. A. Poselevich, N. N. Pilyugin and S. Yu. Chernyavskii
639-643Structure of the potential barrier at a metal boundaryA. A. Porotnikov and B. B. Podnevich
644-648Structure of the heating layer ahead of the front of a strong intensely emitting shock waveI. V. Nemchinov, V. V. Svettsov and V. V. Shuvalov
649-650An experimental study of the pressure behind reflected shock waves in hydrogenA. V. Il'metov and V. I. Titov
650-652A nonstationary axisymmetric motion of gasV. A. Dvoraikov
653-656Flow over blunted cones and segmental bodiesV. P. Karyagin, A. B. Loshakov and A. I. Shvets
656-665Diffusion slip and barodiffusion of a gaseous mixture in plane and cylindrical channelsV. M. Zhdanov and R. V. Smirnova
666-669Nonsteady heat exchange during pulsating laminar flow of a viscous liquid in an annular channelS. G. Ivanushkin, V. I. Kondrashov and V. E. Tomilov
670-677Kinetics of binary melt-crystal phase transformationsT. A. Cherepanova
678-685Interpolation of the thermody namic model for water in the region of uniform and two-phase statesS. V. Bobrovskii, V. M. Gogolev, M. G. Menzhulin and R. V. Shilova
686-691Complete thermodynamtc equations of state of metals (solid phase)V. A. Zhdanov and A. V. Zhukov
691-695Determination of the behavior of a standard linear body in a plastomere of plane-parallel shearP. M. Gorbunov
695-700Strength of single-layer and multilayer cylindrical vessels loaded internally by pulses of various lengthsV. A. Batalov, A. G. Ivanov, G. G. Ivanova, V. N. Mineev and V. N. Sofronov, et al.
700-705Formation of stagnant zones in viscoplastic materials on the convex and concave parts of rigid boundariesE. M. Emel'yanov and A. D. Chernyshov
705-708Relationships between the creep strain increments and the stresses for nonstationary loading modesA. F. Nikitenko and O. V. Sosnin

Volume 19, Number 6 / November 1978

709-714Radial electric fields excited in air by a point source of γ-quantaA. A. Solov'ev and V. A. Terekhin
714-719Ionization and recombination of a multicharged plasma heated by laser radiationA. N. Polyanichev and V. S. Fetisov
719-720Explosive emission in guided sliding dischargesS. I. Andreev, E. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
721-727Initial stages of the electrical explosion of a wire in an LC-loopL. S. Gerasimov, A. I. Pinchuk and Yu. A. Stukalin
727-733Phase velocities and discontinuous structure of shock wavesO. I. Dementii and S. V. Dementii
733-738Radiation originating by the impact of a gas layer against an obstacle at very high velocitiesV. I. Bergel'son and I. V. Nemchinov
739-742A shield for protecting detectors from mechanical impurities in a gas streamV. I. Alferov and A. S. Bushmin
742-746Breakup of a liquid drop aggregate in shock wavesB. E. Gel'fand, S. A. Gubin, E. N. Timofeev and S. M. Sheparnev
747-754Mathematical model of the oscillatory cycle associated with nonsteady interaction of a supersonic jet with a barrierV. G. Dulov
755-760Characteristics of the space-time evolution of vapor-gas cavities generated by an underwater spark dischargeA. I. Vovchenko, V. V. Kucherenko and V. V. Shamko
760-765Motion of a sphere in an infinite conductive fluid, produced by a variable magnetic dipole located within the sphereV. I. Khonichev and V. I. Yakovlev
766-771Analysis of the branching of a spiral flow between coaxial cylindersT. A. Liseikina
771-775An optical method for investigating the microstructure of turbulent flowÉ. G. Goncharov, L. G. Kovalenko and É. I. Krasovskii
776-779Rheological behavior of a dilute suspension of spherical particles in a non-newtonian liquidL. M. Shmakova
779-781Turbulent flow of concentrated unstable emulsions in pipesV. F. Medvedev
781-786Natural convection and heat transfer in porous interlayers between horizontal coaxial cylindersV. A. Brailovskaya, G. B. Petrazhitskii and V. I. Polezhaev
786-792Analytic description of binary melt crystallizationT. A. Cherepanova
793-798Extrapolation of an isentrope of a solid in the region of high pressuresV. A. Filimonov
799-807Interpolational equation of state of NaCl, taking account of processes of melting, vaporization, dissociation, and ionizationS. V. Bobrovskii, V. M. Gogolev, B. V. Zemyshlyaev and V. P. Lozhkina
807-813Dynamic stress concentration in glass-fiber-reinforced plasticA. A. Ermak and A. M. Mikhailov
814-819Numerical investigation of the process of the sudden ejection of a worked coal seamS. V. Kuznetsov and N. S. Khapilova
819-824Heat and mass transfer during an explosion in solidsK. E. Gubkin, V. M. Kuznetsov and A. F. Shatsukevich
824-829Experimental verification of the drucker postulateM. Ya. Brovman
830-838Fatigue strength of shaftsV. D. Kuliev and G. P. Cherepanov

Volume 20, Number 1 / January 1979

1-3Quantum effects in rotational relaxation of a freely expanding gasI. V. Lebed' and V. V. Ryabov
4-7Capture of gas atoms on a solid surfaceV. I. Zhuk
7-10Relativistic electron beam with a variable degree of charge neutralizationA. V. Zharinov, D. N. Novichkov and A. S. Chikhachev
11-15Electric field distribution in a volume gas discharge controlled by an electron beamA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. G. Posukh
15-18Conditions for the maintenance of the current in the cathode layer of a semi-self-maintaining volumetric discharge excited by an electron beamYu. D. Korolev, V. B. Ponomarev and V. S. Synakh
19-22Electromagnetic field originating during metal evaporation at a laser focusA. A. Kutikov, Yu. A. Medvedev, V. M. Sorokin, B. M. Stepanov and G. V. Fedorovich
22-25Dynamics of a solid microparticle in a pulsed laser radiation fieldV. I. Bukatyi, V. A. Podogaev and D. P. Chaporov
25-32Computations of the gain coefficients of multicomponent working media in combustion-product CO2 GDLA. P. Genich, N. V. Evtyukhin, S. V. Kulikov, G. B. Manelis and M. E. Solov'yeva
32-36Take-off of energy from explosive-magnetic generators to an inductive load using the breaking of a circuitV. A. Demidov, E. I. Zharinov, S. A. Kazakov and V. K. Chernyshev
37-42Nonequilibrium ionization in a laminar hypersonic boundary layerA. S. Margevich and A. V. Potapov
43-49Structure of pulsed gas jets flowing out of supersonic nozzlesV. A. Belavin, V. V. Golub and I. M. Naboko
50-54Optimization of hypersonic three-dimensional shapesYu. A. Vedernikov, V. G. Dulov and A. F. Latypov
54-59Crossflow development in the boundary layer during longitudinal flow around a right dihedral angleV. I. Kornilov and A. M. Kharitonov
59-62Theory of a flat submerged jet of a non-Newtonian liquid with a power rheological lawK. B. Pavlov
62-66Equilibrium and stability of an incompressible fluid dropV. R. Orel
66-69Characteristics in the initial stage of the spreading of a drop on a solid surfaceS. V. Stebnovskii
69-73Investigation of the friction stress on a wall in a monodispensed gas-liquid flowN. V. Valukina and O. N. Kashinskii
74-79Dissipation effects with pulsations of gas bubbles in viscoelastic polymeric liquidsS. P. Levitskii
80-85Nonlinear and linear wave processes in electrohydrodynamics taking account of charge diffusionN. I. Kidin and G. G. Tsypkin
86-90Self-heating of a viscous fluid under cyclic deformationL. M. Buchatskii, A. M. Stolin and S. I. Khudyaev
91-95Heat exchange between rotating disksV. V. Nikulin
95-99Film condensation of a moving vapor on a horizontal cylinderI. I. Gogonin, A. R. Dorokhov and V. I. Sosunov
99-104Low-temperature polymerization conditions in a flow-through reactorS. A. Bostandzhiyan, V. I. Boyarchenko, P. V. Zhirkov and Zh. A. Zinenko
105-108Expansion of a gas cavity in a gas- and water-saturated elastoplastic mediumE. E. Lovetskii, A. M. Maslennikov and V. S. Fetisov
109-112Dynamical behavior of water- and gas-saturated porous bodiesS. Z. Dunin and V. L. Mal'nikov
113-117Waves in stratified soilsN. Ya. Barlas, V. G. Kravets and G. M. Lyakhov
117-123Structure of shock waves in elastoplastic relaxing mediaV. G. Grigor'ev, A. S. Nemirov and V. K. Sirotkin
123-126Instability of a spherical body under uniform loadingM. N. Kirsanov and A. N. Sporykhin

Volume 20, Number 2 / March 1979

127-135Two-layer “Shallow water” modelL. V. Ovsyannikov
136-140Small perturbations of unsteady one-dimensional axisymmetric motions of an ideal incompressible liquidV. M. Men'shchikov
140-143Application of exact solutions of the “shallow water” equations to the explanation of the simplest flowsB. L. Rozhdestvenskii
144-157Motion of a finite mass of fluidV. K. Andreev and V. V. Pukhnachev
157-163Vortical momentum of bounded ideal incompressible fluid flowsV. A. Vladimirov
164-166Helical flows in a sphereV. M. Bykov
167-170Behavior of a liquid film on a rotating sphereV. M. Ponizovskii
170-181Structure of completely dispersed shock waves in relaxing mixturesA. L. Ni and O. S. Ryzhov
182-185Piston in a detonating gasN. S. Zakharov and V. P. Korobeinikov
185-186The earth's negative chargeB. V. Voitsekhovskii and M. B. Voitsekhovskii
187-202Theory of lightningB. N. Kozlov
203-205Sudden changes of vacuum in graphite at a pressure of 0.5 MbarYu. L. Alekseev and K. V. Volkov
205-214Stability of a thin electric arcA. A. Bobnev
215-221Calculation of the spatial streamline flow abound the blades of an axial turbine by the potential flux of an incompressible liquidV. P. Ryabchenko
221-228Some formulations of boundary-value problems of L-plasticityA. F. Revuzhenko and E. I. Shemyakin
229-244Dynamic three-dimensional equations of the Rakhmatulin elastic-plastic modelE. I. Romenskii
245-249Development of a slip line in a bending beamV. I. Kramarenko
249-256Numerical simulation on a computer of the process of explosive formingV. K. Borisevich, V. P. Sabel'kin and S. N. Solodyankin
257-259Homothermal shock caused by the action of instantaneous monochromatic radiationV. F. Fedorov

Volume 20, Number 3 / May 1979

261-265Calculation of the motion of relativistic beams of charged particles in electromagnetic fieldsV. T. Astrelin and V. M. Sveshnikov
266-268A method for determining ultrahigh temperaturesV. N. Bogomolov and I. I. Zakharkin
268-270Determination of the parameters of particles suspended in two-phase media by means of penetrating radiationA. G. Borovoi
271-280Possibilities of microinterferometry in the investigation of nonstationary processesV. F. Klimkin and V. V. Pikalov
280-287Destruction of coarse and fine water drops by monopulses of a ruby laserV. I. Novikov and V. N. Pozhidaev
287-293Role of bubble boiling in the interaction of intense radiation with matterA. V. Burmistrov
294-297An electromagnet with Hall excitationA. M. Trubachev
297-304Electric fields in a single-turn magnetic generator with a parabolic turn profileV. S. Fomenko
305-311Dynamics of the development of high-current induction dischargeP. N. Baronets, V. I. Myshenkov and M. I. Yakushin
312-316An experimental investigation of the effect of oxygen on the erosion of a multichannel tungsten cathodeG. V. Babkin and A. V. Potapov
317-324Rotational relaxation of molecular nitrogen in a freely expanding jetA. N. Vargin, N. A. Ganina, N. V. Karelov, V. K. Konyukhov and A. I. Lukovnikov, et al.
325-328Influence of the atomic weight of the target on the magnitude of the energy accommodation coefficient of ions of a partially ionized gas flowV. A. Shuvalov
328-333Wake structure in high-speed flow of a rarefied plasma over a bodyS. I. Anisimov, Yu. V. Medvedev and L. P. Pitaevskii
333-337A calculation of the parameters of the high-speed jet formed in the collapse of a bubbleO. V. Voinov
337-343Asymptotic theory of the flow around an obstacle by a sonic flowA. L. Brezhnev and I. A. Chernov
344-349A nonequilibrium viscous shock-wave layer in the vicinity of the critical point with the associated heat exchange taken into accountV. I. Zinchenko and S. I. Pyrkh
350-355Theory of thermal instability of the flow of a viscoelastic fluidL. M. Buchatskii, A. M. Stolin and S. I. Khudyaev
356-359Ferroelasticity of materials with a mechanical shape memoryE. N. Bondarev and V. V. Dudukalenko
360-365Some exact solutions of the ferrohydrodynamics equationsV. G. Bashtovoi
365-368Effect of specimen temperature on the breaking point for splitting-off in AMG-6 aluminum alloyYu. V. Bat'kov, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Sinitsyn, Yu. S. Sobolev and A. V. Chernov
368-372Interaction of a surface wave with a crack in a concave half spaceI. S. Guz' and V. N. Katanchik
373-380Nature of the state of the medium in the neighborhood of a cavity expanding into a dilating mediumS. Z. Dunin, V. K. Sirotkin and E. V. Sumin
380-385Model of the soil and computational complex for the analysis of underground explosionsV. V. Bashurov, Yu. S. Vakhrameev, S. V. Dem'yanovskii, V. V. Ignatenko and T. V. Simonova
386-391Stress layer attached to half planesN. N. Sergeev-Al'bov

Volume 20, Number 4 / July 1979

393-399Solution of the problem of finding the energy characteristics of a carbon dioxide gasdynamic laserV. N. Makarov
399-403Calculations of energy characteristics of multicomponent working media in CO2 gasdynamic lasers based on combustion productsA. P. Genich, S. V. Kulikov and G. B. Manelis
403-406Voltage-current characteristic of gas discharge with external ionizationE. V. Chekhunov
406-414Direct electric current in a medium with a large number of cracksS. K. Kanaun
415-418Radiation-conduction heat transfer in a thin semitransparent cylinder in the light-guide approximationV. S. Yuferev
419-421Propagation of a thermal wave in a nonlinear absorbing mediumL. K. Martinson
421-423Convective mass transfer in a periodic array of spheresYu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polyanin, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and Yu. A. Sergeev
423-427Free laminar convection of a liquid in a ribbed slotN. V. Mukhina
427-432Draining liquid-film solitonsL. N. Maurin and A. A. Tochigin
433-438Thickness of the layer of lubricant and the resistance to rolling of cylinders in elastohydrodynamic contactM. A. Galakhov, K. I. Zapparov and A. G. Patrakov
438-441Some model calculations of frictional resistance in the motion of bodies with boundary layers of variable viscosityA. S. Vasil'ev
441-448Diagnosis of the fundamental turbulent characteristics of two-phase flowsA. P. Burdukov, O. N. Kashinskii, V. A. Malkov and V. P. Odnoral
449-452Experimental investigation of velocity profiles in a horizontal gas-liquid streamO. N. Kashinskii and P. M. Krokovnyi
453-456Frequency characteristics of an electodiffusion velocity sensorP. I. Geshev and A. I. Chernykh
456-461Experimental investigation of sonic and supersonic annular jetsM. A. Koval' and A. I. Shvets
461-467Aerodynamic forces acting on the blades of a three-dimensional annular array with nonsteady flowV. P. Ryabchenko
467-471Nonsteady escape of gas into a vacuum through a se mipermeable screenG. I. Gannochenko
471-473Temperatures of the impulse compression of ionic crystalsV. A. Zhdanov and V. V. Polyakov
474-476Method of increasing the efficiency of an electromagnet induction conductor acceleratorV. P. Gal'etov and E. N. Ivanov
477-480Investigation of the propagation and interaction of fast cracks in plexiglasA. S. Eremenko, S. A. Novikov and A. P. Pogorelov
480-487Brittle fracture of a core when drilling in a compressed mediumÉ. A. Koshelev, P. A. Mortynyuk, E. B. Polyak and E. N. Sher
487-492Construction of the creep equations for materials with different extension and compression propertiesB. V. Gorev, V. V. Rubanov and O. V. Sosnin
492-497Lower limit to the strength of surface forces in the case of plane strain of an ideal rigid-plastic mediumA. E. Alekseev
497-501Problem of pure shear of a viscoplastic medium between two noncoaxial circular cylindersA. V. Rezunov and A. D. Chernyshov
502-505Plastic deformation of materials under complex loadingA. I. Imamutdinov
505-513Mobile load on a layer of ideally packed materialI. V. Simonov
513-519Dynamics of the fracture of unidirectional glass-plasticM. V. Stepanenko
519-522Free torsional oscillations of a standard linear bodyP. M. Gorbunov

Volume 20, Number 5 / September 1979

523-526Measurement of the effect of powerful electron beams on barriersA. A. Ignatov, A. A. Provalov, B. D. Khristoforov and O. G. Chernov
527-529Resolution of the electron-beam diagnostic method in rarefied gasdynamicsN. G. Preobrazhenskii and A. E. Suvorov
529-532Uniformity of a volumetric discharge controlled by an electron beam in a transverse magnetic fieldYu. V. Afonin, A. M. Orishich and A. G. Ponomarenko
533-541Stability of the contracted state of a nonequilibrium plasmaV. I. Artemov and O. A. Sinkevich
542-546Electrical breakdown of conductors. Fusion stageA. P. Baikov, A. M. Iskol'dskii, G. P. Mikitik, V. I. Motorin and S. L. Musher, et al.
547-551A beam of free molecules emerging from a packet of capillariesS. T. Barashkin, I. G. Neudachin and B. T. Porodnov
552-557Properties of electric fields in inhomogeneous conducting media located in a strong external magnetic fieldYu. M. Vasetskii and Yu. P. Emets
558-561Electrohydrodynamic instability of a weakly conductive liquid located between spherical electrodes in the presence of weak injectionA. I. Zhakin
562-565Stability of the boundary layer above the surface of a wave travelling over a plateL. B. Aizin and A. G. Volodin
566-571Problems of the concentration of jets and their application to the labyrinth seals of turbomachinesV. G. Orlik
571-578Interaction of hypersonic multiphase flowsV. I. Blagosklonov, V. M. Kuznetsov, A. N. Minailos, A. L. Stasenko and V. F. Chekhovskii
579-582Nonequilibrium hypersonic flow over the lateral surface of blunt bodiesL. A. Ladnova, A. F. Polyanskii and L. I. Skurin
583-588Hypersonic boundary-layer flow with mass transfer on power-law bodiesG. N. Dudin
589-594Frictional stress at the wall in an ascending gas—Liquid flowA. P. Burdukov, O. N. Kashinskii and V. P. Odnoral
595-598Experimental assessment of rate of growth of microbubbles in turbulent flowV. G. Gavrilenko and A. I. Mart'yanov
599-605Heat transfer of a cylinder in a complex sound fieldV. B. Repin
606-609Convective heat and mass transfer in a moving ordered system of drops (bubbles) for high Peclet numbersA. D. Polyanin and Yu. A. Sergeev
609-612Laser cavitation in liquid nitrogenP. I. Golubnichii, P. I. Dyadushkin, G. S. Kalyuzhnyi, S. D. Korchikov and V. G. Kudlenko
612-618Structure of a shock wave front in a porous solidS. Z. Dunin and V. V. Surkov
619-625Numerical modeling of compression and rarefaction waves in metalsV. M. Fomin and É. M. Khakimov
626-628Calculation of the Grüneisen coefficientV. V. Polyakov and E. A. Shchegolev
629-636Propagation of elastic stress waves in continuously inhomogeneous anisotropic mediaYu. V. Nemirovskii and K. M. Shlemenzon
637-643Thermoelastic stresses in piecewise-uniform structuresT. G. Beleicheva
644-650Influence of the surface shape and indentor size on the critical conditions of brittle fractureI. M. Kaganova
650-653Computation of effective plasticity characteristics of inhomogeneous mediaV. V. Dudukalenko, S. I. Meshkov and L. A. Saraev

Volume 20, Number 6 / November 1979

655-662Analyzing the energy spectrum of relativistic electrons on the basis of their absorption in aluminumA. V. Arzhannikov and V. T. Astrelin
662-667Electric field intensity due to an arc in a developed turbulent air streamM. F. Zhukov, I. M. Zasypkin, I. I. Mishne and M. I. Sazonov
667-674Saturation currents into a probe in a dense plasmaM. S. Benilov and G. A. Tirskii
674-678Conditions for sputter emission in high-pressure spatial gaseous dischargesYu. D. Korolev, G. A. Mesyats and V. B. Ponomarev
678-686Electromagnetic fields excited by neutrons in airYu. A. Medvedev and E. V. Metelkin
687-692Influence of the magnetic field magnitude on α particle decelerationI. M. Gaisinskii, A. V. Kalinin and A. E. Stepanov
693-697Explosion-magnetic generator with a plasma loadI. I. Divnov, N. I. Zotov, O. P. Karpov, V. G. Klokov and B. D. Khristoforov
697-704Heat and mass transfer of an aerosol during mixing with the flux of a nonequilibrium vibrationally excited mediumV. M. Kuznetsov and M. M. Kuznetsov
704-708Numerical investigations of the influence of friction on the magnitude of losses in a nozzle cascade of a gasdynamic CO2-N2-He laserV. F. Kozlov
708-713Symmetry properties of the diffusion tensor in the theory of new phase formationA. A. Druzhinin and N. N. Tunitskii
714-719Stationary kinetic model of a dendrite two-phase zoneA. N. Cherepanov
719-727Wave formation in liquid film flow on a vertical wallS. V. Alekseenko, V. E. Nakoryakov and B. G. Pokusaev
728-732Convective stability of a horizontal layer of chemically active liquid in the presence of transverse flow of reactantE. A. Eremin and A. K. Kolesnikov
732-737Numerical study of the unstable interaction of a supersonic stream with a flat barrierV. E. Kuz'mina and S. K. Matveev
737-744Modeling the turbulent transport of an impulse in the wake of a cylinder with the use of equations for third momentsA. F. Kurbatskii and A. T. Onufriev
744-749Formation of supersonic molecular beams by means of a skimmerA. E. Zarvin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
750-753Energy accomodation coefficients of positive ions in a low-density plasma flow on the surfaces of certain materialsV. V. Gubin, N. P. Reznichenko and V. A. Shuvalov
753-759Two-wave model of the propagation of perturbations in a liquid with gas bubblesV. G. Gasenko, V. E. Nakoryakov and I. R. Shreiber
759-765Interaction of shock waves in an elastoplastic medium with hardeningV. A. Baskakov
766-770Dissipation of the energy of an explosion in a porous elastoplastic mediumE. E. Lovetskii, A. M. Maslennikov and V. S. Fetisov
771-775Propagation of shock waves in foamed polystyreneS. I. Bodrenko, Yu. A. Krysanov and S. A. Novikov
776-778Investigation of deformation of parts by the method of holographic interferometryV. P. Shchepinov and V. V. Yakovlev
779-784Equation of dynamic plasticity for polycrystalline metallic materialsN. S. Kozin, Yu. S. Stepanov and N. N. Kholin
785-788Growth of cracks with creep, taking account of the plastic zone near the tip of a crackV. I. Astaf'ev
789-794Propagation of small perturbations and the slip line in a plastic mediumE. I. Romenskii

Volume 21, Number 1 / January 1980

1-6Homogeneous condensation of isotopic mixtures excited selectively by laser radiationA. A. Druzhinin, G. A. Ptitsyn, V. K. Fotapov and S. V. Khudyakov
6-14Theory of the kinetic cooling of a CO2-N2 mixture with a high CO2 contentV. N. Varakin and V. Ya. Panchenko
15-24Statistical modeling of the states of a gas mixture with allowance for energy exchange between translational and internal degrees of freedomG. I. Zmievskaya, A. A. Pyarnpuu and V. I. Shematovich
25-28Gasdynamic model of the flow of an inverse mixture of gases in a resonatorV. M. Kuznetsov
29-39Structure of relaxation zones behind a shock front in chemically active gas mixturesA. L. Ni and O. S. Ryzhov
40-43Dissolving of a chain of drops (bubbles) in a fluid streamA. D. Polyanin and Yu. A. Sergeev
43-49Dripping of a liquid from a pointV. F. Dunskii and N. V. Nikitin
50-53Waves generated at an interface between two fluids of different densities by the motion of a circular cylinder and a symmetric wingV. I. Bukreev
53-56One form of the equations of hydrodynamics of an ideal incompressible fluid and the variational principle for nonsteady flow with a free surfaceYu. I. Badrukhin and V. V. Kuznetsov
57-61Asymptotics of the flows of a liquid with a free boundary with vanishing viscosityV. A. Batishchev
62-69Interaction of a tornado-like vortex with solid boundariesV. V. Nikulin
70-77Stability of flow of a viscous liquid through a rotating radial channel at low rossby numbersO. N. Ovehinnikov
77-84Motion of a plane plate of finite width in a viscous conductive liquid, produced by electromagnetic forcesV. I. Khonichev and V. I. Yakovlev
84-87Unsteady flow of a non-newtonian liquid with a power rheological law past a flat penetrable plateV. I. Vishnyakov and A. P. Shakhorin
87-89Viscous explosion during the nonisothermal motion of an incompressible liquidN. B. Aleksapol'skii and V. I. Naidenov
90-94Some spectral and pulsation characteristics of a horizontal gas-liquid streamP. M. Krokovnyi
94-96Influence of target orientation on the energy accommodation coefficient for nitrogen ionsV. V. Gubin, N. P. Reznichenko, G. P. Patalakh and V. A. Shuvalov
97-103X-ray pulse method for investigation of the internal structure of a fuel jetV. K. Baev, A. N. Bazhaikin, E. I. Bichenkov, A. A. Buzukov and R. L. Rabinovich, et al.
103-106An investigation of a long sliding sparkS. I. Andreev, E. A. Zobov, A. N. Sidorov and V. D. Kostousov
107-113Estimates of the possibility of obtaining high-energy densities in the electrical explosion of cylindrical shellsYu. D. Bakulin and A. V. Luchinskii
113-118Equation of state of hydrogen up to 10 MbarV. P. Kopyshev and V. V. Khrustalev
118-123Calculations of a high-power underwater explosion taking vaporization into account using the generalized equation of state of waterL. V. Al'tshuler, B. S. Kruglikov and I. I. Sharipdzhanov
124-130Calculation of parameters of explosive waves in solid media with various detonation schemesE. G. Baranov, V. A. Kovalenko, E. A. Kovalenko and G. M. Lyakhov
131-135Energy dissipation in dilating and nondilating mediaS. G. Artyshev, S. Z. Dunin and E. E. Lovetskii
136-144Plasticity during variable loadings in electromagnetic fieldsV. V. Kolokol'chikov, V. V. Moskvitin and B. L. Sidorov
144-152Stress state of a straight isolated cut, loaded from without by concentrated forces and growing at a constant rateE. N. Sher
153-160Effect of the parameters of orthotropy on the spectrum in problems of vibrations of shellsV. M. Ermolenko

Volume 21, Number 2 / March 1980

161-167Plasma confinement in systems with highβI. K. Konkashbaev, L. B. Nikandrov, T. V. Ryl'tseva and F. R. Ulinich
167-171Laser collisional pumping of HF moleculesG. K. Vasil'ev, E. F. Makarov, Yu. A. Chernyshev and V. G. Yakushev
172-173Computations of CO2 gasdynamic laser power performed under different stationary generation conditionsS. V. Kulikov
174-176Discharge over the surface of carbon-graphite materialsE. A. Zobov, V. G. Sokolov, A. N. Sidorov, T. I. Smirnova and Yu. V. Tomashevich
177-181Helical hydromagnetic dynamoYu. B. Ponomarenko
182-189Weak discontinuities in an electrically conducting magnetized liquidN. F. Patsegon
189-193Magnetohydrodynamics of heavy fluidsR. Kh. Zeitunyan
193-200Symmetric collision of two-layer jets of an ideal incompressible liquidS. A. Kinelovskii and Yu. A. Trishin
201-205Nonlinear waves on a vertical fluid filmA. P. Ivanskii
206-211Generation of Taylor vortices in Couette flowYu. G. Vasilenko, E. A. Kuznetsov, V. S. L'vov, Yu. E. Nesterikhin and V. S. Sobolev, et al.
211-215Stokes flows inside a sphereV. M. Bykov
215-219Nonisothermal flow induced by the squeezing of a non-Newtonian fluid film between two parallel platesYu. V. Kazankov and V. E. Pervushin
220-228Weakly supercritical convectionE. A. Kuznetsov and M. D. Spektor
228-232Experimental investigation of mixed air convection near a horizontal cylinderV. A. Belyakov, P. M. Brdlik and Yu. P. Semenov
233-238Structure of pressure pulsations in a horizontal gas-liquid streamN. N. Elin and O. V. Klapchuk
239-245Influence of the reflection of radiation on radiative-convective heat exchange during hypersonic flow over blunt bodiesM. N. Rolin, R. I. Soloukhin and F. B. Yurevich
245-250Experimental investigation of low-density pulsed supersonic jetsV. A. Kochnev and I. M. Naboko
251-253Oscilloscopic method for measuring the speed of sound according to lateral unloadingYu. L. Alekseev
253-260Asymptotic of the flow in the neighborhood of a center during collapse of a spherical cavityYa. M. Kazhdan
261-267Decay of an arbitrary discontinuity on a curvilinear surfaceV. M. Teshukov
267-268Detonation-generated shock waveN. N. Kalitkin and V. M. Sinenko
269-270Stationary displacement of a body by a shock waveE. I. Zababakhin and N. E. Zababakhin
271-276Strength of aluminum under compression in a shockS. M. Bakhrakh, A. G. Ivanov, N. P. Kovalev, V. N. Mineev and G. P. Simonov, et al.
276-283Similarity and the energy distribution in an explosion in an elastic-plastic mediumP. F. Korotkov and B. M. Prosvirnina
284-288Stress distribution in the wedge-type piston and the shaft of a system for the adiabatic compression of a gasA. A. Meshcheryakov, V. I. Pinakov and M. E. Topchiyan
288-294Analysis of structure elements taking account of material damage during creepV. A. Zaev and A. F. Nikitenko
294-298St. Venant principle for strongly anisotropic elastic mediaYu. A. Bogan

Volume 21, Number 3 / May 1980

299-303Resonance absorption of 9.6-μm emission by carbon dioxide at high temperaturesR. I. Soloukhin and N. A. Fomin
304-311Rotational transition probabilities for a water molecule colliding with an atomV. I. Selyakov
311-313Resonance absorption of emission (10.6μm) in CO2-N2 mixtures behind a shock frontA. B. Britan and A. M. Starik
314-320Determination of the stress intensity factor in elastic problems with a crackS. N. Vasil'kovskii and V. D. Kurguzov
320-323Effect of angle of attack of a metal surface element on the energy accomodation coefficient of nitrogen ionsV. A. Shuvalov
323-328Computation of gasdynamic and kinetic processes in hypersonic wakes behind aerosol particlesL. M. Dmitriev and Yu. E. Markachev
329-331Calculation of the basic characteristics of the hypersonic near wakeL. I. Skurin and A. V. Yurkov
332-334Outflow from a laval nozzle with condensation of the vapor phase on a concomitant jet of cold liquidS. I. Alad'ev, F. M. Krantov and S. V. Teplov
335-339Features of a laminar flow of volatile binary gas mixtures in plane and coaxial channelsM. F. Barinova, Yu. K. Ostrovskii, E. R. Shchukin and Yu. I. Yalamov
339-345Calculation of the interaction of a laminar boundary layer with an external supersonic flow behind an obstacleA. N. Antonov
345-347Solitons in a down-flowing film with moderate mass flow rates of the liquidO. Yu. Tsvelodub
347-349Unsteady rotation of a cylinder in a viscous fluidV. L. Sennitskii
350-354Effect of volume concentration of inclusions on equation of bubble pulsations in gas-liquid mediaA. E. Kroshilin, V. E. Kroshilin and B. I. Nigmatulin
355-358Nonisothermal semibounded plane jet of incompressible viscous fluidA. A. Bobnev and S. M. Khaitman
359-361Flow of non-Newtonian fluid in a channel with a large cavityG. I. Burdé, E. P. Il'yasov, Yu. I. Terent'ev and G. Z. Fainburg
361-365Rheological equations of state of weakly concentrated suspensions of deformable ellipsoidal particlesKuak Dong and Yu. I. Shmakov
365-371Investigation of the decomposition of jets of rheologically complex liquidsV. M. Entov, V. I. Kordonskii, V. A. Kuz'min, Z. P. Shul'man and A. L. Yarin
371-376Experimental investigation of the decomposition of a cylindrical layer of a magnetizing liquid under the action of magnetic forcesV. I. Arkhipenko and Yu. D. Barkov
376-384Theory of an induction MHD propeller with a free fieldV. I. Yakovlev
384-388Self-similar motion of an ionized gas expelled by a magnetic pistonV. V. Beloshitskii, V. S. Komel'kov and G. Yu. Petrushchenko
388-391Development of dynamic forms of buckling of elastoplastic beams with intensive loadingV. M. Kornev, A. V. Markin and I. V. Yakovlev
392-396Numerical modeling of the rebound of axisymmetric rods from a rigid obstacleA. I. Gulidov and V. M. Fomin
397-400Shock adiabats of oxides of the alkaline-earth metalsA. A. Vaal', A. V. Zhukov and V. F. Konusov
400-404Stressed state of a cemented porous medium with an underground explosionA. N. Bovt, V. I. Kobets, A. M. Maslennikov, E. V. Sumin and V. K. Sirotkin, et al.
404-408Kinetic model of spalling fractureB. G. Kholodar'
409-413Effect of thermomechanical connectedness on the dynamic behavior of viscoelastic bodiesB. P. Gumenyuk, V. G. Karnaukhov and I. K. Senchenkov
414-417Method for description of creep and long-term strength with pure elongationA. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
417-420Invariant solutions of a three-dimensional ideal plasticity problemS. I. Senashov
421-427Plane contact problems of the theory of elasticity for nonclassical regions in the presence of wearV. M. Aleksandrov and E. V. Kovalenko
428-431Development of a plane crack under the action of a suddenly applied uniform pressureV. A. Saraikin

Volume 21, Number 4 / July 1980

433-439Pinching of a high-current relativistic charge-neutralized electron beamA. V. Zharinov and A. S. Chikhachev
440-444Calculation of limiting current of relativistic electron beamsV. I. Kucherov, P. B. Rutkevich and V. V. Chernyi
445-449Striction self-focusing of electromagnetic pulses in plasmaA. F. Mastryukov and V. S. Synakh
449-452Singular self-similar superdense compression regimes for laser targetsS. I. Anisimov and N. A. Inogamov
453-461Diffusion and heat transfer in a multicomponent completely ionized plasmaV. M. Zhdanov and P. N. Yushmanov
462-466Numerical study of the parameters of a low-density plasma that absorbs CO2 laser radiationS. P. Popov and Yu. I. Romashkevich
467-473Vibrationally nonequilibrium flow of a CO2-N2-O2-H2O mixture in a wedge nozzleA. B. Britan and A. M. Starik
474-479Resonant self-focusing in a CO2-N2 mixtureV. A. Vysloukh and L. I. Ognev
480-487Mixed convective flow on a heated surface with injectionA. M. Grishin, A. D. Gruzin and V. A. Kapustin
488-491Non-steady-state flow at a porous plate with blowing (suction) of the mediumA. A. Gurchenkov and Yu. I. Yalamov
491-495Complex heat exchange of a dispersed turbulent flow in a pipeI. F. Guletskaya and F. N. Lisin
495-501Effect of inhomogeneity of the disperse phase on coalescence and mass-transfer processes in liquid emulsionsL. P. Pergushev and A. K. Rozentsvaig
502-507Investigation of the solidification of a jet of viscous liquid, not mixing with the surrounding mediumV. I. Eliseev
507-510Transonic flows of gas in Laval nozzles with logarithmic special features in their limiting characteristicsA. L. Brezhnev
511-516Effectiveness of a gas curtain in Laval nozzles under nonrated flow conditionsÉ. P. Volchkov, V. K. Koz'menko and V. P. Lebedev
516-525Calculation of the nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics of a wing of finite spanV. A. Algazin
525-527Interaction of the wake of a poorly streamlined body with a barrierI. A. Belov
527-531Local force loads from a supersonic underexpanded stream on a flat surface parallel to the stream axisS. N. Abrosimov and G. A. Polyakov
531-537Large-scale motion hypothesis for a gas-fluid flowN. N. Elin and O. V. Klapchuk
538-548Hydro- and thermodynamics of tornadoes and oceanic waterspoutsM. V. Zavolzhenskii
548-551Cumulation effect in dynamic pressing of powdered materialsS. A. Balankin, L. P. Gorbachev, E. G. Grigor'ev and D. M. Skorov
551-555Influence of temperature on the critical conditions of spalling fracture of metalsV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Sinitsyn and Yu. S. Sobolev
555-561Dependence of the critical stresses on the loading time parameters during spall in copper, aluminum, and steelV. I. Romanchenko and G. V. Stepanov
561-568Variational formulations of boundary-value problems in material failureA. F. Revuzhenko
569-573Approximate description of the vibration of rods of periodic structure with mass oscillatorsA. M. Khludnev
574-576Internal resonances and stability of elastic shellsV. V. Novikov
576-579Field of elastoplastic strains in the mouth zone of a crackV. I. Arkhipov

Volume 21, Number 5 / September 1980

581-587Differential approximation as a qualitative test for difference schemesA. I. Urusov, Yu. I. Shokin and N. N. Yanenko
588-594Two classes of solutions of the gasdynamical equationsA. F. Sidorov
594-601Models and similarity analysis in the thermodynamics of gas-liquid systemsS. S. Kutateladze
602-606Propagation of finite-amplitude long-wave disturbances in aerosolsA. A. Borisov, A. F. Vakhgel't and V. E. Nakoryakov
606-611Thermocapillary motion in a gas-liquid mixtureO. V. Voinov and V. V. Pukhnachev
612-617Interface instability in the phase transformation processYu. A. Bychkov and S. V. Iordanskii
617-623Structural characteristics of shock waves from underwater explosions of helical chargesV. K. Kedrinskii
624-632Quasiconformal mappings and problems in hydrodynamicsV. N. Monakhov and P. I. Plotnikov
632-637Suppression of turbulence in the cores of concentrated vorticesV. A. Vladimirov, B. A. Lugovtsov and V. F. Tarasov
638-643Local approximation of a vortex layer by a system of discrete vorticesD. N. Gorelov
643-650The wake behind the bearing body in a viscous liquidO. S. Ryzhov and E. D. Terent'ev
650-656Automatic damping of vibrations of an airplane wing by internal control forcesV. I. Merkulov
657-665Some questions relating to the control of flows near a wallV. G. Bogdevich, G. F. Kobets, G. S. Kozyuk, G. S. Migirenko and V. I. Mikuta, et al.
666-673Theory of a free-field conduction eropulsion unitV. I. Khonichev and V. I. Yakovlev
673-678Comparison of prospective energy sources with those in useB. V. Voitsekhovskii
678-682Magnetic course generators using the transition of a semiconductor material into a conducting stateE. I. Bichenkov, S. D. Gilev and A. M. Trubachev
682-689MHD generator of electrical energy working on the gasification products of lignitesV. A. Derevyanko, V. S. Slavin and V. S. Sokolov
690-695Primary and secondary processes of explosive electron emissionG. A. Mesyats
696-699Acceleration of rigid bodies by coherent jetsYu. A. Trishin
699-706Distribution of times to fracture under random loadingV. V. Bolotin
706-709Continuation with respect to a parameter in nonlinear elasticity theory problemsÉ. I. Grigolyuk and V. I. Shalashilin
710-711Maximum amplitude of elastic precursorsYu. I. Fadeenko
711-716Dynamic fracturing of glass rodsV. S. Kuz'min and V. S. Nikiforovskii
716-724Construction of the time dependence of the relaxation of tangential stresses on the state parameters of a mediumL. A. Merzhievskii and S. A. Shamonin
725-729Analysis of the process of buckling of rods upon impactV. M. Kornev
729-735Problem of processing materials by pressure under creepage conditionsB. V. Gorev, I. D. Klopotov, G. A. Raevskaya and O. V. Sosnin
736-742Electromagnetic waves generated by the emission of gamma quanta in an inhomogeneous atmosphereYu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov and G. V. Fedorovich

Volume 21, Number 6 / November 1980

743-748Calculation of the compression of a DT mixture by an electrically exploded cylindrical shellV. I. Afonin, Yu. D. Bakulin and A. V. Luchinskii
748-754Cumulative behavior of convergent shocks with dissipation effectsV. S. Imshennik
755-758Reflection of a strong shock wave from an ellipsoidL. P. Gorbachev and V. B. Sokolov
759-765Axially symmetric long waves on the surface of a varying-depth basinA. A. Lugovtsov
766-771“Shallow water” approximation for vortex flow of a perfect fluidV. Yu. Lyapidevskii
772-773Analog of the Taylor-Proudman theorem in flows with velocity shearV. A. Vladimirov
774-778Generation of instability waves in a boundary layer by external turbulenceV. N. Zhigulev, N. V. Sidorenko and A. M. Tumin
779-781Two-dimensional wave processes in a dispersive mediumYu. A. Berezin, V. A. Vshivkov and V. D. Krygin
782-785Heat transfer from the wall of a channel with a porous layer when it is filtering liquidI. G. Kim, V. A. Mukhin and N. N. Smirnova
786-789Hydrodynamics of the wall layer in a cubic-packing modelV. I. Volkov, N. S. Danilov, V. D. Zhak, V. A. Mukhin and V. E. Nakoryakov, et al.
790-794Interpretation of optical measurements in channel and shock-wave expansion speeds for a high-voltage discharge in a liquidA. L. Kupershtokh
795-801Structure of a shock-wave front in quartz in the region of the phase transition of quartz into stishoviteA. I. Voropinov and M. A. Podurets
801-805The process of spall fractureG. I. Kanel and L. G. Chernykh
806-813Kinetic characteristics of spall fractureA. N. Dremin and A. ML. Molodets
814-817Investigation of shear stresses in metals on a shock frontYu. V. Bat'kov, S. A. Novikov, L. M. Sinitsyna and A. V. Chernov
817-820Investigation of stress waves in glass textolite and fluoroplastic arising with rapid heating by radiationB. L. Glushak, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Sviridov and A. V. Chernov
821-825Theoretical determination of the spread in the strength of fiberglassA. A. Ermak and A. M. Mikhailov
826-831Nonlinear models of deformable media with couple-stressesL. I. Shkutin
831-834Asymptotic behavior of boundary-value problems for an elastic ring reinforced with very rigid fibersYu. A. Bogan
835-839Theory of deformation of porous soilV. V. Dudukalenko and A. Yu. Smyslov

Volume 22, Number 1 / January 1981

1-6Numerical simulation of the injection of a powerful electron beam into a vacuum chamber having a strong magnetic fieldYu. A. Berezin, B. N. Breizman and V. A. Vshivkov
6-11Transverse oscillations in a partially compensated electron beamA. S. Chikhachev
12-15Propagation of a steady electron beam in airA. S. Artamonov, V. A. Gorbunov, N. K. Kuksanov and R. A. Salimov
16-22Laws governing the interaction of low-energy electrons with massive gaseous absorbersV. E. Ivanov and N. K. Osipov
22-27Optimization of the working conditions in an accelerator with an anode layerV. S. Erofeev, V. P. Naumkin and I. N. Safronov
28-32A cold-cathode hall plasma acceleratorA. M. Dorodnov, S. A. Muboyadzhyan, Ya. A. Pomelov and Yu. A. Strukov
32-38An electrostatic wall probe in a flow of cool plasmaÉ. K. Chekalin and L. V. Chernykh
38-48Calculation of the volt-ampere characteristics of a nonindependent volumetric electrical dischargeV. V. Aleksandrov and V. N. Diesperov
48-53A paraxial model for the growth of an externally maintained discharge influenced by its own magnetic fieldG. V. Gadiyak and V. A. Shveigert
54-57Dynamics of a charged gas cloud in a magnetic fieldYu. I. Lysikov
58-60Nonpotential oscillations of an active molecular plasma in an alternating electric fieldV. P. Kovtun
60-66Relaxation of molecule vibrational energy in heterogeneous mixturesV. N. Faizulaev
66-71Kinetics of dimer formation in rarefied water vapor streamsA. A. Vigasin
71-77Exothermic gas-phase reactors as the cause of multitemperature flows of polyatomic gasesO. G. Buzykin and N. K. Makashev
78-80Propagation of a thermal wave in a gas heated by instantaneous monochromatic radiationL. P. Gorbachev and V. F. Fedorov
80-85Radiative-conductive heat transfer in a thin semitransparent plate in the guided-wave approximation for a temperature- and frequency-dependent absorption coefficientM. G. Vasil'ev and V. S. Yuferev
85-90Natural vibrational frequencies of a gas outside a circular cylindrical surfaceV. B. Kurzin and S. V. Sukhinin
91-97Small perturbations of a spherical fluid layerV. K. Andreev
97-101Development of three-dimensional perturbations in Rayleigh-Taylor instabilitiesYu. M. Davydov and M. S. Panteleev
102-107Influence of a longitudinally compressed elastic plate on stream wave perturbation development for a homogeneous fluid with vertical velocity shiftA. E. Bukatov and V. I. Mordashev
108-110Combined convection on a vertical permeable surface for different Prandtl numbersV. I. Dubovik
111-113Cellular convection in a viscoelastic fluidF. A. Garifullin, F. I. Zapparov, N. Z. Mingaleev and P. A. Norden
114-117Measurement of high electrical conductivity in shock-compressed dielectricsL. A. Gatilov and L. V. Kuleshova
118-121Temperature dependence of the fracture strength of glycerineM. A. Ivanov
121-127Effect of a camouflet explosion on filtration characteristics of a brittle mediumV. V. Kadet, E. E. Lovetskii, V. I. Selyakov and V. K. Sirotkin
128-133The problem of taking into account the scale factor in the mechanics of a solid deformed bodyV. M. Aleksandrov, G. P. Aleksandrova and Yu. P. Stepanenko
133-139Self-modeling problems in the dynamic bending of beamsV. P. Yastrebov
140-144Viscous fracture criterion in the plastic molding of metalsV. M. Segal

Volume 22, Number 2 / March 1981

145-169Shock adiabatic curves of metalsL. V. Al'tshuler, A. A. Bakanova, I. P. Dudoladov, E. A. Dynin and R. F. Trunin, et al.
170-172Ranges of low-energy electrons for different angles of entry into a massive gas absorberV. E. Ivanov and N. K. Osipov
172-177Influence of the cathode layer on the volt-ampere characteristics of a discharge excited by an electron beamA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. N. Snytnikov
177-181Dynamics of the development and structure of a barrier discharge in a large gapV. P. Belosheev
181-185Investigation of the plasma structure formed on the surface of a body in flow of a partially ionized gasV. A. Shuvalov
186-189Three-dimensional vortex structures in cavitiesV. D. Zhak, V. A. Mukhin and V. E. Nakoryakov
190-195Spectra of two-dimensional turbulenceA. G. Sazontov
196-199Qualitative features of flame development in case of fuel injection into medium with counterpressure up to 10 atmV. K. Baev, A. N. Bazhaikin, A. A. Buzukov and B. P. Timoshenko
199-201Localized thermal structure in medium with bulk heat absorptionL. K. Martinson
202-205Numerical investigation of formation of inhomogeneous diffusion structures in nonlinear ionization-recombination kinetic processesL. N. Nikolaeva and V. F. Reztsov
206-211Finite-amplitude cylindrical and spherical waves in weakly dispersive mediaA. A. Dorfman, E. N. Pelinovskii and Yu. A. Stepanyants
211-215Mixing of a contact boundary retarded by stationary shock wavesV. E. Neuvazhaev and V. G. Yakovlev
215-222Pressure pulsations in a recess over which a subsonic or supersonic gas stream flowsA. N. Antonov, A. N. Vishnyakov and S. P. Shalaev
222-226Electromagnetic method of measuring mass velocity and electrical conductivity which vary along the streamA. V. Pinaev
227-228Peculiarities in measurement of pressure pulses with a dielectric sensorYu. V. Bat'kov, S. A. Novikov, V. V. Permyakov and A. V. Chernov
229-231Minimization of the entropy jump during compressionA. P. Sazhenov
232-235Generation of electrical signals in elastic waves propagating in metal rodsA. M. Zlobin, Yu. G. Kashaev and S. A. Novikov
236-240Failure in materials on loading with the explosion of a sheet explosive chargeV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov and L. M. Sinitsyna
241-247Dimensions of the failure zone in the failure of a gas cavity in a saturated brittle-fracturable mediumA. N. Polyanichev
248-266Mechanical effect and dissipative processes accompanying an explosion in a porous mediumE. E. Lovetskii, A. M. Maslennikov and V. S. Fetisov
266-270Explosion in a granular porous medium with variable dilatancyE. E. Lovetskii, V. K. Sirotkin and E. V. Sumin
271-277Equal-strength hole in a plate in an inhomogeneous stress stateN. I. Ostrosablin
278-283Stress wave interaction with a periodic system of curvilinear longitudinal shear cracksL. V. Volkova and L. A. Fil'shtinskii
283-286Plastic deformation under a generalized proportional loadingK. N. Rusinko and S. A. Shlyakhov

Volume 22, Number 3 / May 1981

287-291Effect of the pumping level on the dynamics of establishing the distribution of diatomic molecules over vibrational levelsA. V. Dem'yanov, S. A. Zhdanok, I. V. Kochetov, A. P. Napartovich and V. G. Pevgov, et al.
292-294Heating of nitrogen in a self-maintained glow dischargeYu. S. Akishev, A. I. Zakharchenko, I. I. Gorodnicheva, V. V. Ponomarenko and A. N. Ushakov
295-298Emission of a plasma formed by the action of a pulse of fast particles on a foil in a vacuumA. V. Dobkin and I. V. Nemchinov
299-305Acceleration and interaction of multiphase streamsV. I. Blagosklonov, V. M. Kuznetsov, I. I. Lipatov, A. N. Minailos and A. L. Stasenko, et al.
306-309Nonisothermal Couette flow of a non-Newtonian fluid under the action of a pressure gradientG. V. Zhizhin
310-315Laminar-turbulent transition of supersonic boundary layer on a cooled surfaceV. I. Lysenko and A. A. Maslov
316-321Supersonic flow around the trailing edge of a thin profileA. V. Kazakov
322-325Surface waves and stability of tangential velocity discontinuity on a solid-fluid boundaryI. V. Simonov
325-328Stability of jets of an ideal ponderable liquidV. I. Eliseev
329-332Stability of rotating flows of an ideal fluidV. V. Nikulin
333-338Stability of a hollow vortexT. A. Liseikina
339-342Closure properties of cavities formed by electrical explosionsV. V. Kucherenko and V. V. Shamko
343-348Spectrum of secondary drops with impulsive breakup of a large single dropV. A. Panashchenko and L. M. Chernyak
349-353On a model of fluid motion near a solid surfaceV. S. Shorkin
354-359Parameters of an explosive gas compressor jetYu. N. Kiselev, K. L. Samonin and B. D. Khristoforov
359-363Possibilities of an explosive MHD generator as an energy source for a plasma focusYu. A. Burenin and G. A. Shvetsov
364-371Optimization of a marine MHD propellerA. P. Vasil'ev and I. M. Kirko
372-378Decay of a shock wave at a perforated baffleV. T. Grin', A. N. Kraiko and L. G. Miller
379-384Waves in media with variable and constant bulk viscosityA. G. Lyakhov, G. M. Lyakhov and V. N. Okhitin
385-394Shear stress and spall strength of materials under shock loads (review)S. A. Novikov
394-400Modeling of spalling rupture under shock deformation. Analysis of an instantaneous spalling schemeN. Kh. Akhmadeev and R. I. Nigmatulin
401-408On the problem of the disintegration of rock by an explosion under the influence of a free surfaceN. I. Shishkin
409-413Kinetics of the development of an intercrystallite crack by means of diffusion mass transferV. Yu. Novokshenov and Sh. Kh. Khannanov
414-421Propagation of a one-dimensional plastic wave in a medium with linear and discontinuous unloadingsK. Atabaev and N. Mamadaliev
422-425Possible causes of fracture of tubular samples during compressionM. M. Muzdakbaev and V. S. Nikiforovskii
426-434Dynamic compactness of coupled thermoelastic waves in continuously nonuniform anisotropic mediaYu. V. Nemirovskii and K. M. Shlemenzon
435-438Theory of perfect plasticity of composite materials, taking account of volume compressibilityL. A. Saraev

Volume 22, Number 4 / July 1981

439-442Motion of a charged particle in crossed fields when the magnetic field is strongly inhomogeneousK. Sh. Khodzhaev, A. G. Chirkov and S. D. Shatalov
443-448An investigation of the effect of plasma rotation on the characteristics of a powerful electric arcKim Din Cher
448-451Effect of the blunt-end radius of a cone moving in air at hypersonic velocity on the ionization of the region disturbed by itÉ. M. Bikart, L. A. Ladnova, A. F. Polyanskii, L. I. Skurin and A. V. Yurkov
452-461Dynamics of gas-temperature establishment in vibrationally excited ozoneV. Ya. Panchenko, I. M. Sizova and A. P. Sukhorukov
461-465Laser sonoluminescence in water under increased hydrostatic pressureT. V. Belyaeva, P. I. Golubnichii, P. I. Dyadyushkin and Yu. I. Lysikov
465-476Hydrodynamics of dispersed-annular gas-liquid streams in bundles of rodsA. E. Kroshilin, V. E. Kroshilin and B. I. Nigmatulin
476-483Secondary flows in an unstable boundary layerN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
484-486The stability of liquid filmsV. G. Nevolin
487-499Stability loss in the cylindrical equilibrium state of a rotating liquidL. G. Badratinova
499-505Effect of interphase tangential forces on flow development in a weakly conductive liquidA. I. Zhakin
505-512Propagation of a clearing wave in an inhomogeneous combustible aerosolN. P. Bashkirova and A. M. Sagalakov
512-517Perturbation propagation in nonlinear transport processes described by a turbulent filtration equationK. B. Pavlov, A. S. Romanov and I. A. Fedotov
517-525Spectral structure of turbulent convectionI. V. Nikitina and A. G. Sazontov
526-531Turbulent diffusion of polymers in a boundary layerA. V. Vdovin and A. V. Smol'yakov
532-537Characteristics of studies of turbulence by the direct schlieren methodB. V. Naumov, O. G. Shakhrai and V. I. Éiduk
537-542Experimental investigation of nonstationary heat transfer in a porous layer with a liquid percolating in the layerV. A. Mukhin and N. N. Smirnova
542-545Capillary permeation of hydrophobic oil-saturated rocks by a solution of an active admixtureV. M. Entov and N. Shyganakov
545-551Double explosion in a perfect gasE. I. Andriankin and N. N. Myagkov
551-558Investigation of the shock compression of liquid tin at pressures up to 100 GPa and initial temperatures of 310... 475°CK. V. Volkov and V. A. Sibilev
558-562Resistance of aluminum AD-1 and duraluminum D-16 to plastic deformation under shock compression conditionsA. N. Dremin, G. I. Kanel' and O. B. Chernikova
563-569Solution of problems about the unloading wave in an elastic-plastic medium subjected to a prandtl schemeA. V. Chernov
570-574Estimate of limit load of elastic-plastic shells of revolutionYu. M. Volchkov and S. N. Korobeinikov
574-578Stability of structure elements subjected to stationary loadsV. D. Potapov
579-588The problem of the sudden movement of a wedgeV. V. Titarenko
588-595Self-similar problems of the dynamic bending of infinite nonlinearly elastic beamsV. P. Yastrebov

Volume 22, Number 5 / September 1981

597-601Thermal self-focusing of electromagnetic waves in a completely ionized plasmaA. F. Mastryukov and V. S. Synakh
602-605Numerical simulation of a relativistic electron beam in a metallic drift tubeN. I. Sablin and T. A. Solod
606-607Effect of the intrinsic magnetic field of a volume resonator on the secondary electron discharge in itV. D. Shemelin
608-615A numerical investigation of current lacing on the electrodes in a glow dischargeG. G. Gladush and A. A. Samokhin
615-617Measurement of the brightness temperature distribution of plasma bunchesV. I. Kirko and I. A. Stadnichenko
618-623Structure of underexpanded jets of argon plasma in the transitional modeG. A. Luk'yanov, V. V. Nazarov and V. V. Sakhin
623-628Radial expansion of a perfect and vibrationally relaxing gas due to a suddenly connected source in a vacuumN. V. Stankus and S. F. Chekmarev
629-635Population kinetics of rotational levels in a free nitrogen jetP. A. Skovorodko and R. G. Sharafutdinov
636-640Nonequilibrium vibrational excitation of molecules behind a shock wave front in gaseous mixturesS. V. Dobkin and É. E. Son
640-645Problem of obtaining a population inversion in vibrational levels of polyatomic dipole molecules behind a shock-wave frontV. A. Levin and A. M. Starik
646-651The thermal stability of a stationary wave of an optical dischargeG. M. Makhviladze and I. K. Selezneva
651-655Heat exchange of a cylinder with low-frequency oscillationsV. B. Repin
655-659Effect of thermal diffusion on free convection of a binary mixture in a cavity with a square cross-sectionM. I. Kislukhin, A. Yu. Pinyagin and A. F. Pshenichnikov
659-663Model of a nonequilibrium two-phase zone taking into account convection of a binary meltA. N. Cherepanov
664-672Diffusion theory of chemical reactionsS. A. Reshetnyak and L. A. Shelepin
672-674Determination of the dimensions of the saturation zone for infiltration from a channel with a shallow water depthÉ. N. Bereslavskii and L. A. Panasenko
674-678Infiltration of a salt solution into a swelling soilV. I. Pen'kovskii
678-682Growth and collapse of vapor bubbles in boiling liquidF. B. Nagiev and N. S. Khabeev
683-685Coefficient of skewness in the distributions of velocity fluctuations in laminar-turbulent boundary layer transitionV. A. Tétyanko
686-691Taking account of cylindrical shape in the theory of an inductive MHD propulsion unit with a free fieldT. A. Pupykina and V. I. Yakovlev
691-695Transformer coupling of inductive and resistive loads to a magnetic cumulation generatorA. S. Kravchenko, R. Z. Lyudaev, A. I. Pavlovskii, L. N. Plyashkevich and A. M. Shuvalov
696-700Operation of a magnetic cumulation generator into a capacitative loadA. S. Kravchenko, R. Z. Lyudaev, M. A. Mal'kov, A. I. Pavlovskii and L. N. Plyashkevich
701-706Quenching of a developed arc through shock compression by explosion productsP. I. Zubkov, L. A. Luk'yanchikov and K. A. Ten
706-711Pressure dependence of electrical conductivity in high magnetic fieldsB. A. Boiko and S. P. Roshchupkin
711-713Phenomenological model of punch-throughS. T. Mileiko and O. A. Sarkisyan
713-714Estimation of the temperature on the Hugoniot adiabat by using the, “mirror image,” ruleA. A. Dolgov and M. Yu. Messinev
715-717Investigation of the cleavage fracture of condensed solidsA. P. Rybakov
717-719The velocity pattern in indentation by a stamping toolA. E. Alekseev
719-722Change in the filtration parameters of a saturated collector due to a confined explosionA. N. Bovt, K. S. Konenkov, V. I. Musinov, V. N. Nikolaevskii and E. A. Shurygin
723-724Excitation of low-frequency seismic body waves in an underground explosionV. N. Rodionov
725-730Asymptotic form of the axisymmetric elasticity problem for an anisotropic cylindrical shellN. A. Fedorova and L. I. Shkutin

Volume 22, Number 6 / November 1981

731-737Electron concentration distribution in a powerful volume discharge with ionization of the gas by an electron beamA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. N. Snytnikov
737-744Rotational relaxation in the transition regime of free nitrogen jetsA. E. Zarvin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
744-750Experimental investigation of the characteristics of supersonic expansion of electric-arc plasma jetsG. A. Luk'yanov, V. V. Nazarov and V. V. Sakhin
750-754Experimental investigation of interaction of a shock wave with a wall cavityE. F. Zhigalko, L. L. Kolyshkina and V. D. Shevtsov
755-764Asymptotic behavior of the motion of a gas when it flows into a cylindrical cavityYu. V. Zhitnikov and Ya. M. Kazhdan
764-767Extremal values of cylinder drag behind a disk in supersonic flowI. A. Belov and E. F. Zhigalko
767-772Generation of internal waves by bottom roughness of the interface of two fluids flowing at angles to each otherI. V. Sturova
772-779Apparent internal waves in a fluid with exponential density distributionS. A. Makarov and Yu. D. Chashechkin
780-786Stabilized flow of a viscous liquid through a rotating cylindrical channel at low rossby number valuesO. N. Ovchinnikov
787-792Hydrodynamics of flow in a permeable channel with injection from two sidesS. V. Kalinina, P. P. Lugovskoi and B. P. Mironov
792-796Investigation of the pulsation characteristics of an ascending gas-liquid flowO. N. Kashinskii, B. K. Koz'menko and V. E. Nakoryakov
797-802Breakup of droplets in turbulent shear flow of dilute liquid-liquid dispersionsA. K. Rozentsvaig
803-811Physical model and equation of motion for a two-phase medium taking into account random particle (bubbles) motionO. V. Voinov and A. G. Petrov
811-816Formation of taylor vortices between heated rotating cylindersV. V. Kolesov
817-823Change of hydrodynamic drag of a sphere set in motion by electromagnetic forcesV. I. Shatrov and V. I. Yakovlev
824-829Slow flow of a conductive liquid about a sphere containing a rotating magnetic dipoleV. I. Shatrov
829-834Highly inductive explosive-magnetic generators with high energy gain factorV. A. Demidov, E. I. Zharinov, S. A. Kazakov and V. K. Chernyshev
835-837Magnetic-flux generation by multistep transferV. A. Davydov and V. K. Chernyshev
837-839Maximum force between current carrying conductorsYu. A. Dreizin and L. V. Kul'nitskaya
839-843Experiments on inductive-store current switchingV. G. Belan and S. T. Durmanov
843-850Confined explosion in a porous mediumA. N. Bovt, K. V. Myasnikov, V. N. Nikolaevskii and E. A. Shurygin
850-856Heat and mass transfer in a twisted gas-liquid layerA. P. Burdukov, M. A. Gol'dshtik, A. R. Dorokhov, V. I. Kazakov and T. V. Li
856-866Nonstationary convective heat and mass transfer in a fluid at high peclet numbersA. D. Polyanin and P. A. Pryadkin
867-871Poiseuille's flow and thermal creep for different scattering kernels for a gas scattered by a channel surfaceYu. I. Markelov, B. T. Porodnov, V. D. Seleznev and A. G. Flyagin
872-878Equations of thermohydromechanics for describing the processes of mass crystallization out of solutions and the gas phaseI. N. Dorokhov, V. V. Kafarov and É. M. Kol'tsova
879-881Self-filling high-pressure vesselsV. N. Akhlyustin
881-886Elastic-plastic behavior of a material, taking microinhomogeneities into accountO. A. Volokhovskaya and V. V. Podalkov
886-892Parametric resonance in a stratified fluidV. A. Vladimirov

Volume 23, Number 1 / January 1982

1-6Magnetic cumulation generators with transformer outputV. F. Bukharov, V. A. Vasyukov, V. E. Gurin, D. I. Zenkov and A. S. Kravchenko, et al.
6-10Current and electric-field production near a nonconducting rotating sphere in a homogeneous plasma in a strong magnetic fieldV. G. Pivovarov
11-15Self-similar solution of the equations of nonlinear diffusion of a magnetic fieldV. V. Prut
15-21Breakdown voltages of inert gases at temperatures of 300–2000°KI. V. Bozhko, N. I. Glazkov, S. R. Troitskii and N. I. Fal'kovskii
22-25Collision kinetics of slow atoms with a heated surfaceA. S. Dolgov
26-28Heat exchange of elliptical cylinders surrounded by a gas flow at low peclet numbersI. M. Skachkov, E. R. Shchukin and Yu. I. Yalamov
29-34Chemical reaction with heat liberation on the surface of a thermally conductive particle moving in a gasA. D. Polyanin
35-38Circulatory flow in a rectangular cavity at medium and high reynolds numbersI. A. Belov and S. A. Isaev
39-43Dynamics of bending disturbances of nonlinear viscous liquid jets in airA. L. Yarin
44-48Liquid flow on a vertical plane with abrupt change in boundary conditionsYu. V. Martynov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
48-55Breakup of a free jet of a viscoelastic fluidB. M. Khusid
56-62Possibility of simulating hypersonic flows on high-pressure adiabatic gasdynamic compression setupsV. I. Pinakov, V. N. Rychkov and M. E. Topchiyan
62-67Influence of the shape of the supersonic part of a nozzle on the rate of redistribution of molecules over vibrational levels in the active medium of a CO gasdynamic laserN. Ya. Vasilik, A. D. Margolin and V. M. Shmelev
68-76Similarity of flows of spontaneously condensing gas in supersonic nozzlesA. V. Chirikhin
76-82Stability of relative motion of phases in two-phase flowsO. V. Voinov and A. G. Petrov
82-87Problem of firing planar nozzles in shock tubesA. B. Briman and V. L. Grigorenko
88-91Characteristics of the action of an underexpanded jet on an adjacent surfaceS. N. Abrosimov and G. A. Polyakov
91-99Burgers approximation for plane long-wavelength disturbances in aerosuspensionsS. V. Tarakanov and O. M. Todes
99-103Vortical singularity of self-similar gas flow in the reflection of a shock waveE. F. Zhigalko, L. L. Kolyshkina and V. D. Shevtsov
104-110Gas flow in a porous medium with porosity discontinuity surfacesA. F. Kraiko, L. G. Miller and I. A. Shirkovskii
110-115Interaction of shock waves and protective screens in a liquid and in a two-phase mediumB. E. Gel'fand, A. V. Gubanov and E. I. Timofeev
115-120Structure of compression and rarefaction waves in a van der Waals gas with constant specific heatA. A. Borisov and G. A. Khabakhpashev
120-123Detonation of a phlegmatized explosiveL. V. Al'tshuler, V. V. Balalaev, G. S. Doronin, V. S. Zhuchenko and A. S. Obukhov
123-134Effects of energy dissipation and melting on shock compression of porous bodiesS. Z. Dunin and V. V. Surkov
134-141Effect of temperature on spall of polymeric materialsV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov and Yu. S. Sobolev
141-146Effect of strain rate on the characteristics of elastoplastic deformation of metallic materialsG. V. Stepanov
147-150Axial dynamic compression of tubular metallic crushersB. V. Bagryanov, G. A. Kvaskov, S. A. Novikov and V. A. Sinitsyn
151-153Creep strength model with nonmonotonic dependence of the strain during rupture on the stressA. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
154-159Nonlinear model of shells with nondeformable transverse fibersL. I. Shkutin

Volume 23, Number 2 / March 1982

161-162Ion source with uhf power supplyV. K. Molchanov and O. Ya. Savchenko
162-167Dynamics of a plasma shell with an outside currentV. S. Komel'kov, A. P. Kuznetsov, V. V. Perebeinos, A. S. Pleshanov and M. T. Solomonov
167-172Characteristics of CO2 laser media with a high pumping levelV. V. Osipov, V. V. Savin and V. A. Tel'nov
173-177Question of determining the relaxation time in kinetic cooling of a moving gasA. M. Starik
178-181Propagation of vortex rings in stratified fluidV. I. Boyarintsev, A. I. Leont'ev, S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich and V. I. Sysoev
181-187Stability of viscous wall jetO. S. Ryzhov
188-194Flow of a viscous film over the surface of an inviscid fluidV. V. Popov
195-201Controlling the development of instability of a capillary jet by two ultrasonic beamsA. B. Ezerskii and V. P. Reutov
201-204Baro-and thermodiffusion of a gas mixture in a capillaryV. M. Zhdanov
205-210An experimental investigation of local heat-exchange coefficients on the walls of a valve mechanismV. N. Zaikovskii, E. G. Zaulichnyi, B. M. Melamed and Yu. M. Senov
211-218Thermochemical breakdown of a graphite body in a hypersonic gas streamV. N. Bertsun, A. M. Grishin and N. G. Ismailov
219-226Experimental investigation of supersonic two-phase flow over bodiesA. P. Alkhimov, N. I. Nesterovich and A. N. Papyrin
226-231The quasi-two-dimensional approximation in the problem of stationary subsonic flow over a three-dimensional annular blade rowV. P. Ryabchenko
232-237Kinetic description of a strong explosion in a rarefied gasV. P. Bashurin, G. V. Dolgoleva, Yu. K. Kochubei and V. A. Terekhin
238-241Accelerating plates to hypersonic velocities: ApparatusA. G. Ivanov, M. V. Korotchenko, E. Z. Novitskii, V. A. Ogorodnikov and B. V. Pevnitskii, et al.
242-245Accelerating plates to hypersonic velocities: Air-drag instabilityA. G. Ivanov, E. Z. Novitskii, V. A. Ogorodnikov and S. Yu. Pinchuk
245-249Calculation of shock adiabats in solidsV. V. Polyakov and E. A. Shchegolev
250-255Calculation of the zone of intense radial fracturing accompanying an explosionV. G. Novikov and B. M. Tulinov
256-260Model of the kinetics of metal plastic deformation under shock-wave loading conditionsG. I. Kanel'
261-267Concentration of stresses in a structure made of a unidirectional materialA. G. Kolpakov
268-272Determination of the rheological characteristics of epoxy resin in dynamic testsV. E. Ageev, G. I. Bykovtsev and V. V. Kolokol'chikov
273-277Solution of some problems of the theory of creep by the small parameter methodI. Yu. Tsvelodub and A. A. Shvab
278-284Plastic deformation of a medium upon the interaction of shear shock wavesV. A. Baskakov
284-289Elastic stresses near joints of boundaries of crystallites subjected to self-distortionsSh. Kh. Khannanov
289-292Problem of estimating the creep strength under step loadingA. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
292-295Problem of normal pressure waves running against a stampV. A. Babeshko, Zh. F. Zinchenko and A. V. Smirnova
295-307Stability of well wallsG. P. Cherepanov
307-311Periodic problem of the interaction of systems of circular openings and stringersM. Z. Vulitskii and I. D. Suzdal'nitskii
312-318Problem of an anisotropic plate weakened by curvilinear cracks and reinforced by stiffenersV. N. Maksimenko

Volume 23, Number 3 / May 1982

319-326Saturation ion current to an electric probe in a slowly moving plasmaM. S. Benilov, B. V. Rogov and G. A. Tirskii
327-330Dynamics of neutral sheets in a plasmaYu. A. Berezin and G. I. Dudnikova
330-333A semi-self-maintained volumetric discharge in its own magnetic fieldG. V. Gadiyak and V. A. Shveigert
334-337Parametric equations for estimating the characteristics of the working medium of a CO gasdynamic laserN. Ya. Vasilik, A. D. Margolin and V. M. Shmelev
338-342Vibrational relaxation and emission of H2O during the shock heating of a low-density gas mixtureA. K. Rebrov, S. F. Chekmarev and N. M. Chernyavina
342-346Electrification in tube flow of organic liquids with an admixture of strong electrolyteV. N. Pribylov and L. T. Chernyi
346-350Electrification of a metal body in an aerosol flow with a solid disperse phase in the presence of a corona discharge from the bodyV. L. Kholopov and L. T. Chernyi
350-352Application of the multiple-scale method in the problem of waves on the surface of a liquidV. A. Batishchev and V. V. Trepachev
353-354Friction of fluid flow against the end-face surfaces of vortex chambersM. A. Gol'dshtik and N. I. Sobakinskikh
355-361Quasistationary flow of a reacting fluid, losing fluidity with high degrees of transformationD. A. Vaganov
361-366Effective permeability of a highly porous mediumV. I. Selyakov
366-370Thermal boundary layer on a cylindrical gas column with distributed heat sourcesYu. V. Sanochkin
370-376Method of multiexposure photographic recording of particles in high-velocity two-phase flowsV. M. Boiko, A. A. Karnaukhov, V. F. Kosarev and A. N. Papyrin
376-381Convective mass transfer between a solid spherical particle and a fluid at large péclet numbersM. S. Iskakov and V. E. Nakoryakov
381-385Mixing of finely dispersed vaporizing particles with a deflecting gas streamV. I. Garkusha, V. M. Kuznetsov, G. V. Naberezhnova and A. L. Stasenko
386-387Stability analysis of the axisymmetric motion of a gasA. V. Il'yushchenko and S. A. Kholin
387-392Propagation of finite-amplitude pressure perturbations in a bubbling vapor-Liquid mediumV. E. Nakoryakov, B. G. Pokusaev, N. A. Pribaturin and I. R. Shreiber
392-398Strong action of a strongly underexpanded low-density jet on a plane obstacleé. N. Voznesenskii and V. I. Nemchenko
398-401Development of small perturbations in a slightly nonparallel supersonic flowS. A. Gaponov, A. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and I. V. Semenov
402-408Approximate analytic investigation of a turbulent gradient boundary layerV. T. Movchan
409-413Shock-wave interaction with a cascade of platesE. F. Zhigalko and V. D. Shevtsov
413-418Regimes and properties of three-dimensional separation flows initiated by skewed compression shocksA. A. Zheltovodov
419-420Crater formation under hypervelocity impactV. V. Kuznetsov
420-426Estimate of fragment-formation in the destruction of a spherical shellS. V. Serikov
427-434Divergent form of the nonlinear thermoelasticity equationsV. I. Kondaurov
434-439Taking into account the structural inhomogeneity of a composite material in estimating adhesive strengthL. I. Manevich and A. V. Pavlenko
439-442Stability of plastic elongation of a bimetallic sheetS. S. Oding
443-449Elastoplastic torsion of eccentric pipesG. I. Bykovtsev and V. P. Zebrikov
450-456Propagation of a shock pulse train in dense mediaé. I. Andriankin, A. I. Malkin and N. N. Myagkov
457-464Parametric instability of transverse vibrations of a filament whose parameters vary according to a traveling wave lawA. I. Vesnitskii and A. F. Lyakhov

Volume 23, Number 4 / July 1982

465-469Dissociation of diatomic molecules in a non-Boltzmann reservoirA. A. Goroshkov and A. I. Osipov
470-477Effect of preionization on the development of a self-sustaining discharge in gasesG. V. Gadiyak, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. A. Shveigert
477-480Electrification of aerosol particles moving in a one-dimensional coronal dischargeN. L. Vasil'eva and L. T. Chernyi
481-482Scope for reducing the sensitivity of a microtarget to asymmetry in laser irradiationN. N. Bokov, A. A. Bunatyan, V. A. Lykov, V. E. Neuvazhaev and L. P. Strotseva, et al.
483-486Performance in energy transfer from an explosive magnetic generator (EMG) via a matching transformer to a loadI. I. Divnov, N. I. Zotov and B. D. Khristoforov
487-491Rotation of a cylinder in a viscous liquidA. I. Khasanov
491-497Determination of the boundary of a hydrodynamic contact regionM. A. Galakhov and V. P. Kovalev
498-502A numerical investigation of the bending instability of thin jets of dropping liquidsA. L. Yarin
502-512Nonstationary critical layer and nonlinear instability in a planar poiseuille flowV. P. Reutov
512-517Stability of stationary spatially periodic convective motions in a plane vertical layerL. P. Vozovoi and A. A. Nepomnyashchii
518-522Similarity solutions for boundary-layer equations with interactionV. V. Bogolepov and I. I. Lipatov
523-529Oscillator-generated perturbations in viscous fluid flow at supercritical frequenciesE. V. Bogdanova and O. S. Ryzhov
529-535Statistical characteristics of a passive admixture in a homogeneous isotropic turbulence fieldI. V. Nikitina and A. G. Sazontov
535-541Some new problems in filtration theoryI. A. Amiraslanov and G. P. Cherepanov
542-548Aerodynamics of axisymmetric bodies in supersonic flow with local blowingV. A. Antonov and A. M. Grishin
548-553Wall influence on the aerodynamic characteristics of an oscillating airfoilV. A. Algazin
553-560Spatial analog of centered riemann and Prandtl-Meyer wavesV. M. Teshukov
560-565Injection effect in a contained explosion in a liquid-saturated mediumA. V. Vasil'ev, E. E. Lovetskii and V. I. Selyakov
566-569Expansion of a gas cavity in a variably consolidating dilating mediumA. A. Zverev and V. S. Fetisov
570-574Numerical investigation of spalling rupture in copperL. K. Romanycheva and A. I. Ruzanov
574-579Limiting strains of the dynamic fracture of cylindrical shellsV. V. Selivanov
579-584Plastic deformations of a cylindrical shell under the action of a planar explosion waveR. G. Yakupov
584-591Equations of elastoviscoplastic medium with finite deformationsV. I. Kondaurov
591-596Allowance for differences in strain resistance in the creep of isotropic and anisotropic materialsA. A. Zolochevskii

Volume 23, Number 5 / September 1982

597-604Vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules-anharmonic oscillations in a Boltzmann reservoir. Two-component systemV. M. Volokhov and O. V. Skrebkov
604-606Dependence of the efficiency of a CO2 gasdynamic laser (GDL) resonator on the lasing mixture parametersG. Ya. Dynnikova
607-617A numerical analysis of experiments on magnetic field generationN. B. Volkov, V. T. Mikhkel'soo and G. A. Shneerson
617-621Possibility of applying electromagnetic accelerators to investigate processes occurring in the high-velocity collision of solidsV. F. Agarkov, A. A. Blokhintsev, S. A. Kalikhman, V. I. Kuznetsov and V. N. Fomakin, et al.
622-627Electrification of low-conductivity liquids in laminar flow through tubes and capillariesA. I. Zhakin
627-633Initial asymptote to the solution of the problem of droplet incidence on a planeA. A. Korobkin
633-637Development of initial perturbations of the external boundary of an expanding gas-liquid ringS. V. Stebnovskii
638-643Binary gas mixture motion in a cylindrical channelV. G. Chernyak
644-647Effect of transverse blowing on steady flow between rotating and stationary disksN. V. Petrovskaya
647-651Exact solution for a high-temperature jetA. A. Bobnev
652-658Use of single-point velocity probability distributions in describing turbulent flowsV. A. Sabel'nikov
659-661Computation of turbulent boundary layer using similarity solutionV. V. Zyabrikov
662-667Thermal boundary layer in a cylindrical gas column containing bulk sources and a bifilar currentS. V. Nikonov and Yu. V. Sanochkin
668-671Friction stress on a wall in an ascending projectile flowO. N. Kashinskii, B. K. Koz'menko, S. S. Kutateladze and V. E. Nakoryakov
672-675Metastable states in transport processes described by a quasilinear parabolic equationK. A. Volosov, K. B. Pavlov, A. S. Romanov and I. A. Fedotov
675-682Structures of the conjugate saturation and concentration discontinuities in the displacement of oil by a solution of an active materialO. M. Alishaeva, V. M. Entov and A. F. Zazovskii
683-686Technique for measuring the stagnation temperature of short-duration gas flows using a radiation calorimeterA. I. Danilevich
687-693Problems of supersonic flow over bodies of prismatic configurationN. F. Vorob'ev
693-697Gas cavity dynamics in a contact underwater electrical explosionV. A. Burtsev, V. V. Kucherenko and V. V. Shamko
697-703Energy transfer to a plane incompressible piston under detonation loadingS. A. Kinelovskii
703-705Determination of the spall strength from measured values of the specimen free-surface velocityS. A. Novikov and A. V. Chernov
705-709Experimental-theoretical investigation of the rebound of short rods from a rigid barrierV. M. Boiko, A. I. Gulidov, A. N. Popyrin, V. M. Fomin and Yu. A. Shitov
709-715Propagation of one-dimensional elastoplastic waves in soilsN. Mamadaliev and A. I. Yusupov
716-718Determination of the external temperature-force fields for equal-strength structure elements during creepA. F. Nikitenko
719-722Non isothermal model of compressing a plastic disk under impactV. K. Bobolev, A. V. Dubovik and M. V. Lisanov
722-726Wave propagation in a unidirectional composite as compared with a laminar elastic solidA. A. Ermak
726-732Asymptotic analysis of longitudinal and bending waves propagated in a system of two plates fastened at an angleE. V. Mikhailova

Volume 23, Number 6 / November 1982

733-737Experimental check on a theoretical model for a CO2 GDL based on combustion products at high stagnation temperaturesN. V. Evtyukhin, S. V. Kulikov and M. E. Solov'eva
738-743Effects of quantum flux on the relaxation of paired modes of the CO2 moleculeV. N. Faizulaev
743-750Stationary mode of expansion of a vapor heated by radiation or a fast-particle fluxA. V. Dobkin, T. B. Malyavina and I. V. Nemchinov
751-757Study of charged-particle dynamics during ejection of a reactive jet under orbital flight conditionsV. V. Skvortsov
758-764Diagnostics of a plasma jet with grid electrodesV. I. Batkin, V. N. Getmanov, O. Ya. Savchenko and R. A. Khusainov
764-768Dispersion of a plasma cluster over a less dense plasma backgroundYu. A. Berezin and P. V. Khenkin
768-773Current switching from a fast trip into a shunt wireV. A. Lebedev, D. P. Leper and V. A. Yagnov
773-775Thermal limitation on the velocity of ring conductors in the case of induction axial accelerationA. M. Baltakhanov and E. N. Ivanov
776-778Investigation of the operation of a two-stage accelerator with an anode layer with one electrical power supplyA. F. Kovrizhko, I. N. Safronov and A. V. Semenkin
779-783Investigation of kinetics of microconvection of a water surface filmA. I. Lapshin and A. M. Trokhan
783-791Theory of interaction of gravity waves with hydrodynamic turbulenceA. G. Sazontov
792-795Initial stages in the development of thermalsB. I. Zaslavskii
796-803Plane jet interaction with three-dimensional disturbancesN. M. Terekhova
803-807Investigation of jet flow past slotted and wedge-shaped nozzles in a shock tubeV. V. Golub, V. V. Grigor'ev, Yu. I. Grin', S. N. Isakov and I. M. Naboko, et al.
808-811Temperature on a spherical surface with internal heat liberation and jet streamline flowL. K. Vukovich, V. I. Lelekov, A. V. Nikolaev, S. S. Timar' and N. V. Tkach
811-816Influence of the type of thermodynamic approximation on the description of the dynamic compressibility of multicomponent mediaS. V. Bobrovskii, V. M. Gogolev and V. P. Lozhkina
817-820Use of dielectric sensors in recording pressure pulsesV. V. Astanin and G. V. Stepanov
821-826Thermoelastic stresses produced in an absorbing layer by the action of a laser pulseA. A. Bakeev, A. P. Sobolev and V. I. Yakovlev
826-830Effect of loading prehistory on mechanical properties of steel in single-axis extensionA. G. Ivanov, Yu. G. Kashaev, A. I. Korshunov, S. A. Novikov and N. N. Popov, et al.
831-835Plastic deformation of spherical steel shells under internal blast loadingL. N. Aleksandrov, A. G. Ivanov, V. N. Mineev, V. I. Tsypkin and A. T. Shitov
836-841Rupture and viscosity of lead during spallV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov, Yu. S. Sobolev and N. A. Yukina
841-849Oscillations generated in the compression of a viscoelastic bodyG. I. Burdé and T. M. Burdé
850-855Biaxial unsteady strain of a rectilinear strip in the scheme of a compressible viscoplastic mediumS. V. Serikov
855-859Investigation of material damage under creep and creep strengthA. M. Lokoshchenko
860-865Modification of the theory of plastic flow based on a shear-strain mechanismA. M. Kovrizhnykh
865-870Stationary configuration of fibers formed under nonisothermal conditionsA. L. Yarin
870-876Stability of the plane wave front of fluid evaporationE. B. Levchenko and A. L. Chernyakov

Volume 24, Number 1 / January 1983

1-3Calculation of probabilities of vibrational-vibrational exchange between isotopic modifications of CO moleculesV. M. Akulintsev, N. M. Gorshunov and Yu. P. Neshchimenko
3-7Equilibrium constant in the diffusion theory of chemical reactionsS. A. Reshetnyak and L. A. Shelepin
8-12Asymptotic solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for radial fluid flow in the gap between two rotating disksP. I. San'kov and E. M. Smirnov
12-16Stationary long waves in a liquid film on an inclined planeYu. A. Buevich and S. V. Kudymov
16-21Experimental study of buoyant vortex ringsB. I. Zaslavskii and I. M. Sotnikov
21-27Self-exciting potential fluid flow, surrounded by inhomogeneities, near a circular grid of profilesE. S. Belyanovskii and V. B. Kurzin
28-32Qualitative study of equations describing quasi-one-dimensional nonequilibrium duct flowA. V. Fedorov, V. M. Fomin and E. P. Chirkashenko
33-37Unsteady boundary layer with self-induced pressure near rapidly heated segment of flat plate in supersonic flowA. V. Kazakov
37-41Temperature distribution over the surfaces of spherical shells in a purged dense layer with internal heat generationL. K. Vukovich, V. I. Lelekov, A. V. Nikolaev, S. S. Timar' and N. V. Tkach
41-44Mechanism of laser maintenance of a deep vapor channel within a liquidA. A. Vedenov, G. G. Gladush and A. N. Yavokhin
44-49Parametric study of hypersonic body shapesV. A. Bordyug, Yu. A. Vedernikov, V. G. Dulov, A. I. Shvets and V. A. Shchepanovskii
49-56Flat supersonic underexpanded jets using a laser schlieren methodV. A. Kochnev and I. M. Naboko
56-59High-speed gas motion in a porous mediumA. P. Ershov
60-65Two-phase flow of a gas and entrained solid particles past a body with erosionA. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
66-71Stationary solutions of the equations of motion of a liquid with gas bubblesS. I. Plaksin
71-75Problem of nonstationary transport phenomena in multiphase mediaYu. V. Pervushin
76-83Some problems in hydrodynamic explosion theoryV. M. Kuznetsov
84-88Radiative properties of a strong shock wave in neonYu. N. Kiselev
88-93Induction method of continuous recording of the velocity of a condensed medium in shock-wave processesYu. N. Zhugin and K. K. Krupnikov
94-96Emission of elastic waves in an explosion in a porous elastic-plastic mediumS. Z. Dunin, A. M. Maslennikov, O. V. Nagornov and V. S. Fetisov
97-101High-rate fracture of thin-walled tubes made out of soft steelA. G. Ivanov, L. I. Kochkin, V. F. Novikov and T. M. Folomeeva
102-105Description of surface phenomena in elastically polarized solidsYu. Z. Povstenko
106-111Determination of the parameters of relaxation kernels from the results of a wave experimentN. M. Ivanov and V. P. Muzychenko
111-115Dynamics of the deformation of a spherical pore in a plastic materialA. V. Attetkov, V. V. Selivanov and V. S. Solov'ev
115-122Calculation of an inhomogeneous elastic half space and a plate placed on itG. P. Kovalenko
122-130Realization of nonaxisymmetrical moment-free state in shells of revolutionYu. V. Nemirovskii and G. I. Starostin
131-134Radiation of elastic waves in one-dimensional systems by a moving sourceS. V. Krysov and S. A. S'yanov

Volume 24, Number 2 / March 1983

135-144Nonequilibrium gas-surface-solid in problems of relaxation gasdynamicsB. D. Barmashenko, V. M. Kuznetsov and M. M. Kuznetsov
145-149Similarity of condensation processes in expanding CO2 jetsS. A. Palopezhentsev and V. N. Yarygin
149-154Stability of plane-parallel electrohydrodynamic flows in a longitudinal electric fieldA. M. Sagalakov and K. A. Sergeev
154-158Experimental investigation of the interaction between thermalsT. N. Anokhina, B. I. Zaslavskii and I. M. Sotnikov
159-166Theory of waves in the shear flow of a nonuniform compressible fluidV. I. Pavlov and P. M. Trebler
166-171Flow past forward-facing small stepV. V. Bogolepov
171-176Unsymmetric comer flowsV. I. Kornilov and A. M. Kharitonov
177-179Solution to unsteady boundary-layer equationsÉ. V. Prozorova
180-182Influence of an entropy layer on nonstationary perturbation propagation in the boundary layerL. A. Sokolov
183-190Hyposonic aerodynamics (flows at low mach numbers)R. Kh. Zeitunyan
190-193Unsteady flow of a gas into vacuum through a perforated plateL. G. Miller
193-199Pressure fluctuations during flow around blunt bodiesA. I. Shvets
200-203Study of axisymmetrical discontinuous flows with the interference methodV. A. Komissaruk and N. P. Mende
204-209Vaporization of shock-compressed metals on expansionA. A. Bakanova, I. P. Dudoladov, M. V. Zhernokletov, V. N. Zubarev and G. V. Simakov
210-215Efficiency of conductor acceleration in the pulsed magnetic field of a solenoidV. N. Bondaletov, E. N. Ivanov, S. R. Petrov and V. A. Tyut'kin
215-219Numerical investigation of the processes in a plasmatron with keen blowingV. I. Artemov and O. A. Sinkevich
220-226Calculation of flow past rectangular wings and their combinations in subsonic flow using a discrete vortex schemeN. F. Vorob'ev and G. N. Shashkina
227-230Redistribution of arbitrary system of internal stresses in a normally incident shock waveA. V. Davydenko and V. G. Petushkov
230-236Relaxation of submicrosecond pressure pulses in a solidYu. I. Meshcheryakov
236-242Energy loss by plastic deformation in radial compression of a cylindrical shellV. G. Belan, S. T. Durmanov, I. A. Ivanov, V. F. Levashov and V. L. Podkovyrov
242-248Residual stresses and viscosity in the high-speed deformation of metalsN. N. Sergeev-Al'bov
248-256Some contact problems in steady-state nonlinear creep in cases with thin coveringsV. M. Aleksandrov and E. V. Kovalenko
256-260Numerical asymptotic solution of strength and vibrations problems of thin shells of revolutionS. V. Stepanenko
260-262Stability of thin shallow shells of negative Gaussian curvatureV. M. Ermolenko and V. M. Kornev
263-266Excitation of elastic waves in a half-space containing a horizontal elastic cylindrical inclusionM. G. Seleznev and T. N. Selezneva
266-271Determination of stresses in an infinite plate with broken or branching crackP. N. Osiv and M. P. Savruk
271-274Opening of a natural macrocrackA. P. Vladimirov and V. V. Struzhanov
274-279Existence of solutions in dynamics problems of one-dimensional plastic structuresA. M. Khludnev

Volume 24, Number 3 / May 1983

281-286Kinetic study of high-frequency instability in gas dischargesN. A. Dyatko, I. V. Kochetov, A. P. Napartovich, V. G. Pevgov and A. N. Starostin
287-291Ionizing shock-wave propagation in a homogeneous magnetic fieldN. A. Kudryashov
291-297A numerical investigation of the electrical characteristics of the electrode boundary layer of a slightly ionized plasma of molecular gasesN. N. Baranov, M. S. Benilov, G. G. Bochkarev, V. I. Kovbasyuk and G. A. Lyubimov
297-304Theory of anisotropic ferromagnetic colloidsV. M. Suyazov
304-314Evolution equation for the vortex distribution function in the planar caseYu. N. Grigor'ev
314-321Statistical properties of bursts of turbulent fluctuationsA. A. Praskovskii
321-324Spreading out of a viscous liquid over a horizontal surfaceG. I. Shapiro
325-328Model of liquid film flow over a reducer surfaceL. I. Sen', A. M. Te and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
329-337Elastothermo-hydrodynamic problems in the theory of lubricationM. A. Galakhov and V. N. Golubkin
337-345An experimental and theoretical investigation of the stability of a linear vortex with a deformed coreV. A. Vladimirov, L. Ya. Rybak and V. F. Tarasov
345-348Convective motions of a fluid in a nearly spherical cavity when heated from belowYu. K. Bratukhin and L. N. Maurin
348-354Excitation of unstable waves in boundary layer on a vibrating surfaceA. M. Tumin and A. V. Fedorov
355-361Excitation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves by acoustic and vortex disturbance scattering in boundary layer on a wavy surfaceN. A. Zavol'skii, V. P. Reutov and G. V. Rybushkina
362-365Propagation of disturbances in a liquid containing vapor bubblesV. G. Gasenko, V. E. Nakoryakov, Z. M. Orenbakh and I. R. Shreiber
366-371Weakly nonlinear disturbances in concentrated gas suspensionsYu. A. Buevich and S. P. Fedotov
371-373Stability of colliding drops of ideal liquidV. A. Arkhipov, I. M. Vasenin and V. F. Trofimov
374-379General solution to the jet flow past a wedgeV. I. Troshin
379-383Experimental study of the interaction of a pair of hypersonic jetsV. I. Ermolov, J. -C. Langran, A. K. Rebrov and G. A. Khramov
383-388Flow in the hypersonic boundary layer on a finite triangular wing in the presence of an angle of attackG. N. Dudin
388-394Stability of a plane crystallization front moving at constant velocityL. G. Badratinova
395-398Characteristics of entrainment of a conducting loop by a moving magnetic fieldA. D. Podol'tsev and V. T. Chemeris
399-402Electron emission upon exit of a shock wave from a powder into a vacuumA. I. Lyamkin, A. I. Matytsin and A. M. Staver
403-406Numerical determination of effect of explosive density on parameters of air shock wavesV. V. Koren'kov and V. N. Otishin
407-411Effect of shock-wave exit angle on a free surface on fracture formation in metalsV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov, L. M. Sinitsyna and N. A. Yukina
412-414Time dependence of fracture stresses during spall in copper, nickel, and titaniumS. A. Novikov, A. P. Pogorelov and V. A. Sinitsyn
415-424Opening of a cut in an elastic plane under the action of a moving loadI. V. Simonov
425-428Influence of stress field nonstationarity on crack growth under creepV. I. Astaf'ev
429-436Stress state of an eccentric tube under elastic-plastic strain subjected to pressureV. P. Zebrikov
437-441Thermal stresses in an elastic half-spaceL. N. Germanovich and I. D. Kill'
442-445A class of exact solutions of the equations of statics for a granular mediumA. I. Dimov and A. F. Revuzhenko

Volume 24, Number 4 / July 1983

447-454Rotational relaxation time and transfer coefficients in a diatomic gasI. V. Lebed and V. V. Ryahov
454-467Dynamics of impulsive metal heating by a current and electrical explosion of conductorsV. N. Dorovskii, A. M. Iskol'dskii and E. I. Romenskii
468-475Local analysis of an MHD generator with a t layerV. V. Ovchinnikov and V. S. Slavin
476-480Angular characteristics of an ionic orientation transducer under laboratory conditionsV. F. Antonov, V. V. Skvortsov and A. A. Uspenskii
480-484Initial disequilibrium in supersonic flow of low-density arc plasmaG. M. Zhinzhikov and V. V. Sakhin
485-490Convective motion of a gas resulting from the propagation of a heat wave along the lower boundary of a closed regionG. G. Kopylov and G. M. Makhviladze
491-494Combined heat and mass transfer in natural convection on a horizontal surfaceG. G. Kuvshinov
494-498Optimization of the compression of a spherical mass of gasV. I. Kosarev and A. M. Svalov
499-502Flow of a rarefied gas in a long finite circular capillaryI. G. Neudachin and C. Cercignani
503-506Flow around axisymmetric bodies with three constant-velocity sectionsL. A. Kozhuro
507-509Flow of a viscous film with free boundaries in the one-dimensional approximationV. V. Popov
510-516Sampling a liquid from a deformable stratum through a highly permeable windowA. V. Kolmogorov and V. N. Nikolaevskii
517-520Flow of a magnetizable fluid at temperatures close to the curie pointV. I. Vishnyakov, I. F. Sulmanov and I. A. Fedomov
521-526Radiation of internal waves by periodically moving sourcesV. A. Gorodtsov and E. V. Teodorovich
526-531Probability distributions of the velocity fluctuations in axisymmetrical turbulent wakesV. I. Bukreev and V. A. Kostomakha
532-537Laminarization of turbulent polymerizing flow in long pipesA. M. Grishin and V. B. Nemirovskii
538-547Excitations and development of instabilities in three-dimensional stationary boundary layersV. N. Zhigulev
548-554Spatial growth of disturbances in a compressible boundary layerA. M. Tumin and A. V. Fedorov
555-560Stability of ideal incompressible flow with constant vorticity in an elliptic cylinderV. A. Vladimirov
561-566Underwater explosion of a ring charge near a free surfaceV. K. Kedrinskii and V. T. Kuzavov
567-575Damping of strong shocks in laminar materialsV. F. Nesterenko, V. M. Fomin and P. A. Cheskidov
575-577Response of an anharmonic crystal to a localized initial impetusA. S. Dolgov
578-581Elastic properties of the empty skeleton in a granular collectorB. P. Sibiryakov
582-585Measurement of the tensile stresses behind a spalling planeV. D. Gluzman and G. I. Kanel'
586-592Critical conditions for microdamage initiation in a spalling metalV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov, Yu. S. Sobolev and N. A. Yukina
592-600Investigation of spalling fracture under shock deformation. model of a damaged mediumN. Kh. Akhmadeev
601-603The dissipative criterion of creep ruptureV. I. Astaf'ev
604-606Oscillations of a semispace with a free boundaryG. F. Shpak

Volume 24, Number 5 / September 1983

607-611Investigation of the energy characteristics of a plasma created in air near a target by CO2 laser radiationG. G. Dolgov-Savel'ev, V. A. Zhuk, A. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. G. Posukh, et al.
611-613Numerical modeling of thermal self-focusing of electromagnetic waves in a weakly ionized plasmaA. F. Mastryukov and B. S. Synakh
614-620The collisionless deceleration of an ionized cloud dispersing in a uniform plasma in a magnetic fieldV. P. Bashurin, A. I. Golubev and V. A. Terekhin
620-626Characteristics of the steady-state flow of a two-temperature argon-arc plasma in a channelV. S. Klubnikin, V. A. Laptev and A. A. Salangin
627-632Equilibrium states of an electron beam in a magnetic fieldV. A. Malafaev and D. N. Novichkov
632-638Numerical calculations of stationary states of magnetic self-insulation of vacuum linesG. G. Golovin, A. V. Gordeev, B. D. Korolev, V. P. Smirnov and A. S. Chernenko
639-643Obtaining strong magnetic fields with magnetocumulative generators based on a porous materialS. D. Gilev and A. M. Trubachev
643-647Investigation of the initial stage of separation flow around a circular cylinderA. I. Zobnin
648-652Large waves and breakaway in gravitational film flowA. E. Bokov and B. G. Ganchev
652-657An experimental study of internal solitary waves in a two-layer liquidV. I. Bukreev and N. V. Gavrilov
657-662Calculation of the adjoint masses for an annular blade assemblyL. A. Tkacheva
663-667Motion of a vortex pair between parallel wallsP. I. Geshev and B. S. Ezdin
667-670Two types of vortex tubeV. A. Bubnov, A. A. Solov'ev and Kh. Z. Ustok
670-674Excitation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves in the boundary layer by the vibrating surface of an infinite span delta wingA. M. Tumin
674-680Structures and their evolution in a turbulent shear layerG. A. Kuz'min, O. A. Likhachev and A. Z. Patashinskii
680-687Properties of a model for the turbulent mixing of the boundary between accelerated liquids differing in densityV. E. Neuvazhaev
688-693The theory of three-dimensional hypersonic flow around a thin wing of arbitrary span by a nonstationary relaxing gas flowM. M. Kuznetsov
693-697An exact solution for the interaction of a supersonic wedge with the boundary between two gasesR. Ya. Tugazakov
698-702Shock wave propagation in a double explosion in a gas with counterpressureÉ. I. Andriankin and N. N. Myagkov
703-708Integral equations for the temperature distribution in the planar flow of a non-newtonian mediumV. I. Naidenov
708-713Heating in the deformation of a structured flowing systemL. M. Buchatskii, S. V. Maklakov, A. M. Stolin and S. I. Khudyaev
713-719Motion of a cloud of heated particles above a horizontal surface in an external force fieldG. M. Makhviladze and O. I. Melikhov
719-728Two-phase three-component filtration when oil is displaced by a solution of an active additiveP. G. Bedrikovetskii
728-733The permeability coefficient of a porous medium saturated with a gas or liquid after a confined explosionA. N. Bovt, N. F. Zobov, V. V. Kadet, V. I. Selyakov and E. A. Shurygin
733-743Propagation of nonlinear compression pulses in granular mediaV. F. Nesterenko
744-748Effect of a spherical source in an elastic medium under inhomogeneous boundary conditionsL. A. Nazarov
749-754Plane and axisymmetric problems of the action of loads on a thin nonuniform viscoelastic layerA. V. Manzhirov
755-763Optimal bonding of plates in the plane stress stateS. B. Bushmanov and Yu. V. Nemirovskii

Volume 24, Number 6 / November 1983

765-773Isotope separation in nonequilibrium reactions involving the oxidation of nitrogen molecules in supersonic nozzlesV. M. Akulintsev, N. M. Gorshunov and Yu. P. Neshchimenko
773-778Features of vibrational relaxation of the system of low CO2 molecule levelsB. V. Egorov and V. N. Komarov
778-785Energy accommodation for gas ions on a polycrystalline materialV. A. Shuvalov
786-791Effects of electron detachment from negative ions on the current-flow mechanism in a medium-pressure glow dischargeV. V. Breev, S. V. Dvurechenskii and S. V. Pashkin
792-795Asymptotic analysis of gas compression processes with spherical symmetryA. M. Svalov
795-801Mathematical modeling and calculation of explosion effect in continuous mediaG. A. Alekseev, V. P. Korobeinikov, V. V. Markov, V. I. Khrupinov and K. B. Sherstnev
802-806A noncontradictory method for calculation of radiant transfer and the question of shock wave structureA. I. Vyskrebentsev, V. A. Nuzhnyi and Yu. P. Raizer
807-811Radiation of an elastic wave during an explosion in a variably compressed porous mediumA. A. Zverev, E. E. Lovetskii and V. S. Fetisov
811-815Blast waves in frozen soilsG. M. Lyakhov and G. B. Frash
816-824Investigation of gasdynamics of a model with combustion in a shock tunnelV. K. Baev, V. V. Shumskii and M. I. Yaroslavtsev
824-827Existence of solutions for the system of equations describing the filtration of a burning gasYu. M. Laevskii
828-835Hypersonic three-dimensional radiating gas flow around a wingA. I. Golubinskii and V. N. Golubkin
835-843Equations of mechanics of a gas-particle mixtureA. P. Ershov
843-849Measurement of conditionally averaged turbulence characteristics in the plane wake behind a cylinderA. A. Praskovskii
850-856Hypersonic viscous flow past a blunt cone with massive injection at the noseYu. N. Ermak
856-861Unsteady motion of a circular cylinder in a two-layer liquidV. I. Bukreev, A. V. Gusev and I. V. Sturova
861-866Diffusion of a sparingly soluble gas in a flowing liquid filmP. I. Geshev and A. M. Lapin
867-871Spatial stability of a liquid film on a rotating diskV. I. Eliseev
871-876Spatial distortion of mean boundary layer by natural oscillationsN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
876-882Thermal convection in a horizontal layer with lateral heatingA. G. Kurdyashkin, V. I. Polezhaev and A. I. Fedyushkin
882-886Longitudinal cellular structures of Taylor-Görtler type vortices on the high-pressure side of rotating channelsL. V. Kuz'minskii, E. M. Smirnov and S. V. Yurkin
887-890Thermocapillary convection in a thin liquid layer locally heated from aboveYu. V. Sanochkin
891-898Separating layer in high-temperature streamsA. A. Bobnev
899-909Collision of plane jets of pseudoplastic liquid with a free boundaryM. V. Rubtsov
910-914Solitons with a substantially nonlinear one-dimensional chainE. G. Vedenova, L. I. Manevich, V. P. Nisichenko and S. A. Lysenko
914-920Pore expansion in plastic metals under spallV. K. Golubev
920-926Bending of an anisotropic plate containing an anisotropic elastic inclusionM. I. Zadvornyak and T. L. Martynovich

Volume 25, Number 1 / January 1984

1-3Analysis of some parameters of a light flash, accompanying the collapse of a cavity, initiated by an electrical discharge in waterP. I. Golubnichii, V. M. Gromenko and A. D. Filonenko
4-6Sound absorption near the boundary dividing two liquidsV. A. Murga
7-9Sound generation by a laser beam in a liquid with absorbing particlesP. I. Golubnichii, G. S. Kalyuzhnyi and S. D. Korchikov
9-15Disturbance of the Boltzmann population distribution of rotational levels in a free nitrogen jetA. E. Belikov, A. E. Zarvin, N. V. Karelov, G. I. Sukhinin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
15-20Influence of high-field effects on the characteristics of the near-cathode layer in a molecular gas plasmaM. S. Benilov, G. A. Lyubimov, A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan and G. V. Haidis
21-24Pulsed discharge in cesium at pressures up to 108 PaV. M. Mel'nikov
25-29Neutral waves on the surface of a film of liquid flowing along a vertical wall into another liquidS. M. Besedin and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
30-39Stability conditions for the steady-state rotation of a cylinder filled with a stratified nonuniform viscous incompressible liquidN. V. Derendyaev and V. A. Senyatkin
39-42Flow symmetry disturbance due to thermal instabilityV. V. Grachev and É. N. Rumanov
42-46Mixed laminar convection around a vertical cylinder with a constant surface temperatureYu. P. Semenov
47-50Development of convection in a liquid layer containing impuritiesV. V. Kolesov and V. I. Yudovich
50-56Calculation of nonstationary mixed convection of binary gas mixtures in the presence of large density variationsD. A. Nikulin and M. Kh. Strelets
56-61Numerical investigation of a gas jet with heavy particles on the basis of a two-parameter model of turbulenceL. B. Gavin, V. A. Naumov and V. V. Shor
61-63Investigation of the gasdynamic permeability of a reticular filter for He, Ar, XeV. D. Akin'shin, B. T. Porodnov, V. D. Seleznev and V. V. Surguchev
63-68Effect of nonisothermal conditions of skin friction in subsonic turbulent channel flowsD. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii and M. B. Reznikov
69-73Computation of base flow characteristics with uniform blowingI. S. Belotserkovets and V. I. Timoshenko
74-80Supersonic flow past axisymmetric body with strong local two-phase surface injectionV. A. Antonov, V. D. Gol'din and A. M. Grishin
81-83Iterative method for supersonic flow laminar boundary layer interaction in the presence of separationD. O. Lyzhin
84-87Nonsteady-state nonisothermal flow of a magnetic liquid in a plane channelI. F. Sultanov
87-93Stationary flow of a reacting liquid whose properties vary with the extent of reactionD. A. Vaganov
93-98Force characteristics and flow parameters in combustion modelsV. K. Baev, V. V. Shumskii and M. I. Yaroslavtsev
98-101Self-modeling parameter distribution behind a detonation waveV. N. Okhitin
101-107Description of shock-wave processes in a two-phase medium containing an incompressible phaseV. A. Vakhnenko and B. I. Palamarchuk
107-110Porous-specimen adiabats and solid-copper expansion isentropesM. V. Zhernokletov, V. N. Zubarev and Yu. N. Sutulov
111-114Kinetic effects in the high-speed deformation of aluminumA. K. Divakov, Yu. I. Meshcheryakov and L. P. Fadienko
114-120Pore growth in slip bands in localized plastic strainV. M. Segal
121-125The kinetics of Somigliani dislocationSh. Kh. Khannanov
126-133Elastic-plastic strain of a titanium alloy under plane stress state conditionsV. M. Zhigalkin, A. F. Nikitenko and O. M. Usova
133-135Microstructures of pulse-heated titanium alloysA. É. Verte and B. A. Goshmer
135-140Applicability of Timoshenko-type theories to localized plate loadingP. A. Zhilin and T. P. Il'icheva
141-142Velocity field in the Prandtl problem of compression of a plastic layerS. I. Senashov
142-153Stability of a viscoplastic ringS. V. Serikov
154-160Nonlinear model for a shell with deformable transverse fibersL. I. Shkutin
160-163Existence of solutions in ideal Hencke plasticityA. M. Khludnev

Volume 25, Number 2 / March 1984

165-171Calculation of the parameters of the plasma flow of pulsed erosion plasma acceleratorA. S. Kamrukov, N. P. Kozlov, Yu. S. Protasov and S. N. Chuvashev
171-176Stationary discharge accompanying emergence of the magnetic flux through the surface of an insulatorS. F. Garanin, E. S. Pavlovskii and V. B. Yakubov
177-184Influence of hydrodynamics on the thermodiffusion process of separation of gas mixturesV. N. Gusev and V. P. Provotorov
184-188Liquid trapping on cylinder extractionV. I. Baikov, Z. P. Shul'man and K. Engelhardt
189-195Some problems in the theory of viscous jetsV. N. Korovkin and Yu. A. Sokovishin
195-202Collision of plane, viscous, multilayered jetsM. V. Rubtsov
202-204Comparison of one-dimensional models of flows in branched channels with experimental dataS. V. Pavlov and I. K. Yaushev
205-208Resistance of a cylinder bundle in a low-density gas flowE. N. Inozemtseva, Yu. A. Koshmarov, S. B. Svirshchevskii and D. S. Strizhenov
209-217Combined heat and mass transfer for a particle in a gas flow with variable definitive parametersA. D. Polyanin
218-225Transport coefficients and the Onsager relations in the kinetic theory of dense gas mixturesV. I. Kurochkin, S. F. Makarenko and G. A. Tirskii
226-232Turbulent viscosity for the analysis of an incompressible boundary layer on a rough surfaceG. F. Sivykh
233-241Near-wall turbulence in jet impingement on a wallG. F. Gorshkov
241-246Nonlinear forced vibrations in a Helmholtz resonatorN. A. Borisova, A. P. Golovin, A. V. Gubarev, S. A. Laptev and A. A. Nekrasov, et al.
246-251Born approximation of the solution of the internal wave scattering problemS. P. Budanov, A. S. Tibilov and V. A. Yakovlev
252-255The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a variable magnetic fieldV. M. Korovin
256-262Stability of the flow of a film of liquid metal, produced by an intense electron beamYu. P. Zorin and O. Yu. Mal'tsev
262-267Calculation of flows of melt in an ampuleV. V. Kuznetsov
267-269Explosion of a spherical charge in a magnetic fieldV. P. Korobeinikov and B. V. Putyatik
269-276Relations at a combined concentration discontinuity in a gas containing solid particlesS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
276-285Air shock hurling of an unfastened solid near a flat obstacleV. A. Kotlyarevskii
286-291Local heating of a material in the vicinity of a pore upon its collapseA. V. Attetkov, L. N. Vlasova, V. V. Selivanov and V. S. Solov'ev
291-298A dynamic model of a thermoelastic continuous medium with pressure relaxationA. M. Iskol'dskii and E. I. Romenskii
298-300Equations of dislocation plasticity with large deformationsYu. I. Fadeenko
301-304Effect of screw dislocation on the propagation of waves in an elastic cylinderL. M. Zubov and S. I. Moiseenko
305-310Estimate of longevity under conditions of high-temperature multicycle loadingV. P. Golub
311-314Plasticity of anisotropic mediaA. I. Chanyshev
314-320Flexural-gravitational waves from moving disturbancesA. E. Bukatov, L. V. Cherkesov and A. A. Yaroshenko
320-323Contact interaction between a cylindrical panel and a half-planeé. M. Kim and V. P. Ol'shanskii
324-326Contact problem of two prestressed half-spacesF. M. Borodich
327-330Stationary motion of a system of parallel longitudinal shear cracksV. G. Novikov and B. M. Tulinov

Volume 25, Number 3 / May 1984

331-340Electron beam diagnostics of nitrogen. Multiquantum rotational transitions during excitationA. E. Belikov, A. E. Zarvin, N. V. Karelov, G. I. Sukhinin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
340-345Numerical investigation of the propagation of a pulse of radiation with λ=10.6 μm through absorbing mediaV. A. Levin, V. V. Netesov and A. M. Starik
346-350Electron transport coefficients in a nonequilibrium weakly ionized plasma in electric and magnetic fieldsN. L. Aleksandrov, A. P. Napartovich and A. N. Starostin
351-358Transfer of the momentum of gas ions to the surface of a solidV. A. Shuvalov
358-360Pulsed periodic gas discharge in a chamber with a helmholtz resonatorA. V. Gubarev, A. A. Nekrasov and N. K. Novikova
361-367Waves from an underground explosionA. V. Krymskii and G. M. Lyakhov
367-373Natural wavenumbers of acoustic and electromagnetic oscillations in the vicinity of a circular cascade with a coreV. L. Okulov
373-376Large-particle study of the flow around working blades in a steam turbineYu. M. Davydov, V. D. Kulikov and E. V. Maiorskii
377-379Influence of the entropy layer on nonstationary perturbation propagation in a boundary layer with self-induced pressureL. A. Sokolov
379-386Heat and momentum transfer in a turbulent boundary layer on a curved surfaceN. A. Dvornikhov and V. I. Terekhov
387-391Peculiarities of the flow of a vibrationally relaxing gas in a nozzle with a segment of constant cross section in the throat regionV. A. Sal'nikov
392-396Damping of normal disturbances of a viscous sphereO. M. Lavrent'eva
396-400Experimental investigation of flow in shallow and deep cavitiesV. Ya. Bogatyrev and V. A. Mukhin
400-407Flow of a liquid film over the inner surface of a rotating cylinderYu. V. Martynov
408-411Calculation of the stability of the flow in a circular pipe with injectionV. M. Eroshenko, L. I. Zaichik and V. B. Rabovskii
411-415Nonlinear azimuthal waves in a centrifugeA. A. Abrashkin
415-419Boiling model for a fluidized bed of particlesS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
420-430Dynamics of the formation of an aerosol from supersaturated steamA. Ya. Lukin and A. M. Stepanov
431-442Nonstationary convective heat and mass transfer of droplets for commensurare phase resistancesA. D. Polyanin
443-446Analysis of heat and mass transfer processes in growing crystals by the zone-melting methodYu. V. Apanovich
447-452Parameters of high-temperature relaxation spectrum in a metalS. I. Meshkov and A. S. Podkopaev
452-455Axially symmetrical collapse of spalled layers in a cylindrical steel shellA. G. Ivanov, V. N. Sofronov and E. S. Tyun'kin
455-458Calculation and experiments on the deformation of explosion-chamber shellsA. I. Abakumov, V. V. Egunov, A. G. Ivanov, A. A. Uchaev and V. I. Tsypkin, et al.
458-459Compound-failure polar-fan diagramsYu. I. Fadeenko
460-469Modification of the regularization of the ideal plasticity equations in the axial symmetry caseM. Sh. Shtein
470-477Critical loads of nonideal shallow cylindrical shellsN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev
477-481Application of photoelastic coatings to strain investigation in polycrystal microdomainsL. A. Krasnov and A. P. Shabanov
482-485Bending of a sector of a strongly anisotropic elastic ringYu. A. Bogan
485-492Stability of magnetic suspension in a direct-current magnetic fieldN. N. Kozhukhovskii and V. I. Merkulov
493-498Cracking resistance of a star contourYu. A. Vedernikov and I. D. Suzdal'nitskii

Volume 25, Number 4 / July 1984

499-505Structure of plasma formations at the surface of a cylinder in a stream of partially ionized gasV. A. Shuvalov
506-509Study of optical properties of dense krypton plasmaV. N. Novikov and V. A. Sechenov
510-519Exact equations and transport coefficients for a multicomponent gas mixture with a partially ionized plasmaS. A. Vasil'evskii, I. A. Sokolova and G. A. Tirskii
519-525Hydrodynamics of a stratified liquid in the terminology of the lamb momentum densityG. A. Kuz'min
526-530Example of flow of an axisymmetric liquid stream over a self-propelled bodyV. L. Sennitskii
531-536Global flow field for steady, incompressible, separated flow past two-dimensional bodiesL. A. Kozhuro
536-541Effect of periodic bottom roughness on gravitational waves in a liquidV. I. Merkulov, A. P. Mikhailov and S. O. Savchenko
542-544Investigation of wave fields in a fluid layer and elastic half-space excited by a near-bottom source of vibrationsV. A. Babeshko, A. A. Zolotarev, A. A. Ivanov and G. V. Tkachev
545-548Shock-wave focusing in a three-temperature plasmN. A. Bardin
548-551Possibility of the development of oscillations during the heating of a transparent solid dielectric by optical radiationYu. I. Lysikov
552-556Investigation of separated flow behind two-dimensional and three-dimensional bodies acted on by a spherical shock waveA. N. Ivanov and V. I. Mikhailov
556-562Supersonic flow over a wing at high attack anglesV. N. Golubkin
562-571Three-dimensional diffusive boundary-layer problemsA. D. Polyanin
572-575Influence of turbulent Prandtl number on heat transfer of a flat plateA. Sh. Dorfman
576-582Nonisothermal couétte flow and phase transitions in a viscous fluidS. V. Maklakov, A. M. Smolin and S. I. Khudyaev
583-590Numerical simulation of convective heat exchange in spherical layers of an incompressible liquidG. B. Petrazhitskii and N. M. Stankevich
591-597Erosion of a blunt body in a dusty hypersonic streamA. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
598-605Theoretical investigation of the thermochemical degradation of graphite in a high-enthalpy air flowA. G. Gofman and A. M. Grishin
606-607High-speed cooling of a bimetallic surface upon the action of a concentrated energy fluxV. I. Kirko and N. I. Pak
608-613Acceleration of conductors in the pulsed magnetic field of a massive cylindrical multiturn inductorG. Z. Ber, V. N. Bondaletov and A. A. Gusarov
613-618Crack growth in a saturated porous medium due to passage of a current pulseV. I. Selyakov
619-625Estimating the dimensions of the radial crack zone formed in a contained explosion of a line charge in a brittle mediumP. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
625-632Numerical modeling of the process of penetration of a rigid body of revolution into an elastoplastic barrierV. I. Kondaurov, I. B. Petrov and A. S. Kholodov
632-635Model representation of the ultimate strain during creepM. D. Dacheva, A. M. Lokoshchenko and S. A. Shesterikov
635-638Steady-state creep in refractory compositesV. V. Dudukalenko and S. P. Shapovalov
639-641Theory of electromagnetic effects accompanying dynamic deformation of metalsO. G. Alekseev, S. G. Lazarev and D. G. Priemskii
642-648One class of motions of a fluid ellipsoidO. M. Lavrent'eva
648-649Exact solution of the three-dimensional problem of ideal plasticityS. I. Senashov

Volume 25, Number 5 / September 1984

651-655Localization of electric fields, currents, and superheating instability in a conductive liquid on the surface of ellipsoidal inhomogeneitiesL. N. Zasedka, L. L. Nazarova and V. F. Reztsov
655-663Resonance radiation cooling of a diatomic molecule gas fluxA. M. Starik
664-671Approximate analytical description of vibration relaxation of weakly anharmonic oscillatorsA. P. Vasil'ev, G. V. Dubrovskii and V. M. Strel'chenya
672-676Attenuation of strong shock waves in two-phase and heterogeneous mediaL. V. Al'tshuler and B. S. Kruglikov
677-681Methods of examining the dynamics of cavitation clustersI. R. Baikov, A. R. Berngardt, V. K. Kedrinskii and E. I. Pal'chikov
682-691Propagation of small disturbances in vapor-and-liquid bubbling mediaN. K. Vakhitova and V. Sh. Shagapov
692-695Viscosity measurement for shock-compressed waterG. Kh. Kim
696-702Shock wave structure in a binary mixture of viscous gasesG. A. Ruev and V. M. Fomin
702-707Spall damage to a liquid metal accompanying pulsed action of radiationS. N. Kolgatin, A. M. Stepanov and A. V. Khachatur'yants
707-711Kinetics of spallation rupture in the aluminum alloy AMg6MG. I. Kanel', S. V. Razorenov and V. E. Fortov
711-714Vortex formation accompanying the action of a laser pulse on polymersA. É. Averson, M. V. Alekseev and V. P. Borisov
715-720Jet formation in plasma compression in acute-angle geometryV. Ya. Ternovoi
720-722Photochromic method of visualizing hydrodynamic flowsV. A. Barachevskii, V. F. Mandzhikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev, Yu. P. Strokach and V. N. Yurechko
723-727Sonic gas flow around a nonsymmetric profileS. T. Lichuk and A. A. Orel
728-731Calculation of the flow in the main section of a supersonic jet with the nozzle end taken into accountP. A. Neshcheret, E. A. Kapustin and O. É. Shlik
732-735Collapse of the dust layer above the surface of a blunt body in a dusty hypersonic flowA. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
735-744Calculation of the virtual mass of spherical particles in a dispersed mediumA. E. Kroshilin and V. E. Kroshilin
744-751Structure of a laminar boundary layer with distributed suctionS. K. Betyaev
751-757Penetration of a blunt body into a slightly compressible liquidA. A. Korobkin
758-766Universal, cavity-shape-independent relations for cavitation flow with small cavitation numbersA. G. Petrov and N. B. Sotina
767-770Instability of an MHD shock front in the nonlinear regimeN. N. Kotina and A. A. Rumyantsev
771-773Piercing plastic-material barriers with a rigid punchI. F. Landgrov and O. A. Sarkisyan
774-776Scope for forecasting alloy piercing resistanceV. P. Muzychenko and V. I. Postnov
776-783Effects of strain history on the damage accumulation rate in nonmonotone elastoplastic loadingA. A. Movchan
783-789Formulation of a diagnosis problem for a thermoelastic mediumV. A. Lomazov and Yu. V. Nemirovskii
790-795Longitudinal wave propagation in a viscoelastic semispace including an absorbing layerK. S. Sultanov
796-805Stability of a growing viscoelastic reinforced rod subjected to agingN. Kh. Arutyunyan, M. N. Mikhailov and V. D. Potapov
806-809Solution of limit load problems for a rigid-plastic anisotropic bodyA. I. Chanyshev
810-812Defining-equation construction in hardening theoryB. P. Rusov
813-814Effect of high pressure on mechanical characteristics of aluminum alloysV. I. Gorelov

Volume 25, Number 6 / November 1984

815-820Transition from kinetic to gasdynamic plasma retention in a plugotronV. V. Mirnov and M. S. Pekker
821-825Effects of added cesium on population inversion in a recombining lithium plasmaS. P. Bogacheva, L. V. Voronyuk, I. P. Zapesochnyi, V. P. Starodub and A. M. Fedorchenko
825-828Possible effects in solids in ultrastrong magnetic fieldsV. V. Druzhinin, A. I. Pavlovskii and O. M. Tatsenko
828-832Simulating the retardation of an uncompensated electron beam in a thin absorberV. I. Boiko, E. A. Gorbachev and V. V. Evstigneev
833-837Problem of numerical modeling of the operation of a logarithmic electron multiplierÉ. V. Baritko
838-841Inductive acceleration of an electrically conductive particle in a viscous liquidV. M. Korovin
842-849Steady flow around a plane cascade by an ideal gasA. N. Kraiko, V. A. Shironosov and E. Ya. Shironosova
850-854Regime change in a planar jet with a stepped velocity profileE. P. Kurochkina
854-862Slowing down of a supersonic flow in a rectangular channel of constant cross sectionM. G. Ktalkherman, V. M. Mal'kov and N. A. Ruban
862-867Development of internal waves generated by a concentrated pulse source in an infinite uniformly stratified fluidN. A. Zavol'skii and A. A. Zaitsev
867-873Instability wave excitation by a localized vibrator in the boundary layerA. M. Tumin and A. V. Fedorov
874-877Excitation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves in the boundary layer on a vibrating surfaceV. M. Gilev and V. V. Kozlov
878-880Influence of the initial spatially inhomogeneous temperature perturbations on vibrational relaxation dynamicsI. A. Kirillov, B. V. Potapkin, V. D. Rusanov, M. I. Strelkova and A. A. Fridman
881-888Heat and mass transfer processes of a polyatomic gas in a flat channel for arbitrary knudsen numbersI. V. Chermyaninov, V. G. Chernyak and G. A. Fomyagin
889-894Aerodynamics and heat exchange between the front of a forest fire and the surface layer of the atmosphereA. M. Grishin, A. D. Gruzin and É. É. Gruzina
894-898Spontaneous condensation of nitrogen in a flat nozzle in a cryogenic wind tunnelG. A. Saltanov, G. P. Simanovskii and A. V. Chirikhin
899-904Mass crystallization with allowance for fluctuations of crystal growth rateA. I. Moshinskii and M. I. Sibirev
905-908Explosions in a bounded volume of gas under strong radiationI. V. Nemchinov, I. A. Trubetskaya and V. V. Shuvalov
908-914Structure of shock-wave flows with phase transitions in iron near a free surfaceN. Kh. Akhmadeev, N. A. Akhmatova and R. I. Nigmatulin
914-921Effect of nonequilibrium heating on the behavior of a porous material in shock compressionA. V. Attetkov, L. N. Vlasova, V. V. Selivanov and V. S. Solov'ev
921-927Fracture wave in a chain structureL. I. Slepyan and L. V. Troyankina
927-931Statistical estimate of brittle strength with allowance for crack resistanceA. I. Korshunov and S. A. Novikov
931-937Temperature-frequency dependence of mechanical losses under periodic deformation of laminar glass-carbon plasticsL. S. Elistratova, V. V. Kolokol'chikov and A. S. Podkopaev
937-941Dynamic photoelastic properties of an epoxy resin above the elastic limitB. M. Zhiryakov, V. G. Malinin and V. F. Obesnyuk
941-949Self-similar solutions of the dynamics equations of an ideal elastic-plastic body under tresca plasticity conditionsG. I. Bykovtsev, A. V. Kolokol'chikov and P. N. Sygurov
949-954Theory of ideal plasticity of multicomponent mixturesL. A. Saraev

Volume 26, Number 1 / January 1985

1-5Effect of axial displacement of loops on the appearance of breakdown in a spiral explosion-driven magnetic generatorE. I. Zharinov, O. D. Mikhailov and V. K. Chernyshev
5-10Interaction between a nonuniformly heated dielectric and a microwave fieldA. G. Merzhanov, V. A. Raduchev and é. N. Rumanov
10-15Motion of a current-carrying plasma shell in a rarefaction waveV. S. Komel'kov, A. P. Kuznetsov and A. S. Pleshanov
15-18Magnetoplasticity of magnetizable mediaN. D. Slatinskii and I. E. Tarapov
19-24Hydrodynamic drag of a ball containing a conduction-type source of electromagnetic fieldsV. I. Shatrov and V. I. Yakovlev
24-31Locally three-dimensional laminar flowsV. V. Bogolepov and I. I. Lipatov
32-35Jet flow between two parallel platesO. N. Kashinskii, B. K. Koz'menko, V. E. Nakoryakov and I. A. Pavlov
36-41Space-time development of perturbations in the boundary layerM. B. Zel'man and A. F. Kakotkin
42-49Kinetic model for turbulent transfer in fluid flowsN. I. Buleev and G. A. Zinina
50-54Interaction of two isotropic turbulent fields without shearN. V. Aleksenko, V. I. Bukreev and V. A. Kostomakha
55-57Oscillatory convective instability of the equilibrium of two-layer systems in the presence of a thermocapillary effectA. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
58-63Mathematical model for the description of heat and mass transfer inside a porous granule in the presence of phase transitionsV. I. Drobyshevich and V. A. Kirillov
64-72Nonsteady flow and heat transfer of polymerizing liquids in a long tubular reactorA. M. Grishin and V. B. Nemirovskii
72-77Two-phase flow in a channel with eroding wallsV. V. Kriklivyi, A. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
77-82Flux method in the kinetics of coagulationA. A. Likal'mer
82-87Deposition of small aerosol particles on the surface of moving evaporating crystalsM. G. Markov, E. R. Shchukin and Yu. I. Yalamov
88-91Electrical conductivity of shock compressed condensed argon at pressures from 20 to 70 GPaL. A. Gatilov, V. D. Glukhodedov, F. V. Grigor'ev, S. B. Kormer and L. V. Kuleshova, et al.
92-95Change in shock-wave pressure impulse with distance near the sourceYu. V. Petukhov
96-103Shock wave reflection in gas-liquid foamsA. T. Malakhov and B. I. Palamarchuk
103-109Influence of screening gas-suspension layers on shock-wave reflectionA. I. Ivandaev and A. G. Kutushev
109-114Influence of the initial characteristics of the medium on the parameters of the reflection of shock wavesN. A. Kostyukov and G. E. Kuz'min
114-122Propagation of stress waves in layered media under impact loading (acoustical approximation)N. Kh. Akhmadeev and R. Kh. Bolotnova
122-127Asymptotic analysis of the plane contact problem of elasticity theory for a two-layer foundationV. I. Avilkin and E. V. Kovalenko
128-132Fluctuation method of calculating the absolute value of the bond energy in the contact of different mediaG. A. Babushkin
133-138Solution of the mixed problem for thin bodies on an elastic foundationM. V. Kavlakan
138-141Biperiodic system of rectilinear longitudinal-shear cracks in an elastic bodyV. G. Novikov and B. M. Tulinov
142-146Pressure and temperature of subterranean liquids as earthquake indicatorsT. K. Ramazanov
147-149Viscosity of soils under shock loadingsN. V. Egorova, V. G. Chernyi and G. I. Chernyi

Volume 26, Number 2 / March 1985

151-154Improving the efficiency of gasdynamic windows for electron beam extractionL. N. Orlikov and E. V. Chikin
155-162Tearing instability of a flat current layer with finite ionic viscosityV. V. Gatilov, A. M. Sagalakov and V. F. Ul'chenko
162-164Structure of an axisymmetrical nonstationary wave of absorption of laser radiation in a transparent dielectricS. P. Popov and G. M. Fedorov
165-169Accommodation of molecular vibrational energy using the effect of a pressure increase in a rarefied gas absorbing laser radiationA. P. Belikov, V. D. Borman, B. I. Nikolaev, A. A. Sazykin and V. I. Troyan, et al.
169-177Numerical modeling of processes in a relaxing gas during the rapid application of energyYu. E. Gorbachev, A. I. Zhmakin and A. A. Fursenko
177-182Propagation of a radiation pulse with wavelength λ=10.6 μm in amplifying mediaV. A. Levin, V. V. Netesov and A. M. Starik
183-186Erosion of the electrodes in high-voltage high-current water dischargesN. K. Kapishnikov, V. M. Muratov and V. Ya. Ushakov
187-191Spatial resolution and accuracy of interferometery of microscopic phase objectsV. F. Klimkin and G. S. Lomakin
191-194Use of thermal transducers for measuring the molecular velocity distribution functionS. G. Mironov and A. I. Sedel'nikov
195-202Secondary flows in magnetohydrodynamic flow around a finite-width plate with internal electromagnetic field sourcesV. I. Yakovlev
202-208Nonstationary vortex flows of an ideal incompressible fluidA. A. Abrashkin and E. I. Yakubovich
209-215Structure of turbulent flow through a rectangular channel rotating about a transverse axisV. V. Ris, E. M. Smirnov and S. A. Smirnov
215-221Numerical study of laminarization effects in turbulent boundary layers of accelerated flowsV. G. Zubkov
222-226Thermocapillary cell in a horizontal moving liquid layer with heating from aboveYu. V. Sanochkin
226-229Effect of spatial modulation of the temperature distribution on the stability of two-dimensional steady flow in a horizontal layer of a two-component liquidV. A. Batishchev, V. V. Kolesov, S. K. Slitinskaya and V. I. Yudovich
230-236Mass transfer in the flow of a thin wavy film of liquidA. M. Lapin and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
236-241Stability of unsteady motion of a viscous fluid bandV. K. Andreev
242-244Effect of obstacles on flow in a channel with permeable wallsS. V. Kalinina, R. V. Rafikov and G. A. Tolmachev
245-248Determination of characteristic dynamic and thermal interaction times in problems of gas suspension wave dynamicsA. I. Ivandaev
249-254Propagation of nonlinear perturbation waves in rheologically complex liquidsR. M. Sattarov
254-257Flow detachment from the leading edge of a profile and the effect of acoustic perturbationsV. V. Kozlov
257-261Flow in the region of interaction of an underexpanded low-density stream with a plane barrier perpendicular to its axisI. V. Shatalov
262-270Interaction of a severely underexpanded gas stream issuing from a cylindrical channel with an adjacent surfaceA. V. Beloshitskii, E. N. Bondarev, E. N. Voznesenskii, V. I. Nemchenko and N. A. Samsonov
271-277Turbulent mixing of driver and driven gases in a shock tube channelR. V. Vasil'eva, A. D. Zuev, V. L. Moshkov, L. G. Tkhorik and V. A. Shingarkina
278-280Three-chamber heated shock tube for investigating a high-enthalpy dense plasmaI. S. Kovalenko, V. I. Kucharenko and V. A. Sechenov
281-288Energy approach to the description of fatigue crack growth in a non-uniaxial stress stateV. V. Bolotin
289-295Evaluating the strength of a weld with a small disk-shaped crackA. B. Borintsev, I. Yu. Devingtal', Yu. A. Neoberdin and A. V. Shvetsov
296-301Spatial problem of stationary creep of a stochastically inhomogeneous mediumN. N. Popov and Yu. P. Samarin

Volume 26, Number 3 / May 1985

303-305Numerical simulation of a relativistic electron beam in a drift tube with finite external magnetic fieldN. I. Sablin, T. A. Solod and G. P. Fomenko
306-307Plasma jet deviation in a transverse magnetic fieldV. I. Batkin, S. P. Kukharuk and O. Ya. Savchenko
308-313Diffusion of a strong magnetic field in a dense plasmaS. F. Garanin
313-318Loss of equilibrium and the quasistationary state in an expanding recombining plasmaG. M. Zhinzhikov, G. A. Luk'yanov and N. O. Pavlova
319-322Matrix of transfer coefficients of a multielement plasma and its application in problems of high-temperature gasdynamicsG. A. Pavlov
322-326Superheated-ionization instability of an externally maintained dischargeN. M. Maslennikov
326-332Nonequilibrium rotational distribution function for D2O molecules in a rarefied supersonic jetS. S. Bakastov, V. K. Konyukhov and V. I. Tikhonov
333-338Nonisothermal flow of a rarefied multiatomic gas in a channelV. M. Zhdanov and V. A. Zaznoba
338-343Vibrational and chemical kinetics equations in a complex gas mixtureO. V. Skrebkov
343-347Influence of nonequilibrium of the chemical composition of a gas on its motionB. A. Klumov and I. V. Nemchinov
347-353Electrohydrodynamic probing of high-velocity aerosol flow by means of a corona dischargeN. L. Vasil'eva and L. T. Chernyi
353-362Analogy between density stratification and rotation effectsV. A. Vladimirov
363-370Propagation of a submerged jet in a narrow slitV. D. Zhak, V. A. Mukhin, V. E. Nakoryakov and S. A. Safonov
370-373Effect of viscosity and heat conduction on the ascent of a thermal under the influence of buoyancyN. A. Kudryashov and V. M. Prostokishin
374-377Effect of buoyancy forces on a boundary layer near a free boundaryV. A. Batishchev
378-381Resonance interaction of spatial disturbances in a boundary layerM. B. Zel'man and I. I. Maslennikova
382-386Conjugate unsteady heat transfer in a laminar boundary layer on a segmented flat plateV. V. Sapelkin
386-390Flow structure near the trailing edge of a plateV. V. Bogolepov
391-396Supersonic flow over a triangular wingG. N. Dudin and I. I. Lipatov
397-401Nonlinear near-resonance oscillations of a gas in a tube of variable cross sectionA. L. Ni
401-405Interaction of air shock waves with porous compressible materialsL. G. Gvozdeva, Yu. M. Faresov and V. P. Fokeev
405-408Observation of a new type of solitary waves in a one-dimensional granular mediumA. N. Lazaridi and V. F. Nesterenko
408-410Experimental estimation of the ultimate strains of dynamical rupture of cylindrical shellsV. V. Selivanov
411-414Nonlinear problem of the theory of elasticity on the splitting of a plateL. G. Dobordzhginidze
415-418Evaluating the lower bound for the critical forces in the shock loading of a rodV. I. Tarakanov
418-421Methods of solving contact thermoelasticity problems with allowance for the wear of interacting surfacesV. M. Aleksandrov and E. V. Kovalenko
421-426Numerical analysis of fracture in plates under the action of impact loadsN. N. Belov, A. I. Korneev and A. P. Nikolaev
427-436Optimal design of plastic slabs with mass forces taken into accountYu. V. Nemirovskii and V. M. Nebogatov
437-439Internal stresses in a body with coherent particlesA. A. Alekseev
439-443General model of somigliani dislocationsSh. Kh. Khannanov
444-448Precritical crack growth during creep under the effect of a variable loadV. I. Astaf'ev

Volume 26, Number 4 / July 1985

449-454Numerical two-dimensional analysis of a ring DF-CO2 continuous chemical laser taking into account reagent mixingN. A. Konoplev, A. A. Stepanov and V. A. Shcheglov
455-461Kinetic processes in the lower levels of the CO2 moleculeR. Sh. Islamov and Yu. B. Konev
462-466Calculation of the dynamics of fracture of metals in the deep penetration of a target by a laser beamG. G. Gladush, A. A. Ezhov and E. B. Levchenko
467-469Rate of growth of crystals from a vapor-gas mediumS. I. Alad'ev
469-474Measurement of pressure distribution by means of indicator coatingsM. M. Ardasheva, L. B. Nevskii and G. E. Pervushin
475-479Convective instability of thermal waves near boundariesS. V. Dobkin and é. E. Son
479-486Nonlinear waves and stabilization of two-dimensional instability in a boundary layerV. P. Reutov
487-490Triharmonic self-oscillations in couette-poiseuille flowA. T. Zinov'ev and A. M. Lifshits
490-496Class of self-similar solutions for a high-temperature axisymmetric jetA. A. Bobnev
496-502Coating of a non-Newtonian fluid onto a moving surfaceV. I. Baikov, Z. P. Shul'man and K. éngel'gardt
502-508Pressure flow of liquid which congeals on a pipe surface under conditions of dissipative heat releaseS. V. Maklakov, A. M. Stolin and S. I. Khudyaev
509-515Dynamics of the process of breakup of a liquid in a turbulent streamV. I. Loginov
516-518Material removal from a surface under the action of a reflected shock waveV. I. Kirko, N. I. Pak and E. G. Popov
519-525One-dimensional model of the motion of a concentrated disperse mixture in an annular ductD. V. Bakonin, V. A. Drach and E. M. Dyn'kin
525-532Formation of flow in a gasdynamic molecular source at low Reynolds numbersV. N. Gusev and A. I. Omelik
532-536Experimental study of heat flows in the walls of a high-enthalpy and channelV. I. Alferov, O. N. Vitkovskaya, A. P. Rudakova, A. D. Sukhobokov and G. I. Shcherbakov
537-541Similarity criteria for shock waves of plasmodynamic discharges from magnetoplasma compressors in dense gasesA. S. Kamrukov, N. P. Kozlov, Yu. S. Protasov and S. N. Chuvashev
541-546Numerical analysis of gas flow taking into account resistance forcesYu. N. Gordeev, N. A. Kudryashov and V. V. Murzenko
546-552Influence of the shock layer on the viscous drag of star-shaped bodies with planar side panelsG. I. Shchepanovskaya and V. A. Shchepanovskii
553-558Dynamics of a three-dimensional asymmetric interaction of deformable bodies with a rigid wallV. A. Gorel'skii, I. E. Khorev and N. T. Yugov
559-568Self-similar problems of longitudinal wave propagation in nonlinear mediaV. P. Yastrebov
568-571Moduli of elasticity of materials in extension and compressionA. M. Zhukov
572-578Determining equations and some problems of the variable-modulus theory of elasticity of anisotropic materialsA. A. Zolochevskii
579-585Fracture model for quasibrittle mediaO. V. Kovalenko and V. K. Sirotkin
585-591Void formation, equations of state, and stability of superplastic deformation of materialsO. B. Naimark
592-597Stability of rods from inhomogeneously aging material under nonlinear creep conditionsA. D. Drozdov
598-603Optimum form of cross sections of prismatic rods with a lengthwise cavityN. V. Banichuk, L. M. Kurshin and G. I. Rastorguev

Volume 26, Number 5 / September 1985

605-607High-frequency discharges from plasma under pressureN. A. Lashuk, E. T. Protasevich, V. I. Tolmachev and V. A. Khan
607-615Nonmonotonic relaxation in an atomic gas and the kinetics of threshold processesYu. N. Grigor'ev and A. N. Mikhailitsyn
615-619Nonlinear waves on the surface of a liquid film running down a vertical wallYu. Ya. Trifonov and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
620-623Motion of a circular cylinder in a vibrating liquidV. L. Sennitskii
624-629Compressible laminar boundary layer on a delta wing with attached shock waveV. N. Vetlutskii and T. V. Poplavskaya
630-634Laminar jet in “narrow” slot at large Reynolds numbersV. E. Nakoryakov and I. N. Yaichnikova
635-640Modeling strong effects of rotating system in the computation of turbulent flows in channelsE. M. Smirnov and A. V. Shatrov
640-644Flow over lambda wings with flapsO. N. Ivanov and A. I. Shvets
644-648Determination of the intensity of a free vortex sheet within the framework of lifting surface theoryN. F. Vorob'ev
648-652Heat transfer in laval nozzles when a screen is presentÉ. P. Volchkov, V. P. Lebedev and A. N. Yadykin
653-661Pressure distribution and heat exchange in a gasdynamic model with combustion over which a high-enthalpy air stream flowsV. K. Baev, V. V. Shumskii and M. I. Yaroslavtsev
661-664Heat exchange at the lateral surface of a blunt cone during absorption of the entropy layer by the laminar and turbulent boundary layerYu. N. Ermak, N. P. Kolina and A. Ya. Yushin
665-671Experimental investigation of convective flow due to instantaneous heating by a too-dimensional, horizontal thermal sourceB. I. Zaslavskii and B. V. Yur'ev
671-679Mechanism of redistribution of an alkali addition in the channel of an MHD generatorD. I. Lamden and M. B. Reznikov
679-683Vapor condensation on an inclined plate within a porous mediumV. A. Mukhin, V. E. Nakoryakov, P. T. Petrik and G. S. Serdakov
684-687Effect of the interaction of drops with similar dimensions on the growth rate and lag of condensation particles in polydisperse two-phase flowsV. A. Arkhipov, V. G. Butov, I. M. Vasenin, F. G. Gaponich and A. M. Podvysotskii, et al.
687-694Study of inertial settling of polydispersed particles at the critical point of a sphereYu. M. Tsirkunov
694-702Supersonic flow of a gas suspension near a wedge in the presence of reflected particlesV. D. Sarychev, A. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
702-708Hydrodynamic instability of the ablation front in the presence of ablation acceleration of a layerN. A. Inogamov
708-713Analysis of the effect of thermoelastic stresses of the crystallization of a sphere under weightless conditionsI. V. Belova and A. L. Ovsyannikova
713-717Numerical study of the action of gas-explosive tube on the surface of a steel wallA. I. Byvshikh, V. I. Kirko and N. I. Pak
717-721Reflection of a plane longitudinal shock wave of constant intensity from a plane rigid boundary with a nonlinear elastic mediumA. A. Burenin and V. V. Lapygin
722-727Elastic deformation of a grainy medium saturated by liquidG. A. Khalikov and V. Sh. Khalilov
727-734Equations of motion of granular mediaB. P. Sibiryakov
735-739Thermoparametric excitation of nonlinear vibrations of a stringA. I. Potapov and V. V. Stupin
739-746Determination of the effective elastic moduli of inhomogeneous materialsV. V. Novikov
746-751Viscoplastic deformation of annular platesS. N. Kosorukov
751-756Inverse problem of membrane deformation under creep conditionsI. Yu. Tsvelodub

Volume 26, Number 6 / November 1985

757-763A study of the collisionless interaction of interpenetrating super-Alfvén plasma flowsV. M. Antonov, V. P. Bashurin, A. I. Golubev, V. A. Zhmailo and Yu. P. Zakharov, et al.
764-768Effects of the electron distribution on the expansion of a collisionless plasma into a background of lower densityA. V. Mordvinov, V. M. Tomozov and V. G. Fainshtein
769-777Disturbance of equilibrium velocity and rotational distributions of dissociating diatomic moleculesN. K. Makashev
777-780Optimization of electrodynamic acceleration regimes for cylindrical conductorsS. A. Kalikhman
781-785Electrification of weakly conductive liquids in flow within tubesYu. D. Shikhmurzaev
785-788Hydrodynamic mechanism of spontaneous retardation of an endothermic reactionV. I. Naidenov
788-793Model of the taylor instabilityM. D. Kamchibekov
794-801Asymptotic realization of the method of integral relations for turbulent jets to compute wall-jets curtain and their controlN. N. Kortikov and Yu. A. Smirnov
802-809Pulsations in the separation zone of a free cavern at a supersonic stream velocityV. I. Zapryagaev
809-812The role of the first and second modes in compressible boundary-layer transitionV. I. Lysenko
813-818Experimental investigation of flow in a convergent air-intake with plane wallsB. I. Gutov and V. V. Zatoloka
819-822Laws of convective vortex formation behind a flame front during its propagation in a tubeS. A. Abrukov and V. P. Samsonov
823-830Singularities of high-frequency acoustic perturbation propagation in steam and gas suspensionsN. A. Gumerov and A. I. Ivandaev
831-836Vibrational relaxation during mixing of undesigned two-dimensional streamsG. N. Bolchkova, A. V. Lavrov, E. T. Mikhailov and S. S. Kharchenko
836-843Calculation of non-steady-state flows of relaxed gases in channelsA. V. Chirikhin
843-850The slow burning condition in a dust-gas mixtureB. M. Smirnov
851-857A planar problem in the burning of an aerosol of a unitary fuel in a closed regionP. B. Vainshtein, Yu. A. Morgunov and R. I. Nigmatulin
857-859Acceleration wave in a gas-solid particle mixture with consideration of fusionA. V. Fedorov
860-866Continuum model of impact erosionA. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
867-872Laboratory modeling of the ionization of gas in a viscous shock layerV. A. Gorelov, A. S. Korolev and V. S. Nikol'skii
873-876Interaction of a cylindrical shock with a thin-walled perforated screenS. V. Guvernyuk and M. M. Simonenko
877-884Numerical study of compression and heating of conical targetsV. V. Demchenko and A. S. Kholodov
885-889Determination of shock adiabats of low-density materialsL. V. Al'tshuler, G. S. Doronin and S. V. Klochkov
890-893Study of the unloading of steel shock-compressed above the phase-transition pointYu. V. Bat'kov, A. G. Ivanov and S. A. Novikov
893-899Parameters of an elastoplastic dilatation model for earth materialsS. M. Kapustyanskii and V. N. Nikolaevskii
899-907Nonaxisymmetric solution bifurcation and the stability of shells of revolution with a singular perturbationV. V. Larchenko
908-913Biaxial tension of a thick plate made of a strain-hardening elastoplastic material and containing a circular holeM. A. Artemov

Volume 27, Number 1 / January 1986

1-5Calculation of high power relativistic beams with consideration of collision effectsV. M. Sveshnikov
5-10Vibrational relaxation of CO2 molecules during injection into the ionosphereN. M. Bulgakova and A. K. Rebrov
11-16Resonance interaction of a concentrated energy flux with a substanceYu. N. Zorin, O. Yu. Mal'tsev, K. B. Pavlov and M. A. Yakovlev
16-19Investigation of sliding sparks by the schlieren methodE. A. Zobov, A. N. Sidorov and I. G. Litvinova
20-24Use of the leontovich boundary condition in the calculation of electromagnetic radiation from a gamma-ray sourceL. P. Gorbachev and A. Yu. Matronchik
25-31Electromagnetic field produced by a shock wave propagating in a condensed mediumV. V. Surkov
31-34Inductive acceleration of plane bodiesA. M. Abramov, A. A. Blokhintsev, S. A. Kalikhman, V. I. Kuznetsov and V. N. Fomakin, et al.
35-41Integral model of a discharge in a rail accelerator taking into account circumfluous flowS. V. Kukhtetskii, V. A. Lyubochko, L. P. Mikhailenko and K. V. Pertsev
41-47Dynamics of liquid films. plane films with free rimsV. M. Entov, A. N. Rozhkov, U. F. Feizkhanov and A. L. Yarin
47-50Nonsymmetric collision of plane jets of an ideal incompressible fluidS. A. Kinelovskii and A. V. Sokolov
51-54Energy threshold for impulsive failure of a liquid volumeS. V. Stebnovskii and N. N. Chernobaev
54-60Stationary flows in channels during similarity wave propagation of a chemical reaction with an abrupt change in viscosityG. V. Zhizhin and A. S. Segal
61-71Definition and computation of effective transport coefficients for chemical-equilibrium flows of partially dissociated and ionized gas mixturesS. A. Vasil'evskii, I. A. Sokolova and G. A. Tirskii
72-78Influence of a magnetic field on the taylor instability in magnetic fluidsA. N. Vislovich, V. A. Novikov and A. K. Sinitsyn
78-83Nonsteady properties of couette flow of a liquid under the conditions of a phase transitionS. V. Maklakov, K. V. Pribytkova, A. M. Stolin and S. I. Khudyaev
84-88Toroidal bubble motion in unbounded incompressible fluidA. A. Dorfman and G. I. Yagovdik
88-94Investigation of heat transfer in separated regions in a supersonic laval nozzleE. G. Zaulichnyi and V. M. Trofimov
94-103Properties of the interaction of interference and diffraction flows at supersonic velocitiesM. D. Brodetskii, A. I. Maksimov and A. M. Kharitonov
103-107Formation of boundary disturbances during shock-wave propagation in tubes made of different materialsYu. N. Kiselev, V. A. Klumov, V. B. Rozhdestvenskii and V. L. Yur'ev
107-111Approximate calculation of steady-state shock wave parameters in porous compressible materialsL. G. Gvozdeva and Yu. M. Faresov
112-115Dynamics of electric-explosion cavities between two solid parallel wallsV. V. Kucherenko and V. V. Shamko
116-119Diffusion-kinetic mechanism of bonding of a powdered coating to the baseG. A. Babushkin
119-123Self-sustaining detonation in liquids with bubbles of explosive gasA. I. Sychev and A. V. Pinaev
124-127Wave propagation in a weakly dispersive mediumS. Z. Dunin
127-130Measurement of the velocity of weak disturbances of bulk density in porous mediaB. E. Gel'fand, S. P. Medvedev, A. N. Polenov, E. I. Timofeev and S. M. Frolov, et al.
131-133Quasioptical approximation for a bundle of shear waves in a nonlinear hereditary mediumA. I. Potapov and I. N. Soldatov
134-139Underground explosion in a low-porosity solidA. N. Bovt, A. A. Mikhailov, V. N. Nikolaevskii and E. A. Shurygin
139-145Reaction of a three-layer hydroelastic cylindrical shell to an axisymmetric internal explosionA. I. Belov, V. A. Kornilo, N. I. Pinchukova and M. V. Stepanenko
145-148Elastic-plastic state of a wedge with limiting resistance to shear and separationI. T. Artem'ev and D. D. Ivlev
149-152Behavior of bodies of revolution in dynamic contact with a rigid wallA. N. Bogomolov, V. A. Gorel'skii, S. A. Zelepugin and I. E. Khorev

Volume 27, Number 2 / March 1986

153-157Ring structure of beams accompanying self-action of electromagnetic waves in a plasmaA. F. Mastryukov
157-161Transformation of the bennet distribution in a rarefied gasYu. B. Movsesyants and A. S. Chikhachev
162-167Cathodic voltage drop in a non-self-sustained dischargeN. M. Maslennikov
168-173Photoelectronic method for measuring time-of-flight signalsA. E. Belikov, E. S. Voronel', Ya. Ya. Tomsons, S. Ya. Khmel' and R. G. Sharafutdinov
174-177Extension of the dynamic range for recording images with microchannel platesA. F. Sorokin
177-179Limitation of cumulative processes in the collapse of a bubble in a liquidV. V. Ermakov
180-183Flow about a cylinder in a narrow gap at high velocitiesV. D. Zhak, V. E. Nakoryakov and S. A. Safonov
184-189Determination of conditions of cavitation inception on bodies in a flow with separation and attachment of the boundary layerÉ. L. Amromin, V. K. Aleksandrov and Yu. L. Levkovskii
190-196Vortex structure of a wake behind a sphere in a stratified fluidE. Ya. Sysoeva and Yu. D. Chashechkin
196-201Model of the penetration of an upper uniform layer into a stratified fluidV. Yu. Lyapidevskii
202-207Modeling of equilibrium forms of liquid drops in graphoepitaxy from solutionsYu. V. Apanovich and V. I. Klykov
208-213Nonstationary thermocapillary drift of a drop of viscous liquidL. K. Antanovskii and B. K. Kopbosynov
214-217Stability of steady-state flow of a liquid with a heavy impurityA. B. Burmistrova and O. N. Dement'ev
218-220Nonisothermal Couette flow of a non-Newtonian fluid under a pressure gradientG. V. Zhizhin
221-228Modeling cascade processes in two-dimensional turbulent convectionP. G. Frik
228-233Modeling turbulent transfer in a channel by means of point vorticesP. I. Geshev and B. S. Ezdin
234-241Solution of coupled heat-transfer problems in flow about bodies of different shapesV. I. Zinchenko and E. N. Putyatina
242-250Continuum-discrete model of a mixture of gas and solid particles for small concentration of particlesS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
250-260Calculation of the nonequilibrium parameters of air at the surfaces of models and in the wakes behind them for the conditions of aeroballistic experimentsI. G. Eremeitsev and N. N. Pilyugin
260-266Intensely radiating, supercritical shock wavesI. V. Nemchinov, I. A. Trubetskaya and V. V. Shuvalov
267-272Gasdynamic mechanism of pressure limitation behind focusing shock wavesA. V. Potapkin and Yu. N. Yudintsev
273-280Optimal control of one-dimensional impact onto an inhomogeneous porous materialÉ. I. Andriankin and A. L. Glebov
280-285Shock wave structure in a mixture of gas and melting particlesA. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
285-290Time-frequency characteristics of an elastic wave radiated by a camouflet explosionA. A. Zverev, E. E. Lovetskii and V. S. Fetisov
291-294Penetration of a target by an explosion in the impulse-hydrodynamic modeA. V. Rubinovskii
295-299Dynamic failure in the extensive plastic-strain rangeA. G. Ivanov
300-309Stability of an expanding viscoelastic shell subject to agingN. Kh. Arutyunyan, M. N. Mikhailov and V. D. Potapov
310-314Growth of plastic strain at the vertex of a crack in a crystal in antiplanar shearingD. N. Karpinskii and S. V. Sannikov

Volume 27, Number 3 / May 1986

315-318Effect of an impermeable inclusion in the underlying highly permeable pressurized horizon on the conditions of ground water in an irrigated layer of soilÉ. N. Bereslavskii
318-321Self-similar solutions of a system of two parabolic equationsA. M. Volchek and A. P. Napartovich
322-328Possibility of forming an inverted distribution over the rotational levels of nitrogen in an expanding gas streamN. B. Bondarenko and A. I. Lukovnikov
329-334Quasiequilibrium model of the kinetics of coupled modes of CO2 moleculesR. Sh. Islamov
335-344Relaxation of anharmonic moleculesG. V. Dubrovskii and V. M. Strel'chenya
344-350Gas-dynamic acceleration of ions in an inhomogeneous magnetic fieldE. M. Syresin
351-353Inductive drag of a curved wingG. I. Maikapar
353-358Effect of surface potential and intrinsic magnetic field on resistance of a body in a supersonic flow of rarefied partially ionized gasV. A. Shuvalov
359-366Certain properties of mixing layersE. V. Bogdanova and O. S. Ryzhov
366-369Heat transfer in a film flowing over the surface of a convergent ductA. M. Lapin, L. I. Sen' and A. M. Te
370-375Propagation of a soliton along a fluid-filled pipeS. P. Aktershev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
375-381Generation of internal waves under the combined translational and vibrational motion of a cylinder in a fluid bilayerV. I. Bukreev, A. V. Gusev and I. V. Sturova
382-389Conditions for nonlinear stability of flows of an ideal incompressible liquidV. A. Vladimirov
390-395Instability of a surface upon erosion in a flow of gas with particlesA. P. Trunev and V. M. Fomin
396-401Selection of an initial approximation in an asymptotic representation of the solution of the problem of a point-source thermal explosion in a nonlinearly heat-conducting gasA. S. Romanov and A. A. Stytsyna
402-406Sound absorption in a shock waveA. I. Osipov and A. V. Uvarov
406-412Experimental study of wave processes in an aqueous suspension of bentonite clayV. A. Pyzh
413-416Governing equation of polymer solutions on the basis of the dynamics of noninteracting relaxation oscillatorsYu. A. Altukhov
417-423Effect of temperature regimes on the stability of the process of drawing optical fibersV. L. Kolpashchikov, Yu. I. Lanin, O. G. Martynenko and A. I. Shnip
424-426Thermodynamically complete equations of state for α-, ε-, and γ-ironA. V. Zhukov
427-430Equation of state of static and dynamic compression of barium chalcogenidesA. A. Vaal' and D. E. Chernov
430-432Critical loading parameters for the development of adiabatic shear in titaniumM. A. Mogilevskii, T. O. Sanchaa and Yu. D. Shishkin
432-436Consideration of viscosity during subsonic penetration of a solid body into isotropic barriersA. V. Agafonov
437-440Dynamic problem for a two-layer medium with a vibrational source at the boundary interfaceA. A. Zolotarev and G. V. Tkachev
441-445Effect of a mobile load on a nonlinearly compressed strip with a rigid foundationA. Aidosov, N. Mamadaliev and U. Khakimov
446-451Nonisothermal instability of high-velocity elastoplastic flowsV. M. Volchkov, A. A. Kozlov and P. V. Kuzin
452-455A class of exact solutions of the equations of ideal plasticityS. I. Senashov
456-462A kinetic variant of the theory of creep and longterm strength of metalsA. L. Arshakuni
463-467Mathematical modeling of the processes behind the formation of detailsB. A. Gorlach, E. A. Efimov and N. N. Orlov
468-472Constitutive equations of structurally orthotropic cylindrical shellsI. V. Andrianov

Volume 27, Number 4 / July 1986

473-478Effect of kinetics of molecular absorption of radiation on the propagation of a pulse with λ=10.6 μm in the atmosphereV. V. Netesov
478-485Transfer of gas-ion momentum and energy to an electrically conductive surface partially coated by a thin dielectric layerV. A. Shuvalov
485-491Quantitative theory of the electrification of falling aerosol particles in a one-dimensional rising air currentA. V. Filippov and L. T. Chernyi
492-495Investigation of high-speed air jets of an explosive plasma generatorYu. N. Kiselev, V. B. Rozhdestvenskii, G. S. Romanov, K. L. Samonin and V. V. Urban
495-500Mechanism of space charge generation in shock compression of ionic crystalsV. K. Sirotkin and V. V. Surkov
501-505Motion of a sphere in fluid caused by vibrations of another sphereV. L. Sennitskii
506-509Perturbed motion of a symmetric vortex streetA. S. Savin
509-514A method for the solution of nonstationary problems for a layer of liquid with mixed boundary conditionsA. A. Zolotarev and L. I. Zolotarev
515-522Propagation of small bending perturbations over plane films of water and polymer solutionsV. M. Entov, A. N. Rozhkov, U. F. Feizkhanov and A. L. Yarin
523-529Energy characteristics of harmonic internal wave generatorsV. A. Gorodysov and E. V. Teodorovich
530-538Calculation of a twisted gaseous screen in a cylindrical channelÉ. P. Volchkov, N. A. Dvornikov and V. I. Terekhov
538-546Dynamics of the behavior of a gas-bubble nucleus in a heterophase mediumV. N. Popov and A. N. Cherepanov
546-548Flow of matter onto the surface of a crystal under conditions of turbulent natural convectionS. I. Alad'ev
549-554Approximate calculation of the solidification of a binary mixture in axisymmetric enclosuresM. M. Dubina
554-558Development of a temperature field in a turbulent flow with unsteady heat transferB. V. Perepelitsa and Yu. M. Pshenichnikov
559-561On the position of the central compression shock in an underexpanded sonic jet issuing from a slot nozzleG. I. Gannochenko, L. S. Ermolayev and N. A. Zadorozhnyi
562-565Reaction of converging conical shock waves in porous specimensI. M. Voskoboinikov, M. F. Gogulya and M. D. Demchenko
565-570Propagation of a spherical wave in nonlinearly compressible and elastoplastic materialsB. Donaev, N. Mamadaliev and A. I. Yusupov
571-576Cylindrical blast waves in soilsA. A. Vovk, I. A. Luchko, G. M. Lyakhov, V. A. Plaksii and N. S. Remez
577-581Equations of mechanics for gas-saturated porous mediaV. A. Buryachenko and A. M. Lipenov
582-588Nature of explosions of compressible thin layersV. N. Burov, P. P. Zhitnikov, V. V. Neverov and V. G. Suppes
588-595Growth of a main crack under the influence of gas moving inside itYu. N. Gordeev and N. A. Kudryashov
595-599Steady-state harmonic antiplane vibrations of a two-layer elastic half-space with a cylindrical cavityS. O. Vorob'eva, A. A. Lyapin and M. G. Seleznev
600-607On the structure of the elastic tensor and the classification of anisotropic materialsN. I. Ostrosablin
608-613Equations of the theory of plasticity with one-velocity dislocation flowSh. K. Khannanov
613-618Numerical analysis of the nonlinear stability of vibrations in a plate lying on a layer of viscous, compressible liquidV. N. Belonenko, O. Yu. Dinartsev and A. B. Mosolov
618-625Strength evaluation for a welded joint with a thin yielding inclusion of small sizeA. B. Borintsev, I. Yu. Devingtal', Yu. A. Neoberdin and A. V. Shvetsov

Volume 27, Number 5 / September 1986

627-629Electrode system for production of a homogeneous electric field within a volume bounded by conductive wallsA. V. Bolotov, A. V. Kozyrev, Yu. D. Korolev and L. I. Luchinskaya
629-633Measurement of the temperature of gas between the busbars of a flat magnetocumulative generatorV. P. Isakov and A. S. Nuzhdov
634-636Measurement of the spatial-temporal current density distribution of high-current electron beams with the help of A pin-diode matrixS. V. Marichev and V. D. Sazhin
637-642Steady flow of a vibrationally excited gas of diatomic moleculesV. P. Silakov and A. V. Chebotarev
643-652Rotational relaxation of nitrogen in a free jet of argonA. E. Belikov, G. V. Dubrovskii, A. E. Zarvin, N. V. Karelov and V. A. Pavlov, et al.
653-663Chemically nonequilibrium multicomponent boundary layer for a plasma of molecular gases with addition of alkaliM. S. Benilov, B. V. Rogov, A. I. Sokolova and G. A. Tirskii
663-667Asymmetric impact of a jet with an ideal noncompressible liquidYu. A. Trishin
667-672Asymptotic expansions of thin axisymmetric cavitiesA. G. Petrov
672-676Large-amplitude solitary internal waves in a two-layer fluidN. V. Gavrilov
676-682Evolution of three-dimensional gravitationally warped waves during the movement of a pressure zone of variable intensityA. E. Bukatov and A. A. Yaroshenko
682-689Variational model of organized vorticity in plane flowYu. N. Grigor'ev and V. B. Levinskii
690-694Structure and evolution of vortex coresD. G. Akhmetov and V. F. Tarasov
695-697Effect of free convection on thermodiffusion in a liquid mixture filling an inclined rectangular cavityK. R. Kostarev and A. F. Pshenichnikov
698-702Development of thermogravitation convection in a two-layer system in the presence of a surface-active material on the boundaryA. Yu. Gilev, A. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
703-707A model of bubble cavitation in a real liquidV. K. Kedrinskii, V. V. Kovalev and S. I. Plaksin
708-714Peessure intensification on the front of a shock wave propagating in a heterogeneous systemV. A. Pyzh
715-717Study of pressure-pulse propagation in tubes filled with waterN. N. Gerdyukov, Yu. A. Krysanov and S. A. Novikov
718-726Calculation of interfacial forces for an ideal fluid with a random distribution of bubblesA. E. Kroshilin and V. E. Kroshilin
726-729Relationship between the flow parameters of concentrated high-polymer solutions and their mean-statistical orientational structureV. I. Popov
730-734Experimental investigation of the wave structure of a supersonic boundary layerA. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and S. G. Shevel'kov
735-739Tensor characteristics of coherent vortex structuresG. A. Kuz'min and A. Z. Patashinskii
740-748Aerodynamics of end-wall boundary layer in a vortex chamberÉ. P. Volchkov, S. V. Semenov and V. I. Terekhov
749-752Diagnostics of rarefied gases using hot-wire anemometerA. V. Bulgakov and V. G. Prikhod'ko
752-754Influence of acoustic disturbances on the blowing of solid particlesA. Azizov
755-757Determination of the edge-effect zone with the help of the holographic MoirÉ methodV. A. Zhilkin and V. B. Zinov'ev
758-764Impulsive hydrofracture of polymethyl methacrylateA. A. Vovk, Yu. I. Voitenko and A. V. Mikhalyuk
764-772Some properties of equations and the method of the small parameter in two-dimensional spatial problems of the theory of ideal plasticityS. B. Maksimov and Yu. V. Nemirovskii
772-779A class of composite loads for an inelastic materialA. F. Revuzhenko
779-784Nonlinear waves in a Maxwellian mediumA. I. Malkin and N. N. Myagkov
784-789Ion and neutral-particle kinetics in a low-pressure discharge containing a closed hall currentV. K. Kalashnikov and Yu. V. Sanochkin

Volume 27, Number 6 / November 1986

791-796Selecting gas dynamics channel parameters for electrical discharge fast flowrate lasersA. I. Ivanchenko, V. V. Krashennikov, A. G. Ponomarenko and A. A. Shepelenko
796-802Influence of radiation intensity and parameters of the medium on the depth of cooling and the change in the index of refraction during the adsorption of radiation with λ=9.2–10.6 μm by water vaporA. A. Sorokin and A. M. Starik
803-811Stability of a high-frequency glow discharge in the normal combustion regimeG. G. Gladush and A. A. Samokhin
812-816Triggering regime of oil-filled trigatron dischargersN. K. Kapishnikov and V. M. Muratov
817-820Dynamics of development of a concentrated discharge excited by electrical explosion of a tungsten wireV. P. Isakov
821-828Three-dimensional steady state traveling waves on a vertically flowing liquid filmYu. Ya. Trifonov and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
828-836Flexural perturbations of free jets of maxwell and Doi-Edwards liquidsA. L. Yarin
836-839Physical modeling of turbulent thermicsYu. A. Gostintsev, Yu. S. Matveev, V. E. Nebogatov and A. F. Solodovnik
840-845Consideration of roughness of a surface over which flow occursE. A. Shkvar
845-849Effect of a dispersed component on the nature of heat exchange during flow of a heterogeneous-jet around a barrierG. F. Gorshkov
850-855Pulsation characteristics of the process of mass exchange between a solid spherical particle and a turbulized liquidM. S. Iskakov, O. N. Kashinskii and V. E. Nakoryakov
855-860Determination of flow velocities causing blowing and movement of solid particlesA. Azizov and V. R. Toshov
860-869General arrangement of regimes for spatial local flowsV. V. Bogolepov
869-874Calculation of electron density in the vicinity of a blunt body within the framework of various models of diffusion in hypersonic flow over itL. I. Petrova and V. A. Polyanskii
875-878Separation flow behind plane bodies streamlined by a shock waveA. N. Ivanov and V. I. Mikhailov
879-883Numerical solution of the propagation of cylindrical shock waves in a magnetic fieldN. A. Kudryashov, S. S. Kucherenko and A. I. Poberezhnyi
884-886Laser-induced crack under pulse-periodic radiationG. Ya. Glauberman, S. V. Kondrashov, N. F. Pilipetskii, S. Yu. Savanin and V. V. Shkunov
887-894Viscosity of shock-compressed fluidsL. V. Al'tshuler, G. S. Doronin and G. Kh. Kim
894-899Crack generation and propagation mechanismV. V. Struzhanov
899-903Determination of stress intensity factors for cracks of complex shape in anisotropic platesV. N. Maksimenko and A. V. Tsendrovskii
904-912Nonsteady motion of a transverse-shear crack across the interface between elastic mediaI. V. Simonov
913-917Verification of the governing equations for the nonlinear deformation of materials with different strengths in tension and compressionA. A. Zolochevskii
917-922Problem of the synthesis of a composite material of unidimensional structure with assigned characteristicsA. G. Kolpakov and S. I. Rakin

Volume 28, Number 1 / January 1987

1-7Numerical calculations of the formation and vacuum transport of high-current relativistic electron beamsV. T. Astrelin and S. V. Lebedev
8-10Measurement of partial densities of a two-component laminar gaseous flow by the method of Rayleigh scatteringO. V. Karpov, Yu. Yu. Kudryashov and G. D. Petrov
10-13Laws of coloring of photochromic solutions used in experimental hydrodynamicsV. A. Al'varez-Suarez, A. D. Polyanin and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
13-18Three-dimensional flow of a hypersonic dusty gas over a wingV. N. Golubkin
18-24Acoustic resonance in subsonic aerodynamic interaction of cascadesR. A. Izmailov, V. B. Kurzin and V. L. Okulov
25-28Active control of subharmonic transition of boundary layerM. B. Zel'man and I. I. Maslennikov
28-34Boundary-layer receptivity to acoustic disturbancesV. N. Zhigulev and A. V. Fedorov
34-43Dynamics of laminar vortex rings in a stratified liquidV. S. Belyaev, A. M. Savinkov and Yu. D. Chashechkin
43-50An intense turbulent thermic in a stably stratified atmosphere. Numerical modelingYu. A. Gostintsev and A. F. Solodovnik
50-54Thermal gravitational convection in a variable vector field of small accelerationsV. S. Avduevskii, A. V. Korol'kov, V. S. Kuptsova and V. V. Savichev
54-59Modeling large-scale mixing processes in an expanding supersonic jetN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
60-64Experimental study of an axisymmetric nonimpulsive turbulent jetN. V. Aleksenko and V. A. Kostomakha
64-67Study of a downward bubbly flow in a vertical pipeR. S. Gorelik, O. N. Kashinskii and V. E. Nakoryakov
68-70Homothermic motion of a gas near a dense mediumV. F. Fedorov
70-75Group-invariant solutions and interrelation of the parameters of the moisture-transport equationV. M. Solopenko
76-79Experimental study of pulsating flow of a polymer solution in a circular pipeA. N. Kekalov, V. I. Popov and E. M. Khabakhnasheva
79-84Group properties and invariant solutions of equations describing two-dimensional flow of glaciersF. Kh. Akhmedova and V. A. Chugunov
85-90Macroscopic theory of evolution of liquid drops in natural vaporA. L. Itkin
91-93Nonsteady-state radiant-conductive heat exchange in a semitransparent medium with phase transitionA. L. Burka, N. A. Rubtsov and N. A. Savvinova
94-101Finite velocity of radiative heat transportA. S. Romanov
101-110Control of the shape of phase transition fronts during zone meltingO. M. Lavrent'eva
111-119Spatially periodic nonstationary processes accompanying crystallizationA. F. Spivak and T. A. Cherepanova
120-129Oscillations in an inhomogeneous medium and the nature of spinning gas-film detonationA. V. Pinaev
129-141Isotherms and Grüneisen functions for 25 metalsL. V. Al'tshuler, S. E. Brusnikin and E. A. Kuz'menkov
141-148Phenomenological description of the dislocation mechanism of formation of nucleated defects in plastic deformationA. A. Movchan
149-156Estimate of the ultimate deformation in the rupture of metal pipes subjected to intense loadsS. V. Serikov
157-164Kinetic transitions in media with microcracks and metal fracture in stress wavesV. V. Belyaev and O. B. Naimark

Volume 28, Number 2 / March 1987

165-172Electronic-vibrational emission spectrum of hydrogen chloride excited by an electron beamN. V. Karelov, V. Zh. Madirbaev and R. G. Sharafutdinov
172-178Transport processes in vibrationally excited molecular gasesS. V. Dobkin and É. E. Son
178-183Particle charging in “hot” aerosolsA. V. Fillipov
183-185Radiation of an intense shock wave in a finite layer of xenonYu. N. Kisilev and V. A. Klumov
185-187Correlation spectroscopy methods for study of velocity profiles in thin flowsV. V. Blazhenkov, V. V. Vlasenko, F. M. Pen'kov and S. I. Shcheglov
187-190Effect of pulse length on efficiency of CO2 laser interaction with a target in airA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. G. Posukh
191-193Integral method of solving the Stefan problem in a semitransparent mediumA. L. Burka and N. A. Savvinova
194-199Analytical treatment of relaxation processes in free jetsV. M. Strel'chenya
200-202Slow nonisothermal flow of a viscous gas between two coaxial disksL. A. Kadinskii, Yu. A. Polovko and V. S. Yuferev
203-207Influence of nonuniform surface temperature distribution on laminar boundary-layer stabilityYu. B. Lebedev and V. M. Fomiev
207-211Effect of suction on laminar compressive flow and heat transfer close to a disk rotating in a gasV. D. Borisevich and E. P. Potanin
212-215Experimental study of the influence of blunt leading edge of a flat plate on the growth of three-dimensional waves in supersonic flowA. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and S. G. Shevel'kov
216-221Convergent flow and simple air intakes with a limiting compact channelB. I. Gutov and V. V. Zatoloka
221-226Aerodynamic characteristics of wave wingsA. I. Shvets
227-228Two spontaneously alternating regimes of vortex flow above a planeS. Yu. Spotar' and V. I. Terekhov
229-236Turbulent friction and heat exchange in stream swirling in a pipeÉ. P. Volchkov, N. A. Dvornikov, S. Yu. Spotar' and V. I. Terekhov
236-241Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in the volume of a uniform liquid with induced turbulenceV. D. Zhak, M. S. Iskakov, O. N. Kashinskii and V. E. Nakoryakov
242-246Certain features of a field of internal waves generated by a local source of perturbations in a flow of a two-layer fluidV. E. Veden'kov and V. F. Sannikov
246-249Cauchy internal wave scattering by density field inhomogeneitiesS. P. Budanov, A. S. Tibilov and V. A. Yakovlev
250-252Coalescence of gas bubbles in a sound fieldA. O. Maksimov and Yu. A. Polovinka
253-257Precipitation of a cloud of suspended particles on a horizontal surfaceG. M. Makhviladze and O. I. Melikhov
257-263Structure of a compression shock in two-phase mediaA. M. Grishin and G. G. Tivanov
263-269Dynamics of droplet breakup in shock wavesV. M. Boiko, A. N. Papyrin and S. V. Poplavskii
270-272Flow structure during viscous interactions of a shock wave with flying particlesN. P. Gridnev
272-276Magnetoimpulsive generation of a cumulative compression waveS. G. Alikhanov and V. P. Bakhmin
277-282Numerical analysis of classical and inverse problems of detonationK. Jach
283-290Nature of failure and filtration properties for a porous gas-impregnated material following camouflet explosionA. N. Bovt, A. V. Vasil'ev, E. E. Lovetskii, V. I. Selyakov and V. K. Sirotkin, et al.
290-295A Class of singularly perturbed boundary value problems in a two-dimensional elasticity theoryYu. A. Bogan
295-303Contact problem of the theory of elasticity for prestressed bodies with cracksI. I. Kudish
303-306Wave propagation in cruciform rod systemsV. I. Erofeev, I. D. Konyukhova and V. M. Rodyushkin
307-311Asymptotic of the free vibrations of a clamped rectangular plate. Formulation of the shortened problemV. M. Kornev and A. O. Mul'kibaev
311-316Corotation derivatives and defining relations in the theory of large plastic strainsP. V. Trusov
316-320General energy relations for rail gunsYu. L. Bashkatov and G. A. Shvetsov

Volume 28, Number 3 / May 1987

321-325Efficiency of a plasma dynamic laserG. M. Zhinzhikov, V. I. Kislov, G. A. Luk'yanov and N. O. Pavlova
326-331Influence of a weak magnetic field on the intensity of the plasma jet of an arc proton sourceV. N. Getmanov and O. Ya. Savchenko
331-339Shock-wave method of generating megagauss magnetic fieldsE. I. Bichenkov, S. D. Gilev, A. M. Ryabchun and A. M. Trubachev
340-344Numerical study of the process of electrodynamic acceleration of conductorsS. A. Kalikhman and A. V. Khorev
345-350Channel model of a strong-current discharge in a railgunS. V. Kukhtetskii
351-358Application of conservation laws to derivation of conditions of stability for stationary flows of an ideal fluidV. A. Vladimirov
359-362Smooth bores in a two-layer liquid with a velocity shear between the layersV. N. Gavrilov
363-366Two-parameter family of liquid flows about a plate in the presence of a small reverse flowV. S. Sadovskii
366-370Use of the model of a second dissipative layer and a wake to describe quasisteady cavitational flow about a flat plateG. I. Taganov
370-374Reynolds stress distribution during longitudinal flow around a dihedral angleK. Greichen and V. I. Kornilov
374-382Effective diffusion of a dynamically passive impurity in narrow channelsA. I. Moshinskii
383-391Laminar boundary layer in a non-newtonian fluid. Qualitative discussionG. V. Zhizhin
392-396Analysis of motion of a surface thermicB. I. Zaslavskil and B. V. Yur'ev
397-399Kinetics of weakly turbulent waves in a nonstationary flowV. K. Kachurin and V. S. Yarunin
399-403Deformation and breakup of a liquid film under the action of thermocapillary convectionA. L. Zuev and A. F. Pshenichnikov
404-411Waves and their effect on convective gas diffusion in discharging fluid filmsV. E. Nakoryakov, B. G. Pokusaev and K. B. Radev
412-417Nonstationary diffusion near a perturbed free fluid surfaceP. I. Geshev
418-423Control of convective thermal exchange in a laval nozzle during turbulent flow with a local separation zoneE. G. Zaulichnyi and V. M. Trofimov
423-430Speed and attenuation of sound in gas-vapor-liquid systems. Role of heat and mass exchangeD. A. Gubaidullin and A. I. Ivandaev
430-432Pulsation spectrum of the mixing layer of an underexpanded jetS. A. Novopashin, A. L. Perepelkin and V. N. Yarygin
433-437Model of a distensible tube admitting localized wavesV. N. Pilipchuk and I. G. Protsenko
437-441Self-similar solutions to the problem of the motion of a spherical piston in a heat-conducting medium with conservation of the energy of a point explosionR. G. Dautov and E. V. Ermolin
441-447Micromechanics of dynamic deformation and failureA. K. Divakov, L. S. Kokhanchik, Yu. I. Meshcheryakov and M. M. Myshlyaev
448-453Asymptotic of the displacement field in continuously inhomogeneous elastic mediaG. P. Kovalenko
453-457Antiplanar deformation of an elastoplastic strip with a semi-infinite crackV. G. Novikov
457-462Creep of an ice coating lying upon a hydraulic foundation under the action of a concentrated forceV. M. Aleksandrov, L. M. Monosov, A. M. Tsybin and A. A. Shmatkova
462-467Dynamic deformation of a wedge made of an inhomogeneous hardening materialM. A. Zadoyan and N. B. Safaryan
467-472Analysis and design of structural elements with optimal longevityV. A. Zaev and A. F. Nikitenko

Volume 28, Number 4 / July 1987

473-491Development of hydrodynamics at the Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSRB. A. Lugovtsov and L. V. Ovsyannikov
491-515Hydrodynamics of explosionsV. K. Kedrinskii
516-531Thermophysics: Problems and prospectsV. E. Nakoryakov and N. A. Rubtsov
531-549Deformed solid mechanics at the Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSRV. D. Annin, A. F. Revuzhenko and E. I. Shemyakin
550-567Progress of aerodynamic research at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSRV. G. Dulov, V. Ya. Levchenko and A. M. Kharitonov
568-576Studies of surface-plasma negative ion sources at NovosibirskYu. I. Belchenko, G. E. Derevyankin, G. I. Dimov and V. G. Dudnikov
577-582Ballistic focussing of beams by ion discharging in a conical magnetic fieldV. T. Astrelin and E. M. Syresin
582-586Copper dimers in the vapor flow in electron-beam vaporizationA. K. Rebrov, S. Ya. Khmel' and R. G. Sharafutdinov
587-592Cascade magnetocumulative generator with flux interceptionE. I. Bichenkov, S. D. Gilev, V. S. Prokop'ev, V. I. Telenkov and A. M. Trubachev
593-599Rotational relaxation time of nitrogen in argonA. E. Belikov, I. Yu. Solov'ev, G. I. Sukhinin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
600-604Investigation of new ways to measure gas density with an electron beam methodA. I. Sedel'nikov
605-607Condensation onset and growth dynamics of clusters in freely expanding CO2 from a sonic nozzleS. A. Novopashin, A. L. Perepelkin and V. N. Yarygin
608-617Diffraction of an oblique compression shock in the neighborhood of an external right angleA. I. Maksimov
618-624Three-dimensional standing waves on an obliquely flowing filmS. V. Alekseenko and S. I. Shtork
625-630Caustics in a two-phase gas-particle mediumS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
631-637Branching of the solution of the equations of a spherical shell under conditions of a singular perturbationV. V. Larchenko
638-642Stability of the flow of a viscous fluid around an elastic bodyA. P. Mikhailov and S. O. Savchenko

Volume 28, Number 5 / September 1987

643-645Effective thickness of the electrode layer in supersonic plasma flow by the capacitor methodM. G. Musaev and é. K. Chekalin
645-650Numerical study of a glow discharge in A CO2-N2-He gas mixtureR. S. Galeev and R. T. Faizrakhmanov
650-653Formation of an electron beam-induced spark discharge at minimal voltagesA. A. Aliverdiev, A. Z. éfendiev and K. A. éfendiev
654-659Use of the method of photochromic visualization to study the constrained flow of a viscous fluid in a pipeYu. S. Rayzantsev and V. N. Yurechko
659-662Holographic study of flows with photochromic visualizationZh. S. Akylbaev and A. O. Tseeb
662-668Influnce of gas flow on the distribution function of dissociating molecules in vibrational levelsG. Ya. Dynnikova
668-674Nonisothermal flow of a polyatomic gas in a channel and the thermomolecular pressure difference effectV. M. Zhdanov, V. A. Zaznoba and I. V. Safonova
675-680Gasdynamical model of the vaporizing interaction of radiation with a liquidA. F. Vitshas and Yu. I. Sentsov
680-686Approximate scaling laws of homogeneous condensation in expanding supersonic gas flowsS. A. Palopezhentsev
687-692Nonsteady wave processes in aerosolsS. é. Khoruzhnikov
692-698Two-phase boundary layer with an incompressible carrier phase on a plate, with injection and suction of gas from the surfaceA. M. Grishin and V. I. Zabarin
698-700Influence of an abrupt change in the thermal boundary conditions on the turbulent boundary layer on a plateL. N. Drozdova and A. L. Sorokin
701-705Nonsymmetrical flows of a viscous liquid cooling under symmetrical conditionsV. V. Grachev and é. N. Rumanov
706-716Small perturbations of a laminar boundary layerV. V. Bogolepov
716-720Distribution of turbulence characteristics in a channel with intensive injectionF. F. Spiridonov
721-727Nonsteady-state heat transfer upon shock wave reflection in a shock tubeV. P. Provotorov and V. V. Ryabov
728-737Convective instability and vortices on a rotating sphereT. D. Kuznetsova and L. S. Solov'ev
737-742Asymptotic of a slightly viscous fluid flow under the effect of tangential stresses on a free boundaryV. A. Batishchev
742-750Nonlinear critical layer and formation of linear vortices with reaction of waves in shear flowsV. P. Reutov
750-756Experimental model of a tornadoV. G. Makarenko and V. F. Tarasov
757-761Analysis of the subsonic separation gas flow around a wing-fuselage systemA. V. Voevodin and G. G. Sudakov
762-768Theory of elongated separation zonesS. K. Betyaev
769-773Effect of the dynamics of loading of a fluid volume on the mechanism of its failureS. V. Smebnovskii and N. N. Chernobaev
773-778Calculation of the dispersion of a compressed volume of a gas suspensionYu. V. Kazakov, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
778-780Canonical tensor in the theory of elasticityV. V. Kuznetsov
781-786Two-dimensional integral equations in applied mechanics of deformable solidsV. M. Aleksandrov and A. V. Manzhirov
786-793Generalized theory for nonisothermal strainé. I. Blinov and K. N. Rusinko
793-799Nondissipative inelastic strain for a solid elementG. V. Ivanov
799-805Direct method of determining the dynamical response in interactions of construction elements with concentrated masses and rigiditiesA. V. Agafonov

Volume 28, Number 6 / November 1987

807-812Peculiarities of the operating regimes and characteristics of a two-step accelerator with an anode layer with low voltages and weak magnetic fieldsV. P. Ageev, I. N. Safronov and S. O. Tverdokhlebov
813-816Expansion of the region of microarc discharges on the surface of an electrode accompanying formation of turbulence in the boundary layer in a supersonic plasma flowM. G. Musaev, A. S. Pleshanov and É. K. Chekalin
816-819Discharge accompanying leakage of magnetic flux from plasma into an insulatorS. F. Garanin
820-825Dynamics of the propagation of a fast wave of ionization of a gas in a laser beamV. A. Gal'burt, M. F. Ivanov and O. A. Ryabov
825-830Features of ionization and emission behind strong shock waves in airV. A. Gorelov and L. A. Kil'dyushova
830-836Diffusion model of vibrational relaxation in a binary mixture of diatomic molecules (quantum oscillators)O. V. Skrebkov
836-843Quasistationary relaxation and gas-dynamic phenomena in a one-component system of excited anharmonic oscillatorsV. P. Silakov and A. V. Chebotarev
843-849Phenomenological model of first-order phase transitions in a deformable elastic mediumI. G. Getts, A. M. Meirmanov and N. V. Shemetov
849-855Unsteady three-dimensional laminar boundary layer on blunt bodies with strong blowingS. V. Peigin and B. F. Filonenko
855-859Distributed injection of a gas into a hypersonic flowI. I. Lipatov
859-863Effect of rarefaction and the temperature factor on the structure and parameters of supersonic underexpanded jets of a monatomic gasV. A. Ivanov, G. A. Luk'yanov and I. V. Shatalov
864-870Aerodynamics of a twisted wall jet in a co-current flowÉ. P. Volchkov, N. A. Dvornikov and V. I. Terekhov
870-877Radial oscillations of vapor-gas bubblesN. S. Khabeev
878-884Viscous fluid flow around a sphereYu. M. Petin
884-887Steady-state flow of a rivulet along a surface under the influence of accelerationA. F. Tal'drik and O. P. Chernyaev
887-891Perturbation method computation of the maximal group velocities of internal waves in a stratified medium with mean shear flowsV. A. Borovikov and E. S. Levchenko
891-899Displacing oil with hot water and steamA. F. Zazovskii
899-903Increase in water-hammer pressure in a pipe in the presence of a localized volume of gasS. P. Aktershev and A. V. Fedorov
903-909Numerical investigation of the process of shock reflection from a wall with a slot holeA. B. Britan, A. Ya. Rudnitskii and A. M. Starik
910-918Structure of shock waves and fundamental equations for metalsL. V. Al'tshuler and B. S. Chekin
919-923Planar waves in nonlinear viscous multicomponent mediaV. V. Nefedov
923-929Strain-hardening of steel by dynamic uniaxial tensionA. G. Ivanov, A. I. Korshunov, A. M. Podurets, V. A. Ryzhanskii and N. A. Yukina
929-934Effect of heating on the cleavage fracture of certain polymeric compositesV. K. Golubev, S. A. Novikov, Yu. S. Sobolev, A. A. Khokhlov and N. A. Yukina
934-939Multivalued displacements and volterra dislocations in plane nonlinear elasticity theoryL. M. Zubov and M. I. Karyakin
940-943Internal finite size source in a homogeneous half-spaceV. A. Babeshko, E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova and A. A. Evdokimov
944-950Structural parameters and creep strength of metals under creep conditionsV. I. Astaf'ev

Volume 29, Number 1 / January 1988

1-8Quisistationary spherically summetric flow of an intensively emitting plasma heated by laser radiationA. V. Dobkin, T. B. Malyavina and I. V. Nemchinov
9-13Mechanism of vibrational relaxation in the nonequilibrium plasma of a vacuum arcS. V. Avtaeva, D. K. Otorbaev and A. A. Sulaimanov
14-18Numerical study of the filling of a cavity from an explosive plasma generatorA. E. Voitenko and É. A. Zel'dina
19-25Critical current density in rail accelerators with a plasma pistonV. P. Chistyakov and G. A. Shvetsov
26-30Method for calculating gas discharge chamber characteristics with consideration of the boundary layerV. V. Breev, S. V. Dvurechenskii, A. T. Kukharenko and S. V. Pashkin
30-37Generalized relaxation equations for vibrational and rotational molecular kinetics in gas flowsG. I. Sukhinin
38-45Asymptotic calculation of the cathode layer in a molecular-gas plasmaM. S. Benilov and Z. G. Kamalov
46-47Reconstruction of pressure pulse formsS. M. Lebedev and O. S. Gefle
48-53Attenuation of air shock waves by layers of dusty gas and latticesB. S. Kruglikov and A. G. Kutushev
54-57Nonlinear longitudinal waves in a rod taking account of the interaction of strain and temperature fieldsA. I. Potapov and N. P. Seraerikova
57-64Analysis of the powder compaction process in a cylindrical container on the basis of a simple modelA. I. Matytsin
65-67Homothermal shockwave propagation in an atmosphere near a compact mediumL. P. Gorbachev and V. F. Fedorov
68-72The far field of waves formed by a dipole in a stratified fluid stream flowing at the critical velocityV. F. Sannikov
73-76Laminar flow past a stepV. V. Bogolepov and I. I. Lipatov
77-83Stability of flows with vortex discontinuityV. A. Vladimirov
84-88Calculation of the diffusion combustion of a subsonic jet in a co-current supersonic flowI. S. Belotserkovets and V. I. Timoshenko
89-96Nonisothermal motion of a gas in a channel with partial accomodation at the wallsI. P. Aleksandrychev, Yu. I. Markelov, B. T. Porodnov and V. D. Seleznev
97-103Flow of a rarefied gas in a plane channel of finite length for a wide range of Knudsen numbersV. D. Akin'shin, A. I. Makarov, V. D. Seleznev and F. M. Sharipov
104-107Nonisothermal flow in doubly connected domains with porous boundariesD. D. Aksenenko, G. H. Nesterov and F. F. Spiridonov
107-111Acoustic properties of a porous laminated mediumM. G. Markov and A. Yu. Yumatov
111-120Propagation of compression waves in a porous fluid-saturated mediumV. E. Dontsov, V. V. Kuznetsov and V. E. Nakoryakov
121-124Change in the strength of peat in an underground explosionP. P. Bondar' and A. G. Smirnov
124-128Application of a generalized formulation of the stefan problem to investigation of radiation-conductive heat transferA. L. Burka, N. A. Rubtsov and N. A. Savvinova
129-133Analogy of convective transfer processes with different bulk sources in the boundary layerA. B. Garyaev, O. V. Dobrocheev and V. P. Motulevich
133-139Heat transfer during mixed convection on a vertical surface in a porous medium with deviation from Darcy's lawA. V. Gorin, V. E. Nakoryakov, A. G. Khoruzhenko and O. N. Tsoi
139-141Melting of lead in shock compressionYu. V. Bat'kov, V. N. German, R. S. Osipov, S. A. Novikov and V. A. Tsyganov
142-145Degenerate similarity solutions in dynamic problems on the calculation of strains in nonlinearly elastic bodiesV. P. Yastrebov
145-148Two-dimensional inverse problem of nonlinear elasticity theory for a harmonic materialL. G. Dobordzhginidze
149-154Stress fields close to the boundary of a stochastically inhomogeneous half-plane during creepN. N. Popov and Yu. P. Samarin
155-157Dynamic development of a radial crack zone during a camouflet explosionE. N. Sher

Volume 29, Number 2 / March 1988

159-163Calculating electrodeless hf discharge characteristicsA. E. Bulyshev, N. V. Denisova, N. G. Preobrazhenskii and A. E. Suvorov
163-168Molecular-gas cooling in a resonant radiation field with line overlapA. M. Starik
169-173Relationship of the new two-parameter family of flows with free boundaries to Kirchhoff, Éfros, and Zhukovskii-Roshko flowsV. S. Sadovskii and G. I. Taganov
174-178Heat transfer between a plasma jet and a hemispherical wall with injection of a gas-coolant through circular holesA. N. Golovanov
179-184Asymptotic analysis of local disturbances in a periodic boundary layerS. N. Timoshin
185-188Anomalous effect of surface temperature on stability of a laminar gas boundary layerYu. B. Lebedev
189-196Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional laminar boundary layer with coupled heat transferV. I. Zinchenko and O. P. Fedorova
196-200Spectral characteristics of two-dimensional turbulent convection in a vertical slotV. A. Barannikov, P. G. Frik and V. G. Shaidurov
200-205Atomization of a turbulent layer of a mixtureV. E. Neuvazhaev
205-211Numerical study of swirling one- and two-phase turbulent flows in a cylindrical channelV. V. Novomlinskii and M. P. Strongin
212-216Thermodiffusion separation of a liquid mixture under developed convection conditionsK. G. Kostarev and A. F. Pshenichnikov
216-224Hydrodynamic stability of a cylindrical reaction front associated with a strong increase of viscosityG. V. Zhizhin and A. S. Segal'
225-231Numerical investigation of the heat-transfer problem simulating the zone melting processB. M. Anisyutin
231-237Steady-state configurations of the deformation region and the force balance in the drawing of an optical fiberV. N. Vasil'ev and V. D. Naumchik
238-243Calculation of convergent shock wavesA. I. Marchenko and V. V. Urban
243-248Stability of symmetrical compression of a cylindrical liner modeling a system of wiresA. A. Samokhin
248-252Evolution of an intense spherical shock wave in an inhomogeneous atmosphereV. A. Pavlov
253-259Structure of shock waves in two-phase mixtures of a gas with fluid dropsT. R. Amanbaev and A. I. Ivandaev
260-268Investigation of plane elastic-plastic problems by the holographic interferometry methodsS. I. Gerasimov and V. A. Zhilkin
268-273Transmission of a shock load by bulk mediaB. E. Gel'fand, S. P. Medvedev, A. N. Polenov and S. M. Frolov
274-280Strength and failure of aluminum alloy AMg6 with shock-wave loadingV. K. Golubev, A. I. Korshunov, S. A. Novikov, Yu. S. Sobolev and N. A. Yukina
281-283Study of microdamage accumulation with spalling in titanium alloy VT14S. A. Novikov, Yu. S. Sobolev and N. A. Yukina
284-286Certain exact solutions in the theory of elastic platesI. V. Andrianov and E. G. Kholod
287-293Influence of riveted stiffeners on crack development around a holeV. N. Maksimenko
294-297Equally strong holes in a cylindrical shell with initial imperfectionN. V. Pustovoi and I. D. Suzdal'nitskii
298-305Averaged criterion of binder strength in fiber compositesA. G. Kolpakov
306-313Variant of generalization of A. A. Il'yushin's theory of elastoplastic processes for the case of large plastic strainsP. V. Trusov
313-316Determination of the depth of the plastic region in the pressure of a flat die on a half-planeT. P. Pukhnacheva

Volume 29, Number 3 / May 1988

317-325Rotational transitions in the electron-impact ionization of nitrogen in the N2+(B2u+,v′=0) stateA. E. Belikov, A. I. Sedel'nikov, G. I. Sukhinin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
326-338Properties of the molecular transport of dissociated and ionized gas mixturesI. A. Sokolova and G. A. Tirskii
338-343Dynamics of a microwave discharge in a high-pressure molecular gasE. Ya. Kogan and B. Yu. Kuzin
344-349Properties of a contracted discharge in a nonuniform boundary layer on an electrode in a high-velocity plasma flowM. G. Musaev, É. K. Chekalin and L. V. Chernykh
350-353Shearing interferometry of predischarge phenomena in deionized waterI. M. Gavrilov, V. R. Kukhta, V. V. Lopatin and P. G. Petrov
354-356Cavitation mechanism of high-voltage breakdown formation in liquid dielectricsV. A. Saranin
357-362Results of a study of the effect of drop fragmentation on the structure of shock waves in gas-drop mixturesT. R. Amanbaev and A. I. Ivandaev
362-366Structure of a flow of binary mixtures of solid particles under conditions of two-dimensional shock-wave loadingN. A. Kostyukov
367-369Thermal-crisis effect in a supersonic flow containing a fixed heat sourceB. P. Gerasimov, S. A. Semushin, A. A. Stepanov and V. A. Shcheglov
369-373Shear interferometry applied to the density distribution in a laminar boundary layerD. A. Van, A. A. Maslov and A. L. Rudnitskii
374-377Wave rider configurations behind parabolic shock wavesV. I. Voronin, V. F. Zakharchenko and A. I. Shvets
378-382A new class of multidimensional flows of compressible media admitting exact linearization of the navier-stokes equationsM. A. Demidov and A. P. Mikhailov
382-386Experimental study of supersonic three-dimensional jetsG. M. Zhinzhikov and N. O. Pavlova
387-390Measurements of fluctuations for high subsonic velocities using a hot-wire anemometerV. N. Zinov'ev and V. A. Lebiga
390-395Asymptotic analysis of flow instability in a compressible boundary layer on a curved surfaceA. M. Tumin and Yu. P. Chernov
396-399Interphase boundary dynamics under the action of capillary forces. Quasisteady-state plane-parallel motionL. K. Antanovskii
400-403Some exact solutions of problems of laminar jets of immiscible fluidsG. I. Burde
404-408Stability of a viscoelastic body in the flow of an ideal fluidA. P. Mikhailov
409-414Rayleigh-taylor instability of expanded polymer filmsF. M. Sultanov and A. L. Yarin
415-418Three-dimensional self-similar problems involving the penetration of blunt bodies in an ideal compressible fluid (supersonic case)F. M. Borodich
419-426Calculation of fluctuation characteristics of turbulent flowsV. A. Pavlovskii
426-431Two-phase filtration in mixed-wettable porous mediaA. V. Domanskii and V. I. Pen'kovskii
432-439Vibration ignition modes of reacting substances under complex heat and mass transferG. N. Isakov and G. S. Kas'yanov
439-443On possible causes of brittle fractureA. G. Ivanov
443-450Propagation of rayleigh waves in dissipative media. Line sourceS. Z. Dunin and G. A. Maksimov
450-453Study of elastoplastic deformation for cylindrical shells with axial shock loadingA. I. Abakumov, G. A. Kvaskov, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Sinitsyn and A. A. Uchaev
453-458Plastic models in problems of elastic deformation of rolled shellsS. V. Lavrikov and A. F. Revuzhenko
458-460Antiplanar plastic flowS. I. Senashov

Volume 29, Number 4 / July 1988

461-466Electroporometric method of deriving a capillary-radius distributionI. G. Abdul'manov, S. P. Glushko, V. V. Kadet and V. I. Selyakov
467-471Sliding discharge stabilized by the wall of an MHD channelE. N. Vasil'ev, V. S. Slavin and P. P. Tkachenko
471-477Simulating the cathode region in a stationary self-maintained glow dischargeV. A. Shveigert and I. V. Shveigert
478-482Asymptotic kinetics of thermal breakdown of solid dielectricsYu. N. Vershinin and A. S. Pleshanov
482-486Measurement of the total scattering cross sections of inert gases in the relative energy range 7–17 eVM. G. Abramovskaya, V. P. Bass, O. V. Petrov and S. V. Tokovoi
487-492Dispersion and absorption of ultrasound in a vibrationally excited gas of anharmonic moleculesN. A. Dunaevskii, S. A. Zhdanok, A. P. Napartovich and A. N. Starostin
493-497Acoustic and hydrodynamic processes in a translating noninertial reference frameP. M. Trebler
497-500Discrete character of the formation of vortices in a developing circulatory flowV. S. Sadovskii and G. I. Taganov
500-502Displacement of the free surface of a fluid during flow over a cylinderI. S. Dolina, S. A. Ermakov and E. N. Pelinovskii
503-506Viscous attenuation of solitary internal waves in a two-layer fluidN. V. Gavrilov
507-511Branching of steady traveling-wave states of a viscous liquid filmYu. Ya. Trifonov and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
512-517Threshold of parametric excitation of waves on a fluid surfaceA. V. Rodishevskii, V. V. Savel'ev and V. B. Cherepanov
518-521Initial phase of developing dynamic perturbations in a nonlinearly heat conducting gasA. S. Romanov and A. A. Stytsyna
522-524Hot liquid dispersion during disintegration of the shellO. A. Isaev, M. V. Nevolin, V. P. Skripov and S. A. Utkin
525-527Nitrogen condensation process in the molecular viscosity modeA. P. Kryukov and A. V. Mlynskii
528-534Heat transfer and friction in a two-phase boundary layer on a plateA. M. Grishin and V. I. Zabarin
535-540Asymptotig solution of whipple's equation for gas lubricant with high compressibility numbersA. N. Burraistrov and V. P. Kovalev
540-544Structure of shock waves in porous iron at low pressuresV. N. Aptukov, P. K. Nikolaev and V. I. Romanchenko
545-551Residual porosity of a medium after an underground explosionA. A. Zverev, A. M. Maslennikov, V. K. Sirotkin, E. V. Sumin and V. S. Fetisov
552-555Elastic wave radiation in a solid medium when using HE charges with air shellsN. I. Volokhin and A. M. Maslennikov
555-561Features of elastic wave propagation in a system plate-layer-half-spaceT. K. Kadyrov and M. V. Stepanenko
561-565Analysis of spall fracture in specimens containing porous spacersN. N. Belov, V. A. Gridneva, I. I. Korneeva and V. G. Simonenko
565-569Equations of isotropic deformation of gas-saturated materials with allowance for large strains of spherical poresV. A. Buryachenko and A. M. Lipanov
569-574Tlastoplastic properties of multicomponent compositesL. A. Saraev
574-583Mechanics of fracture of coatings and filmsA. G. Cherepanov and G. P. Cherepanov
583-587Application of methods of the mechanics of heterogeneous media to describe dispersion processes in an electromagnetic fieldS. Yu. Arutyunov, I. N. Dorokhov, V. V. Kafarov, V. G. Korniichuk and V. P. Solov'ev
587-590Temperature dependence of the dynamic stiffness of materialsB. I. Abashkin, I. Kh. Zabirov, E. F. Krapivina and V. I. Semenov
591-597Dynamic bending of polygonal plastic slabsYu. V. Nemirovskii and T. P. Romanova
598-602Elastic-plastic equilibrium of an acute-angled wedge under ultimate resistance to shear average tensile stress, and ruptureI. T. Artem'ev and D. D. Ivlev

Volume 29, Number 5 / September 1988

603-607Approximate solution of the boltzmann equation for electron distribution functions in a weakly ionized molecular plasma in a constant electrical fieldG. Ya. Dynnikova
607-611Plasma dynamics of optical breakdown during deep melting of metalsR. V. Arutyunyan, L. A. Bol'shov, M. F. Kanevskii, K. A. Krivoruchko and V. P. Reshetin, et al.
612-613Excitation of an inductive hf dischargeE. T. Protasevich
614-617Effect of gas heating on development of an independent high-pressure glow discharge in inert gasesV. M. Fomin, V. A. Shveigert and I. V. Shveigert
617-622Effects of aerosol particles on corona-discharge parameters and transport current in a one-dimensional electrohydrodynamic flowN. L. Vasil'eva, G. L. Sedova and A. V. Filippov
622-625Study of a shock wave in a tube produced by a spherical explosionÉ. K. Anderzhanov and B. D. Khristoforov
625-630Phase transition kinetics in the presence of joulean dissipationA. S. Pleshanov
630-636Rotational relaxation time of nitrogenA. E. Belikov, I. Yu. Solov'ev, G. I. Sukhinin and R. G. Sharafutdinov
637-642Nonstationary flow around delta wings by a stream behind shocksV. N. Golubkin and V. V. Negoda
643-648Excitation of waves of instability of the secondary flow in the boundary layer on a swept wingA. V. Fedorov
649-654Investigation of swirling flow of a viscous gas near the stagnation line of a blunt bodyS. V. Peigin
655-660Spatial structure of a wake behind a sphere in a stratified liquidE. Ya. Sysoeva and Yu. D. Chashechkin
661-668Investigation of organized structures in the near-wall turbulent boundary layer zone on a plastically deformable surfaceO. A. Likhachev
668-674Turbulent boundary layer on the rotating end of a swirl chamberÉ. P. Volchkov, S. V. Semenov and V. I. Terekhov
675-678Flow about irregularities on a flat surface with the formation of an attached vortexA. A. Abrashkin and E. I. Yakubovich
679-682Instability of internal waves from a cylinder in a shear flow with a large richardson numberV. I. Bukreev
683-687Adaptation of initial conditions for internal waves in a slightly compressible fluidV. A. Borovikov and M. Ya. Kel'bert
688-690Dispersion relation for nonlinear waves in a fluid with gas bubblesS. I. Plaksin
690-693Stability of a dusty nonisothermal gas jetE. P. Kurochkina and M. P. Strongin
694-701Hydrochemical stability of a drop in the mass transfer of surfactantsA. A. Golovin and L. M. Rabinovich
701-706Cascade transfer of energy, vorticity, and a passive impurity in homogeneous isotropic turbulence (two- and three-dimensional)A. G. Bershadskii
706-714Sound propagation in polydispersed gas suspensionsN. A. Gumerov and A. I. Ivandaev
715-717Stability of thin liquid filmsN. A. Dunaevskii, V. P. Reshetin and R. I. Soloukhin
718-722Similarity in the three-dimensional penetration problem of solid bodies into an ideal incompressible fluidF. M. Borodich
723-728Phase boundary instability during phase conversion under pressureYu. Ya. Boguslavskii
729-730Equivalence of the recording of mechanical-stress waves with a quartz sensor in different time intervalsA. P. Stepovik
731-735Numerical investigation of shock wave flow initiated by impulsive irradiation in a metalN. A. Akhmetova and R. I. Nigmatulin
735-738Relaxation model for describing the strain of porous materialsE. I. Romenskii
739-744Contact problem of elasticity theory for narrow regionsA. N. Burmistrov
745-750Stressed-strained state of shells made of layered compositesG. M. Kulikov
750-754Optimization of the structure of rolled shellsS. V. Lavrikov and A. F. Revuzhenko
755-758Elastoplastic properties of aluminum alloy Amg6M with high strain ratesA. M. Bragov and A. K. Lomunov

Volume 29, Number 6 / November 1988

759-766Quasilinear relaxation of a beam in a plasma with decreasing densityV. I. Vigdorchik and N. A. Stepanova
766-770Numerical calculation of relativistic multiple-cavity systemsI. A. Sander, V. M. Sveshnikov and N. G. Khavin
771-777Analysis of strong radiating shockwaves converging to a center of symmetryA. I. Marchenko and V. V. Urban
778-784Distortion of an external magnetic field by an expanding plasma sphere located in a slightly conductive semispaceM. K. Ablyazov, V. V. Surkov and A. S. Chernov
785-788Discharge channel structure in breakdown in an inhomogeneous fieldM. F. Borisov, M. F. Danilov, E. A. Zobov, I. G. Litvinova and A. N. Sidorov
789-790Measurement of the brightness temperature of a plasma piston in railgunsI. A. Stadnichenko and G. A. Shvetsov
791-800Autowave propagation of chemical reactions in dispersed mediaG. V. Zhizhin
801-808Energy of an asymptotically equivalent point detonation for the detonation of a charge of finite volume in an ideal gasS. K. Aslanov and O. S. Golinskii
808-814Gasdynamic characteristics of flows in problems of the launching of incompressible plates by detonation productsA. V. Attetkov, M. M. Boiko, L. N. Vlasova and V. S. Solov'ev
814-818Shock compression of porous materialsYu. A. Krysanov and S. A. Novikov
818-824Measurement of high electrical conductivity in silicon in shock wavesS. D. Gilev and A. M. Trubachev
824-826Viscoelasticity of aluminum in rarefaction wavesG. I. Kanel', S. V. Razorenov and V. E. Formov
827-832Development of perturbations near a surface in a supersonic flowS. A. Gaponov and V. I. Lysenko
832-835Stability of a high-speed boundary layerV. I. Lysenko
835-841Nonstationary interaction mode in a fluctuating boundary layerS. N. Timoshin
842-848Influence of the jet velocity profile on flow characteristics near an obstacleA. I. Abrosimov
849-855Technical stability of panel motion in a gas streamK. S. Matviichuk
856-859Acoustic flows around a spheroidK. N. Rozdestvenskii and L. A. Tolokonnikov
860-864Flow instability occurring in the collision of jets of an ideal incompressible fluidA. V. Utkin
865-870Motion of a gas bubble in a viscous vibrating liquidV. L. Sennitskii
870-874Flow structure of a rotating liquid after motion of a body in itV. G. Makarenko and V. F. Tarasov
874-881Various approximations in the theory of cavitation flows of a viscous capillary fluidE. L. Amromin, A. V. Vasil'ev and V. V. Droblenkov
882-888Method of calculating the flow of a vapor-drop mixture about bodies in the presence of fragmentation and vaporization effectsT. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev and R. I. Nigmatulin
889-894Settling of a gas suspension in a closed vesselG. M. Makhviladze, O. I. Melikhov and E. B. Soboleva
894-899Propagation of nonlinear longitudinal waves in porous saturated mediaA. M. Ionov, V. K. Sirotkin and E. V. Sumin
899-903Solution of a nonstationary problem of elasticity theoryG. V. Tkachev
903-908Conjugate problem of aerodynamic extrusion of jets of heated viscous liquidV. I. Eliseev and L. A. Fleer
908-910Numerical modeling of physical effects in the drawing of a glassy material into a fiberE. M. Dianov, S. M. Perminov, V. N. Perminova and V. K. Sysoev
911-914Optimization of the process of growth of elastic bodiesA. D. Drozdov
915-919Determination of local stresses in a cylindrical shell loaded over a circular areaB. V. Nerubailo, I. F. Obraztsov and V. P. Ol'shanskii
919-921Combination of rayleigh and dynamic edge effect methods in studying vibrations of rectangular platesG. A. Krizhevskii
921-923Results of determining limiting dynamic compression diagrams for sandy soils and clayG. V. Rykov

Volume 30, Number 1 / January 1989

1-7Gas discharge structure in a uhf fieldT. I. Demidova, E. Ya. Kogan and B. Yu. Kuzin
8-13Mathematical simulation of avalanche-streamer transition in strong electric fieldsV. A. Shveigert
13-20Model of a streamer in a long discharge gapV. P. Meleshko and V. A. Shveigert
21-32Intense compression of a substance by means of accumulated energy from explosivesH. Derentowicz
32-38Structure and brightness of nonsteady-state supercritical shock waves in air of reduced densityI. V. Nemchinov, V. V. Svettsov and V. V. Shuvalov
38-45Collapse of a spherical cavity in a medium completely transparent to volume radiationYa. M. Kazhdan and I. B. Shchenkov
45-52Boundary conditions on a shock wave in a supersonic flowV. G. Shcherbak
52-57Spatial distribution of CO2 dimers in axisymmetric gas jets expanding in a vacuumA. A. Vigasin and V. N. Makarov
58-64Ascent of a turbulent axisymmetric thermal in a nonuniform compressible atmosphereG. M. Makhviladze, O. I. Melikhov and S. E. Yakush
64-70Asymptotic analysis of inviscid perturbations in a supersonic boundary layerV. R. Gushchin and A. V. Fedorov
71-77Calculation of a laminar boundary layer on the leeward side of a triangular plate with supersonic leading edgesV. N. Vetultskii and T. V. Poplavskaya
77-82Supersonic flow over delta wings and elements of star-shaped bodies at angles of attack and rollO. N. Ivanov and A. I. Shvets
83-89Spatial flow regimes around a curved surfaceV. V. Bogolepov
89-94Steady surfacing of a single bubble in an infinite volume of liquidP. K. Volkov and E. A. Chinnov
95-100Calculation of the dimensions of attractors from experimental dataS. N. Lukashchuk, G. E. Fal'kovich and A. I. Chernykh
101-105Structure of internal ship waves in a three-layer liquid with a stratified middle layerA. V. Aksenov, V. V. Mozhaev, V. E. Skorovarov and A. A. Sheronov
105-112Some classes of two-dimensional vortex flows of an ideal fluidO. V. Kaptsov
113-120Flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a thin layer confined by a rigid free surfaceV. N. Kolodezhnov
120-127Planar surface wave generation in the presence of slight bottom roughnessB. E. Protopopov and I. V. Sturova
128-132Stationary flow of composite capillary jetsV. E. Epikhin, G. M. Sisoev and V. Ya. Shkadov
132-139Investigation of natural convection and convection stimulated by local irradiation in a thin layer of evaporating liquidV. V. Nizovtsev
139-142Development of thermogravitational convection in the presence of soluble surface-active matter at the interfaceA. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
143-147Filtration through a porous barrier between two communicating vesselsO. Yu. Dinariev, A. B. Mosolov and O. V. Nikolaev
147-151Acoustic effect on the heat-transfer and flow parameters of a compound jet in an incident flowA. N. Golovanov
152-155Stability of reinforced cylindrical shells in bending by a moment with torsionS. V. Astrakharchik and V. V. Kabanov
156-162Bending of a circular plate on a nonuniform elastic foundation in partial contact with the plateV. I. Dudinskii
163-168Biaxial tension of a thick plate with an elliptical hole, from aging elastic-plastic materialF. B. Milyavskaya

Volume 30, Number 2 / March 1989

169-174A problem of L. V. OvsyannikovS. I. Pokhozhaev
174-181Conservation laws, invariance, and the equations of gas dynamicsS. M. Shugrin
182-189Energy method and localization of solutions of equations of continuum mechanicsS. N. Antontsev and J. I. Diaz
189-196Stability of regular shock wave reflectionV. M. Teshukov
197-203Two classes of solutions of the fluid and gas mechanics equations and their connection to traveling wave theoryA. F. Sidorov
204-212Approximate symmetry and formal linearizationV. A. Baikov, R. K. Gazizov and N. Kh. Ibragimov
212-215Quantitative characteristics of the main concepts of linear control theoryS. K. Godunov
215-222Asymptotics of a velocity field at considerable distances from a self-propelled bodyV. V. Pukhnachev
223-229Modeling turbulent couette flow in a plane channelB. L. Rozhdestvenskii, I. N. Simakin and M. I. Stoinov
230-235Determination of the main flow parameters in a swirl sprayer by means of conservation lawsV. A. Lugovtsov
235-238Dynamics of a uniform turbulent layer in a stratified fluidV. Yu. Lyapidevskii
238-241Supercritical flows from beneath a shieldV. I. Nalimov
242-246Dynamics of free liquid filmsL. K. Antanovskii
247-253Modulation equations for a mixture of gas bubbles in an incompressible liquidS. L. Gavrilyuk
253-261The waveguide effectS. V. Sukhinin
261-268Development of thermocapillary convection in a fluid cylinder and cylindrical and plane layers under the influence of internal heat sourcesV. K. Andreev, A. A. Rodionov and E. A. Ryabitskii
269-276Instability of the equilibrium of fluidsV. A. Vladimirov
276-280Development of viscosity instability in a porous mediumO. B. Bocharov and V. V. Kuznetsov
280-285Dynamics of explosive loading for a finite volume of a dense two-phase mixtureI. G. Getts and V. K. Kedrinskii
285-291Mechanism of pulsed breakdown of a liquid volumeS. V. Stebnovskii
291-303Shock-induced conduction waves in electrophysical experimentsE. I. Bichenkov, S. D. Gilev and A. M. Trubachev
303-308Structure and dynamics of a plasma piston in rail-gun accelerators for solid objectsA. G. Anisimov, Yu. L. Bashkatov and G. A. Shvetsov
308-312Penetration of a strong barrier by a shaped charge jetS. A. Kinelovskii and K. K. Maevskii
313-320Optimization of thermoelastic laminar bodiesV. V. Alekhin and B. D. Annin
320-329A class of inverse creep theory problemsI. Yu. Tsvelodub
330-331Influence of rayleigh-taylor instability on the radiation characteristics of the explosion of an explosive in airV. B. Rozhdestvenskii, B. D. Khristoforov and V. L. Yur'ev
332-336Effect of the surface on the technical cohesive strength of solidsP. K. Khodzher
337-340Thermocapillary motion of a drop under the action of radiationA. E. Rednikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev

Volume 30, Number 3 / May 1989

341-346Reflection of a high-current electron beam from a plasma layer with a diffuse boundaryO. G. Antanblyan, V. P. Grigor'ev, A. G. Potashev, L. V. Presler and E. K. Khanikyants
347-352Polarization of a plasma cloud expanding in an inhomogeneous magnetic fieldE. V. Metelkin
353-355Calculation of the compression of a plasma by a cylindrical liner with a magnetic fieldV. V. Nefedov and S. M. Ponomarev
356-362Study of the nonsteady propagation of an ionizing shock wave in a magnetic fieldA. A. Barmin and V. S. Uspenskii
362-366Kinetics of thermal emission from an aerosol particleN. N. Belov
367-375Acoustic oscillations in the combustion of an aerosolP. B. Vainshtein
376-378Development of perturbations at an aluminum-copper contact boundary in a nonsteady regime of oblique collisionO. B. Drennov
379-384Effect of the conditions of an underground explosion on the mechanical characteristics of the surrounding mediumA. A. Zverev, O. V. Nagornov and V. S. Fetisov
384-388Variational problems of radiative gas dynamics in the presence of gas injection from a surfaceN. N. Pilyugin and L. A. Prokopenko
389-394Flow of chemically nonequilibrium gas mixtures with spontaneous condensation at low mach numbersV. N. Vasil'ev, A. N. Vorob'ev, G. N. Dul'nev and S. É. Khoruzhnikov
395-403Relation between the hydrodynamic parameters in zones of local disturbances of the flowYu. A. Dubravin
404-410Variational methods for elliptical boundary-value problems with nonsymmetric tensor coefficientsV. V. Denisenko
410-417Stability of the surface of a gas bubble pulsating in a liquidO. V. Voinov and V. V. Perepelkin
417-422Study of nonsteady loads in the accelerated and sudden motion of bodies of different formV. V. Podlubnyi and A. S. Fonarev
423-429Virtual masses coefficients and aerodynamic damping constant of vibrating circular arrays of thin profilesV. L. Okulov
430-435Numerical simulation of solitary surface waves in a discrete model of an incompressible liquidA. M. Frank
436-442Nonlinear development of longwave inviscid perturbations in a boundary layerV. I. Zhuk and S. P. Popov
442-447Measurement of turbulence characteristics in compressible boundary layers near separation zonesA. A. Zheltovodov, V. A. Lebiga and V. N. Yakovlev
447-451Stability of a supersonic boundary layer behind a fan of rarefaction wavesA. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and S. G. Shevel'kov
451-457Study of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer with allowance for coupled heat transferV. I. Zinchenko and O. P. Fedorova
458-461Optimal design of reinforced cylindrical shells with corrosive wear taken into accountT. M. Krivoruchko and Yu. M. Pochtman
462-465Influence of thermal softening on the viscoplastic shell collapse processA. V. Attetkov, V. V. Selivanov and V. S. Solov'ev
465-470Resonance bending waves in a cylindrical shell under a moving radial loadN. I. Aleksandrova, I. A. Potashnikov and M. V. Stepanenko
470-476Calculation of strains for brittle materials taking into account limiting failureA. V. Talonov and B. M. Tulinov
477-481Study of deformation processes in a loaded atomic membraneV. I. Kuznetsov, V. V. Ovchinnikov, B. T. Porodnov, V. D. Seleznev and V. V. Surguchev
482-487Effective field method in ideal plasticity theory for composite materialsV. A. Buryachenko and A. M. Lipanov
488-490Effect of frequency on plastic zone kinetics ahead of a fatigue crackA. D. Volkov
490-497Three-dimensional bending gravitational oscillations near moving pressure regionsA. E. Bukatov and V. V. Zharkov
498-505Finite deformations of an elastic anisotropic bodyA. I. Dimov and A. F. Revuzhenko
506-507Exact solution for the evaporation of a drop in a sound field with a strong transverse flow of matterS. D. Traitak

Volume 30, Number 4 / July 1989

509-515Control of the spatial structure of a laser-produced plasma cloud as it expands into a vacuumA. M. Orishich, A. G. Ponomarenko and V. N. Snytnikov
516-521Discussion of the effect of the intensity of radiation and the parameters of a medium on the change in the refractive index accompanying the absorption of HF-laser radiation by water vaporV. A. Levin, A. A. Sorokin and A. M. Starik
522-528Asymptotic study of a three-dimensional viscous shock layer in the neighborhood of a plane of symmetryI. G. Brykina and V. V. Rusakov
528-531Inverse method of measuring electrical conductivity in a rotating magnetic fieldI. L. Zakharov and Ya. A. Kraftmakher
532-538Shock wave structure in mixtures of gases with greatly differing molecular massesG. A. Ruev, V. M. Fomin and M. Sh. Shavaliev
539-544Study of the dispersal of a shell with allowance for fracture and the escape of detonation products between fragmentsS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
545-550Modeling crystallization of a binary alloyI. G. Getts and A. M. Meirmanov
551-555Self-similarity problem in high-temperature flows and minimal gradient principleA. A. Bobnev
555-557Stability of thermocapillary motion in a cylindrical layerE. A. Ryabitskii
558-562Prediction of nonlinear flow parameters for multicomponent mixturesV. A. Buryachenko and A. M. Lipanov
563-566Internal wave field generated by a source at rest in a moving stratified fluidV. A. Borovikov, V. V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov and E. S. Levchenko
566-577Turbulent floating jet in a stratified atmosphereG. S. Golitsyn, Yu. A. Gostintsev and A. F. Solodovnik
577-579Effect of pressure on the exchange of energy in a vortex tubeV. I. Kuznetsov
579-583Determination of stresses at a fixed point with symmetrical impact of plane jets taking account of compressibility, viscosity, and strength of materialsV. A. Agureikin and A. A. Vopilov
583-587Experimental study of viscous instability in a porous mediumO. B. Bocharov, O. V. Vitovskii, Yu. P. Kolmogorov and V. V. Kuznetsov
588-592Pressure fluctuations induced in a groove by a subsonic or supersonic gas flowA. N. Antonov and K. N. Filippov
592-597Internal wave field in the neighborhood of a front excited by a source moving over a smoothly varying bottomYu. V. Vladimirov
598-601Optical quality of flows being formed by axisymmetric nozzle configurationsA. S. Boreisho, S. I. Duyunov, V. V. Lobachev, A. V. Morozov and A. G. Popov
602-609Change in shape of drop moving due to the chemithermocapillary effectA. A. Golovin, Yu. P. Gupalo and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
610-615Supersonic leeward heating of a triangular wingV. N. Brazhko, N. A. Kovaleva, L. A. Krylova and G. I. Maikapar
616-619Convective heat transfer from a suddenly-developed horizontal hot spotB. I. Zaslavskii and B. V. Yur'ev
620-627Experimental study of pulsations in the forward separation zone in a supersonic flowV. I. Zapryagaev and S. G. Mironov
628-633Heat and mass transfer by internal rotation with arbitrary peclet numbersB. É. Kashevskii
634-640Generalization of the equations of classical hydrodynamics and the theory of elasticity and their use to describe the kinetics of vitrification of a liquidS. S. Vil'kovskii
641-645Elastoplastic plane contact problem of the nonlinear theory of elasticity for a material of the harmonic typeL. G. Dobordzhginidze
645-650Algorithm for studying the nonlinear deformation and stability of circular cylindrical shells with initial shape flawsL. P. Zheleznov and V. V. Kabanov
651-655Generalized kinetic model of the creep and rupture strength of a strain-hardening materialA. L. Arshakuni
655-663Design and layout of layered platesA. G. Kolpakov
663-670Hypersonic flow over blunt edges at low reynolds numbersA. V. Botin, V. N. Gusev and V. P. Provotorov

Volume 30, Number 5 / September 1989

671-675Numerical modeling of the stationary electron distribution function in a weakly ionized gas in nonuniform electric fieldsV. A. Shveigert
675-680Penetration of intense pulsed magnetic fields into a conductorS. M. Ponomarev
680-686Analysis of the stressed state of a single-turn bimetallic solenoid in an intense pulsed magnetic fieldI. M. Karpova and V. V. Titkov
687-696Geomagnetic perturbations in a stratified medium, caused by propagation of a longitudinal spherical waveV. V. Surkov
696-699Deformation mechanism of a shock radiating front during its motion in a channelS. D. Savrov
699-706Hydrodynamic phenomena during interaction of optical radiation with strongly absorptive dielectric fluidsV. V. Zosimov, M. Yu. Kukushkin, K. A. Naugol'nykh and O. V. Puchenkov
706-713Flow of a viscous liquid in a layer on a rotating planeO. M. Lavrent'eva
713-717Rarefied gas motion in a short planar channel over the entire knudsen number rangeV. D. Akin'shin, A. M. Makarov, V. D. Seleznev and F. M. Sharipov
718-724Numerical modeling of viscous separated flow in the near wakeV. M. Kovenya and A. S. Lebedev
725-731Supersonic nonuniform gas flow around elongated axisymmetric bodiesS. V. Peigin and S. V. Timchenko
731-736Flow in a channel with suction on one side: Detachment from an impermeable wall and effect of rotation around the transverse axisS. A. Vasil'ev and E. M. Smirnov
737-743Calculation of the hydrodynamic reactions on a solid airfoil oscillating in a motionless liquidA. I. Zobnin
743-749Use of hydraulic resonance in a pipeline with a gas cavity to create a nonstationary jetS. P. Aktershev and A. V. Fedorov
750-754Thermocapillary motion of a liquidYu. V. Sanochkin
755-758Groundwater regime in filtration from a sprinkler in an irrigation systemÉ. N. Bereslavskii
758-762Finite rate of radiant heat transfer in a graybody in the presence of heat sources (sinks)A. S. Romanov and T. A. Sanikidze
763-769Friction and heat transfer in turbulent gas flow behind an accelerating pistonA. M. Bubenchikov and S. N. Kharlamov
770-776Mechanics and optics of rotating particles and drops in gas flowsZ. M. Maksimov and A. L. Stasenko
776-779Thermal characteristics of a counter-current wall jetV. P. Lebedev and M. I. Nizovtsev
780-782Heat transfer between an eddying flow and a three-dimensional heat sourceI. G. Dik and O. V. Matvienko
783-788Solution of a cauchy problem for the equations of hydraulic shock in elastically deformable tubesV. A. Khrebtov
789-793Asymptotic interpretations of solutions of a lekhnitskii problemN. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. B. Movchan and S. A. Nazarov
794-801Similarity problems of the dynamic axisymmetric bending of nonlinearly elastic platesV. P. Yastrebov
801-809Mechanical model of an elastoplastic bodyA. I. Chanyshev
809-815Crack growth in metals at elevated temperatureA. G. Cherepanov and G. P. Cherepanov
815-819Numerical investigation of the process of nondeformable cylinder penetration at constant velocity into a compressible fluidS. M. Bakhrakh, O. A. Vinokurov, G. V. Gorbenko, N. P. Kovalev and Yu. A. Osipov, et al.
820-822Microstructure anomalies in the deformation of barriers under high-speed penetration by plane jetsB. K. Barakhtin, A. A. Prus and G. G. Savenkov
823-827Thermodynamic approach in cyclical testing of materialsG. A. Kurilenko
828-830Tension of a plate containing a rectilinear cut with hinged rimsI. P. Shatskii

Volume 30, Number 6 / November 1989

831-835Self-similar solutions for plasma dynamics in a high-density pinchA. B. Bud'ko and M. A. Liberman
836-839Semi-self-maintained discharge in E ⊥ H fields with open electron driftA. V. Zharinov and S. V. Nikonov
840-847Transferring the energy of atomic ions from a supersonic flow of a partially dissociated gas to the surface of a solidN. P. Reznichenko and V. A. Shuvalov
848-851Crater formation in a metal by means of a high-enthalpy plasma shockA. E. Voitenko and B. V. Sverdlichenko
851-857A mixed aerosol-particle charge. The asymptote and interpolation formulas for the electrification currentA. V. Filippov
857-862Acoustic Cerenkov radiation and its utilization in holography methods to study moving mediaN. N. Antonov, I. A. Kolmakov, V. V. Samartsev and V. A. Shkalikov
862-865Tomographic determination of particle distribution by velocitiesA. L. Balandin, N. G. Preobrazhenskii and A. I. Sedel'nikov
865-869A numerical and experimental study of multicascade induction accelerator of conductorsI. A. Vasil'ev and S. R. Petrov
870-875Electric, thermal, and elasticity fields in a wire conductor in the case of a local jump in resistanceA. B. Alekseev and V. V. Eliseev
875-879The dynamics of air flow in the presence of an energy pulse in the spherical region, with provision made for vibrational-translational nonequilibriumA. Kh. Mnatsakanyan, G. V. Naidis and S. V. Rumyantsev
879-885The formation of shock waves with an explosive profile in a shock tubeM. K. Berezkina, I. V. Smirnov and M. P. Syshchikova
886-888A cylindrical double explosionÉ. I. Andriankin, N. N. Myagkov and V. V. Filimonov
888-891Microscopic conditions for the existence of rarefaction shock waves in solidsI. A. Miklashevich and V. V. Selyavko
892-895Creation of laser-plasma spherical clouds by means of bilateral radiationA. A. Avdyeva, Yu. P. Zakharov, V. V. Maksimov, A. M. Orishich and A. G. Ponomarenko, et al.
896-902Frontal regimes in the dynamics of the physical adsorption of mixturesL. K. Filippov
902-907A set of steady-state solutions of the evolution equation for perturbations in active-dissipative mediaO. Yu. Tsvelodub
908-915The cauchy-poisson problem for a pool with a vertical barrierA. A. Korobkin
915-920The inverse problem of streamlining singularities with the plane flow of an ideal fluid with a free boundaryI. V. Isichenko, A. V. Konovalov, E. S. Levchenko and A. S. Savin
920-927The evolution of weakly linear perturbations in a plug formed of an air-water mixtureS. I. Lezhnin, I. I. Mullyadzhanov, V. E. Nakoryakov, B. G. Pokusaev and N. A. Pribaturin
928-936The buoyancy of a gas bubble in a tube filled with a viscous liquidP. K. Volkov
936-943The kinetic model of a carrier phase in a heterogeneous mediumYu. E. Gorbachev
944-949The appearance of thermocapillary convection in the nonmoving layer of a liquid of variable viscosityV. I. Naidenov and Yu. V. Otrashevskii
949-956Stability in the shear layer of a compressible gasA. N. Kudryavtsev and A. S. Solov'ev
957-964Circulation within viscous deformed drops moving at a constant velocity in a gasA. G. Petrov
965-969The effect of separation due to cavitation on the extinction of waves in a liquid with porous interlayersA. G. Lyakhov
970-976Studying the streamlining of a blunted body by a vibrational-nonequilibrium dissociated gasO. Yu. Apolonskii, P. E. Babikov, I. V. Lebed' and V. V. Ryabov
976-980A self-similar problem dealing with the one-dimensional collision of two half spaces of a nonlinear-elastic materialI. E. Agapov, A. M. Belogortsev, A. A. Burenin and A. V. Rezunov
981-988The thermoelasticity problem for structurally nonuniform shells of regular structureA. L. Kalamkarov
989-993The propagation of an elastic-plastic wave in a material with dislocation kinetics of plastic deformationA. L. Gaikov and Yu. I. Meshcheryakov
994-999The question of metal embrittlement in plastic deformationA. M. Kovrizhnykh

Volume 31, Number 1 / January 1990

1-8New microscopic models of clustering kineticsV. G. Dubrovskii
9-15Computational modelling of a subsonic nonisentropic flow of a compressible gas in the dischrge gap of a transverse-flow continuous wave laserG. V. Gadiyak, A. L. Dobrivskii and K. A. Nasyrov
16-20Beaded structure of discharge during breakdown in a nonuniform fieldE. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
21-28An accurately solvable problem of the mutual effect of inclusions in the theory of heterogeneous mediaYu. P. Emets and Yu. V. Obnosov
28-34Cooling of a magnetized plasma at a boundary with an exploding metal wallS. F. Garanin and V. I. Mamyshev
35-38Mathematical model for resonance in an ion convection pumpN. P. Avdeev, G. I. Bumagin, A. F. Dudov and R. K. Romanovskii
39-47Approximate formulas for the viscosity and heat conduction coefficients of partially dissociated and ionized airS. V. Zhluktov, I. A. Sokolova and G. A. Tirskii
47-51Resistance of a body with an intrinsic magnetic field in a supersonic flow of a partially ionized gasV. V. Gubin and V. A. Shuvalov
51-57Rheological behavior of a dilute suspension of relatively coarse deformable particles in a simple shear flowM. M. Esmukhanov
57-61Convective instability in a medium with spiral turbulenceYu. A. Berezin and V. P. Zhukov
61-64Effect of interphase mass transfer on the turbulence energy of a flow of a gas suspensionV. A. Naumov
64-67Onset of thermocapillary convection in a two-layer system with the release of heat at the interfaceA. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
68-72High-vacuum low-temperature adsorption in long layers of adsorbentV. I. Kupriyanov, K. B. Pavlov, A. Yu. Poluéktova and A. S. Romanov
73-78Critical conditions for melt retention during induction melting in a cold crucibleA. G. Merzhanov, V. A. Raduchev, É. N. Rumanov and A. S. Shteinberg
79-85Mechanism of lamination of particulate composites in shock loadingN. A. Kostyukov
85-89Effective elastic moduli of granular mediaA. D. Zaikin
90-93Generalized self-consistent-field method for determining the elastic properties of heterogeneous materialsP. V. Gel'd and E. A. Mityushov
93-97Numerical investigation of recirculation flows in a three-dimensional cavernV. M. Belolipetskii and V. Yu. Kostyuk
97-101Application of the regularization method to determination of multilayer strata parametersM. Kh. Khairullin
101-108Possibilities for constructing a unified failure theoryA. G. Ivanov
108-113Pressing of a compact plastic materialS. E. Aleksandrov and B. A. Druyanov
114-116Analytical description of the irreversible deformation of metals during thermocyclingÉ. I. Blinov
116-120Behavior of rubber in shock waves and rarefaction wavesYu. B. Kalmykov, G. I. Kanel', I. P. Parkhomenko, A. V. Utkin and V. E. Fortov
120-125Movement of the free boundary of a half-space during the propagation of an oblique straight crackV. A. Saraikin
125-131Branching methods of analyzing a disturbance of the critical-pressure spectrum of shells of revolution and some applications of these methodsV. V. Larchenko
132-135Stresses in a plate kept in equilibrium by a pinV. N. Solodovnikov
136-142Technical stability in a straight pipeline containing a flowing liquidK. S. Matviichuk
142-145Application of the holographic interferometry method to determine the stress intensity factorV. P. Tyrin
146-151Ion current saturation on electric probes in plasma flows at low Reynolds numbersZ. M. Egorova, A. V. Kashevarov and N. S. Tskhai
152-155The light “knife” method for studying aerodynamic processes in the combustion chambers of diesel enginesV. M. Boiko, O. G. Kudelin, O. N. Lebedev, G. E. Lushchaev and A. A. Plesovskikh
156-160Discussion of the choice of control points in the method of discrete vorticesD. N. Gorelov
160-161Vortex-free propulsion in an ideal fluidR. M. Garipov

Volume 31, Number 2 / March 1990

163-169Electrohydrodynamic ion emittersV. G. Dudnikov and A. L. Shabalin
170-175Instability of an electron beam in a magnetic fieldV. A. Malafaev, A. A. Nikul'shina and D. N. Novichkov
176-178Structure of a strong shock wave in a plasmaV. G. Ledenëv
179-184Waves in a chemically active bubbled mediumF. N. Zamaraev, V. K. Kedrinskii and C. Mader
185-197Problems with one-sided constraints for Navier-Stokes equations and the dynamic contact angleC. Baiocci and V. V. Pukhnachev
198-204Fundamental solution of a cauchy-poisson problem for a basin with an uneven bottomA. A. Korobkin
205-210Equilibrium stability of a fluid layer under the action of thermocapillary forces in the quasistationary approximationL. K. Antanovskii
210-214Theoretical and experimental study of convection in a liquid layer with local heatingV. A. Al'vares-Suares, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and V. M. Shevtsova
214-221Evolutionary equation for perturbations in a two-layer film flowO. Yu. Tsvelodub
222-227Stability of a boundary layer with transonic external-flow velocitiesO. S. Ryzhov and I. V. Savenkov
228-232A self-similar solution of the boundary layer equationsG. I. Burda
232-239Disturbances of high modes in a supersonic jetN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
239-249Resonance flow randomization in the K-regime of boundary-layer transitionS. V. Dryganets, Yu. S. Kachanov, V. Ya. Levchenko and M. P. Ramazanov
250-252Wave structure of artificial perturbations in a supersonic boundary layer on a plateA. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov, N. V. Semenov and S. G. Shevel'kov
253-256Hydrodynamics of a quasi-one-dimensional packetG. A. Kuz'min and A. Z. Patashinskii
257-259Perturbations ahead of a wing moving in a stratified fluidV. I. Bukreev and N. V. Gavrilov
260-266Problem of the supersonic flow around a thin finite span wing with completely subsonic leading edgesN. F. Vorob'ev
266-272Self motion of a body in a fluidV. L. Sennitskii
273-275Principal energy characteristics of a linear jet engineA. E. Voitenko
276-280Fundamental equations in creep theoryV. S. Namestnikov
281-285Analytical method for solving nonlinear multilayer anisotropic plate theory problemsÉ. I. Grigolyuk and G. M. Kulikov
286-291Double waves in an ideal rigidly plastic body under plane deformationS. V. Meleshko
292-305Design of laminar and fibrous composites with given characteristicsB. D. Annin and A. G. Kolpakov
306-310Rational bounding in the problem of the plane stress state of an ideal fiber compositeV. I. German and V. V. Kobelev
311-320Finite plane strains of an incompressible elastic materialV. D. Bondar'
320-326Analysis of fringe patterns by the method of integral boundary equations in the solution of plane elastoplastic problemsS. L. Zolotukhin and V. K. Kosenyuk
326-332Determination of stress intensity factors at the tips of cracks growing from loaded holes in finite anisotropic platesV. N. Maksimenko
333-338Investigation of the structure of stratified flows by the method of laser scanningE. V. Gumennik and Yu. D. Chashechkin
338-342Current control with a variable inductanceP. I. Zubkov, L. A. Luk'yanchikov and K. A. Ten

Volume 31, Number 3 / May 1990

343-347Scattering of a beam of fast hydrogen atoms on gas targetsV. I. Batkin, V. N. Getmanov and O. Ya. Savchenko
347-351Gasdynamic self-structure under unstable evaporation of cathodes in a pulsed unipolar dischargeV. G. Zhogol', V. F. Reznichenko, S. V. Selishchev and A. A. Uglov
351-353Electrical breakdown in ammonium perchlorateYu. N. Sukhushin and I. G. Khaneft
354-361Flow of a planar shock wave around a thermal layer at a rigid wallB. I. Zaslavskii, S. Yu. Morozkin, A. A. Prokof'ev and V. R. Shlegel'
361-367Hydrodynamic analysis of the process of making three-layer optical fibers and calculation of the field of elastic stresses and birefringenceA. L. Yarin
367-377Structure of chemically nonequilibrium flows with a sudden change in the temperature and the catalytic properties of the surfaceV. V. Bogolepov, I. I. Lipatov and L. A. Sokolov
378-385Thermodynamic properties of ice, water, and a mixture of the two at high pressuresO. V. Nagornov and V. E. Chizhov
385-389Spectral models for cascade processes in homogeneous turbulenceA. G. Bershadskii
390-395Plane cauchy-poisson problem for a pond with a smoothly changing bottom. examples of numerical computationsA. A. Korobkin and I. V. Sturova
395-400Solution of the problem of ideal fluid flow in the neighborhood of body and wing apicesA. V. Voevodin and G. G. Sudakov
400-405Interaction of plane non-parallel jetsYu. G. Gurevich
406-407Irrotational flow of an ideal fluid stream around a rotating plateV. S. Sadovskii
408-413A theory of deep dynamic wing stallG. I. Taganov
413-418Field of horizontal velocities created by a moving source of perturbations in a stratified fluidV. F. Sannikov
419-428Certain nonisothermal flows of fluidV. I. Naidenov and A. D. Polyanin
428-431Effect of a gas cavity on a pressure surge in a hydraulic lineS. P. Aktershev, A. P. Petrov and A. V. Fedorov
431-435Wave flows of a conducting viscous fluid film in a transverse magnetic fieldYu. N. Gordeev and V. V. Murzenko
436-439Numerical modelling of the recoil of a porous cylinder from a rigid obstacleS. P. Kiselev, V. M. Fomin and Yu. A. Shitov
440-446An express-estimate of the rail accelerator parametersA. P. Kuznetsov
446-448Singularities of the rotating cylindrical shell convergence processS. M. Bakhrakh, N. P. Kovalev, V. A. Raevskii, Yu. M. Styazhkin and T. A. Toropova
449-455Kinetic models of disperse media with internal degrees of freedomV. M. Kuznetsov
455-461Consideration of variable viscosity in the dynamics of soils and porous multicomponent mediaG. M. Lyakhov
462-464Experimental investigations of the compressibility of soils subjected to short-term loads using an automated systemA. F. Novgorodov, G. V. Rykov and A. N. Sheinin
465-469Problem of the mechanical characteristics of soils with allowance for their viscoplastic properties under a cyclic dynamic loadingI. N. Bychkov, G. V. Rykov and I. A. Samsonova
469-473Method of elastic characteristic variation in the problem of a limiting loadR. A. Kayumov
474-481Action of a moving load on a nonlinearly compressed plastic strip with a deformable baseK. Atabaev, N. Mamadaliev and N. Turaev
481-487Axisymmetrical contact problems for prestressed deformable bodiesV. M. Aleksandrov and I. V. Vorotyntseva
488-493Residual structural stresses in reinforced shells of rotationA. G. Kozyuk and G. I. Starostin
493-500Dislocations and disclinations in nonlinear elastic bodies with moment stressesL. M. Zubov and M. I. Karyakin
500-503Use of the scattered light method in order to determine the stress intensity factor KIII in three-dimensional problemsV. M. Tikhomirov and V. P. Tyrin

Volume 31, Number 4 / July 1990

505-511Employing the methods from the theory of singularly perturbed systems to an analysis of the conditions under which a magnetic field is frozen into an electron fluidS. A. Trushin, M. M. Khapaev and G. V. Sholin
512-520Comparison of the electric fields in a bolt of lightning and in a sliding sparkE. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
521-527Scaling of plasma-focused radiation discharges from an erosion-type magnetoplasma compressorYu. S. Protasov and S. N. Chuvashev
528-532A model of the interaction between a powerful ion beam and a metallic absorbing materialV. I. Boiko, V. P. Kishkin, N. N. Prilepskikh and I. V. Shamanin
533-540An experimental study into the nonsteady radiation of a jet consisting of an impact-heating gas containing CO2A. V. Eremin and V. S. Ziborov
540-543Dynamics of the condensation front during laser reduction of metals in high-pressure gasesA. G. Gnedovets, E. B. Kul'batskii, S. V. Selishchev, A. L. Smirnov and A. A. Uglov
544-548An approximate calculation of the extent to which shock waves are weakened by permeable barriersB. E. Gel'fand and S. M. Frolov
548-556Theory of the hardening of binary melts with an equilibrium two-phase zoneYu. A. Buevich, L. Yu. Iskakova and V. V. Mansurov
556-561Absorption of sound near a semiinfinite rigid planeV. A. Murga
562-567Numerical modeling of the process of heating a petroleum stratum by means of high-frequency electromagnetic radiationA. A. Kislitsyn and R. I. Nigmatulin
567-571Axisymmetric fundamental solutions for the equations of heat conduction in the case of cylindrical anisotropy of a mediumS. E. Mikhailov
571-580Contact problem in the theory of elasticity for narrow areas, with wear taken into considerationA. N. Burmistrov
580-588Waveguide effect in a one-dimensional periodically penetrable structureS. V. Sukhinin
588-594Self-oscillation regimes in a system of four quasi-two-dimensional vorticesA. M. Batchaev
594-599Calculating the nonisothermal separation streamlining of a sphereK. B. Koshelev and M. P. Strongin
599-607Developing models to calculate the exchange of heat under conditions of supersonic turbulent detached flowsA. A. Zheltovodov, E. G. Zaulichnyi and V. M. Trofimov
607-614Impurity dispersion in nonuniform flowsA. I. Moshinskii
615-620Effect of wave processes on the viscous-nonviscous interaction of a sub- and supersonic jet with a super- and subsonic secondary flow in a channel and in a tubeI. S. Belotserkovets and V. I. Timoshenko
621-626Analysis of stability in a self-similar circular jet with consideration of the nonparallel effectO. A. Likhachev
627-630Flow and heat exchange in a layer of a viscous conducting fluid between rotating plates with horizontal gradients of temperature in a transverse magnetic fieldS. N. Aristov and A. M. Pichugin
631-636Studying the aerodynamics of apparatus with a nonmoving granular bedSh. A. Ershin, U. K. Zhapbasbaev, M. Sh. Kulymbaeva and L. G. Khadieva
637-644Nonsteady oscillations of a thin rod in an elastic half spaceL. N. Yungerman
645-649Investigating the process of the steady extrusion of a compacted materialS. E. Aleksandrov and B. A. Druyanov
649-656A mathematical model of the processes of fatigue wear and disintegrationI. I. Kudish
656-660An ultrasound method for experimental evaluation of field nonuniformities in internal dynamic stressesV. P. Lebedev and V. M. Rodyushkin
660-664Long waves of finite amplitude in polydispersed gas suspensionsN. A. Gumerov

Volume 31, Number 5 / September 1990

665-667Calculated characteristics of the anode region of a longitudinal discharge including diffusionR. Sh. Islamov
667-669Two forms of discharge in argon plasmas with an emission-active potassium additiveV. O. German and V. S. Uspenskii
670-675Theory of the interaction of a shock wave with a boundary layer on a moving surfaceA. P. Khokhlov
675-679Refinement of the equal-areas law for unsteady plane shock waves of moderate intensityS. N. Makarov
680-686Determination of the asymptotic of the combustion wave velocity by successive approximationsV. A. Vol'pert and Vl. A. Vol'pert
687-695Propagation of unsteady weak shock waves in a vibrationally nonequilibrium gas subjected to external radiationA. N. Bogdanov and V. A. Kulikovskii
696-701Propagation and attenuation of waves generated in a layer by a plane sourceI. A. Zaitseva and A. A. Zolotarev
702-708Influence of the thermocapillary effect on the shape of a free boundary at high marangoni numbersV. A. Batishchev
708-713Droplet size distribution in a percolation model for explosive liquid dispersalF. M. Sultanov and A. L. Yarin
714-715Stability in a laminar gas boundary layer with simultaneous heating and coolingYu. B. Lebedev and V. M. Fomichev
716-721Detached flow past a heated cylinder at low mach numbersA. B. Ezerskii
722-728Instability of the entropy layer on a blunt plate in supersonic gas flowA. V. Fedorov
729-736Effect of dispersed impurities on the rise of a dusty thermalG. M. Makhviladze and S. E. Yakush
737-739Hydraulic resistance in thin-layer spherical packingsS. L. Demenok, V. V. Medvedev, S. M. Sivukha and N. N. Suntsov
740-747Heat and mass transfer through a horizontal grid grating in a fluidized bedA. P. Burdukov, G. G. Kuvshinov and A. I. Mukhin
747-754Free convection heat transfer in an open system of vertical rodsV. I. Eliseev and Yu. P. Sovit
754-758Modification of the method of discrete continuation by parametersÉ. I. Grigolyuk and E. A. Lopanitsyn
758-762Osculation of two nonlinearly elastic bodiesL. G. Dobordzhginidze
763-769Stability of a rectangular plate beyond the elastic limitA. M. Kovrizhnykh
770-774Bending resonant waves in a shell with associated massesI. A. Potashnikov
775-782Deformation and failure under impact loading. model of a thermoelastoplastic mediumA. B. Kiselev and M. V. Yumashev
783-792Plastic zone around a round hole in a plane with a nonuniform basic stressed stateN. P. Ostrosablin
793-799Transient creep of an ice sheet lying on a hydraulic base under a concentrated loadV. M. Aleksandrov and A. A. Shmatkova
799-801Flow and separation of a rarefied binary gas mixture in a cylindrical gap with supersonic rotation of the outer cylinderV. D. Borisevich and S. V. Yupatov
802-805Kolmogorov constants in the spectra of anisotropic turbulenceS. R. Bogdanov

Volume 31, Number 6 / November 1990

807-810Influence of viscosity on the nature of the propagation of a plane extensional shock waveA. A. Burenin and Yu. A. Rossikhin
811-815Self-similar solution of the problem of three-dimensional spreading of a nonlinearly-viscous fluidF. Kh. Akhmedova and L. M. Kotlyar
816-820Convection in a medium with spiral turbulenceYu. A. Berezin and V. P. Zhukov
820-827Influence of phase transitions on sound propagation in fogs: Comparison of theory with experimentD. A. Gubaidullin and A. I. Ivandaev
827-830Modeling two-phase flows with a phase interfacial surfaceS. E. Ageev, V. T. Movchan, A. M. Mkhitaryan and E. A. Shkvar
831-838Taking account of local singularities of a vortex lifting surface in the method of discrete vorticesD. N. Gorelov and O. V. Chernov
839-847Calculation of separated flows by means of boundary-layer equationsV. I. Vasil'ev, S. V. Khokhlov and E. Yu. Shal'man
848-854Mutual effects of vibrational-dissociative relaxation in the supersonic flow of a viscous gas past bluff bodiesA. G. Tirskii and V. G. Shcherbak
854-859Relaxational properties of a turbulent shear flow across a cylinder in the presence of a plateV. I. Kornilov and D. K. Mekler
860-867Calculation of the flow of a gas with particles past bluff bodies with allowance for the effect of reflected particles on the flow of the aerosolYu. M. Davydov, I. Kh. Enikeev and R. I. Nigmatulin
868-873Influence of the entropy layer on the stability of a supersonic shock layer and transition of the laminar boundary layer to turbulenceV. I. Lysenko
874-881Dynamic processes in a free granular layer during gas filtration with a sudden pressure dropV. A. Antipin, A. A. Borisov and A. P. Trunev
882-886Heat and mass transfer to particles during separation-free jet flow and internal transfer in a granular bedYu. A. Buevich and V. A. Ustinov
887-889Heat conductivity of concentrated suspensionsB. É. Kashevskii, V. I. Kordonskii, I. V. Prokhorov and N. G. Khutskaya
890-893Comparison of two schemes of counter-collision of jets having different Bernoulli constantsN. N. Lukerchenko
894-900Contact problem for a layered inhomogeneous aging cylinder reinforced by a rigid ringA. V. Manzhirov and V. A. Chernysh
901-906Analysis of elastoplastic flows on irregular triangular grids with restructuringV. N. Aptukov and A. V. Fonarev
906-908Axial compression of an inhomogeneous coneM. A. Zadoyan and N. B. Safaryan
909-913Effective elastic moduli of third-order composite materialsV. A. Buryachenko and A. M. Lipanov
914-918Density distribution in pulsed gas jets effusing into a rarefied spaceA. V. Eremin and I. M. Naboko
918-921Symmetrization of the equations of dynamics of a capillary liquidL. K. Antanovskii

Volume 32, Number 1 / January 1991

1-5Current-density distribution in the beam of an arc proton sourceV. N. Getmanov
6-9Time-of-flight probing of a plasma jet in a magnetic fieldV. I. Batkin and O. Ya. Savchenko
9-12Faraday dark space for a discharge in heliumA. I. Ivanchenko and A. É. Medvedev
12-15MHD deceleration and heat transfer for a sphere in a supersonic flow of partially ionized gasV. V. Gubin and V. A. Shuvalov
16-20Efficiency and conductor heating in a multistage induction acceleratorT. G. Vlasova and S. R. Petrov
21-25Near field of internal gravity waves excited by a source in a moving stratified liquidV. V. Bulatov and Yu. V. Vladimirov
25-31Occurrence of thermocapillary convection in a cylindrical layer with different methods of heatingE. A. Ryabitskii
31-35Numerical study of steady-state regimes of rotational-gravitational convectionN. V. Petrovskaya, A. K. Fadeev and V. I. Yudovich
35-38Use of a three-component model to compute gas suspension flow and rarefied flow over bodiesN. Zh. Dzhaichibekov and S. K. Matveev
38-40Nonself-similar jet of a non-newtonian liquidA. V. Soldatkin
41-45Investigation of breakup of gas bubbles and its effect on the structure of moderate-intensity solitary pressure waves in a liquid with gas bubblesV. E. Dontsov and P. G. Markov
46-51Linear evolution of perturbations in boundary layers with a velocity profile inflectionM. B. Zel'man and B. V. Smorodskii
51-57Computing the compressible laminar boundary layer on a sharp body of bielliptic sectionV. N. Vetlutskii
57-63Turbulent incompressible fluid flow in a channel with unilateral mass transferSh. A. Ershin, U. K. Zhapbasbaev, T. B. Kozhakhmetov and A. V. Smol'yaninov
64-67Exact solutions of the problem of the motion of the interface between immiscible fluids in a porous mediumV. V. Voinov
67-72Nonsteady thermal convection in a horizontal cylinder with a nonuniform distribution of the temperature of the boundariesB. G. Petrazhitskii and N. M. Stankevich
73-77Radial instability of one- and two-layer cylindrical shells during impulsive compressionA. I. Abakumov, S. K. Zhabitskii and S. A. Novikov
77-84Solutions, with a degenerate hodograph, of quasisteady equations of the theory of plasticity with the von mises yield conditionS. V. Meleshko
84-90Thermoelastic stresses in a plane with a circular inclusion in the presence of a thermal spot of elliptical shapeL. G. Smirnov and I. I. Fedik
90-93Vibrations of an elastic orthotropic layer with a cavityA. O. Vatul'yan and A. Ya. Katsevich
93-97Plastic macrodeformation with twisting under pressure for aluminum with locally introduced graphite powderV. V. Neverov
98-108Boundary value problems of elasticity theory for plane domains with one-dimensional elastic reinforcementsS. E. Mikhailov and I. V. Namestnikova
109-115Prediction of fracture of a fibrous composite by the numerical experiment methodI. N. Zhdanova and D. N. Karpinskii
115-120Effective moduli of multiphase matrix compositesP. G. Krzhechkovskii
121-125Determination of the supporting capacity of layered composite shells operating under cyclic loading conditionsÉ. S. Sibgatullin and I. G. Teregulov
125-126Approximate analysis of the thermal operating regime of a chamber for treating materials with thermal energyP. L. Abiduev and V. M. Kornev
126-131Numerical calculation of thermoelastic stresses in chambers for detonating a gas mixtureP. L. Abiduev and V. I. Manzhalei
131-137Thermocouple measurement of metal temperature under pulsed deformation conditionsS. N. Ishutkin, G. E. Kuz'min and V. V. Pai
138-141The mercury electroporometry methodS. P. Glushko, V. V. Kadet and N. S. Rostovskii
142-146Kinetics of isothekmal homogeneous nucleation in a quasi-chemical modelYu. E. Gorbachev and V. Yu. Kruglov

Volume 32, Number 2 / March 1991

147-151Effects of nonequilibrium of the plasma of a vapor aureole in an intense radiation fieldA. G. Lesskis, A. K. Titov and A. A. Yushkanov
151-155Destruction of thin films and foils by continuous spectrum radiationÉ. K. Anderzhanov, S. Yu. Volokhovich, I. I. Divnov and N. I. Zotov
155-162Character of fracture and filtration properties of a fluid-saturated porous medium in an underground explosionA. N. Bovt, E. E. Lovetskii, A. M. Maslennikov, N. S. Rostovskii and V. I. Selyakov, et al.
162-166Shape of an incompressible, weakly conducting jet in a strong electric fieldA. A. Shutov
167-168Determining velocities of bodies moving in a viscous liquid under the action of electromagnetic forcesV. I. Khonichev
169-171Motion of bodies in a granular bedA. S. Ivanov, S. D. Lyubarskii and S. P. Khurs
172-177Active resonator as a dynamic absorber of acoustic vibrations in a bounded volumeV. B. Kurzin
177-184Initiation of coherent motion in turbulent cocurrent flowsO. A. Likhachev
184-188Evolution and interaction of three-dimensional vortex clustersG. A. Kuz'min
189-194Nonlinear effects of the ekman layer on the dynamics of large-scale eddies in shallow waterS. N. Aristov and P. G. Frik
194-200Slow motions of a solid in a continuously stratified fluidV. A. Vladimirov and K. I. Ii'in
200-204Effect of an inflection in the profile of mean velocity on the resonance interaction of perturbations in a boundary layerM. B. Zel'man and B. V. Smorodskii
204-210Longitudinal vortex structures and heat transfer in the region of attachment of a supersonic turbulent boundary layerE. G. Zaulichnyi and V. M. Trofimov
210-214Stability of two-dimensional traveling waves on a vertically draining liquid film to three-dimensional perturbationsYu. Ya. Trifonov
215-220Waves on the surface of a liquid film flowing around a horizontal cylinderM. V. Izvekov and V. A. Mukhin
221-226Thermal oscillation convection in a layer of liquid with weightlessness or reduced gravitationS. M. Zen'kovskaya and S. N. Ovchinnikova
227-230Alignment of hollow microspheresL. K. Antanovskii and G. B. Volkova
231-235Spreading of a boundary jet in a counter flowV. P. Lebedev, M. I. Nizovtsev and V. I. Terekhov
236-240Computation of flow over a spherically blunted cone for various shock layer and surface blowing conditionsA. V. Bureev and V. I. Zinchenko
240-247Dynamics of low-amplitude pulse waves in vapor-gas-drop systemsD. A. Gubaidullin and A. I. Ivandaev
247-251A statement of the problem of thermal diagnostics for a “protective” layerV. A. Lomazov
252-255Reconstructive tomography with weak optical anisotropyA. É. Puro
255-259Dynamic ductility peak with high-velocity failure of metal shellsS. P. Kiselev
259-265Elastoplastic torsion theory for whisker crystalsI. L. Bataronov and A. M. Roshchupkin
265-273Numerical studies of nonlinear wave processes in a liquid and a deformable solid during high-speed impact interactionV. A. Petushkov
274-280Transmitted waves and the dynamic edge effect in an anisotropic strip. (comparison with experimental data)A. G. Demeshkin and V. M. Kornev
281-284Dynamic formation of a block of elastic materialN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev
284-288Analysis of creep in a rectangular plate with a circular orifice under tensionV. N. Solodovnikov
288-291Fracture failure in the alloy AMg6S. A. Novikov and A. I. Ruzanov
292-295Stability of the motion of metal plates driven by the grazing detonation of a flat chargeA. N. Borisov, S. M. Vasil'ev, V. I. Kirko and I. N. Kirko

Volume 32, Number 3 / May 1991

297-305Some self-focusing mechanisms for absorption on rotational transitionsV. V. Zhuravlev and A. M. Starik
305-310Radiation contamination of dielectrics irradiated with a fast-electron fluxV. N. Gusel'nikov, K. A. Dergobuzov and A. P. Yalovets
311-316Intensified directivity of gas dispersal as a result of radiation energy lossI. V. Nemchinov and A. I. Yurchenko
316-321Localized explosion in a material with a magnetic field and the consequences of finite conductivity in a magnetohydrodynamic modelA. M. Bergel'son, Yu. P. Raizer and S. T. Surzhikov
322-328Instability of a liquid surface with laser heatingV. N. Alekseev, K. A. Naugol'nykh and S. A. Rybak
328-330Electric-current-induced restructuring of the porous space in a mediumI. G. Abdul'manov, V. I. Ermakov, N. S. Rostovskii, A. D. Rybakov and A. E. Popov, et al.
331-337High-speed asymptotic form of the wave resistance of bodies in a uniformly stratified liquidV. A. Gorodtsov
337-341Onset of coherent large-scale motion in a plane turbulent wakeO. B. Budneva and O. A. Likhachëv
342-348Generation of dissipation-gravity waves during thermal convection in a stratified mediumA. V. Kistovich and Yu. D. Chashechkin
348-355Propagation of plane surface waves over an underwater obstacle and a submerged plateI. V. Sturova
356-359Mixed convection around a circular cylinder in a Hele-Shaw cellS. A. Safonov
360-364Effects from turbulence intensity on slot protection performanceV. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, S. Ya. Misyura and V. I. Terekhov
365-370Investigation of transition from subcritical to supercritical regime of viscous-inviscid interaction in the wake behind a flat plateA. A. Kovalenko and I. I. Lipatov
371-377Numerical simulation of effects of generation of solitons moving a region of surface pressureB. E. Protopopov
377-379Surfacing of a heavy sphere in vibrating sandB. V. Levin
379-383Motion of a chain of bubbles in a vertical channel with a viscous fluidP. K. Volkov
383-389Stability of an adiabatic continuous chemical reactorT. A. Bodnar'
390-394Study of two-layer flow of viscoelastic molten polymers in axisymmetrical channelsA. R. Davydov, V. M. Levin, V. P. Pervadchuk and N. M. Trufanova
395-402Resonant excitation of waves in a heavy liquid beneath a viscoelastic plateA. V. Marchenko
402-408Thermophoretic motion of an ensemble of moderately coarse aerosol particlesM. A. Gaidukov, V. A. Kostruba and A. V. Terzyan
408-412Thermocapillary convection with temperature-dependent heat release at an interfaceA. Yu. Gilev, A. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
413-418Thermal conductivity of homogeneous mixturesV. I. Loginov and V. G. Kucherov
418-422Dynamic contact problem for a two-layer half-space with a spherical cavityA. A. Lyapin, A. N. Rumyantsev and M. G. Seleznev
423-426Rotational component of an elastic wave field in the near zone of a point source on the surfaceV. A. Kozlov, V. M. Matveev, N. V. Pet'kin and D. N. Romashko
427-433Numerical study of a model of fatigue wear and fractureI. I. Kudish
433-439Buckling of a nonlinearly elastic slab lying on the surface of a liquid with allowance for phase transformationV. A. Eremeev
439-444Beginning of plastic yielding in a stress concentration zoneM. A. Legan
444-448Instability of elastoplastic plane flowsG. A. Korolev
449-453Modeling the action of secondary flows on the mixing process in a channelV. I. Vasil'ev and S. N. Zakotenko
453-456Mössbauer studies of uniaxially loaded ferromagnetic samplesV. P. Larionov and Ya. S. Semenov
456-461Spectral composition of light scattered in fluid flow around a rotating diskV. A. Bazanov, N. A. Rubtsov and V. P. Solov'ev
461-463Flow diagnostics in a cyrogenic wind tunnelS. Yu. Borisov, A. L. Iskra, V. P. Kulesh and A. M. Naumov

Volume 32, Number 4 / July 1991

465-471Structure of hydrogen compression plasma flows in a magnetoplasma compressorS. I. Ananin
472-475Effect of branching processes on the glow of the discharge channel during breakdown in a highly nonuniform fieldM. F. Danilov
475-481Magnetoacoustic shock waves in a nonuniform plasma flowV. A. Pavlov
481-484Electric field buildup in pore collapseV. V. Surkov
484-487Cavitation dynamics in reflection of a compression pulse from the interface of two mediaG. I. Kanel' and A. V. Utkin
487-489Diffusion kinetics with crystal growth from the gas phaseS. I. Alad'ev
490-495Nonstationary motion of drops under the action of capillary and mass forcesA. E. Rednikov and Yu. S. Ryazantsev
496-503Rising of a bubble in an upward fluid flow in a vertical pipeP. K. Volkov
503-507Three-dimensional structure of flow in a supersonic underexpanded jetV. I. Zapryagaev and A. V. Solotchin
508-511Improving supersonic flow around bodies by means of gas jets containing particlesN. P. Gridnev
512-518Oscillatory interaction between an underexpanded jet and an obstacle in the presence of a supersonic sheathed flowG. F. Gorshkov, V. N. Uskov and A. P. Ushakov
519-522Inverse feedback mechanism in self-oscillations in flow of an underexpanded supersonic jet against a planar obstacleV. N. Glaznev
523-527Wavefront propagation theory for a nonlinear layered mediumM. A. Guzev
528-533Internal waves in a pycnocline for a wing moving over a barrierV. I. Bukreev, N. V. Gavrilov and A. V. Gusev
534-540Wave propagation in three-phase mixtures of a gas with particles and liquid dropsT. R. Amanbaev and A. I. Ivandaev
540-546Analytical and numerical investigation of the three-dimensional viscous shock-layer on blunt solidsI. G. Brykina, V. V. Rusakov and V. G. Shcherbak
547-553Stability of a viscous compressible shear layer with a temperature gradientA. N. Kudryavtsev and A. S. Solov'ev
554-560Invariant solutions of viscoplasticity equations and solution of the problem of helical motion of a bingham fluid between coaxial cylindersS. I. Senashev and V. A. Chugunov
560-563Regarding the article by B. A. Lugovtsov “determination of the main flow parameters in a swirl sprayer by means of conservation laws” [1]G. Yu. Stepanov
563-564Principle of maximum dischargeB. A. Lugovtsov
565-570Experimental study of the structure and mass transfer of a turbulent vortex ringYu. S. Rusakov
571-578Effective diffusion of multicomponent mixtures in multidimensional flowsA. I. Moshinskii
578-579Effect of excitation of internal degrees of freedom in clusters on condensation kineticsA. L. Itkin and E. G. Kolesnichenko
580-581A multimolecular condensation model and an analytical method for its solutionA. L. Itkin and E. G. Kolesnichenko
582-585Theory of electrodiffusion measurements of friction in microdispersed liquids. Diffusion layer approximationO. Vain
586-592Thermal instability of a shear flow in an annular channelT. A. Bodnar'
592-596Modeling thermal processes in the shock loading of porous materialsA. I. Byvshikh, V. I. Kirko and N. I. Pak
596-599Numerical modeling of the thermal removal of burrs by concentrated energy flowN. I. Pak and S. A. Shikunov
600-607Coupled heat transfer in a composite materialA. M. Grishin, A. N. Golovanov and A. S. Yakimov
607-615Reflection of a shock wave from the free surface of an elastoplastic bodyV. A. Baskakov and A. V. Bobryashov
616-619Shock-wave failure of a wound glass-fiber-reinforced plastic in different directionsA. G. Ivanov, M. A. Syrunin and V. I. Luchinin
620-624Analysis of the nonlinear deformation of composites with allowance for finite rotations of structural elementsB. S. Reznikov
625-632One approach to the construction of constitutive equations in creep theoryV. P. Golub
632-640Energy variant of the uniaxial theory of creep and rupture strengthV. P. Radchenko
641-644Determination of the quenching stresses in prismatic Specimens by the method of integral photoelasticityA. É. Puro

Volume 32, Number 5 / September 1991

645-652Features of axisymmetrical plasma flows in a narrow flux tubeK. P. Gorshenin
653-656Focusing of a plasma jet from an arc plasma generator by a longitudinal magnetic fieldV. I. Batkin
657-660Partial population inversion in electron levels of diatomic molecules upon resonant action of IR radiationV. A. Agafonov
661-664Limiting regimes of conductor acceleration by electromagnetic forcesS. A. Kalikhman
665-669Generalized empirical laws of starting discontinuity dynamics associated with the startup of underexpanded jetsA. V. Emel'yanov and A. V. Eremin
669-677Shock waves in polydisperse bubbly media with dissipationS. L. Gavrilyuk and S. A. Fil'ko
678-683Steady motion of a stratified fluid over a rough bottomV. V. Bulatov
684-691Propagation of plane surface waves over a rectangular step with overhang and over a partially capped rectangular trenchI. V. Sturova
692-697Finding ship propeller profiles with the least critical cavitation numberÉ. L. Amromin, A. V. Vasil'ev and E. Ya. Semionicheva
697-703Nonstationary flows of an incompressible viscous fluid with memory in cylindrical tubesA. D. Khon'kin
703-706Effect of instability on boundary layer detachmentV. A. Gudkov
707-712Numerical investigation of nonuniform flow around a sphere within the framework of the model of a viscous shock layerN. N. Pilyugin and R. F. Talipov
713-717Calculation of the motion of a rotor in a cylindrical chamberO. N. Dement'ev and V. A. Makhova
717-721Motion of a bed loadP. G. Petrov
722-728Stratification of an equidense suspension of brownian particles in poiseuille flowsYu. A. Buevich
729-733Experimental study of the interaction of pressure waves of moderate intensity in a liquid with gas bubblesV. E. Dontsov and P. G. Markov
734-740Experimental investigation of drop fragmentation by aerodynamic forcesV. V. Dubrovskii, A. M. Podvysotskii and A. A. Shraiber
740-744Apparatus for investigating the liquid-nitrogen distribution in the spray cone of a jet flowing out of a nozzle into an air flowA. S. Bushmin, A. A. Galenko and L. M. Dmitriev
744-749Formulation of problems with moving phase-transition boundaries in hydrothermal strataA. M. Maksimov and G. G. Tsypkin
750-754Finite propagation velocity and local perturbations in nonlinear relaxation filtrationU. G. Abdullaev
754-759Features of the pressure-attenuation curve in relaxation filtration of a fluidO. Yu. Dinariev
760-763Optimal control in one-dimensional elastic-plastic modelsA. M. Khludnev
763-768Theory of plastic deformation for multicomponent porous mediaA. V. Krivko and A. Yu. Smyslov
768-772Theory of elastic-plastic deformation of randomly reinforced composite materialsI. S. Makarova and L. A. Saraev
772-779Stability of a viscoelastic rod with a sporadic longitudinal loadA. D. Drozdov and V. B. Kolmanovskii
779-783Shell theory based on invariantsV. V. Kuznetsov
784-790Thin elastic periodic plates with unilateral internal contactsA. G. Kolpakov
790-796Optimization of the structure of a vibration shield under the influence of a concentrated harmonic loadK. S. Adamova and M. A. Kasnibolotskii
796-802Plastic deformation of an isotropically strain-hardening polycrystalline materialO. A. Volokhovskaya and V. V. Podalkov
802-808Dynamic damage and fracture of a plate with the expansion of a gas cavity in waterS. P. Kiselev and A. P. Trunev
808-813Penetration of a rigid cone into a plastic orthotropic half spaceA. G. Akopyan
814-819Calculation of wear for a plain bearing with a thin porous elastic shellE. V. Kovalenko

Volume 32, Number 6 / November 1991

821-828Diffusion description of vibrational relaxation in a binary mixture of diatomic molecules as quantum anharmonic oscillators — Results of a calculationO. V. Skrebkov
828-833A gas ejector system and a differential ejectorV. A. Malanichev
833-837Dynamic strain of a conducting half space with a cavity in a strong magnetic fieldL. A. Fil'shtinskii and L. I. Fomenko
837-840Transmission of a pressure pulse to metallic and dielectric targets irradiated by a neodymium laser in the free generation regimeL. I. Kuznetsov
841-847Shock wave front from an underground explosionN. I. Shishkin
848-854Operating regime of an explosive magnetic field compression generator with a capacitive load with a consideration of magnetic flux lossesA. B. Prishchepenko and M. V. Shchelkachev
855-861Wave motions of a fluid due to a moving system of pressures on an inclined bottomA. N. Bestuzheva and A. A. Dorfman
861-866Boundary of monotonic and oscillatory convective stability of a horizontal fluid layerV. I. Yudovich
867-872Three-dimensional bent-gravity waves with non-uniform compressionA. E. Bukatov, V. V. Zharkov and D. D. Zav'yalov
873-875Annular capillary wavesS. L. Zhbankova
875-880Influence of capillary forces on the non-stationary fall of a drop in an unbounded fluidL. K. Antanovskii
880-882The koenig force in a compressible fluidA. A. Doinikov and S. T. Zavtrak
883-887Numerical investigation of the stability of the equilibrium of a cylindrical layer of fluid with internal heat sourcesE. A. Ryabitskii
887-893Calculation of the flow field past spherically blunted cones near the plane of symmetry for various shock layer flow regimes with insufflation of gas from the surfaceA. V. Bureev and V. I. Zinchenko
893-897Influence of rarefaction on the unsteady impingement process of an underexpanded supersonic jet onto a perpendicular obstacleA. V. Savin, E. I. Sokolov, V. S. Favorskii and I. V. Shatalov
897-905Closure of the equations of turbulence using the analytic and scaling properties of the spectral functionsS. R. Bogdanov
906-910Experimental study of the deformation and fracture of circular aluminum plates under the influence of a shock waveL. E. Kolegov, É. É. Lin, V. T. Ryazanov and A. I. Funtikov
910-913Growth of disturbances in a supersonic boundary layerS. A. Gaponov
913-919Features of separated supersonic flow pulsations ahead of a spike-tipped cylinderV. I. Zapryagaev and S. G. Mironov
920-923Numerical modeling of jet flow in a slot channel in the transition regimeS. A. Safonov
924-930Model of the clogging of channels when polymerizing liquids flow through themYu. V. Kokotov and M. O. Stoyanovskii
931-933Solution of the planar linear filtration problem in layered soilsS. E. Kholodovskii
934-939Transport processes in multicomponent gas-liquid mixturesÉ. G. Aznakaev
940-944Criterion of the validity of strain relations of thin shells in the region of arbitrary displacementsV. V. Kuznetsov and Yu. V. Soinikov
945-950Approximate solution of a problem on the dynamics of a buried cylindrical shell subjected to a live loadR. G. Yakupov
950-954Theory of inelastic strain based on nonequilibrium of the state of the materialÉ. I. Blinov and K. N. Rusinko
955-959Some effects of the biaxial tension of an elastic plate with a crackA. V. Boiko
960-966Pseudo-macrocrack with a “quasi-plastic” crack-opening-load lawV. V. Tvardovskii
967-973Physical causes and mechanisms of the formation of boundary regions in the two-dimensional explosive compaction of powdered materialsN. A. Kostyukov

Volume 33, Number 1 / January 1992

1-7Model of the expansion of a low-temperature laser plasma in a vacuumA. N. Polyanichev
8-12Mechanism of subthreshold defect formation in electron-thermal processesV. V. Grishaev
12-14Change in the surface tension coefficient of metals in an electric fieldA. L. Shabalin
15-20Shock wave structure in ternary gas mixtures with large molecular mass disparityG. A. Ruev, V. M. Fomin and M. Sh. Shavaliev
20-23Estimate of the temperature field in a compressible mediumT. A. Butina
24-26Probability of formation of coatings of thermally active particlesV. P. Bushlanov
27-30Effect of a gravitational field on the stratification of suspensions in vertical flowsA. N. Latkin
31-35Experimental study of the behavior of the energy spectrum in a turbulent flow in a tube rotating relative to its longitudinal axisP. G. Zaets, A. T. Onufriev, N. A. Safarov and R. A. Safarov
35-39Relationship between turbulent and kinetic energy in a mixed substanceV. E. Neuvazhaev
39-44Turbulent flow and heat transfer of a chemically reacting gas mixture in a channel behind an accelerating pistonA. M. Bubenchikov and S. N. Kharlamov
44-48Cascade processes and fractals in turbulenceA. G. Bershadskii
48-52Hydraulic resistance of swirl chambers with a fluid layerM. A. Gol'dshtik and S. S. Dashin
52-56Capillary instability of an extending jetS. L. Zhbankova and A. V. Kolpakov
56-59Shock and expansion waves in transonic flowA. S. Fonarev
59-63An exact solution for the end effect of a wing of finite size in supersonic flowN. F. Vorob'ev
64-70Boundary layer on thin short wingsV. I. Shalaev
71-78Steady rise of a liquid drop in a viscous liquidP. K. Volkov
79-85Propagation of long waves of finite amplitude in a liquid with polydispersed gas bubblesN. A. Gumerov
86-88Change in the permeability coefficient of a medium as a function of the electric current density passing through itA. E. Popov, A. D. Rybakov and V. I. Selyakov
88-91Impulsive hydraulic rupture of a porous mediumYu. I. Voitenko, A. V. Mikhalyuk and A. V. Tokarchuk
91-95Do brittle and plastic materials differ when spalling?A. G. Ivanov and V. A. Ogorodnikov
95-101The most restrictive bounds on change in the applied elastic constants for anisotropic materialsN. I. Ostrosablin
101-106Energy version of creep and stress-rupture strength theory for anisotropic and isotropic materials which differ in resistance to tension and compressionKh. I. Al'tenbakh and A. A. Zolochevskii
107-108Experiments on breaking cast iron blocks with dynamic loadingV. M. Kornev, V. V. Korobkov and R. A. Kulagin
109-111A question concerning the longitudinal impact of a body onto a rodS. A. Bublik and I. G. Kadomtsev
111-117Compact representation of the fundamental solution of the internal lamb problem on a free surfaceA. S. Tyapin and A. I. Startsev
118-124Calculation of a cracked anisotropic plate strengthened with fastened and bonded ribsV. N. Maksimenko and V. N. Pavshok
125-127One model for stability loss in a plane ideal crystal under tensionA. I. Mel'nikov
128-133Rotational-instability kinetics in stretched silicon whiskersS. A. Antipov, I. L. Bataronov, A. I. Drozhzhin, A. P. Ermakov and A. M. Roshchupkin
134-138Computer simulation of microstructure formation in a piezoelectric ceramicD. N. Karpinskii and I. A. Parinov
138-140Change in volume of real elastomers under uniaxial tensionK. F. Chernykh and E. K. Lebedeva

Volume 33, Number 2 / March 1992

141-149Decrease in phase density in very bright beamsA. L. Shabalin
150-155Calculation of the electrostrictive effect in prestressed ferroelectric ceramic shells under harmonic excitationV. M. Bogomol'nyi
156-161Pulsed-voltage studies of an ion-exchange pump with an axisymmetric collectorN. P. Avdeev, V. A. Borisov, R. K. Romanovskii and M. A. Chinak
162-165Anomalies of the shock compressibility of waterG. E. Bogdanov and A. P. Rybakov
166-170Shock-wave propagation through a vertical foam column with a density gradientA. B. Britan, I. N. Zinovik and V. A. Levin
171-176Propagation of internal waves in an exponentially stratified liquid above a protuberanceA. A. Korobkin
177-185Effect of the nonlinear dependence of surface tension on temperature on the shape of a free surface with convective movement in a liquidA. E. Indeikina, Yu. S. Ryazantsev and V. M. Shevtsova
185-190Analog of the shallow-water vortex equation for hollow and tornado-like vortices. Height of a steady tornado-like vortexV. V. Nikulin
191-193Influence of a fan of rarefaction waves on the development of a disturbance in a supersonic boundary layerS. A. Gaponov, A. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and S. G. Shevel'kov
194-196Mechanism for coalescence of gas bubbles moving in a viscous fluidA. N. Kotyusov, B. E. Nemtsov and E. E. Orlova
197-201Pulsation spectrum generation during subharmonic transition in boundary layersM. B. Zel'man and I. I. Maslennikova
202-207Transition radiation in one-dimensional elastic systemsA. I. Vesnitskii and A. V. Metrikin
208-213Mathematical model of acoustic flutter of supersonic grillsA. V. Gubarev and S. A. Laptev
214-217Stability of a gas boundary layer on a heated surface with a weak negative pressure gradientYu. I. Bublikov and V. M. Fomichev
218-222Experiments on underexpanded wall jetsE. G. Zaitsev
222-229Influence of thermal effects on hydrodynamic stability of a polymerization frontG. V. Zhizhin and A. S. Segal'
230-235Motion of two-phase fluids in tubes of variable cross section with local inputs of mass and energyA. N. Gavrilov and V. P. Korobeinikov
235-241Modeling transient turbulent axisymmetric flow in narrow gaps between contoured rotating surfacesV. K. Nikul'chikov, N. D. Sosnovskii and A. V. Shvab
241-248Sedimentation of a cloud of a bidispersed aerosol onto a flat horizontal surfaceG. M. Makhviladze, D. V. Serov and S. E. Yakush
249-256Friction and heat transfer in the turbulent boundary layer of rotating systemsÉ. P. Volchkov, N. A. Dvornikov and V. I. Terekhov
257-263Numerical modeling of two-phase turbulent flows in combustion chambersI. N. Gusev and L. I. Zaichik
264-268Modeling the process of melt solidification on the surface of a materialV. I. Kirko, V. I. Marilovtsev and N. I. Pak
268-271Velocities of elastic waves in consolidated granular mediaN. A. Golikov and A. D. Zaikin
272-278Model of the fractal profile of a fatigue crackG. V. Vstovskii
279-283Theory of creep of metallic materials allowing for the effect of the similarity phase of the deviatorsYu. I. Kadashevich and S. P. Pomytkin
284-290Action of a concentrated force on a cylindrical shell reinforced by a stringerV. P. Ol'shanskii
291-294Study of the effect of explosive shock loads on soft soilN. N. Gerdyukov, A. G. Ioilev and S. A. Novikov
294-298Dynamic problem of the interaction of a circular die with soil regarded as an elastoviscoplastic half-spaceA. M. Il'nitskii, O. V. Kantur and G. V. Rykov
299-306Measurement of the temperature field during the planar steady-state flow of a metalS. N. Ishutkin, G. E. Kuz'min, V. V. Pai and L. L. Frumin
307-308Propagation of combustion waves in bubbly mediaG. S. Sukhov and L. P. Yarin

Volume 33, Number 3 / May 1992

309-312Stability of thin silicon targets exposed to a high-flux beam of relativistic electronsB. R. Meshcherov and V. I. Tumanov
313-318Electrical charge distribution on a dielectric surfaceE. A. Zobov and A. N. Sidorov
319-324Spectroscopic diagnostics of a plasma expanding into a background gas and a magnetic fieldA. M. Orishin and I. F. Shaikhislamov
324-331Stable regimes for a nonequilibrium pulsed-periodic discharge in a stream of molecular nitrogen at high pressureV. P. Silakov and A. V. Chebotarev
331-334Contracted discharge in the presence of boundary layers in a supersonic plasma flow in a channelM. G. Musaev
334-341Optimization of the internal source in the problem of mhd flow around a sphereV. I. Shatrov and V. I. Yakovlev
342-349Thermal stability of continuous media with variable thermophysical characteristicsT. A. Bodnar'
350-354Development of oblique waves in a two-dimensional subsonic boundary layerYu. I. Bublikov and V. M. Fomichev
355-362Sound generation by a tollmien-schlichting wave at the end of a plate in a flowL. B. Aizin
363-374Asymptotic theory of Görtler vortices in the boundary layer of a liquidV. V. Bogolepov and I. I. Lipatov
375-379Geometrical acoustics approximation for surface wavesI. N. Aliev
379-385Excitation of thermal-capillary convection at a beformable interface in systems with a surface-active agentA. A. Nepomnyashchii and I. B. Simanovskii
386-395Dispersion of a substance in narrow channels in a lubricant layerA. I. Moshinskii
396-403Quasilinear system of equations for parameters of developed turbulence. Calculation of irrotational flow distortion behind a gridS. R. Bogdanov and G. F. Lekhto
403-409Phenomenological description of two-velocity media with relaxing tangential stressesV. N. Dorovskii and Yu. V. Perepechko
410-413Equilibrium shape of a crystalV. A. Misyura
414-418Energy approach to solving problems of nonclassical theory for nonuniform anisotropic shells containing a crack-slitV. N. Yurkov
419-426Solution of nonlinear contact problems for a half-planeL. G. Dobordzhginidze
426-433Fundamental solutions of the theory of unidirectional compositesE. A. Lankina and A. M. Mikhailov
434-437Refinement of the relations of the Kol'skii-Hopkinson compound-rod methodV. M. Kornev
438-446Equations of the linear theory of elasticityN. I. Ostrosablin
447-454Experimental investigation of the dynamic behavior of tubular samples of composite fiber materials at the limit of carrying capacityA. V. Aseev, G. E. Makarov and S. V. Stepanenko
455-464Multi-particle differential methods in the statics of compositesV. A. Buryachenko and V. Z. Parton
464-470Equilibrium and stability of a nonlinear-elastic plate with a tapered disclinationM. I. Karyakin
471-476The moiré method in the study of dynamic deformation processes in elastic-plastic bodiesV. N. Aptukov, V. F. Kashirin, R. T. Murzakaev and B. I. Usachev
477-479Mössbauer analysis of retained austeniteV. P. Larionov, Ya. S. Semenov and S. G. Kas'yanov

Volume 33, Number 4 / July 1992

481-486Self-similar solutions of diffusion problems of a magnetic field in a conductorA. V. Chervyakov
487-494Structure, propagation, and reflection of shock waves in a mixture of solids (the hydrodynamic approximation)A. V. Fedorov and N. N. Fedorova
494-500Numerical investigation of flame propagation and extinction in a vertical channelG. M. Makhviladze and V. I. Melikhov
501-506Comparison of models of dissociation in the absence of equilibrium between the translational and vibrational degrees of freedomV. G. Shcherbak
506-514Formation of a nonequilibrium energy distribution over vibrational degrees of freedom of the H2O molecule as water vapor expands in a supersonic nozzleA. B. Britan, V. A. Levin, A. M. Starik and A. N. Khmelevskii
515-519Decay of a vertical tornado-like vortexV. V. Nikulin
520-525Acoustic approximation in the penetration of an ideal fluid by a blunted contourA. A. Korobkin
526-531Propagation of a signal in a liquid with a continuous distribution of bubble sizesS. L. Gavrilyuk
531-538Sediment transport by turbulent flow above a bottom subject to erosionA. G. Petrov and P. G. Petrov
539-543Model of turbulent motion in an incompressible liquid in apparatus with a permeable barrierSh. A. Ershin and U. K. Zhapbasbaev
544-552Instability of the periodic flexure of a panel surface in a turbulent boundary layerV. P. Reutov
552-557Modeling separation boundaries in the flow of a heavy fluid over a wing profileM. V. Lotfullin and S. I. Filippov
558-561Variational method of constructing subsonic airfoil profilesS. M. Aul'chenko
561-566Numerical modeling of impulsive jets of a viscous heat-conducting gasN. M. Bulgakova
567-573Instability in the tension of a cylindrical layer of fluidV. K. Andreev and A. A. Rodionov
573-576Effect of the choice of creep instability criterion on the solution of the problem of optimizing rod-shaped structuresM. N. Kirsanov
576-588Asymptotic analysis of problems on the free vibration of rectangular transversely isotropic and three-layer platesV. M. Kornev and A. O. Mul'kibaev
589-593Effective strength parameters of composites in coupled physicomechanical fieldsV. A. Buryachenko and V. Z. Parton
594-598Effect of reinforcing structures on the critical deformability and strength of shells made of oriented glass-plastic composites under an internal explosive loadA. G. Ivanov, M. A. Syrunin and A. G. Fedorenko
598-602Physicomechanical nature of the effect of material strengthening for whiskers and thin filamentsV. Z. Vasil'ev and S. Yu. Kaptelin
603-606Two-level model of the dynamic deformation of metalsYu. I. Meshcheryakov and G. G. Savenkov
607-610Partial opening of a crack with injection of a viscous liquidO. P. Alekseenko and A. M. Vaisman
611-613The grüneisen coefficient for UPV-1 pyrolytic carbonA. P. Stepovik
613-616Stability of a viscoelastic rod on dynamic loadingU. Akbarov, F. B. Badalov and Kh. Éshmatov

Volume 33, Number 5 / September 1992

617-625Influence of magnetic viscosity on the development of instability of the boundary of a plasma blob in a uniform magnetic fieldKh. S. Kestenboim, E. V. Metelkin, G. V. Fedorovich and A. G. Frolov
626-629Asymptotic forms of phase functions for nonabsorbing, radially inhomogeneous particlesN. N. Belov and S. O. Suslov
629-633Converging shock waves in media with decreasing densityÉ. É. Lin, É. N. Pashchenko and V. N. Pavelkin
633-641Allowing for intermolecular energy exchange in the description of relaxation processes in terms of adiabatic variablesV. M. Strel'chenya
641-647Oscillations in the parallel discharge of two supersonic nonisobaric jetsS. G. Mironov
648-652Structure of a combination discontinuity in gas suspensions in the presence of random pressure from particlesA. V. Fedorov
653-657Investigation of the stability characteristics of a compressible boundary layer on a flat plate at high mach numberS. E. Grubin, I. N. Simakin and V. N. Trigub
658-662Two-dimensional stokes flow of a viscous fluid with a free boundary under the effect of capillary forcesS. A. Chivilikhin
663-667Calculation of viscous flow of a vibrationally nonequilibrium gas mixture in a hypersonic nozzleS. V. Dolgushev and M. I. Muchnaya
668-675Effect of wall curvature with wavy downflow of a thin layer of viscous liquidYu. Ya. Trifonov
676-680Flow of a liquid film in a cocurrent under the action of external factorsS. E. Ageev
680-685Structure of a rising thermalS. Yu. Gorbunov, B. N. Gordeichik, A. P. Darintsev, V. N. Zabavin and B. V. Zamyshlyaev, et al.
685-690Variational principles for two-phase infiltration into a deformable mediumP. A. Mazurov
691-695Effectofhigh-frequency vibration on filtration convectionS. M. Zen'kovskaya
696-699Unsteady radiative-conductive heat transfer in a porous, permeable layer of a semitransparent mediumA. L. Burka and V. V. Dudkin
700-704Quasi-isotropic approximate equations of weak acoustoelasticityA. É. Puro
705-712Technical stability of the dynamic states of an extended rod with a variable cross section, moving longitudinally in a fluidK. S. Matviichuk
713-717Application of the method of aggregates to the solution of mixed problems in elasticity theoryL. A. Nazarov
717-722Effect of a plane acoustic pressure wave on a reinforced cylindrical shellN. I. Aleksandrova and I. V. Efimova
723-725Developing determinant perturbations in collapsing shellsA. G. Ivanov, Yu. D. Lavrovskii and V. A. Ogorodnikov
726-729Stability of nonlinear flexure waves in cylindrical shellsV. V. Novikov and Sh. M. Khasanov
729-735Analysis of threshold-free fracture of materials on reflection of a compression pulse from a free surfaceA. V. Utkin
735-745Effective-field method in the statics of composite materialsV. A. Buryachenko and V. Z. Parton
746-750Oscillations of an ice sheet under a periodically varying loadV. M. Kozin and V. V. Skripachev
751-755Plastic flow localization in simple shearV. M. El'kin
756-758Elastic characteristics of elastomersE. K. Lebedev
758-767Numerical investigation of the interaction of a plane wave with a multilayered cylinder in the groundK. Atabaev, N. Mamadaliev, R. K. Khanov and Sh. D. Shamgunov

Volume 33, Number 6 / November 1992

769-775Current density distribution at the periphery of submicron probesA. L. Shabalin
775-779Calculation of the irregular interaction of shock wavesI. S. Belotserkovets and V. I. Timoshenko
780-786Gas dynamics of impulsive jets and pressure oscillations of a laser-irradiated targetN. M. Bulgakova and L. I. Kuznetsov
787-792Numerical investigation of the heating of condensed media by volume heat sourcesYu. V. Zhitnikov and Yu. I. Zetser
793-796Effect of impulsive erosion flame parameters on pressure pulsationsN. M. Bulgakova and L. I. Kuznetsov
797-802Anomalous light absorption by a turbulent plasmaO. V. Klimov and A. A. Tel'nikhin
802-804Asymptote of the navier-stokes equation solution in the vicinity of a boundary angleV. A. Kondrat'ev
805-810The thermocapillary effect and small oscillations of a liquid at large marangoni numbersV. A. Batishchev
811-813Stability of a rotating weightless liquid phase in zone meltingM. A. Svechkareva and L. A. Slobozhanin
814-820Long-wave processes in a periodic mediumV. A. Vakhnenko and V. V. Kulich
821-827Investigation of the temperature regimes of bodies immersed in flow with surface blowingV. I. Zinchenko, A. G. Kataev and A. S. Yakimov
828-830Dynamics of the behavior of nematic films in gas-dynamic flowsG. M. Zharkova, N. G. Preobrazhenskii and S. I. Trashkeev
831-836Mode switching in a supersonic boundary layerA. V. Fedorov and A. P. Khokhlov
836-844Turbulent flow of a gas suspensate whose particles interact strongly with the channel wallsI. V. Derevich
844-851Effect of fracture rate on the dynamics of the interaction of an impact load pulse with the surface of a solidA. V. Utkin
851-856One-dimensional projection of a liquid shell by an explosive chargeV. K. Kedrinskii and N. N. Chernobaev
857-863Heat and mass transport in bundles that move and give off gasV. I. Eliseev and Yu. P. Sovit
863-870Dynamic disintegration and expansion of a liquid volumeR. M. Aksenov, A. A. Zverev, O. V. Kovalenko, V. K. Sirotkin and E. V. Sumin
871-874The behavior of shells under impulsive loading. Small perturbationsA. G. Ivanov, V. A. Ogorodnikov and E. S. Tyun'kin
874-879Numerical analysis of crack development in structurally nonuniform compositesE. A. Lankina
880-884Effect of anisotropy of the medium on the stresses on the surface of a crackL. É. Kolker, G. N. Mirenkova and E. G. Sosnina
885-892Mathematical model of the deformation and fracture of solid fuel in shock loadingA. B. Kiselev and M. V. Yumashev
892-897Laws of the kinetic theory of strength of frozen soilsA. A. Konovalov
897-902Problem of the theory of beams with initial stressesA. G. Kolpakov
903-910Calculation of pressure in solid-phase process vessels with shaped anvilsYu. A. Sadkov and L. B. Solodukhina

Volume 34, Number 1 / January 1993

1-9Modeling of diffusion and heat conduction effects on the variation of hydrodynamic parameters during excitation of molecular oscillations by resonance radiationV. I. Grabovskii and A. M. Starik
9-14Comparison of models with different and identical vibrational temperatures of molecular componentsV. G. Shcherbak
15-20Numerical modeling of laser shock waves in condensed mediaN. V. Bugrov and N. S. Zakharov
21-28Formation of a shock wave at the boundary of a local supersonic zoneS. A. Shcherbakov
28-30Theoretical models of detonation of a flat layer of condensed explosive with diminishing densityÉ. É. Lin, É. N. Pashchenko and B. P. Tikhomirov
31-36Effectiveness of attenuating shock waves in channels by various methodsS. M. Frolov
37-44Mathematical model of interaction of solid bodies with soil upon their relative displacementK. S. Sultanov
45-50Numerical modeling of the interaction of a water drop with a strong air shock waveV. S. Surov and V. M. Fomin
51-61Steady supersonic flow of a vibrationally excited gas around thin bodiesA. N. Bogdanov and V. A. Kulikovskii
62-65Effect of external conditions on the formation of pressure pulsations on a target irradiated by a laserN. M. Bulgakova and L. I. Kuznetsov
66-71Study of the turbulent flow of a gas over long blunt bodies in a viscous shock layerI. G. Eremeitsev, G. S. Zhuravleva and N. N. Pilyugin
72-79Circulating and jet flows formed in the atmosphere during the rise of two large-scale thermalsV. A. Andrushchenko, A. A. Gorbunov, M. V. Meshcheryakov and L. A. Chudov
79-84Field of long internal lee waves in a plane-parallel shear layerV. E. Veden'kov
85-90Upstream generation of solitons: Numerical analysis of the dependence on key parametersB. E. Protopopov
90-95Influence of the outer feedback loop parameters on the free oscillations of the flow of an underexpanded jet past a finite obstacleS. G. Mironov
96-97Predominantly unidirectional motion of a compressible solid body in a vibrating liquidV. L. Sennitskii
97-103Analytical solution of the one-dimensional problem of moderately strong evaporation (and condensation) in a half-spaceA. V. Latyshev and A. A. Yushkanov
104-110Instability of flexural vibrations of plates in a turbulent boundary layerV. P. Reutov
111-116Estimate of the carrying capacity of structures under arbitrary flow conditionsR. A. Kayuraov
117-122Calculation of the dynamics of a flexible circular plate on a linearly deformable baseO. D. Pryakhina, V. V. Satarova and O. M. Tukodova
123-128Dynamic strength in explosive loading for shells made of oriented fibrous composites (review)A. G. Fedorenko, M. A. Syrunin and A. G. Ivanov
128-131Spalling failure in a polymer cylinder on unsymmetrical pulse loadingA. V. Ostrik and V. P. Petrovskii
132-137Method for obtaining a regular structure in the deformable region of a continuumA. P. Bobryakov and A. F. Revuzhenko
138-144Joint flow of a powder matrix and reinforcing mesh under plane deformationL. P. Vishnyakov, S. E. Aleksandrov and L. I. Feodos'eva
144-148Calculation of the residual stresses in welded joints of hard alloys with steels by the boundary elements methodV. N. Milenin, I. A. Filimonenko and L. I. Shkutin
148-153Effect of electron transfer on the cold resistance of the near-seam zone in electric arc weldingYa. S. Semenov, M. N. Sivtsev and A. A. Argunova

Volume 34, Number 2 / March 1993

155-160Voltage-current characteristics of a cylindrical langmuir probe in a slowly moving plasmaZ. M. Egorova and A. V. Kashevarov
161-162Propagation of a spherical shock wave in sandy soilN. N. Gerdyukov, A. G. Ioilev and S. A. Novikov
162-168Pressing thin-walled tubing from powdered materialS. E. Aleksandrov and L. R. Vishnyakov
169-173Numerical analysis of spallation failure of thin plates under shock deformationI. A. Volkov
173-179Propagation of shock waves in polydisperse gas suspensionsA. G. Kutushev and S. P. Rodionov
180-183Theoretical and experimental modeling of railgun operationV. B. Zheleznyi, A. V. Zagorskii, S. S. Katsnel'son, A. V. Kudryavtsev and A. V. Plekhanov
184-189Calculation of flows with separation, heat transfer, and swirl by means of boundary-layer equationsV. I. Vasil'ev and S. V. Khokhlov
190-195Modernization of turbulence models for axisymmetric jet flowV. E. Kozlov
196-204Weakly disturbed steady transonic flows of a vibrationally relaxing gasA. N. Bogdanov and V. A. Kulikovskii
205-212Nonlinear flutter of plates in the turbulent boundary layer of a weakly compressible flowV. P. Reutov
212-218Optimum wing shapes in a hypersonic nonequilibrium flowV. N. Golubkin and V. V. Negoda
219-226Inverse boundary value problems of aerohydrodynamics by means of the methods of numerical optimizationA. M. Elizarov and E. V. Fedorov
227-232Resonant growth of perturbations in a supersonic jetN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
233-238The characteristics of inertial resonances in a rotating liquidV. G. Makarenko
239-246Low-frequency characteristic acoustic oscillations in the noncirculating part of a hydraulic turbineV. B. Kurzin
247-253Evolution of a system of nuclei growing in the diffusion regime with fluctuating ratesYu. A. Buevich and A. O. Ivanov
253-262Thermodynamic properties and thermal equations of the state of high-pressure ice phasesV. E. Chizhov
263-266Vibrations of an orthotropic half-plane with a cavityA. 0. Vatul'yan and I. A. Guseva
266-271Parametric instability in the oscillations of a body moving uniformly in a periodically inhomogeneous elastic systemA. I. Vesnitskii and A. V. Metrikin
272-279Stability of an eulerian rod. nonlinear analysisT. A. Bodnar'
280-288Stability of an eulerian rodT. A. Bodnar'
289-291A structural approach to describing creep in a fiber-based soft compositeB. S. Reznikov and I. Yu. Shalaginova
292-295Initial transgritical behavior in a compressed rod under creep conditionsM. N. Kirsanov

Volume 34, Number 3 / May 1993

297-299Erosion of alloyed electrodes in a supersonic channelM. G. Musaev
300-304Thermal breakdown in a heating filamentA. P. Aldushin
304-312Flow past a slim body of revolution of a stationary supersonic flow of a vibrationally excited gas under a small angle of attackA. N. Bogdanov and V. A. Kulikovskii
313-319Action of wind gusts and weak shocks on an airfoil in a transonic streamA. S. Fonarev
319-323Calculation of the movement of a twisted flow of a gas suspension about the end of a semi-infinite cylinderI. Kh. Enikeev
323-330Interaction of a shock wave with a boundary layerV. I. Bergel'son, Yu. N. Kiselev, V. A. Klumov, I. V. Nemchinov and T. I. Orlova, et al.
331-338Pressure field and resistance of a single cavity with sharp and rounded edgesV. I. Terekhov, S. V. Kalinina and Yu. M. Mshvidobadze
339-346Unstable states of a weightless viscous fluid layer in a rotating cylindrical vesselL. G. Badratinova
346-354Development of separation in the region where a shock interacts with a turbulent boundary layer perturbed by rarefaction wavesA. A. Zheltovodov, É. Kh. Shilein and C. C. Horstman
354-360Optical and acoustic observations of stratified flow behind a cylinderV. E. Prokhorov, Yu. D. Chashechkin and I. V. Voeikov
361-377Nonlinear problems of cavitation breakdown of liquids under explosive loading (review)V. K. Kedrinskii
378-382Quasistatic and wave descriptions of elastic body loadingA. V. Dubovik
382-387Numerical modeling of petroleum heating and filtration in a plate under the action of high-frequency electromagnetic radiationA. A. Kislitsyn
387-391Forced-convection heat transfer from a heated surface in a cavity formed by two high finsA. I. Gnyrya, V. I. Terekhov, S. P. Tret'yakov and N. I. Yarygina
392-398Coupled convective heat transfer from annular fins in transverse flowV. G. Gorobets
399-403Effect of filler-particle size on the cleavage strength of elastomersG. I. Kanel', Z. G. Tolstikova and A. V. Utkin
403-410Relations of the nonlinear theory of three-layered shells with layers of variable thicknessS. V. Andreev and V. N. Paimushin
410-418Application of the method of influence functions in problems of the theory of cracks for anisotropic platesV. N. Maksimenko
419-422Fracture toughness of materials under dynamic loadingYu. I. Meshcheryakov and G. G. Savenkov
423-426Calculation of the stress-strain state of bent annular plates taking account of material damage during creepV. A. Zaev and A. F. Nikitenko
427-433Nonequilibrium kinetic transitions in solids as mechanisms of local plastic strain localizationO. B. Naimark and O. V. Ladygin
433-438Calculation of the evolution of plastic yielding at the tip of a crack and related phenomenaD. N. Karpinskii and S. V. Sannikov
439-448Deformation and stability loss of a part of the atomic chain at the tip of a crackV. M. Kornev and Yu. V. Tikhomirov
449-453Solution of steady-state problem of gas chromatographyV. S. Synakh

Volume 34, Number 4 / July 1993

455-460Analysis of energy and spectral characteristics of a gasdynamic laser with N2-DCl mixingN. G. Dautov and A. M. Starik
460-464Numerical analysis of a plasma jet in a magnetic fieldV. I. Ermilin, V. K. Kolesnikov and V. G. Petrov
465-473Electric forces on a circular cylindrical inclusion at the surface separating two dielectricsYu. P. Emetz, Yu. V. Obnosov and Yu. P. Onofriichuk
473-479Generation of electrical pulses during formation and development of current-driven instabilities in plasmasP. I. Zubkov
480-485Drop evaporation behind shock waves in a dry foamA. B. Britan and N. M. Kortsenshtein
486-492Shock wave screening by layers of a vapor-gas-drop mixtureA. G. Kutushev
492-499Change in the shape and characteristics of a burning body in hypersonic flowS. Yu. Menzhinskii and N. N. Pilyugin
500-502An investigation of the compressibility of sandy soil under impact-wave loadingN. N. Gerdyukov, A. G. Ioilev, A. D. Kovtun, Yu. M. Makarov and S. A. Novikov
503-508Nonstationary flow of an underexpanded jet around an unbounded obstacleG. F. Gorshkov, V. N. Uskov and V. S. Favorskii
508-515The theory of resonance interaction of tollmien-schlichting wavesA. P. Khokhlov
516-517Comment on current version of A. P. Khokhlov's article “the theory of resonance interaction of Tollmien-Schlichting waves”V. I. Zhuk and E. D. Terent'ev
517-524Effect of polydispersion on sound propagation in gas mixtures with vapor and liquid dropsD. A. Gubaidullin and A. I. Ivandaev
524-532Effect of the motion inside a liquid drop on its rise in a vertical tubeP. K. Volkov
533-534Finned cylinder in supersonic flowG. I. Maikapar
535-537Circulatory flow in the inter-jet zone of a system of free turbulent jetsT. A. Zhakatakev
538-542Experimental investigation of the motion of bodies in a fluidized bedE. A. Mikhailenko and S. P. Khurs
543-546Experimental study of the force of internal waves acting on a stationary sphereE. V. Ermanyuk
547-551The spectrum of normal oscillations of an elastoplastic medium with dissipationV. L. Popov and N. V. Chertova
551-556Nonlinear bending of toroidal shells of arbitrary transverse cross section loaded with internal pressureV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
557-561Vibrations of a cantilevered piezoceramic plate with a corrugated intermediate layerA. O. Vatul'yan, A. V. Nasedkin and A. S. Skaliukh
562-566Phenomenological model of creep under variable loadsV. S. Namestnikov
566-577Dissipative mesoscopic structures in plastic deformationV. V. Neverov
578-584Effect of initial failure rate of the formation of a spalling pulseA. V. Utkin
585-592Correlation of local strength gradient criteria in a stress concentration zone with linear fracture mechanicsM. A. Legan
593-598Dissipative processes in crystals with dislocationsB. Ya. Lyubimov and L. V. Matveev

Volume 34, Number 5 / September 1993

599-604Ion-sound wave structure in a point explosionV. A. Pavlov and I. R. Smirnovskii
605-610Interaction between a shock wave and a jet draining into a supersonic cocurrent flow with lesser supersonic velocityI. S. Belotserkovets and V. I. Timoshenko
610-618Numerical modeling of mach reflection for solitary wavesO. A. Serebrennikova and A. M. Frank
618-624Numerical study of the action of a shock wave on an obstacle screened by a layer of porous powder materialA. G. Kutushev and D. A. Rudakov
625-628Elastic characteristics of porous materialsV. V. Polyakov and A. V. Golovin
629-634Influence of collisions of small particles with large particles on the propagation of shock waves in two-phase, two-fraction aerosolsT. R. Amanbaev and A. I. Ivandaev
634-640Spectral composition of wave numbers of longitudinal vortices and characteristics of flow structure in a supersonic jetV. I. Zapryagaev, S. G. Mironov and A. V. Solotchin
640-647Taylor-görtler instability in a supersonic jetN. A. Zheltukhin and N. M. Terekhova
647-653Stationary currents in oscillating flows in tubes in the case of quasistationary turbulenceE. I. Permyakov
653-660Radiation of internal gravitational waves in the case of uniform motion of sources of variable amplitude (the plane problem)V. A. Gorodtsov
660-668Propagation of a boundary disturbance in a stratified gas for arbitrary knudsen numberD. A. Vereshchagin, S. B. Leble and A. K. Shchekin
669-676Optimizing an oscillation absorber in a combustion chamberS. V. Sukhinin and V. F. Akhmadeev
677-682Numerical calculation of a three-dimensional laminar compressible boundary layer on profiled triangular wings with supersonic front edgesV. N. Vetlutskii and T. V. Poplavskaya
683-685Application of the boundary-element method to calculate subsonic flow around a profileS. M. Aul'chenko
686-693Filtration of a gasified liquidV. Sh. Shagapov
694-700Heat exchange near the critical point of a body within a supersonic two-phase jetA. L. Levin
700-710General solutions and reduction of a system of equations of the linear theory of elasticity to diagonal formN. I. Ostrosablin
711-715Analysis of the sack problem with detailed inclusion of interatomic cohesive forcesV. M. Aleksandrov and B. I. Smetanin
716-721Simultaion of the thermal conditions of a fractured geothermal reservoirS. A. Safonov
722-725Phenomenological modeling of peculiarities of inclined crack initiationV. A. Dolgorukov and V. N. Shlyannikov
725-733Determination of stress intensity factors and crack-opening stresses from jumps in crack-edge displacementsV. N. Maksimenko
733-738Probe diagnosis of a flow of particles desorbed from the surface of a solid by a low-density plasma jetV. Z. Korn and V. A. Shuvalov
739-744Use of electron beam diagnostics to investigate flow of hydrogen fluoride gasG. G. Hartvich, A. E. Zarvin, V. V. Kalyada and V. Zh. Madirbaev

Volume 34, Number 6 / November 1993

745-751Dynamics and spatial boundaries of retardation of the plasma cloud of an explosion in a dipole magnetic fieldS. A. Nikitin and A. G. Ponomarenko
752-760Recombination radiation from a nonequilibrium jet of dissociated carbon dioxideA. V. Eremin and V. S. Ziborov
761-767Gas-dynamic laser nozzle-unit aeroopticsM. G. Ktalkherman and V. M. Mal'kov
768-774Particle production by electrical explosion of a conductorV. N. Gavrilov and E. A. Litvinov
775-783Radiation gas dynamic processes in an explosion caused by high-velocity impact of a cosmic body in mars' atmosphereA. V. Dobkin, T. V. Loseva, I. V. Nemchinov, I. A. Trubetskaya and V. V. Shuvalov
784-787Stability of periodic excitations for one model of “sonic vacuum”S. L. Gavrilyuk and V. F. Nesterenko
788-795Influence of lre model injector geometry on excitation of transverse gas oscillations in the combustion chamberB. I. Malinin
796-801Dispersion deformation of optoacoustic pulses in the surface layer of the oceanV. D. Kiselev and A. O. Maksimov
802-808Effect of finite-amplitude waves on the evaporation of a liquid film flowing down a vertical wallYu. Ya. Trifonov
809-812Thermocapillary convection in floating-zone meltingI. V. Belova and G. B. Volkova
813-820A limiting regime of crystallization of a polydisperse system from solutionsA. I. Moshinskii
821-824Solutions of leibenson's equation with periodic boundary conditionsM. B. Éntél' and S. F. Pimenov
825-830Turbulent mass transfer in the flow of a gas suspension in a potential force field with gas injection/suction through porous channel wallsI. V. Derevich
831-834Modeling of radiation-convection heating of cohesive-soil granules in low-temperature plasma flowsA. L. Burka and V. N. Efimenko
835-842Nonlocal measures of finite deformationsA. F. Revuzhenko
843-846Algorithm for solving plasticity problems by the finite-element methodV. N. Solodovnikov
847-852Construction of the creep equations of materials with allowance for the softening stage in uniaxial deformationV. N. Maklakov
853-860Longwave approximation in the theory of unidirectional compositesA. M. Mikhailov
861-869Model of a porous material considering the plastic zone near the poreS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
870-877Hyperbolic modification of the Navier-Stokes equationsB. G. Kuznetsov
878-883A model of the dynamic failure of the fuel element of a reactor with the uncontrolled introduction of positive reactivityR. M. Aksenov, O. V. Kovalenko and V. K. Sirotkin
884-887Stressed state of ferromagnetic plate with cracks in the presence of strong magnetic fieldL. A. Fil'shtinskii, E. M. Kravets and V. A. Khvorost

Volume 35, Number 1 / January 1994

1-12Closure of the hydrodynamic theory of wetting in a small-scale regionO. V. Voinov
13-20Modeling of a monosilane rf-discharge plasmaV. A. Shveigert, M. I. Zhilyaev and I. V. Shveigert
21-28Modeling of the dynamics of the change in the index of refraction during resonance interaction of radiation with vibrational-rotational transitionsV. I. Grabovskii and A. M. Starik
29-33Internal solitary waves and smooth bores which are stationary in a laboratory coordinate systemN. V. Gavrilov
34-42Discrete nonlinear-dispersion shallow-water modelA. M. Frank
43-48Turbulent free convection in a vertical layer under unstable stratification conditionsA. G. Kirdyashkin, D. A. Fursenko and I. B. Fursenko
49-52Efficiency of a protective gas film with high injection ratios in a highly turbulent main flowV. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, S. Ya. Misyura and V. I. Terekhov
53-60Calculation of the velocity profile in a nonlinear wave in a fluid layer flowing down a vertical wallP. I. Geshev and Kh. Kh. Murtazaev
61-65Accuracy of asymptotic solutions for nonuniform supersonic flow past a blunt bodyN. N. Pilyugin, R. F. Talipov and S. V. Utyuzhnikov
66-68Two forms of liquid separation from a smooth surfaceS. K. Betyaev, A. M. Gaifullin and S. V. Gordeev
69-74Computational analysis of a spatial compressed turbulent boundary layer on the upwind side of delta wings under supersonic flowV. N. Vetlutskii and T. V. Poplavskaya
75-83Space-time structure of a trail behind a heated cylinderA. B. Ezerskii, M. Gharib and M. Hammache
84-92Stability of a solid in a vortex flow of ideal liquidV. A. Vladimirov and K. I. Il'in
93-96Conditions for finite signal speed in relaxational infiltrationO. Yu. Dinariev
97-99Structure and dynamics of the slow pressure wave in a porous medium saturated with a liquid containing gas bubblesV. E. Dontsov and V. A. Maslov
100-116Planar deformation in geometrically nonlinear elasticityV. D. Bondar'
117-122Optimization of a layered spherical inclusion in an infinite matrix with uniaxial tensionV. V. Alekhin
123-130Calculation of elastoplastic strains in a multicomponent polycrystalline materialO. A. Volokhovskaya and V. V. Podalkov
131-138Small-diameter structure with unilateral inside contactsA. G. Kolpakov
139-142Safety factors and reliability of large structuresA. G. Ivanov and V. A. Ryzhanskii
143-149Evaluating the residual strength of shells of laminated composites with through-slit-type defectsA. V. Abramenko and V. N. Maksimenko
150-154Flat rigid die under a transverse loadV. A. Babakov, V. A. Kolodko and S. B. Stazhevskii
155-161Electron-beam diagnostics of hydrogen fluoride. Optical model and its limitationsG. G. Gartvich, A. E. Zarvin and V. Zh. Madirbaev

Volume 35, Number 2 / March 1994

163-168Formation of a weakly oscillating high-power flow of relativistic electrons with strong magnetic compressionYu. D. Grom, I. A. Kremer, V. N. Manuilov, V. E. Nechaev and M. V. Urev
169-174Study of the radiation charging of dielectrics by ionsK. A. Dergobuzov and A. P. Yalovets
175-182Regular reflection of a shock wave from a wall with a bendS. V. Voshchin
183-192Interaction of a shock wave with a cloud of particles of finite dimensionsV. P. Kiselev, S. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
193-200Steady thermomagnetohydrodynamic flows of a conducting gas in strong magnetic fields with allowance for the hall effectI. V. Krasnoslobodtsev
201-206Calculating the evolution of coagulating systemsE. V. Semenov
207-210Is spontaneous swirling of axisymmetric flow possible?B. A. Lugovtsov
211-215Influence of surface-active agents on the thinning of a vertical liquid filmL. K. Antanovskii
216-223Supercritical thermocapillary convection regimes in a liquid layer “on the ceiling”L. G. Badratinova and S. G. Slavchev
224-227Aerodynamic characteristics of a delta wing in hypersonic flowV. Ya. Kiselev, A. A. Maslov and A. N. Shiplyuk
228-234Effect of coarse impurity particles on turbulent characteristics of gas suspensions in channelsI. V. Derevich
235-238Model investigations of wave formation in solid ice cover from the motion of a submarineV. M. Kozin and A. V. Onishchuk
239-242Some exact solutions of the displacement problem when filtering a gas-condensate mixtureO. Yu. Dinariev
243-245Pressure filtration in a cracked and porous stratumA. M. Ametov
246-256Interaction of nonlinear waves in materials with elastoplastic behaviorN. N. Myagkov
257-262Elastic wave polarization and velocity in materials with stress-induced anisotropyA. F. Glebov
263-268Nonstationary problems of the quasistatic theory of a hardening elastic bodyA. L. Maksimenko and E. A. Olevskii
269-273Inhomogeneous inclusion in an anisotropic elastic mediumG. N. Mirenkova and É. G. Sosnina
274-278Energy-wave approach in the mechanics of brittle dynamic fractureA. G. Kotousov
279-285Relationship between the acoustic properties of the burner head and combustion chamber and transverse vibrations excited in a gasB. I. Malinin
286-296Postbuckling behavior of an ideal bar on an elastic foundationN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev
297-305Calculation of plane equilibrium shapes of thin rods by the method of self-equilibrating variancesYu. M. Volchkov, G. V. Ivanov and O. N. Ivanova
306-309Parabolic approximation to the theory of transverse vibrations of rods and beamsV. V. Nesterenko and A. M. Chervyakov
310-318Stressed-construction rigidity characteristicsA. G. Kolpakov
319-323Design and testing of high-pressure coversA. G. Fedorenko, A. G. Shimarov and M. A. Syrunin

Volume 35, Number 3 / May 1994

325-335Effect of longitudinal aberration in an ion-optical system on the properties of a focused beamV. N. Getmanov, I. M. Ikryanov and O. Ya. Savchenko
336-344Ultimate velocities of plates accelerated by magnetic fieldS. V. Stankevich and G. A. Shvetsov
345-354Relaxation oscillations of a nonequilibrium gas filling a variable-area channelA. N. Bogdanov
355-365Generation of long waves by the bottom contour in a two-layer flowV. N. Lyapidevskii
366-372Effect of anomalous dispersion dependences on scattering and generation of internal wavesI. V. Sturova
373-382Unique features of the aerodynamics problems for a wing of finite spanN. F. Vorob'ev
383-395Wind tunnels for hypersonic research (progress, problems, prospects)M. E. Topchiyan and A. M. Kharitonov
396-400Waveriders constructed on flows following shock waves in the form of elliptical conesV. I. Voronin and A. I. Shvets
401-410Dynamics of capillary waves on a bubble performing nonlinear pulsations in a lowviscosity liquidO. V. Voinov
411-415Lifetime of a symmetrically pulsating bubbleO. V. Voinov
416-424Evaporative mechanism of cluster generation by a solid surface bounded by vaporA. A. Bochkarev and M. V. Pukhovoi
425-429Modeling the aerodynamic drawing of a viscoelastic fluid by a thin nonisothermal jetA. L. Kalabin
430-442Dynamic fracture and scale effects (survey)A. G. Ivanov
443-446Energy approach to the solution of the nonlinear boundary-value problems of the nonclassical theory of anisotropic stratified shells with slit-cracksV. N. Yurkov
447-454Anisotropy from slippingsV. M. Zhigalkin and B. A. Rychkov
455-458Determining the elastic characteristics of homogeneous anisotropic bodiesI. Yu. Tsvelodub
459-466Low-stress state in an inhomogeneous compound wedge with mixed boundary conditionsA. G. Akopyan
467-475Most efficient way of mixing powdersA. F. Revuzhenko
476-480Distribution of stresses in elastic strongly anisotropic materialYu. A. Bogan
481-486Use of a charge-exchange process in spectral diagnostics of plasma streamsYu. P. Zakharov, O. M. Orishich, V. N. Snytnikov and I. F. Shaikhislamov

Volume 35, Number 4 / July 1994

487-495Cooled cylindrical langmuir probe in a slowly moving plasmaZ. M. Egorov and A. V. Kashevarov
496-505Thermal explosion of a rising flow of liquid in a ring channelT. A. Bodnar'
506-514Numerical investigation of deuterium implosion in a conical targetA. A. Charakhch'yan
515-521Optimum forms of three-dimensional bodies for penetration of dense mediaN. A. Ostapenko, V. I. Romanchenko and G. E. Yakunina
522-537Two-velocity hydrodynamics and thermodynamicsS. M. Shugrin
538-545Dissipative two-velocity hydrodynamicsS. M. Shugrin
546-555Instability of a self-gravitating compressible mediumYu. G. Gubarev
556-562Acoustic resonance in turbomachinery with aerodynamic interaction of the cascades in subsonic gas flowV. L. Khitrik
563-568Airfoil cascade in unsteady eddy flowV. A. Yudin
569-576Discharge of a gas-saturated liquid through a nozzleV. G. Karimov and V. Sh. Shagapov
577-583Mechanics of suspensions of rigid uniaxial dumbbells in an anisotropic liquidE. Yu. Taran, Yu. V. Pridatchenko and V. S. Volkov
584-593Numerical simulation of combined heat transfer in a planar layer on a net having an arbitrary thickness stepV. P. Zamuraev
594-597Studying heat exchange of dispersion-drop gas-liquid flow in granular layerN. A. Kuzin, V. A. Kuz'min, A. V. Kulikov and A. B. Shigarov
598-604Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer in fiber bundles with liquid evaporation on their surfacesV. I. Eliseev and Yu. P. Sovit
605-611Calculation of spatial equilibrium forms for thin elastic rods by the self-equalizing discrepancy methodG. V. Ivanov and O. V. Ivanova
612-622Derivation of equations for a layer of variable thickness based on expansions in terms of Legendre's polynomialsA. E. Alekseev
623-627Effect of the anisotropy of macromolecular tangles on the nonlinear properties of polymer liquids stretched along a single axisG. V. Pyshnograi
628-633Determination of the kinetic strength constants and of the critical size of destruction of composite materials on the basis of recording of pulse electromagnetic radiation during their destructionV. V. Ivanov, P. V. Egorov, V. I. Klimov, L. A. Kolpakova and A. A. Malyshin, et al.
634-638Buckling of a ductile column under rigid loadingM. N. Kirsanov
639-642Effect of shear strength on the development of instability during the deceleration of imploding casingsA. G. Ivanov, V. A. Ogorodnikov, G. Ya. Karpenko, A. D. Kovtun and A. A. Demidov, et al.

Volume 35, Number 5 / September 1994

643-652Light-induced drift of a one-component gas in a flat channelV. G. Chernyak, I. V. Chermyaninov, E. A. Vilisova and E. A. Subbotin
653-657Structure of the plasma jet of a pulsed erosional electric-discharge sourceS. B. Leonov and G. A. Luk'yanov
658-664Features of shock wave formation in soft materials generated by impact of a plateN. Kh. Akhmadeev and R. Kh. Bolotnova
665-669Numerical study of turbulent flow of partly ionized air in a viscous shock layerV. L. Kovalev and A. A. Krupnov
670-679Planar problem of hydrodynamic shaking of a submerged body in the presence of motion in a two-layered fluidI. V. Sturova
680-689Numerical analysis of the asymptotic representation of solitary wavesE. A. Karabut
690-694Numerical simulation of vibrational relaxation processes in unsteady gas jetsÉ. I. Vitkin, A. A. Kirillov and L. T. Perel'man
695-703Optical recording of shear flow of a nematic liquid crystal in a gasdynamic flowG. M. Zharkova and S. I. Trashkeev
704-711Behavior of suspensions under dynamic loadingS. V. Stebnovskii
712-717Interaction of pressure waves with a wet foamA. B. Britan and I. N. Zinovik
718-721Influence of the gas flow rate on the drawing of optical fibers from fluoride glassesM. V. Gorbunov
722-725Generation of waves in a layered medium containing a local defectA. A. Lyapin
726-734Description of the creep process and long-term strength by equations with one scalar damage parameterB. V. Gorev and I. D. Klopotov
735-738Formation of the microstructure of a composite during its dynamic loadingS. N. Kul'kov, S. F. Gnyusov and L. M. Molchunova
739-744Buckling of a bar on an elastic baseN. S. Astapov, A. G. Demeshkin and V. M. Kornev
745-749Stress-deformed state of a semi-infinite ice sheet under the action of a moving loadV. D. Zhestkaya and V. M. Kozin
750-756Determination of the breaking load and the position and direction of a fracture using the gradient approachM. A. Legan
757-760Antiplane deformation of a plane with a slit filled with a material with a low shear modulusYu. A. Bogan
761-769Singular points of deformation process and creep buckling of a cylindrical shellM. N. Kirsanov and V. D. Klyushnikov
770-775Approximate method for solving relaxation problems in terms of material's damagability under creepA. F. Nikitenko and I. V. Sukhorukov
776-780Numerical method of solving the problem of the contact of an elastic plate with an obstacleV. A. Kovtunenko
781-792Effect of the direction and magnitude of an external stress field on the trajectory of a star-shaped system of cracksG. V. Basheev, P. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
793-797Features of the change in the frequency spectrum of electromagnetic radiation during the fracture of rock specimensG. I. Kulakov and G. E. Yakovitskaya
798-804Toward a theory of the propagation of elastoplastic waves in strain-hardening mediaV. M. Sadovskii
805-807Kinetics of the collision of metallic plates in a multilayer packet during explosion weldingS. V. Kuz'min, V. I. Lysak and D. V. Starikov

Volume 35, Number 6 / November 1994

809-816Evaluation of the seismic effect of an underground explosionA. S. Bykovtsev and D. B. Kramarovskii
817-822Dynamics of unstable oscillations in a supersonic jetN. M. Terekhova
823-831Long waves in an eddying barotropic liquidV. M. Teshukov
832-836Problem of the interaction between a supersonic flow and a cloud of particlesV. F. Volkov, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
837-843Conditions for oscillations in a tube with an inlet gas flowV. S. Demin and S. A. Gaponov
844-848Nonlinear oscillations of a gas in a closed tubeA. A. Aganin and M. A. Il'gamov
849-860Asymptotic model of active resonance absorber of acoustic vibrations in a closed regionV. B. Kurzin
861-868Spiral waves on the surface of a film draining along the surface of a vertical cylinderO. Yu. Tsvelodub
869-874Compensation effect in gasdynamic separation of mixturesS. V. Dolgushev and V. M. Fomin
875-890Dynamics of a viscous liquid wetting a solid via Van der Waals ForcesO. V. Voinov
891-897Model of the motion of a two-component liquid with allowance of capillary forcesV. N. Starovoitov
898-905Model of turbulent viscosity for computation of three-dimensional turbulent boundary layersS. I. Shpak
906-910Experimental study of spectra corresponding to friction stress and the third statistical moments in fully developed turbulent pipe flowP. G. Zaets, A. T. Onufriev, N. A. Safarov and R. A. Safarov
911-919Model of the deformation of a liquid droplet in a gas flowD. A. Detkovskii and S. M. Frolov
920-927Uniform deformation of a granular medium theory and experimentD. Kolymbas, S. V. Lavrikov and A. F. Revuzhenko
928-935Momentless model of the elastoplastic deformation and limiting state of thin interlayersG. V. Ivanov and V. D. Kurguzov
936-941Numerical modeling of stress states in two-dimensional problems of elasticity by the layers methodYu. M. Volchkov, L. A. Dergileva and G. V. Ivanov
942-948Boundary-value problem of dynamic geometrically nonlinear elasticityV. D. Bondar'
949-956Equations of the linear theory of elasticity of anisotropic materials, reduced to three independent wave equationsN. I. Ostrosablin
957-962Variational problems with a small parameter in the theory of elasticityYu. A. Bogan

Volume 36, Number 1 / January 1995

1-3Microwave radiation in the electrical explosion of conductorsL. P. Gorbachev, S. V. Novikov, V. B. Sokolov, V. F. Fedorov and Yu. A. Frolov, et al.
4-9Viscosity of aluminum and lead in shockwave experimentsV. A. Ogorodnikov, A. A. Sadovoi, E. S. Tyun'kin and N. M. Chulkov
10-18Hydraulic jump in the shear flow of an ideal incompressible fluidV. M. Teshukov
19-29Transformation of a density field by a threedimensional body moving in a continuously stratified fluidYu. D. Chashechkin, E. V. Gumennik and E. Ya. Sysoeva
30-37Pressure waves in a liquid suspension with solid particles and gas bubblesV. E. Dontsov, V. E. Nakoryakov and B. G. Pokusaev
38-44Mathematical models and topological methods in wing aerodynamicsS. K. Betyaev and O. P. Brysov
45-49Motion of an airfoil near a flat screenD. N. Gorelov and S. I. Gorlov
50-59Analysis of flow changes in a diffuser boundary layer in terms of the maximum stability of averaged turbulent flowsS. S. Dmitriev
60-66Approach to the investigation of the occurrence of turbulence in the flow of a viscous fluid in closed volumesYu. N. Belyaev
67-77Experimental study of the transition to turbulence at a single stationary disturbance in the boundary layer of an oblique aerofoilA. V. Boiko, V. V. Kozlov, V. V. Syzrantsev and V. A. Shcherbakov
78-85Dependence of formation time of oscillating vortices on excitation frequency of a rotating fluidV. G. Makarenko
86-90Conjugation of the channel and filtration flows of a viscous incompressible fluidV. N. Monakhov and N. V. Khusnutdinova
91-97Determination of the stability and fragmentation length of a melt jet in waterO. I. Melikhov
98-104Regularized numerical solution of the nonlinear, two-dimensional, inverse heat-conduction problemA. Ya. Kuzin
105-113Friction and mass transfer in transverse flow around a cylinder in a granular bed and a narrow slotA. V. Gorin, A. V. Zarubin, T. N. Mikhailova, V. A. Mukhin and D. F. Sikovskii
114-122Asymptote of the basic equation for perturbation propagation in a low-viscosity two-dimensional dediumD. B. Rokhlin
123-127Determining the strain features of rock jointsL. A. Nazarov and E. N. Sher
128-131Calculating the nominal yield point of structurally heterogeneous powdersE. Yu. Eremina and S. N. Peshcherenko
132-137Geometrically nonlinear analysis of the stressstrain state of toroidal shells under pure bendingS. V. Levyakov
138-142Plane-parallel state of a composite wedgeM. A. Zadoyan and N. B. Safaryan
143-150Procedure for describing the deformation of materials to fracture under conditions of near-superplasticityB. V. Gorev, I. D. Klopotov and T. É. Zakharova

Volume 36, Number 2 / March 1995

151-154Effect of rotation on the electrogasdynamic characteristics of flow in a cylindrical channelO. V. Matvienko
155-165Some features of the flow of gas that occurs as a result of the interaction between a shock-wave and a cloud of particlesS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
166-168The decay of soliton at the contact of two “acoustic vacuums”V. F. Nesterenko, A. N. Lazaridi and E. B. Sibiryakov
169-176Exact multidimensional solutions of the nonlinear diffusion equationV. V. Pukhnachev
177-182Stability of motion in a planar layer of inhomogeneous ideal incompressible liquid having free boundariesV. E. Zakhvataev
183-188Steady oscillations of a plane profile near the interface of media with a flat bottomS. I. Filippov
189-198Unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of a three-dimensional plate cascade in a subsonic gas flowV. P. Ryabchenko
199-209Asymptotic model for generation of three-dimensional vortex structures in a boundary layerV. P. Reutov
210-219Numerical investigation of supersonic turbulent separated flows in the vicinity of oblique stepsA. V. Borisov, A. A. Zheltovodov, D. Badekas and N. Narayanswami
220-225Motion of a swirled fluid in the core of a vertical, tornado-like vortexV. V. Nikulin
226-233Turbulent swirling wake behind a sphere with complete or partial drag compensationV. A. Kostomakha and N. V. Lesnova
234-240Evolution of internal structure of a liquid destruction zone under impulsive loadingA. R. Berngardt, V. K. Kedrinskii and E. I. Pal'chikov
241-245Dispersion of a high-pressure water-fuel emulsion jetA. A. Buzukov and B. P. Timoshenko
246-251Modelling of the movement of gas streams with coarse particlesV. L. Istomin, E. N. Razinkov and Yu. V. Ryabinin
252-257Pressure attenuation curve in the relaxation theory of filtration. Case of multiple relaxation timesO. Yu. Dinariev
258-266Calculation of the characteristics of conjugate heat and mass transfer during gas injection and thermochemical ablation in the veil zoneV. I. Zinchenko, A. G. Kataev and A. S. Yakimov
267-273Displacement waves for strain localization in the stretching of a strip with elastoplastic seamsG. V. Ivanov and V. D. Kurguzov
274-278Analytical method for prediction of the strength of composite laminatesR. A. Azamatov, É. S. Sibgatullin and I. G. Teregulov
279-286Method of local approximations in the nonlinear theory of shellsS. V. Levyakov and Yu. V. Soinikov
287-293Simple mathematical models of the explosive failure of a spacecraftA. B. Kiselev
294-299Effect of dry friction on the surface of a growing shear layer on stress concentrationV. A. Saraikin
300-307Selecting a phase-diagram approximation and a model of the disappearance of martensite crystals for shape memory allosyA. A. Movchan
308-321Stability analysis of steady supersonic flow regimes past infinite wedgeA. M. Blokhin and A. D. Birkin

Volume 36, Number 3 / May 1995

323-328Numerical analysis of the distribution of currents in a plasma jet, with the Hall effect taken into accountV. I. Ermilin and V. K. Kolesnikov
329-335Critical current density in railgun accelerators with composite electrodesS. V. Stankevich and G. A. Shvetsov
336-340Mc generators. Selection of optimal experimental conditionsA. M. Trubachev
341-346Development of perturbations of a shock-accelerated interface between two gasesS. M. Bakhrakh, B. A. Klopov, E. E. Meshkov, A. I. Tolshmyakov and Yu. V. Yanilkin
347-353Ignition of pulverized coal particles in shock wavesS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
354-359Numerical modeling of the interaction of a strong shock wave with liquid dropsV. S. Surov
360-366Singular vortexL. V. Ovsyannikov
367-372Characteristic properties of the system of equations of a shear flow with nonmonotonic velocity profileV. M. Teshukov and M. M. Sterkhova
373-380Effective method of calculating the wave drag of solids of revolution in the transonic rangeM. A. Naida and A. S. Fonarev
381-384Interaction between axial and annular jets leaving a cylindrical cavity and an incoming supersonic gas flowL. A. Bazyma
385-393Experimental investigation of high-frequency secondary disturbances in a swept-wing boundary layerA. V. Boiko, V. V. Kozlov, V. V. Syzrantsev and V. A. Shcherbakov
394-396Visualization of supersonic gas flows with an impulsive space chargeI. A. Znamenskaya, T. A. Kuli-zade and I. V. Stepanets
397-400Experimental study of spectra corresponding to some two-point fourth-order moments in a developed turbulent flow in a tubeP. G. Zaets, A. T. Onufriev, N. A. Safarov and R. A. Safarov
401-405Gas-dynamic shock waves in a relaxing gasM. A. Rydalevskaya
406-421Film absorption on a plane surface imbedded in a granulated mediumA. V. Gorin and A. I. Fedorchenko
422-427Influence of the surface layer on the phase transition process in an inhomogeneous medium with account of heat flux relaxationN. V. Solov'ev and A. V. Talonov
428-433Mass exchange in gas desorption from finely dispersed liquid particles in a near-wall two-phase jetV. P. Lebedev, V. I. Terekhov and N. E. Shishkin
434-437Mechanism of the initial stage of bubble growth in a liquid close to the superheat limitB. P. Avksentyuk
438-443Strength and viscosity of metals in a wide range of strain rate variationV. A. Ogorodnikov, E. S. Tyun'kin and A. G. Ivanov
444-448Dynamic strength in oriented fiber glass composite shellsM. A. Syrunin, A. G. Fedorenko and A. G. Ivanov
449-452Anisotropic disc loaded by a layer of forces in an unbounded elastic mediumG. N. Mirenkova and E. G. Sosnina
453-457Dynamic stability of three-layer plates with regard to transverse deformations in a fillerV. M. Ermolenko
458-465Bending of a three-layer orthotropic beamA. E. Alekseev
466-467Effect of heating on the spall fracture of a composite based on SKTN rubberV. K. Golubev, G. Kh. Korshunova and Yu. S. Sobolev
468-475Transition radiation in two-dimensional elastic systemsA. I. Vesnitskii, A. V. Kononov and A. V. Metrikin
476-481New potentials of Kol'skii's method for studying the dynamic properties of soft soilsA. M. Bragov, V. P. Gandurin, G. M. Grushevskii and A. K. Lomunov

Volume 36, Number 4 / July 1995

483-487Energetic criteria of artificial magnetosphere formationS. A. Nikitin and A. G. Ponomarenko
488-495Application of a charge-exchange process to optical diagnostics of the interaction of a laser-generated plasma with a dipole magnetic fieldI. F. Shaikhislamov, V. M. Antonov, Yu. P. Zakharov, A. V. Melekhov and V. G. Posukh, et al.
496-512Stability of a fast magnetohydrodynamic shock wave in plasma with anisotropic pressureA. M. Blokhin and Yu. L. Trakhinin
513-519Modeling electrohydrodynamic flows in slightly conductive liquidsI. L. Pankrat'eva and V. A. Polyanskii
520-525Mathematical modeling of the slider-disk interaction in disk units of the Winchester typeR. A. Gruntfest
526-531On spontaneous swirling in axisymmetric flowsYu. G. Gubarev and B. A. Lugovtsov
532-564Formation and development of coherent structures in a transitional boundary layerV. I. Borodulin and Y. S. Kachanov
565-574Conditions in a node of one-dimensional gas flowsYu. A. Dubravin
575-584A method for the solution of the two-dimensional multifront stefan problemA. S. Ovcharova
585-593Dissociation of hydrates in a porous medium under depressive effectsV. R. Syrtlanov and V. Sh. Shagapov
594-598Control of the surface of a sectioned bimorph plateA. O. Vatul'yan, N. B. Lapitseaya, A. V. Nas dein, A. S. Sealiue and A. N. Solov'
599-610A refined statement of dynamic problems of sandwich shells with transversely soft core and a numerical-analytical method of their solutionV. A. Ivanov and V. N. Paimushin
611-613Axisymmetric surface buckling of an elastic half-space under compressionO. I. Ivanishcheva and V. G. Trofimov
614-621Movement of the surface of a compound half-space in a dynamic shear rupture along the internal boundaryV. A. Saraikin
622-627Study of the Bauschinger effect under dynamic loadingS. A. Novikov, V. A. Pushkov, V. A. Sinitsyn and P. A. Tsoi
628-632Influence of a crack in a floating elastic plate on the propagation of flexural gravitational wavesA. E. Bukatov and D. D. Zav'yalov
633-639Transition radiation in an elastic wheelA. V. Metrikin
640-642Determination of the dynamic coefficient of friction of sandy ground on a rigid wallN. N. Gerdyukov, A. G. Ioilev and S. A. Novikov

Volume 36, Number 5 / September 1995

643-646Interaction of molecular flow from a point source with a continuous mediumB. L. Paklin and A. K. Rebrov
647-653Solution of the perturbation problem for a shear flow with nonmonotonic velocity profileM. M. Sterkhova
654-657Self-similar solutions for an axisymmetric turbulent wakeV. E. Kozlov
658-665Numerical solution of navier-stokes equations for an incompressible liquid in channels with a porous insertN. T. Danaev, Sh. Smagulov and N. M. Temirbekov
666-674Peculiarities of formation and development of recirculation-flow zones in shear layers of supersonic flowsG. F. Glotov
675-681Body drag control in supersonic gas flows by injection of liquid jetsA. E. Berdyugin, V. M. Fomin and V. P. Fomichev
682-688Numerical study of the Stokes equationsS. D. Algazin
689-696Mathematical model of the freezing-thawing of saline frozen soilV. I. Vasil'ev, A. M. Maksimov, E. E. Petrov and G. G. Tsypkin
697-708Strength and deformability of zirconium alloy E-110 under simple and complex loadingsI. E. Ginsburg, V. M. Zhigalkin, V. A. Kotrekhov, S. Yu. Zavodchikov and A. F. Lositsky, et al.
709-714Anisotropic strengthening of an orthotropic materialV. M. Zhigalkin and B. A. Rychkov
715-723Complex deformation of an orthotropic materialB. A. Rychkov
724-729Symmetry operators and general solutions of the equations of the linear theory of elasticityN. I. Ostrosablin
730-736Numerical solution of nonlinear problems of spatial equilibrium forms for thin elastic rodsG. V. Ivanov and O. N. Ivanova
737-746Design of fibrous composites with assigned strain-strength characteristicsA. G. Kolpakov
747-755Nonstationary diffraction of elastic waves on a rigid elliptical cylinderN. I. Alexandrova
756-763The asymptotic theory of thermoelastic beamsA. G. Kolpakov
764-772Free oscillations of layered elastic composite shells of revolutionA. N. Andreyev
773-780Asymptotic averaging technique for heat conduction problems with phase transitions in layered mediaA. N. Vlasov, V. L. Savatorova and A. V. Talonov
781-788Dynamic thermostability of the composite shells of a sandwich-type structureYu. V. Nemirovskii, V. I. Samsonov and A. V. Shulgin
789-795Singular solutions of the problems of the nonlinear theory of elastic dislocationsM. I. Karyakin and O. G. Pustovalova
796-798Electron-inertial effect in metals under shock loadingYu. G. Kashaev, A. I. Trofimov and M. A. Trofimov

Volume 36, Number 6 / November 1995

799-805Diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave on a poorly conducting, cellular structure in a dielectric layerT. A. Khmel' and V. I. Yakovlev
806-808Diffraction of a strong shock wave on a cylinder with a time-varying radiusV. A. Pavlov
809-817Detonation waves in polydisperse gas suspensions of unitary fuel having a continuous particle size distribution functionA. I. Ivandaev, A. G. Kutushev and S. P. Rodionov
818-825Effect of excitation of molecular vibrations on the dynamics of combustion of an H2+O2 mixture behind a detonation shockwaveN. G. Dautov and A. M. Starik
826-827Use of a plasma jet for observation of desorption of ions from a metal surfaceV. I. Batkin and O. Ya. Savchenko
828-839Unsteady motion of a thin wing in a stratified fluidL. A. Tkacheva
840-843Instability of a three-dimensional supersonic boundary layerYu. G. Ermolaev, A. D. Kosinov, V. Ya. Levchenko and N. V. Semenov
844-847Stability of a wake behind a flat plate in a supersonic flowV. I. Lysenko and N. V. Semenov
848-854Hypersonic flow on a flat plate. Experimental results and numerical modelingV. N. Vetlutskii, A. A. Maslov, S. G. Mironov, T. V. Poplavskaya and A. N. Shiplyuk
855-861Hydrodynamics and diffusion of an impurity in a cell of a two-phase mediumP. K. Volkov and P. I. Geshev
862-868Space waves on the source of a film flowing down the surface of a vertical cylinderO. Yu. Tsvelodub
869-876Free flow of a granular material from an aperture in the presence of a gas counterflowG. G. Kuvshimov
877-882Physical processes in a producing stratum from a conditioning source in a wellYu. S. Stepanov, É. M. Vol'nitskaya, M. V. Meshcheryakov and V. P. Prilepskii
883-888Heat transfer in condensation on a vertical tube in a granular bedP. T. Petrik and A. R. Bogomolov
889-893Singular stress at the ends of a brittle crack for zero value of the J integralV. A. Khandogin
894-902Effect of pulsed load form on retained deflections of rigidly-plastic plates of a complex shapeYu. V. Nemirovskii and T. P. Romanova
903-911Boundary-value problem in the mechanics of the deformation and failure of damaged bodies with yielded zonesV. É. Vil'deman, Yu. V. Sokolkin and A. A. Tashkinov
912-919Asymptotic problem of beam stability. Loss of stability in bending and bucklingA. G. Kolpakov
920-927Emergence paths of cracks on a free surface during wedgingV. P. Efimov, P. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
928-932Method of predicting the fracture of rocks using the features of the spectral-time characteristics of signals of electromagnetic radiationG. I. Kulakov and G. E. Yakovitskaya
933-938Investigation of the dynamic loading of iceV. E. Chizhov

Volume 37, Number 1 / January 1996

1-11Electric forces in a dielectric two-layer cylinder with nonconcentric arrangement of layersYu. P. Emets, Yu. V. Obnosov and Yu. P. Onofrychuk
12-16Macroparticle acceleration in a Plasma armature railgunA. V. Plekhanov, A. V. Kudryavtsev, V. B. Zheleznyi and D. V. Khandryga
17-22Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of electromagnetic acceleration of microparticles using a metal armatureA. V. Plekhanov, A. N. Tereschenko and D. V. Khandryga
23-29Rarefaction shock wave in a porous materialS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
30-35Impact against a spindle-shaped solid body submerged in a liquid of infinite depthM. V. Norkin
36-40Group classification of equations of motion of a gas in a constant force fieldS. V. Meleshko
41-47Asymptotic behavior of a flow with a free surfaceA. B. Usov
48-53Modification of the lees method in calculations of heat flux from a spherical particle at arbitrary knudsen numbersA. A. Yushkanov and S. A. Savkov
54-61Mathematical modeling of elastic phase transitionsI. A. Kaliev
62-68Regular and anomalous regimes of gas-liquid flow through a channel contractionV. Yu. Liapidevskii
69-79Riblet control of the laminar-turbulent transition in a stationary vortex on an oblique airfoilA. V. Boiko, V. V. Kozlov, V. V. Syzrantsev and V. A. Shcherbakov
80-88The stability of poiseuille fluid of a two-phase fluid with a nonuniform particle distributionV. Ya. Rudyak and E. B. Isakov
89-95Numerical modeling of a separated turbulent flow in the near wake behind a plateV. M. Kovenya and A. S. Lebedev
96-100Calculation of pressure distribution near the leading edge of an airfoil using the discrete-vortex methodD. N. Gorelov
101-108Nonlinear triple-wave interactions in saturated porous mediaA. M. Maksimov, E. V. Radkevich and I. Ya. Edelman
109-117On building a rheological model of cavitating dispersive liquid mediaS. V. Stebnovskii
118-122Mathematical modeling of film chemical reactions of condensed-phase metal oxides with thermal protective materialsV. A. Burakov
123-128An initial approximation in the theory of microviscoelasticity of linear polymers and associated nonlinear effectsG. V. Pyshnograi
129-134A study of contact interaction of two-layer shellsI. G. Emel'yanov
135-140Experimental and computational investigation of heat fluxes in a supersonic diffuserV. N. Zaikovskii, V. M. Trofimov and S. I. Shtrekalkin
141-148Transport of particulate solids through a horizontal grid under gas counterflowG. G. Kuvshinov

Volume 37, Number 2 / March 1996

149-158Type (2,1) regular submodels of the equations of gas dynamicsL. V. Ovsyannikov
159-169Group analysis of the partially symmetrized form of the system of equations of free thermoconcentrational convectionA. V. Kistovich and Yu. D. Chashechkin
170-176Group classification of the two-dimensional equations of motion of a viscous heat-conducting perfect gasV. V. Bublik
177-189Media with equations of state that depend on derivativesS. L. Gavrilyuk and S. M. Shugrin
190-199Nonstationary nonisentropic spatial double wave flowsS. V. Meleshko
200-205The inverse problem of superfast contact theory for an accelerated body with orthotropic conductionI. M. Karpova, V. V. Titkov and G. A. Shneerson
206-217Determination of the mechanism of physicochemical processes in high-temperature airV. N. Makarov
218-223Gravitational waves on a bounded area of a fluid surfaceV. P. Zhitnikov
224-231Gravity waves generated by a body falling onto shallow waterV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
232-235Influence of pressure distribution over a wing on sonic boom parametersV. F. Volkov
236-240Calculation of vortex gas flows in complex-shaped ductsO. B. Khairullina
241-249Wave formation in a film Flowing down an inclined plane in the presence of phase change and tangential tension on a free surfaceYu. Ya. Trifonov
250-258Transition to supersonic velocity in evaporation and injection from a cylindrical surface into vacuumM. Yu. Plotnikov and A. K. Rebrov
259-265Crack problem for a shallow shell with a flexible coatingI. P. Shatskii
266-272Solution of the inverse boundary-value problem of the theory of shellsV. M. Bogomol'nyi
273-277Numerical modeling of the appearance of localized strain bands in porous materialsA. L. Maksimenko and M. B. Shtern
278-282Temperature fields in a two-layered plate with a semi-infinite slit along the interfaceB. V. Nerubailo and L. G. Smirnov
283-286Solution of differential equations for conical shells with a singular right-side partB. V. Nerubailo
287-293Buckling of an eccentrically compressed barN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev
294-303Combined approach to analyzing the buckling of ideal cylindrical shells at given perturbationsN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev

Volume 37, Number 3 / May 1996

305-310Action of a rotating magnetic field on a dielectric cylinder immersed in a magnetic fluidA. F. Pshenichnikov and A. V. Lebedev
311-320A new model for the dynamics of wetting filmsO. V. Voinov
321-322An analog of the Bjerknes theorem in magnetogasdynamicsK. P. Gorshenin
323-330Phenomenon of predominant orientation of a submerged elliptical cylinder under the action of surface wavesN. V. Gavrilov, E. V. Ermanyuk and I. V. Sturova
331-338Wave drag of bodies of revolution in unsteady transonic flowM. A. Naida and A. S. Fonarev
339-349Streamwise vortices in axisymmetric jetsN. M. Terekhova
350-356Elongation flow of a gravitationally bent viscoelastic jetV. M. Shapovalov
357-363Numerical solution of the problem of ejection explosion in a two-layer medium in a pulse-hydrodynamic formulationL. V. Gorodilov
364-369Numerical modeling of high-frequency electromagnetic heating of a dielectric plug clogging a pipeA. A. Kislitsyn
370-380Turbulent heat-and-mass-transfer model in a near-wall zone of separated flowsA. V. Gorin and D. F. Sikovskii
381-390Connected equations of heat and mass transfer in a chemically reacting solid mixture with allowance for deformation and damageA. G. Knyazeva
391-395Hierarchy of structures formed in dynamic loading of composite materialS. F. Gnyusov, L. M. Molchunova and S. N. Kul'kov
396-399Evolution of dissipative structures in the flow process of cross-linked polymersG. V. Kozlov, V. A. Beloshenko and Varyukhin
400-410Generalized models of the cosserat type for finite deformation analysis of thin bodiesL. I. Shkutin
411-420Two-parameter family of successive (M, N)-approximations of the equations of an elastic layer of variable thicknessA. E. Alekseev
421-425A double approximation of finite deformations of a shellL. G. Golovina and L. I. Shkutin
426-432Numerical simulation of spallation in thick-walled shells under explosive loads of various typesA. V. Gerasimov
433-443Loss of stability of on atomic chain region in the presence of impurity. Strength reduction of cracked brittle solidsV. M. Kornev and Yu. V. Tikhomirov
444-446Models for the buckling of bars on an elastic baseN. S. Astapov
447-453Derivation of a universal relation between tangential stress and shear strain intensities in describing reversible martensitic deformation within the framework of a synthetic modelI. M. Goliboroda and K. N. Rusinko
454-458Gas-density-distribution measurement using an electron beam and computerized tomography techniquesV. G. Prikhod'ko, A. I. Sedel'nikov, S. N. Ul'yankin and V. N. Yarygin

Volume 37, Number 4 / July 1996

459-463On the singularity of alternating electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the apex of a conductive wedgeV. I. Yakovlev
464-469Experimental investigation of current instability of shaped-charge jetsA. D. Matrosov and G. A. Shyetsov
470-475Mc-generator with a shock-wave cascadeA. M. Trubachev and A. M. Ryabchun
476-483Bubble cluster, cumulative jets, and cavitation erosionV. K. Kedrinskii
484-487Beryllium fracture under shock loadingYu. V. Bat'kov, V. K. Golubev, Yu. S. Sobolev, I. R. Trunin and N. D. Fishman
488-491Interaction of a shock wave with a cloud of particles with disturbed boundariesS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiseley
492-493Effect of the lower surface on a cloud of particles moving behind a shock waveV. P. Kiselev
494-500Motion of a sphere in a fluid due to gravityV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
501-506A class of shear flows of a viscous compressible fluidV. V. Shelukhin
507-510An experimental investigation of the stability of a wake behind a flat plate for various parameters of the supersonic free streamV. I. Lysenko
511-514Two-layer gravity flow of a heavy fluid above a curvilinear bottomL. G. Guzevskii
515-522Asymptotic analysis of rectilinear hydraulic fracturing of a permeable elastic plane with small and large fluid lossesO. P. Alekseenko and A. M. Vaisman
523-526An ellipsoidal drop or vortex in an inhomogeneous flowR. M. Garipov
527-532Anomalous two-layer flow regimes over an obstacleN. V. Gavrilov and V. Yu. Liapidevskii
533-540Numerical simulation of supersonic separated turbulent flowsA. V. Borisov and N. N. Fedorova
541-546Discharge coefficients of nozzles and of their combinations in forward and reverse flowsF. A. Bykovskii and E. F. Vedernikov
547-553Numerical solution of the stefan problem with a variable phase-transition temperatureYu. V. Gurkov and A. G. Petrova
554-558On the propagation of a nonlinear-diffusion frontS. S. Titov
559-564Influence of medium's peclet numbers on heat exchange in fiber bundlesV. I. Eliseev and Yu. P. Sovit
565-572Modeling and identification of heat- and mass-transfer processes in intumescent heat-insulating materialsG. N. Isakov and A. Ya. Kuzin
573-576Approximate formulas for deflection of compressed flexible barsN. S. Astapov
577-581Generalized self-consistent-field method for determining the elastic characteristics of polydisperse systemsE. M. Lubimtseva and E. A. Mityushov
582-585A tracing load in a nonlinear plane elastic problemK. F. Chernykh and I. V. Petrenko
586-594Determination of fracture toughness and fracture energy of brittle materials under impact wedgingA. S. Eremenko, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Sinitsyn, V. A. Pushkov and M. M. Yakupov
595-600Solution of the problem of a beam with a cutV. A. Kovtunenko
601-605Algorithm of stiffness and stability analysis of bar structures in a geometrically nonlinear formulationV. V. Kabanov, S. V. Astrakharchik and L. P. Zheleznov
606-614Asymptotic expansion of the green function of an internal-wave equation fort→∞V. A. Borovikov
615-616On compressibility and grinding of sand particles under compression to 570 MPAV. K. Golubev, L. V. Polyakoy and K. G. Rabinovich

Volume 37, Number 5 / September 1996

617-621Experimental study of the behavior of quadruple time correlation functions for the longitudinal velocity fluctuation in developed turbulent pipe flowP. G. Zaets, A. T. Onufriev, M. I. Pilipchuk, N. A. Safarov and R. A. Safarov
622-628The effect of elevated external pressures on the natural convection of a liquidV. I. Kolesnichenko
629-633Phase transformation of water under shock compressionA. P. Rybakov
634-637The wave resistance of amphibian aircushion vehicles in broken iceV. M. Kozin and A. V. Milovanova
638-642Conditions of aerodynamic instability of airfoil equilibrium positionsV. I. Van'ko and E. V. Solov'eva
643-649Diagnosis of the properties of a structurized medium by long nonlinear wavesV. A. Vakhnenko
650-653The linear problem of hydrofoil moving under an interface between two heavy fluidsD. N. Gorelov and S. I. Gorlov
654-657Motion of a hydrofoil above an interface between two heavy fluidsS. I. Gorlov
658-666Stochastic flutter of a row of plates in a turbulent boundary layer of incompressible flowV. P. Reutov and G. V. Rybushkina
667-674Solution of variational problems of gas dynamics with physicochemical transformationsV. N. Makarov
675-682Hydraulic jump in shear flow of a barotropic fluidV. M. Teshukov
683-691Acoustics of ducts with plane permeable wallsN. M. Khlestkina and V. Sh. Shagapov
692-702Evolution of singular points and interfaces separating the domain of residence of these points from the fluidN. A. Inogamov and A. Yu. Dem'yanov
703-709Calculation of temperature regimes for streamlined bodies with various thermal propertiesV. I. Zinchenko, V. I. Laeva and T. S. Sandrykina
710-719Heat propagation from a line source in a plane turbulent wakeV. I. Bukreev, A. G. Demenkov, V. A. Kostomakha and G. G. Chernykh
720-726Stability of a polytropic chemical reactorT. A. Bodnar
727-733Plane waves and fundamental solutions in linear thermoelectroelasticityA. O. Vatul'yan, A. Yu. Kiryutenko and A. V. Nasedkin
734-741Mass transfer by a dilatation field of incomplete shearV. V. Neverov
742-743A commentary to V. V. Neverov's article “mass transfer by a dilatation field of incomplete shear”V. L. Popov
744-750Construction of a nonlocal model for different-modulus viscoelastic mediaA. V. Kobosev
751-755Some geometrical effects in thermomechanical failure of metallic specimens under pulsed radiationA. M. Molitvin, I. P. Borin and V. S. Bosamykin
756-764Integral criteria for the brittle strength of cracked bodies with defects in the presence of vacancies at the tip of a crack. Strength of compacted ceramics-type bodiesV. M. Kornev
765-773A differential model of plastically deformed viscoelastic materialA. L. Svistkov

Volume 37, Number 6 / November 1996

775-784Shock-wave stability for one model of radiation hydrodynamicsA. M. Blokhin and Yu. L. Trakhinin
785-793Magnetic-field compression by shock-induced conduction waves in high-porosity materialsE. I. Bichenkov, S. D. Gilev, A. M. Ryabchun and A. M. Trubachev
794-801Aero-optics of flows behind the nozzle banks of fast-flow lasersV. M. Mal'kov
802-809Spontaneous swirling in axisymmetric flows of a conducting fluid in a magnetic fieldB. A. Lugovtsov
810-815Experiments with shallow-water waves generated by the motion of the side wall of a channelV. I. Bukreev and N. P. Turanov
816-824An experimental study of density fluctuations in the hypersonic boundary layer on a flat plateA. A. Maslow, S. G. Mironov and A. N. Shiplyuk
825-831Effect of a pycnocline on forces exerted by internal waves on a stationary cylinderN. V. Gavrilov and E. V. Ermanyuk
832-838Reduction of turbulent friction under local surface heatingA. V. Kazakov, M. N. Kogan and A. P. Kuryachii
839-844On particulate fallout of pollutants from a large-sized cloud in a stably stratified atmosphereK. O. Sabdenov and S. V. Zubkov
845-849Capillary pressure and the gravity and dynamic phase distribution in a water-oil-gas-rock systemV. I. Pen'kovskii
850-856Evaporation dynamics at superatmospheric pressureB. P. Avksentyuk and V. V. Ovchinnikov
857-861An unsteady problem of frictional contact for a cylinder with allowance for heat release and wearYu. A. Pyr'ev and D. V. Grilitskii
862-870Mechanisms of spalling of metals in the fast space-heating regime in submicrosecond and submillimicrosecond ranges of durabilityE. K. Bonyushkin, B. L. Glushak, N. I. Zavada, S. A. Novikov and L. A. Platonova, et al.
871-875Durability of copper, nickel, titanium, brass, and bronze under impulsive irradiationA. M. Molitvin, I. P. Borin and V. S. Bosamykin
876-883On one class of inverse problems of variation in shape of viscoelastic platesI. A. Banshchikova and I. Yu. Tsvelodub
884-889The simplest models and simplified methods for determining the nonlinear shear creep of clay soilsS. R. Mestchyan
890-897Stress state of a cylindrical shell loaded along segments of the directing circleB. V. Nerubailo, V. P. Ol'shanskii and T. B. Nerubailo
898-904A full-strength orifice under conditions of geometric nonlinearityV. D. Bondar'
905-912Inertia-limited compaction of a porous medium by a gas pistonA. P. Ershov
913-916A theoretical model of the electromagnetic emission effect of rock memoryV. L. Shkuratnik and A. V. Lavrov
917-925On determining the mechanical properties of nonlinear-elastic composite materialsI. G. Teregulov, Yu. I. Butenko, R. A. Kayumov, D. Kh. Safiullin and K. P. Alekseev
926-933Some manifestations of oriented transform ability of shape-memory alloysA. A. Movchan

Volume 38, Number 1 / January 1997

1-7An invariant solution of gas dynamics equationsS. V. Golovin
8-17Generation of an electromagnetic field in the nonsymmetric rails and protective armature of a railgun under an increasing current pulseV. F. Nikitin and N. N. Smirnov
18-25Spatial supersonic flows at TSTO separation of aerospace systemsT. Bonnefond, N. P. Adamov, M. D. Brodetskii, L. G. Vasenev and E. K. Derunov, et al.
26-37Application of the Newton method to the calculation of internal supersonic separated flowsV. A. Bashkin, I. V. Yegorov and D. V. Ivanov
38-44Modeling of shock-wave compaction of powder ceramics using a ballistic testing unitN. N. Belov, A. A. Konyayev, P. V. Korolyov, S. N. Kul’kov and A. G. Mel’nikov, et al.
45-51An experimental study of generation of unstable disturbances on the leading edge of a plate AT M=2A. D. Kosinov, A. A. Maslov and N. V. Semionov
52-57A model of structural transformations in a reactive dispersed medium under conditions of nongasifying combustionO. B. Kovalev and V. M. Fomin
58-63Prandtl-meyer expansion of a mixture of gases with a large disparity in molecular massesS. V. Dolgushev and V. M. Fomin
64-68An experimental investigation of natural disturbances in a hypersonic boundary layer on a flat plateA. A. Maslov, A. A. Sidorenko and A. N. Shiplyuk
69-73Drift and oscillatory motion of a vertical cylinder on internal wavesV. I. Bukreev, A. V. Gusev and E. V. Ermanyuk
74-77Mathematical modeling of penetration of a mixed layer into a stratified fluidV. I. Kvon and D. V. Kvon
78-86An experimental investigation of the nozzle roughness effect on streamwise vortices in a supersonic jetV. I. Zapryagaev and A. V. Solotchin
87-94Phopagation of acoustic signals in a two-phase medium of slug structureA. O. Maksimov
95-100Pressure-recovery curve in the filtration of a gas-condensate mixtureO. Yu. Dinariev
101-108Asymptotic methods in dynamic contact problems for an elastic half-spaceE. V. Kovalenko and V. B. Zelentsov
109-115Solution of the contact problem for a pin-loaded plateV. N. Solodovnikov
116-122Design of a laminated anisotropic curvilinear beam of minimal weightV. V. Alekhin
123-126The hurst statistics of the time flow of structural damage of composites as a measure of the evolution of a fracture spotV. V. Ivanov, V. I. Klimov and T. M. Chernikova
127-129Failure of a cadmium foil under intense x-ray radiationV. K. Golubev, K. G. Rabinovich, A. K. Chernyshev and N. A. Yukina
130-136Heating of a composite of periodic structure in a high-frequency electromagnetic fieldD. Ya. Bardzokas, A. I. Zobnin, V. Z. Parton and A. L. Shatalov
137-150Calculation of flows of a medium induced by high-power beams of charged particlesA. P. Yalovets
151-153Recording of electromagnetic radiation upon fracturing of rocks using a digital computer-controlled measuring systemA. G. Vostretsov, G. I. Kulakov, G. E. Yakovitskaya, V. A. Markov and Yu. A. Timonenkov, et al.
154-160A mechanism of occurrence of periodic macrostructures in moving freezing meltsA. S. Biryukov, V. A. Bogatyryov and A. G. Khitun
161-168Some weakly nonlinear amplitude equations describing the behavior of a thin layer in a two-phase flow of viscous heat-conducting liquids along a cylinderV. E. Zakhvatayev

Volume 38, Number 2 / March 1997

171-176Characteristics of inertially stretching shaped-charge jets in free flightA. V. Babkin, S. V. Ladov, V. M. Marinin and S. V. Fedorov
177-184Effect of shaped-charge jet compressibility and strength on the characteristics of their intertial stretching in free flightA. V. Babkin, S. V. Ladov, V. M. Marinin and S. V. Fedorov
185-191Electromagnetic field and current waves generated by a shock wave entering a conductor with a transverse magnetic fieldE. I. Bichenkov
192-196On the interaction of multiple contact thermics near an underlying surfaceB. I. Zaslavskii, I. S. Shcherbakov and B. V. Yur'ev
197-203Energy method for problems of diffusion in a moving mediumV. V. Denisenko
204-210An optimal shock-expansion system in a steady gas flowA. V. Omel'chenko and V. N. Uskov
211-218Simple waves on a shear free-boundary flow of an ideal incompressible fluidV. M. Teshukov
219-223Microconvection in weak force fields. a numerical comparison of two modelsO. N. Goncharova
224-227Internal waves generated by circular translational motion of a cylinder in a linearly stratified fluidN. V. Gavrilov and E. V. Ermanyuk
228-232A linear problem of the motion of a vorticity source at the interface between two mediaS. I. Gorlov
233-239Application of the method of boundary elements and parametric polynomials in airfoil optimization problemsS. M. Aul'chenko and A. F. Latypov
240-249Natural vibrations of a uniform cascade of hydraulic-turbine blades in a fluidV. B. Kurzin, S. N. Korobeinikov, V. P. Ryabchenko and L. A. Tkacheva
250-258A numerical study of a viscous shock layer on a plateT. V. Poplavskaya and V. N. Vetlutskii
259-264The pressure field of a uniformly loaded rectangular wing in a supersonic flowN. F. Vorob'ev
265-270An experimental study of the nonlinear evolution of instability waves on a flat plate for mach number M=3Yu. G. Ermolaev, A. D. Kosinov and N. V. Semenov
271-279Cell model for two-phase mediaP. K. Volkov
280-288Theoretical modeling of operation of a gas-oil well under complicated conditionsN. G. Musakaev and V. Sh. Shagapov
289-292Natural convection in a closed volume filled with various substancesV. A. Antipin and Yu. G. Leonenko
293-297High-temperature creep and superplasticity of materialsO. V. Sosnin, B. V. Gorev and I. V. Lyubashevskaya
298-302Design of layered viscoelastic shells from a discrete set of materialsÉ. A. Bondarev, V. A. Budugaeva and E. L. Gusev
303-311Plane elastic problem with incompressibility and geometric nonlinearityV. D. Bondar
312-318Dissipation of dynamic-loading energy in quasi-elastic deformation processes in rocksA. V. Mikhalyuk and V. V. Zakharov
319-323Application of a high-viscosity liquid to a moving baseV. M. Shapovalov
324-330Gas-dynamic spraying study of a plane supersonic two-phase jetA. P. Alkhimov, S. V. Klinkov, V. F. Kosarev and A. N. Papyrin
331-336Modeling of the penetration of a supercritical magnetic field into a type II superconductor and the electromagnetic radiation generated therebyA. B. Prischepenko, A. A. Barmin and O. É. Mel'nik
337-340Stability of shaped-charge jets generated under pulsed action on conical targetsA. A. Charakhch'an

Volume 38, Number 3 / May 1997

341-345Modeling of fractured material by finite-size discrete particlesA. I. Gulidov and I. I. Shabalin
346-350Use of a generator of kinetic equations for solving optimization problems of physicochemical gas dynamicsV. N. Makarov
351-356Invariant solutions of rank 1 of the equations of plane motion of a viscous heat-conducting perfect gasV. V. Bublik
357-363Instability of a three-dimensional boundary layer on a swept wingV. Ya. Levchenko and V. A. Scherbakov
364-373Vertical motion of a body of revolution in a stratified fluidI. V. Sturova
374-377Effect of supply of an inert and reactive gas on skin friction in bodies of revolutionA. F. Garanin and P. K. Tret'yakov
378-385Correctness of an asymptotic solution for laminar flow of a fluid between two rotating disksE. V. Semenov
386-390Numerical simulation of microconvection in domains with free boundariesO. N. Goncharova
391-406Numerical model of the dynamics of a momentumless turbulent wake in a pycnoclineO. F. Voropayeva and G. G. Chernykh
407-411Smooth bores in a two-layer fluid with a free boundaryB. I. Tuleuov
412-416Problem of determining the roughness factor for flow in an open channelT. P. Pukhnachova
417-422Reattachment of a plane turbulent jet to a wall upon injection and suctionS. V. Alekseenko and D. M. Markovich
423-427Solution of the problem of optimal control for heating of a one-dimensional plate and its asymptotic behaviorA. V. Kuznetsov
428-436Thermoelastic contact of two cylinders with nonstationary frictional heat formationD. V. Grilitskii and P. P. Krasnyuk
437-444Structural-kinetic approach in the theory of flows of linear-polymer solutions and meltsG. V. Psyhnograi
445-452Homogeneous deformation of a continuous mediumA. F. Revuzhenko
453-463Inverse problems of deformation of nonlinear viscoelastic bodiesI. Yu. Tsvelodub
464-469Three theorems on the error of solution of different equations of the theory of shells with a singular right sideV. V. Nerubailo
470-474A variant of the method of correction of the elastoplastic properties of composites using estimates of the binding of constituentsL. A. Saraev and I. S. Makarova
475-483Generation of three-dimensional bending vibrations of a floating elastic plate in motion of a concentrated load along a complex trajectoryA. E. Bukatov and V. V. Zharkov
484-492Taking into account the dynamics in description of fracture of brittle media by an explosion of a cord chargeE. N. Sher

Volume 38, Number 4 / July 1997

493-516Development of fluid mechanics at the Lavrent'ev institute of the siberian division of the Russian academy of sciences in 1986–1996B. A. Lugovtsov and L. V. Ovsyannikov
517-534Mechanics of solids at the Siberian division of the Russian academy of sciences in 1988–1997B. D. Annin
535-565Aerogasdynamic investigations at the institute of theoretical and applied mechanics in the last decadeV. Ya. Levchenko and V. M. Fomin
566-577High-power neutron sourcesE. P. Kruglyakov
578-589Megagauss magnetic fields. Physics. Techniques. ApplicationsE. I. Bichenkov and G. A. Shvetsov
590-597Kinetics of degradation of a molecular beam in a gas at restA. A. Morozov, M. Yu. Plotnikov and A. K. Rebrov
598-624Wave processes and structure dynamics in inhomogenous media under pulsed loadingV. K. Kedrinskii
625-637A model for the formation of fullerenes in carbon vaporG. I. Sukhinin and O. A. Nerushev
638-648Capillary phenomena, heat-and-mass exchange, and wave processes in two-phase flow in porous systems and packingsV. E. Nakoryakov and V. V. Kuznetsov
649-653Rivulet flow of liquid on the outer surface of an inclined cylinderS. V. Alekseenko, D. M. Markovich, V. E. Nakoryakov and S. I. Shtork

Volume 38, Number 5 / September 1997

655-665The problem of a confined explosion in an elastic half-spaceA. I. Shakhov and N. I. Shishkin
666-672A study of high-frequency seismic waves by means of a gas-jet sourceV. N. Glaznev, G. I. Kozyura and Yu. G. Korobeinikov
673-678Stationary plasma flow in a magnetic field in a nozzle with a vacuum gap near the wallsV. V. Nikulin
679-684Geometry of optimal shock-wave systemsA. V. Omel'chenko and V. N. Uskov
685-691Specific features of the propagation of nonstationary shock waves in a bubbly fluid with a non-newtonian carrier phaseA. A. Gubaidullin, O. Sh. Rustyumova and S. A. Bekishev
692-702Exact solutions of the equations of vortex shallow waterA. A. Chesnokov
703-710Simple waves in a barotropic vortex fluid layerB. N. Elemesova
711-717Relaxation of rotational energy in supersonic gas-dynamic jet expansion into vacuumA. V. Lazarev, V. M. Zhdanov, N. N. Zastenker and D. N. Trubnikov
718-723Behavior of a gas bubble in a viscous oscillating liquid in the presence of gravityV. L. Sennitskii
724-727Hysteresis of a separated variable-velocity flow about a straight-wing modelB. Yu. Zanin
728-734Calculating blade ring flutterV. E. Saren
735-745On the formation of the disturbance-field structure in a transitional boundary layerM. B. Zel'man and B. V. Smorodskii
746-750Analysis of aerodynamic drawing of a thin nonisothermal jet of a viscoelastic fluidA. L. Kalabin
751-756Pressure recovery curve in the relaxation theory of filtration for a continuous spectrum of relaxation timesO. Yu. Dinariev
757-761Equilibrium problem of an elastic plate with an oblique crackA. M. Khludnev
762-767Design of reinforced plates under constraints on strength propertiesA. G. Kolpakov
768-773Narrowing of the region of search in problems of optimal synthesis of layered structures with a given set of propertiesE. L. Gusev
774-783Compatibility conditions of small deformations and stress functionsN. I. Ostrosablin
784-791Invariant integrals in the Leonov-Panasyuk-Dugdale model of a crackS. A. Nazarov
792-799Thermoelastic interaction of hot spots with the nonasymptotic edge of a physically orthotropic shellB. V. Nerubailo
800-806Approximate solution of plane problems for ideal elastoplastic inhomogeneous bodiesT. L. Zhakharova and D. D. Ivlev
807-813Estimation of the carrying capacity of conical acrylic windowsV. P. Lyanzberg and V. I. Shalashilin

Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1997

815-820Self-adjustment effects in a laser driven burningO. V. Klimov and A. A. Tel'nikhin
821-825Structure of the electron-rotation-vibration spectrum of an HCl+ ion in an electron beamV. Zh. Madirbaev and R. G. Sharafutdinov
826-832Electrical conductivity of polytetrafluoroethylene under shock-wave loading and rarefactionV. I. Tarzhanov, Yu. N. Zhugin and K. K. Krupnikov
833-838Asymptotics of falling-down solitary wavesB. V. Prikhod'ko
839-841Spontaneous axisymmetric swirling in an ideally conducting fluid in a magnetic fieldB. A. Lugovtsov
842-849Boundary-value problem for the kinetic equation in a layer with mirror boundary conditionsA. V. Latyshev, G. V. Slobodskoi and A. A. Yushkanov
850-856Stability of couette flow in granular mediaYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
857-867A shallow solid body approaching the interface of two mediaA. A. Korobkin and T. I. Khabakhpasheva
868-876An experimental and numerical study of acoustic flows near cavity resonatorsA. A. Aganin, V. B. Kuznetsov, E. V. Martynov and E. T. Smirnova
877-887Natural vibrations of hydroturbine cascades having small geometric nonuniformityV. B. Kurzin, S. N. Korobeinikov, V. P. Ryabchenko and L. A. Tkacheva
888-894On freezing of the boundary between grounds saturated with solutions of different temperature and concentrationA. G. Egorov
895-905Mathematical simulation of heat-and-mass transfer in gas hydrate deposits in a high-frequency electromagnetic fieldN. M. Nasyrov, I. G. Nizaeva and F. L. Sayakhov
906-912Identification of heat-transfer processes in a supersonic flow around a spherically blunted cone using the methods of solving the inverse heat conduction problemV. I. Zinchenko and A. Ya. Kuzin
913-927Theory of the mechanodiffusion transfer of multicomponent liquids in cross-linked elastomersE. Ya. Denisyuk and V. V. Tereshatov
928-931structural-kinetic approach in the theory of flows of polymer solutions and melts. Nonlinear effects in simple shearG. V. Pyshnograi
932-935Admissible forms of plasticity relations from the viewpoint of the uniqueness theoremA. I. Chanyshev
936-942Nonlinear waves in an absolutely flexible fiberV. V. Ridel' and M. A. Il'gamov
943-951Strength of a joint under stress concentrationM. A. Zadoyan
952-960Determination of the constants of spall-fracture kinetics of materials using experimental dataA. V. Utkin
961-962The effect of pressing conditions on the strength of lithium hydride upon compressionV. K. Golubev, K. G. Rabinovich and L. V. Polyakov
963-970Radiographic observation of liquid filtration through an oil-bearing rockE. I. Pal'chikov

Volume 39, Number 1 / January 1998

1-11Numerical studies of transportation of granular material by a pin-point blast using models of the mechanics of continuous and granular mediaV. V. Borovikov
12-23Longwave approximation model for gas shear flow in a channel of varying areaV. M. Teshukov
24-29Hydrodynamic characteristics of a wing in a stratified fluid near the bottomL. A. Tkacheva
30-40Rheological model of volume stretching of newtonian liquidsS. V. Stebnovskii
41-46Parametric analysis of two-phase flow instability in a channel with inlet and outlet hydraulic resistancesA. B. Shigarov
47-52Subcritical flows from beneath a shieldV. I. Nalimov
53-59Developed turbulent flow in a plane channel with simultaneous injection through one porous wall and suction through the otherU. K. Zhapbasbaev and G. Z. Isakhanova
60-64Stability of convective flows in a rotating liquid layer under various heating conditionsB. L. Smorodin
65-72Interaction of a tollmien-schlichting wave with a local flow inhomogeneityM. V. Ustinov
73-77Flow structure in a flat vortex chamberB. I. Zaslavskii and B. V. Yur'ev
78-84Wave flows in a thin layer of a viscous liquid. Influence of a constant electric fieldV. E. Zakhvataev
85-90Modeling of heat transfer in a melt in growing single crystals by the stockbarger method using the accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT)V. É. Distanov and A. G. Kirdyashkin
91-95Transient radiative-conductive heat transfer in a flat layer of a selectively absorbing and radiating mediumA. L. Burka
96-103Effect of a thin coating on the pressure distribution in contact problems involving frictional heat generationR. D. Kul'chitskii-Zhigailo and A. A. Evtushenko
104-112Rheological properties of materials from the point of view of physical kineticsM. G. Petrov
113-120Effect of the parameters of the biaxial field of rock pressure on the shape of the fracture zone formed by an explosion of a cylindrical charge in a brittle mediumP. A. Martynyuk and E. N. Sher
121-126Comparative estimates of the strength of dry and wet quartz in grindingV. M. Kornev and L. I. Razvorotneva
127-134Optimization of a layered spherical inclusion in a matrix in triaxial tension at infinityV. V. Alekhin and L. V. Baev
135-139Analysis of fragmentation of deformation in Ni3Ge single crystalsYu. A. Abzaev, V. A. Starenchenko, Yu. V. Solov'eva, A. I. Potekaev and É. V. Kozlov
140-142A fractal model for thermal shrinkage of oriented polymersG. V. Kozlov, V. A. Beloshenko, V. N. Varyukhin and M. A. Gazaev
143-151Coupling effects in bending problems for beams of a shape memory alloyA. A. Movchan
152-157Three-dimensional tomography in gas flow diagnostics in the presence of an opaque bodyA. V. Likhachev and V. V. Pikalov

Volume 39, Number 2 / March 1998

159-165Influence of the hall effect on plasma compressibility in a strong toroidal magnetic fieldV. P. Zhukov and G. Fuchs
166-174The shock-wave structure in a two-velocity mixture of compressible media with different pressuresA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
175-183Problem of a strong explosion in a weakly compressible mediumV. I. Nalimov
184-193On the stability of shock waves in a continuous medium with a space chargeA. M. Blokhin, Yu. L. Trakhinin and I. Z. Merazhov
194-199Shallow-water equations with dispersion. Hyperbolic modelV. Yu. Liapidevskii
200-204Flow of a thin layer of a viscous liquid over a dry surfaceS. M. Shugrin
205-210Breaking of gravity waves in a neighborhood of their second critical propagation speedV. I. Bukreev, E. M. Romanov and N. P. Turanov
211-219Method of calculating steady-state flows of a viscous fluid with free boundary in vortex-stream function variablesA. S. Ovcharova
220-227Aeolian tones of a plate in a channelS. V. Sukhinin and S. P. Bardakhanov
228-238Eigenoscillations near a plate in a channelS. V. Sukhinin
239-248Hypersonic flow in an MHD-acceleration facility and under full-scale conditionsV. I. Alferov and I. V. Egorov
249-260Experimental study and mathematical simulation of the characteristics of a turbulent flow in a straight circular pipe rotating about its longitudinal axisP. G. Zaets, A. F. Kurbatskii, A. T. Onufriev, S. V. Poroseva and N. A. Safarov, et al.
261-264Slow motion of a granular layer on an inclined planeYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
265-276Description of mass growth of crystals from solutions with allowance for the disappearance of crystal faces during crystal growthA. I. Moshinskii
277-281On the forms of relationship between two noncoaxial second-order tensors (the case of plane strain or a plane stress state)A. F. Nikitenko
282-289Multivalued solutions of the spatial problems of nonlinear deformation of thin curvilinear rodsV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
290-294Plane problem for an orthotropic body with a crack whose lower side is reinforced by an elastic membraneV. A. Khandogin
295-301Stress field of incomplete shear and combinations of incomplete shears due to elastic interactionV. V. Neverov
302-311Equilibrium problem of a plate with an oblique cutV. A. Kovtunenko, A. N. Leont'ev and A. M. Khludnev
312-317Effect of deformation and external load on the characteristics of martensite transformations and shape-memory effects in alloys based on titanium nickelideV. É. Gunter, T. Yu. Maletkina and A. A. Klopotov
318-323Gas-dynamic spraying. An experimental study of the spraying processA. P. Alkhimov, V. F. Kosarev and A. N. Papyrin

Volume 39, Number 3 / May 1998

325-334Magnetosonic analysis and the method for diagnostics of expansion of a plasma cloud in a magnetized backgroundS. A. Nikitin and A. G. Ponomarenko
335-341Shock-wave structure in a dispersing plasmaI. R. Smirnovskii
342-348Ballistic magnetocumulative generatorYu. G. Tynnikov, N. A. Tolstokulakov, V. A. Ivanov and V. A. Andrianov
349-354Use of magnetocumulative generators in experiments on current disruption of shaped-charge jetsG. A. Shvetsov, Yu. L. Bashkatov, A. D. Matrosov, A. I. Pavlovskii and R. Z. Lyudaev, et al.
355-361On the problem of controlling the efficiency of action of shaped-charge jetsS. V. Demidkov
362-368Criterion of formation of a shock wave reflected from a cloud of particlesS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
369-374Approximate analytical calculation of the mach configuration of steady shock waves in a plane constricting channelA. E. Medvedev and V. M. Fomin
375-383Decay of a centered prandtl-mayer compression wave in a steady gas flowA. V. Omel'chenko and V. N. Uskov
384-388On thermocapillary convection of a liquid in a floating zoneV. L. Sennitskii
389-392Construction of exact solutions of the Boussinesq equationO. V. Kaptsov
393-398Gravity-flow structure in a miscible fluidV. Yu. Liapidevskii
399-403Inverse problem of wing aerodynamics in a supersonic flowN. F. Vorob'ev
404-410Resonant oscillations of a gas in an open-ended tube in a weak turbulence regimeR. G. Galiullin, É. R. Galiullina and E. I. Permyakov
411-420Thermodynamically non-equilibrium bubble mediumS. M. Shugrin
421-427Self-similar problem of decomposition of gas hydrates in a porous medium upon depression and heatingR. I. Nigmatulin, V. Sh. Shagapov and V. R. Syrtlanov
428-433Heat transfer in a wall jet propagating in a highly turbulent cocurrent flowV. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, S. Ya. Misyura and V. I. Terekhov
434-440Heat transfer in a horizontal fluid layer heated from below upon rotation of one of the boundariesV. S. Berdnikov and V. A. Markov
441-446Mathematical simulation of ignition of a coal-dust suspension in air by a low-temperature plasma jetA. D. Rychkov and M. F. Zhukov
447-453Thermocapillary flow near a “cold corner”I. B. Semenova
454-461Universal regularities of hydraulic fracturing within the framework of the Perkins-Kern-Nordgren modelO. P. Alekseenko, A. M. Vaisman and A. F. Zazovskii
462-466A model of the viscous-brittle transition upon fracture of metals and alloysL. B. Zuev
467-475Mixed problem of crack theory for antiplane deformationV. A. Khandogin
476-480Strength reduction of metals upon hydrogen chemisorption at the tip of a crackV. M. Kornev

Volume 39, Number 4 / July 1998

481-488One example of magnetohydrodynamic stokes flow around a self-propelled sphereV. I. Yakovlev
489-492Charged jet of an incompressible liquid in an electric fieldA. A. Shutov and A. A. Zakhar'yan
493-500Example of an exact solution of the problem of the distribution of an ionized impurity in the surface region of a semiconductorA. A. Papin and A. P. Mazhirin
501-507Influence of heat conduction on the unlimited shockless compression of a flat gaseous layerM. G. Anuchin
508-512Numerical modeling of an underwater explosion in an air cavityP. Z. Lugovoi and V. P. Mukoid
513-523Vortex motions of liquid in a narrow channelA. A. Chensokov
524-527Some classes of two-dimensional stationary vortex structures in an ideal liquidO. V. Kaptsov
528-535Fine structure of boundary flows in media with diffusion and heat conductionA. V. Kistovich and Yu. D. Chashechkin
536-545Experimental and numerical investigation of the dynamics of uniform turbulence of a stably stratified fluidN. I. Bolonov, V. U. Bondarchuk, I. A. Vatutin, B. A. Kolovandin and V. G. Lobachev
546-552Propagation of a passive admixture from an instantaneous localized source in the turbulent mixing zone in a pycnoclineO. F. Voropaeva and G. G. Chernykh
553-558Influence of injection on stabilization of flow over an axisymmetric body with a recess facing into a supersonic oncoming streamL. A. Bazyma
559-568Determination of the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in the transonic velocity rangeM. A. Naida and A. S. Fonarev
569-575Optical response of a layer of a nematic liquid crystal to an air flowV. M. Korotaev, S. I. Trashkeev and G. M. Zharkova
576-583Determination of the catalytic activity of materials by solving the equations of a nonequilibrium multicomponent boundary layer on a flat plateS. V. Peigin and V. Yu. Kazakov
584-592Mathematical modeling of salt transport by coupled subsurface and surface water flowsA. A. Kashevarov
593-599Effect of the coriolis force on convection in a deep lake: Numerical experimentE. A. Tsvetova
600-604Strength and fracture of plutonium and its alloy with gallium under impact loadingV. K. Golubev, Yu. S. Sobolev and I. R. Trunin
605-610Formation of periodic mesoband structures in the tension of polycrystals with long boundariesV. E. Panin, V. S. Pleshanov, Yu. V. Grinyaev and S. A. Kobzeva
611-617Variational principles and estimates for the rigidities of bodies with voidsA. G. Kolpakov
618-623Principle of correspondence of static boundary-value problems of nonlinear viscoelasticity with aging to boundary-value problems of the theory of elasticityG. Yu. Ermolenko
624-627Nonlinear deformation and buckling of curvilinear pipes loaded by external pressureS. V. Levyakov
628-633Study of the dynamic contact interaction of deformable bodiesO. V. Bychek and V. M. Sadovskii
634-638Numerical analysis of necking conditions in a thermoviscoplastic rod in tensionA. A. Bychkov and D. N. Karpinskii
639-641Acoustic evaluation of the endurance of steel specimens and recovery of their serviceabilityL. B. Zuev, O. V. Sosnin, D. Z. Chirakadze, V. E. Gromov and V. V. Murav'ev
642-649Effect of friction in a contact problem for a plate with a pinV. N. Solodovnikov

Volume 39, Number 5 / September 1998

651-653Grid electrode in a plasma jetV. I. Batkin and O. Ya. Savchenko
654-658Acceleration of bodies in combustible mixturesV. M. Kuznetsov and M. M. Kuznetsov
659-665Breaking of gravity waves in the motion of a vertical plate in a two-layer liquidV. I. Bukreev
666-670Reflection of pressure waves of moderate intensity at a solid wall in a liquid with bubbles of a readily soluble gasV. E. Dontsov
671-683Construction of piecewise-analytical gas flows joined through shock waves near the axis or center of symmetryA. L. Kazakov
684-698Variational approach to constructing hyperbolic models of two-velocity mediaS. L. Gavrilyuk and Yu. V. Perepechko
699-709Unsteady interaction of uniformly vortex flowsV. M. Teshukov
710-718Investigation of the spectrum of short-wave Görtler vortices in a gasV. V. Bogolepov
719-728Forced nonlinear oscillations of a gas bubble in a large spherical flask (resonator) filled with a fluidR. I. Nigmatulin, V. Sh. Shagapov and G. Ya. Galeeva
729-737Linear theory of the propagation of internal wave beams in an arbitrarily stratified liquidYu. V. Kistovich and Yu. D. Chashechkin
738-743Stability of Couette flow of an ideal fluid with free boundariesV. K. Andreev and A. M. Frank
744-752Plane configurations in a flow of a perfect gas with a maximum critical Mach numberL. M. Zigangareeva and O. M. Kiselev
753-757Three-dimensional supersonic flow around a pointed body with upstream energy supplyT. A. Korotaeva, V. M. Fomin and A. P. Shashkin
758-761Experimental investigation of pulsed stretching of cavitating mediaS. V. Stebnovskii
762-769Combined heat transfer in a boundary layer of a selectiviely absorbing medium on a permeable plate under the conditions of intense radiation heatingN. A. Rubtsov, V. A. Sinitsyn and A. M. Timofeev
770-781Wave impact on the center of an Euler beamA. A. Korobkin
782-791Plane problem of asymmetrical wave impact on an elastic plateA. A. Korobkin and T. I. Khabakhpasheva
792-800Calculation of vibrations of thin plates by partitioning into elastically connected undeformable unitsL. M. Minkevich
801-809Application of the averaging method in the calculation of rod structures like plates and beamsA. G. Kolpakov
810-815Determination of the moments and rate of change in the stress state of grounds from variation in infrared radiation flux from the surfaceV. I. Sheinin, B. V. Levin, É. A. Motovilov and A. A. Morozov
816-819Method of measuring pressures up to 1 GPa on a pulsed gas-dynamic deviceV. N. Rychkov

Volume 39, Number 6 / November 1998

821-824Velocity of ions of a plasma jet from an arc source at various potentials on the plasma boundaryV. I. Batkin
825-831Forces acting on a coulomb crystal of microparticles in plasmaI. V. Schweigert and V. A. Schweigert
832-836Collisional quenching of theA2+(v′=2)HF+ state by He atomsstate by He atomsV. Zh. Madirbaev and A. E. Zarvin
837-841Radiation mechanism of generation of geomagnetic signals from underground and contact explosionsL. P. Gorbachev and A. Yu. Matronchik
842-846Structure of compression shock waves in porous elastoplastic materialsS. P. Kiselev
847-849Plane analog of spontaneous swirlingB. A. Lugovtsov
850-857Submodel of rotational motions in gas dynamicsS. V. Khabirov
858-867Waveguiding and anomalous properties of a periodic knife-type gratingS. V. Sukhinin
868-874Modeling of vertical turbulent exchange in a stratified near-wall flowA. T. Zinov'ev and S. N. Yakovenko
875-880Experimental study of variations in the thickness of a liquid film moving over the inner surface of a rotating cylinderV. É. Borzykh, G. G. Volokitin, S. K. Karandashov and A. M. Shilyaev
881-891Nonlinear characteristics of the interaction of a turbulent boundary layer with a wavy surfaceV. P. Reutov
892-897Linear problem of a hydrofoil moving under the free surface of a finite-depth fluidS. I. Gorlov
898-907Two-dimensional problem of a uniform flow of a two-layer fluid of finite depth past a circular cylinderI. V. Sturova
908-914Calculation of a transport current from a nozzle with two-phase flow in the presence of a corona dischargeI. L. Pankrat'eva, V. A. Polyanskii and V. I. Sakharov
915-917Experimental study of the drag of the forebody and the cylindrical part of the HB-1 model with an upstream injection of a fluid in a supersonic flowA. E. Berdyugin, V. M. Fomin and V. P. Fomichev
918-921Analysis of stability of a thin layer of granular material moving on an inclined planeYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
922-927Coalescence of oil drops on the skeleton of a porous medium in filtering a water-oil mixtureV. I. Pen'kovskii
928-933Numerical model of the aspiration system of an internal combustion engineB. P. Kolobov, P. P. Kolobov and V. N. Shepelenko
934-942Improved model of the griffith crackE. E. Deryugin and G. V. Lasko
943-948Determination of the strain characteristics of interblock contacts using rock specimen testing resultsL. A. Nazarov and L. A. Nazarova
949-954Analysis of nonlinear solutions with many singular points in problems of spatial deformation of rodsV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
955-958Effect of the loading rate, angle of orientation of fibers, and temperature on the strength properties of birchA. P. Bol'shakov, N. N. Gerdyukov, E. V. Zotov, G. B. Krasovskii and S. A. Novikov, et al.
959-965Deformation of cylindrical containers and ceramic powders by explosive compactionA. I. Matytsin
966-970Resistance of the electrodes of a railgun with a distributed jumperA. D. Lebedev, B. A. Uryukov and V. V. Savichev
971-975Formation of thermal localized structures in a weld in pulse-arc welding by a nonmelting electrodeO. N. Bezhin, V. A. Kosyakov and R. A. Krektuleva

Volume 40, Number 1 / January 1999

1-5Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a thin liquid layer in the presence of three-dimensional perturbationsS. M. Bakhrakh and G. P. Simonov
6-15Possible effect of variation in the internal energy of the free surface of a thin liquid layer on its wavy flowB. E. Zakhvataev
16-19Exact periodic and localized solutions of the equationht=Δ inhS. N. Aristov
20-27On the existence of three solutions for a supercritical steady flow of a heavy fluid over obstructionsK. E. Afanas'ev and S. V. Stukolov
28-35Simple waves on a shear gas flow in a channel of constant cross sectionB. N. Elemesova
36-45Summation of the witting series in the solitary-wave problemE. A. Karabut
46-53Propagation of shock waves in a two-phase mixture with different pressures of the componentsA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
54-62Explosive discharge of a gas-saturated liquid from channels and tanksV. Sh. Shagapov and G. Ya. Galeeva
63-68Numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes in a pipe open at one endV. I. Borisenko, M. A. Kutischev and V. P. Mukoid
69-75Structure of stratified flow around a cylinder at low internal froude numberV. V. Mitkin and Yu. D. Chashechkin
76-85Efficiency of the invariant gradient criterion of stability for the flight conditions of the flow around axisymmetric bodies in the early stage of transition and relaminarizationS. A. Gaponov, A. M. Pavlyuchenko and A. N. Popkov
86-92Dynamic edge angles of wetting upon spreading of a drop over a solid surfaceO. V. Voinov
93-98Gas-dynamic flow structure of a system of plane supersonic intersecting jets in a hypersonic flowU. K. Zhapbasbaev
99-107Investigation of a turbulent boundary layer on a hypersonic aircraft modelV. N. Vetlutsky and E. M. Houtman
108-113Experimental and numerical study of the stability of a pre-separated flow on an airfoilN. D. Dikovskaya and B. Yu. Zanin
114-119The flow of viscoplastic material between two concentric spheresS. F. Kuznetsov and A. D. Chernyshev
120-129Natural convection from a cylinder in a narrow gap and in a porous mediumA. V. Gorin, A. Yu. Egorov, V. E. Nakoryakov and V. M. Chupin
130-135Behavior of the unsteady jet of a mixture of a pressurized gas and dispersed particles discharged from a circular duct into the atmosphereD. V. Sadin
136-142Development of a liquid-fuel jet at high-speed pulse injection into a gaseous medium. I. Physical modelA. A. Buzukov
143-149Development of a liquid-fuel jet at high-speed pulse injection into a gaseous medium. II. Calculation and experimentA. A. Buzukov
150-158Steady-state frictional heat generation on axisymmetric sliding contact of a thermosensitive sphere and a fixed, thermally insulated baseR. D. Kulchytsky-Zhihailo and A. A. Evtushenko
159-165Numerical modeling of the forming of fiber bundles from polymer meltsV. I. Eliseev, Yu. P. Sovit and L. A. Fleer
166-171Contact problem for a ring plate on an elastic half-space. Variational approachS. V. Bosakov
172-178Modeling of plane-wave propagation in an anisotropic elastic mediumS. A. Anisimov and I. O. Bogul'skii
179-182Design of a transversely layered rod of minimum weight with stability constraintV. V. Alekhin and L. V. Baev
183-189Numerical study of nonlinear dynamics of hydroelastically connected, plane curvilinear rodsYu. V. Egunov and A. V. Kochetkov

Volume 40, Number 2 / March 1999

191-197“Simple” solutions of the equations of dynamics for a polytropic gasL. V. Ovsyannikov
198-207Asymptotic behavior of the far region of turbulent wake vorticesB. A. Lugovtsov
208-216One class of partially invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equationsS. V. Meleshko and V. V. Pukhnachev
217-222Gas flows with helical surfaces of the levelS. V. Khabirov
223-231Regular submodels of types (1,2) and (1,1) of the equations of gas dynamicsA. P. Chupakhin
232-237Invariant submodels of rank two of the equations of gas dynamicsE. V. Mamontov
238-248Structure of a turbulent bore in a homogeneous liquidV. Yu. Liapidevskii
249-257Conjugate flows and smooth bores in a weakly stratified fluidN. I. Makarenko
258-262Diffraction of internal waves by a circular cylinder near the pycnoclineN. V. Gavrilov and E. V. Ermanyuk
263-275Characteristics, conservation laws, and symmetries of the kinetic equations of motion of bubbes in a fluidV. M. Teshukov
276-284Numerical simulation of gas dynamics in a bubble during its collapse with the formation of shock wavesA. A. Aganin and M. A. Il’gamov
285-291Forced oscillations of a gas bubble in a spherical volume of a compressible liquidR. I. Nigmatulin, I. Sh. Akhatov and N. K. Vakhitova
292-299Dynamics of a single bubble in a liquid in the presence of chemical reactions and interphase heat and mass exchangeV. K. Kedrinskii, P. A. Fomin and S. P. Taratuta
300-307Numerical study of flows of reacting composite mixturesA. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
308-316Mathematical models for the study of interactions in the system lake baikal-atmosphere of the regionV. V. Penenko and E. A. Tsvetova
317-324Instability of the quiescent state of an ideal conducting medium in a magnetic fieldYu. G. Gubarev and S. S. Kovylina
325-330Analysis of the ultimate kinematic characteristics of railgun accelerators of solidsS. V. Stankevich and G. A. Shvetsov
331-340A geometrical model of the defect structure of an elastoplastic continuous mediumV. P. Myasnikov and M. A. Gusev
341-346Quasitransverse shock waves in elastic media with an internal structureN. I. Gvozdovskaya and A. G. Kulikovskii
347-353Theories of ideal plasticity with a singular yield surfaceB. D. Annin
354-359Edge effects in the stress state of a thin elastic interlayerYu. M. Volchkov and L. A. Dergileva
360-366Ellipticity conditions of the static equations of nonlinear elasticityV. D. Bondar’

Volume 40, Number 3 / May 1999

367-374Self-similar solutions of thermal two-phase filtrationV. N. Monakhov
375-378Barothermic effect in filtration of anomalous oil and waterR. F. Sharafutdinov
379-385Filtration convection in a high-frequency vibration fieldS. M. Zen’kovskaya and T. N. Rogovenko
386-392Stabilization of solutions of the nonlinear equation of filtration of a two-phase liquidN. V. Khusnutdinova
393-398Unsteady nonlinear problem of the horizontal motion of a contour under the interface between two liquidsS. I. Gorlov
399-406Correlation between theoretical and experimental solitary wavesV. I. Bukreev
407-411Thermodynamic instability of disperse media isolated from external actionsS. V. Stebnovskii
412-419Gravity-induced spreading of a drop of a viscous fluid over a surfaceO. V. Voinov
420-430Shallow waves in a two-layer vortex fluid under a lidA. A. Chesnokov
431-438Axial jet in a potentially rotating fluid in a pipe of variable radiusV. N. Nikulin
439-444Stability of a laminar rivulet liquid flow in a cylindrical duct in the approximation of one-dimensional wavesP. I. Geshev and A. A. Cherepanov
445-450Effect of molecular rotations on acoustic properties of a two-fluid mediumS. V. Dolgushev
451-454Absolute and convective instability of a supersonic boundary layerG. V. Petrov
455-460Self-excited oscillations in rarefied, impact supersonic jetsG. F. Gorshkov and V. N. Uskov
461-470Propagation of disturbances in three-dimensional supersonic boundary layersR. V. Krechetnikov and I. I. Lipatov
471-478One-dimensional motion of an emulsion with solidificationA. G. Petrova and V. V. Pukhnachev
479-484Bifurcation of self-similar solutions describing a thermocapillary flow of a fluid in a thin layerV. A. Batishchev
485-490Heat transfer in intumescent heat- and fire-insulating coatingsG. V. Kuznetsov and V. P. Rudzinskii
491-500Plane linear problem of the immersion of an elastic plate in an ideal incompressible fluidA. A. Korobkin and T. I. Khabakhpasheva
501-506Front structure of a weak shock wave in dense compositesB. R. Gafarov, A. V. Utkin, S. V. Razorenov, A. A. Bogach and E. S. Yushkov
507-512Averaging of an orthotropic elastic plate weakened by periodic hinges of finite stiffnessYu. A. Bogan
513-518Conditions of bubble formation in the intergranular layer of a glass phase in ceramics sinteringD. N. Karpinskii and G. I. Panchikhina
519-522Study of the microstructure of a composite after dynamic fractureL. M. Molchunova, O. V. Kilina, S. F. Gnyusov and S. N. Kul’kov
523-526Prediction of the effective elastic properties of spheroplastics by the generalized self-consistent methodA. A. Pan’kov
527-530Adequacy of the description of the process of fracture in computer simulationsA. G. Ivanov
531-534Gas-dynamic method of decreasing the force of penetration of a solid into groundV. V. Borovikov and A. V. Bystrov
535-538An approximation of the form of a compressed flexible rodN. S. Astapov
539-544A method of determining the piezoelectric modulus of a nonuniformly polarized rodA. O. Vatul’yan and A. N. Solov’ev
545-548Use of physical methods and electron microscopy in analyzing structural changes in Ni3Fe alloyA. A. Klopotov, Yu. A. Timoshnikov, É. V. Kozlov and N. A. Koneva
549Comments on the publication “compatibility conditions of small deformations and stress functions”N. I. Ostrosablin

Volume 40, Number 4 / July 1999

551-557Simulation of “Belt”-type galathea plasma configurationsA. V. Belimov, G. I. Dudnikova, M. P. Fedoruk and É. P. Shurina
558-562Density and total pressure behavior in the process of forced and spontaneous reconnectionG. I. Dudnikova, V. P. Zhukov and G. Fuchs
563-570Generation of geomagnetic oscillations in the late stage of a camouflet explosionL. P. Gorbachev, Yu. B. Kotov and T. A. Semenova
571-580Regularities of the stretching and plastic failure of metal shaped-charge jetsA. V. Babkin, S. V. Ladov, V. M. Marinin and S. V. Fedorov
581-587On the development of a kinetic model for a gas with allowance for nonequilibrium processesV. N. Makarov
588-593Collision of supersonic flows in vacuum and ambient spaceA. A. Morozov, M. Yu. Plotnikov and A. K. Rebrov
594-603Model problem of instantaneous motion of a three-phase contact lineV. V. Pukhnachev and I. B. Semenova
604-610Oblique incidence of surface waves on an elastic plateI. V. Sturova
611-621Flows with boundary layers in unbounded regionsV. V. Kuznetsov
622-629Numerical study of the laminar thermocapillary flow in a square cavityV. A. Gaponov
630-637Waves on a viscous-fluid film flowing down a vibrating vertical plateS. N. Samatov and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
638-646Optimum overtaking compression shocks with restrictions imposed on the total flow-deflection angleA. V. Omel’chenko and V. N. Uskov
647-654Numerical simulation of wave flows caused by a shoreside landslideV. V. Ostapenko
655-661Vibrations of a fan jet in running a supersonic jet into a notched obstacleV. S. Demin and A. V. Kozhin
662-668Motion of a sphere in a vibrating liquid in the presence of a wallV. L. Sennitskii
669-677Acoustic oscillations near a thin-walled cylindrical obstacle in a channelS. V. Sukhinin
678-684Special features of self-sustained oscillations in a supersonic underexpanded jet impinging on an obstacle with a restricted cross-sectionG. F. Gorshkov and V. N. Uskov
685-690Nonstationary hydrodynamic characteristics of a double grid of profilesO. V. Chernysheva and V. A. Yudin
691-696Mechanism of coagulation of disperse elements in media isolated from external actionsS. V. Stebnovskii
697-703Heat transfer characteristics in flow around a spherically blunted cone at incidence and gas injection from a blunted surfaceV. I. Zinchenko and A. S. Yakimov
704-711Mathematical model of a heterogeneous medium consisting of a matrix and spherical inclusionsS. P. Kiselev and V. M. Fomin
712-718Approximate method for solving a two-dimensional problem of elasticity theoryG. V. Druzhinin and N. M. Bodunov
719-726An inverse elastoplastic problem for platesI. Yu. Tsvelodub
727-729Planar elastic problem for an orthotropic plane with a slit under edge contact conditions of the type of viscous frictionYu. A. Bogan
730-738Stability of a multilayered composite conical shell under uniform external pressureA. N. Andreyev
739-743Shear strain effects on the theoretical strength of an atomic latticeN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev
744-750Application of the gradient strength criterion and the boundary-element method to a plane stress-concentration problemA. S. Sheremet and M. A. Legan
751-756Application of a gradient approach to estimation of the local strengthS. V. Suknev
757-762Incremental deformation model for a rodL. I. Shkutin
763-769Equilibrium of an elastic body pierced by horizontal thin elastic barsI. I. Argatov and S. A. Nazarov
770-775Numerical solution of the problem of an ice sheet under a moving loadV. D. Zhestkaya

Volume 40, Number 5 / September 1999

777-783Formation of shock waves in flow of charge carriers in semiconductorsD. A. Krymskikh
784-790Composite electrodynamic linerR. M. Zaidel’
791-795Effect of loading conditions and initial state on the spall fracture of an explosive RDX-based compoundV. K. Golubev and A. P. Pogorelov
796-804Complete systems of conservation laws for two-layer shallow water modelsV. V. Ostapenko
805-810Motion of thermics in a stratified atmosphereB. I. Zaslavskii and B. V. Yur’ev
811-819Suspended discontinuities in the field of two-dimensional internal wavesV. V. Mitkin and Yu. D. Chashechkin
820-823Exact solutions of the axisymmetric equations of motion of a viscous heat-conducting perfect gas described by systems of ordinary differential equationsV. V. Bublik
824-830On a class of internal solitary waves in a two-layer fluidZh. L. Mal’tseva
831-840Evolution equation for weakly nonlinear waves in a two-layer fluid with gently sloping bottom and lidG. A. Khabakhpashev and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
841-846Reflection of shock waves from a solid boundary in a mixture of condensed materials. 1. Equilibrium approximationA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
847-857Interaction of steady shear flows of a barotropic liquidB. N. Elemesova
858-864“Anomalous” nonlinear wave phenomena in a supersonic boundary layerA. D. Kosinov, Y. G. Ermolaev and N. V. Semionov
865-870Nonlinear effect of external low-frequency acoustics on eigen-oscillations in a supersonic boundary layerS. A. Gaponov, I. I. Maslennikova and V. Yu. Tyushin
871-876Model of fourth-order cumulants for description of turbulent transport by large-scale vortex structuresB. B. Ilyushin
877-885Numerical simulation of aerosol sampling from an air flow to an input tubeA. A. Medvedev, N. N. Trusova, S. G. Chernyi and S. V. Sharov
886-894A study of heat-transfer processes in a supersonic flow around a spherically blunted cone with allowance for injection of a gas-coolerV. I. Zinchenko and A. Ya. Kuzin
895-902Method of analysis of mathematical models of media under complex loadingD. Kolymbas, S. V. Lavrikov and A. F. Revuzhenko
903-907Integral equation for stress concentration at the edge of a plane crack of arbitrary contourV. A. Saraikin
908-916Solution of the problem of optimal cut in an elastic beamV. A. Kovtunenko
917-921Generalization of the poiseuille law based on the constitutive rheological relation for polymeric liquidsI. É. Golovicheva, G. V. Pyshnograi and V. I. Popov
922-929Thermomechanics of elastoplastic and superplastic deformation of metalsA. A. Markin
930-935Effect of an electric current on necking in a tensile rodA. A. Bychkov and D. N. Karpinskii
936-941Reflection and refraction of a planar acoustic wave in an anisotropic inhomogeneous layerL. A. Tolokonnikov
942-950Buckling of elastic composite rings under internal impulsive loadingV. M. Kornev and G. E. Makarov
951-956Singular perturbation in bending problems for orthotropic platesYu. A. Bogan
957-961Incremental deformation model for a shellL. I. Shkutin
962-968Theoretical and experimental estimates of the brittle strength of solids produced by compaction of powdersV. M. Kornev, A. G. Demeshkin and T. A. Korneva
969-978Solution of a contact problem for a plate with a deformable insertV. N. Solodovnikov
979-988Mathematical modeling of extension of an inhomogeneous elastic clothV. D. Bondar’, S. P. Molina and V. V. Sadovskii
989-994Probabilistic model of a particle-rough wall collisionI. V. Derevich

Volume 40, Number 6 / November 1999

995-1001Reflection of shock waves from a solid boundary in a mixture of condensed materials 2. Nonequilibrium approximationA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
1002-1007Effect of viscosity on the current layers emerging upon propagation of the Alfvén pulse in a hyperbolic magnetic fieldG. I. Dudnikova and V. P. Zhukov
1008-1015Numerical simulation of an obliquely incident solitary waveV. B. Barakhnin and G. S. Khakimzyanov
1029-1035Experimental study of vortex structures in a hypersonic shock layer on a flat plateS. G. Mironov
1036-1041Effect of broken ice on the wave resistance of an amphibian air-cushion vehicle in nonstationary motionV. M. Kozin and A. V. Pogorelova
1042-1047Convective instability of air in snowM. K. Zhekamukhov and L. Z. Shukhova
1048-1050Longitudinal nonlinear oscillations of a gas in a closed pipeR. G. Zaripov, R. I. Davydov and N. V. Sonin
1051-1056Nonlinear problem of a steady-state flow of a weighable liquid bounded by a free surface about a system of vorticesS. I. Gorlov
1057-1060Effect of the plenum-chamber diameter on the turbulent characteristics of a supersonic jetV. A. Mal'tsev, S. A. Novopashin and A. L. Perepelkin
1061-1069Technique for experimental determination of the total thrust-aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft modelsA. V. Lokotko
1070-1076Dynamics of explosive boiling of drops at the superheat limitB. P. Avksentyuk and V. V. Ovchinnikov
1077-1081Formation of a petal-shaped structure at the front of an axisymmetric liquid film induced by collision of a drop with a flat surfaceA. I. Fedorchenko and A. A. Chernov
1082-1087Numerical analysis of the flutter of a shallow shellS. D. Algazin and I. A. Kiyko
1088-1096Generalization of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation in a coupled thermomechanical modelA. G. Knyazeva
1097-1105The flow in a planar-radial vortex chamber. 1. An experimental study of the velocity field in transient and steady flowsF. A. Bykovskii and E. F. Vedernikov
1106-1110Numerical study of initial pulsed motion of a powder layer in a duct under the action of a compressed gasD. V. Sadin
1111-1115Inertial steady flow of a bed of granular material down a surface with microrelief with allowance for finite time of intergranular contactingL. A. Spodareva
1116-1120Effect of anomalously low friction in block mediaM. V. Kurlenya, V. N. Oparin and V. I. Vostrikov
1121-1125Contact interaction of cylindrical bodies with allowance for the surface roughness factorsA. S. Kravchuk
1126-1132Model for plasticity effects in metals under nonproportional cyclic loadingI. É. Keller and P. V. Trusov
1133-1137Some specific features of high-temperature deformation of materialsO. V. Sosnin, B. V. Gorev and I. V. Lyubashevskaya
1138-1142Description of the creep and failure of beams in bending and shafts in torsion by equations with a scalar damage parameterB. V. Gorev and I. D. Klopotov
1143-1147Physical content of a gauge model describing media with structure and defectsYu. V. Grinyaev and N. V. Chertova
1148-1154Thermodynamic criterion for predicting the brittleness and plasticity of metalsS. D. Shafrai and T. N. Hatsevich
1155-1160Local instability of the walls of boreholes in drilling in compressible hardening elastoviscoplastic mediaA. N. Sporykhin and A. S. Chebotarev
1161-1162Secondary loss of stability of an euler rodV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
1163-1172Penetration of an elastic circular cylindrical shell into an incompressible liquidM. F. Ionina
1173-1179Strain diagrams for uranium and its alloy with molybdenum in dynamic uniaxial compression and tension and at elevated temperaturesA. P. Bol'shakov, A. S. Girin, S. A. Novikov, V. A. Pushkov and V. A. Sinitsyn
1180-1186Dynamics of a system of remote punches on an elastic half-spaceN. A. Lavrov and E. E. Pavlovskaya

Volume 41, Number 1 / January 2000

1-9Thermohydrodynamics of continuous-wave CO2 lasers with a closed cycle of the flowA. I. Ivanchenko, A. M. Orishich and S. S. Vorontsov
10-16Boundaries of the plasma-free regime of electroexplosion of a foilV. A. Demidov and V. I. Skokov
17-22Effect of quasi-total internal reflection of shock waves at an interface between two elastic mediaI. I. Anik'ev, V. I. Gulyaev, G. M. Ivanchenko, P. Z. Lugovoi and E. A. Sushchenko, et al.
23-31Richtmyer-Meshkov instability of an interface between two media due to passage of two successive shocksA. A. Charakhch'an
32-34Penetration of a rigid shell into a steel obstacle at moderate impact velocitiesV. K. Golubev and V. A. Medvedkin
35-43The flow in a planar-radial vortex chamber. 2. Vortex structure of the flowF. A. Bykovskii and E. F. Vedernikov
44-49Experimental study of evolution of disturbances in a supersonic boundary layer on a swept-wing model under controlled conditionsA. D. Kosinov, N. V. Semionov, Yu. G. Ermolaev and V. Ya. Levchenko
50-54Force interaction of a sphere and a viscous liquid in the presence of a wallV. L. Sennitskii
55-61New parabolized system of equations of stability of a compressible boundary layerG. V. Petrov
62-68Postcritical regimes in the nonlinear problem of vortex motion under the free surface of a weighable fluidV. P. Zhitnikov, N. M. Sherykhalina and O. I. Sherykhalin
69-75Numerical simulation of a developed shear turbulenceN. S. Es'kov, A. S. Kozlovskikh and D. V. Neuvazhaev
76-83Pulsed discharge of a two-phase medium from a bounded duct capable of longitudinal motionD. V. Sadin
84-94Higher-order approximations of cnoidal-wave theoryE. A. Karabut
95-100Evolution of the structure of viscoelastic liquid media upon pulse volume tensionS. V. Stebnovskii
101-107Numerical simulation and optimization of the processes of microwave treatment of dielectricsS. V. Trigorlyi
108-114Stability of the tubular layer of a deformed material in a rotating horizontal cylinderYu. V. Naumenko
115-119Theory of normal contact of rigid bodiesV. N. Solodovnikov
120-130Complex-potential method in the nonlinear theory of elasticityV. D. Bondar'
131-138Some primal problems of the axisymmetric theory of elasticity for space with a flat slit bounded by a circleL. G. Smirnov
139-148Stresses in a weighable half-plane with a semicircular notchA. D. Zaikin
149-158Viscoelastic properties of fractal mediaV. V. Novikov and K. V. Voitsekhovskii
159-166Eigenvibrations of a flexible platform floating on shallow waterL. A. Tkacheva
167-170Spectrum of normal oscillations of a dislocation ensemble in a viscoplastic mediumN. V. Chertova
171-175Nonlinear vibration modes of an elastic panel under periodic loadingA. L. Tukmakov
176-181Appearance of a “cold” layer upon explosive compacting of powdersA. E. Buzyurkin and S. P. Kiselev
182-187Discontinuous velocity fields in a hardening rigid-plastic materialS. E. Aleksandrov and N. N. Aleksandrova
188-192Specific features of microparticle deformation upon impact on a rigid barrierA. P. Alkhimov, A. I. Gudilov, V. F. Kosarev and N. I. Nesterovich
193-199Procedure for choosing model media for melted semiconductors under terrestrial and outer-space conditionsP. K. Volkov and B. G. Zakharov
200-204Strain analysis of polycrystalline specimens by the method of superimposed holographic interferometryS. I. Gerasimov and V. A. Zhilkin

Volume 41, Number 2 / March 2000

205-211Natural oscillations of a liquid of finite electrical conduction in the presence of an external magnetic fieldA. I. Zadorozhnyi and R. A. Gruntfest
212-219Kinetics of charge-exchange interaction of dense flowsI. F. Shaikhislamov
220-224Electron-beam diagnostics of rarefied gases: Activation by short electron packetsV. Zh. Madirbaev, A. E. Zarvin, V. V. Kalyada and N. G. Korobeishchikov
225-230Electrogas- and electrohydrodynamic control of gas and liquid jets and flows
231-234Effect of initial heating of the jet-forming layer of shaped-charge liners on the ultimate elongation of jet elementsG. E. Markelov
235-244Mechanism of superdeep penetration of particles into a metal targetS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
245-250Experimental study of deformation and attachment of microparticles to an obstacle upon high-rate impactA. P. Alkhimov, S. V. Klinkov and V. F. Kosarev
251-260Formation conditions for bubble suspensions upon shock-wave loading of liquidsN. A. Stebnovskii
261-266Possibility of reaching higher contents of a gas in a liquid using shock wavesN. A. Pribaturin and D. P. Stasenko
267-272Exhaustion of a thin film of a nonlinear-viscous fluid from a slot with slipping relative to the underlying surfaceV. A. Chugunov, L. D. Eskin and S. L. Tonkonog
273-279Convergent laminar fluid flow between two rotating disksE. V. Semenov
280-285Nonlinear problem of a circular cylinder rising vertically to an interface between liquid mediaS. I. Gorlov
286-292Numerical and asymptotic study of the two-dimensional problem of the hydroelastic behavior of a floating plate in wavesA. A. Korobkin
293-297Effect of viscosity of the wave process in a nonuniform flow with a critical levelV. A. Pavlov
298-308Sediment-discharge vector in a turbulent flow above an eroded bottomA. G. Petrov and P. G. Petrov
309-316Changes of a porous structure in flow of a monodisperse mediumYu. I. Kapranov
317-318Shape of the vapor bubble upon explosive boilingB. P. Avksentyuk and V. V. Ovchinnikov
319-324Unsteady radiative-conductive heat transfer in a semitransparent selectively absorbing layerA. L. Burka and N. A. Rubtsov
325-331Thermal stability of a reactive liquid flowT. A. Bodnar'
332-336Experimental determination of the basic characteristics of heat and mass transfer upon thermoerosion fracture of materialsV. E. Abaltusov, S. G. Gaga, I. K. Zharova, L. V. Zotova and G. V. Kuznetsov, et al.
337-346Motion of a flexible finite-length filament in a flow of a viscous fluidV. M. Shapovalov
347-352Effect of the molecular mass on the shear and longitudinal viscosity of linear polymersI. É. Golovicheva, S. A. Zinovich and G. V. Pyshnograi
353-357Optimization of the damping decrement of free oscillations of a viscoelastic layered sphere with a limitation on weightV. A. Budugaeva
358-361Stability of annular orthotropic platesN. V. Pustovoi, K. A. Matveev and D. V. Mokhovnev
362-366Specification and evolution of local (periodic) perturbations in experimental studies of the rayleigh-taylor instability in strong mediaO. B. Drennov, A. L. Mikhailov and V. A. Ogorodnikov
367-376Hierarchy of strength criteria of structured brittle media. Satellite initiation of microcracksV. M. Kornev
377-381Specific features of the nonlinearly elastic behavior of cylindrical compressible bodies in torsionT. V. Gavrilyachenko and M. I. Karyakin

Volume 41, Number 3 / May 2000

383-388Transportable simulators of electromagnetic pulses based on magnetocumulative generatorsA. S. Boriskin, V. A. Zolotov, A. S. Kravchenko, L. N. Plyashkevich and V. A. Terekhin
389-393Possibility of generating strong magnetic fields in conducting materials by the action of high-velocity penetratorsS. V. Fedorov, A. V. Babkin and V. I. Kolpakov
394-400Behavior of metallic shaped-charge jets with passage of a pulsed electric current through themG. A. Shvetsov, A. D. Matrosov, A. V. Babkin, S. V. Ladov and S. V. Fedorov
401-407Concrete-surface destruction by powerful microwave-radiation pulsesA. V. Arzhannikov, V. A. Bychenkov, P. V. Kalinin, G. V. Kovalenko and V. S. Koidan, et al.
408-415Electrogas- and electrohydrodynamic control of gas and liquid jets and flows. 2. Physical principlesV. S. Nagornyi
416-420Loading of obstacles by explosion of a low-density sheet explosiveV. K. Golubev and V. A. Medvedkin
421-428Existence of solutions of Kraiko's problemS. P. Bautin
429-438Amplitude equations for a system with thermohaline convectionS. B. Kozitskii
439-445Body motion in artificial thermal channelsV. M. Kuznetsov, A. N. Kucherov, N. K. Makashev, A. N. Minailos and S. V. Chernov
446-451Stability of non-newtonian fluid flowsL. A. Spodareva
452-455Calculation of dynamic stall on an oscillating airfoilO. Yu. Korotkov and G. M. Shumskii
456-460Evolution of perturbations on the surface of a viscoelastic liquidYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
461-469Boundary layers in free convectionV. V. Kuznetsov and O. A. Frolovskaya
470-478Circulation flow around airfoils by a steady plane-parallel flow of a heavy liquid of finite depth with a free surfaceK. E. Afanas'ev and S. V. Stukolov
479-484Experimental study of density fluctuations in a hypersonic laminar wake behind a coneV. M. Aniskin and S. G. Mironov
485-490Interior ballistics of a powder-driven pulsed water cannonA. N. Semko
491-497Jets of incipient liquidsA. V. Reshetnikov, N. A. Mazheiko and V. P. Skripov
498-503Effect of the height of a melted layer on its thermal structure in growing single crystals by the stockbarger method with the use of the accelerated crucible rotation techniqueV. É. Distanov and A. G. Kirdyashkin
504-512Boundaries of the initial melted area of a semiconductor film formed by floating-zone meltingV. I. Yakovlev
513-518Strictly conjugate stress and strain tensorsS. N. Korobeinikov
519-525Analysis of the applicability of a modified Kol'skii's method for dynamic tests of soils in a deformable casingV. G. Bazhenov, A. M. Bragov, V. L. Kotov, S. V. Zefirov and A. V. Kochetkov, et al.
526-530Estimate of the strength of a plate with an elliptic hole in tension and compressionS. V. Suknev
531-537Energetic variant of the model of rheological deformation and destruction of metals under a joint action of static and cyclic loadsV. P. Radchenko, E. K. Kichaev and A. V. Simonov
538-543Description of creep within the framework of the field theory of defectsYu. V. Grinyaev and N. V. Chertova
544-546Elastica of an euler rod with clamped endsV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
547-555Averaged rotations at finite plane strainV. D. Bondar'
556-559The velocity of ultrasound in low-carbon steel deformed at the low yield limitB. S. Semukhin, L. B. Zuev and K. I. Bushmeleva
560-568Relaxational effects in the dynamics of grounds and rocksA. V. Mikhalyuk and V. V. Zakaharov
569-575Stress-strain state of an anisotropic plate with curvilinear cracks and thin rigid inclusionsV. N. Maksimenko and G. V. Nedogibchenko

Volume 41, Number 4 / July 2000

577-584Effect of energy dissipation on the shaped-charge flow regimeYu. A. Trishin
585-592Critical conditions for the group speed of propagation of internal gravity wavesV. I. Bukreev
593-603Exact solutions of the one-dimensional Russo-Smereka kinetic equationA. A. Chesnokov
604-611Effect of flow nonparallelism on instability of the Taylor-Görtler waves in supersonic axisymmetric jetsN. M. Terekhova
612-618Diffraction of surface waves on an inhomogeneous elastic plateI. V. Sturova
619-627Experimental and numerical modeling of the turbulent wake of a self-propelled bodyN. V. Gavrilov, A. G. Demenkov, V. A. Kostomakha and G. G. Chernykh
628-636Excitation of subharmonic oscillations in an axisymmetric flow with coherent structures in the regime of aeroacoustic resonanceS. P. Bardakhanov and O. V. Belai
637-646Nonlinear development of two-dimensional hydroelastic instability in a turbulent boundary layer on an elastic coatingV. P. Reutov and G. V. Rybushkina
647-657A mixing layer in a homogeneous fluidV. Yu. Liapidevskii
658-665Receptivity of the boundary layer on a flat plate with a blunted leading edge to steady nonuniformity of the free streamM. V. Ustinov
666-669Dynamic contact angle for etting of a surface by a van der waals fluidO. V. Voinov
670-675Numerical study of the interaction of a supersonic gaseous jet with a planar targetA. L. Adrianov, A. A. Bezrukov and Yu. A. Gaponenko
676-685Optimization of the earthreentry trajectory of a blunted body by the integral heat fluxV. Yu. Kazakov, S. V. Peigin and S. V. Timchenko
686-691Some characteristics of heat and mass transfer in a turbulent air flow over a surfaceB. F. Boyarshinov
692-698Mass transfer with gas desorption from the surface of a liquid film in the presence of a cocurrent flowV. I. Terekhov, V. P. Lebedev and N. E. Shishkin
699-706Wave formation on the free surface of oil filmsYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
707-713Rheokinetics of momentum transfer in microstructured mediaV. I. Popov
714-721Electromagnetic and temperature fields in direct resistance heating of compound axisymmetric bodiesYu. I. Nyashin and V. M. Tver'e
722-724Averaged expression for the bulk-density vector of the capillary force in a sintered powder mixtureV. P. Bushlanov
725-733The effect of the reinforcement structure on the heat conductivity of shells of revolution with a system of tubes filled with a liquid heat-transfer agentYu. V. Nemirovskii and A. P. Yankovskii
734-739Determination of the strength characteristics of a physically nonlinear inclusion in a linearly elastic mediumI. Yu. Tsvelodub
740-744Acoustic properties of TiNi-based alloysV. É. Gyunter, V. I. Chernyshev and T. L. Chekalkin
745-751The stability of a compressed rotating rodT. A. Bodnar'
752-758Strength of water under pulsed loadingA. A. Bogach and A. V. Utkin
759-762Stress-strain state of an ice sheet subjected to a moving load under shallow-water conditionsV. D. Zhestkaya
763-767Experimental study of the strength of composite plates in bendingG. V. Gevorkyan, M. A. Zadoyan, G. R. Saakyan and S. M. Sarkisyan
768-771Effect of absorption in time-resolved optoacoustic tomographyA. A. Aliverdiev

Volume 41, Number 5 / September 2000

773-787Some physical problems of cumulationYu. A. Trishin
788-791Effect of initial heating of shaped charge liners on shaped charge pentetrationG. E. Markelov
792-805Two alternatives of magnetic cumulationE. I. Bichenkov
806-817Initiation systems using secondary explosivesL. A. Luk’yanchikov
818-823Experimental investigation of fast shaped-charge jetsP. V. Pipich
824-830Acceleration of metal plates by a tangential detonation waveA. A. Deribas
831-835Injection current and the formation of bubbles in strong, very nonuniform electric fieldsS. M. Korobeinikov
836-844Shock-wave structure in the near zone upon explosion of spatial charges in airA. V. Pinaev, V. T. Kuzavov and V. K. Kedrinskii
845-854Propagation of shock waves in a porous medium saturated by a liquid with bubbles of a soluble gasV. E. Dontsov and V. E. Nakoryakov
855-864Use of high pressures for solving problems of hypersonic aerodynamicsV. N. Rychkov, M. E. Topchiyan, A. A. Meshcheryakov and V. I. Pinakov
865-869A gas pendulumL. V. Ovsyannikov
870-878Rotationally symmetric spontaneous swirling in MHD flowsB. A. Lugovtsov
879-886Kinetic model of bubbly flowV. M. Teshukov
887-894Hydrodynamic characteristics of a vortex source performing translational motion in a multilayer heavy fluidS. I. Gorlov
895-906Two-phase flows of incompressible condensed media and gasV. I. Nalimov
907-914Some aspects of solving interrelated problems of ecology and climateV. V. Penenko and E. A. Tsvetova
915-922Numerical analysis of the effect of local energy supply on the aerodynamic drag and heat transfer of a spherically blunted body in a supersonic air flowV. A. Levin, V. G. Gromov and N. E. Afonina
923-929Effect of convection on the stability of a liquid with a nonuniformly distributed heavy admixtureO. N. Dement’ev
930-936Filtration of a liquid with free boundaries in unbounded regionsE. V. Gubkina and V. N. Monakhov
937-944Determination of the ultimate states of elastoplastic bodiesB. D. Annin, V. V. Alekhin and S. N. Korobeinikov
945-949Quasi-one-dimensional model of the rod-target interactionYu. M. Volchkov
950-954Modeling of an edge dislocation and estimate of the dislocation core for a close-packed atomic layerV. M. Kornev and V. D. Kurguzov
955-960Mass minimization for a spherical screen with a specified level of transmitted wave energyV. V. Alekhin

Volume 41, Number 6 / November 2000

961-969Solar and Lunar Tides in MagmaB. V. Voitsekhovskii and R. M. Garipov
970-976Nonequilibrium Ionization Behind a Strong Shock Wave in the Mars AtmosphereV. A. Gorelov, M. K. Gladyshev, A. Yu. Kireev and S. V. Shilenkov
977-981Nonlinear Electrohydrodynamic Stability of a Poiseuille Two–Layer FlowV. E. Zakhvataev
982-989Free Oscillations of a Thin Luid Layer of Finite Electric Conductivity under the Action of an External Magnetic FieldA. I. Zadorozhnyi and R. A. Gruntfest
990-995Compact Molecule of BerylliumP. I. Mel'nikov, V. G. Makarenko, M. G. Makarenko, S. P. Kil'dyashev and A. N. Parfenov
996-1002Existence of Solutions for Steady Detonation of Gas SuspensionsD. V. Voronin
1003-1011Generation of Nonlinear Waves on a Viscoelastic Coating in a Turbulent Boundary LayerV. P. Reutov and G. V. Rybushkina
1012-1019Localized Coherent Structures in the Boundary LayerI. G. Dodonov, V. A. Zharov and Yu. I. Khlopkov
1020-1028Effect of Evaporation of Liquid Droplets on the Distribution of Parameters in a Two–Species Laminar FlowV. I. Terekhov, M. A. Pakhomov and V. V. Chichindaev
1029-1035Stability of Filtration of a Gas—Liquid MixtureG. T. Bulgakova, L. A. Kalyakin and M. M. Khasanov
1036-1043Simulation and Analysis of Transport of Gaseous Wastes from Automobile Traffic with Random CharacteristicsM. G. Boyarshinov
1044-1053Stability Analysis of the Growth of Particles of a Polydisperse System in a Solution under Nonisothermal ConditionsA. I. Moshinskii
1054-1063Estimate of the Latent Free Energy and Damage at the Tip of an Opening–Mode CrackYu. N. Radaev
1064-1069Distinguishing Features of One Model of an Elastic Solid Associated with the Long–Range Interaction at the Molecular LevelL. M. Minkevich
1070-1077Instability of Plastic Strain and Fracture. Strain Diagram for Inhomogeneous MediaA. M. Avdeenko
1078-1082Heterogeneity of Plastic Flow of Zirconium Alloys with a Parabolic Law of Strain HardeningL. B. Zuev, I. Yu. Zykov, V. I. Danilin and S. Yu. Zavodchikov
1083-1086Dynamic Deformation of Aluminum Alloy AMg–6 at Normal and Higher TemperaturesB. L. Glushak, O. N. Ignatova, V. A. Pushkov, S. A. Novikov and A. S. Girin, et al.
1087-1094Calculation of Layered Shells by the Pseudogeometrical–Nonlinearity MethodR. A. Kayumov
1095-1101Problem of Increasing the Survivability of Two–Stage Ballistic GunsYu. F. Khristenko
1102-1110Numerical and Asymptotic Solution of the Equations of Propagation of Hydroelastic Vibrations in a Curved PipeV. A. Rukavishnikov and O. P. Tkachenko
1111-1117Dynamic Rigidity of a Beam in a Moving ContactS. N. Verichev and A. V. Metrikine
1118-1122Constitutive Equations of an Isotropic Hyperelastic BodyV. N. Solodovnikov
1123-1130Contact Problem for a Narrow Annular Punch. Unknown Region of ContactI. I. Argatov and S. A. Nazarov
1131-1135Determination of Periodic Changes in the Stress State of Grounds from Variations in Infrared Radiation FluxV. I. Sheinin, B. V. Levin, É. A. Motovilov, A. A. Morozov and A. V. Favorov
1136-1146Effect of the Conductance and Thickness of a Conducting Plate on the Signal from a Material–Velocity Inductive TransducerYu. N. Zhugin and Yu. L. Levakova

Volume 42, Number 1 / January 2001

1-9Hybrid Electromagnetic System for Acceleration of SolidsA. A. Sivkov
10-13Effect of the Initial State on the Efficiency of Acceleration in Electromagnetic Rail LaunchersS. S. Katsnel'son and A. V. Zagorskii
14-20Shock Compression of a Plate on a Wedged–Shaped TargetA. A. Charakhch'yan
21-27Gas–Dynamic Structures in Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen in a System of Plane Jets in a Supersonic FlowU. K. Zhapbasbaev and E. P. Makashev
28-34Group Properties of 2–Submodels for the Evolutionary Class of Gas–Dynamic EquationsE. V. Mamontov
35-41Sudden Blocking of a Subcritical Open–Channel FlowV. I. Bukreev and V. A. Kostomakha
42-48Parametric Excitation of a Secondary Flow in a Vertical Layer of a Fluid in the Presence of Small Solid ParticlesD. A. Bratsun and V. S. Teplov
49-56Computation of Gas–Dynamic Parameters and Heat Transfer in Supersonic Turbulent Separated Flows near Backward–Facing StepsI. A. Bedarev and N. N. Fedorova
57-62Development of Natural Disturbances in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer on a Sharp ConeD. A. Bountin, A. A. Sidorenko and A. N. Shiplyuk
63-66Shock–Free Breakup of Droplets. Temporal CharacteristicsB. E. Gel'fand, B. Vieilli, I. Gekalp and C. Chauveau
67-71The Effect of the Walls of an Arbitrary Tank in the Problem of Separation–Free Impact on a Floating BodyM. V. Norkin
72-76Motion of a Pulsating Rigid Body in an Oscillating Viscous FluidV. L. Sennitskii
77-86Conditions for Development of Cavitation in Scleronomous MediaS. V. Stebnovskii
87-90Energy Addition to a Gas in a Turbulent Supersonic Boundary LayerO. B. Larin and V. A. Levin
91-96Homogenization of the Process of Phase Transitions in Multidimensional Heterogeneous Periodic MediaI. A. Kaliev and G. S. Sabitova
97-102Phase Transition upon Solidification from a Liquid StateA. I. Fedorchenko
103-110Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Absorption in Two–Phase Binary Systems used in Heat PumpsN. I. Grigor'eva and V. E. Nakoryakov
111-116Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Radiative–Convective Heat Transfer on a Flat–Plate Boundary Layer in a Selectively Emitting and Scattering MediumN. A. Rubtsov and V. A. Sinitsyn
117-124Effect of the Velocity Mode of a Modulationally Rotating Ampoule on the Thermal Structure of a Melt in Growing Single Crystals by the Stockbarger Method FORENAME = V. ÉDistanov and A. G. Kirdyashkin
125-130Formation of Nonmetallic Inclusions of Variable Composition During Unidirectional Solidification of Liquid SteelA. N. Cherepanov, V. N. Popov, S. I. Plaksin and A. A. Kazakov
131-139Non–Euclidean Model of the Zonal Disintegration of Rocks around an Underground WorkingM. A. Guzev and A. A. Paroshin
140-145Indentation of a Rigid Body into an Elastic PlateI. I. Argatov
146-151Lower and Upper Estimates of the Rupture Time for Structural ElementsA. F. Nikitenko
152-159Optimization of Dynamic Plastic Deformation of Plates with a Complex ContourYu. V. Nemirovsky and T. P. Romanova
160-163Strength Calculation for a Blade as an Orthotropic Plate of Linearly Variable ThicknessV. I. Solov'ev
164-168Flexural Vibrations of a Piezoelectric Bimorph with a Cut Internal ElectrodeA. O. Vatul'yan and A. A. Rynkova
169-173Damping Characteristics of Composite Structural Materials Fabricated by WindingA. G. Demeshkin, M. E. Kozeko, V. M. Kornev and V. D. Kurguzov
174-184Container for Localization of an Explosion of a Compact High–Explosive Charge with an Inert ShellA. G. Ivanov, M. A. Syrunin and A. G. Fedorenko

Volume 42, Number 2 / March 2001

185-195Direct Conversion of the Energy of Laser and Fusion Plasma Clouds to Electrical Energy During Expansion in a Magnetic FieldYu. P. Zakharov, A. V. Melekhov, V. G. Posukh and I. F. Shaikhislamov
196-201Electrical Conductivity of Rocks under Shock CompressionM. M. Gorshkov, V. T. Zaikin and S. V. Lobachev
202-210Damping Properties of Sequoia, Birch, Pine, and Aspen under Shock LoadingA. P. Bol'shakov, M. A. Balakshina, N. N. Gerdyukov, E. V. Zotov and A. K. Muzyrya, et al.
211-218Reflection of an Oblique Shock Wave in a Reacting Gas with a Finite Relaxation–Zone LengthA. E. Medvedev
219-227Effect of Transitional Nonequilibrium on the Molecular–Dissociation Rate in a Hypersonic Shock WaveV. A. Gorelov, V. N. Komarov, M. M. Kuznetsov and V. L. Yumashev
228-236Some Exactly Solvable Problems of the Radiation of Three–Dimensional Periodic Internal WavesYu. V. Kistovich and Yu. D. Chashechkin
237-242Approximate Models of Exhaustion of a Supersonic Gas Jet into VacuumV. A. Shuvalov, O. A. Levkovich and G. S. Kochubei
243-254Evolution of Vortex Structures on the Leeward Side of a Delta WingM. D. Brodetsky, E. Krause, S. B. Nikiforov, A. A. Pavlov and A. M. Kharitonov, et al.
255-261Self–Similar Propagation Regimes of a nonstationary High–Temperature Convective Jet in the Adiabatic AtmosphereA. N. Vul'fson and O. O. Borodin
262-275Experimental Study of Flow in a Cavity on an Axisymmetric BodyA. I. Shvets
269-275Reflection of a Dam–Break Wave at a Vertical Wall. Numerical Modeling and ExperimentV. B. Barakhnin, T. V. Krasnoshchekova and I. N. Potapov
276-278Motion of a Circular Cylinder in a Vibrating LiquidI. E. Kareva and V. L. Sennitskii
279-283Nonstationary Gas Filtration Caused by an Intense Thermal Action on a Damp Porous MediumA. M. Vorob'ev, K. N. Egorov, D. V. Eliseev, V. V. Kozlov and D. V. Sadin
284-289Multi–Front Phase Transitions During Nonisothermal Filtration of Live Paraffin–Base CrudeR. F. Sharafutdinov
290-293Effect of Thermocapillary Forces on the Initial Section of a Melt FilmV. I. Yakovlev
294-299Numerical—Experimental Investigation of the Elastic Deformation of a Polymeric Pipeline under ImpactYu. A. Kulikov, Yu. V. Loskutov, M. A. Maksimov and Yu. K. Zdanovich
300-309“Inviscid Finger” Instability in Regular Models of a Porous MediumA. P. Ershov, A. Ya. Dammer and A. L. Kupershtokh
310-315Numerical Analysis of the Branched Forms of Bending for a RodL. I. Shkutin
316-320Longitudinal Waves in Grainy MediaYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
321-327States of Equilibrium and Secondary Loss of Stability of a Straight Rod Loaded by an Axial ForceS. V. Levyakov
328-336Sufficient Discrete—Integral Criterion of Rupture StrengthV. M. Kornev and V. D. Kurguzov
337-344Nonlinear Antiplane Deformation of an Elastic BodyV. D. Bondar'
345-351Effect of Initial Imperfections on the Flexural Eigenvibrations of Cylindrical ShellsN. A. Taranukha and G. S. Leizerovich
352-357Mid–Span Deflection and End–Shortening of a Rod after BucklingA. V. Anfilof'ev
358-362Distortion of the Wave Profiles in an Elastoplastic Body upon SpallingG. I. Kanel'
363-370Application of Wavelet Analysis to Identification of Structurally Inhomogeneous Deformable MaterialsV. V. Zverev, A. G. Zalazinskii, V. I. Novozhonov and A. P. Polyakov
371-375Spontaneous Fracture of Solids as Affected by SurfactantsV. M. Kornev
376-385Design of Plane Thermoelastic Composite Constructions with Uniformly Stressed ReinforcementYu. V. Nemirovskii and A. P. Yankovskii

Volume 42, Number 3 / May 2001

387-391Magnetic dipole moment produced by an explosion of one kiloton of TNTG. V. Kovalenko, A. A. Kondrat'ev, Yu. I. Matveenko, V. N. Nogin and A. V. Petrovtsev
392-396Millimetric electromagnetic radiation of a lightning return strokeV. F. Fedorov, Yu. A. Frolov and P. O. Shishkov
397-403Generation of a magnetic field in the shear deformation region of a conducting material upon high–velocity penetrationS. V. Fedorov
404-410Notes on gas–dynamic design of supersonic flying vehiclesG. I. Maikapar
411-419Wave propagation and resonance phenomena in inhomogeneous mediaS. V. Sukhinin
420-426Numerical simulation of hypersonic flow around a sharp coneT. V. Poplavskaya and S. G. Mironov
427-430Condensation of an argon—monosilane mixture in a free jetR. G. Sharafutdinov, S. Ya. Khmel', A. E. Zarvin, N. G. Korobeishchikov and V. Zh. Madirbaev
431-436Short capillary waves on the surface of a stretching cylindrical jet of a viscous liquidYu. G. Chesnokov
437-444Stationary solution of the equations of microconvection in a vertical layerV. B. Bekezhanova
445-454Diffusiophoresis of an aerosol particle in a binary gas mixtureV. G. Chernyak, S. A. Starikov and S. A. Beresnev
455-459Analysis of wellbore crossflows for nonstationary operation of a well in an inhomogeneous multilayer bedK. M. Fedorov, L. M. Kadochnikova and S. N. Repetov
460-468Analytical calculation of the parameters of a molecular gas on a surface in the Smoluchowski problemA. V. Latyshev and A. A. Yushkanov
469-474Transient radiative—conductive heating of plexiglasA. L. Burka and P. M. Likhanskii
475-481Flow dynamics of an intensively evaporating wave film of a liquidA. N. Pavlenko, V. V. Lel', A. F. Serov and A. D. Nazarov
482-492Generalized rheological model of cavitating condensed mediaS. V. Stebnovskii
493-496Laser–induced thermocapillary deformation of a thin liquid layerB. A. Bezuglyi, N. A. Ivanova and A. Yu. Zueva
497-504Nonlinear equations of elastic deformation of platesA. E. Alekseev
505-509Local instability of plates with pressed–in annular inclusions at the elastoplastic behavior of materialsD. V. Gotsev, A. V. Kovalev and A. N. Sporykhin
510-515Viscoelastic vibrations of a triangular platesN. A. Chernyshov and A. D. Chernyshov
516-517Magnetoplastic effect upon twinning of bismuth single crystalsO. M. Ostrikov
518-522Effect of elasticity on the dynamics of a superconducting rotor rotating in a magnetic fieldYu. M. Urman and V. V. Novikov
523-528Dynamic properties of zirconium dioxide refractoriesA. M. Bragov, A. K. Lomunov, V. N. Mineev, F. A. Akopov and G. P. Chernyshov
529-532Effect of shock–wave loading on the properties of cryogenic TiNi — a shape–memory alloyV. A. Ogorodnikov, N. N. Popov, I. V. Sevryugin, N. D. Sevryugina and V. I. Luchinin, et al.
533-537Force action of a shock wave on a solid bodyB. I. Zaslavskii, V. R. Shlegel', S. Yu. Morozkin and N. N. Denisov
538-545Large irreversible local slips of a loose free–flowing material under hard sign–variable quasistationary loadingV. P. Stoyan
546-550Rolling friction as a viscoelastic dissipative processV. S. Bulygin
551-557Tomographic diagnostics of technical materials and biological tissues using electric currentA. S. Kravchuk
558-564Development of the polymeric split hopkinson bar techniqueA. S. Yunoshev and V. V. Sil'vestrov

Volume 42, Number 4 / July 2001

565-571Re‐Entering of Bodies with a Positive Lift‐to‐Drag Ratio into the Earth's AtmosphereA. I. Borodin
572-580Turbulent Mixing of Two Liquids with an Arbitrary Law of AccelerationV. E. Neuvazhaev and V. G. Yakovlev
581-588Analysis of Nonequilibrium Dissociation Kinetics in a Boundary Layer Using Various Reaction ModelsG. Ya. Dynnikova, N. K. Makashev and E. A. Rastigeev
589-595Experimental Investigation of Stability of a Hypersonic Boundary Layer on a Cone–Flare ModelA. N. Shiplyuk
596-602Undular Jump in Open‐Channel Flow Over a SillV. I. Bukreev
603-606Unsteady Motion of a Viscous Liquid between Rotating Parallel Walls in the Presence of a CrossflowA. A. Gurchenkov
607-615Supersonic Three‐Dimensional Flow Around Two BodiesN. N. Pilyugin and V. S. Khlebnikov
616-620Hartmann Effect. Region of Existence and Oscillation FrequenciesV. N. Glaznev and Yu. G. Korobeinikov
621-627Lift Force of an Airfoil in the Form of an Arc with a SinkN. B. Il'inskii and N. D. Yakimov
628-637Axisymmetric Vortex Fluid Flow in a Long Elastic TubeA. A. Chesnokov
638-646Scattering of Surface Waves by the Edge of a Floating Elastic PlateL. A. Tkacheva
647-658Method of Integral Equations in 2D and 3D Problems of Plate Impact on a Fluid of Finite DepthV. P. Ryabchenko
659-664Numerical Simulation of the Fall of a Body with a Corrugated Bottom on WaterN. A. Taranukha and Chizhiumov
665-671Effect of the Chemical Reaction and Injection on Flow Characteristics in an Unsteady Upward Motion of an Isothermal PlateR. Muthucumaraswamy and P. Ganesan
672-679Oscillation of the Elements of Combustible Forest Materials and Its Effect on Ignition and CombustionA. M. Grishin, A. N. Golovanov and V. V. Medvedev
680-686Heating and Melting of Asphalt–Paraffin Plugs in Oil‐Well Equipment Using an Electromagnetic Radiation Source Operating in a Periodic ModeV. A. Balakirev, G. V. Sotnikov, Yu. V. Tkach and T. Yu. Yatsenko
687-695Exact Analytical Solution of the Kirsch Problem within the Framework of the Cosserat Continuum and PseudocontinuumM. A. Kulesh, V. P. Matveenko and I. N. Shardakov
696-700Numerical Analysis of Branched Shapes of Arches in BendingL. I. Shkutin
701-703Nonlinear Modes of Motion of Thin Circular Cylindrical ShellsG. S. Leizerovich
704-713Electrical Characteristics of Three‐Component Dielectric Composites with Close‐Packed InclusionsYu. P. Emets
714-719Propagation of Acoustic Signals in SoilsYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
720-724Model of Self‐Organization of an Ensemble of Cracks Radiating SoundV. V. Kuznetsov
725-730Kinetic Approach to Prediction of the Life of Aluminum Alloys under Various Thermal–Temporal Loading ConditionsM. G. Petrov and A. I. Ravikovich
731-736A Packet of Elastic Plates Joined Along a Periodic System of SegmentsV. V. Sil'vestrov and I. A. Ivanov

Volume 42, Number 5 / September 2001

737-740Increasing pressure difference via a gas‐dynamic window for electron‐beam extractionL. N. Orlikov and N. L. Orlikov
741-747Lifting of dust particles behind a reflected shock wave sliding above a particle layerS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
748-756Entrance of a body with a lifting force and a heat‐conducting surface into the earth's atmosphereA. I. Borodin
757-764Flow regimes formed by a counterflow jet in a supersonic flowV. M. Fomin, A. A. Maslov, A. P. Shashkin, T. A. Korotaeva and N. D. Malmuth
765-772Generation of perturbations by a localized vibrator in the boundary layer of a nonswept wingV. G. Chernorai, A. N. Spiridonov, M. M. Katasonov and V. V. Kozlov
773-785Asymptotic analysis of the structure of long‐wave Görtler vortices in a hypersonic boundary layerV. V. Bogolepov
786-793Calculation of the hydrodynamic interaction of blade cascades with consideration for the diffusion of unsteady wakesV. A. Yudin
794-805Formation and basic parameters of vortex ringsD. G. Akhmetov
806-813Transient motion of a floating body having a rectangular shapeI. K. Ten
814-817Behavior of a pulsating rigid body in a viscous fluid in the presence of gravityV. L. Sennitskii
818-826Double‐fluid steady filtration flows in near‐shore water‐bearing strataV. N. Monakhov
827-832Interaction of an unsteady two‐phase jet with a layer of a disperse mediumD. V. Sadin and K. N. Egorov
833-838Hydrodynamic calculations of layered seams on the basis of modified relative permeabilitiesS. P. Plokhotnikov and V. V. Eliseenkov
839-850Analysis of the dissolution of a polydisperse system of particles having the shape of a parallelepipedA. I. Moshinskii
851-856Conjugate heat exchange and hydrodynamics for a viscous incompressible fluid moving in a rectangular cavityG. V. Kuznetsov and A. V. Krainov
857-863Third heat‐transfer crisis with stepwise heat supplyB. P. Avksentyuk and V. V. Ovchinnikov
864-871Constitutive equations for two‐step thermoelastic phase transformationsA. A. Movchan, P. V. Shelymagin and S. A. Kazarina
872-877Calculation technique for aeroelastic oscillations of multibeam constructionsS. D. Salenko
878-883Stability of a plastic cylindrical bar in torsionV. V. Struzhanov and S. V. Zhizherin
884-889Effect of electric current on the evolution of plastic strain near a crack tipD. N. Karpinskii and S. V. Sannikov
890-897Comparative analysis of the two‐constant generalizations of hooke's law for isotropic elastic materials at finite strainsA. A. Adamov
898-901Equations of finite bending of thin‐walled curvilinear tubesS. V. Levyakov
902-911Stresses in an elastic body under nonlinear antiplane deformationV. D. Bondar'
912-917Stress–strain state of a composite anisotropic plate with curvilinear cracks and thin rigid inclusionsV. N. Maksimenko and G. V. Nedogibchenko
918-924Dynamic crack resistance of acrylic plasticV. P. Efimov and E. N. Sher
925-927Analysis of brittle fracture of foam polystyrene plates with holesM. A. Legan, V. E. Kolodezev and A. S. Sheremet

Volume 42, Number 6 / November 2001

929-941Simulation of the motion and heating of an irregular plasmaV. T. Astrelin, A. V. Burdakov, N. A. Huber and V. M. Kovenya
942-948Scattering of dust microparticles by collective oscillations of a plasmaS. V. Bulychev, A. E. Dubinov, V. S. Zhdanov, I. L. L'vov and K. E. Mikheev, et al.
949-958Explosion with plasma quasitrapping in a dipole fieldV. M. Antonov, Yu. P. Zakharov, A. V. Melekhov, V. N. Oraevskii and A. G. Ponomarenko, et al.
959-965Experimental study of stability of strongly underexpanded laminar free and impact jetsA. A. Maslov and S. G. Mironov
966-971On the perturbation front structure for transport processes with spatial–temporal nonlocalityO. Yu. Dinariev
972-978Effect of free‐stream turbulence on the boundary‐layer structure with diffusion combustion of ethanolB. F. Boyarshinov and V. I. Titkov
979-985Two‐fluid hydrodynamic model of a bubble flowB. L. Kantsyrev and A. A. Ashbaev
986-990Hydrodynamic resistance of a spheroidal particle with uniform internal heat releaseN. V. Malai1, E. R. Shchukin2 and Yu. I. Yalamov2
991-996Hydroelastic behavior of a floating plate in wavesL. A. Tkacheva
997-1002Influx of oil to a gallery of water‐plugged wellsN. K. Korsakova and V. I. Pen'kovskii
1003-1006Determination of hydrodynamic load on the wall of a wellbore formed by an electric dischargeG. A. Barbashova and V. M. Kosenkov
1007-1013Effect of radiation scattering on the melting and solidification of a flat layer of a translucent mediumN. A. Rubtsov and N. A. Savvinova
1014-1022Adjoint problems of mechanics of continuous media in gas‐laser cutting of metalsO. B. Kovalev, A. M. Orishich, V. M. Fomin and V. B. Shulyat'ev
1023-1028Oscillations of the plastic wave front under high‐rate loadingYu. I. Meshcheryakov and G. G. Savenkov
1029-1037Approximate estimates of the high‐temperature creep of structural elementsO. V. Sosnin and I. V. Lyubashevskaya
1038-1042Plane elastic problem for an inhomogeneous layered bodyA. E. Alekseev, V. V. Alekhin and B. D. Annin
1043-1050Stability of deformation of isotropic hyperelastic bodiesV. N. Solodovnikov
1051-1056Natural stress tensorsS. N. Korobeinikov
1057-1063Numerical analysis of axisymmetric buckling of conical shellsL. I. Shkutin
1064-1072Solution of the plane Hertz problemI. I. Argatov
1073-1077Effect of electric current on migration of point defects near a crack tipD. N. Karpinskii and S. V. Sannikov
1078-1082Static crack resistance of iron‐based sintered powder materialsA. V. Fedotov
1083-1089Experimental‐theoretical analysis of nonstationary interaction of deformable impactors with soilV. G. Bazhenov, V. L. Kotov, S. V. Krylov, V. V. Balandin and A. M. Bragov, et al.
1090-1094Modification of the kolsky method for studying properties of low‐density materials under high‐velocity cyclic strainA. M. Bragov, A. K. Lomunov and I. V. Sergeichev

Volume 43, Number 1 / January 2002

1-12The simplest galilean‐invariant and thermodynamically consistent conservation lawsS. K. Godunov and V. M. Gordienko
13-17Effects of magnetic field and variable viscosity on forced non‐darcy flow about a flat plate with variable wall temperature in porous media in the presence of suction and blowingM. A. Seddeek
18-21On deformation of beryllium under high‐velocity oblique collisionO. B. Drennov and A. L. Mikhailov
22-28Hydrodynamics with quadratic pressure. 1. General resultsA. P. Chupakhin
29-36A new approach to studying the dynamics of a thin curved vortexA. I. Gudimenko
37-42Paradox of the blunt edge of an airfoil in an unsteady flowD. N. Gorelov
43-49Dynamics of a bubble in a liquid under laser pulse actionI. Sh. Akhatov, N. K. Vakhitova and A. S. Topol'nikov
50-53Experience of optimization of aerodynamic characteristics of airfoilsS. M. Aul'chenko, A. F. Latypov and Yu. V. Nikulichev
54-58Self‐similar solutions of unsteady boundary layersO. A. Frolovskaya
59-62Evaluation of the energy efficiency of heat addition upstream of the body in a supersonic flowA. F. Latypov and V. M. Fomin
63-68Generation of the tollmien–schlichting wave in a supersonic boundary layer by two sinusoidal acoustic wavesG. V. Petrov
69-75Equations of dynamics of a mixture composed of a gas and hollow selective‐permeable microspheresS. V. Dolgushev and V. M. Fomin
76-82Relaminarization of a turbulent boundary layer with a mach number M∞=4M. A. Goldfeld, R. V. Nestoulia and A. N. Shiplyuk
83-89Interaction of hydrodynamic external disturbances with the boundary layerS. A. Gaponov and A. V. Yudin
90-92Self‐similarity of vibrational motion in a resistant mediumS. A. Gerasimov
93-102Crystallization dynamics of a liquid metal drop impinging onto a multilayered substrateM. R. Predtechensky, A. N. Cherepanov, V. N. Popov and Yu. D. Varlamov
103-108Model of spontaneous crystallization of a thin melted layer brought into contact with a massive substrateA. I. Fedorchenko and A. A. Chernov
109-113Flicker noise and self‐organized criticality in crisis boiling regimesA. V. Reshetnikov, V. N. Skokov, V. P. Koverda, V. P. Skripov and N. A. Mazheiko, et al.
114-119Heat‐and mass‐transfer characteristics in a spatial subsonic flow around a blunt bodyV. I. Zinchenko, K. N. Efimov, A. G. Kataev and A. S. Yakimov
120-127Effect of heat flow on heat‐transfer characteristics for a supersonic spatial flow around a spherically blunted coneV. I. Zinchenko and A. Ya. Kuzin
128-132Modified Neuber–Novozhilov criterion of rupture for V‐shaped cuts (antiplane problem)V. M. Kornev
133-139Linearized equations of nonlinear elastic deformation of thin platesA. E. Alekseev
140-146Stresses in a conical tube under sudden loadingM. A. Zadoyan
147-153Characteristics of local compliance of an elastic body under a small punch indented into the plane part of its boundaryI. I. Argatov
154-161Limiting deformability and strength of basalt–plastic shells under internal explosive loadingV. N. Rusak, A. G. Fedorenko, M. A. Syrunin, L. A. Sobol' and A. V. Sukhanov, et al.
162-167Variational principle of thermoelectroelasticity and its application to the problem of vibrations of a thin‐wall memberA. O. Vatul'yan and V. V. Kovaleva
168-170Possibility of evaluation of strength of metals and alloys by a nonintrusive ultrasonic methodL. B. Zuev, B. S. Semukhin and A. G. Lunev
171-173Optical field at the center of a sphereN. N. Belov and N. G. Belova

Volume 43, Number 2 / March 2002

175-189Complicated structures of galilean‐invariant conservation lawsS. K. Godunov and V. M. Gordienko
190-195Hydrodynamics with quadratic pressure. 2. ExamplesA. P. Chupakhin
196-203Exact solutions and mathematical properties of boundary‐value problems for dynamic‐diffusion boundary layersO. A. Frolovskaya
204-207Roll waves in a gas–liquid mediumV. Yu. Liapidevskii
208-216Stability of the equilibrium of a flat layer in a microconvection modelV. K. Andreev and V. B. Bekezhanova
217-223Convection of a binary mixture under conditions of thermal diffusion and variable temperature gradientB. L. Smorodin
224-236Role of localized streamwise structures in the process of transition to turbulence in boundary layers and jets (review)V. V. Kozlov, G. R. Grek, L. L. Lofdahl, V. G. Chernorai and M. V. Litvinenko
237-244On one mechanism of formation of tornado‐like vortices in a rotating fluidB. A. Lugovtsov
245-248Occurrence of tornado‐like vortices in a rotating fluid under forced inertial oscillations of large amplitudeD. G. Akhmetov, B. A. Lugovtsov, V. G. Makarenko and V. V. Nikulin
249-255Dust‐ion‐acoustic precursor of a shock waveV. A. Pavlov
256-263Wave‐field structure in active bubble systems in shock tubes with “discontinuities” in cross sectionV. K. Kedrinskii, I. V. Maslov and S. P. Taratuta
264-268Evolution of pressure waves in a liquid with bubbles of two dissimilar gasesV. E. Dontsov and V. E. Nakoryakov
269-273Flows of non‐newtonian fluids with hydraulic jumpsYu. A. Berezin and L. A. Spodareva
274-279Experimental study of subsonic flows by liquid‐crystal thermogfraphyG. M. Zharkova, V. N. Kovrizhina and V. M. Khachaturyan
280-285Cavities behind a spillway with a wide sillV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
286-290Stiffness problem in modeling wave flows of heterogeneous media with a three‐temperature scheme of interphase heat and mass transferD. V. Sadin
291-301Dynamic plastic damage of simply and doubly connected elliptic platesYu. V. Nemirovsky and T. P. Romanova
302-310Stress state in glass bodies degassed under heating by infrared radiationA. R. Gachkevich, T. L. Kurnitskii and R. F. Terletskii
311-314Effect of the grain size on the wavelength of localized strain in aluminum specimens in tensionL. B. Zuev, B. S. Semukhin and N. V. Zarikovskaya
315-319Effect of structural and mechanical characteristics of the composite material on the deformation of a reflector antennaS. K. Golushko and A. V. Yurchenko
320-327Fragmentation of metals at high strains: a mechanism of formation of spatially‐modulated vortex structuresI. É. Keller and P. V. Trusov
328-335Stability of pretwisted beams in cross bracingsM. R. Shadnam and R. Abbasnia
336-340Motion of a nonrectilinear fiber in a viscous fluid flowV. M. Shapovalov and S. V. Lapshina
341-344Determination of elastic and plastic characteristics of TiC–TiNi alloys by the ultrasonic resonance methodV. V. Akimov and N. A. Ivanov

Volume 43, Number 3 / May 2002

345-353Problems and trends in mathematical modelingV. M. Kovenya
354-361Ultimate kinematic characteristics of composite solids accelerated by a magnetic fieldS. V. Stankevich and G. A. Shvetsov
362-364Maximum channel pressure of a nanosecond pulsed anode discharge in a KCl crystalV. D. Solovei, V. L. Kolmogorov and Yu. N. Vershinin
365-374Magnetic field generation during shear motion of conducting layersS. V. Fedorov
375-379On analysis of physical processes on the electrode surface in a rail launcherA. G. Anisimov, A. D. Matrosov and G. A. Shvetsov
380-390Interaction of shock waves with a combined discontinuity in two‐phase media. 1. Equilibrium approximationA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
391-396Exact solution of the capillary diffusion equation for a three‐component mixtureO. E. Aleksandrov
397-405Exact solutions of equations of rotationally symmetric motion of an ideal incompressible liquidE. Yu. Meshcheryakova
406-412Wave regimes on a ferromagnetic viscous‐fluid film flowing down a vertical cylinderS. N. Samatov and O. Yu. Tsvelodub
413-414Parametric instability of a sphere immersed in a liquid and suspended from a string with varying tensionV. A. Semenov
415-423Unsteady behavior of an elastic beam floating on shallow water under external loadingI. V. Sturova
424-431Dynamic adsorption in a radial flow of a solution around a spherical cavityS. V. Amel'kin and V. L. Mokan
432-438Thermal stability of a disturbed fluid flowT. A. Bodnar'
439-444Characteristics of a viscoplastic material in the couette flowS. L. Gavrilenko, S. V. Shil'ko and R. A. Vasin
445-447Inverse problem of deformation of a physically nonlinear inhomogeneous mediumI. Yu. Tsvelodub
448-456Two‐dimensional problems of beam forming under conditions of creepI. A. Banshchikova, B. V. Gorev and I. V. Sukhorukov
457-466Model of a plastically compressible material and its application to the analysis of the compaction of a porous bodyA. G. Zalazinskii and A. P. Polyakov
467-474Necessary and sufficient fracture criteria for a composite with a brittle matrix. Part 1. Weak reinforcementV. M. Kornev
475-487Technical stability of nonlinear states of an elastic vehicle in vertical flightK. S. Matviichuk
488-492Using a hot‐wire anemometer for measurement of characteristics of a random acoustic field in compressible flowsV. A. Lebiga, V. N. Zinov'ev and A. Yu. Pak

Volume 43, Number 4 / July 2002

493-502Exact solutions for evolutionary submodels of gas dynamicsS. V. Golovin
503-511Oscillations of cylinders in a linearly stratified fluidE. V. Ermanyuk and N. V. Gavrilov
512-518Waves on the free surface of a two‐phase mediumV. A. Barinov and N. N. Butakova
519-528Interaction of shock waves with a combined discontinuity in two-phase media. 2. Nonequilibrium approximationA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
529-537Special features of the shock‐wave structure in mixtures of gases with disparate molecular massesG. A. Ruyev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
538-543Structure of a supersonic jet with varied geometry of the nozzle entranceV. I. Zapryagaev, A. V. Solotchin and N. P. Kiselev
544-551Model of a turbulent boundary layer with explicit identification of the coherent generation structureV. V. Bogolepov, V. A. Zharov, I. I. Lipatov and Yu. I. Khlopkov
552-560Numerical modeling of flow with chemical reactions in a strong shock wave with approximate allowance for translational nonequilibriumV. A. Gorelov, M. M. Kuznetsov and V. L. Yumashev
561-569Protective properties of hot‐air screensV. N. Okhitin and S. S. Men'shakov
570-575Rarefied gas flow in a channel with specular‐diffuse boundary conditions for arbitrary knudsen numbers. Onsager relationsA. V. Latyshev and A. A. Yushkanov
576-582Drainage in ground water flow over a screenV. N. Émikh
583-592Subgrid modeling of filtration in porous self‐similar mediaG. A. Kuz'min and O. N. Soboleva
593-602Water injection into a geothermal reservoirV. Sh. Shagapov, U. R. Il'yasov and L. A. Nasyrova
603-611Modification of Godunov's numerical scheme for solving problems of pulsed loading of soft soilsV. G. Bazhenov and V. L. Kotov
612-616The effect of strain rate on the character of σ–ε diagramsYu. V. Grinyaev, N. V. Chertova and M. A. Chertov
617-621Nonlinear deformation and stability of noncircular cylindrical shells under internal pressure and axial compressionL. P. Zheleznov and V. V. Kabanov
622-629Nonlinear laws of dry friction in contact problems of linear theory of elasticityA. E. Alekseev
630-637Fracture of spheroplast samples with different types of stress concentratorsE. V. Karpov
638-639Stressed state near a wedge‐shaped twin with a disbalance of densities of twinning dislocationsO. M. Ostrikov

Volume 43, Number 5 / September 2002

641-648Relaxation of a Low‐Intensity Atomic Beam in a Quiescent GasA. A. Morozov
649-653Calculation of Ionization and Radiative Characteristics of Air in the Shock Layer on the Basis of Various Models of Vibration–Dissociation InteractionS. V. Shilenkov
654-660Focusing and Scattering of Plane Shock Waves at an Interface between Anisotropic Elastic MediaV. I. Gulyaev and G. M. Ivanchenko
661-670Spatial Simple Waves on a Shear FlowV. M. Teshukov
671-677Combinatorial Interaction of Disturbances in a Supersonic Boundary LayerN. M. Terekhova
678-682Self‐Sustained Oscillations in Supersonic Overexpanded Impact JetsG. F. Gorshkov and V. N. Uskov
683-693Optimum Shapes of Spatial Bodies with a Minimum Total Radiative Flux to the SurfaceM. A. Arguchintseva and N. N. Pilyugin
694-700Aeolian Tones of a Honeycomb Lattice CellA. I. Makarov
701-705Method of Optimization of Blade Shapes in Aerodynamic Design of the Fan CascadeE. A. Batyaev and V. B. Kurzin
706-709Energy Dissipation During Vibrational Motion in a LiquidS. A. Gerasimov
710-717Heat Transfer on the Surface on a Spherically Blunted Cone Exposed to a Supersonic Spatial Flow with Injection of a Coolant GasV. I. Zinchenko and A. Ya. Kuzin
718-723Calculation of a Heat Flow from a Spherical Particle in a Diatomic GasS. A. Savkov and A. A. Yushkevich
724-730Case Method Employed for Solving the Problem of Thermal Creep of a Rarefied Gas along a Solid Cylindrical SurfaceV. N. Popov
731-738Self‐Similar Solution of the Antiplane Shear Fracture Problem in a Coupled Formulation (Creep–Damage)L. V. Stepanova and M. E. Fedina
739-744Nonlinear Bending of thin Elastic RodsYu. V. Zakharov and K. G. Okhotkin
745-747Approximate Formulas for Sagging Deflection of an Elastic Rod under Transverse LoadingYu. V. Zakharov, K. G. Okhotkin and A. Yu. Vlasov
748-762Regular Perturbation Methods for a Region with a CrackV. A. Kovtunenko
763-769Generalized Sufficient Strength Criteria. Description of the Pre‐Fracture ZoneV. M. Kornev
770-776Propagation of Reversible Deformation in a Medium with Accumulated Irreversible StrainsA. A. Burenin, O. V. Dudko and A. A. Mantsybora
777-781Dynamic Elastoplastic Interaction between an Impactor and a Spherical ShellD. G. Biryukov and I. G. Kadomtsev
782-786Experimental‐Theoretical Investigation of the Hydroexplosive Forming of Structural ShellsV. G. Bazhenov, V. V. Egunov, S. V. Krylov, S. A. Novikov and Yu. V. Bat'kov

Volume 43, Number 6 / November 2002

787-795Equations of Electrical Machines with a Rotating Permanent Magnet Playing the Role of the Stator and Their Nonlocal AnalysisN. V. Kondrat'eva, F. F. Rodyukov and A. I. Shepelyavyi
796-803Regular Partially Invariant Solutions of Rank 0 and Defect 1 of Equations of Axisymmetric Motions of a Viscous Heat‐Conducting Perfect GasD. M. Dobrikov
804-810Resonance Waves in a Model of a Two‐Layered LiquidO. Yu. Tsvelodub
811-816Gas Flows with Spiral and Helical Level LinesS. V. Habirov
817-822Exact Solution of the Problem on a Six‐Constant Jeffreys Model of Fluid in a Plane ChannelS. N. Aristov and O. I. Skul'skii
823-829Nonboussinesq Thermal Convection in Microgravity under Nonuniform HeatingYu. A. Gaponenko and V. E. Zakhvataev
830-835Supercritical Flow Over a Sill in an Open ChannelV. I. Bukreev
836-846Discontinuous Solutions of the “Shallow Water$rdquo; Equations for Flow Over a Bottom StepV. V. Ostapenko
847-853Calculation of the Differential Rotation of a Rigid Core in Hypoplastic Media under Complex LoadingS. V. Lavrikov
854-860Effect of Dynamic Prehistory on Aerodynamics of a Laminar Separated Flow in a Channel Behind a Rectangular Backward‐Facing StepS. R. Batenko and V. I. Terekhov
861-866Modeling of Supersonic Turbulent Flows in the Vicinity of Axisymmetric ConfigurationsI. A. Bedarev, A. V. Borisov and N. N. Fedorova
867-876Experimental and Numerical Study of a Hypersonic Separated Flow in the Vicinity of a Cone‐Flare ModelI. A. Bedarev, A. A. Maslov, A. A. Sidorenko, N. N. Fedorova and A. N. Shiplyuk
877-887Mathematical Simulation of Dust Lifting from the SurfaceA. V. Fedorov, N. N. Fedorova, I. A. Fedorchenko and V. M. Fomin
888-894Some Features of a Turbulent Separated Flow and Heat Transfer Behind a Step and a Rib. 1. Flow StructureV. I. Terekhov, N. I. Yarygina and R. F. Zhdanov
895-901Downward Flow of a Nonisothermal thin Liquid Film with Variable ViscosityYu. O. Kabova and V. V. Kuznetsov
902-909On the Theory of Local Acoustic Probing of Borehole Zones in RocksV. Sh. Shagapov and Z. A. Bulatova
910-913The Role of Effects Due to Nonlocality and Delay in Transfer Processes in Microstructured MediaV. I. Popov
914-916Viscosity of a Dilute Suspension in a High‐Frequency Electromagnetic FieldF. L. Sayakhov and A. D. Galimbekov
917-921Shear Instability at the “Explosion Product–Metal” Interface for Sliding Detonation of an Explosive ChargeO. B. Drennov, A. I. Davydov, A. L. Mikhailov and V. A. Raevskii
922-924Approximate Calculation of Pure Bending of a Symmetric Beam under Irreversible StrainI. D. Klopotov and S. Yu. Nizovskikh
925-930Measurement of the Combustion Temperature of a Solid Propellant by the Cars MethodB. F. Boyarshinov and S. Yu. Fedorov

Volume 44, Number 1 / January 2003

1-16Poincaré Mapping Method for Hydrodynamic Systms. Dynamic Chaos in a Fluid Layer between Eccentrically Rotating CylindersA. G. Petrov
17-26Secondary Acoustic Waves in a Polydisperse Bubbly MediumD. V. Voronin, G. N. Sankin, V. S. Teslenko, R. Mettin and W. Lauterborn
27-31Invariant Boundary‐Value Problems of an Optimally Controlled Boundary LayerK. G. Garaev and V. A. Ovchinnikov
32-43Small‐Time Expansion of Wave Motion Generated by a Submerged SphereE. V. Pyatkina
44-51Stability of Thermal Vibrational Flow in an Inclined Liquid Layer Against Finite‐Frequency VibrationsB. L. Smorodin
52-58Waves behind a Step in an Open ChannelV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
59-63Water Impingement on a Vertical Wall due to Discontinuity Decay Above a DropV. I. Bukreev
64-68Origination of In‐Phase Oscillations of Thin Plates with Aeroelastic InteractionA. L. Tukmakov
69-78Liquid Filtration in an Unbounded Water‐Bearing Stratum with an Inclined Confining BedE. V. Gubkina and V. N. Monakhov
79-83Interaction of Spontaneous Vortex Structure with a Flame FrontV. P. Samsonov
84-89Description of a Flow of a Gas‐Condensate Mixture in an Axisymmetric Capillary Tube by the Density‐Functional MethodO. Yu. Dinariev
90-101Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics and Heat and Mass Transfer of a Ducted Gas–Vapor‐Droplet FlowV. I. Terekhov and M. A. Pakhomov
102-108Determination of Temperature due to Slip between the Wheel and the Rail Taking into Account Convective Cooling of Free SurfacesA. A. Evtushenko and S. Ya. Matysyak
109-113Analytical Solution of the Problem of Displacement of a Gas Dissolved in a Melt by Plane and Spherical Crystallization FrontsA. I. Fedorchenko and A. A. Chernov
114-121Stress Distribution in a Slip Trace of Deformed Ni3Ge Single CrystalsYu. A. Abzaev and V. A. Starenchenko
122-128Propagation of Quasiacoustic Pulses in an Elastoplastic MediumN. N. Myagkov
129-134Speed of Motion of a Short‐Circuit Arc in an Insulated ConductorV. V. Titkov
135-140Strength and Specific Fracture Energy of Metals Subjected to a Thermal ShockA. M. Molitvin
141-145Constitutive Relations of Nonlinear Thermoelasticity of Anisotropic BodiesA. A. Markin and M. Yu. Sokolova
146-153Allowance for Temperature Sensitivity in the Problem of Diagnostics of Thermoelastic MediaV. A. Lomazov and Yu. V. Nemirovskii

Volume 44, Number 2 / March 2003

155-163Instability of an Interface between Steel Layers Acted upon by an Oblique Shock WaveO. B. Drennov, A. L. Mikhailov, P. N. Nizovtsev and V. A. Raevskii
164-173Solution of the Thermoelasticity Problem in the Form of a Traveling Wave and its Application to Analysis of Possible Regimes of Solid‐Phase TransformationsA. G. Knyazeva
174-179Impulsive Tension of Hexane and Glycerol under Shock‐Wave LoadingA. V. Utkin, V. A. Sosikov and A. A. Bogach
180-186Stationary Simple Waves on a Barotropic Liquid Shear FlowA. K. Khe
187-192Investigation of Aerodynamic Drag of Two Bodies in Trans‐ and Supersonic FlowsN. N. Pilyugin and V. S. Khlebnikov
193-197Wave Resistance of Amphibian Aircushion Vehicles During Motion on Ice FieldsV. M. Kozin and A. V. Pogorelova
198-203Motion of a Rod in a Viscous FlowV. M. Shapovalov and S. V. Lapshina
204-211Flow Asymptotics of a Viscous Compressible Fluid with Discontinuous Initial DataA. B. Usov
212-220Stability and Transition on a Swept Cylinder in a Supersonic FlowA. I. Semisynov, A. V. Fedorov, V. E. Novikov, N. V. Semionov and A. D. Kosinov
221-227Velocity Measurements in a One‐Dimensional Steady Flow by Methods of Emission TomographyA. V. Likhachev
228-235Calculation of Families of Stationary Filtration Convection Regimes in a Narrow ContainerO. Yu. Kantur and V. G. Tsybulin
236-242Heat and Mass Transfer During Vapor Absorption by a Stagnant Solution LayerV. E. Nakoryakov, N. S. Bufetov, N. I. Grigor'eva and R. A. Dekhtyar'
243-248Heating of a Compressible Liquid by a Constant Heat FluxG. V. Belyakov and A. A. Charakhch'yan
249-254Asymptotic Modeling of Nonlinear Wave Processes in Shock‐Loaded Elastoplastic MaterialsN. N. Myagkov
255-261Geometric Characteristics of Fracture‐Associated Space and Crack Propagation in a MaterialI. A. Miklashevich
262-270Plastic Flow Localization in Commercial Zirconium AlloysT. M. Poletika, G. N. Narimanov, S. V. Kolosov and L. B. Zuev
271-278Elastic Anisotropic Material with Purely Longitudinal and Transverse WavesN. I. Ostrosablin
279-289Independent‐Stress Method for Analysis of Nonlinear Antiplane StrainV. D. Bondar'
290-297Design Problem of Laminated Plates with Specified CharacteristicsA. G. Kolpakov
298-303Normal Momentum Transfer Study by a Dynamic TechniquePh. J. Polikarpov, S. F. Borisov, A. Kleyn and J.–P. Taran

Volume 44, Number 3 / May 2003

305-311Model of Nonlinear Evolution of Long-Wave Perturbations on an Ideally Conducting Jet with Current in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field. Collision of Magnetized JetsV. V. Nikulin
312-316Gas-Dynamic Processes in Two-Phase Flows in MHD GeneratorsI. M. Vasenin, T. V. Vasenina and A. A. Glazunov
317-323Exact Solutions of the Hydrodynamic Equations Derived from Partially Invariant SolutionsV. V. Pukhnachev
324-335Self-Conjugation of Solutions via a Shock Wave: Limiting ShockA. P. Chupakhin
336-343Characteristic Properties and Exact Solutions of the Kinetic Equation of Bubbly LiquidA. A. Chesnokov
344-354Group Stratification and Exact Solutions of the Equation of Transonic Gas MotionsS. V. Golovin
355-364Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent ThermalI. A. Chuprin and M. D. Shcherbin
365-372Effect of Boundary-Layer Thickness on the Structure of a Near-Wall Flow with a Two-Dimensional ObstacleV. V. Larichkin and S. N. Yakovenko
373-384Cross Effects in Solid Media with DiffusionA. G. Knyazeva
385-394Asymptotic Solution of the Problem of Heat Transfer between Two Plates and a Uniform Fluid FlowM. M. Alimov
395-399Cellular and Tulip Flame ConfigurationsA. G. Istratov, N. I. Kidin and A. V. Fedorov
400-405Experimental Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Pine Samples in the Longitudinal Direction During Convective DryingYu. A. Gosteev, Yu. G. Korobeinikov, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
406-414Formulation and Solution of Dynamic Problems of Elastic Rod Systems Subjected to Boundary Conditions Described by Multivalued RelationsI. N. Vasserman and I. N. Shardakov
415-424Effect of Temperature Sensitivity and Inelastic Behavior of Phase Materials on the Bearing Capacity of Plane Structures with Uniformly Stressed ReinforcementYu. V. Nemirovskii and A. P. Yankovskii
425-431Necessary and Sufficient Fracture Criteria for a Composite with a Brittle Matrix. Part 2. High-Strength ReinforcementV. M. Kornev and A. G. Demeshkin
432-437Equations of Deformation of an Elastic Inhomogeneous Laminated Body of RevolutionA. E. Alekseev and B. D. Annin
438-441Dislocation Model of Polysynthetic Shear Bands in Amorphous MaterialsM. N. Vereshchagin and O. M. Ostrikov
442-449Buckling of a Rod Undergoing Direct or Reverse Martensite Transformation under Compressive StressesA. A. Movchan and L. G. Sil'chenko
450-454Anode-Shape Determination with Allowance for Electrolyte Properties in Problems of Dimensional Electrochemical Machining of MetalsL. M. Kotlyar and N. M. Minazetdinov

Volume 44, Number 4 / July 2003

455-460New Steady and Self-Similar Solutions of the Euler EquationsE. Yu. Meshcheryakova
461-470Interaction of a Streamwise Vortex with an Oblique Shock WaveV. N. Zudov and E. A. Pimonov
471-481Relaxation-Induced Suppression of Vortex Disturbances in a Molecular GasYu. N. Grigoryev and I. V. Ershov
482-488Numerical Investigation of the Flutter of a Rectangular PlateS. D. Aglazin and I. A. Kiiko
489-494Separation Impact on a Plate Floating on the Surface of an Ideal Incompressible Fluid in a Bounded TankM. V. Norkin
495-505Dam-Break Flows Over a Bottom StepV. V. Ostapenko
506-515Gravity Waves due to Discontinuity Decay Over an Open-Channel Bottom DropV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
516-521Added Masses of a Cylinder Intersecting the Interface of a Two-Layer Weightless Fluid of Finite DepthI. V. Sturova
522-531Some Features of a Turbulent Separated Flow and Heat Transfer Behind a Step and a Rib. 2. Heat Transfer in a Separated FlowV. I. Terekhov, N. I. Yarygina and R. F. Zhdanov
532-537Three-Wave Interactions of Disturbances in a Supersonic Boundary LayerN. M. Terekhova
538-542Pressure Waves in a Gas–Liquid Medium with a Stratified Liquid–Bubbly Mixture StructureV. E. Dontsov and V. E. Nakoryakov
543-548Quasi-One-Dimensional Model of Heat and Mass Transfer During Sublimation of a Molecular Crystal Plate in a Plane ChannelA. N. Cherepanov, V. P. Shapeev, L. G. Semin, V. K. Cherepanova and I. K. Igumenov, et al.
549-556Convergence of Computational Methods and Stability of Self-Balanced Stresses under Shrinkage of Spherical Inclusions of a Damageable MaterialV. V. Struzhanov and V. V. Bashurov
557-563Particle Motion in a Plastic Medium with Allowance for Particle AttritionV. L. Kolmogorov and E. A. Zalazinskaya
564-570Fundamental Solutions in Problems of Bending of Anisotropic PlatesV. N. Maksimenko and E. G. Podruzhin
571-583Nonlinear Equations of Motion of an Extensible Underground Pipeline: Derivation and Numerical ModelingV. A. Rukavishnikov and O. P. Tkachenko
577-583Detachment of a Beam Glued to a Rigid PlateA. E. Alekseev and A. G. Demeshkin
584-595Design of a Beam with Controllable Force ElementsA. G. Kolpakov
596-604Optimal Method for Heat-Flow RegistrationM. P. Golubev, A. A. Pavlov, Al. A. Pavlov and A. N. Shiplyuk

Volume 44, Number 5 / September 2003

605-611Simulation of the Emission Spectrum of SiH (A2Δ → X2Π) and Measurement of the Rotational Temperature of the A2Δ State in an Electron-Beam PlasmaE. A. Baranov and S. Ya. Khmel'
612-619Numerical Modeling of Interior Ballistics Processes in Light Gas GunsV. Z. Kasimov, O. V. Ushakova and Yu. P. Khomenko
620-625Experimental Study of an MHD Source of Light with a TC LayerS. S. Katsnelson, A. M. Orishich and G. A. Pozdnyakov
626-633Evolution of Controlled Disturbances in the Shock Layer on the Compression SurfaceV. M. Aniskin and S. G. Mironov
634-639Lifting of Disperse Particles from a Cavity Behind the Front of an Unsteady Shock Wave with a Triangular Velocity ProfileT. R. Amanbaev
640-647Experimental Study of Supersonic Flow Around Truncated Cones at IncidenceM. D. Brodetsky and A. M. Shevchenko
648-653Steady Streamwise Structures in the Boundary Layer on a Swept Wing with Elevated Turbulence of the Incoming FlowA. P. Brylyakov, G. M. Zharkova, B. Yu. Zanin, V. N. Kovrizhina and D. S. Sboev
654-659Nonlinear Mechanisms of the Initial Stage of the Laminar–Turbulent Transition at Hypersonic VelocitiesA. N. Shiplyuk, D. A. Bountin, A. A. Maslov and N. Chokani
660-666Two-Phase Models of Formation of Cavitating Spalls in a LiquidM. N. Davydov and V. K. Kedrinskii
667-675A Model of Magma Solidification During Explosive Volcanic EruptionsA. A. Chernov
676-680Effect of Radiation Scattering on the Dynamics of the Transitional Zone During Solidification of a Semitransparent MaterialN. A. Rubtsov and N. A. Savvinova
681-684Effect of Isochronous Annealing on the Formation of Shear Bands in the Vicinity of a Stress Concentrator on the Surface of Iron-Based Amorphous AlloysM. N. Vereshchagin, V. G. Shepelevich, O. M. Ostrikov and S. N. Tsybrankova
685-698Mathematical Simulation of the Mechanism of Acoustic Drying of Porous MaterialsA. A. Zhilin, A. V. Fedorov, Yu. G. Korobeinikov and V. M. Fomin
699-707Mathematical Model of the Unsteady Motion of a Shaft in a Hydrodynamic Plain BearingN. V. Erkaev and N. A. Nagaitseva
708-715Jet Formation in Gravitational Flow of a Heated Wavy Liquid FilmE. A. Chinnov and O. A. Kabov
716-720Some Inverse Problems of Deformation and Fracture of Physically Nonlinear Inhomogeneous MediaI. Yu. Tsvelodub
721-726Modified Three-Dimensional Formulations of Bending Problems of Homogeneous Plates and Beams under Complex Fixing ConditionsA. D. Matveev
727-735Using a Smoothing Averaging Operator to Evaluate Macroscopic Parameters in Structurally Inhomogeneous MaterialsA. L. Svistkov and S. E. Evlampieva
736-740Diffraction of Surface Waves by the Edge of a WedgeS. Yu. Gurevich and Kh. B. Tolipov
741-747Elastoplastic Waves in Granular MaterialsO. V. Sadovskaya and V. M. Sadovskii
748-752Synchronization of Pendulum Clocks Suspended on an Elastic BeamA. Yu. Kanunnikov and R. E. Lamper

Volume 44, Number 6 / November 2003

753-759Diagnostics of Powerful Electron Beams Using Total-Absorption CalorimetersA. P. Stepovik and D. V. Khmel'nitskii
760-769Cumulation of Seismic Waves During Formation of Kimberlite PipesV. A. Simonenko and N. I. Shishkin
770-778Effect of Processes at the Compression Pulse Front on Spalling Strength of a Material and Resistance to High-Velocity PenetrationYu. I. Meshcheryakov and A. K. Divakov
779-785Construction of Basis Functions and Their Application to Boundary-Value Problems of Mechanics of Continuous MediaG. V. Druzhinin
786-789Vibrational Displacement in a Gravity FieldS. A. Gerasimov
790-795Random Oscillations of an Antiphase-Excited Aeroelastic System with SynchronizationA. L. Tukmakov
796-802Method of Probabilistic Convolutions for Interpreting Data of Electromagnetic LoggingM. I. Épov, V. I. Pen'kovskii, N. K. Korsakova and I. N. Yeltsov
803-808Effect of Wettability on the Behavior of a Liquid Drop after Its Collision with a Solid SubstrateV. T. Borisov, A. N. Cherepanov, M. R. Predtechenskii and Yu. D. Varlamov
809-813Nonlinear Deformation and Stability of Elliptic Cylindrical Shells under Torsion and BendingL. P. Zheleznov, V. V. Kabanov and D. V. Boiko
814-820Free-Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Models of Fluid Filtration in Inhomogeneous Porous MediaI. B. Davydkin and V. N. Monakhov
821-828Some Stratigraphic Control ProblemsS. N. Antontsev, G. Gagneux and G. Vallet
829-838Problem of Capillary Displacement for One Model of Three-Phase FiltrationV. V. Shelukhin
839-851Dam-Break Flows Over a Bottom DropV. V. Ostapenko
852-857Modeling of Steady Flows in a Channel by Navier–Stokes Variational InequalitiesA. Yu. Chebotarev
858-865Calculation of Heavy Gas Spreading Over the Earth Surface by a Three-Dimensional ModelI. M. Bayanov, M. Z. Gil'mullin and V. Sh. Shagapov
866-871Some Problems of Linear Thermoelasticity in the Ginzburg–Landau Theory of Phase TransitionsI. A. Kaliev and M. F. Mugafarov
872-879Hydrodynamic Model for the Evolution of an Invaded Zone in Borehole DrillingA. A. Kashevarov, I. N. Yeltsov and M. I. Épov
880-884Numerical Calculation of Flows and Long-Range Transport of Contaminants in Lowland River ReservoirsV. I. Kvon, D. V. Kvon, S. D. Zonov and V. B. Karamyshev
885-889Modeling of Shear LocalizationO. P. Bushmanova
890-899Control Problems for the Steady-State Equations of Magnetohydrodynamics of a Viscous Incompressible FluidG. V. Alekseev

Volume 45, Number 1 / January 2004

1-7Interaction of a Shock Wave with a Spherical Gas–Liquid ClusterV. E. Dontsov
8-16Stability and Self‐Oscillations of a Rotor Containing a Conducting Liquid in a Magnetic FieldN. V. Derendyaev and I. N. Soldatov
17-22Calculation of the Slip Velocity of a Rarefied Gas on a Solid Spherical Surface with Allowance for Accommodation CoefficientsA. V. Latyshev, V. N. Popov and A. A. Yushkanov
22-30Origination of Microconvection in a Flat Layer with a Free BoundaryV. K. Andreev and E. A. Ryabitskii
31-36Effect of Allowance for Small‐Scale Perturbations of the Carrier Phase on Properties of the System of Equations of a Two‐Fluid Flow with Incompressible PhasesB. L. Kantsyrev
37-44Topography and Dispersion Effects in Bottom Layer DynamicsK. N. Gavrilova
45-53Spatial Motion of a Rod in a Viscous Fluid FlowV. M. Shapovalov and S. V. Lapshina
54-59Mathematical Model for the Numerical Solution of Nonstationary Problems in Solid Mechanics by a Modified Godunov MethodV. L. Kolmogorov, O. A. Makotra and N. Ya. Moiseev
60-68Stress State of an Elastic Space with a Toroidal‐Shaped CavityO. M. Heintz and Yu. I. Solov'ev
69-75Physically Nonlinear Ellipsoidal Inclusion in a Linearly Elastic MediumI. Yu. Tsvelodub
76-81First Fundamental Axisymmetric Problem of Thermoelasticity for a Compressed Spheroid with a Concentric Spherical CavityS. S. Kurennov and A. G. Nikolaev
82-88Theory of Deformation of Isotropic Hyperelastic BodiesV. N. Solodovnikov
89-95Numerical Analysis of Axisymmetric Buckling of Plates under Radial CompressionL. I. Shkutin
96-104Propagation of Plane Waves of a Defect Field in a Viscoplastic Medium in the Presence of an Interface between Two MediaN. V. Chertova and Yu. V. Chernyaev
105-111High‐Velocity Penetration of Plane Shaped‐Charge Jets into Nonlinear MediaG. F. Savenkov
112-117Extension of Mixed‐Mode Fatigue Cracks in Steel SamplesV. M. Tikhomirov and P. G. Surovin
118-123Approximate Solution of an Axisymmetric Contact Problem with Allowance for Tangential Displacements on the Contact SurfaceI. I. Argatov
124-132Deformation and Failure of Aluminum Alloys from the Standpoint of the Kinetic Concept of StrengthM. G. Petrov and A. I. Ravikovich
133-141Modeling of the Front of Melting and Destruction of a Melt Film During Gas‐Laser Cutting of MetalsO. B. Kovalev, A. M. Orishich, A. P. Petrov, V. M. Fomin and P. V. Yudin, et al.
142-151Estimation of the Effective Absorptivity of Metals from the Observation of Their Martensitic Restructuring under Laser RadiationA. A. Evtushenko, E. G. Ivanik, K. Rozniakowski and I. M. Dobryanskii

Volume 45, Number 2 / March 2004

153-157Group Classification of Equations of the Form y″ = f(x,y)L. V. Ovsyannikov
158-166Invariants of Hyperbolic Equations: Solution of the Laplace ProblemN. Kh. Ibragimov
167-171Integrals of Motion of an Incompressible Fluid Occupying the Entire SpaceV. V. Pukhnachev
172-180Spatial Stationary Long Waves in Shear FlowsV. M. Teshukov
181-186Hyperbolicity of Steady‐State Equations of Gas Shear Flows in a Thin LayerA. K. Khe
187-198One Singularly Perturbed Problem of Turbulent Gas DynamicsA. V. Omel'chenko and É. A. Tropp
199-203Mixing Layer on the Lee Side of an ObstacleV. Yu. Liapidevskii
204-208Nonuniqueness of Conjugate FlowsN. I. Makarenko
209-221Homogeneous Singular VortexA. A. Cherevko and A. P. Chupakhin
222-229Unsteady Motion of a Gas in a StripS. V. Golovin
230-238On the Propagation of Long‐Wave Perturbations in a Two‐Layer Free‐Boundary Rotational FluidA. A. Chesnokov
239-248Stability of Steady‐State Shear Jet Flows of an Ideal Fluid with a Free Boundary in an Azimuthal Magnetic Field Against Small Long‐Wave PerturbationsYu. G. Gubarev
249-259Continuous Restricted Radial Motion of a Gas under the Action of a PistonS. V. Khabirov
260-268Mathematical Models for Studying Environment Pollution RisksV. V. Penenko and E. A. Tsvetova
269-275Disruption of Shaped‐Charge Jets by a Pulsed CurrentG. A. Shvetsov and A. D. Matrosov
276-280Effect of Surfactant Added in Small Amounts on Nonisothermal Absorption: an Experimental StudyV. E. Nakoryakov, N. S. Bufetov and R. A. Dekhtyar'
281-285Spontaneous Nucleation of Bubbles in a Gas‐Saturated Melt under Instantaneous DecompressionA. A. Chernov, V. K. Kedrinskii and M. N. Davydov
286-291Effect of Porous Coatings on Stability of Hypersonic Boundary LayersA. N. Shiplyuk, E. V. Burov, A. A. Maslov and V. M. Fomin
292-300Model of Elastoplastic Deformation of Materials, Based on the Gauge Theory of Defects with Allowance for Energy DissipationS. P. Kiselev
301-309Equations of an Elastic Anisotropic LayerYu. M. Volchkov and L. A. Dergileva

Volume 45, Number 3 / May 2004

311-315Magnetic Dipole Moment from a One‐Kiloton Underground Nuclear Explosion in a CavityN. G. Karlykhanov, A. A. Kondrat'ev, Yu. I. Matvienko and V. N. Nogin
316-320Studies of a Magnetocumulative Source of Electromagnetic Pulses with a Double Inductive Energy StorageA. S. Kravchenko, Yu. V. Vilkov, A. S. Yuryzhev, M. M. Saitkulov and I. M. Brusnigin
321-327Influence of Vibrational Relaxation on the Pulsation Activity in Flows of an Excited Diatomic GasYu. N. Grigor'ev, I. V. Ershov and E. E. Ershova
328-334Evolution of the Diffusion Mixing Layer of Two Gases upon Interaction with Shock WavesG. A. Ruev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
335-343Effect of Streamline Curvature on Intensity of Streamwise Vortices in the Mixing Layer of Supersonic JetsV. I. Zapryagaev, N. P. Kiselev and A. A. Pavlov
344-348Evolution of the Flow Field around a Circular Cylinder and a Sphere upon Instantaneous Start with a Supersonic VelocityV. A. Bashkin, I. V. Egorov and D. V. Ivanov
349-357Effect of Streamwise Streaky Structures on Turbulization of a Circular JetM. V. Litvinenko, V. V. Kozlov, G. V. Kozlov and G. R. Grek
358-366Computations of Interaction of an Incident Oblique Shock Wave with a Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat PlateN. N. Fedorova and I. A. Fedorchenko
367-374Numerical Simulation of a Supersonic Flow with Transverse Injection of JetsA. O. Beketaeva and A. Zh. Naimanova
375-378Formula for the Flow Resistance Factor in a Pipe with a Sudden Expansion at Small Reynolds NumbersT. Ya. Grudnitskaya, V. A. Lyul'ka and A. V. Shipilin
379-388Waveless Gravity Flow over an Inclined StepE. R. Gazizov and D. V. Maklakov
389-400Viscous Film Flow down Corrugated SurfacesYu. Ya. Trifonov
401-406Effectiveness of Acidizing of the Vellbore Zone Taking into Account the Capillary Locking of Formation WaterN. T. Danaev, A. A. Kashevarov and V. I. Pen'kovskii
407-414Vapor Flow with Evaporation–Condensation on Solid ParticlesA. P. Kryukov, V. Yu. Levashov and I. N. Shishkova
415-419Unsteady Radiative–Convective Heat Transfer in a Flow Emitting‐Absorbing and Scattering Medium around an Ablating PlateN. A. Rubtsov and V. A. Sinitsyn
420-427Plane Problem of Vibrations of an Elastic Floating Plate under Periodic External LoadingL. A. Tkacheva
428-439Stability, Paths, and Dynamic bending of a Blunt Body of Revolution Penetrating into an Elastoplastic MediumI. V. Simonov and K. Yu. Osipenko
440-448Multigrid Models of Composite Materials of Irregular Structure with a Small Filling RatioA. D. Matveev
449-452Shear Band Formation in Fe–Cr–Mo–V–B–Si Amorphous Alloy under NanoindentationM. N. Vereshchagin, S. N. Dub, V. G. Shepelevich and O. M. Ostrikov
453-456Photoelastic Method for Analyzing Residual Stresses in Compact DisksS. I. Gerasimov

Volume 45, Number 4 / July 2004

457-460Detonation Wave Propagation in Rotational Gas FlowsV. A. Levin and G. A. Skopina
461-465Evolution of the Shape of the Anode Boundary under Electrochemical Dimensional Machining of MetalsL. M. Kotlyar and N. M. Minazetdinov
466-476Reaching High Temperatures by Compressing a Vapor BubbleP. I. Mel'nikov, V. G. Makarenko and M. G. Makarenko
477-485Wave Propagation Over the Free Surface of a Two‐Phase Medium with a Nonuniform Concentration of the Disperse PhaseV. A. Barinov and N. N. Butakova
486-497Experimental Investigation of Thermocapillary Convection Induced by a Local Temperature Inhomogeneity near the Liquid Surface. 1. Solid Source of HeatA. I. Mizev
498-504On the Quasi‐Steadiness Hypothesis as Applied to Gas Exhaustion from a ReceiverV. A. Arkhipov, A. P. Berezikov and V. F. Trofimov
505-509Sudden Blocking of a Supercritical Open‐Channel FlowV. I. Bukreev and A. V. Gusev
510-516Effect of Free‐Stream Turbulence on the Flow Structure near a Wedge and the Windward Side of an AirfoilA. P. Brylyakov, G. M. Zharkova, B. Yu. Zanin, V. N. Kovrizhina and D. S. Sboev
517-522Interaction of Large‐Scale and Small‐Scale Oscillations During Separation of a Laminar Boundary LayerA. V. Dovgal and A. M. Sorokin
523-527Controlling the Free‐Surface Profile of Film Flow over Complex TopographyA. S. Ovcharova
528-541Dispersion of Dynamically Passive Impurities in Non‐One‐Dimensional Liquid FlowA. I. Moshinskii
542-545Motion of a Sphere in a Liquid Caused by Vibrations of Another SphereO. S. Pyatigorskaya and V. L. Sennitskii
546-551Calculation of Transport‐Equation EigenvaluesS. D. Algazin
552-557Propagation of Linear Waves in Gas‐Saturated Porous Media with Allowance for Interphase Heat TransferV. Sh. Shagapov, I. G. Khusainov and V. L. Dmitriev
558-566Self‐Equilibrated Stress Fields in a Continuous MediumV. P. Myasnikov, M. A. Guzeev and A. A. Ushakov
567-571Internal Stresses in a Solid with DislocationsS. P. Kiselev
572-574Discontinuity Zones in the Junction Region of Two Mine TunnelsN. V. Cherdantsev and S. V. Cherdantsev
575-579Averaging of a Layered Elastic Medium with Low Dynamic Dissipation at the Interlayer BoundaryYu. A. Bogan
580-585Measurement of the Dynamic Characteristics of Soft Soils Using the Kolsky MethodA. M. Bragov, V. L. Kotov, A. K. Lomunov and I. V. Sergeichev
586-590Opening‐Mode Crack in a Unidirectional Composite MaterialA. M. Mikhailov
591-597Mixed Formulations of Bending Problems for Homogeneous Elastic Plates and BeamsA. D. Matveev
598-604Computational‐Experimental Method for Determining Fracture Parameters of Cracked StructuresV. N. Maksimenko and A. V. Tyagnii
605-611Repair of a Plate with a Circular Hole by Applying a PatchV. V. Sil'vestrov and A. Yu. Zemlyanova

Volume 45, Number 5 / September 2004

613-621Galilean-Invariant and Thermodynamically Consistent Model of a Composite Isotropic MediumS. K. Godunov
622-633Analytical Solution of Boundary-Value Problems for the Ellipsoidal Statistical EquationA. V. Latyshev and A. A. Yushkanov
634-638Direct Shocks in a Vibrationally Nonequilibrium GasYu. N. Voroshilova and M. A. Rydalevskaya
639-646Stationary Discharge Sustained by Electron Thermal Conduction for Emergence of a Magnetic Flux Through an Insulator SurfaceS. F. Garanin and D. V. Karmishin
647-655Nonlinear Group Interactions of the Taylor–Görtler Disturbances in Supersonic Axisymmetric JetsN. M. Terekhova
656-664Analysis of Experiments on Determining the Turbulent Mixing Constant on the Basis of Two-Dimensional CalculationsV. E. Neuvazhaev, I.É. Parshukov, N. V. Pervinenko and A. V. Ponomarev
665-669Controlling Transonic Flow around Airfoils by Means of Local Pulsed Addition of EnergyS. M. Aul'chenko, V. P. Zamuraev, A. P. Kalinina and A. F. Latypov
670-678Application of the Density-Functional Method for Numerical Simulation of Flows of Multispecies Multiphase MixturesA. Yu. Dem'yanov and O. Yu. Dinariev
679-691Boundary-Value Problem of Drainage in a Fresh Groundwater Fringe above Saline GroundwaterYu. I. Kapranov and V. N. Émikh
692-698Changes in the Seam-Filtration Mode with Stress Redistribution in Country RockL. A. Nazarov, L. A. Nazarova, V. M. Fomin, N. P. Ryashentsev and A. N. Ryashentsev, et al.
699-704Experimental Investigation of Thermocapillary Convection Induced by a Local Temperature Inhomogeneity near the Liquid Surface. 2. Radiation-Induced Source of HeatA. I. Mizev
705-711Intensification of Heat Transfer in a Downward Liquid-Film FlowE. A. Chinnov, I. A. Sharina and O. A. Kabov
712-723Separation of Contacting Surfaces in Thermoelastic Interaction of Two Cylinders with Time-Dependent Heat Release due to FrictionP. P. Krasnyuk
724-731Fundamental Solutions for Stationary Vibrations of an Orthotropic Elastic MediumA. O. Vatul'yan and E. M. Chebakova
732-740Experimental–Theoretical Technique for Determining the Equation-of-State Parameters for SoilsV. G. Bazhenov, S. V. Zefirov and V. L. Kotov
741-746Numerical Analysis of Axisymmetric Buckling of a Conical Shell under Radial CompressionL. I. Shkutin
747-755Deformation Characteristics of Laminar Composites under Nonlinear StrainsA. G. Kolpakov and S. I. Rakin
756-763Bending of Bars under a Follower LoadYu. V. Zakharov, K. G. Okhotkin and A. D. Skorobogatov
764-773Indentation of a Punch with a Fine-Grained Base into an Elastic FoundationI. I. Argatov

Volume 45, Number 6 / November 2004

775-783New Version of the Thermodynamically Consistent Model of Maxwell ViscosityS. K. Godunov
784-787Experimental Study of the Effect of Gas-Phase Thickness On Stability and Structure of the Flow in a Two—Layer Liquid—Gas SystemA. I. Mizev
788-793Mathematical Modeling of Two-Phase Convective Flows with Fine ParticlesI. M. Vasenin, N. N. D'yachenko, K. E. Elkin and R. K. Narimanov
794-798Effect of a Shock Pulse on a Floating Ice SheetV. M. Kozin and A. V. Pogorelova
799-804Application of the Discrete Fourier Transform to Study the Dynamics of Wave PacketsV. A. Zharov
805-817High‐Frequency Changes in the Orientation of Nematic Liquid Crystals in Radio Frequency Crossed Electric FieldsV. M. Klement'ev, S. I. Trashkeev, P. A. Statsenko and T. D. Valinurov
818-821Depth above a Drop of the Channel Bottom after Free-Surface Discontinuity DecayA. V. Gusev
822-827Investigation of Nonuniformity of the Velocity Distribution in the Shear Layer of an Underexpanded Jet by Electric Discharge Tracing of the FlowV. I. Zapryagaev, A. P. Petrov and A. V. Solotchin
828-833Electromagnetic Sounding of Oil and Gas FormationsN. K. Korsakova and V. I. Pen'kovskii
834-842Invasion Zones in Lateral DrillingV. V. Shelukhin and I. N. Yeltsov
843-852Differentiation of Energy Functionals in Two-Dimensional Elasticity Theory for Solids with Curvilinear CracksE. M. Rudoy
853-859Two Nonlinear Models of Brittle Fracture for SolidsA. V. Shutov
860-870Solving the Problem of Gravitational Compression of a Layered Sphere (by the Example of the Earth)L. V. Baev and V. N. Solodovnikov
871-877Calculation of the Field of Internal Stresses for a Plane-Strained State of an Elastic Body with DislocationsO. V. Belligh and S. P. Kiselev
878-884Description of the Irreversible Deformation of Shape-Memory Materials in Terms of the Two-Level Phenomenological ModelI. M. Goliboroda, I. V. Kuz'o and K. N. Rusinko
885-893Longitudinal–Transverse Bending of Layered Beams in a Three-Dimensional FormulationG. L. Gorynin and Yu. V. Nemirovskii
894-901Plane Stress Equations for the Von Mises–Schleicher Yield CriterionA. M. Kovrizhnykh
902-914Modeling of Energy Absorption in Steel During its Treatment by Powerful High-Frequency Pulses of Varied FrequencyV. G. Shchukin and V. V. Marusin
915-922Modeling of the Free-Surface Shape in Laser Cutting of Metals. 1. Effect of Polarization of the Gaussian Beam on the Shape of the Surface FormedO. B. Kovalev and A. V. Zaitsev

Volume 46, Number 1 / January 2005

1-8Momentum and energy exchange in nonequilibrium multicomponent mediaV. F. Kuropatenko
1-8Momentum and energy exchange in nonequilibrium multicomponent mediaV. F. Kuropatenko
9-13Modeling of the free-surface shape in laser cutting of metals. 2. model of multiple reflection and absorption of radiationO. B. Kovalev and A. V. Zaitsev
9-13Modeling of the free-surface shape in laser cutting of metals. 2. M
14-20Effect of viscosity on nucleation of bubbles in decompressed water-saturated magmaS. I. Lezhnin, N. A. Pribaturin and A. L. Sorokin
14-20Effect of viscosity on nucleation of bubbles in decompressed water-saturated magmaS. I. Lezhnin, N. A. Pribaturin and A. L. Sorokin
21-32Gas dynamics of a low-pressure chamber in a high-enthalpy short-duration wind tunnelV. V. Shumskii and M. I. Yaroslavtsev
21-32Gas dynamics of a low-pressure chamber in a high-enthalpy short-duration wind tunnelV. V. Shumskii and M. I. Yaroslavtsev
33-41Theoritical analysis of acoustic instability of a hypersonic shock layer on a porous wallA. V. Fedorov and D. V. Yumashev
33-41Theoretical analysis of acoustic instability of a hypersonic shock layer on a porous wallA. V. Fedorov and D. V. Yumashev
42-48Formation of secondary drops during impact interaction of a drop with a liquid surfaceV. A. Arkhipov and V. F. Trofimov
42-48Formation of secondary drops during impact interaction of a drop with a liquid surfaceV. A. Arkhipov and V. F. Trofimov
49-54Effects of the anomalous temperature dependence of water density on surface gravity currentI. Bukreev
49-54Effects of the anomalous temperature dependence of water density on surface gravity currentV. I. Bukreev
55-61Surface waves induced by external periodic pressure in a fluid with an uneven bottomV. Sturova
55-61Surface waves induced by external periodic pressure in a fluid with an uneven bottomI. V. Sturova
62-67Primary pressure wave in a fluid after actuation of a pipeline valveI. A. Dobodeich and Yu. P. Barmetov
62-67Primary pressure wave in a fluid after actuation of a pipeline valveI. A. Dobodeich and Yu. P. Barmetov
68-76Numerical study of the flow and heat transfer in a Renier-Rivlin fluid on a rotating porous diskH. A. Attia
68-76Numerical study of the flow and heat transfer in a Reiner-Rivlin fluid on a rotating porous diskH. A. Attia
77-84Modeling of water-drain and salt-transfer processes on swamped landsA. A. Kashevarov
77-84Modeling of water-drain and salt-transfer processes on swamped landsA. A. Kashevarov
85-93Modification of the fracture criterion for V-shaped notches (plane problem). Relationship between toughness and strength and structural parametersV. M. Kornev and V. D. Kurguzov
85-93Modification of the fracture criterion for V-shaped notches (plane problem). Relationship between toughness and strength and structural parametersV. M. Kornev and V. D. Kurguzov
94-101Aanalysis of thermally activated formation and breakdown of Kear-Wilsdorf barriers in Ni3Ge Single crystals of variuos orientationsYu. A. Abzaev, V. A. Starenchenko and É. V. Kozlov
94-101Analysis of thermally activated formation and breakdown of Kear-Wilsdorf barriers in Ni3Ge single crystals of various orientationsYu. A. Abzaev, V. A. Starenchenko and É. V. Kozlov
102-107Refinement of the plastic-zone boundary in the vicinity of a crack tip for the quasiviscous and viscous types of fractureM. E. Kozhevnikova
102-107Refinement of the plastic-zone boundary in the vicinity of a crack tip for the quasiviscous and viscous types of fractureM. E. Kozhevnikova
108-116Retardation of a crack with connections between the faces using an induced thermplastic stress fieldR. I. Kadiev and V. M. Mirsalimov
108-116Retardation of a crack with connections between the faces using an induced thermoelastic stress fieldR. I. Kadiev and V. M. Mirsalimov
117-123Singular solutions for an anisotropic plate with an elliptical holeV. N. Maksimenko and E. G. Podruzhin
117-123Singular solutions for an anisotropic plate with an elliptical holeV. N. Maksimenko and E. G. Podruzhin
124-128Dynamic analysis of interacting coplanar cracks in a half space with a clamped boundary condition using boundary integral equationsV. Z. Stankevich, B. M. Stasyuk and O. M. Khai
124-128Dynamic analysis of interacting coplanar cracks in a half space with a clamped boundary condition using boundary integral equationsV. Z. Stankevich, B. M. Stasyuk and O. M. Khai
129-140Purely transverse waves in elastic anisotropic mediaN. I. Ostrosablin
129-140Purely transverse waves in elastic anisotropic mediaN. I. Ostrosablin
141-147Numerical simulation of plastic-flow localization for simple shearV. M. El’kin, V. N. Mikhailov and T. Yu. Mikhailova
141-147Numerical simulation of plastic-flow localization for simple shearV. M. El’kin, V. N. Mikhailov and T. Yu. Mikhailova
148-152Nonaxisymmetric elastoplastic impact of a parabolic body on a spherical shellD. G. Biryukov and I. G. Kadomtsev
148-152Nonaxisymmetric elastoplastic impact of a parabolic body on a spherical shellD. G. Biryukov and I. G. Kadomtsev

Volume 46, Number 2 / March 2005

153-159Diffusion of a megagauss field into a metalS. F. Garanin, G. G. Ivanova, D. V. Karmishin and V. N. Sofronov
160-167Nonequilibrium molecular radiation behind the front of a strong shock wave in the CO2-N2-O2 mixtureV. A. Gorelov, A. Yu. Kireev and S. V. Shilenkov
168-175Changes in the type of the shock-wave structure in high-velocity flowsG. A. Tarnavsky
176-184Special class of solutions of the kinetic equation of a bubbly fluidG. Russo, V. M. Teshukov and A. A. Chesnokov
185-190Unsteady flows of an inhomogeneous incompressible viscous fluidV. N. Monakhov and M. I. Zhidkova
191-201Exact solutions of linearized equations of convection of a weakly compressible fluidO. N. Goncharova
202-207Diffraction of acoustic waves on the leading edge of a flat plate in a supersonic flowS. A. Gaponov and B. V. Smorodsky
208-215Generation and evolution of cavitation in magma under dynamic unloadingM. N. Davydov, V. K. Kedrinskii, A. A. Chernov and K. Takayama
216-223Interaction of an internal gravity current with a submerged circular cylinderE. V. Ermanyuk and N. V. Gavrilov
224-229Numerical study of the structure of a finely disperse unsteady two-phase jetD. V. Sadin, V. O. Guzenkov and S. D. Lyubarskii
230-238Behavior of a floating elastic plate during vibrations of a bottom segmentL. A. Tkacheva
239-243Estimating the filtration characteristics of reservoirs from data of nonstationary studies of horizontal wellsP. E. Morozov, R. V. Sadovnikov, M. Kh. Khairullin and M. N. Shamsiev
244-249Transformation of a breaking wave at a drop of a channel bottomA. A. Malysheva and I. A. Malysheva
250-256Aerosol aspiration into a cylindrical sampler from a low-velocity downward flow and from calm airM. V. Vanyunina, R. S. Galeev, Sh. Kh. Zaripov and É. V. Skvortsov
257-266Nonstationary heat transfer in a hollow composite cylinderV. V. Mel’nikov
267-274Local instability of horizontal tunnels of polygonal shape in viscoelastoplastic massesD. V. Gotsev, I. A. Enenko and A. N. Sporykhin
275-280Some geometrically nonlinear problems of deformation of inelastic plates and shallow shellsI. Yu. Tsvelodub
281-290Two-dimensional dynamic boundary-value problems for curvilinear thermoviscoelastic bodiesA. D. Chernyshov
291-298The effect of transverse pressure on the stability of a plateA. E. Alekseev
299-305Thermal nonlinearity effect used in laser excitation of ultrasonic signals in geomaterialsV. N. In’kov, E. B. Cherepetskaya, V. L. Shkuratnik, A. A. Karabutov and V. A. Makarov

Volume 46, Number 3 / May 2005

307-314Development of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability upon interaction of a diffusion mixing layer of two gases with shock wavesG. A. Ruev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
315-323Chemical potential tensor for a two-phase continuous medium modelM. A. Guzev
324-328Effect of the boundary layer on the base pressure in a two-dimensional flow with a Mach number M = 5M. G. Ktalkherman and V. M. Malkov
329-338Effect of boundary conditions on turbulence characteristics in two-phase jet flows with phase transitionsYu. V. Zuev
339-345Tangential discontinuities of parameters of a polar fluid under shear strainS. V. Stebnovskii
346-354Propagation of pressure waves in a gas-liquid medium with a cluster structureV. E. Dontsov
355-364Two-dimensional problem of periodic loading of an elastic plate floating on the surface of an infinitely deep fluidI. V. Sturova and A. A. Korobkin
365-374Wave regimes on a nonlinearly viscous fluid film flowing down a vertical planeO. Yu. Tsvelodub and V. Yu. Shushenachev
375-385Approximate method for determining the maximum temperature during quasistationary heating of a piecewise-homogeneous half-spaceA. A. Evtushenko, E. G. Ivanik and E. A. Evtushenko
386-394Stress intensity factors and crack deviation conditions in a brittle anisotropic solidS. A. Nazarov
395-404Regular integral equations for the second boundary-value problem of the bending of an anisotropic elastic plateYu. A. Bogan
405-411Structure of the constitutive relations for hereditarily elastic materials reinforced by hard fibersR. A. Kayumov and I. G. Teregulov
412-422Asymptotic behavior of the conducting properties of high-contrast mediaA. G. Kolpakov
423-429Effect of a precompressed spring on the discontinuity zone around a cylindrical cavityS. V. Cherdantsev and N. V. Cherdantsev
430-433On the possibility of local buckling of the surface of an elastic half-space under compressionV. G. Trofimov
434-443Deformation of an ellipsoidal ferrogel sample in a uniform magnetic fieldYu. L. Raikher and O. V. Stolbov
444-451Stress analysis of concrete and reinforced-concrete slab structures under a high-velocity impactN. N. Belov, N. T. Yugov, D. G. Kopanitsa and A. A. Yugov
452-457Ultrasonic laser spectroscopy of mechanic-acoustic nonlinearity of cracked rocksV. N. In’kov, E. B. Cherepetskaya, V. L. Shkuratnik, A. A. Karabutov and V. A. Makarov

Volume 46, Number 4 / July 2005

459-470Projective Submodel of the Ovsyannikov VortexA. S. Pavlenko
471-480Evolution of a Small Distortion of the Spherical Shape of a Gas Bubble under Strong Expansion-CompressionA. A. Aganin and T. S. Guseva
481-488Impulsive Tension of Ethanol under Shock LoadingA. V. Utkin and V. A. Sosikov
489-495Interaction of Internal Gravity Current with an Obstacle on the Channel BottomE. V. Ermanyuk and N. V. Gavrilov
496-502Controlling the Development of Stationary Longitudinal Structures in the Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate using RibletsD. S. Lokhov, A. V. Boiko and D. S. Sboev
503-512Unsteady Motion of a Maxwellian Fluid Droplet in a Maxwellian Medium under the Action of Monotonic and Periodic ForcesS. V. Osipov
513-522Quasistationary Sedimentation with AdsorptionV. V. Shelukhin
523-530Constitutive Relations for a Viscoelastic Body under Crystallization ConditionsT. G. Zav’yalova and N. A. Trufanov
531-538Interaction of a One-Dimensional Continuum with an Inertial Object Moving over the ContinuumA. D. Sergeev
539-548Modeling of Nonlinear Antiplane Strain of a Cylindrical BodyV. D. Bondar’
549-555Waves in a Bed under Periodic Tangential LoadingV. I. Erofeev, N. V. Klyueva and I. N. Soldatov
556-563Construction and Analysis of an Analytical Solution for the Surface Rayleigh Wave within the Framework of the Cosserat ContinuumM. A. Kulesh, V. P. Matveenko and I. N. Shardakov
564-569Generalization of Vlasov’s Equations for a Cylindrical Shell to the Case of a Transversely Isotropic MaterialA. B. Nerubailo and B. V. Nerubailo
570-580Asymptotic Behavior of the Far Stress Field in the Problem of Crack Growth in a Damaged Medium under Creep ConditionsL. V. Stepanova and M. E. Fedina
581-587Creep and Stress Relaxation in a Plate Loaded Along the Contour of a Circular HoleV. M. Chuiko and V. M. Yarushina
588-593Strain Characteristics of Materials with DefectsA. I. Kozinkina
594-608Thermoelastic Contact of a Shroud Ring and a Cylinder under Unsteady Friction-Induced Heat ReleaseP. P. Krasnyuk
609-614Rigid-Plastic Model of Chipping During Metal CuttingA. M. Kovrizhnykh

Volume 46, Number 5 / September 2005

615-623Investigation of an Electromagnetic Pulse Generated by a System on a Standard SpacecraftYu. N. Lazarev, P. V. Petrov, E. V. Diyankova, A. V. Vronskii and Ya. Z. Kandiev
624-634Thermomechanical Behavior of Electrically Conducting Solids Exposed to an External Electromagnetic FieldB. D. Drobenko
635-644Mathematical Model for the Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell CathodeV. E. Nakoryakov and V. G. Gasenko
645-651Three-Dimensional Analog of Prandtl-Meyer WavesA. P. Chupakhin and Zh. A. Shakhmetova
652-657Formation and Amplification of Shock Waves in a Bubble “Cord”V. K. Kedrinskii, V. A. Vshivkov and G. G. Lazareva
658-663Direct Statistical Simulation of a Supersonic Flow of a Binary Mixture of Rarefied Gases around a Transversely Positioned CylinderM. Yu. Plotnikov and A. K. Rebrov
664-669Effect of Localization of Pulsed Energy Addition on the Wave Drag of an Airfoil in a Transonic FlowV. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
670-676Large-Scale Streamwise Vortices in the Supersonic Part of a Permeable NozzleV. N. Zaikovskii, S. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
677-684Dynamics of a Gas Bubble during Its Interaction with Compression and Rarefaction WavesD. V. Voronin
685-690Stability of Thermocapillary Flow in a Flat Layer with Allowance for the Soret EffectE. A. Ryabitskii
691-696Thermocapillary Vortices Induced by a Light Beam near a Bubble Surface in a Hele-Shaw CellN. A. Ivanova and B. A. Bezuglyi
697-701Kinetic Aspect of the Life of Tensile Specimens: A Comparison of Two ApproachesV. P. Skripov and V. E. Vinogradov
702-710Reptation Motion of Animals in a FluidV. M. Shapovalov
711-716Heating of Dry Samples under an Acoustic-Convective ActionYu. A. Gosteev, Yu. G. Korobeinikov, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
717-729Invariant Integrals in the Problem of a Crack on the Interface between Two MediaA. M. Khludnev
730-739Constitutive Relations for Finite Elastic-Inelastic StrainsA. A. Rogovoi
740-753Solving Problems of Elasticity of Conical ShellsB. V. Nerubailo and L. G. Smirnov
754-765Vibrations of a Floating Elastic Plate Due to Periodic Displacements of a Bottom SegmentL. A. Tkacheva
766-771Singular Solutions in an Axisymmetric Flow of a Medium Obeying the Double Shear ModelS. E. Alexandrov

Volume 46, Number 6 / November 2005

773-779Computational Modeling of the Structure of a High-Current Discharge in a Magnetogasdynamic ChannelE. N. Vasil'ev and D. A. Nesterov
780-790Extension of Ovsyannikov's Analytical Solutions to Transonic FlowsK. V. Kurmaeva and S. S. Titov
791-799Invariant and Partially Invariant Solutions of the Green-Naghdi EquationsYu. Yu. Bagderina and A. P. Chupakhin
800-806Experimental Study of the Dynamic Effect of an Internal Solitary Wave on a Submerged Circular CylinderE. V. Ermanyuk and N. V. Gavrilov
807-817Transformation of Long Nonlinear Waves in a Two-Layer Viscous Fluid Between a Gently Sloping Lid and BottomG. A. Khabakhpashev
818-823Interaction of Small Hydrodynamic Perturbations with a Nonequilibrium Region in a Gas FlowR. V. Mukin, A. I. Osipov and A. V. Uvarov
824-834Investigation of a Gas Flow with Solid Particles in a Supersonic NozzleV. N. Vetlutskii, V. L. Ganimedov and M. I. Muchnaya
835-841Mathematical Modeling of Flows Inside Rotating Bodies Made of Cellular-Porous MaterialsA. V. Fedorov, V. M. Fomin and T. A. Khmel'
842-850Effect of Relaxation and Retardation Time on Peristaltic Transport of the Oldroydian Viscoelastic FluidMohamed H. Haroun
851-856Experimental and Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Conductivity of High-Viscosity Hydrocarbon SystemsL. A. Kovaleva, N. M. Nasyrov, V. I. Maksimochkin and R. R. Suf'yanov
857-860Critical Stresses in Spalling and Dynamic Rupture of MetalsG. G. Savenkov
861-866Mechanism of Fatigue-Crack Growth under Compressive External StressesA. P. Shabanov
867-875Soil Behavior at the Interface with a Rigid Projectile During PenetrationV. A. Veldanov and S. V. Fedorov
876-882Spectral Problem for Shells with FluidE. P. Kligman, I. E. Kligman and V. P. Matvienko
883-890Qualitative Distinctions in the Solutions Based on the Plasticity Theories with the Mohr-Coulomb Yield CriterionS. E. Alexandrov and E. A. Lyamina
891-900Effective Permeabilities in a Porous Medium with Log-Stable StatisticsO. N. Soboleva
901-910New X-Ray Techniques for Flow Visualization and Measurement of Hydrodynamic Flow Parameters in Opaque Heterogeneous MediaE. I. Bichenkov, E. I. Palchikov, S. V. Sukhinin, A. N. Cheremisin and A. I. Romanov, et al.
911-917Measurement of the Gruneisen Coefficient of Some Anisotropic Carbon MaterialsA. P. Stepovik

Volume 47, Number 1 / January 2006

1-11Numerical Study of the Near-Wall Gas-Droplet Jet in a Tube with a Heat Flux on the SurfaceV. I. Terekhov and M. A. Pakhomov
12-21Friction and Heat Transfer in a Laminar Separated Flow behind a Rectangular Step with Porous Injection or SuctionS. R. Batenko and V. I. Terekhov
22-26Volume Crystallization of a Nickel Droplet Containing Refractory Nanoparticles upon Its Impact onto a SubstrateA. N. Cherepanov, V. N. Popov and O. P. Solonenko
27-35Numerical Simulation of Plasma Dynamics in a Nonuniform Magnetic FieldV. T. Astrelin, A. V. Burdakov, V. M. Kovenya and T. V. Kozlinskaya
36-46Centrifugal Convection in Rapid Rotation of Bodies Made of Cellular-Porous MaterialsV. K. Baev, A. V. Fedorov, V. M. Fomin and T. A. Khmel'
47-53Effect of Temperature on Slip Coefficients of Molecular GasesA. V. Latyshev, V. N. Popov and A. A. Yushkanov
54-60Effect of the Nonmonotonic Temperature Dependence of Water Density on the Decay of an Initial Density DiscontinuityV. I. Bukreev
61-67Criteria for the Separation of Unsteady Ideal Fluid Flow past a Smooth AirfoilD. N. Gorelov
68-70Force Action of a Body with a Permeable Boundary on a Wall in a FluidV. L. Sennitskii
71-78Unsteady Behavior of an Elastic Beam Floating on the Surface of an Infinitely Deep FluidI. V. Sturova
79-90Invariant Solutions of the Thermal-Diffusion Equations for a Binary Mixture in the Case of Plane MotionI. I. Ryzhkov
91-98Pressure Relaxation in a Hole Surrounded by Porous and Permeable Rock in Hole Pressure Tests with Gas InjectionV. Sh. Shagapov, I. G. Khusainov and R. M. Khafizov
99-108Effect of Wave Formation during Shock-Wave Compaction of PowdersS. P. Kiselev and V. P. Kiselev
109-115Experimental Study of the Productive Bed Filtration Mode Changed by an Unsteady Action on the Host Rock BlocksL. A. Nazarov, L. A. Nazarova, V. M. Fomin, N. P. Ryashentsev and A. N. Ryashentsev, et al.
116-126Impact Dynamics of Damaged Shells Interacting with a Two-Phase LiquidV. A. Petushkov and A. N. Mel'sitov
127-133Moment of Resistance of a Disk Rotating in a Closed Axisymmetric CavityK. N. Volkov
134-142Solution of the Stochastic Boundary-Value Problem of Steady-State Creep for a Thick-Walled Tube Using the Small-Parameter MethodA. A. Dolzhkovoi, N. N. Popov and V. P. Radchenko
143-151Damage Accumulation in Aluminum Alloys under Plastic Deformation and CreepM. G. Petrov and A. I. Ravikovich

Volume 47, Number 2 / March 2006

153-156Collapse of Shock Waves upon Their Interaction with a Local Energy SourceV. A. Annenkov, V. A. Levin and E. V. Trifonov
157-168Flows Resulting from the Incidence of a Discontinuous Wave on a Bottom StepV. V. Ostapenko and A. A. Malysheva
169-174Effect of the Nonmonotonic Temperature Dependence of Water Density on the Propagation of a Vertical Plane JetV. I. Bukreev
175-182Effect of Fluid Viscosity on the Decay of Small Distortions of a Gas Bubble from a Spherical ShapeA. A. Aganin, M. A. Il'gamov and D. Yu. Toporkov
183-189Vibrational Convection in the Hele-Shaw Cell. Theory and ExperimentI. A. Babushkin and V. A. Demin
190-198Effect of High-Frequency Vibration on Convection in Miscible FluidsYu. A. Gaponenko, V. A. Volpert, S. M. Zen'kovskaya and D. A. Pojman
199-207Reptation Motion of Large Animals in a FluidV. M. Shapovalov
208-213Shear Instability of the Structure of Media Possessing Viscous FluidityS. V. Stebnovskii
214-220Convective Instability of the Flow of a Binary Mixture under Conditions of Vibration and Thermal DiffusionN. V. Gnevanov and B. L. Smorodin
221-228Second-Order Fredholm Equations for the First Boundary-Value Problem in the Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Theory of ElasticityYu. A. Bogan
229-235Affine Transforms of Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Media and Explicit Formulas for Fundamental MatricesS. Langer, S. A. Nazarov and M. Specovius-Neugebauer
236-240Acoustic Emission Memory Effect in Coal Samples under Uniaxial Cyclic LoadingV. L. Shkuratnik, Yu. L. Filimonov and S. V. Kuchurin
241-248On the Residual Stresses in the Vicinity of a Cylindrical Discontinuity in a Viscoelastoplastic MaterialA. A. Burenin, L. V. Kovtanyuk and E. V. Murashkin
249-253Plastic Bending of a Strip for a Yield Criterion Depending on the Mean StressE. A. Lyamina
254-265Dynamic Deformation of a Curved Plate with a Rigid InsertYu. V. Nemirovsky and T. P. Romanova
266-273Mathematical Modeling for One New Method of Breaking Ice CoverV. I. Odinokov and A. M. Sergeeva
274-281Plastic Constants of FractureA. I. Khromov, A. A. Bukhan'ko, O. V. Kozlova and S. L. Stepanov
282-288Analysis of Plane Phase Strains of Rods and PlatesL. I. Shkutin
289-297Dynamic Stability of Viscoelastic Plates under Increasing Compressing LoadsB. Kh. Eshmatov
298-305Types of Localization of Plastic Deformation and Stages of Loading Diagrams of Metallic Materials with Different Crystalline StructuresV. I. Danilov, L. B. Zuev, E. V. Letakhova, D. V. Orlova and I. A. Okhrimenko

Volume 47, Number 3 / May 2006

307-313Breaking of waves of limiting amplitude over an obstacleV. Yu. Liapidevskii and Z. Xu
314-323Generation of beams of three-dimensional periodic internal waves by sources of various typesA. Yu. Vasil’ev and Yu. D. Chashechkin
324-329Rational structure of blood vesselsA. E. Medvedev, V. I. Samsonov and V. M. Fomin
330-339Large eddy simulation in a fully developed turbulent flow in a channel and comparison of subgrid eddy viscosity modelsK. N. Volkov
340-345Theory of steady waves in horizontal flow with a linear velocity profileA. A. Zaitsev and A. I. Rudenko
346-358Using the perturbation method to solve the problem of separated incompressible flow past thin airfoilsV. B. Kurzin
359-365Nonlinear effects caused by pulsed periodic supply of energy in the vicinity of a symmetric airfoil in a transonic flowS. M. Aulchenko, V. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
366-376Differential characteristics of the flow field in a plane overexpanded jet in the vicinity of the nozzle lipV. N. Uskov and M. V. Chernyshov
377-383Numerical modeling of the single-phase Stefan problem in a layer with transparent and semitransparent boundariesN. A. Rubtsov, S. D. Sleptsov and N. A. Savvinova
384-389Stress-strain relationship for periodic loadingV. I. Kapustin and V. M. Stepanov
390-393On the (u, p) problem in the theory of elasticityI. Yu. Tsvelodub
394-400Plane strain wave in an isotropic layer of a viscoelastic materialV. M. Kulik
401-405Plastic-strain evolution for cyclic loading based on the equations of the field theory of defectsN. V. Chertova and Yu. V. Grinyaev
406-411Nonlinear deformation and stability of oval cylindrical shells under pure bending and internal pressureL. P. Zheleznov, V. V. Kabanov and D. V. Boiko
412-418Identification of viscoelastic characteristics of composite materials on the basis of results of an experimental and theoretical analysis of the dynamic behavior of hemispherical shellsN. A. Abrosimov, V. G. Bazhenov and N. A. Kulikova
419-425Numerical modeling of the shearing of irradiated fuel assembliesYu. P. Meshcheryakov
426-432Plastic flow instability at the necking stage in zirconium alloysT. M. Poletika, S. V. Kolosov, G. N. Narimanova and A. P. Pshenichnikov
433-438Numerical study of free oscillations of a beam with oscillatorsS. D. Algazin
439-445Oscillations of an inhomogeneous elastic layerA. O. Vatul’yan, M. A. Dvoskin and P. S. Satunovskii
446-454Interaction of a die with a layered elastic foundationA. A. Kalyakin
455-460Contact holographic interferometer for studying the deformation of small-curvature shells of revolutionS. I. Gerasimov and V. A. Zhilkin

Volume 47, Number 4 / July 2006

461-471Movement of the ground in Rayleigh waves produced by underground explosionsV. A. Simonenko, N. I. Shishkin and G. A. Shishkina
472-480Traveling wave with allowance for equilibrium radiationS. P. Bautin and A. P. Sadov
481-491Subcritical and supercritical shear flows above an uneven bottomV. M. Teshukov and A. Budlal
492-504Special and extreme triple shock-wave configurationsV. N. Uskov and M. V. Chernyshov
505-509Translational nonequilibrium of a gas flow into vacuum in a constant-section channelS. V. Kulikov
510-514Application of flow suction for controlling the shedding of large-scale vortices at boundary-layer separationA. V. Dovgal and A. M. Sorokin
515-522Stability of a viscoelastic plate in fluid flowI. V. Denisova, D. A. Indeitsev and A. V. Klimenko
523-533Kinetic equation for one-dimensional motion of spheresR. M. Garipov
534-541Effect of normal vibrations of a flat horizontal heater on the second boiling crisisV. V. Konovalov, T. P. Lyubimova and D. V. Lyubimov
542-546Thermodynamic description of the behavior of shape memory alloys by an additive Gibbs potentialA. A. Movchan and Nyunt Soe
547-555Development and relaxation of internal stresses in granular composites with an epoxy matrixA. S. Azheganov, V. P. Begishev, D. A. Gorinov, S. N. Lysenko and I. N. Shardakov
556-563Effect of scattering of elastic harmonic waves in the far zone by a spatial crackV. V. Mykhas’kiv, N. D. Grilitskii and I. O. Butrak
564-572Affine transformations of the equations of the linear theory of elasticityN. I. Ostrosablin
573-581Numerical analysis of free vibrations of a beam with oscillatorsS. D. Algazin
582-587Theoretical model of acoustic emission under mechanical loading of rocks in the maximum compaction regionA. S. Voznesenskii, K. B. Ustinov and V. L. Shkuratnik
588-595Inverse doubly periodic problem of the theory of bending of a plate with elastic inclusionsF. A. Bakhyshov and V. M. Mirsalimov
596-599Use of thin polyparaxylene films to study the plastic deformation bismuth single crystalsO. M. Ostrikov
600-607Theory of large-strain torsion of prismatic bodies with moment stressesA. A. Zelenina
608-615Specific features of laser cutting of steel sheets and monitoring of sample quality after laser influenceV. I. Danilov, L. B. Zuev, N. I. Kuznetsova, A. N. Malov and A. M. Orishich, et al.

Volume 47, Number 5 / September 2006

617-627Experimental study and direct numerical simulation of the evolution of disturbances in a viscous shock layer on a flat plateA. N. Kudryavtsev, S. G. Mironov, T. V. Poplavskaya and I. S. Tsyryul’nikov
628-636On solving the problem of reflection of linear waves in a fluid from a porous half-space saturated by this fluidV. Sh. Shagapov, A. Sh. Sultanov and S. F. Urmancheev
637-642Effect of acoustic disturbances on a free convective flowA. N. Golovanov
643-653Two-dimensional problem of the impact of a vertical wall on a layer of a partially aerated liquidA. A. Korobkin
654-660Dynamic method of determining aerodynamic characteristics of models from on experimental results obtained in short-duration wind tunnelsA. F. Latypov
661-670On solving the problem of an ideal incompressible fluid flow around large-aspect-ratio axisymmetric bodiesV. N. Belykh
671-678Turbulent flow past a transverse cavity with inclined side walls. 1. Flow structureA. Yu. D’yachenko, V. I. Terekhov and N. I. Yarygina
679-687On the discharge characteristic at the dam site after dam breakV. I. Bukreev
688-695Numerical modeling of thermophysical processes in laser-beam welding with formation of a vapor channelA. N. Cherepanov, V. P. Shapeev, V. M. Fomin and L. G. Semin
696-703On the threshold force pulses for spall fracture of materialsV. I. Smirnov
704-713Optimization formulation of the evolutionary problem of crack propagation under quasibrittle fractureV. A. Kovtunenko and I. V. Sukhorukov
714-723Use of the energy criterion of fracture to determine the shape of a slightly curved crackS. A. Nazarov and M. Specovius-Neugebauer
724-735Asymptotic models for the discrete optimal control of the deformation of an elastic membraneI. I. Argatov
736-746Critical equilibrium state of a bushing in a contact pair with cracks possessing plastic tip zonesV. M. Mirsalimov
747-756Creep of axisymmetrically loaded plates with allowance for damage accumulation in their materialI. A. Banshchikova and A. F. Nikitenko
757-761Prediction of fracture in the vicinity of friction surfaces in metal forming processesS. E. Alexandrov and E. A. Lyamina
762-770On the possibility of using linear current generators for geophysical researchA. P. Glinov, A. E. Poltanov, V. N. Ryndin and G. I. Simonova
771“Subcritical and supercritical shear flows above an uneven bottom” by V. M. Teshukov and A. BudlalV. M. Teshukov and A. Boudlal

Volume 47, Number 6 / November 2006

773-784On a gas source in a constant force fieldD. V. Parshin and A. P. Chupakhin
785-789Numerical modeling of ideal incompressible fluid flow over a stepM. G. Khazhoyan and G. S. Khakimzyanov
790-799Regular, partially invariant solutions of rank 1 and defect 1 of equations of plane motion of a viscous heat-conducting gasV. V. Bublik
800-811Interaction of shear flows of an ideal incompressible fluid in a channelA. A. Chesnokov
812-820Structure of supersonic turbulent flows in the vicinity of inclined backward-facing stepsI. A. Bedarev and N. N. Fedorova
821-824Possibility of identifying the viscoplastic properties of liquids in experiments with an oscillating-cup viscometerA. E. Korenchenko, O. A. Golovnya and V. P. Beskachko
825-835Linear drainage in a fresh groundwater fringe above saline groundwaterV. N. Émikh
836-841Experimental study of HE-II boiling on a sphereA. P. Kryukov and A. F. Mednikov
842-848Pressure growth dynamics during freezing of a closed volume of water with dissolved gasesYu. A. Sigunov and Yu. A. Samylova
849-856Antiplane strain in a nonlinearly elastic incompressible bodyB. D. Annin and V. D. Bondar’
857-866Dislocation structure of shear bands in single crystalsS. P. Kiselev
867-878Elastic silicon-film-based nanoshells: Formation, properties, and applicationsV. Ya. Prinz and S. V. Golod
879-885Second-order effects and Saint Venant’s principle in the torsion problem of a nonlinear elastic rodV. V. Kalashnikov and M. I. Karyakin
886-891Crack stabilization in a brittle body using stiffenersA. D. Zaikin
892-898On axisymmetric motion of an incompressible elastic medium under impact loadingYu. E. Ivanova and V. E. Ragozina
899-904Bending of elastic plates with a physically nonlinear inclusionI. Yu. Tsvelodub
905-910Mesoscale measurement of strains by analyzing optical images of the surface of loaded solidsP. S. Lyubutin and S. V. Panin
911-917Analysis of reinforced-concrete strength under impact loadingN. N. Belov, O. V. Kabantsev, A. A. Konyaev, D. G. Kopanitsa and V. F. Tolkachev, et al.

Volume 48, Number 1 / January 2007

1-6Gas flow activated in an electron-beam plasmaV. O. Konstantinov and S. Ya. Khmel
7-10Arc current fluctuation power spectra in the system of a solid metal electrode and carbonate meltA. V. Reshetnikov, V. I. Sannikov, V. N. Skokov and V. P. Koverda
11-16Modeling jet flows caused by the incidence of a shock wave on a profiled free surfaceV. A. Ogorodnikov, A. L. Mikhailov, A. V. Romanov, A. A. Sadovoi and S. S. Sokolov, et al.
17-26Shock-wave-initiated lifting of particles from a cavityI. A. Bedarev, Yu. A. Gosteev and A. V. Fedorov
27-33Stabilization and evolution of parameters of a symmetric laminar flow in a plane channel with sudden expansionA. M. Lipanov and S. A. Karskanov
34-43Numerical and experimental study of the fine structure of a stratified fluid flow over a circular cylinderV. A. Gushchin, V. V. Mitkin, T. I. Rozhdestvenskaya and Yu. D. Chashechkin
44-54Interaction of a circular turbulent jet with a flat targetK. N. Volkov
55-64Two regimes of liquid film flow on a rotating cylinderE. A. Karabut
65-70Motion of an inclusion in uniformly and nonuniformly vibrating liquidsV. L. Sennitskii
71-79Some features of the flow around rapidly rotating bodies made of cellular-porous materialsV. K. Baev, A. V. Fedorov, V. M. Fomin and T. A. Khmel’
80-84Variation in the wave resistance of an amphibian air-cushion vehicle moving over a broken-ice fieldV. M. Kozin and A. V. Pogorelova
85-90Thermal and dynamic characteristics of the separated flow behind a flat rib with different angles of alignment toward the flowV. I. Terekhov, N. I. Yarygina and Ya. I. Smulsky
91-100Stability and nonlinear wavy regimes in downward film flows on a corrugated surfaceYu. Ya. Trifonov
101-108Microdroplet absorption by two-layer porous mediaYu. D. Varlamov, Yu. P. Meshcheryakov, M. R. Predtechensky and S. N. Ul’yankin
109-118Critical phenomena in particle dissolution in the melt during electron-beam surfacingO. N. Kryukova and A. G. Knyazeva
119-125Constructing an analytical solution for lamb waves using the cosserat continuum approachM. A. Kulseh, V. P. Matveenko and I. N. Shardakov
126-134Exact and approximate formulas for deflections of an elastically fixed rod under transverse loadingYu. V. Zakharov, K. G. Okhotkin, N. V. Filenkova and A. Yu. Vlasov
135-144Stability region of a close-packed layer of atomsN. S. Astapov and V. M. Kornev

Volume 48, Number 2 / March 2007

145-152Seismic efficiency of a contact explosion and a high-velocity impactN. I. Shishkin
153-158New form of the equations of motion of a viscous fluid in Lagrangian variablesA. A. Abrashkin and E. I. Yakubovich
159-165Investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of a hypersonic flow around bodies of revolution with a permeable tipN. I. Sidnyaev
166-175Rayleigh-Benard problem for an anomalous fluidA. N. Ermolenko
176-183Numerical simulation of stabilization of the boundary layer on a surface with a porous coating in a supersonic separated flowI. V. Egorov, A. V. Novikov and A. V. Fedorov
184-191To formulating a nonlinear initial-boundary problem of an unsteady separated flow around an airfoilD. N. Gorelov
192-199Ideal incompressible flow around a wedge tipS. K. Betyaev
200-207Stability of the equilibrium state in a convection model with nonlinear temperature and pressure dependences of densityV. B. Bekezhanova
208-212Growth of a new phase in a substance in a metastable stateS. I. Lezhnin and A. A. Chernov
213-220Specific features of explosive boiling of liquids on a film microheaterYu. D. Varlamov, Yu. P. Meshcheryakov, M. P. Predtechenskii, S. I. Lezhnin and S. N. Ul’yankin
221-228Forced oscillations of a layer of a viscoelastic material under the action of a convective pressure waveV. M. Kulik
229-240Orientation mechanics of liquid crystals. Transition to a local coordinate systemS. I. Trashkeev
241-249Stress waves in a rod subjected to a moving loadR. G. Yakupov
250-259Viscoplastic dynamics of isotropic plates of variable thickness under explosive loadingYu. V. Nemirovskii and A. P. Yankovskii
260-264Numerical modeling of the rotation of a solid body with a liquid-filled cavity having radial ribsI. B. Bogoryad and N. P. Lavrova
265-270Nonlinear stochastic creep problem for an inhomogeneous plane with the damage to the material taken into accountN. N. Popov and V. P. Radchenko
271-278Motion of a system of seismic sources over ice on a body of water under the action of a pulseL. A. Tkacheva
279-284Numerical investigation of nonlinear vibrations of viscoelastic plates and cylindrical panels in a gas flowB. A. Khudayarov and N. G. Bandurin
285-291Analysis of axisymmetric phase strains in plates and shellsL. I. Shkutin
292-302Production of nanomaterials by vaporizing ceramic targets irradiated by a moderate-power continuous-wave CO2 laserV. N. Snytnikov, Vl. N. Snytnikov, D. A. Dubov, V. I. Zaikovskii and A. S. Ivanova, et al.

Volume 48, Number 3 / May 2007

303-309Gas-dynamic analogy for vortex free-boundary flowsV. M. Teshukov
310-321Equilibrium of a free nonisothermal liquid filmV. V. Pukhnachev
322-330Optimization of the shapes of obstacles in jet-separation flowV. N. Monakhov and E. V. Gubkina
331-339Spontaneous swirling in axisymmetric MHD flows of an ideally conducting fluid with closed streamlinesM. S. Kotel’nikova and B. A. Lugovtsov
340-345Dynamics and radiation of a single bubble under conditions of abnormal compressibility of a bubbly liquidV. K. Kedrinskii
346-360Shock waves in water with Freon-12 bubbles and formation of gas hydratesV. E. Dontsov, V. E. Nakoryakov and A. A. Chernov
361-367Laminar-turbulent transition in the boundary layer on cones in a hypersonic flow at high Reynolds numbers per meterA. A. Vasil’ev, V. N. Rychkov and M. E. Topchiyan
368-374Numerical simulation of receptivity of a hypersonic boundary layer to acoustic disturbancesA. A. Maslov, A. N. Kudryavtsev, S. G. Mironov, T. V. Poplavskaya and I. S. Tsyryulnikov
375-384Mathematical modeling of the motion of a portion of helium under pulsed injection over a fixed bed of cenospheresA. S. Vereshchagin, S. N. Vereshchagin and V. M. Fomin
385-392Quasi-steady-state flows in a liquid film in a gas: Comparison of two methods of describing wavesO. V. Voinov
393-400On the possibility of reducing the penetration capability of shaped-charge jets in a magnetic fieldS. V. Fedorov, A. V. Babkin, S. V. Ladov, G. A. Shvetsov and A. D. Matrosov
401-411Numerical simulation of plasma motion in a magnetic field. Two-dimensional caseV. T. Astrelin, V. M. Kovenya and T. V. Kozlinskaya
412-419Compaction of copper nanopowderS. P. Kiselev
420-427Gas-dynamic colliders: Numerical simulationsR. V. Maltsev and A. K. Rebrov
428-436Mathematical models of environmental forecastingV. V. Penenko and E. A. Tsvetova
437-444Deformation model for brittle materials and the structure of failure wavesE. I. Romenskii
445-449Modeling the deformation of rock with rough surfaces of block contact under quasistatic and dynamic loading conditionsB. D. Annin and E. V. Karpov
450-459Reducing three-dimensional elasticity problems to two-dimensional problems by approximating stresses and displacements by legendre polynomialsYu. M. Volchkov and L. A. Dergileva
460-466Antiplane strain of a body undergoing large-rotationsV. D. Bondar’
467Constructing an analytical solution for lamb waves using the cosserat continuum approachM. A. Kulseh, V. P. Matveenko and I. N. Shardakov

Volume 48, Number 4 / July 2007

469-478Convective structures in a thin layer of an evaporating liquid under an airflowV. P. Reutov, A. B. Ezersky, G. V. Rybushkina and V. V. Chernov
479-485Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of slightly compressible liquidsV. K. Andreev and V. B. Bekezhanova
486-491Turbulent flow past a transverse cavity with inclined side walls. 2. Heat transferA. Yu. D’yachenko, V. I. Terekhov and N. I. Yarygina
492-500Experimental study of the reverse flow in the forward separation region in a pulsating flow around a spiked bodyV. I. Zapryagaev and I. N. Kavun
501-507Diffusion stability of bubbles in a clusterÉ. Sh. Nasibullaeva and I. Sh. Akhatov
508-518Evolution of long nonlinear waves on the interface of a stratified viscous fluid flow in a channelD. G. Arkhipov and G. A. Khabakhpashev
519-524Fragmentation of liquid and liquid-plastic media under unsteady strainsS. V. Stebnovskii
525-533Dynamics of a vapor shell around a heated particle in a liquidN. S. Khabeev and O. R. Ganiev
534-541Evolution of a vapor cavity during explosive boiling on a film microheater: Experiment and numerical simulationYu. D. Varlamov, Yu. P. Meshcheryakov, S. I. Lezhnin, M. R. Predtechenskii and S. N. Ul’yankin
542-546Modeling the effect of diffusion of the ambient medium on the long-term strength of a hollow cylinder under uniaxial tensionA. M. Lokoshchenko and V. V. Nazarov
547-555Stability of a rectangular plate under biaxial tensionD. N. Sheidakov
556-561Design of a transversely layered cantilever of minimum mass under specified maximum-deflection constraintV. V. Alekhin
562-570Crack initiation in a stiffened plateM. V. Mir-Salim-zade
571-576Solution of one problem of fracture mechanicsM. V. Gavrilkina, V. V. Glagolev and A. A. Markin
577-590Dynamic deformation of a thermoviscoelastic rod of triangular cross section in a coupled formulationA. D. Chernyshev
591-598Thermodynamics of finite strain elastic-inelastic deformationA. A. Rogovoi
599-604Contribution of point defects to the temperature anomaly of the yield stress in single crystals of the Ni3Ge alloyYu. A. Abzaev
605-613Structural approach in problems of the limit equilibrium of brittle solids with stress concentratorsV. I. Smirnov
614-620Stress-strain state of an anisotropic plate with an elliptic hole and thin rigid inclusionsV. N. Maksimenko and S. A. Zorin

Volume 48, Number 5 / September 2007

621-628Gas-dynamic approach in the nonlinear theory of ion acoustic waves in a plasma: An exact solutionA. E. Dubinov
629-632Some types of kinetic equations reducible to partial differential equationsS. O. Gladkov and I. G. Tabakova
633-635Rebounding of a shaped-charge jetE. V. Proskuryakov, M. V. Sorokin and V. M. Fomin
636-640Disturbance convection velocity in turbulent jets under aeroacoustic excitationV. G. Pimshtein
641-648Partially invariant solutions for a submodel of radial motions of a gasS. V. Khabirov
649-655Monotonicity principle in the rayleigh problem for an isothermally incompressible fluidM. Yu. Tyaglov
656-663Numerical study of Navier-Stokes equationsS. D. Algazin
664-670Thermodynamic equation of state used to describe the behavior of a porous mixture under high pressures and temperaturesR. K. Bel’kheeva
671-679Self-similar solution of the one-dimensional problem of thermocapillary motion of an emulsionA. G. Petrova
680-685New exact solution of the problem of rotationally symmetric Couette-Poiseuille flowS. N. Aristov and D. V. Knyazev
686-693Effect of the contact-line dynamics on the natural oscillations of a cylindrical dropletA. A. Alabuzhev and D. V. Lyubimov
694-700Generalized rheological model of shear deformation of structured condensed mediaS. V. Stebnovskii
701-707Equilibrium self-polarization of clayN. K. Korsakova and V. I. Pen’kovskii
708-711On an inverse problem of bending of a physically nonlinear inhomogeneous plateI. Yu. Tsvelodub
712-722Dynamic deformation of rigid-plastic curvilinear plates of variable thicknessYu. V. Nemirovsky and T. P. Romanova
723-733Nucleation of cracks in a perforated fuel cellV. M. Mirsalimov
734-736Functional relation between two symmetric second-rank tensorsN. I. Ostrosablin
737-742Analysis of the derivative of the energy functional with respect to the length of a curvilinear crack in an elastic body with a possible crack-edge contactE. V. Vtorushin
743-750Numerical modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of steels with allowance for the propagation of Luders bandsR. R. Balokhonov and V. A. Romanova
751-754Creep of plates made of aluminum alloys under bendingI. A. Banshchikova, B. V. Gorev and I. Yu. Tsvelodub
755-765Refined geometrically nonlinear formulation of a thin-shell triangular finite elementV. V. Kuznetsov and S. V. Levyakov
766-773Service life of pressurized vesselsA. F. Nikitenko and I. V. Lyubashevskaya
774-778Modeling the deformability of a materialN. A. Veklich, A. M. Lokoshchenko and P. N. Veklich

Volume 48, Number 6 / November 2007

779-788Numerical simulation of helical perturbations in open traps with an electron beamV. P. Zhukov, I. V. Shvab and A. V. Burdakov
789-794Behavior of the vorticity vector in supersonic axisymmetric swirl flows behind a detonation waveV. A. Levin and G. A. Skopina
795-812Modified shallow water equations which admit the propagation of discontinuous waves over a dry bedV. V. Ostapenko
813-817Projectile dynamics at low barrel pressuresS. K. Chankaev and V. Ya. Yakovlev
818-823One approximate solution of the Nekrasov problemT. A. Bodnar’
824-833Finite-amplitude acoustic pulses in a waveguide layer with longitudinal inhomogeneityM. A. Bisyarin
834-839Effect of asymmetric pulsed periodic energy supply on aerodynamic characteristics of airfoilsS. M. Aulchenko, V. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
840-851Fine structure of a stratified flow near a flat-plate surfaceR. N. Bardakov, V. V. Mitkin and Yu. D. Chashechkin
852-860Analysis of the temperature regime of operation of a filtering unitV. I. Melikhov, O. I. Melikhov, Yu. V. Parfenov and S. E. Yakush
861-870Eigenoscillations of an elastic body with a rough surfaceS. A. Nazarov
871-877Long-term strength of metals and creep equations based on the Coulomb-Mohr criterionA. M. Kovrizhnykh, V. D. Baryshnikov, A. V. Manakov and A. F. Nikitenko
878-886Model of bending of a hydrostatically compressed shell near its stability thresholdV. V. Kiselev and D. V. Dolgikh
887-896Effect of the grain size on the macroscopic response of aluminum to shock loadingYu. I. Meshcheryakov, A. K. Divakov, N. I. Zhigacheva and M. M. Myshlyaev
897-904Predicting the nonlinear hereditary viscoelasticity of polymersA. V. Demidov, A. G. Makarov and A. M. Stalevich
905-914Nonlinear vibrations of a viscoelastic plate with concentrated massesD. A. Khodzhaev and B. Kh. Éshmatov
915-921Stability approach to testing the constitutive relations of superplasticityI. É. Keller, P. V. Trusov, O. V. Shishkina and D. V. Davydov

Volume 49, Number 1 / January 2008

1-8Effect of electric field modulation on charge propagation in a low-conducting polar liquidB. L. Smorodin and A. V. Taraut
9-17Charge transfer by high-energy electrons onto the leeward surfaces of a solid in a supersonic rarefied plasma flowV. A. Shuvalov, A. I. Priimak, K. A. Bandel and G. S. Kochubei
18-22Loss of energy during the motion of a vortex ringD. G. Akhmetov
23-33Open-channel waves generated by propagation of a discontinuous wave over a bottom stepA. V. Gusev, V. V. Ostapenko, A. A. Malysheva and I. A. Malysheva
34-45Dispersion and blockage effects in the flow over a sillV. Yu. Liapidevskii and K. N. Gavrilova
46-52Subsonic rarefied gas flow over a rack of flat transverse platesS. P. Popov and F. G. Tcheremissine
53-57Discharge and energy-loss coefficients in flow through a breach in a trapezoidal damV. I. Bukreev, V. V. Degtyarev and A. V. Chebotnikov
58-63Gravity-induced motion of a uniformly heated solid particle in a gaseous mediumN. V. Malai, E. R. Shchukin, A. A. Stukalov and K. S. Ryazanov
64-70Flow regimes of a high-viscosity polymer mass bounded by the free surface in the region of drastic expansion of a channelA. N. Kozloborodov and G. R. Shrager
71-79Wave resistance of an air-cushion vehicle in unsteady motion over an ice sheetA. V. Pogorelova
80-83Determining the shear modulus of water in experiments with a floating diskA. E. Korenchenko and V. P. Beskachko
84-92Determining dynamic characteristics of mechanical systems by the method of constructing one-dimensional spectral portraits of matricesV. B. Kurzin
93-97Evolution of the ice breaking processV. I. Odinokov and A. M. Sergeeva
98-104Extension of an elastic space with a rigid barI. I. Argatov
105-108Evaluating rock mass failure in the vicinity of slot cutsN. V. Cherdantsev, V. T. Presler and V. Yu. Izakson
109-113Nonlinear deformation and stability of oval cylindrical shells under combined loadingL. P. Zheleznov, V. V. Kabanov and D. V. Boiko
114-121Vibration-proof conduit fasteningA. M. Akhtyamov and G. F. Safina
122-128Buckling analysis of an elastic bar using the Bubnov-Galerkin methodN. S. Astapov
129-135Multimodulus elasticity theoryI. Yu. Tsvelodub
136-141Kinematics of finite-strain elastic-inelastic deformationA. A. Rogovoi
142-147Eigenvalues of the antiplane-shear crack problem for a power-law materialL. V. Stepanova
148-155Calculation of the strength of reinforced concrete columns under repeated longitudinal impactN. N. Belov, N. T. Yugov, D. G. Kopanitsa, O. V. Kabantsev and A. A. Yugov, et al.

Volume 49, Number 2 / March 2008

157-166Linear stability of three-dimensional boundary layersS. A. Gaponov and B. V. Smorodskii
167-171Gyroscopic waves in a rotating liquid layerI. N. Soldatov
172-178Equations of convective instability of a two-phase medium with modulation of the gravity forceV. S. Teplov
179-187Constraints on the “rapid” part of the pressure-strain rate correlations derived from the spectral presentationS. R. Bogdanov and T. J. Jongen
188-193Evolution of disturbances in a laminarized supersonic boundary layer on a swept wingN. V. Semionov, Yu. G. Ermolaev and A. D. Kosinov
194-200Model of steady motion of the interface in a layer of a strongly superheated liquidS. P. Aktershev and V. V. Ovchinnikov
201-208Hydrodynamic analysis of the displacement conditions of formation fluids using an axisymmetric modelI. B. Chernoshchuk
209-216Formation mechanism of cavitating spallsM. N. Davydov and V. K. Kedrinskii
217-221Self-similar solutions of the second-order model of the far turbulent wakeO. V. Kaptsov, I. A. Efremov and A. V. Shmidt
222-230Scattering of nonspherical particles rebounding from a smooth and a rough surface in a high-speed gas-particle flowS. V. Panfilov and Yu. M. Tsirkunov
231-238Wave regimes on a nonisothermal film of a viscous liquid flowing down a vertical planeO. Yu. Tsvelodub
239-252Stability of wavy downflow of films calculated by the Navier-Stokes equationsYu. Ya. Trifonov
253-260Estimating the total effect on a formation during borehole drillingA. A. Kashevarov
261-266Comparative estimation of high-temperature creep and rupture of structural materialsO. V. Sosnin, I. V. Lyubashevskaya and I. V. Novoselya
267-276Asymptotic solution of the problem of the action of a stamp on an elastic layer lying on the surface of a compressible fluid of infinite depthV. P. Ryabchenko
277-284Accounting for the elastic properties of a non-Newtonian material under its viscosimetric flowA. A. Burenin, L. V. Kovtanyuk and A. S. Ustinova
285-290Numerical solution of the problem of the effect of a shock pulse on an ice sheetV. D. Zhestkaya and V. M. Kozin
291-300Natural vibrations in a system of nanotubesV. A. Eremeyev, E. A. Ivanova, N. F. Morozov and S. E. Strochkov
301-305Theoretical model for the thermal emission memory effect in rocksV. A. Vinnikov and V. L. Shkuratnik
306-312Waves in a rod under pulsed loadingR. G. Yakupov
313-322Numerical modelling of the stability of loaded shells of revolution containing fluid flowsS. A. Bochkarev and V. P. Matveenko
323-329Analysis of the wave solution of the elastokinetic equations of a Cosserat continuum for the case of bulk plane wavesM. A. Kulesh, V. P. Matveenko, M. V. Ulitin and I. N. Shardakov
330-335Axisymmetric deformation of plates and shells with phase trasformations under thermal cyclingL. I. Shkutin
336-339Dynamic compaction model for a granular mediumG. Sh. Boltachev, N. B. Volkov, V. V. Ivanov and S. N. Paranin
340-345Limit load in bending of welded samples with a soft welded jointS. E. Alexandrov

Volume 49, Number 3 / May 2008

347-353Triple configurations of traveling shock waves in inviscid gas flowsV. N. Uskov and P. S. Mostovykh
354-361Investigation of steady laminar flows with an initial disturbanceA. M. Lipanov and S. A. Karskanov
362-368Dynamics of electroconvective structures in a weakly conducting liquidV. A. Il’in and B. L. Smorodin
369-374Effect of vibrational excitation of molecules on the velocity of sound in a high-temperature diatomic gasYu. N. Voroshilova and M. A. Rydalevskaya
375-382Velocity of sound in a multicomponent medium at restS. P. Bautin
383-390Stability of Poiseuille flow in the presence of a longitudinal magnetic fieldA. V. Proskurin and A. M. Sagalakov
391-399Numerical calculations of supersonic underexpanded jets in a cocurrent flow with the use of parabolized Navier-Stokes equationsA. P. Makasheva and A. Zh. Naimanova
400-406Effect of the accommodation coefficient on transfer processes in a supersonic rarefied gas flow around a transversely aligned cylinderM. Yu. Plotnikov
407-416Effect of bulk viscosity on Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilityYu. N. Grigor’ev and I. V. Ershov
417-424Interaction of a gas-droplet turbulent jet with a cocurrent high-velocity high-temperature gas flowD. V. Sadin, A. N. Dobrolyubov, V. P. Zyuzlikov, K. V. Mogilenko and B. E. Sinil’shchikov
425-436Motion and heat and mass transfer in a disperse admixture in turbulent nonisothermal jets of a gas and a low-temperature plasmaK. N. Volkov
437-441Calculation of pressure on an airfoil contour in an unsteady separated flowD. N. Gorelov
442-453Mixing dynamics of a vapor-condensate cloud with the ambient airI. M. Bayanov, I. R. Khamidullin and V. Sh. Shagapov
454-461Gas-condensate flow in the vicinity of a hydraulic fractureO. Yu. Dinariev and N. V. Evseev
462-472Formation of a gas hydrate due to injection of a cold gas into a porous reservoir partly saturated by waterV. Sh. Shagapov, M. K. Khasanov and N. G. Musakaev
473-477Numerical solution of the problem of motion of a load on a cracked ice sheetV. D. Zhestkaya and M. R. Dzhabrailov
478-483Mathematical model of creep for a microinhomogeneous nonlinearly elastic materialV. P. Radchenko and D. V. Shapievskii
484-490Plastic macrodeformation of polycrystalline and submicrocrystalline titanium for biomedical applicationsI. O. Bolotina, V. I. Danilov and A. A. Zagumennyi
491-499Thermoelastoplastic deformation of a thick-walled cylinder with a radial crackI. M. Lavit and Nguyen Viet Trung
500-509Evolutionary model of finite-strain thermoelasticityA. A. Rogovoi and O. S. Stolbova
510-518Effect of the compliant interlayer on the dynamic stress intensity factor in a piecewise-homogeneous solid with a circular crackV. V. Mykhas’kiv and I. Ya. Zhbadynskyi
519-525Features of evolution of wedge-shaped twins in bismuth single crystals subjected to polysynthetic twinningO. M. Ostrikov

Volume 49, Number 4 / July 2008

527-536Solvabilitity of a model problem of heat and mass transfer in thawing snowA. A. Papin
537-547Identification problems for a steady-state model of mass transferG. V. Alekseev, O. V. Soboleva and D. A. Tereshko
548-552Boundary-value problem for a degenerate system of parabolic equations in boundary-layer theoryN. V. Khusnutdinova
553-567On unilateral contact of two plates aligned at an angle to each otherA. M. Khludnev
568-579Steady-state conditions of a nonisothermal film with a heat-insulated free boundaryE. A. Karabut and V. V. Pukhnachev
580-586On a mechanical analogy in the ideal plasticity theoryV. V. Alekhin, B. D. Annin and V. V. Ostapenko
587-597Studying the Darcy-Stefan problem on phase transition in a saturated porous soilS. A. Sazhenkov
598-609Evolution of the joint motion of two viscous heat-conducting fluids in a plane layer under the action of an unsteady pressure gradientV. K. Andreev
610-613Modeling of the hydrodynamics of a facility for removing mechanical impurities from oilI. Yu. Khasanov, I. A. Kaliev, M. F. Mugafarov, G. S. Sabitova and N. Kh. Faizullin, et al.
614-628Equations of nonisothermal filtration in fast processes in elastic porous mediaA. M. Meirmanov
629-641Nonstationary ideal incompressible fluid flows: Conditions of existence and uniqueness of solutionsA. E. Mamontov and M. I. Uvarovskaya
642-645Mathematical modelling of the microwave-diagnostics of impedance surfaces for the reflected signal of unknown phaseM. S. Soppa
646-654Asymptotic models of internal stationary wavesN. I. Makarenko and Zh. L. Mal’tseva
655-665Flow of electrolytes in a porous mediumV. V. Shelukhin and Yu. Amirat
666-680On equations of motion of a nonlinear hydroelastic structureP. I. Plotnikov and I. V. Kuznetsov
681-692Mathematical treatment of the discharge of a laminar hot gas in a stagnant colder atmosphereS. N. Antontsev and J. I. Díaz
693-698Model of a strong discontinuity for the equations of spatial long waves propagating in a free-boundary shear flowV. M. Teshukov and A. K. Khe
699-703Inertial motion of a body in an ideal fluid from the state at restO. V. Voinov

Volume 49, Number 5 / September 2008

705-711Optimal control of MHD-flow decelerationA. Yu. Chebotarev
712-722Compaction of a mixture of copper and molybdenum nanopowders modeled by the molecular dynamics methodS. P. Kiselev
723-724Specific features of interaction of a shaped-charge jet with a targetE. V. Proskuryakov, M. V. Sorokin and V. M. Fomin
725-736Ovsyannikov plane vortex: The equations of the submodelS. V. Golovin
737-748Symmetries and exact solutions of the shallow water equations for a two-dimensional shear flowA. A. Chesnokov
749-753Numerical simulation of axisymmetric turbulent jetsA. G. Demenkov, B. B. Ilyushin and G. G. Chernykh
754-761Experimental verification of methods for calculating partial dam-break wavesV. I. Bukreev, V. V. Degtyarev and A. V. Chebotnikov
762-769Internal gravity waves in critical generation modes and in the vicinity of trajectories of motion of perturbation sourcesV. V. Bulatov and Yu. V. Vladimirov
770-775Deformation boundaries of an axisymmetric cavity by gas jetsA. N. Varyukhin
776-780Self-similar solutions of the problem of displacement of one gas by another in an axisymmetric case with a quadratic drag lawYu. N. Gordeev, A. E. Sandakov and Yu. L. Chizhov
781-788Problem of filling of a spherical cavity in a Kelvin-Voigt mediumS. V. Osipov
789-798Flow of a dispersed phase in the Laval nozzle and in the test section of a two-phase hypersonic shock tunnelA. A. Verevkin and Yu. M. Tsirkunov
799-808Oil low to a lateral well in the presence of bottom waterYu. I. Kapranov and V. N. Émikh
809-822Invariant recording of elasticity theory equationsS. V. Selivanova
823-831Enhancing the controllability of a composite dielectricA. G. Kolpakov
832-845Differentiation of energy functionals in the problem of a curvilinear crack in a plate with a possible contact of the crack facesE. M. Rudoy
846-852Solution of contact problems on the basis of a refined theory of plates and shellsYu. M. Volchkov and D. V. Vajeva
853-863Unsteady problem of crack propagation in the beam approximationL. A. Tkacheva
864-871Crack growth under alternating loadingV. M. Tikhomirov
872-876Effect of the density of twinning dislocations on the configuration of stress fields near a wedge twin with different shapes of the boundariesO. M. Ostrikov
877-882Determining the stress state of a stretched rod from its measured magnetic characteristicsÉ. S. Gorkunov, I. G. Emel’yanov and S. Yu. Mitropol’skaya
883-890Suppression of oscillations of piston-aided wind tunnelsV. I. Pinakov

Volume 49, Number 6 / November 2008

891-898Gas-dynamic signs of explosive eruptions of volcanoes. 1. Hydrodynamic analogs of the pre-explosion state of volcanoes, dynamics of the three-phase magma state in decompression wavesV. K. Kedrinskii
899-901Interaction of a shaped-charge jet with a target possessing an axial orificeE. V. Proskuryakov, M. V. Sorokin and V. M. Fomin
902-908Model of explosive pulsed vaporization of dielectric liquids by intense laser irradiation of their surfacesYu. I. Sentsov
909-918Model of vortex ring formationD. G. Akhmetov
919-925Self-sustained oscillations and bifurcations of transonic flow past simple airfoilsA. G. Kuz’min
926-933Bore impact on a vertical plateV. I. Bukreev and V. V. Zykov
934-945Plane ovsyannikov vortex: Motion properties and exact solutionsS. V. Golovin
946-956Mathematical simulation of conjugate mixed convection in a rectangular region with a heat sourceG. V. Kuznetsov and M. A. Sheremet
957-961Effect of one-sided unsteady energy supply on aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils in a transonic flowS. M. Aulchenko, V. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
962-970Controlling the level of the sonic boom generated by a flying vehicle by means of cryogenic forcing. 1. Cooling of the vehicle surfaceV. M. Fomin, V. F. Chirkashenko, V. F. Volkov and A. M. Kharitonov
971-977Design of airfoils providing the absence of separation in a compressible flow in a specified range of angles of attackO. S. Dunaeva and N. B. Il’inskii
978-984Design of a two-element airfoil in a range of angles of attackD. F. Abzalilov
985-991Simulation of micellar-polymer flooding of a layered oil reservoir of nonuniform thicknessN. S. Khabeev and N. A. Inogamov
992-997Radial angular temperature distributions for nonisothermal two-phase filtration of oil and waterR. A. Valiullin, R. F. Sharafutdinov, A. A. Sadretdinov and A. S. Bochkov
998-1014Anisotropy of elastic properties of materialsB. D. Annin and N. I. Ostrosablin
1015-1020Identification of a cavity in an elastic rod in the analysis of transverse vibrationsA. O. Vatulyan and N. O. Soluyanov
1021-1029One plasticity model for problems of plastic metal workingV. M. Greshnov
1030-1039Generation of cracks in a perforated reinforced plateM. V. Mir-Salim-zade
1040-1046Analysis of the dynamic radial compaction of granular mediaG. Sh. Boltachev and N. B. Volkov
1047-1054Wave processes in solids with defectsN. V. Chertova
1055-1062Interaction of slowly moving punches with an elastic half-spaceI. M. Arkhipova and V. Yu. Chirkov

Volume 50, Number 1 / January 2009

1-8Numerical simulation of the flow in a variable-section channel with pulsed-periodic energy supplyA. F. Latypov
9-17Nonstationary axisymmetric problem of electroelasticity for a piezoceramic cylinder with circular polarizationD. A. Shlyakhin
18-24Calculation of magnetic fields and currents in axisymmetric systems of inductively coupled moving conductorsS. V. Stankevich
25-34Quasi-geostrophic motions in a rotating layer of an electrically conducting fluidS. E. Kholodova
35-43Physicomathematical modeling of the processes of capillary impregnation of porous materialsA. A. Zhilin and A. V. Fedorov
44-48Possibility of determining the quality of well perforation by local acoustic probingV. Sh. Shagapov, I. G. Khusainov and A. A. Ishmukhametova
49-57Description of the anomalous Rayleigh-Taylor instability on the basis of the model of dynamics of a three-velocity three-temperature mixtureG. A. Ruev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
58-65Separation of mixtures in connected channelsA. F. Glukhov, V. A. Demin and G. F. Putin
66-71Temperature field of a three-layer sphereV. V. Mel’nikov
72-79Effect of the melt flow direction on the treeing process in polymeric insulationV. A. Volokhin, O. S. Gefle and S. M. Lebedev
80-85Modeling of heat and mass transfer in a hydrocarbon fluid under inductive heatingL. A. Kovaleva, V. N. Kireev and A. A. Musin
86-92Direct simulation Monte Carlo study of the formation and growth of clusters in the case of vapor expansion from a suddenly switched spherical sourceN. Yu. Bykov, G. A. Lukyanov and O. I. Simakova
93-98Comparative analysis of some formulations of the stability problemP. V. Trusov and O. V. Shishkina
99-106Stress state in the vicinity of an inclined elliptical defect and stress intensity factors for biaxial loading of a plateA. A. Ostsemin and P. B. Utkin
107-111Allowance for complex loading in transversely isotropic solidsR. A. Abirov
112-117Discrete-continuum model of symmetric separation of a materialV. V. Glagolev, A. A. Markin and T. A. Mertsalova
118-126Thermodynamics of the activated state of materialsA. G. Knyazeva and S. G. Psakhie
127-136Theoretical and experimental study of energy dissipation in the course of strain localization in ironO. A. Plekhov and O. B. Naimark
137-146Asymptotics of stresses and strain rates near the tip of a transverse shear crack in a material whose behavior is described by a fractional-linear lawL. V. Stepanova
147-154Determining the shear angle, forces, and sizes of shearing elements during metal cuttingA. M. Kovrizhnykh
155-162Physical relations for problems of impact loading and unsteady deformation of composite structuresG. I. Rastorguev and S. I. Snisarenko
163-169Deformation and fracture of a spheroplast under low-cycle loading at various temperaturesE. V. Karpov
170Erratum to: Unsteady Problem of Crack Propagation in the Beam ApproximationL. A. Tkacheva

Volume 50, Number 2 / March 2009

171-180Regular partially invariant solutions of defect 1 of the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamicsS. V. Golovin
181-187Exact solutions of the equations of motion for an incompressible viscoelastic Maxwell mediumV. V. Pukhnachev
188-198Equations of the shallow water model on a rotating attracting sphere. 1. Derivation and general propertiesA. A. Cherevko and A. P. Chupakhin
199-206Strong discontinuities in spatial stationary long-wave flows of an ideal incompressible fluidA. K. Khe
207-212Galilean-invariant axisymmetric self-similar submodel of gas dynamics without swirlingS. V. Khabirov
213-219Method of
220-228Wave motion of an ideal fluid in a narrow open channelA. A. Chesnokov and V. Yu. Liapidevskii
229-234Solitary waves in a weakly stratified two-layer fluidN. I. Makarenko and Zh. L. Mal’tseva
235-242Conjugate shear flows of a weakly stratified fluidA. Yu. Kazakov
243-250Spontaneous swirling in MHD flows with circular streamlinesM. S. Kotel’nikova and B. A. Lugovtsov
251-260Modeling of supersonic flows near flying vehicle elementsV. M. Kovenya and A. Yu. Slyunyaev
261-269Spatial local solutions of the Navier-Stokes equationsR. M. Garipov
270-277Kinematic problem of an ideal incompressible fluid flow around an arbitrarily moving airfoilA. I. Zobnin
278-283Force action of discontinuous waves on a vertical wallV. I. Bukreev
284-290Controlling the level of the sonic boom generated by a flying vehicle by means of cryogenic forcing. 2. Distributed injection of a supercooled gas from the vehicle surfaceV. M. Fomin, V. F. Chirkashenko, V. F. Volkov and A. M. Kharitonov
291-296Generation and registration of disturbances in a gas flow. 1. Formation of arrays of tubular microheaters and microsensorsV. A. Seleznev, V. Ya. Prinz, V. M. Aniskin and A. A. Maslov
297-299Analogy between a flapping wing and a wind turbine with a vertical axis of revolutionD. N. Gorelov
300-308Optimal forecasting of natural processes with uncertainty assessmentV. V. Penenko and E. A. Tsvetova
309-317Gas-dynamic signs of explosive eruptions of volcanoes. 2. Model of homogeneous-heterogeneous nucleation. Specific features of destruction of the cavitating magmaV. K. Kedrinskii
318-326Processes of hydrate formation and dissolution behind a shock wave in a liquid containing gas bubbles (mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide)V. E. Dontsov, V. E. Nakoryakov and E. V. Dontsov
327-335Propagation of nonlinear waves in an inhomogeneous gas-liquid medium. Derivation of wave equations in the Korteweg-de Vries approximationA. A. Lugovtsov
336-341Transformation of energy and composition of gas mixtures in a collision of rarefied supersonic flowsA. K. Rebrov and R. V. Maltsev
342-351Effect of the shape of metal solids on the rate of their joule heating in electromagnetic rail launchersS. V. Stankevich and G. A. Shvetsov
352-359Plane strain problem for an incompressible nonlinearly elastic solidV. D. Bondar’
360“Flow of Electrolytes in a Porous Medium”V. V. Shelukhin and Yu. Amirat

Volume 50, Number 3 / May 2009

361-370On stabilization of implosion of condensed linersA. M. Buiko, S. F. Garanin, V. V. Zmushko, V. M. Kalashnikov and V. N. Mokhov, et al.
371-379One method of producing a high-temperature dense plasmaV. Ya. Ternovoi, K. V. Khishchenko and A. A. Charakhch’yan
380-388Optimization of a ribbon diode with magnetic insulation for increasing the current density in a high-current relativistic electron beamV. T. Astrelin, A. V. Arzhannikov, A. V. Burdakov, S. L. Sinitskii and V. D. Stepanov
389-395Measurement of the charge composition of ions in experiments on interaction of a laser plasma flow with a pulsed gas jetV. M. Antonov, É. L. Boyarintsev, A. V. Melekhov, V. G. Posukh and A. G. Ponomarenko, et al.
396-405Two-fluid magnetohydrodynamic model of plasma flows in a quasi-steady-state accelerator with a longitudinal magnetic fieldA. N. Kozlov
406-412Explosive projection of liquid from a thick-walled cylindrical containerV. A. Bykov, E. F. Gryaznov and V. N. Okhitin
413-418On group properties and conservation laws for second-order quasi-linear differential equationsYu. A. Chirkunov
419-427Two-dimensional gas vortices and twisted gas jetsA. P. Chupakhin
428-440Shallow water equations on a rotating attracting sphere 2. Simple stationary waves and sound characteristicsA. A. Cherevko and A. P. Chupakhin
441-446Waves resulting from partial dam break with the formation of a breach in the form of a cut to the channel bottomA. V. Chebotnikov
447-453Flow structure formed by interaction of a single microjet with a supersonic jet flowV. I. Zapryagaev and N. P. Kiselev
454-458Generation and registration of disturbances in a gas flow. 2. Experiments with arrays of tubular microheaters and microsensorsA. N. Shiplyuk, V. M. Aniskin, V. A. Seleznev, V. Ya. Prinz and A. A. Maslov, et al.
459-465Numerical modeling of a turbulent flow behind a heated gridM. K. Baev and G. G. Chernykh
466-469Modeling the spread of an oil slick on the sea surfaceKh. M. Gamzaev
470-477Two-dimensional sediment transport models for sand-bed riversI. I. Potapov
478-483Unsteady radiative-convective heat transfer in a high-temperature gas-particle flow past a semi-transparent plateN. A. Rubtsov and V. A. Sinitsyn
484-492Effect of the viscosity properties of ICE on the deflection of an ICE sheet subjected to a moving loadV. M. Kozin and A. V. Pogorelova
493-503Differential constitutive equations of incompressible media with finite deformationsA. L. Svistkov and B. Lauke
504-511Strain-rate intensity factor in compression of a layer of a plastic material between cylindrical surfacesS. E. Alexandrov and E. A. Lyamina
512-518Various methods of reconstruction of a cavity in an orthotropic layerA. O. Vatul’yan and O. A. Belyak
519-524Radial expansion of a granular medium in spherical and cylindrical layersV. M. Sadovskii
525-531Nonlinear neck formation in zirconium alloysT. M. Poletika and A. P. Pshenichnikov
532-539Crack path kinking under generalized stress stateA. G. Demeshkin and V. M. Kornev
540-545One problem of the theory of dimensional electrochemical machining of metalsN. M. Minazetdinov

Volume 50, Number 4 / July 2009

547-552Long-term shock loading of solids by a combined charge with explosive initiationS. G. Subbotin, A. V. Proskurin and A. Yu. Mel’nikova
553-557Fluid flows induced by focused ultrasound and their use in single-crystal growthV. I. Rodchenkov and D. A. Sergeev
558-565Convection of a ferrofluid in an alternating magnetic fieldA. V. Belyaev and B. L. Smorodin
566-569Three-dimensional motion of a viscous incompressible fluid in a narrow tubeA. E. Medvedev
570-575Spatial distribution of the gas phase in an axisymmetric submerged impact jetA. P. Belousov
576-583Special case of a traveling wave in one model of a multicomponent mediumS. P. Bautin
584-588Viscous fluid flow around a semipermeable particleV. M. Shapovalov
589-598Unsteady behavior of an elastic articulated beam floating on shallow waterI. V. Sturova
599-606Nonstationary motion of a shell on the surface of a heavy fluidYu. F. Orlov and A. S. Suvorov
607-616Separation impact of a circular disk floating on the surface of an ideal incompressible fluid of infinite depthM. V. Norkin
617-627Determining the limiting solutions of nonstationary axisymmetric Hele-Shaw problemsV. P. Zhitnikov, O. R. Zinnatullilna, S. S. Porechnyi and N. M. Sherykhalina
628-637Possibility of gas washout from a gas-hydrate massif by circulation of warm waterV. Sh. Shagapov, A. S. Chiglintseva and V. R. Syrtlanov
638-645Effect of streamwise structures on heat transfer in a hypersonic flow in a compression cornerV. M. Bazovkin, A. P. Kovchavtsev, G. L. Kuryshev, A. A. Maslov and S. G. Mironov, et al.
646-650Effect of the porosity and particle size of materials on sound-wave velocityS. S. Sekoyan, V. R. Shlegel’, S. S. Batsanov, S. M. Gavrilkin and K. B. Poyarkov, et al.
651-657Compression of a plastic porous material between rotating platesS. E. Alexandrov, A. R. Pirumov and O. V. Chesnikova
658-660Effect of porosity on elastic characteristics of TiC/TiNi hard alloysV. V. Akimov, M. V. Akimov, M. S. Korytov and M. V. Plastinina
661-669Modeling of the differential rotation effect in complex loading of granular mediaE. I. Kraus, S. V. Lavrikov, A. E. Medvedev, A. F. Revuzhenko and I. I. Shabalin
670-676Long-term strength of metals under an equiaxial plane stress stateA. M. Lokoshchenko and V. V. Nazarov
677-683Limiting velocity of crack propagation in elastic materialsN. I. Chekunaev and A. M. Kaplan
684-690One model of fatigue crack growthA. P. Shabanov
691-697Propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves in a multimodulus elastic mediumL. V. Baev
698-700On determining stresses in rigid inclusions. Plane problemsI. Yu. Tsvelodub
701-707One formulation of the problem of elastoplastic separationV. V. Glagolev and A. A. Markin
708-711Analytical model for controlling a martensitic phase under loadingI. N. Andronov, N. P. Bogdanov and L. A. Ulyasheva
712-719Inverse problem of fracture mechanics for a disk fitted onto a rotating shaftV. M. Mirsalimov
720-727Application of the coordinatewise descent method on a unit interval for weight optimization of structures made of composite materialsV. I. Butyrin, V. N. Maksimenko, L. V. Pavshok and E. G. Podruzhin
728-731Obtaining fiber stress-strain curves by recording fiber vibrations during electric-field measurementsI. V. Simonov and A. V. Tyanin

Volume 50, Number 5 / September 2009

733-741Three-wave interactions of disturbances in a hypersonic boundary layer on a porous surfaceS. A. Gaponov and N. M. Terekhova
742-746Statistical modeling of the turbulent transition in the boundary layerV. A. Zharov, Htun Htun and Yu. I. Khlopkov
747-753Numerical simulations of gas-dynamic conductivity of microchannels with allowance for their surface structureA. I. Ukhov, B. T. Porodnov and S. F. Borisov
754-759Class of differentially invariant solutions of the submodel of axisymmetric flows of an ideal gasV. S. Potyakov
760-767Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with energy supplyS. M. Aulchenko, V. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
768-775Propagation of surface acoustic waves along the free boundary of a saturated porous mediumA. A. Gubaidullin and O. Yu. Boldyreva
776-784Instability of a liquid jet in a high-frequency alternating electric fieldE. A. Demekhin and S. V. Polyanskikh
785-791Finite-amplitude waves in a homogeneous fluid with a floating elastic plateA. E. Bukatov and A. A. Bukatov
792-804Subgrid modeling of flow processes in an anisotropic fractal mediumO. N. Soboleva and E. P. Kurochkina
805-808Experimental study of electroosmotic flow in thin slit channelsV. V. Kadet and P. S. Koryuzlov
809-818Nonstationary formation of nanodispersed composites during vacuum deposition of a two-component vaporA. A. Bochkarev and V. I. Polyakova
819-825Effects of viscous dissipation and heat generation (absorption) in a thermal boundary layer of a non-Newtonian fluid over a continuously moving permeable flat plateM. A. A. Mahmoud and A. M. Megahed
826-830Use of a pressless multianvil high-pressure split-sphere apparatus to measure the silicate melt viscosityA. I. Chepurov, V. M. Sonin, A. A. Kirdyashkin and E. I. Zhimulev
831-840Mathematical model of heat and mass transfer in a bidisperse porous materialA. I. Moshinskii
841-849Motion of a vertical wall fixed on springs under the action of surface wavesA. A. Korobkin, S. V. Stukolov and I. V. Sturova
850-857Direct and inverse problems of oscillations of an elastoliquid layered mediumP. S. Uglich
858-865Numerical simulation of discontinuous solutions in nonlinear elasticity theoryI. M. Peshkov
866-871Quasistatic periodic contact problem for a viscoelastic layer, a cylinder, and a space with a cylindrical cavityV. M. Aleksandrov and A. V. Mark
872-877Dynamic deformation of an elastoviscoplastic hollow sphereA. V. Krivochenko and A. N. Sporykhin
878-885Conditions for the existence of discontinuity surfaces of irreversible strains in elastoplastic mediaA. A. Burenin, O. V. Dudko and K. T. Semenov
886-890Specific features of solving the problem of compression of an orthotropic plastic material between rotating platesS. E. Alexandrov
891-900Modeling complex plastic deformation and fracture of metals under disproportionate loadingI. A. Volkov, Yu. G. Korotkikh and I. S. Tarasov
901-910Propagation of thin plastic zones in the vicinity of a normally separating crackV. V. Glagolev and A. A. Markin
911-914Cutoff of a shaped-charge jetA. V. Malygin, M. V. Sorokin, V. M. Fomin and V. V. Yurchenko

Volume 50, Number 6 / November 2009

915-917Effect of viscosity on dynamics of bubble perturbations in a liquidO. V. Voinov
918-926Flow in a viscous jet escaping through a supersonic nozzle into a semi-infinite ambient spaceV. N. Vetlutsky, V. L. Ganimedov and M. I. Muchnaya
927-935Determining the shape of an axisymmetric body in a viscous incompressible flow on the basis of the pressure distribution on the body surfaceS. A. Solov’ev
936-943Pulsating motion of an inhomogeneous solid sphere in a vibrating liquidV. L. Sennitskii
944-958Small perturbation in the problem of jet impingement: Constitutive equationsE. A. Karabut
959-964Perturbation method for heat exchange between a gas and solid particlesA. Shabani Shahrbabaki and R. Abazari
965-971Relationship between spall characteristics and the dimension of fractal fracture structuresB. K. Barakhtin and G. G. Savenkov
972-981Interaction of cracks with bonds between their faces in an isotropic medium reinforced by a regular system of stringersM. V. Mir-Salim-zadeh
982-988One solution of an axisymmetric problem of the elasticity theory for a transversely isotropic materialN. M. Bodunov and G. V. Druzhinin
989-997Direct method of solving the boundary-value problem of relaxation of residual stresses in a hardened cylindrical specimen under creep conditionsV. P. Radchenko and M. N. Saushkin
998-1010Calculation of the force of interaction of two drops in a plastic mediumYu. V. Pivovarov
1011-1019Experimental-theoretical study of the penetration of rigid projectiles and identification of soil propertiesV. G. Bazhenov, A. M. Bragov and V. L. Kotov
1020-1025Identification of pulse shapes during transverse impact on composite beams and platesG. I. Rastorguev and S. I. Snisarenko
1026-1035Mathematical model of aeroelastic vibrations of cascades of axial turbomachine blades, caused by circumferential nonuniformity of the flowV. B. Kurzin
1036-1043Hydroelastic behavior of a complex structure floating on wavesE. A. Batyaev
1044-1048Analysis of bifurcation bending modes of arches and panelsL. I. Shkutin
1049-1052Thermal stresses in an elastic sphere containing conical cutsV. V. Mel’nikov
1053-1062Crack nucleation due to bending of a variable-thickness bandM. V. Mirsalimov
1063-1070Propagation of a low-frequency wave component in a model of a block mediumV. A. Saraikin
1071-1076Solving the problem of expansion and extension of a hollow cylinder with the use of the gradient plasticity theoryS. E. Alexandrov and E. A. Lyamina
1077-1083Solution of the problem of torsion of an elastic rod of s-gonal cross section using the boundary extension methodA. D. Chernyshev
1084-1088Effect of bearing pressure on the strength of a rock mass containing cylindrical cutsN. V. Cherdantsev, V. T. Presler and V. Yu. Izakson
1089-1094Phase composition and distribution of alloying elements in the transition layerYa. S. Semenov, S. K. Popova and M. P. Lebedev

Volume 51, Number 1 / January 2010

1-3Conservation laws and group properties of equations of isentropic gas motionYu. A. Chirkunov
4-10Parametric study of unsteady laminar flowsA. M. Lipanov and S. A. Karskanov
11-15Effect of energy supply to a gas on laminar boundary layer separationO. B. Larin and V. A. Levin
16-21Bifurcations of transonic flow past simple airfoils with elliptic and wedge-shaped nosesA. G. Kuz’min
22-30Solution of the problem of interaction of Rayleigh waves with the edge of a wedgewith a small apex angleKh. B. Tolipov
31-43Stability of a viscous liquid jet in a high-frequency alternating electric fieldE. A. Demekhin and S. V. Polyanskikh
44-50Propagation of nonlinear waves in a gas-liquid medium. Exact and approximate analytical solutions of wave equationsA. A. Lugovtsov
51-61Formulation and solution of the problem of the stability of a cohesionless channel bottomA. G. Petrov and I. I. Potapov
62-64Effect of diffusion channel inclination on stability of mechanical equilibrium in isothermal binary gas mixturesN. B. Ankusheva, V. N. Kossov and V. D. Seleznev
65-73Aerodynamic characteristics of a body of revolution with gas-permeable surface areasV. M. Fomin, V. I. Zapryagaev, A. V. Lokotko, V. F. Volkov and A. E. Lutskii, et al.
74-78Hydrodynamic pressure during reflection of a bore from a vertical wallV. I. Bukreev
79-83Methods of calculating the roots of the dispersion equation for free oscillations of a gas bubble in a liquidN. S. Khabeev
84-88Theoretical models of acoustic emission in rocks with different heating regimesV. A. Vinnikov, A. S. Voznesenskii, K. B. Ustinov and V. L. Shkuratnik
89-92Decay of waves in a rod owing to the hysteresis-type loss of energy in a materialR. G. Yakupov
93-98Modeling the destruction of ice jamsV. I. Odinokov and A. N. Prokudin
99-105Self-similar shapes of the free boundary of a nonlinear-viscous band under uniaxial tensionI. É. Keller
106-113Saint-venant problem for solids with helical rhombohedral anisotropy. Tension-torsion problemsK. A. Vatulyan and Yu. A. Ustinov
114-124Gap in a continuous spectrum of an elastic waveguide with a partly clamped surfaceS. A. Nazarov
125-129Limit state of structural elements during inelastic deformationA. F. Nikitenko and B. S. Reznikov
130-136Dynamic axisymmetric problem of the direct piezoeffect for a radially polarized anisotropic piezoceramic cylinderD. A. Shlyakhin
137-144Formation of a spall cavity in a dielectric during electrical explosionV. V. Burkin, N. S. Kuznetsova and V. V. Lopatin

Volume 51, Number 2 / March 2010

145-147Extraction of a powerful electron beam into the atmosphere through two parallel titanium foilsYu. I. Golubenko, N. K. Kuksanov, R. A. Salimov and P. I. Nemytov
148-154Dynamic viscosity and material relaxation time during shock loadingG. G. Savenkov
155-163Plane problem of the impact of several shock pulses on a viscoelastic plate floating on a fluid surfaceA. V. Pogorelova
164-173Solid-phase combustion in a plane stress state. 1. Stationary combustion waveA. G. Knyazeva
174-181Numerical study of a swirled turbulent flow in the separation zone of a centrifugal air separatorA. V. Shvab, P. N. Zyatikov, Sh. R. Sadretdinov and A. G. Chepel’
182-192Numerical modeling of interaction between a turbulent mixing zone and a local perturbation of the density field in a pycnoclineO. F. Voropayeva and G. G. Chernykh
193-201Analytical solution of a problem of a collision of two hypersonic gas flows from symmetric sourcesN. N. Pilyugin
202-210Flow structure at the initial section of a supersonic jet exhausting from a nozzle with chevronsV. I. Zapryagaev, I. N. Kavun and N. P. Kiselev
211-217Control of the vortex flow around a cone with a spark dischargeA. A. Maslov, A. A. Sidorenko, A. D. Budovskiy, B. Yu. Zanin and V. V. Kozlov, et al.
218-225Numerical design of multimodal axisymmetric hypersonic nozzles for wind tunnelsS. M. Aulchenko, V. M. Galkin, V. I. Zvegintsev and A. N. Shiplyuk
226-232Evolution of the interface in a stratified anisotropic porous materialM. M. Alimov
233-240Air flow in the human nasal cavityV. M. Fomin, V. N. Vetlutsky, V. L. Ganimedov, M. I. Muchnaya and V. N. Shepelenko, et al.
241-248Viscous dissipation effects on heat transfer in flow over an inclined plateG. Palani and Kwang Yong Kim
249-260Homotopy analysis method for thermophoretic particle deposition effect on magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective heat and mass transfer past a porous wedge in the presence of suctionR. Kandasamy and I. Muhaimin
261-268Development of a rectilinear axisymmetric viscoplastic flow and elastic aftereffect after its stopA. A. Burenin, L. V. Kovtanyuk and A. L. Mazelis
269-279Modeling of partial closure of cracks in a perforated isotropic medium reinforced by a regular system of stringersM. V. Mir-Salim-zadeh
280-287Plasticity model for metals under cyclic large-strain loadingV. M. Greshnov and I. V. Puchkova
288-292One scheme of electrochemical machining of metals by a curvilinear electrode toolN. M. Minazetdinov
293-298Pressing a rigid plastic surface by a wedge-shaped stamp under the Coulomb-Mohr yield conditionA. N. Anisimov and A. I. Khromov

Volume 51, Number 3 / May 2010

299-307Measurement of spectral characteristics of the turbulent mixing zoneYu. A. Kucherenko, A. V. Pavlenko, O. E. Shestachenko, S. I. Balabin and A. P. Pylaev, et al.
308-316Development of the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability during interaction of the diffusion mixing layer of two gases with transient and reflected shock wavesG. A. Ruev, A. V. Fedorov and V. M. Fomin
317-323Solid-phase combustion in a plane stress state. 2. Stability to small perturbationsA. G. Knyazeva
324-331Penetration of a copper rod into a sandy targetM. V. Kaminskii, G. F. Kopytov, V. A. Mogilev, Yu. F. Travov and Yu. I. Faikov
332-337Controlling a transonic flow around airfoils by means of energy supply with allowance for real properties of airS. M. Aulchenko, V. P. Zamuraev and A. P. Kalinina
338-342Method of controlling selective withdrawl through a hole in a vertical wallV. I. Bukreev
343-352Three-vortex motion with zero total circulationA. I. Gudimenko and A. D. Zakharenko
353-358Numerical study of self-induced wing rock of a low-aspect-ratio delta wing in the presence of external disturbancesG. M. Shumsky
359-368Effect of the electric field on the wave flow regimes of a thin film of a viscous dielectric fluidO. Yu. Tsvelodub and S. N. Samatov
369-376Analysis of the temperature field of cylindrical flow based on an on-the-average exact solutionA. I. Filippov, P. N. Mikhailov, O. V. Akhmetova and M. A. Goryunova
377-388Canonical moduli and general solution of equations of a two-dimensional static problem of anisotropic elasticityN. I. Ostrosablin
389-392Determination of stresses in ellipsoidal rigid inclusionsI. Yu. Tsvelodub
393-397On determination of elastic limits by dissipative heating of materialsV. I. Kapustin, V. P. Gileta and E. A. Tereshin
398-404Influence of ice conditions on the effectiveness of the resonant method of breaking ice cover by submarinesV. M. Kozin, S. D. Chizhumov and V. L. Zemlyak
405-413Resonant properties of moment Cosserat continuumM. P. Varygina, O. V. Sadovskaya and V. M. Sadovskii
414-421Generalized forces in the description of creep processes in beam elementsO. V. Sosnin, I. V. Lyubashevskaya and I. V. Novoselya
422-430Effect of stresses and strains on impurity redistribution in a plate under uniaxial loadingM. A. Mikolaichuk and A. G. Knyazeva
431-436Nonlinear deformation and stability of reinforced elliptical cylindrical shells loaded by internal pressure under twisting and bendingL. P. Zheleznov, V. V. Kabanov and D. V. Boiko
437-447Formation of a contact zone during compression of a plate with an elliptic holeM. E. Kozhevnikova
448-452Experimental analysis of dynamic mechanical properties for artificially frozen clay by the split Hopkinson pressure barQin-Yong Ma

Volume 51, Number 4 / July 2010

453-462Ablation combustion of secondary powder explosivesL. A. Luk’yanchikov, É. R. Pruuél, A. O. Kashkarov and K. A. Ten
463-470Detonation initiation by rotation of an elliptic cylinder inside a circular cylinder and deformation of the channel wallsV. A. Levin, I. S. Manuilovich and V. V. Markov
471-481Finite-amplitude solitary waves in a two-layer fluidN. V. Gavrilov and V. Yu. Liapidevskii
482-488Wave processes in the shock layer on a flat plate at an angle of attackA. A. Maslov, S. G. Mironov, T. V. Poplavskaya and I. S. Tsyryulnikov
489-496Mathematical modeling of viscous gas flow in a doubly connected volume with perforated wallsA. M. Lipanov and A. N. Semakin
497-509Joint unidirectional motion of two viscous heat-conducting fluids in a tubeV. K. Andreev
510-520Extremum problems of boundary control for steady equations of thermal convectionG. V. Alekseev and D. A. Tereshko
521-528Skip trajectory flight of a ramjet-powered hypersonic vehicleV. M. Fomin, S. M. Aulchenko and V. I. Zvegintsev
529-537Dynamics of boundary layer formation in a volcano channel in a cavitating high-viscosity magma flowV. K. Kedrinskii and M. N. Davydov
538-545Experimental study of changes in the fluid structure under constant shear loadingS. V. Stebnovskii
546-554Mathematical model of an incompressible viscoelastic Maxwell mediumV. V. Pukhnachev
555-568Mesomechanics of material strengthening by nanodisperse inclusionsV. E. Panin, E. E. Deryugin and S. N. Kul’kov
569-578Wave processes in nanostructures formed by nanotube arrays or nanosize crystalsV. A. Eremeyev, E. A. Ivanova and D. A. Indeitsev
579-589Modeling of forming of wing panels of the SSJ-100 aircraftB. D. Annin, A. I. Oleinikov and K. S. Bormotin
590-597Mechanism of emergence of intense vibrations of turbines on the Sayano-Shushensk hydro power plantV. B. Kurzin and V. S. Seleznev
598-603Gas-jet synthesis of silver-polymer filmsA. K. Rebrov, A. I. Safonov, N. I. Timoshenko, V. A. Varnek and I. M. Oglezneva, et al.
604-607Ultimate admissible dynamic strains in closed cylindrical vesselsYu. V. Nemirovskii
608-614Justification of the energy variant of the theory of creep and long-term strength of metalsO. V. Sosnin, A. F. Nikitenko and B. V. Gorev
615-622Rabotnov’s two-layer model of a shell and critical time of shell buckling during creepYu. M. Volchkov